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Instagram as a

Marketing Tool
By: Dr. Pragya Keshari
Associate Professor-Marketing
PIMR, Indore
What is Instagram SEO?

 Instagram SEO is the practice of optimizing your

Instagram content to be discovered in search results on
the platform.

 Instagram search results include relevant content,

accounts, audio, hashtags, and places.

User SEO
Activity ranking

Instagram SEO Strategy
 Use appropriate keywords in the caption

 Use SEO driven hashtags

 Optimize Alt Text

 Add context about objects, concepts, and locations

 Include any text that appears in the image

 Aim for 2-3 sentences.

Instagram SEO Strategy– Contd.

 Use subtitles for Videos

 Post at right time

 Add location to your bio

Types of Instagram Ads
1. Image Ads
2. Video Ads
3. Story Ads

 Full-screen image or video ads that appear between users’

4. Carousel Ads
 Instagram carousel ads feature a series of images or
videos that users can swipe through.
5. Collection Ads

 Instagram collection ads are a combination between

carousel ads and shopping ads. Collection ads showcase
products directly from marketer’s product catalog.
6. Explore Ads
7 Shopping Ads

 Designed for e-commerce businesses that have a shop on

Instagram, Shopping ads allow marketers to tag products
directly in users posts.
Twitter as Marketing Tool
 Twitter is a social networking site (SNS) that allows
individuals, companies, governments and other organizations
to view, tweet, and share information.
Steps of Twitter Marketing

 Research your buyer personas and audience

 Create unique and engaging content

 Organize a schedule for your post

 Analyze impact and results

1. Twitter Promoted Ads (promoted

 Promoted Ads on Twitter look a lot like regular tweet.

2. Twitter Follower Ads

 These are used to increase the number of followers.

3. Branded Hashtags

 Branded hashtag ads allow you to add a visual component,

like an emoji, that automatically appears when someone
uses your hashtag.
What is Twitter Analytics?

 Twitter Analytics allows users to track and view key metrics,

like follower gain/loss, impressions, engagement rate, retweets
and more.

 It helps businesses make data-driven decisions about their

social media strategy. Armed with data, businesses can optimize
Twitter campaigns to get better results and more followers
without guessing whether your plan will work or not.
The dashboard page
 Top Tweet

 Top mention

 Top media Tweet

 Top follower

 It also includes a short summary of your activity that


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