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The growth in unemployment rate has long been a subject of dispute to individuals and

governmentsgovernment within developed and developing countries for some time. While the
majority of people claim that we can easily/it is easier to i find a job on newspaper
advertisements or personal recommendations, I am of the opinion that landingland a job via any
online job seek engine is the best approach.
There are two primary precursors for my perception. The first reason to be taken into account
is that job searching on the Internet job portals tends to be moreis very convenient. Case in
point, job hunters can access hundreds of job openings everywhere and everytime. Therefore,
they can find a position which suitssuit their ability without going out to recruitment centers day
by day to find job opportunities. Furthermore, they can shortly get up-to-dateup-to-day with
information from online recruitment companies. By this benefit, they can prepare for the
interview more perfectly. Another reason to be mentioned is that job searching on the Internet
job search websites is likely to be more economical (tiet kiem ve tien bac)economy. To be more
specific, Job hunters can reduce the cost of printing a cover letter, resume, and paying for
postage to send their application to prospective employers. Nowadays, all they need is just one
click and the application will be sent to head hunters right away without spending a pencedime
The growth in unemployment rate has long been a subject of dispute to individuals and
governmentsgoverments within developed and developing countries for some time. While the
majority of people claim that newspaper advertisements are the best method to find jobs, others
drastically contradict. I am of the opinion that Internet job search websites are the best way to
look for jobs for the following reasons. There are two primary precursors for my perception.
The first reason to be mentioned is that if peopleyou look for jobs on thein the Internet, theyyou
willwil save more time and money.It is apparent that job applicantsyou can sit at home, at athe
library, or even at an Internet cafe and look for jobs all day instead of going to each place just to
ask. Another reason to be mentioned is that informationimformation about jobs on the
Internetin Internet is constantly being updated. Therefore, resumé senderswe can quickly find
the latest hiring information. It is explicit that many companies tend to recruit employees by
posting vacancies on thein the internet because of its convenience and speedinessposting on
the Internet is also much more convenient and faster. (Lengthy)
There has been a popular trend that physicalon physical education is required of all students in
schools. In fact, Physical education helps students improve their knowledge about health
issues, but it also the time it takes away necessary time to be spent on from the other academic
subjects such as language and math. This essay will let us take a more detailed look at the
merits and demeritsdemerists of physical education in schools.
The growth in the rate of unemployed fresh graduates has long been a subject of dispute to
individuals, businesses, and governmentsgovernment within developed and developing
countries for some time. While the majority of people claim that newspaper advertisements or
personal recommendations are such effective ways to find a job, I am of the opinion that with
the development of technology, Internet job search websites are theis the best way to find mthe
employmentemployed opportunitiesopportunity (nhac lan dau ko dung the).
Internet job search websites could be attributed to several plausible precursors. The first reason
to be taken into consideration is that these websites focus on helping job hunters and employers
to get more interaction. To be more specific, When the employment company posts recruitment
announcements on the Internet, job applicants employee can easily receive information which
could even be directly sent to their email in case they have subscribed to such websites. Unlike
in newspapersnewspaper, if job seekers want to know more about the information of the
company or wanted position, they can also ask or read comments from reviewers co-workers or
friends on the websites to figure out whether the job is suitable for them on the websites. For
example, they can read reviews of the company or direction to workplace (du y). Another
reason to be mentioned is that online job seekingseek engines could provide an extensive
numberamount of positions in different fields. It is apparent that employees can easily search for
the job they want=are desired by entering key wordsword of the job they want=are excited to
looklooking for and getgetting the results that are relatedthat relative to their field. This usability
reduces time on searching, sorting process and it is more convenient for both sides (chung S)
because the company can find the excellent candidates and the employee has many choices to
find the best job that is suitablethat suitable for their capabilitycapacity.
The growth in the rate of joblessness has long been a subject of dispute to individuals and
society within developed and developing countries for some time. While the majority of people
claim that newspaper advertisements and personal recommendations are the best way to find a
job, others drastically contradict. I am of the opinion that internet job search websites are the
best way to seek a proper job for the following reasons:
Thieu cau mo dau. The first reason to be highlighted is that it is more convenient and easier to
seek a job by searching them on recruitment websites. In fact, Nowadays, most online job seek
tools have an easy-to-see and user-friendly interface, as a result, with just one click, job
applicantsyou can access job hunters around the clock. Therefore, theyyou can save time and
even money on their commutecommuting as well as moving (dong nghia). Case in point,
peopleyou can use theiryour smartphone or laptop in order to find jobs on websites whenever
theyyou are free such as when waiting for the bus, sitting on the bus or train, relaxing time, and
so onetc…, as long as theiryour device has an internet connection. Furthermore, online job
seek engines give head hunters lots of options to choose a suitable job. All jobs theyyou need
are updated with the latest and most recent and even give the best suggestion according to
theiryour demand. Also, the job information is really detailed and easy to understand. Therefore,
theyyou can evaluate and choose a suitable job you are seeking. For instance, if job
applicantsyou are looking for a job in the field of IT in Da Nang City with a salary of VND50
millionmillions VND. You , they can list all theiryour requirements into a search tool. It will give
them ayou list of all suitable jobs that theyyou can apply for easily.
The growth in the rate of unemployed fresh graduates has been a chronic headache for society
and government. While the majority of people claim that newspaper advertisements or personal
recommendations are such effective ways to find a job, I am of the opinion that Internet job
search websites are the best places giving us many chances to find a job in this technological
My perception is constituted by two primary precursors. The first reason to be mentioned is that
comparedcompare with other ways to find a job such aslike newspapers advertisements or
personal recommendations, on Internet job search websites, there are many new recruitment
newsletters hourly posted by recruitment agencies. As a result, job-hunters just need to write
down the job they are desiredwant to find in the search box, hundreds of related information will
immediately appear on the screen. For instance, in case job applicantyou isare a student
majoring in Korean language and looking for an interpreter job; instead . Instead of finding a job
related to translation in hundreds of job postings which are not in theiryour field on newspapers,
theyyou just need to access onlineaccess to online recruitment websites, typing keywords in the
search box and clickingclick the enter button, then reading the recruitment newsletters that
appeared and picking an appropriate one for CV submission. Another reason to be mentioned
is that through Internet job search websites, job seekers can also apply for a job easily, quickly,
proactively and completely free of charge. Therefore, theiryour profile can reach employers
quickly without fear of overdue recruitment or the employer has received enough applications.
As a case in point, people finding jobs by way of newspaper advertisements or personal
recommendations often spend much time contacting the recruitment agency, asking for a job
description, then carefully considering whether it suits them or not and finally submitting CV.
This process takes too long and job applicants can be at risk of losing their chance. On the
other hand, o In case of using online recruitment websites, theyyou can read the job details at
once you clicking the hiring newsletter, keep track of the number of resumes that the employer
will receive and proactively keep an eye on your their profile status after handing in.
The growth in the unemployment rate has long been a subject of dispute to individuals,
businesses and also governments within developed and developing countries for some time.
While the majority of people claim that there are many ways to find a jobfind job such as
newspaper advertisements, internet job search websites and as well personal recommendations
as well,. I am of the opinion to the second perception for the following reasons.:
Thieu cau mo doan body. The first reason to be mentioned is the fact that nowadays the
internetnowadays internet is extremely developed and has becomebecame popular all over the
world, therefore. So that it takes taking us only a short time to search for a job on the internet
websites, which is suitable for our condition. All weAll things we must do is accessaccessing the
website and search fortyping the position that we want to apply for. What I mean to say that we
can resolve this problem, simply by a click. Another reason to be mentioned is thatmentioned
that throughout internet websites, applicants can find out a large number of career
positionsposition at the same time. Therefore, job applicants we can compare them together
and take a consideration which is the most favorable for ourselves. Another reason to be The
last one I want to taken into account is that recruitmentrecruiting information on the websites
tends to beis updated without interruption. As a consequenceconsequent of this continuous
update, candidates can catch the newest announcementannounce of companies. That is also a
big plus.
On balance, Internet jobs searching websites has shown a huge number of advantages.
Therefore it is very important to promote this measure. Moreover there should be a joint effort
by everyone to make this common goal come to reality.
The growth in the unemployment rate has long been a subject of dispute to individuals and
governments within developed and developing countries for some time. As a result, people tend
to look for a job in a lot of ways. Many people say that they like accessing a lot of websites and
finding a job they love. However, others choose to follow the recommendations of friends or
family. While the majority of people claim that finding a job through Internet job websites is the
best way, others contradicted. I am of the opinion to the former perception.
There are two primary precursors for my perception. The first involved is no distance limit.
Thanks to Internet job search websites, people can look for a job that matches their
qualifications nationwideall over the country, even around the world. For instance, the job fair
which has diverse jobs is held annually. Therefore, job applicantsyou can easily search for jobs
online, without having to go to work directly. Another reason to be mentioned is convenience
and speediness. A stark example is amidthe long-term impact of the COVID - 19 pandemic in
daily life. As a result, people have to work at home to protect themself and others against
COVID - 19. Case in point, due to the dangers of COVID - 19, many companies prefer to
interview applicants by social networks like zoom, google meet rather than in-person meetings.
In recent years, there is no shadow of doubt that people can easily find company’s recruitment
information through different ways. While the majority of people claim that Internet is the most
effective way for people to get a job, others drastically contradict. I am of the opinion to the
former perception for the following reasons.
There are two primary precursors for my perception. The first reason to be highlighted is that the
Internet job search websites can provide an extensive listing of positions in different fields than
newspapers, journals and recommendations. Therefore, job seekers can easily search for the
job type, location and companies. For example, when my sister started finding an occupation
last year, shemy sister often found the information in the newspaper, however,newspaper
however it had little information and limited kind of jobs. Finally, my sister found a job through
the internet job search websites. Another reason to be mentioned is that job seekers can stay at
home and search for a job. As a result, job seekers can save much time and compare the offers
to meet their needs.
The first reason to be taken into consideration is that it is easier and more convenient for job
applicantsyou to seek a job, it will help themyou to save more time and money such as on
commuting. For instance, job seekersyou can use a phone, laptop or something else to seek
jobs on websites when theyyou have free time, when waiting for the bus, or anywhere and
anytime if theyyou have an internet connection. Moreover, searching for a job on internet
websites gives themyou a lot of options depending on theiryour needs. Therefore, peopleyou
can easily evaluate and choose the job that best suits you. Case in point, if job applicantsyou
are looking for a job in the field of marketing with a salary of 15 million VND, theyyou can list all
of these requirements into online job seek tools. Then, they will give you a list of jobs which are
suitable for themyou to apply for.
The growth in newspaper advertisements has long been a subject of dispute to individuals,
businesses and governments within developed and developing countries for some time. In
recent yearsyear, there has been a popularan popular trends on Internet job search websites.
while the majority of people claim that it's the most effective way that people can easily share
and find information aboutthe many job's information, others drastically contradict. I am of the
opinion to the former perception for the following reasons.
There are two primary precursors for my perception. The first involved is that the Internet job
search websites can provide a fullan full listing of positions as well as other information involved
involved informations that is more helpfulthat helpful for job seekers than newspapers, journals
and recommendations. More specifically, they can easily search for the job type, location and
companies. Currently, most job seekers are young people. They are the generation who have
mostly access to technologytechnolgy, so they can easily search everything on thein the
Internet. I've also experienced finding jobs in newspapers, but compared to the Internet, the
information provided in newspapers seems to be less and limited. Another reason is that job
seekers using the Internet can save much time and compare the offers to meet their needs.

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