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Cadet: Captain, can I ask a question before anchoring?

Captain: Sure, is there something you don't understand, my best cadet?

Cadet: Just a little curious, what type of life raft does this ship have?

Captain: Oh? Before I answer, can you answer my question first? What kind of ship are you
driving now?

Cadet: It was a passenger ship that could carry more than 7,000 people at the same time!

Captain: That’s right, this girl also have name, her name is MV. Neo. She is one of the largest
Passenger Ship in their class. But it’s only 40 cm shorter than his twin sister who has been
produced in the same year. She has 334 meter length overall. But, unlike her twin sister, Neo
have a wider breadth with 60 meter. And, she is faster than his sister due to his slimmer body,
you must know it!

Cadet: I know this captain, so I ask, what kind of life raft do we have here? As we know, life
rafts function as safety equipment in the emeergency situation at sea such as a fire or ship
aground is very important!
Captain: You’re right......but first, you must understand that life rafts can be divided into two
categories: shore or coastal crossing life rafts and offshore crossing or ocean life rafts.
Because this ship is a medium-distance passenger ship, our rescue raft is included in the
category of offshore crossings.
Cadet: So, if I'm not mistaken, that type of life raft has an octagonal shape that maxes out at 7
meters in diameter and can fit NWR Station: MV. Neo: -MV. Neo: 0 people. The color must
be striking because it makes it easier for rescue teams to find them, usually red, orange, or I right?
Captain: Hahaha, as expected of my best cadet. You're right, your explanation is spot on……
by the way, can you tell me how to use this life raft?

Cadet: Of course, all crew must know how to do that. First, we must take out the painter of
the raft and then fasten it to the ship side at a strong point. Afetr that remove the railing and
check overboard for any obstructions.

Cadet: Unfasten the hook from the cradle, and two people can lift the life raft and throw it
overboard. After its thrown, pull the painter sharp until the life raft inflates.

Cadet: With the painter, pull it towards the ship’s side. Lower the embarkation ladder or jump
directly onto the life raft, and....depending on the situation and the time at hand....Sit wide
order face to face to prevent any imbalance. Of course, we must ensure the SART and EPIRB
have been carried on the life raft. And cut the painter using the knife, paddle, or anchor, clear
away from the ship.....and that’s it!”

Captain: That’s good! But, how could you do if the life raft inflates and is upside down?

Cadet: Juts climb onto the CO2 cylinder and pull it in the same direction as the wind to do so,
Captain: That’s right...I know you must say that.

Cadet: Of course, I've learned a lot under you, Capt

Captain: Good, then for your next lesson, watch and hear carefully what I will do.
Incidentally we are entering the territory of the United States, because now it's spring, the
weather there is very scary at some times.

Cadet: Does the captain want news on the weather in the United States?

Captain: Right, do you know where all the ships go asking about the weather?

Cadet: NOAA Weather Radio (NWR) Station!

Captain: Score one hundred to you! Now listen and pay close attention...


MV. Neo: NOAA Weather Radio (NWR) Station, NOAA Weather Radio (NWR) Station,
NOAA Weather Radio (NWR) Station, this is MV. Neo, Call Sign Romeo Hotel Alpha, can
you hear me, over

NWR Station: Mv. Neo, MV .NEO, MV. Neo, this is NOAA Weather Radio (NWR) Station,
I can hear you, over

MV. Neo: Roger, good moring sir, request for weather report for today, over?

NWR Station: Roger, M V . N e o w h a t i s y o u r c u r r e n t p o s i t i o n n o w , o v e r

M V . N e o : T h i s i s M V . N e o i n p o s i t i o n 7 6 °11.3’ S - 199°12.5 E, with course

238°. Speed 15 knots and water fresh draft is 6.7 meter, over

NWR Station: MV. Neo, what is your destination, over?

MV. Neo: NOAA Weather Radio (NWR) Station, answer: port golf mexico, over

NWR Station: This NOAA Weather Radio (NWR) Station, advice to change the channel to
77 please, over?

MV. Neo: Roger, a d v i c e r e c e i v e d . s w i t c h t o c h a n n e l seven seven, over!


NWR Station: MV. Neo, this is NOAA Weather Radio (NWR) Station . The minimum
temperature for port golf mexico is near 18 degrees celcius and Maximum temperature near
22 degrees. Isolated showers will be possible afternoon, averaging waves 4-5cm. The lowest
relative humidity is near 29 percent. Expect 14 hours of sunshine, which is 93 percent of
possible sunshine. Average winds will be Southwest at 3 MPH during the morning and
Northwest at 4 MPH during the afternoon, over

MV. Neo: What wind force is expected in the afterrnoon sir, over?

NWR Station: The wind force in this afternoon is expected force Beaufort 6 with waves 6-7
cm, over

MV. Neo: Roger, thank you for your information

NWR Station: Roger, back to channel 16 and have a good voyage, out

MV. Neo: Roger, out!

Captain: So, have you studied it?

Cadet: Absolutely yes sir!

Captain: Good, now back to your post and prepare to anchoring in the next port, cadet

Cadet: Sir, yes sir!

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