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HYS/Geo/F4/CP1/Opportunities & risks/ ENDO/ Revision EX 3

Heep Yunn School

Unstable earth - structured Q4 – volcanic eruptions
Specific drillings on “effectiveness Qs”
Extra Practices: Data-based Question Revision Exercise 3

Figure 1a shows the location of Volcano Taal, the land use of the area nearby, the background information
about the Philippines, the eruption of Volcano Taal in 2020, the volcanic activity in Hawaii in 2018 and
Iceland in 2021. Figure 1b shows a distribution of population around Volcano Taal. Figure 1c shows the
hazard risk map of the area around Volcano Taal.
Figure 1a


*Manila is the capital of the Philippines

GDP / capita 3484 USD (ranked 119 in the world)
With secondary diploma – 19.1%
Education level Post-secondary diploma – 12.8%
Overall literacy level – 97%
seismic swarms began at 11 a.m.
Prediction + warning during the eruption first eruption starts at 1 p.m.
in 2020 issue warning of evacuation at 1 p.m.
raised the alert status to Alert Level 2 at 2:30 p.m.
Causalities & death toll 39 deaths
Previous eruption 1963

HYS/Geo/F4/CP1/Opportunities & risks/ ENDO/ Revision EX 3
Figure 1b

Measure Y

Towns and city

Figure 1c

Figure 1d (measure Y located of Figure 1b)

Earth materials from the slope

(a) Refer to Figure 1a.

HYS/Geo/F4/CP1/Opportunities & risks/ ENDO/ Revision EX 3
(i) Account for the formation of Volcano Taal with reference to the plate
movements. (5 marks)
(ii) Identify the landform feature of Taal lake. (1 mark)
(iii) Account for the formation of the landform feature mentioned in (ii) (2 marks)
(iv) Explain for the high death toll caused by the eruption in 2020. (4 marks)
(v) Describe other possible impacts brought by the eruption of Volcano Taal by
quoting evidence. (6 marks)
(vi) Compare the formation processes of the eruptions of Volcano Taal and the
Volcano in Iceland. (6 marks)
(vii) Contrast the processes which led to the eruption at Hawaii and Volcano Taal. (5 marks)
(viii) Contrast the characteristics of the eruptions of the eruptions of Volcano Taal
and the volcano in Iceland. (4 marks)
(iv) Account for the different characteristics of the eruptions at the 3 locations. (4 marks)

(b) Refer to Figures 1a – 1c.

“Some scientists suggested that to reduce possible death toll caused by eruption of
Taal in the future, no development should be allowed within 7 km of the crater of the
(i) Identify the hazard management strategy. (1 mark)
(ii) Discuss the effectiveness of the hazard management strategy in reducing loss
of lives caused by eruption of Volcano Taal in the future. (4 marks)
(C) Refer to Figures 1a – 1b & 1d.
(i) Identify measure Y. (1 mark)
(ii) Comment on the effectiveness of measure Y in reducing loss at Tagaytay if
Volcano Taal erupt again in the future. (4 marks)
(d) Refer to Figure 1a.
Discuss whether the adoption of a good prediction system can effectively reduce the
death toll caused by future eruption of Volcano Taal. (4 marks)

More Qs for consolidations

→ refer to the session below

HYS/Geo/F4/CP1/Opportunities & risks/ ENDO/ Revision EX 3
(a) Refer to Figure 1a.
(i) Account for the formation of Volcano Taal with reference to the plate
movements. (5 marks)
- Along destructive/ convergent plate boundary 1
- Philippines Plate moves towards/ converge with Eurasian Plate and
collide ( * X Pacific) 1
- Denser Philippines plate subducted 1/1
- Subducted crust (X plate) melt into magma due to high temperature 1
- Pressure/ stress builds up in the rock of the crust 1
- Cracks developed in the crust 1
- + extended to the upper mantle / asthenosphere 1
- Magma rises along the cracks to release pressure 1
- Lava, ash, volcanic gas, rock fragment erupted / extrude above the earth 1
surface (*stop here if the Q is about formation of volcanic eruption –
hazard) 1/3
- Lava cools, and solidify + after repeated eruptions → volcano is 1
formed (*stop here if the Q is about the formation of volcano - landform) /5

(ii) Identify the landform feature of Taal lake. (1 mark)

Crater lake

(iii) Account for the formation of the landform feature mentioned in (ii) (3 marks)
- Volcanic eruption leads to the formation of a crater
- →violent eruption → collapse of crater
- → caldera formed
- → huge depression collects rain water
- →long years without eruption → rain water accumulate → crater lake

(iv) Explain for the high death toll caused by the eruption in 2020. (4 marks)
- ensure your points are related to the source → Italic part = the source
- others = analysis
- pay attention to the details – large scale? Many ?
- Limited capital → Low technical level → Late warning 1
- + short time for evacuation 1
- Low education level 1
- + The volcano had been inactive , no eruption for 37 years 1
- → (All the above factors leads to) population has lower awareness →
cannot evacuate efficiently 1
- Secondary hazard → Large scale mass wasting /Mudflow → LARGE
NUMBER OF settlements were buried 1
- Eruption was violent → large amount of ashes/ rock fragments/ volcanic
gas erupted → LARGE area being affected 1

(v) Describe other possible impacts brought by the eruption by quoting evidence. (6 marks)

HYS/Geo/F4/CP1/Opportunities & risks/ ENDO/ Revision EX 3
Skills: diversify you’re an : Envi + Socio -econ!
impacts evidence
Serious air pollution / low visibility Large amount of ash ejected to the
atmosphere 2
Water pollution → lead to reduction Large amount of ash ejected, the area
of fresh water supplu is close to the BAY at the N → ash
falls into the lake 2
socio - economic
- Disrupt air traffic/cancellation of Large amount of ash ejected and the
flight/ closure of airport / raise SE wind will blow the ash to the
the risk of traffic accident→ airport at the NE of the volcano
disrupt the flow of people and (*skills: MAKE USE OF THE
- Negatively affect tourism → low visibility
- → economic loss + ash may jam the engines 3
High reconstruction cost Large area being damaged/ buried by
ash / & mudflow 2

(vi) Compare the formation processes of the eruptions of Volcano Taal and the
Volcano in Iceland. (6 marks)
Volcano Taal Volcano in Iceland
Destructive/ convergent
Location Constructive/ divergent PB
PB 1
Eurasian Plate and the Eurasian Plate and North
Plate movements Philippines plate American Plate diverge/move
converge and collide apart from each other
Great compressional
Internal Force Great tensional force
force 1
Denser Philippines plate
X subduction + X melting of
subducted → melt into
Source of lava plate → magma comes from
magma→ create hot 1
rising magma /5
hot rising magma accumulate → great stress accumulates
on the rock of the crust → to release pressure,
cracks/fissures which extended to the asthenosphere are 1

Magma rises along the cracks → lava erupts 1

HYS/Geo/F4/CP1/Opportunities & risks/ ENDO/ Revision EX 3
(vii) Contrast the processes which led to the eruption at Hawaii and Volcano Taal. (5 marks)
Hawaii Volcano Taal
Far from PB Along destructive/convergent
Location At a hotspot PB
Mantle plume → hot Denser Philippines plate
rising magma → hotspot subduct → melt into magma
Source of magma
formed below the Pacific → create hot rising magma
plate 2
hot rising magma accumulate → great stress accumulates
on the rock of the crust → to release pressure,
cracks/fissures which extended to the asthenosphere are
formed 1

Magma rises along the cracks → lava erupts 1

(viii) Contrast the characteristics of the eruptions of the eruptions of Volcano Taal
and the volcano in Iceland. (4 marks)
Volcano Taal Iceland
Location Destructive PB Constructive pB
Type of eruption Vent eruption Fissure eruption 1
Type of ejecta Lava, volcanic ash, rock Mostly lava → lava flow
fragment, volcanic gas →
Pyroclastic flow 1
Degree of More violent Less violent 1
Elevation ejecta Higher elevation Lower elevation 1
Lower visibility and air Lower visibility and air
quality more quality less significantly
significantly 1
Higher level of damages Lower level of damages →
becomes a tourists’ spot

(iv) Account for the different characteristics of the eruptions at the 3 locations. (4 marks)
Both Hawaii and Iceland → fissure eruption because
- X subduction → X plate melt → X create large volume of magma → less
pressure generated than Volcano Taal → more smaller fissures formed
around the area 1
- Yet at Volcano Taal → denser Philippines Plate subducts → melting of
plate create larger volume of hot rising magma → greater pressure 1
- Haiwaii and Iceland → source of lava is the magma in the asthenosphere
→ but the one in Volcano Taal = from molten crust 1
→more viscous + with lower density → greater pressure generated 1

HYS/Geo/F4/CP1/Opportunities & risks/ ENDO/ Revision EX 3
(b) Refer to Figures 1a – 1c.
“Some scientists suggested that to reduce possible death toll caused by eruption of
Taal in the future, no development should be allowed within 7 km of the crater of the
volcano, the HIGHEST risk area.”
(i) Identify the hazard management strategy. (1 mark)
Land use zoning
(ii) Discuss the effectiveness of the hazard management strategy in reducing loss
of lives caused by eruption of Volcano Taal in the future. (4 marks)
- Provide a stance
- Ensure your answer is specifically related to this measure
- Your argument must be based on the info given in the source (- site’s
characteristics – ITALIC PART)
- The Q = about eruption in the future, X about the previous eruption
Its effectiveness to reduce possible death caused by future eruption is
relatively low.
- Although the plan can reduce the level of development/density of
settlements and population in the area → less people will be affected (*not
for this case as there is no settlement within the zone)
- + it can raise people’s awareness and reduce the number of populations
visiting the area / setting up settlements in the area 1
- Setting up shelters for evacuation 1/1
Its effectiveness is limited by
- cannot reduce the settlements/ population in the area as Even before
the zoning implemented → the area has limited to NO settlements, but the 4
death rate was still high
- There are many populations living outside the zone i.e. 7-14 km away from
the crater → according to 2020 experience, those area had been affected,
so they cannot be protected by the latest zoning
- The prediction/risk mapping may not be accurate as the area is a LDC
with low technological level &/ the prediction was based on previous
experience/ record only → areas outside 7m from the crater may have very
high risk too
- Especially if the eruption is violent → large amount of lava + ashes →
cover much larger area
- (4b) LDCs→ Poor governance / & + low edu level → low hazard
awareness → illegal development within the area zoned + without a
strong implementation
Another **tricky Q will be: is the risk mapping effective in protecting
• →risk map means there is NO zoning, it only indicates the risk of areas →can
only increases the awareness of the population
• → 4B : without adopting a zoning policy → development is not banned →
human activities/ development/ settlements/ populations may not reduce

HYS/Geo/F4/CP1/Opportunities & risks/ ENDO/ Revision EX 3
d Refer to Figures 1a – 1b & 1d.
(i) Identify measure Y. (1 mark)
Skills: photo identification skills
- Barrier dam / check dam/ a dam to block mudflow
Remarks: this time it is not a lava barrier – as the source mention the
flow = EARTH materials ( = soil, mud)

(ii) Comment on the effectiveness of measure Y in reducing loss at Tagaytay if

Volcano Taal erupt again in the future. (4 marks)
- Provide a stance
- Ensure your answer is specifically related to this measure
- Your argument must be based on the info given in the source (- site’s
characteristics – ITALIC PART)
- *** the answer will be highly similar to the Qs of a lava dam
Stance: its effectiveness is relatively limited
Although it is can help to trap and block part of the mudflow and diverting
them from reaching the settlements at base of the slope → reduce the scale /
seriousness / number of settlements being buried → reduce loss of lives + 1/1
economic loss
Its effectiveness is limited due to
- violent eruption – large amount of ash ejected → the volume of mudflow
is large → it will exceed the height and the capacity of the barrier dam
- the slope is a large one → yet the area covered by the barrier dam is too
small → not able to ensure all area which has potential risks can be
- LDCs: low capital + technological level → based on previous record and
analysis → the risk mapping may not less accurate → prediction of the
rout of the mud flow may less accurate / underestimate the volume of the
mudflow → the check dam cannot block and divert the
- LDC →poor governance → poor maintenance → capacity of the
barrier reduced due to previous mudflow has not been cleared
(e) Refer to Figure 1a.
Discuss whether the adoption of a good prediction system can effectively reduce the
death toll caused by future eruption of Volcano Taal. (4 marks)
→ assume it is feasible.
- Provide a stance
- Ensure your answer is specifically related to this measure
- Your argument must be based on the info given in the source (- site’s
characteristics – ITALIC PART)
- Its effectiveness will be limited
Although a good prediction system can provide earlier warning → raise the
awareness of the residents nearby → more time for evacuation 1
Its effectiveness is limited by
- LDC : low technological level → inaccurate prediction / short warning time  (
NOT ACCEPTED as the Q = a good system)
- LDC: low technological level → poor warning system (*tricky: the Q only
mention prediction) (use of radio rather than apps) i.e. remote areas have poor
tele-communication → fail to receive the warning → X able to raise the

HYS/Geo/F4/CP1/Opportunities & risks/ ENDO/ Revision EX 3
awareness of the public and cannot carry out precautionary actions / evacuate
more efficiently
- LDC: low edu + lack of frequent + large scale drilling → low hazard awareness
→ even though the prediction is carried out and warning is issued, people may
have low-awareness and do not know how to protect themselves effectively
- LDC: lack of good preventive measures/ hazard planning i.e., lack of planning –
lack of evacuation route / evacuation plan, provision of shelter
→ even with warning → fail to evacuate efficiently

HYS/Geo/F4/CP1/Opportunities & risks/ ENDO/ Revision EX 3
More cases for consolidations
Case of MT. Merapi, Indonesia
Per capita GDP ranked 108th

“Some scientists suggested that to reduce possible death toll caused by eruption of Mt. Merapi,
Indonesia in the future, no development should be allowed within KRB III.”
Discuss the effectiveness of the measure in protecting P and L in the area nearby.
Its effectiveness to reduce possible death caused by future eruption is relatively low.
- Although the plan can reduce the level of development/density of settlements and population in
the area → less people will be affected
- + it can raise people’s awareness and reduce the number of populations visiting the area →
less people = affected
- Setting up shelter + evacuation routes  IR to this source
Its effectiveness is limited by
- large amount of settlements can be found in KRB III → long time of negotiation + much
objection due to long history of development → strong social ties + strong objection to
resettlement (due to high cost of moving, cannot adapt to a new envi) → long time needed for
resettlement → not effective in protecting the P and L in the area in short run (*new
- there may not be enough land for resettlement
There are MANY settlement + populations living in KRB II and I, as those area do have risk of
being affected by the eruption → even relocating the population from zone III to II → may face
the risk of being affected by the eruption

- especially - prediction/risk mapping may not be accurate as the area is a LDC with low
technological level &/ the prediction was based on previous experience/ record only
- if the eruption is violent → large amount of lava + ashes → cover much larger area including
area of KRB II and 1

- LDCs→ Poor governance → poor monitoring + implementation of the zoning policy + the
penalty may be too light &
+ low edu level → low hazard awareness → illegal development within the area zoned

HYS/Geo/F4/CP1/Opportunities & risks/ ENDO/ Revision EX 3
Case of Hawaii, USA
Figure 2a
Zone A

Figure 2b

management X

HYS/Geo/F4/CP1/Opportunities & risks/ ENDO/ Revision EX 3
(a) “To reduce the loss of P and L caused by the future eruption of Kilaueau Volcano,
areas classified as having Extremely high hazard” will no longer allow
Discuss the effectiveness of the measure in protecting P and L from future
eruption of Kilauea Volcano with reference to Figure 2a (4 marks)
Stance: its effectiveness is relatively limited
Although it can reduce the number and density of settlement and population in the 1
+ raise people’s awareness of the potential danger of the area → reduce the number
of visitors 1
→ less population will be affected /1
Its effectiveness will be limited by
- there are settlements in area classified with risk of as high hazard which cannot
be protected
- → those areas will be damaged esp. when the eruption is a violent one
- the prediction may not be an accurate one – even it is a MDC, prediction was
based on previous record, if new cracks/fissures developed → other areas will
be damaged as well
• This time: 2 estates involved → X long time for resettlement
• X illegal development → as it is MDC
(b) Refer to Figures 2a and b.
(i) “Hazard management measure X is constructed at Area A.”
Identify the hazard management X. (1 mark)
- Lava barrier / lava channel
(ii) Discuss the effectiveness of the construction of hazard management measure
X in reducing the loss of properties and lives caused by the future eruption
of Kilauea Volcano in the area nearby.
Stance: its effectiveness is limited
- The lava barrier helps to divert and block lava from flowing towards the
estates/ settlements +divert then are with less settlements → to reduce 1
the casualty rate and possible economic loss
Its effectiveness is limited
- If the prediction of the risk map is not accurate, as the prediction is only
based on the previous records and it cannot block/ divert lava erupted from
new fissures developed/ eruptive fissures around the estate → the
settlements will be burnt.
- Esp. under violent eruptions → large volume of lava erupted → exceeds
the capacity of the barrier → overflows and burn ( X bury) the
settlements around) (*ash , mudflow → bury settlements, lava = burn
- The coverage of the barrier dam is very limited, yet, the area that can be
affected by the lava flow is very large → the small coverage of the barrier
dam cannot block and divert all lava flow – esp, If the eruption is a strong
one or with many fissures
- if it is not well maintained, i.e., lava from previous eruption cools and
solidified reduces the capacity of the channel and reduces its ability to
divert the lava
- it cannot reduce the impacts brought by the volcanic gas, → health
hazards/ respiratory illness / loss of lives caused by the toxic volcanic gas
cannot be avoided (* ash, mud flow → X for this case as this case shows
lava flow in the source) a less important point
HYS/Geo/F4/CP1/Opportunities & risks/ ENDO/ Revision EX 3


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