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WEEk 42: Filipino Values Focus: #Transparency teaches us that to be transparent before men is first, to be transparent before God

for the following reasons: first, God knows our heart which means he knows our
SEARCH ME GOD, AND KNOW MY HEART; PUT ME TO THE TEST entire being; second, God could help us recognize our sins and transgressions
AND KNOW MY ANXIOUS THOUGHTS; AND SEE IF THERE ANY without condemnation; and third, he could make our path in life straight once
HURTFUL WAY IN ME, AND LEAD ME IN THE EVERLASTING WAY. again. The way to transparency then begins and continues with God. With Him,
PSALM 139:23-24 we could assertively say to our peers the words of Paul, “Imitate me as I imitate
Have you ever tried bottling your fears, worries and hurts for the purpose of
hiding your true feelings in order not to hurt the people around? If the answer is ACTION PLAN
yes, then you’re not living a transparent life.
1. Strive to be transparent in your daily lives. Be more vocal about your
In her blog, Tara Raj defines transparency as “intentionally baring your soul to the likes and dislikes but make sure not to be disrespectful and pushy about
world by showing your true self to others.” In the local colloquial term, it. Learn to communicate properly what you think is the best way to do
transparency is “what you see is what you get.” Being transparent is making things when you are in a situation to do so.
yourself an open book, living honestly with no secrets and free from concealment 2. In the workplace, be transparent in all your dealings, from client
and double standards of life. Nonetheless, transparency is hypothetical when a interaction to the very things you do on your table when you’re alone.
person lives in hypocrisy and pretension. Transparency could protect you from scheming people and unrighteous
It is human nature to please other people in every way possible, which includes
compromise and pretense, for the sake of attention, importance, and favor. Hence,
in order to truly know someone, stay with him for a period of time. Definitely, the
Transparency is our protection. It is our best ally against temptations and
inner and real person would emerge as there is “one thing you can’t hide – when
unrighteous schemes of the devil. From this day forward, we promise to be
you’re (morally) crippled inside,” as John Lennon sang.
transparent in all that we do, in our personal lives as well as our public lives. No
more double standards! We will live with honesty and transparency because we
In the workplace, transparency pertains to “how and why something occurs”, as
know that God sees everything that we do and in due time, things will reveal
well as, open communication between the employees and the head of the office.
themselves. Thus, we choose to walk uprightly. So help us, God.
An article in Forbes gives us the following strategies in order to build greater
transparency in the workplace: (a) hire and engage transparent employees; (b)
encourage straight communications; (c) insist on proactive use of social media by
Lord thank You for the chance to live transparent lives. We ask for Your
leaders; (d) consider eliminating layers of titles and opening up transparency in
forgiveness in times past when we choose to please man rather than You. Forgive
finances; and (e) create an online media for employees to ask any question of the
us for our ignorance. From now on, help us to live clean lives before You and
leadership. A closer look at these strategies would reveal an employment of
before men. We ask for the grace to walk uprightly and be pure in all our
leadership innovatives to suit the needs of the milleneals. Above all,
dealings, be it in our personal or public lives. In the name of the Father, of the
communications should be open to ensure transparency.
Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The scripture has a prayer on transparency which goes, “Search me, o God, and
know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out anything in me
that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life.” The psalmist

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