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A Thesis
Presented to the Faculty of the
College of Criminal Justice Education
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Lopez Satellite Campus

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Degree
Bachelor of Science in Criminology

Rubenson Laguardia
Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Lopez Satellite Campus


The Laguna State Polytechnic University is a center of sustainable development initiatives

transforming lives and communities.


LSPU provides quality education through responsive instruction, distinctive research,

sustainable extension, and production services for improved quality of life.









Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Siniloan, Laguna

College of Criminal Justice Education


To be globally recognize center of excellence by developing and empowering students in

criminology forensic science, law enforcement administration, industrial security management and
international administration.


To provide an accessible, quality and comprehensive education, thus producing highly

competent and value – laden graduates in the field of criminal justice education.


1. Developing an academic environment that will be intellectually challenging and stimulating to both
students and faculty.
2. Fostering a commitment to pursuing the activities of education and public service in a manner that is
consistent with the intellectual traditions of social science inquiry.
3. Providing the opportunity for students who are currently criminal justice professionals to extend their
knowledge and skills in their area of specialization.
4. Introducing students to the research techniques that will enable them to undertake independent
research in their areas of specializations and effectively by the other professionals.
5. Providing a sound foundation for the pursuit of advance degrees and developing professional
leadership skills in the understanding of the relationship between public policy formulation and
criminal justice system behavior.
6. Providing an intellectual environment that values human diversity encourages independent and
extension service.
Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Lopez Satellite Campus
Lopez, Quezon


This thesis study entitled “TRACER STUDY OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN

SATELLITE CAMPUS” prepared and submitted by MHYLOGEN C. AURELLANA, in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Criminology has been
examined and hereby recommended for the acceptance of approval.


Research Adviser

Approved by the Committee on ORAL EXAMINATION with the grade of _______ on



Subject specialist Language Critic


Technical Editor Statistician



Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of
Science in Criminology.
Associate Dean, CCJE
Research Contribution No.:________


Chairperson, Research and Registrar

The researcher would like to express her deepest appreciation to the following people who

provided her the possibility to complete the researcher study and who made this a fruitful and

successful one.;

 To GOD THE FATHER OF ALL, for the strength that keep the researchers standing and for the hope

that keep them believing that this affiliation would be possible and more interesting.

 The researchers acknowledge the support and help of their adviser WILFREDO D. DALUGDOG for

his patience and encouragement to complete this research and for being thesis professor to teach the

researchers things not only about their studies but also the things that were very helpful in order to

finish this study and also with his committee MS. EZRHA JOY F. NOCEDA, Ms. PATRICIA BMAH


 To the RESPONDENTS/ ALUMNI of LSPU-LSC who give their time to answer the survey of the


 The researchers would also want to thank their family who inspired, encouraged and fully supported

them for every trial that came in their way and in giving them not just financial but moral and spiritual


The researchers would like to dedicate this manuscript to all B.S.

Criminology students, for them to use as their guide or reference for the next
level of their study.
To all the researchers’ parents for their understanding, encouragement
and most importantly for their financial assistance because of their support this
research made possible.
And finally to all the researchers’ friends who gave them the
encouragement to finish this research


Nowadays, there are many Graduates of Criminology at Laguna State Polytechnic University

(LSPU) that applying for a job at different law enforcement agencies here in the Philippines. But

applying to these said law enforcement agencies is not that easy. There is a lot to go through. That is

why it is essential to know especially for the applicants what part of the application for these jobs they

experience difficulty and problems. Therefore, they can already prepare themselves in advance.

The duties and responsibilities of police officers can place them in harm’s way while they

defend the public from criminals. The nature of the job requires officers sometimes to conquer

extreme physical challenges to enforce the law. Unlike most employers, police departments can

impose strict physical qualifications for candidates who want to serve on their force. Physical

qualifications for candidates who want to serve on their force. Physical qualifications cover virtually

every portion of a recruit’s body, from limbs to vital organs. In the end, the tough requirements serve

to prevent on-the-job tragedies such as injuries, deaths and officer-involved shooting accidents.

Police departments impose strict physical requirements to qualify for admission to their police

academies and to enter the police force. Police departments require officers to have good vision and

have the ability to perceive color correctly. (1) Vision Requirements exist to protect officers from harm,

to prevent them from mistakenly harming other people, and to ensure that they can provide correct

information when they appear on the witness stand in the court. A vision qualification does not

demand perfect vision, but it typically requires candidates to have 20/20 vision with correction from

glasses or contact lenses, (2) Hearing Qualifications, a police officer must have good hearing to

distinguish vocal commands, (3) Height and Weight Qualifications, some police academies might give

the candidate an opportunity to correct the problem, (4) Muscular and Skeletal System Qualifications,

police officers must have the ability to respond to emergencies with physical agility, (5) Circulation

and Respiratory Qualifications, such as varicose veins and hardening of the arteries typically
disqualify a candidate, (6) Mouth, Nose and Teeth Qualifications, if the candidate has a condition

such as a sinus infection or strep throat, the doctor may deem the candidate temporarily disqualified

until the condition heals, (7) Hernia and Rectum Qualifications, rectal conditions such as cysts or

hemorrhoids often disqualify police candidates, (8) Coordination Qualifications, police recruiters look

for candidates who can physically react to situations in a timely and coordinated manner, (9) Skin and

Appearance Qualifications, such conditions may lead to chronic sick leave or might interfere with

citizen’s ability to interact with the officer comfortably, (10) Nervous System and Substance Use

Qualifications, a candidate with a history of drug or alcohol abuse cannot qualify for the police force.

Learning and identifying the difficulties the candidates face in applying for one of the law

enforcement agencies in the Philippines is very essential to know not only for those who wanted to

apply for these jobs. Moreover, so that all our colleagues understand the difficulties our colleagues

face before entering the field they choose. When applying for these agencies, the applicant

concerned will need the following requirements to pass; the first one is he/she must be a citizen of the

Philippines. Must pass the psychiatric/psychological, medical, and physical tests carried out by the

PNP. Must also be a person of good moral character, must be justified, must have passed the PNP

entrance or the NAPOLCOM, RA. No 1080, which is the examination of the lawyer and the board,

must not be less than or equal to five kilograms of the required standard weight corresponding to its

height, age, and sex, must not be less than or equal to 21 or more than thirty years. which is the bar

and board examinations, must not more or less than five kilograms from the standard weight be

needed corresponding to his height, age, and sex, must not be less than Twenty-one or more than

thirty years of age.

The promulgation of Republic Act 6975, otherwise known as the Department of the Interior

and Local Government (DILG) Act of 1990, operationalized and initiated the call for a tangible reform

in the country's public safety services particularly for the uniformed bureaus under DILG.The same

Act factually complied with the constitutional mandate for a unified single national police force, which

is civilian in character under the administration of the National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM).
Likewise, the same law upgraded the fire and jail services as new and separate bureaus under the

DILG stewardship.The implementation of Republic Act 6975 brought to fore the significance of the

establishment of the Philippine Public Safety College. Section 66 of RA 6975 established and

constituted the Philippine Public Safety College (PPSC) as the premier educational institution for the

training, human resource development and continuing education of all personnel of the Philippine

National Police (PNP), the Bureau of Fire Protection, and Bureau of Jail Management and Penology

(BJMP), (PPSC, n.d.).

This study designed especially for those dreaming to be employed in one of law enforcement

agencies. In this study there are such applicants are having difficulty in applying because even as

fresh graduate in criminology it still hard to be in a job like in the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP),

they are still looking for applicants who has other special skills like using computers . Unlike in the

Philippine National Police (PNP) in which one just need to pass all the requirements. According to

some applicants, one of the hardest things in the process of applying is the availability of slots for the

job because according also to them there is a specific quota for the job. The important things to be

considered by the applicant are physically, emotionally ang financially prepared.

Because as what observed in this study many applicants in the law enforcement agencies are

having difficulty with their application because even if a fresh graduate in criminology it still hard to be

in a job like in the bfp they are still looking for applicants who has other special skills. Unlike in the

PNP in which one just need to pass all the requirements and voila you are in. but according to some

of the applicants in law enforcement agencies one of the hardest thing in the process of applying is

the availability of slots for the job because according also to the applicants there is a specific quota

set for the job. And as for the things that being experience by the applicants before applying there are

three important aspects that need to take consideration these were need to prepare yourself

physically, emotionally, and financially. Because applying in law enforcement agencies are really not

that easy there are a lot of trials that need to surpass.

That is why the researcher has found the eagerness and the need to conduct this study which

has the purpose to determine the experiences experienced by the LSPU BS Criminology graduates in

applying for a job in the law enforcement agencies. It will also determine if there is a significant

difference among the experiences of the respondents in applying to law enforcement agencies in the

Philippines. It's the objective of the researcher to help or at least give a hint or idea to those who

wanted to be employed in one of the law enforcement agencies someday so that they will already be

ready to face the difficulties in applying on the said agencies. (BFP) and the Bureau of Jail

Management and Penology (BJMP).

Theoretical Framework

Theory of Conceptual Difficulties

This theory believes that any intervention to approach conceptual learning should be based on

good theory of conceptual difficulties and that such theory should provide an explanation of what

makes learning concepts difficult. According also to Perkin, exposing the learner to a more and

different kind of experiences will lead to development.

In any situation where there are difficulties in learning, there should have an identification on

which part of the concept the learner having difficulties because in identifying those difficulties it will

surely provide an explanation or a solution to address the difficulties being encountered.

That is why this research is aimed to identify the difficulties by providing a certain concept

based on interviewing the respondents based on their type of experience and problems they

encounter in applying to law enforcement agencies.

Principle of Physical Training

There are seven principles that should be followed during any type of physical training or

exercise program. These seven principles also are known PROVRBS, an acronym for progression,

regularity, overload, variety, recovery, balance and specificity. (1) Progression, to improve the level of

fitness, it is need to gradually increase both the intensity and duration of physical training routine. A
safe level of progression can be achieved by increasing cardio respiratory and muscular ability by

about 10percent every 10 days, (2) Regularity, it’s also important to maintain an exercise regimen that

is consistent, with exercise taking place at regular intervals. Physical training ideally should take place

between three and five times each week. In addition, it’s important ro ensure to get adequate sleep

and eat properly in order to operate at peak capacity during physical training, (3) Overload, occurs

when the work load of exercise session exceeds the normal demands place in body. This involves

pushing heart works at a relatively high percentage of its maximum capacity. Determining the proper

level of intensity, however, depends on a variety of factors, including age, weight and overall level of

fitness. Overloading also takes place during muscular strength and endurance training when work a

muscle to failure, (4) Variety, it’s easy to become bored with physical training if perform the same

routine every time, so it’s important to mix things up by breaking up training routine and include

different activities. Not only will this prevent boredom, but it also can increase motivation and help

achieve better results, (5) Recovery, the rest periods between physical training are just important as

the training itself, as muscles damage is repaired and waste is metabolized during these times. The

optimum recovery time is between 24 and 48 hours after exercise. Recovery also can be achieved by

alternating more difficult training days with easier training days, or alternating muscle groups so not

working the same muscles continually. Improper recovery can lead to muscle fatigue, increasing the

potential for subsequent injuries, (6) Balance, when coordinating a physical training program, it’s

important to ensure exercising all areas of the body equally to achieve a balanced level of fitness. It

should Specify, balance routines for the upper body and lower body, and balance endurance running

with sprints in order to run as far and as fast as possible, and: (7) which seemingly contradicts the

previous principle of balance by advising focus on a specific ability during training.

Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework of the study shows the independent variables and dependent

The independent variables covered the Experiences of B.S. Criminology Graduates at LSPU

Lopez Satellite Campus in Applying to Law Enforcement Agencies in the Philippines.

ered of
es in
g to Law

The dependent variables covered the Demographic Profile, Experiences of B.S. Criminology

Graduates at LSPU Lopez Satellite Campus in Applying to Law Enforcement Agencies in the

Philippines and Problems Encountered of B.S. Criminology Graduates in LSPU in Applying to Law

Enforcement Agencies.
Statement of the Problem

This study intends to determine The Experiences Of The Bs-Criminology Graduates Of Laguna

State Polytechnic University - Lopez Satellite Campus In Applying To The Law Enforcement .

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

a. age,

b. sex,

c. civil status,

d. Law Enforcement Agency

e. Rank/Position and

f. Eligibility

2. What are the experiences of the LSPU B.S. criminology graduates in applying to

different law enforcement agencies in the Philippines in terms of;

3. What are the problems encountered of the LSPU B.S. criminology graduates in applying

to different law enforcement agencies in the Philippines?

4. Is there significant difference between the demographic profile and the experiences of

the LSPU B.S. criminology graduates in applying to different law enforcement agencies in the


5. Is there significant difference between the experiences and the problems encountered of

the LSPU B.S. criminology graduates in applying to different law enforcement agencies in the


1. There is no significant difference between the demographic profile and the experiences

of the LSPU B.S. criminology graduates in applying to different law enforcement agencies in the


2. There is no significant difference between the experiences and the problems

encountered of the LSPU B.S. criminology graduates in applying to different law enforcement

agencies in the Philippines.

Significant of the Study

The findings of the study will significant to the following as toexperiences of the LSPU B.S.

criminology graduates in applying to different law enforcement agencies in the Philippines.

To the applicants in different law enforcement agencies, the given data would guide the LSPU

graduates regarding the problems they encountered in applying. It will give the ideas on how to face

the said problems that will b e identified in this research. The applicant will surely know what are the

techniques they need in applying to make their application easier.

To the future researcher, this study hopes to provide information and relevant data as their

material for further study.

Scope and Limitation Of the Study

This study limited to the experiences of the LSPU B.S. criminology graduates in

applying to different law enforcement agencies in the Philippines. This will determine the

person concerned based on their age, sex, batch and on which law enforcement agencies they

are belong. The respondents of this study are the randomly selected B.S. Criminology graduates at

LSPU who is currently employed at different law enforcement agencies such as PNP, BFP, ARMY,

BJMP and those who are in Philippine Coast Guard. The researcher will conduct in Lopez Quezon
and Gumaca Quezon nearby to the researcher location that can be conducted through online or

personal 2017-2019 graduates will be answer the survey; it will be easiest way to contact them.

This study is limited randomly selected respondent because of the pandemic in the country and

also because some of the respondents serve as front liners.

Definition of Terms

To make this study more comprehensive, the following terms are defined:

Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP), it is a government fire service which responsible for

destructive fire.

Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP), it has a pronged task of safekeeping

and developments of its inmate.

Criminology, is a bachelor degree to those who want to have a profession or work in law


Experiences, is an observation of facts or events that happened during the application of

the graduates.

Law Enforcement Agencies, is describes as responsible in enforcing the law and maintain the

public safety and public order.

Philippine National Police (PNP), is armed national police in the Philippines.



This chapter includes various experts from literature and studies that the researcher had

collected. Related studies and literature provided better information which will be very vital on how the

study was done. It served as basis for the construction and in supporting the use of variables in the

research paradigm.

Related Literature

It could be said that the criminology in Thailand is in the transition period, shifted from a

hundred years of a strong reliance on the western-oriented theories to the development of its own

knowledge in order to describe the phenomenon of crimes and criminal behaviors in Thailand’s social

context. In addition, currently there some Doctoral Degree or Ph. D. courses offered to students in the

leading universities as well as various research and studies in criminological area.

The best university to study criminology has been listed for every incoming college

student to choose their path. Criminology is a very interesting course for someone who is interested in

law enforcement or the academic study of criminal behavior. For someone who graduated Bachelor of

Science in Criminology, there are many thrilling career path choice available for them like Private

Investigator, Correctional Officer, Police Detective, Criminology Professor, Lawyer, etc. A criminology

professional can work in a number of environments, including police stations, prisons, universities,

courtrooms and government agencies. The relationship of criminology to various other disciplines has

resulted in considerable diversity in its academic placement within universities.

According to Sec.4 of the Professionalization upgrading of the qualification standard of the

uniformed personnel in the agencies. The applicants should have and possess the following to be

qualified in applying for the job.

 He/she should be a citizen of Philippines

 Must pass the civil service examination

 Must have good moral character

 Finish any baccalaureate degree course

 Must pass the medical examination

 Ensure that physically and mentally fit

 Doesn’t have any criminal case or convicted of any crimes

 Must be one-meter and sixty-two centimeters for male, and female one-meter and fifty-

seven centimeters.

Those who come from the indigenous group of people are automatically granted in the

application regarding if they pass on the height requirements or not. And the applicant must not weigh

more or less than 5 kilograms regarding age, sex, and height. As states about height standard for

both males and females, many people especially those in the government disapproved of it. That is

why many bills about lowering the height requirement in the congress are pass and still a talk to the


According to one of the authors of the bill Camarines Sur Representative Luis Raymond

Villafuerte that the set standard for the height requirement in the application for the law enforcement

agencies is very discriminatory in all aspects. He also said that removing or lowering this standard will

be an opportunity for those Filipinos to be given an equal chance to show their love for their country

and patriotism.

In Canada, the hiring process to be in the job in different law enforcement agencies like

in the police force is really hard. It is very difficult and challenging. Like what requires in few

professions there is what they called testing wherein the applicants start with written testing and

physical agility assessments, then move to the nerves wracking oral interview that followed by

background assessments. The job opportunity as police in Canada is good, though some places here

maybe so hard to squeeze in to, particularly Toronto.

While in the country of the United Kingdom, applying to law enforcement agencies like

all the other country as well applicants must be physically, mentally, and emotionally ready. Because

it is also what the applicants there stated when they ask which part of their application process they

are having difficulty too. But, it doesn’t mean that since graduated it will be easier that can still

encounter. That is why Noemii a career coach instructor identifies and wrote in five categories the

difficulties encounter in applying for a job. The first reason is because the applicant seems living on a

pipe dream. This just means the transition of the applicants from being a student to an employee.

Unlike in college days it is ok to make mistakes because professors are there to guide. In the works

field it is not like that are not allowed to make any mistakes because it will surely have not nice effects

especially to employer. The next reason is the applicant bad self-promotion because some fresh-

graduates nowadays doesn’t still know how they can project themselves to see their stronger aspects.

Next one is all about inflated-expectations. This just means that the applicants must possess down to

earth quality and must not think that because they finish their college and have their diplomas they

can easily be accepted on the job. Because nowadays, employers look not just the level of education

attainment of the applicants but also its characters. Because employer doesn’t like the attitude of

workers more bossy than he is. And lastly one of the reasons also of the difficulties encounter during

job applications is the lacking of the reason also of the difficulties encounter during job application is

the lacking of work experience. Many jobs nowadays want their applicants to have an experience that

related to work they are offering.

According to Peterson (2009), leadership is the instrument used to determine the effectiveness

of an organization. Peterson believes that if an organization is successful in doings. It is said that it

has a better leader. A better leader is believed to have the qualities and must reach the standard set

by people. As one prove everything has its own standard and limitation created by themselves. But as

take a look on it, it can’t help but to think about why there are still leaders who are not fulfilling their

duties even if they reach or sometimes above the set standards. Just like in every government people

elected this candidate because they pass their standard. But as a result even if he possess the
qualities he didn’t able to do his job well. That just a clear basis that setting a specific standard to look

at a person is not always result positive because sometimes those who do not have these specific

qualifications are the one who are willing and sincere to fulfill his jobs.

According to the opinion D.A.Rufil E. Banoc, on the equality of height in the law

enforcement agencies he supports that there should be equality when it comes to the height

requirement for the said jobs in the agencies. Because like what he observed in visiting the place

where the war between the United States and Vietnam happened. It is in Ho Chi Minh City in

Vietnam. There is when he first saw the traces of the war that the two country leaves. He states that

are used in the war. He saw it because it was kept in the Vietnam National Museum.

There in Vietnam, he also visits the Chu Chi tunnel. This tunnel is located in the ground

and was used by the Vietnamese as their hiding place. And this tunnel also makes the United States

soldiers wonder why the Vietnamese during the war easily vanished like a cloud dust. And as the

United States discover that the reason the Vietnamese being vanished is because of their heights.

Because as we all know that American people are big and tall which’s may it becomes an advantage

for this little Vietnamese to hide in a small hole in the ground. This opinion of Banoc involve one thing.

That if a person is short it doesn’t mean that it is a advantage. Because sometimes being short is

what can use as a powerful weapon against someone or something. As Banoc believes in what

happened in history he also came up with the same idea applying it on the application in the law

enforcement agencies. Like what also the bill proposed by Congressman Pablo John Garcia which is

called the house bill 2242 for Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP), Bureau of Jail Management and

Penology (BJMP) and the Philippine National Police (PNP) . This bill of Congressman Garcia is the

height equality bill that also supports by the two experienced military men in the congress. Senator

Gringo Honasan and Senator PanfiloLacson supported this bill during the presidential time of

President Benigno Aquino. That’s why Garcia still hopes that it could come true during this time of

Duterte’s administration.
According to Criminal Justice Degree Hub (2019); some jobs require to pass certain fitness

tests. Others do not have fitness requirements, but being fit will make the job easier to do, In some

jobs, fitness will be irrelevant. It is necessary to be physically fit for a criminal justice career. Most law

enforcement positions will have some physical fitness requirements. This includes everything from

working with the FBI or border control to joining a local police force. FBI agents must be able to do a

certain number of pushups and sit-ups as well as demonstrating ability to sprint and run a mile and a

half. Border patrol agents are also required to do sit-ups and pushups as well as passing a five

minutes step test. Requirements for police forces and sheriff’s departments will vary, but they will

generally be along the same lines with expectations for basic levels of cardiovascular fitness and


Push-ups are another part of the police fitness test. It is strengthen the upper and lower

body. Sit-ups are the final portion of many police academy tests, which measure abdominal muscles

strength and endurance. So that, while criminology students are in the process of learning in the

campus, push-ups and sit-ups as part of the physical training program it is necessary that they will

undergo on it. During their application in entering the police organization they can do task easier and

very well.

According to Alvarez (2010); if a sensible man is asked to answer the question as to what he

does prefer, health or wealth, naturally he will answer without much hesitation ‘Health’ because

wealth without a good health becomes useless. The westerners pay more attention to their health

than the people of the orient. In Britain they have the Central Council of Physical Recreation, the

Scottish Council of Physical Recreation, the National Playing Fields Association. The function of these

various bodies is to keep the nation fit, not only physically but mentally alert also. In modern

education, physical education and training forms part of the curriculum. In Singapore schools,

physical training is imparted to the young with the view to keep the young fit so that the future citizen

of the country will be healthy. According to Alvarez, a body without exercise can be compared to a
machine that is kept inactive. Inactivity will lead to the machine getting rusty and in the long run

becoming useless.

It is a very famous proverb that “Health is Wealth” which means that health is the real

money and prosperity. A person who has a healthy body and mind can achieve everything. Healthy

body refers to overall well-being that is physically, mentally, emotionally and socially. Good health is

the key to happiness. A healthy body is free from any disease and is very positive in attitude. When a

person is healthy then he/she can do things properly. Good health can be achieved by doing

exercises, eating healthy, having proper sleep, and drinking lots of water. A criminology student need

to disciplined their way of living, while they are in the field of studying is necessary to be healthy not

only by learning knowledge in the rooms but also protecting themselves to avoid un-necessary habits

that will affect their health.

According to Bell (2013); a solid base of physical strength can take years of consistent training

to develop. With concerted effort, it’s possible to see quick improvements. Whether preparing for a

competition of some sort or just want to increase the level of fitness, following a few simple steps can

speed up strength:

Step1: Etch out a training program. As the saying goes, if fail to plan, plan to fail. Think

about what goals are and create a program based on achieving them. If new to exercise, consult a

fitness professional to help started, Step 2: Visualize every rap. When training with weights, it’s

paramount to give a 100-percent effort on every repetition, especially during the last couple of reps

with heavy weight. The moments when muscles are screaming out to stop are the times when it’s

most important to continue. Before give up, visualize in finishing it strong, Step 3: Lift heavy weights.

In order to force body to become stronger, it has to give it stimuli beyond current level of fitness.

Training with heavy resistance will break down muscle fibers and encourage the remodeling process,

resulting in stronger, bigger muscles. For strength gains, try keeping heavy workouts range around

three to five sets of five to eight reps, Step 4: Vary the workouts. The body is constantly working to

adapt training efforts, and if don’t consistently change workout types and intensity levels, destined to
hit a plateau. Keep body by guessing incorporating as variety of training styles and equipment. Don’t

allow to fall into the out of performing 8 to 12 repetitions of the same exercises for each body part.

Instead, use heavy weights one day and light resistance pieces of equipment, such as free weights,

machines, cable and kettle bells; and Step 5: Get adequate rest: When it comes to building strength,

allowing the body ample recovery time is just as important as training efforts. Aim to get at least eight

hours of rest each night to provide body with the opportunity to repair muscle fibers.

According to Hannah (2012); there are ten reasons the military may be a good fit: (1)

Patriotism and a sense of duty, Military service is a time-honored way to serve others first.”There is no

greater calling than to serve fellow men.” There is no greater contribution than to help the weak, (2)

Membership into one one of the world’s oldest club. Being a military veteran makes an automatic

member in one of the world’s oldest clubs. It is easy to share stories and recollections with other

members of this special group of people, and can help gain acceptance, join clubs, find employment,

and gain other benefits. (3) Jobs in a down economy. Consider the military, which continues to offer

jobs for those who are qualified medically and academically, and who do not have an extensive

criminal record.(4) Pay and benefits. A new leutenants receive salary plus full benefits, and not

including added monthly allowances.(5) Full medical coverage for self and family. Military members

are immediately eligible for health care benefits for themselves and their immediate family members

as soon as they enter the service.(6) Skills and Training. The military provides advanced technical

training when are off-duty.(7) Leadership opportunities. Military leadership is a great way to get

resume on top of the pile for next career. (8) Travel opportunities and vacation time. The military has

the installation all around the world and pay also to family to get there and back. (9) Education

opportunities after leave the military. Pays veterans who served at least 36 months a monthly living

stipend and full tuition to pay for college, after leave the military. (10) Buy a home with no money

down with a VA loan. This make easier to purchase a home while serving, or after have left the

According to the column in Health Status Team (2009); Fitness does not only refer to being

physically fit, but also refers to a person’s mental state as well. If a person is physically fit, but

mentally unwell or trouble, he or she will not be able to function optimally. Mental fitness can only be

achieved if the body is functioning well. It help to relax mind and eliminate stresses by exercising

regularly and eating right. People who are physically fit are also healthier, are able to maintain their

most optimum weight, and are also not prone to cardiac and other health problems. In order to

maintain a relaxed state of mind, a person should be physically active. A person who is fit both

physically and mentally is strong enough to face the ups and downs of life, and is not affected by

drastic changes if they take place.

Becoming physically fit requires a change in life style as well. It will incorporate a

regular exercise routine in life and also eat healthier. By avoiding junk foods, fizzy drinks, bad habits

like smoking and alcohol and by getting adequate amount of rest, it will be able to become physically

and mentally fit. Just by eliminating all these food substance from one’s life, no matter how

temporarily, it will allow body to detox and become stronger. Make sure to spend more time outdoors

in the sun, and fresh air and take part in more healthy activities.

According to Hannah (2012); there are ten reasons the military may be a good fit: (1)

Patriotism and a sense of duty, Military service is a time-honored way to serve others first.” There is

no greater calling than to serve fellow men.” There is no greater contribution than to help the weak,

(2) Membership into one of the world’s oldest club. Being a military veteran makes an automatic

member in one of the world’s oldest clubs. It is easy to share stories and recollections with other

members of this special group of people, and can help gain acceptance, join clubs, find employment,

and gain other benefits. (3) Jobs in a down economy. Consider the military, which continues to offer

jobs for those who are qualified medically and academically, and who do not have an extensive

criminal record.(4) Pay and benefits. A new leutenants receive salary plus full benefits, and not

including added monthly allowances.(5) Full medical coverage for self and family. Military members

are immediately eligible for health care benefits for themselves and their immediate family members
as soon as they enter the service.(6) Skills and Training. The military provides advanced technical

training when are off-duty.(7) Leadership opportunities. Military leadership is a great way to get

resume on top of the pile for next career. (8) Travel opportunities and vacation time. The military has

the installation all around the world and pay also to family to get there and back. (9) Education

opportunities after leave the military. Pays veterans who served at least 36 months a monthly living

stipend and full tuition to pay for college, after leave the military. (10) Buy a home with no money

down with a VA loan. This make easier to purchase a home while serving, or after have left the


According to the column in Health Status Team (2009); Fitness does not only refer to being

physically fit, but also refers to a person’s mental state as well. If a person is physically fit, but

mentally unwell or trouble, he or she will not be able to function optimally. Mental fitness can only be

achieved if the body is functioning well. It help to relax mind and eliminate stresses by exercising

regularly and eating right. People who are physically fit are also healthier, are able to maintain their

most optimum weight, and are also not prone to cardiac and other health problems. In order to

maintain a relaxed state of mind, a person should be physically active. A person who is fit both

physically and mentally is strong enough to face the ups and downs of life, and is not affected by

drastic changes if they take place.

Becoming physically fit requires a change in life style as well. It will incorporate a

regular exercise routine in life and also eat healthier. By avoiding junk foods, fizzy drinks, bad habits

like smoking and alcohol and by getting adequate amount of rest, it will be able to become physically

and mentally fit. Just by eliminating all these food substance from one’s life, no matter how

temporarily, it will allow body to detox and become stronger. Make sure to spend more time outdoors

in the sun, and fresh air and take part in more healthy activities.

Synthesis of Related Review of Literature

The above collection of the local literature, foreign literature and related studies are

carefully reviewed by the researcher to ensure that it will give support and emphasis to the study

conducted about the experiences of the LSPU B.S. Criminology graduates in their application to one

of law enforcement agencies here in the Philippines. Because identifying the respondent’s experience

will also determine the problems encountered in the application process and will surely help other

applicants to make their application be easy and success.



This chapter presents the methods and procedures utilized by the researcher in order

to come up with the study. This is done under the following headings: research design, population and

sampling technique, research locale, research instrument, statistical treatment and statistical tools.

Research Design

The researcher will use quantitative method which is focuses in quantifying collection and

analysis of data. According to (Bhandari) the quantitative method is the process of collecting and

analyzing numerical data. The study made use of the Descriptive method which is simply seek an

overall summary of my study. This method is use to determine the experiences of the graduates in

applying in the law enforcement and the given data will assess to analyze the situation of the

graduates that can give the researcher will know the process in applying. This study aims to identify

the experiences in applying to law enforcement agencies here in the Philippines with the purpose of

the researcher to at least give an idea or solutions to the applicant dilemma in the process of their job

application. Because of this, the researcher believes that it will surely help their application to the law

enforcement agencies. The researcher gathered information from the respondents through on-line

survey questionnaire or printed survey. The study aims to identify the significant difference among the

respondent’s experiences in applying to the law enforcement agencies in the Philippines.

Respondents and Sampling Technique

This study will be conducted to the B.S. Criminology graduates in Laguna State Polytechnic

University through contacting them on line or personal survey. The researcher used a stratified

sampling technique.
Table 1
Distribution of the Respondents

Law Enforcement Total Number of Sample Number of

Agencies Respondents Respondents
PNP 12 12
BFP 1 1
ARMY 1 1

Research Locale

This research study is about the interview to the respondents; the B.S. Criminology graduates

at Laguna State Polytechnic University – Lopez Satellite Campus who are currently working at law

enforcement agencies in Lopez Quezon and Gumaca Quezon which is nearby to the researcher

location. The respondents will survey online or personal.

Research Instrument

The research instrument used by the researcher is self-made survey questionnaire. This are

composed of three major parts; (I) The Profile of the Respondents, (2) The experience of BS

Criminology in Applying has a two part, and the last (3) The problem encountered of B.S. Criminology

graduates of LSPU in applying to law enforcement agencies in the Philippines.

Data Collection and Analysis

The study used the following statistical tools based on the statement of the problems.

Variables Tools Profiles of the respondents in terms of Frequency, percentage ranking, age, sex, civil

status, batch and law enforcement agencies. Experiences of B.S. Criminology Graduates at LSPU

Lopes Satellite Campus in Applying to Law Enforcement in the Philippines. Problems Encountered of

B.S. Criminology Graduates at LSPU Lopes Satellite Campus in Applying to Law Enforcement in the
Philippines .The statistical treatment will be used the frequency of the response will be determined the

number of the respondents on the particular item by using formula of percentage.

Percentage Formula


P = Percentage

F = Frequency

N = Total Number of Respondent

Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Lopez Satellite Campus
Brgy. Hondagua Lopez, Quezon

August 20, 2021

Dear Respondents;

I,RUBENSON B. LAGUARDIA, a third year student of Bachelor of Science in Criminology

presently conducting a thesis entitled “THE EXPERIENCES OF THE BS-CRIMINOLOGY
In connection with this, I would like to seek for your help by answering this questionnaire
towards the attainment of the objective of my study.
Rest assured that all data and information that will be collected will be treated with
confidentiality and will be used solely for the purpose of my study.
Thank you for your kind help and cooperation
Respectfully yours,


Direction: Please fill in the blank the necessary information asked and kindly put check ( / ) the
item in the space provided.


1.1 Age:_________
1.2 Sex:
( ) Female ( ) Male
1.3Civil Status:
( ) Single ( ) Married ( ) Single Parent
( )Widow/widower
1.4Law Enforcement Agency:
( ) PNP ( ) BFP ( ) BJMP
Other Specification:__________________
1.5 Rank/Position:________________
1.6 Eligibility
( ) Board (PRC)
( ) Civil Service Commission
( ) Others (Please Specify) ____________________


Instruction: Kindly read each indicator carefully. Check your answer and use the rating scale below
as your guide.

Scale Verbal Interpretation Range

5 Strongly Agree (SA) 5.00 – 4.21
4 Agree (A) 4.20 – 3.41
3 Neither Agree nor Disagree (NAD) 3.40 – 2.61
2 Disagree (DA) 2.60 – 1.81
1 Strongly Disagree (SD) 1.80 – 1.00

Indicators 5 4 3 2 1
1. The resources that I ask for the quota was my
relatives that works in law enforcement agency.
2. The resources that I ask for the quota was My
friends is also an applicant.
3. The resources that I ask for the quota was have
acquaintance of law enforcement officer or met
during application.
4. The resources that I ask for the quota was to
search in their official website
5. Reading news paper
6. I keep myself physical fit through exercising.
7. Eating healthy food or balanced diet
8. Sleep early
9. I’m always watching motivational videos to be
inspired and make myself motivated and patiently
waiting for the time to enter in law enforcement
10. I keep myself busy to stop thinking negative
thoughts such applying a part time during the
application or while waiting for the quota.
11. Reading for additional information and updated
in every events.
12.I completed the basic documents in a short period
of time
13. I provided a waiver for my height or Weight
14. Some documents can be get within a week.
15. In getting a document need to book an online
16. In getting a document need to line up in row due
to the crowd.
17. I’ve been travel a lot in completing the
documents because of the office was far from our
18. I book online to get the document need for less
travel and less work



Scale Verbal Interpretation Range

5 Strongly Agree (SA) 5.00 – 4.21
4 Agree (A) 4.20 – 3.41
3 Neither Agree nor Disagree (NAD) 3.40 – 2.61
2 Disagree (DA) 2.60 – 1.81
1 Strongly Disagree (SD) 1.80 – 1.00

Indicators 5 4 3 2 1
1. Limited slot or quota for applicants.
2. Lack of financial support
3. Backering of applicant other known as "Padrino
4. Health condition during the medical test
5. Preparation of required documents; clearances,
medical certificate, etc.
6 Distance of recruitment office from home
7. Unstable internet connection in submitting
documents in the recruitment website.
8. Height and weight requirement
9. Some documents was been lost or wet during
10. Anxiety attack.
11. Distance travel to the recruitment agency.
12. Have lost money during travel to the agency
13. I feel depressed and pressure.
Brgy. Bagong Silang, Buenavista Quezon
E-mail Address:
Contact number: 09994331974


Nickname : Benson
Birth Date : August 7, 1998
Age : 24 years old
Height : 5’6
Weight : 70
Civil Status : Single
Citizenship : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic
Father’s Name : Ruben M. Laguardia
Occupation : Farmer
Mother’s Name: Leticia B. Laguardia
Occupation : Housewife


Tertiary : Laguna State Polytechnic University Lopez Satellite Campus

Brgy. Hondagua Lopez, Quezon
Batch 2018 - Present

Secondary : Buenavista National High School

Brgy. Lilukin Buenavista, Quezon
Batch 2012-2018

Primary : Bagong Silang Elementary School

Brgy. Bagong Silang Buenavista, Quezon
Batch 2006-2012

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