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Statement of the Problem

This study aims to know the Effectiveness of institutional policies and strategies on the social

reintegration of person deprived of liberty

Specifically, this study aims to answer the following questions:

1. What are the institutional policies and strategies use in the social reintegration of person

deprived of liberty?

2. What is the application of the BJMP in implementing the institutional policies and strategies

for the social reintegration of people deprived of liberty?

Theoretical Framework

This study will be anchored on the concept of Desistance theory. According to

Harper (2013) Desistance theory strives to explain the process by which offenders come to live

life free from criminality. A criminological phenomena known as "desire theory" explains how

criminal offenders come to an end to their unlawful behavior. It has practical implications for

probation officers working with convicted criminals in the community and is especially relevant

when considering offender rehabilitation and the criminal's career.

Aspects of desistance
A number of factors are implicated in the natural (changes over time) and manufactured (changes

due to rehabilitation programs or community strategies) processes of desistance:

Life stability

Engaging in regular employment helps offenders to focus their attention on something more

meaningful than criminality. Similar to how a particularly aggressive individual may turn to sport,

maintaining a routine of working and earning money can act as a kind of catharsis, meaning that

motivation to engage in crime because of a lack of other activities or financial stress is replaced
by the regularity of work.

Social identity

It is proposed that ex-offenders in the community are treated as a constant risk. Indeed, it could

take several years to ‘prove’ that you have been reformed after committing a criminal offence, but

just a single negative behavior could lead to the same person being condemned as simply a bad


Scope and Delimitations

This study focused on the lived experiences of female persons deprived of liberty of the

Metro Bacolod District Jail-Female Dormitory during pandemic. This was conducted among the

8 randomly selected female persons deprived of liberty. In addition, the study was conducted

from the month of November 2022 until June 2023.

As to the delimitations, there is only be a few researchers who can go to the Female Dormitory to

conduct the data gathering procedures among female PDL’s due to the restrictions brought by the

ongoing pandemic.
Significance of the Study

This study is significant to the following persons stated below:

Correctional Institution

This study is significant to the institution as it helped them identify the effectiveness of

institutional policies and strategies given to the social reintegration of persons deprived of liberty

and derive a enhancement program addressing the concerns of the institution for an effective

policies and strategies towards them.


This study is significant to the community of the offenders because they would be able to

understand the situations of their family member offender making them to adjust and offer

possible internal treatments to ease the experiences of their love ones inside the rehabilitation



This study is significant to persons deprived of liberty because they would be able to share and

be given an opportunity to voice out about their problems encountered, specifically the

institutional policies and strategies given to them, and for these concerns to be addressed by the

institution, making them not to worry anymore about those concerns that they have.


This study is significant to the researchers for this can be a venue on improving their

knowledge as to the effectiveness of institutional polices and strategies on the social

reintegration of person deprived of liberty inside the facility helping them give appropriate

recommendations to improve or enhance the institutional policies and strategies given to social

reintegration of PDL’s.

Future Researchers

This study is significant to the future researchers as this could be their basis on the

conduct of their future researches regarding to the effectivenes of institutional policies and

strategies on the social reintegration of person deprived of liberty or topics related to such fields.

Definition of Terms

According to Andrew Gager (2021) the Effectiveness is defined as the degree to which
something is successful in producing a desired result or success.



Institutional polices

Social reintegration
According to Schaefer, D., & Blasko, B. L., (2015) the social reintegration define as the process
by which individuals with a criminal record are integrated back into their communities as law-
abiding citizens.

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