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IDENTIFICATION. Indicate the correct answer on the space provided before each number.

Ethical Principles 1. Are basic moral truths that guide deliberation and action

Autonomy 2. Denotes having the freedom to make choices about issues that affect one’s life

Beneficence 3. Principle that require nurses to act in ways that benefit patients and that nurses ought to
prevent evil and harm

Nonmaleficence 4. Principle that require nurses to act in such a manner as to avoid causing harm to

Veracity 5. Relates to the practice of telling the truth

Confidentiality 6. The ethical principle that requires nondisclosure of private or secret information with
which one is entrusted

Justice 7. Ethical principle that relates to fair, equitable and appropriate treatment in light of what is due
or owed to persons

Fidelity 8. Principle that is related to faithfulness and the practice of keeping promises

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