English Morphology

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- Definition

 One of the structure linguistic.

 A science of word formation, and internal structure of the word.

Large unit = word

Small unit = morpheme

- Example

 Happily - Happily

Happy = pre-morpheme 2 Morphemes

Ly = bound morpheme

 Reasons – Reasons

Reason = pre- morpheme 2 Morphemes

S = bound morpheme

- Affix

 Affix is added to the root of a word to change its meaning.

 Affix merupakan suatu elemen kata yang ditambahkan sebelum maupun sesudah

ataupun di dalam root atau stem untuk menghasilkan satu kata baru dengan makna

yang berbeda.

 Cannot stand alone

Types of affix

- Prefix

 Merupakan affix yang terletak sebelum bentuk dasar dari suatu kata dalam bahasa

Inggris (root).

 It is an affix located before the basic form of a word in English (root).

 Example

Contohnya = a-, ante-, en-, be-, dis-, un-,etc.

Contoh kata = along, atypical, amoral, antecendent, anteroom, enlarge, befriend,

dislike, disable, disorganisasi, unlike, unfamous, unhappy.

- Suffix

 Merupakan affix yang terletak setelah bentuk dasar dari suatu kata dalam bahasa


 It is an affix located after the basic form of an English word.

 Example

Contohnya = -acy, -al, -ate, -hood, -ion, -ness, -dom,-ly –etc.

Contoh kata = Supremacy, emotional, passionate, activate, childhood, preception,

happiness, lonelyness, kingdom, freedom, friendly, beautifully, clearly

- Infix

 Merupakan affix yang diletakan didalam root.

 It is an affix placed in the root.

 Example

Contohnya = -s

Contoh kata = cupsful, sons in law.

- Derivation

 Merupakan suatu proses pembentukan kata melalui penambahan atau affix.

 It is a process of word formation through addition or affix

 Change the word class.

 For lexical function.

 Example

Happy - Happily = Changing

Adj Adv

- Inflection

 Merupakan kata yang memiliki arti dasar yang sama atau tidak mengubah makna

dari kata dasarnya.

 It is a word that has the same basic meaning or does not change the meaning of

the base word.

 Doesn’t change the word class.

 For grammatical function

 Example

Reason - Reasons = Unchanged

Singular Plural

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