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Science Illustration Rubric

Diagram Below Average Average Above Average Excellent Score

Diagram components Few required Some required Most required All required
items are items are items are items are
represented on represented on represented on represented on
diagram diagram diagram diagram
(1-3 points) (4-6 points) (7-8 points) (9-10 points)

Proper Use of Does not follow Follows lesson Follows lesson Follows lesson
technology lesson requirements requirements requirements
requirements most of the (7-8 points) with high level
(1-3 points) time of creativity (9-
(4-6 points) 10 points)

Text and labels Few labels (1- Some labels Most labels are All labels
3 points) (4-6 points) present and are present
some styles and and styles
effects are and effects
applied are applied
(7-8 points) (9-10 points)
Creativity and Drawings’ Drawings’ Creative drawing Highly creative,
Appearance appearance appearance (7-8 points) exceptional
shows least effort meets lesson illustration
required (1- requirements (9-10 points)
3 points) (4-6 points)
Originality Product is copied Product is Product is an Product is an
from other patterned from original work, but original work,
sources. other sources, 1 or 2 ideas in the novelty in the
but is different illustration are presentation I
in some copied. very much
aspects, there evident.
was an attempt
at originality.
Total Score

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