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Pathways Reading, Writing, and Critical Thinking 2e: Level 1 Unit 4 Test

Name: ________________________________ Class: ____________ Date: _________

Choose the best word or phrase to complete each sentence.

• cause
• clean up
• collect
• float
• recycle
• report
• solution
• throw away

1. I am aware it is a big problem, but if we all work together, I'm sure we can think of a good

2. Josie told me to _______________ the box, but instead of doing that, I decided to recycle it.

3. My doctor said that changes in the weather can _______________ some people to get headaches.

4. Can you _______________ all of the documents and reports and put them in a pile on my desk, please?

5. Next weekend I'm going to join an event to _______________ the beach near my home. Together we can
keep our oceans trash free.

6. The company I work for is great: We _______________ over 90% of our trash instead of throwing it

7. The people at the weather center now _______________ that this will be one of the hottest summers ever.

8. I never took any lessons, so I'm not very good at swimming, but I can _______________ on the water.

Choose the best word or phrase to complete each short conversation.

____ 9. Man: What kind of _______________ do you work for?

Woman: I work for a charity that is trying to protect the environment.
a. image
b. material
c. organization
____ 10. Woman: When did you _______________ the books you ordered?
Man: They arrived a few days ago.
a. create
b. receive
c. deal with

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____ 11. Man 1: Your apartment looks different.
Man 2: There's a new _______________ on the wall over there.
a. material
b. painting
c. organization
____ 12. Woman 1: I took a lot of photos while I was on vacation, but they are not very good.
Woman 2: If you use special software, you can probably improve the quality of the _______________.
a. images
b. paintings
c. materials
____ 13. Man: How are we going to _______________ the problem?
Woman: To be honest, I don't have any good ideas. How about you?
a. create
b. receive
c. deal with
____ 14. Man: I love your boots! What _______________ are they made of? Leather?
Woman: They're actually made of recycled plastic!
Man: Wow. That's amazing!
a. image
b. material
c. organization
____ 15. Woman 1: I'm proud of Chris. He's really an amazing cook, don't you think?
Woman 2: I agree. He can _______________ a delicious meal using just a few ingredients.
a. create
b. receive
c. deal with

The questions refer to Reading 1 and Reading 2 from Unit 4.

Review the two reading passages. Then read each statement. Identify the paragraph(s) where can
you find each piece of information.


A You can't see it from the air. It's almost impossible to see from a ship. But somewhere in the North
Pacific is a giant island of garbage, floating just below the ocean's surface.
How Did It Get There?
B The garbage island is not really an island. It's a collection of millions of pieces of plastic and other
objects that people have thrown away, such as shopping bags and water bottles. Pacific Ocean currents
bring the objects together and cause them to spin around in a giant circle. The spinning movement
stops the garbage from escaping. New objects enter the spinning water, and the island grows larger.
C No one really knows how big the island is. Some scientists say it is about 270,000 square miles
(700,000 square kilometers). Some studies report that it may be up to 20 times larger - twice the size of
the continental United States.

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What Problems Does It Cause?
D The larger pieces of garbage in the island are a problem for wildlife. For example, sea turtles often
think plastic bags are jellyfish - their favorite food. They eat the plastic and die. Seabirds looking for
food in the ocean may also die from eating plastic objects floating on the water.
E In addition, tiny pieces of plastic near the ocean surface block sunlight from reaching deeper water.
The lack of sunlight kills very small sea organisms called plankton. As a result, there is less food for
larger fish, such as tuna.
What Can We Do?
F Cleaning up a giant island of plastic garbage isn't easy, but there may be some solutions. One
method is to use technology to collect the trash and recycle it. Environmental engineer Cesar Harada is
building a type of robot boat that gathers up trash. Harada hopes this robot technology will help reduce
garbage in the Pacific.
G New approaches to recycling can also help make more people aware of the problem. For example,
singer and songwriter Pharrell Williams works with a company that recycles plastic garbage to make
denim for blue jeans. In this way, he combines his interest in fashion with his concern for the
environment. If many people make small changes, it can have a big impact. As Williams says, "The
ocean is just one part of the Earth ... but the world is made up of 75 to 80 percent water. It's a huge
place to start."


H Brazilian artist Vik Muniz uses everyday objects in unusual ways. Through his art, Muniz makes
people think differently about their everyday lives - even their own garbage.
I In 2007, Muniz worked on a two-year project at one of the world's largest landfills. Until its closure
in 2012, Jardim Gramacho received about 70 percent of the garbage from Rio de Janeiro. About 3,000
garbage pickers, known as catadores, worked there. Their job was to hunt through the garbage for
recyclable cans, bottles, and other materials. They then made money by selling the objects to recycling
J The catadores' work was dirty and dangerous, and most of them only received between $20 and $25
a day. Despite the hard conditions, many catadores were proud of their work. Valter Dos Santos, a
worker at Jardim Gramacho for more than 25 years, told Muniz: "I am proud to be a picker. I try to
explain to people [that recycling prevents] great harm to nature and the environment. People
sometimes say, 'But one single [soda] can?' One single can is of great importance! [T]hat single can
will make the difference."
K Muniz became friends with Dos Santos and other catadores. They allowed him to take their
photographs at the landfill, where they posed for artistic portraits. For example, Muniz photographed a
landfill worker in the style of a famous French painting, The Death of Marat. The workers then helped
Muniz create huge images of these photos on the floor of his studio. They used material from the
landfill to add color and depth to the images.
L Why create such huge images using garbage? Muniz says he wanted to "change the lives of people
with the same materials they deal with every day." A photograph of his recreation of the French
painting sold for £28,000 ($50,000) at a London art auction. Muniz gave the money to the catadores
workers' organization.

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M In 2010, British-Brazilian director Lucy Walker created a movie about Muniz's project called Waste
Land. The film received many awards and helped make people aware of the garbage collectors' lives.
The catadores also began to see themselves differently. "Sometimes we see ourselves as so small,"
says Irma, a cook at Gramacho, "but people out there see us as so big, so beautiful."

____ 16. the reason why garbage cannot escape the island (READING 1)
a. Paragraph A
b. Paragraph B
c. Paragraph C
____ 17. the way a musician is trying to make a difference (READING 1)
a. Paragraph E
b. Paragraph F
c. Paragraph G
____ 18. estimates about the size of the island of garbage (READING 1)
a. Paragraph B
b. Paragraph C
c. Paragraph D
____ 19. how the garbage can affect birds and sea creatures (READING 1)
a. Paragraphs B-C
b. Paragraphs D-E
c. Paragraphs F-G
____ 20. technology that can be used to collect the garbage (READING 1)
a. Paragraph D
b. Paragraph E
c. Paragraph F
____ 21. the amount of money garbage pickers received daily (READING 2)
a. Paragraph J
b. Paragraph K
c. Paragraph L
____ 22. the process of creating some large pieces of art (READING 2)
a. Paragraph I
b. Paragraph J
c. Paragraph K
____ 23. a film that changed what some people think (READING 2)
a. Paragraph K
b. Paragraph L
c. Paragraph M

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Read the passage.

 Waste Land - MovieBuzz   

Title: Waste Land Year: 2010 Director: Lucy


MovieBuzz User Reviews:

The first time I saw this film, I didn't know much about it. In fact, I almost watched a different
movie instead, but I'm glad I didn't because Waste Land changed my life. Seriously. Before I
saw it, I didn't care much about recycling. After watching it, I now recycle everything and try
to produce less garbage. I also donate money to environmental charities and often go to local
parks and beaches to pick up trash. The stories of the catadores made me feel good, too. All in
all, this is an amazing movie that everyone should watch.
David, 2013-06-26

This is a great movie. I lived in Rio de Janeiro, where it was filmed, until 2002. Watching this
film - and I've seen it three times - fills me with strong emotions. Sadness, happiness, surprise,
love, and even hate. I think what Vik Muniz did to help the catadores is amazing. He should
be proud of himself. I only wish I had the same power to improve people's lives. The
camerawork, directing, and music are all very powerful, too. Don't be surprised if you cry
when you watch this film!
Fabiana, 2013-05-19

I first became interested in the work of Vik Muniz when he was a sculptor. When he changed
his medium and started taking photographs, at first I was disappointed because I'm usually not
very interested in photography. However, Vik's work is so powerful that he changed my mind,
so when I heard this documentary was about him, I knew I had to watch it. It was really good,
and I loved the incredible music by Moby, too. He's another of my favorite artists, and I think
his music made the film more powerful.

Anna, 2013-03-12

Before I saw Waste Land, I heard positive opinions of it from numerous people I like and
respect, so I came into this film expecting it to be great. Sadly, it was good, but not as good as
I had expected. There were some good points. The story was powerful. The characters were
interesting. The directing was often good. I also enjoyed the music. However, for me, the
message of the film was too obvious. I felt that it was trying too hard to make me feel
emotional and I didn't like that.

Anthony, 2012-12-28

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Look at each statement and write:
TRUE if the statement agrees with information in the passage
FALSE if the statement contradicts information in the passage
NOT GIVEN if there is no information about this in the passage

24. David has seen some other movies that are similar to Waste Land.

25. David sometimes spends his time cleaning up the local environment.

26. Fabiana was living in Rio de Janeiro when Waste Land was released.

27. Fabiana has seen Waste Land more than once.


28. Vik Muniz was a photographer before he decided to become a sculptor.


29. Moby is one of Vik Muniz's favorite musicians.


30. Anthony heard mainly negative reviews of Waste Land before watching it.

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Scanning means to find important details quickly.

In which person's review can you find the following details? You can use any answer more than

 Waste Land - MovieBuzz   

Title: Waste Land Year: 2010 Director: Lucy

MovieBuzz User Reviews:

The first time I saw this film, I didn't know much about it. In fact, I almost watched a different
movie instead, but I'm glad I didn't because Waste Land changed my life. Seriously. Before I
saw it, I didn't care much about recycling. After watching it, I now recycle everything and try
to produce less garbage. I also donate money to environmental charities and often go to local
parks and beaches to pick up trash. The stories of the catadores made me feel good, too. All in
all, this is an amazing movie that everyone should watch.
David, 2013-06-26

This is a great movie. I lived in Rio de Janeiro, where it was filmed, until 2002. Watching this
film - and I've seen it three times - fills me with strong emotions. Sadness, happiness, surprise,
love, and even hate. I think what Vik Muniz did to help the catadores is amazing. He should
be proud of himself. I only wish I had the same power to improve people's lives. The
camerawork, directing, and music are all very powerful, too. Don't be surprised if you cry
when you watch this film!
Fabiana, 2013-05-19

I first became interested in the work of Vik Muniz when he was a sculptor. When he changed
his medium and started taking photographs, at first I was disappointed because I'm usually not
very interested in photography. However, Vik's work is so powerful that he changed my mind,
so when I heard this documentary was about him, I knew I had to watch it. It was really good,
and I loved the incredible music by Moby, too. He's another of my favorite artists, and I think
his music made the film more powerful.

Anna, 2013-03-12

Before I saw Waste Land, I heard positive opinions of it from numerous people I like and
respect, so I came into this film expecting it to be great. Sadly, it was good, but not as good as
I had expected. There were some good points. The story was powerful. The characters were
interesting. The directing was often good. I also enjoyed the music. However, for me, the
message of the film was too obvious. I felt that it was trying too hard to make me feel
emotional and I didn't like that.

Anthony, 2012-12-28

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a. David's review
b. Fabiana's review
c. Anna's review
d. Anthony's review
____ 31. A famous city where someone lived
____ 32. The names of two famous people
____ 33. The year when somebody moved
____ 34. Where somebody picks up trash
____ 35. What somebody doesn't like about a film


Discussing problems and their solutions is common in academic writing.

Choose the best phrase to complete each sentence.

a. definitely some issues

b. another good way
c. might cause a problem
d. possible solution is
e. several ways to solve
____ 36. The professor said she felt that raising student fees _______________ for the university.
____ 37. Working as a group, the first-year students came up with _______________ the problem.
____ 38. One _______________ to ask everybody in the class what they would prefer to do and why.
____ 39. There are _______________ with this idea, but I think they are all problems we can deal with.
____ 40. Other than recycling, reusing items is _______________ to reduce waste.


Most paragraphs have a topic sentence that explains the main idea. This idea is supported by other
sentences that are related to it.

Look at these short paragraphs. Write T if the bold sentence supports the underlined topic sentence.
Write F if the bold sentence is not related to the topic sentence.

____ 41. Recycling is the process of turning material that people would throw away into new materials or objects.
Many people feel that recycling is an important way to protect the environment. They feel that
throwing things away can lead to pollution and other problems.

____ 42. A landfill site is a place where trash is thrown away or buried. For thousands of years, landfills have been
the most common way for societies to deal with their garbage. The word "site" can also be used to
refer to a place for playing sports, such as a stadium.

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____ 43. In simple terms, composting means to collect food waste in a pile and leave it for months until it turns into
a useful substance called humus. Composting is becoming a common habit among people in some
countries. People in these countries also enjoy a wide variety of different types of food.

____ 44. Incineration is the process of getting rid of garbage and other waste materials by burning it. The waste is
burned at a high temperature. In some ways, incineration is an efficient process, but one disadvantage
is that it can cause pollution.

A teacher has underlined five mistakes in this paragraph. Rewrite each sentence with the mistake

What is one problem in the world today? What are some ways that humans could solve this problem?

In my opinion, the world is facing several of problems today. One serious issue, in my opinion, is that
humans produce too much garbages. One possible solution is for companies to find ways to produce less
waste when they make products. An other solution is for companies to sell items with less packaging. I
am feeling that both of these ideas would help to reduce the amount of garbage. In addition to things that
companies can do, people can reducing the amount of waste they produce by buying only what they really

45. In my opinion, the world is facing several of problems today.


46. One serious issue, in my opinion, is that humans produce too much garbages.


47. An other solution is for companies to sell items with less packaging.


48. I am feeling that both of these ideas would help to reduce the amount of garbage.


49. In addition to things that companies can do, people can reducing the amount of waste they produce by
buying only what they really need.



What is one problem in the world today? What are some ways that humans could solve this

50. Write one paragraph in response to the question above. Before you start writing, you may wish to plan
what ideas you will discuss.

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Answer Section
1. ANS: solution

PTS: 1 REF: PWRW1, Unit 4 TOP: Vocabulary 1

2. ANS: throw away

PTS: 1 REF: PWRW1, Unit 4 TOP: Vocabulary 1

3. ANS: cause

PTS: 1 REF: PWRW1, Unit 4 TOP: Vocabulary 1

4. ANS: collect

PTS: 1 REF: PWRW1, Unit 4 TOP: Vocabulary 1

5. ANS: clean up

PTS: 1 REF: PWRW1, Unit 4 TOP: Vocabulary 1

6. ANS: recycle

PTS: 1 REF: PWRW1, Unit 4 TOP: Vocabulary 1

7. ANS: report

PTS: 1 REF: PWRW1, Unit 4 TOP: Vocabulary 1

8. ANS: float

PTS: 1 REF: PWRW1, Unit 4 TOP: Vocabulary 1

9. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: PWRW1, Unit 4
TOP: Vocabulary 2
10. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: PWRW1, Unit 4
TOP: Vocabulary 2
11. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: PWRW1, Unit 4
TOP: Vocabulary 2
12. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: PWRW1, Unit 4
TOP: Vocabulary 2
13. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: PWRW1, Unit 4
TOP: Vocabulary 2
14. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: PWRW1, Unit 4
TOP: Vocabulary 2
15. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: PWRW1, Unit 4
TOP: Vocabulary 2
16. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: PWRW1, Unit 4
TOP: Reading Review
17. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: PWRW1, Unit 4
TOP: Reading Review
18. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: PWRW1, Unit 4
TOP: Reading Review
19. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: PWRW1, Unit 4
TOP: Reading Review

© 2018 National Geographic Learning, a Cengage Learning Company

20. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: PWRW1, Unit 4
TOP: Reading Review
21. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: PWRW1, Unit 4
TOP: Reading Review
22. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: PWRW1, Unit 4
TOP: Reading Review
23. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: PWRW1, Unit 4
TOP: Reading Review

PTS: 1 REF: PWRW1, Unit 4 TOP: Reading Practice


PTS: 1 REF: PWRW1, Unit 4 TOP: Reading Practice


PTS: 1 REF: PWRW1, Unit 4 TOP: Reading Practice


PTS: 1 REF: PWRW1, Unit 4 TOP: Reading Practice


PTS: 1 REF: PWRW1, Unit 4 TOP: Reading Practice


PTS: 1 REF: PWRW1, Unit 4 TOP: Reading Practice


PTS: 1 REF: PWRW1, Unit 4 TOP: Reading Practice

31. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: PWRW1, Unit 4
TOP: Reading Skill Review - Scanning for Details MSC: IELTS
32. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: PWRW1, Unit 4
TOP: Reading Skill Review - Scanning for Details MSC: IELTS
33. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: PWRW1, Unit 4
TOP: Reading Skill Review - Scanning for Details MSC: IELTS
34. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: PWRW1, Unit 4
TOP: Reading Skill Review - Scanning for Details MSC: IELTS
35. ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: PWRW1, Unit 4
TOP: Reading Skill Review - Scanning for Details MSC: IELTS
36. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: PWRW1, Unit 4
TOP: Language for Writing Review - Stating Problems and Proposing Solutions

© 2018 National Geographic Learning, a Cengage Learning Company

37. ANS: E PTS: 1 REF: PWRW1, Unit 4
TOP: Language for Writing Review - Stating Problems and Proposing Solutions
38. ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: PWRW1, Unit 4
TOP: Language for Writing Review - Stating Problems and Proposing Solutions
39. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: PWRW1, Unit 4
TOP: Language for Writing Review - Stating Problems and Proposing Solutions
40. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: PWRW1, Unit 4
TOP: Language for Writing Review - Stating Problems and Proposing Solutions
41. ANS: T PTS: 1 REF: PWRW1, Unit 4
TOP: Writing Skill Review - Using Supporting Sentences
42. ANS: F PTS: 1 REF: PWRW1, Unit 4
TOP: Writing Skill Review - Using Supporting Sentences
43. ANS: F PTS: 1 REF: PWRW1, Unit 4
TOP: Writing Skill Review - Using Supporting Sentences
44. ANS: T PTS: 1 REF: PWRW1, Unit 4
TOP: Writing Skill Review - Using Supporting Sentences
45. ANS:
In my opinion, the world is facing several problems today.

PTS: 1 REF: PWRW1, Unit 4 TOP: Writing Practice 1

46. ANS:
One serious issue, in my opinion, is that humans produce too much garbage.

PTS: 1 REF: PWRW1, Unit 4 TOP: Writing Practice 1

47. ANS:
Another solution is for companies to sell items with less packaging.

PTS: 1 REF: PWRW1, Unit 4 TOP: Writing Practice 1

48. ANS:
I feel that both of these ideas would help to reduce the amount of garbage.

PTS: 1 REF: PWRW1, Unit 4 TOP: Writing Practice 1

49. ANS:
In addition to things that companies can do, people can reduce the amount of waste they produce by
buying only what they really need.

PTS: 1 REF: PWRW1, Unit 4 TOP: Writing Practice 1

50. ANS:
Answers will vary.

PTS: 5 REF: PWRW1, Unit 4 TOP: Writing Practice 2

© 2018 National Geographic Learning, a Cengage Learning Company

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