Srory Telling 12 TKJ 5

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There is an eighteen years old teen age girl, she is now in her final year at a vocational
high school and will soon finish. She has white skin, long hair and has a very friendly
demeanor. She is liked many people because of his attitude. She is on of the mast smart
people in his class. She dreams of becoming a doctor.

One day she told his parents about his dream of becoming a doctor, she said “mom
and dad I have a dream of becoming a doctor, what do mom and dad think?”. Immediately his
father and mother answered “girl, father and mother are very happy to hear that you dream of
becoming a doctor, but what makes us object is that father and mother are old and you are no
longer able to work hard”. We can no longer afford to take you to a higher level. So our
advice is that after you graduate, you should immediately look for a job, especially if you
have already gained work experience in the business or industrial world and you have also
received a certificate as proof. That’s what you’ll be guided by when looking for work later.

Hearing the answer from his parents, this teenage girl was a very sad teenager. She
kept quiet and after a few minutes she said to his parents. “father and mother, I will try
myself to achieve my dreams and I promise to make you happy in my own way. What if after
graduating, I will work for a year, then I will go to college or I can study while working. But I
need you prayers and support”.

Both Parents were very proud to hear their girl very wire words.The message is that
if we have dreams for bright future,we should not depend on other people,including our
parents. As the younger generatio,we must have the courage to pursue our dreams for a
bright,in our own way, just like the young men/woman of the past who had bumingspirit to
achieve a dream, namely an independent country.

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