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 Read “The Psychology of Supermarkets” on pages 45 and 46.

 UNDERSTANDING THE READING- after reading the article complete
activities A, B, C, and D on page 47. For activity D write your answer in full
sentences instead of sharing with a partner.
A. B
1. Fruit and Vegetables
2. Expensive Cereal
3. Cheap Cereal
4. Milk
5. Cash Registers
1. D
2. E
3. C
4. B
5. A
D. In my home country, Supermarkets usually sell income products from other
countries. Thus, I rarely go to a supermarket because we have a market which
sells cheap and fresh food in it. The market is owner by an organization which
they rent the store our to each tenant to sell their own products. Therefore,
inside the market, there are more than 1 meat stores, produce stores and sea
food stores. In the market, they don’t play music or use strategy to plan where
the products location to earn more money from the customers. However, in
order for every customer to save money from food, they will need to check on
the price on every store before purchasing an item since some store can be
slightly cheaper. The main reason of the difference in between is because the
cultural. My country has more market over the place and supermarkets are only
exist in a few famous areas which it will be harder to reach to and products are
much expensive compared to market.
 DEVELOPING READING SKILLS- Read the Reading Skills Identifying
Supporting Ideas box at the top of page 48 (refer to pages 2-4 in the lesson if
needed) Complete activities A and B on page 48.
A. Supermarkets use various strategies to get customers to buy their
products. One way is placing products for children on lower shelves. This
makes it easier for children to see and then ask their parents to buy
something. Another strategy is giving out free food samples. Seeing,
tasting, and smelling food can make people feel hungry and want to buy it.
Supermarkets also place candy and other cheap items at the registers as
customers might buy a snack while they wait in line.
1. M
2. S
3. M
4. S
 Writing: EXPLORING WRITTEN ENGLISH- (refer to pages 6-9 in the lesson if
needed) Complete activities A, B, C, and D on pages 55 to 57.
1. First of all, successful ads are unique and different from other ads of the
same type.
2. Good ads also get people’s attention quickly.
3. Another feature of effective ads is that they explain the benefits of a
product clearly.
4. Furthermore, the message in an ad needs to be simple and easy to
5. Finally, customers should have an easy way to buy the product, such as
by clicking on the ad directly.
Product: iPhone
1. First of all, it can call or text friends or family as a daily communication.
2. Second, it can take pictures on everywhere I go to save memory down.
3. Finally, I can watch YouTube and learn many unknown things on the
iPhone is product that I use daily and know well. It can help everyone to achieve
many things in their daily routine. First of all, it can call or text a friend or family
as a daily communication. For example, I can call my mum to tell her I won’t be
going back for dinner. Second, it can take pictures on everywhere I go to save
memory down. For instant, I can take pictures in a party to archive the moment
we spent. Finally, I can watch YouTube and learn many unknown things on the
world. I can watch news that is happening in my home country which they will
not be reported in Canadian news. In conclusion, iPhone has become one of the
products that I will need to use everyday.
C. C
D. There are many way to do to save spending more money on food in a
 WRITING TASK- (Review steps on how to write a paragraph first) Complete
activities A, B, and C on page 58 to write the first draft of your paragraph.

1. This ad says, “No one grows Ketchup like Heinz”. It is describing this
ketchup from Heinz is made by tomato slices.
2. Yes, there is a ketchup bottle made by tomato slices.
3. The ad makes me feel that I can taste the fresh tomato slice inside the
4. It uses red as a background which is totally can be represent as a tomato.
 The ketchup looks like making from fresh tomato slices.
 The ad states that Heinz grows ketchup like growing a tomato.
 The top and bottom have used a real tomato which metaphors this
ketchup is contain every flavor in a tomato.
B. Outline
Topic Sentence: In many brands of ketchup, Heinz can produce ketchup like a
growing tomato.
Supporting Idea 1: The ketchup looks like making from fresh tomato slices
Detail: The ad makes me feel that I can taste the fresh tomato slice inside the
Supporting Idea 2: The ad states that Heinz grows ketchup like growing a tomato.
Detail: It is already common that Heinz product above average ketchup in
multiple brands. With the ad combining Heinz with fresh tomato inside a
ketchup shows the possibility that they have improved taste inside the ketchup.
Supporting Idea 3: The top and bottom have used a real tomato which
metaphors this ketchup is contain every flavor in a tomato.
Detail: the entire ketchup bottle is made by tomato slices

In many brands of ketchup, Heinz can produce ketchup like a growing tomato.
First, this ad makes me feel that I can taste the fresh tomato slice inside the
ketchup. Since, on the ad, the ketchup looks like making from fresh tomato
slices. Secondly, it is already common that Heinz product above average ketchup
in multiple brands. With the ad combining Heinz with fresh tomato inside a
ketchup shows the possibility that they have improved taste inside the ketchup.
For instance, the ad states at the bottom that Heinz grows ketchup like growing a
tomato has clearly given an idea that it tastes better from previous products.
Finally, with the fact that the entire ketchup bottle is made by tomato slice and
the top and bottom have used a real tomato which metaphors this ketchup is
contain every flavor in a tomato. In conclusion, the Heinz can produce a great
ketchup not only that taste better than many brands, it also keeps improving
from it self to serve customers better taste.
 Do the REVISING PRACTICE activity on page 59 and write the final draft of your
paragraph. Use the checklist in activity D to help you revise your paragraph.
 Do the EDITING PRACTICE activity on page 60 and then write the final draft of
your paragraph. Use activity E on page 60 to help you complete your final draft.

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