Calculus 1

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Republic of the Philippines


F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines

College of Education

SYSTHEMATHIC Device Game Learning Application to Help Students in

Grade Levels 9 and 10 at CNSC ABAÑO CAMPUS to Practice Mathematical

Algebraic Equation and Geometry.

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements In

Calculus 1


Leader: Balce, Rose Ann Dionela


Abihay Chryzz Xylla

Abuyo, Klier Ann

Labanairi, Alcamar

Rada, Luisa

October 2023
Republic of the Philippines
F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines

College of Education

Chapter 1


Introduction 1.0

Mathematics is the science that deals with the logic of shape, quantity, and

arrangement. Math is all around us, in everything we do. It is the building block for

everything in our daily lives, including mobile devices, computers, software,

architecture, art, money, engineering, and even sports. Mathematical knowledge plays

a crucial role in understanding the contents of other school subjects such as science,

social studies, and even music and art.

Some students especially in Secondary Education have experience in struggling

to understand and solve Algebraic equations and Geometry. According to the book

(Meaning in Mathematics Education, 9-16, 2005) other students they find it pointless

to do their mathematics homework; like to do algebra and geometry, or enjoy

discussions about mathematics in their classrooms. Students' families think that

mathematics is useless outside school; other students are told that because of their

weaknesses in mathematics, they cannot join the academic stream. Difficulties faced

by students are text difficulties and unfamiliar contexts, recognition difficulties, visual-

spatial skills, sign substitution errors, and language. Other learning difficulties are

students struggling in assimilating information leading to poor decision-making; and

knowledge and skills, some students are believed to have nurtured some skills such as

communication and research skills. (Journal of Physics: Conference Series 943 (1),

012008, 2017)

Republic of the Philippines
F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines

College of Education

Mathematics helps us to think analytically and have better reasoning abilities,

whereas a mathematical instrument is a tool or device that is used in the study or

practice of mathematics, with the help of technology it gives fosters a deeper

understanding of mathematical concepts and rules, therefore, students using calculators

and computers are able to work at higher levels of generalization and abstraction. Math

games can also help build strategic thinking and problem-solving skills. Therefore, we

decided to create a device in a way of games comprising algebra and geometry. This

device may be challenging to the person who will try to solve every equation. Our

device is named "Systemathic ". After solving those equations and finding the value,

the answers must be plotted on the graph then it creates a sketch of the floor plan. By

computing the measure of area in each part of the floor plan, through a puzzle they can

visualize the true appearance of the floor plan.

Students need to see that math is more than a series of problems in a workbook.

Allowing them to get excited about math through games will help them to build a

lifelong love of math. Games give students opportunities to explore fundamental

number concepts, such as the counting sequence, one-to-one correspondence, and

computation strategies. Engaging in mathematical games can also encourage students

to explore number combinations, place values, patterns, and other important

mathematical concepts. Furthermore, they afford opportunities for students to deepen

their mathematical understanding and reasoning. Students have opportunities to play

games, and then let the mathematical ideas emerge as students notice new patterns,

relationships, and strategies.

Republic of the Philippines
F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines

College of Education

Importance of the study 1.1

Mathematics is often considered a least favorite subject by Filipino learners, as

they experience difficulty learning the concept of it. Based on the Philippine

Assessment for Learning Loss Solutions conducted by the University of San Carlos

(USC) in the last quarter of 2022, only 47.5% passing mark of students was recorded

in mathematics. As a response, efforts to improve mathematical education must be

implemented to increase the rate of learners passing and understanding mathematics.

Enhancing teaching methods through creative and comprehensive styles, such as using

SysteMATHic, it can help make the subject more accessible and enjoyable for all

students. Since SysteMATHic is comprised of Algebra Equation and Geometry, it is a

mathematical graphing device that allows you to visualize data, mathematical

functions, and computing area that gives a result of a floor plan of the house. This

visualization is essential for representing a data set and understanding the relationships

between variables, whether you're working on algebraic equations or problem-solving.

This study will benefit the following:


Students can explore and experiment with different functions, equations, and

computations to deepen their understanding. In addition, it also helps learners to

familiarize themselves with which quadrant contains both x and y are positive or

negative, positive in x and negative in y, and lastly, negative in x and positive in y. With

the help of continuously using this device, students were able to identify or predict what

Republic of the Philippines
F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines

College of Education

kind of graph a problem has even before collecting and completing data. The

SystheMATHic device helps you see the problem graphically

They also enhance their skills in computing the area of each part of the floor

plan and summing it up to get the total area. It will enhance the learners' understanding

and capabilities of mathematical equations through visual presentation. Students can

also explore and experiment with different functions and equations to deepen their

understanding. With the help of continuously using this device, students were able to

identify or predict what kind of graph a problem has even before collecting and

completing data.


Enriching teaching methods through creative and comprehensive styles, such as

using SysteMATHic, can help make the subject more accessible and enjoyable for all

students. This will help teachers illustrate data visually so that students can easily

understand the equations, ideas, and relationships between variables. It also saves time

for both teachers and learners by encouraging them to engage in more interactive

teaching methods.


This device will improve mathematics education and at least increase the rate at

which learners understand mathematics.

Republic of the Philippines
F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines

College of Education

Future Researcher

The study will serve as a reference to gather information for future researchers

to expand on and fill the gaps in the study to develop mathematics education.

Objectives 1.2

The device aims to enhance the mathematical proficiency of Secondary students

by applying algebra and geometry to real-world scenarios like floor planning. It seeks

to foster practical application, enabling students to utilize mathematical knowledge in

everyday life. Additionally, the device aims to ensure grade-level competency, engage

students by connecting math to practical scenarios, and assess progress regularly.

Furthermore, even if they are not architecture or engineering students they can create a

floor plan with the help of this device.

Aside from these, here are some additional objectives that they may achieve:

1. Determine whether the implementation of graphing floor plans, solving equations,

and calculating the measure of each area leads to improvement in the mathematical

skills of students.

2. Identify common challenges and misconceptions that students face when working

with mathematical equations and calculating areas.

3. Assess the level of student engagement and interest in mathematics.

4. Examine whether the project helps bridge any achievement gaps among different

student demographics.

Republic of the Philippines
F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines

College of Education

These objectives collectively aim to contribute to a more effective and engaging

math education for Secondary Education students, equipping them with valuable skills

for their academic journey and future careers.

Scope and Limitations 1.3

This study is limited only to Secondary Students, especially in grades levels 9

and 10 that currently enrolled in CNSC ABAÑO CAMPUS. Only those students who

are allowed to participate to use this device. This study focuses on the students who

experience struggling in solving Algebra Equation and Geometry.

There are also limitations to using the SystheMATHic device. By finding the

domain and range, only the given equation and value of x must be used to answer. The

answer in the given equation and the value of x are exactly connected to the initial

sketch of the floor plan in the graph. There is also a limit on the given equation and

value of x and y that the answer ranges from -20 to 0 and from 0 to 20 respectively.

Thus, every number has equivalent measures. By computing the measure of each part

of the floor plan and the whole measure, through a puzzle, again the given equation is

exactly connected to the measure of it. This means that the answers are completely

fixed, there's no other answer.

Target, Date, and Place 1.4

The target of this study will generally focus on a certain period of time. The

completion of different components is crucial to finishing the device on time and

avoiding certain casualties when it comes to the compilation of the proposed device and

Republic of the Philippines
F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines

College of Education

outcomes. By the last week of September 2023, the proposal of the project will be

presented to our instructor for approval and recommendation. The target of the concept

paper is to show a further explanation of the proposed plan, and it will be established

before the second week of October 2023.

After presenting the concept paper, it is time to start assembling all the

components that will complete the device so that it will then become functional at the

time allocated for finishing the actual project is approximately one and a half (1½)

months and it will be constructed between the third week of October up to the third

week of December, prior before Christmas Holiday. By the end of the given date or

before, the device should be completed and presented. The location where the device

will be assembled is in the residential area of one of the members of this research.

Proper rules and regulations will be applied to ensure the safety of the researchers. The

target location in which the device will be tested is inside the College of Education in

the Abaño Campus of Camarines Norte State College. This will determine if the device

is suitable to use as a teaching tool.

Republic of the Philippines
F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines

College of Education

Chapter 2


Review of Literature 2.1

Mathematics is a subject taught in school from very early on, but nonetheless,

many students still find it difficult and frustrating to learn, even in higher education

(Berggren, 2018). Sometimes students are dulled by the signs, formulas, and equations,

and don’t see math as captivating. They lose interest, find it difficult to pass due to no

interest, and end up hating it (Fleming, 2018) This frustration may lead the students to

think that they are not smart enough.

According to Jo Boaler, every student should be able to learn math because" our

brains have an enormous capacity to grow and change at any stage of life"(Duval,

2019), and this has been the main inspiration in the development of the game. The

significant effect of game-based learning has been greatly observed in promoting

students’ mathematics achievement in various domains including critical geometry

skills, strategic and reasoning abilities, arithmetic procedures, algebra skills, and

problem-solving (Abramovich, 2010). Millennials are fond of manipulating games

through any type of device available around. They say also that Math subject is boring

and hard. They found it hard to learn the concepts of Math.

Republic of the Philippines
F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines

College of Education

Related Studies 2.2

According to the study by, (Vani Kalloo, and Permanand Mohan International

Journal of Serious Games 2 (4), 2015) Games can be valuable tools for learning

mathematics. In this study, they explain how to tackle the challenge of mapping

mathematics content to games in the design of mathematics learning games. They

present a unique technique for mapping mathematics content to game design. The

technique can be used to improve the game design process by guiding the designer

through one of the more challenging stages of the design process, namely, that of

incorporating mathematics content into a game. The technique is based on several

factors such as mathematics learning pedagogy, game type categorization, the

mathematics curriculum, and past research experience. The technique is unique since it

focuses on guiding the game designer through the process of mapping the mathematics

content to the game idea. A preliminary evaluation of the technique was conducted with

several amateur game designers. Although there are several limitations of the technique,

the evaluation shows that it was useful in helping the game designers to design suitable

mathematics learning games.

According to the study of Anton Eliëns, and Zsófia Ruttkay (GAMEON, 68-74,

2009) Getting students to read, digest and practice material is difficult in any discipline,

but even more so for math. In particular, games may be deployed both as instruments

to drill concepts and skills, Our, perhaps somewhat optimistic, message is that, when

coupled with instruction in visual programming, web technology, and new media

deployment, students gain insight through constructive explorations in a wide variety

Republic of the Philippines
F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines

College of Education

of mathematical problems. Moreover, by creating their own game worlds, reflection on

the structure and complexity of mathematics is encouraged taking each student’s

capabilities and limitations into account, thus avoiding the fear of mathematics that

haunts so many students.

According to the study of Peter Vankus (2021), the Influence of game-based

learning in mathematics education on students’ affective domain. Mostly (84%) the

positive influences of game-based learning on students’ motivation, engagement,

attitudes, enjoyment, state of flow, etc. While on this study of Kinet Game Technol.

Inf. Syst. Computer Network (2), 69-178, 2019) how the design of in-game activities

affects learning, and develop an overview of general recommendations for designing

mathematics education games. This study tries to illustrate the impact of game design

factors in mathematics education games on the objectives and results of game-based


Theoretical Framework 2.3

Game-based learning is effective because it makes learning engaging through

active participation and interaction, suggesting that traditional teaching methods may

not be as captivating. Using games for education is becoming more common among

students and professionals entering higher education and the workforce. This will be

examined and supported through the application of specific theories. Jean Piaget's

theory on Constructivism focused on child development and the stages of cognitive

development, his ideas have had a significant impact on educational theory and how

mathematics, including geometry and algebra, is taught. Seymour Papert developed the

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Republic of the Philippines
F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines

College of Education

concept of "constructionism," which builds upon Piaget's ideas. Constructionism posits

that students learn best when they actively engage in creating tangible artifacts, often

using technology. In the context of geometry and algebra, Papert's work led to the

development of computer-based learning environments, such as Logo, where students

could explore mathematical concepts through programming and problem-solving.

Papert's work bridges Piaget's developmental theory with practical applications in way

that aligns with constructivist principles, promoting active learning and exploration of

mathematical concepts.

Conceptual Framework 2.4

This part of the study shows the facts and ideas that being discussed by the


Input Process Output

Enhance the
skills of students
in Grades 9 and
SysteMATHic Steps in using 10 at CNSC-
(a graphing and the device Abaño Campus
puzzle device) in solving
equations and

11 | P a g e
Republic of the Philippines
F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines

College of Education

Concept Paradigm 2.5

The conceptual framework that was used in the study is the Input-Process-

Output model, as shown in Figure 1. The IPO model includes the steps for using the

SystheMATHic device and the importance of using a graphing device when teaching

students in a math subject, specifically graphing an algebraic equation and finding the

area of a shape. SystheMATHic (a graphing device) for the input as shown in Figure 1.

For process, it includes the steps on how to use the device. The detailed steps

are the following: (1.) Giving a problem equation. The students will be given an

algebraic equation and the values of x to find the value of y. (2) Solve the equation to

find the value of y. (3) After finding the values of x and y, x will be the domain and y

will be the range, then proceed with plotting into a graph. (4) Points are totally

organized to avoid misconceptions; thus, points must be plotted first for the base, then

proceed to the inner parts of the floor plan to be properly plotted. (5) If points are

already plotted on the graph, then it is the initial sketch of the floor plan. You will solve

another given equation to find the area or measure of each part of the floor plan. (6)

Through puzzles, it will be easy to visualize the image of the floor plan. Each piece of

the puzzle is equivalent to a measure of each part of the floor plan. Therefore, if you

get the exact measure of each part of the floor plan, then each piece of the puzzle will

be given to you. (7) After getting each piece of the puzzle, you will use the sketch on

the graph to be guided. (8) After each piece of the puzzle is placed, make sure that the

image of the puzzle is the same on the graph. (9) Then, after completing it, you will

solve another problem to find the total area of the floor plan. After finding the exact

measurement of the whole area, you can visualize the real image of the floor plan.

12 | P a g e
Republic of the Philippines
F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines

College of Education

For output, this includes the main objective of creating a SystheMATHic device

that will help the students enhance their skills in solving an equation and an area. In

addition, it benefits both teachers and students to have an interactive and student-

centered learning approach. This suggests teachers use a graphing device to make the

subject more accessible and enjoyable for all students.

13 | P a g e
Republic of the Philippines
F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines

College of Education

Chapter 3


Materials 3.1

SystheMATHic is a device that uses materials such as a whiteboard to help the

user solve problems, a graphing board to monitor the points on their answers to given

equations, and magnets to pin those points on the graphing board. Plywood is also

needed to create puzzles.

Steps in Making the Device 3.2

The following are the step-by-step process of making the device.

1. The first step would be the gathering of all needed materials and tools to create the


2. The researchers will start by forming the base of the main device. The base is made

up of plywood considering the exact measurement of each side. After that, we will then

add wood to create a box-like rectangular shape base.

3. After finishing the base, the researchers will then move to the attachment of the

different components such as the whiteboard and the graphing table. It will be attached

using strong adhesive glue.

4. After that, the lining of the graphing table will be applied prior to the decoration of

the main device.

14 | P a g e
Republic of the Philippines
F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines

College of Education

5) The puzzle is also made of plywood from its base and in every piece of it. Each piece

of the puzzle will represent each part of the floor plan such as the kitchen, dining area,


6) Finally, the last step would be coloring, testing, and ensuring the quality of the


Steps In Using Device 3.3

1. Giving a problem equation along with the pieces of the puzzle. The students will be

given an algebraic equation and values of x to find the value of y.

2. Solve the equation to find the value of y.

3. After finding the values of x and y, the value of x will be domain and y for range,

then proceed to plot into the graph.

4) Points are totally organized to avoid misconception, thus points must be plotted first

for the base, then proceed to the inner parts of the floor plan to be plotted properly.

5. If points are already plotted on the graph, then it is the initial sketch of the floor plan.

You will solve another given equation to find the area or measure of each part of the

floor plan.

6) Through puzzles it will be easy to visualize the image of the floor plan. Each piece

of the puzzle is equivalent to a measure of each part of the floor plan, therefore if you

get the exact measure of each part of the floor plan, then each piece of the puzzle will

give it to you.

15 | P a g e
Republic of the Philippines
F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines

College of Education

7)After getting each piece of the puzzle, you will use the sketch on the graph to be


8. After each piece of the puzzle is placed, make sure that the image of the puzzle will

be the same on the graph.

9) Then after completing it, you will solve again for another problem to find the total

measure of the area of the floor plan, after finding the exact measure of the whole area,

you can visualize the real image of the floor plan.

Blue Print 3.4

The pictures below will be one of the floor plans that will be used in the said

teaching device. To apply it to a game that consists of a puzzle mechanism, we will

divide each room into several pieces.

Complete Form Puzzle Form

16 | P a g e
Republic of the Philippines
F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines

College of Education

The picture below is the detailed outline of the device. It includes the components and
their measurements (in cm.) to show the plan and intended appearance of the device.

50 cm.

40 cm.

50 cm.

100 cm.

40 cm.

30 cm.

40 cm. 30 cm.

75 cm.

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