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Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University

South La Union Campus

Agoo, La Union

EDUC 116
September 6-17, 2021 S.Y. 2021-2022


Prepared by:
Stephanie Shane S. Arellano
BTLED 4-8 (Major in Home Economics)
DMMMSU-SLUC Agoo, La Union


This day, we are invited to attend the Teaching Internship Orientation and Webinar Series
for EDUC 116 which is Teaching Internship 1: In-Campus. In the morning session, before Prof.
Zita Ballesteros, our speaker, teach about the difference of Teaching Internship 1 and Teaching
Internship 11 in the afternoon session. But, before we proceed to the discussion, we 4 th years
(practice teachers) have to assigned into different breakout rooms which is into our different
courses together with our supervising teachers. In the breakout room, we are assigned to elect
our officers from President to PIO. After assigning the officers for each course we go back to the
main session. In the main session, Prof. Mary Bassa asked our supervising teachers in every
course to introduce the selected officers. After introducing the selected officers, Ma’am Mary
Bassa ended the morning session and the selected officers stay at the main session for selecting
our main officers from the different selected officers for each course.

In the afternoon session Ma’am Mary Basa introduce the final selected officers for the
Practice Teachers then, Ma’am Mary Basa introduce our guest speaker which Prof. Zita
Ballesteros. I learned about Teaching Internship 1 and Teaching Internship 11. I learned that
Teaching Internship 1 is In-campus and Teaching Internship 11 is in Out-campus wherein we
Practice Teachers will be deploy in the Laboratory High School in the campus. Teaching
Internship 1 is a half semester full time practice teaching internship which requires teaching
portfolio with the completion of the Field Study 2 and uses clinical approach while Teaching
Internship 11 is a whole one semester full time teaching internship wherein we Practice Teachers
will be deploy outside the campus in the DepEd partner schools of DMMMSU-SLUC which
Practice Teacher can be or will be experiencing lots of different types students and teachers.
After teaching the difference between Teaching Internship 1 and Teaching Internship 11. Prof.
Zita Ballesteros mention about the Specific Duties and Responsibilities of Practice Teachers,
Guidelines, Responsibilities of Cooperating Teachers and the Criteria for Evaluation for us
Practice Teachers. The whole day of this webinar has a lot of learning which I can apply
through my Teaching Internship life, I have to say that I will encourage myself to strive and
process the knowledge that I gain from this webinar to my teaching career.



This is our Day 2 of our webinar in Teaching Internship Orientation and Webinar Series
for EDUC 116 which is Teaching Internship 1: In-Campus. I have learned a lot in our last
webinar so for this day, I hope I can learn something about the Personality Development of a
Teacher which is lectured by Prof. Vladmir Carisao. He started the lecture by questioning how
well do you know yourselves. Some students answer the question by rating themselves into 60 to
90 percent. Prof. Cariaso question again the students why it is only 60 or 90 percent knowing
yourselves, the students answer Prof. Cariaso that the remaining percent are the experiences and
observations we are experiencing every day. Prof. Cariaso mention also the development in
ourselves which the growth, our progress and to our positive changes which these developments
can be seen through our personal and to us as a professional. Prof. Cariaso mention about the
components of attitude and the Johari’s window of getting to know “The Self” by: Joseph Luft &
Harrington Ingham and the different aspects of personal and to be professional which is the
physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual. I learned about the topic that we practice
teachers is a role model to our teachers and to our co-practice teachers and it’s start within
ourselves. Being physically, mentally, emotionally, socially spiritually stable is a good
combination of being a professional and personally fit because we teachers must imply those
insights through our experiences in teaching internship so that our students will follow us to
become a good person and professional too someday and to maintain and balance our emotional
feelings. These insights that I have learned from this morning session will be a very helpful
knowledge on becoming a good teacher someday and I will hope that I can process it in my
teaching internship career.

On the other hand, for the afternoon session. Prof. Nestor F. Ulpindo lectured about the
Code of Ethics of Professional Teachers (Resolution No. 435, 1977) which is Pursuant to
Paragraph (e), Article 11, of R.A No.7836 (Phil. Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994). He
mentions the Preamble of Professional Teachers which is “Teachers are duly licensed
professionals who possess dignity and reputation with high moral values as well as technical and
professional competence in the practice of their noble profession, and they strictly adhere to
observe, and practice this set of ethical and moral principles, standards, and values”. Over all he
also mentions about the X11 Code of Ethics of Professional Teachers which is very helpful and
very knowledgeable to us Practice Teachers to sustain these Code of Ethics to become
professionally teachers and to duly comply to our duty as teachers and apply while we are
practice teachers because someday, if we practice teachers learned from this session we have to
conclude it to our teaching career. I have learned that every teacher should know the Professional
Teachers Code of Ethics for the sustainability of us being teachers. I also learned that these code
of ethics is like a guidelines and rules for us future teachers on what are the extent of our
professionalism and where would we belong. I have to say that I learned something from this
session and I am ready to apply what I have learned from this webinar.




Our guest speaker for today’s session is Prof. Jan Kenneth Laguardia. He discussed to us
about the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers. He mentioned that PPST are the set out
clear expectations of teachers along well-defined career stages of professional development from
beginning to distinguished practice. Another, he mentioned that PPST is to engaged engage
teachers actively embrace a continuing effort in attaining proficiency and apply a uniform
measure to assess teacher performance, identify needs and provide support for professional
development. PPST is a basis for all learning and development programs, Selection & promotion
and performance appraisals. As I listened, there four career stages to PPST. The first one is for
the beginning, beginning stage is for the teachers demonstrate their knowledge and understand
about teaching principles and strategies. The second stage is for the proficient teachers,
proficient teachers is for teachers to independently apply all the teaching principles and
strategies. The third stage is for the highly proficient teachers and for the last stage is for the
distinguished teachers. This stages are the standards for the PPST ton who they become their
aligned teachers for teaching students or students. I learned also the different qualities of a
teachers for the PPST and these are teacher should know what to teach and how to teach it,
maintain a learning focused environment, engage in professional reflection and assume
responsibility for personal professional learning, respond to learner diversity, plan & design
effective instruction, use variety of assessment tools to inform and enhance the teaching and
learning process and establish community relationships and uphold professional ethics. He also
mentioned the different domains for PPST. In this session, I learned so many professional
knowledge about the standards of PPST for us teachers, as I listened to this session I conclude
that being a teacher is not easy, we need to undergo different learnings to become very efficient
professional teacher someday but, with the help of our speaker I am sure that we practice teacher
and soon to be will be very thankful for the learning and knowledge Prof. Laguardia given and
thought to us.

On the other hand, for the afternoon session. We learned about the 21 st Century Teaching
and Differentiated Instruction by the help of our guest speaker our DMMMSU-SLUC ELS
Principal Prof. Myrna O. Acas. First, she mentioned and discusses the 21 st century skills which
are the information media & technology skills, learning & innovation skills, communication
skills and life & career skills. Under the information media & technology skills are the visual and
information literacies, media literacy, basics, scientific, economic and technological literacies
and multicultural literacy also, it should have global awareness. Under the learning and
innovation skills we have here the creativity & curiosity, critical thing king problem solving
skills and risk taking, on the other, communication skills have the collaboration and interpersonal
skills while for the last skill which is the life & career skills, its contents are flexibility and
adaptability, initiative & self-direction, social & cross-cultural skills, productivity &
accountability and leadership & responsibility and lastly ethical, moral and spiritual values. I
learned that 21st century must teach to encourage teachers to participate to this new phenomenon
which is the leading 21st century learning modality all over the world. It is the process of
continuing teaching with the help of different structures of instruction in 21 st century teaching.
As I listened, I remember what Prof. Ucas discussed on the four stages of group facilitation these
are engaging group members in active learning, informing the group with relevant knowledge,
involving the group in interactive participation and lastly, planning for future application. She
also mentions the facilitators attribute should be. She also mentions what is differentiated
instruction and from what I heard I learned that differentiated instruction must have
individualism, stand and deliver, covering the content of the lesson and related to the
competencies. For her last discussion, she gave us an assignment which you have to pick what
you want to create, if it is a poem, a prayer and etc. then submitted it in the google classroom.
Over all what I learned today is as we, are living today’s modern century we teachers should
know how to handle or balance different strategies and techniques in teaching our students and
we should know what instruction should we used. I am blessed to say that we have this kind of
webinar in order to us practice teacher know how to make our classroom environment ready for
this modern century of teaching.




For this morning session, our guest speaker for The Basics of Module Writing is Dr.
Melda M. Uychoco. She started the lecture by discussing the session goal which is to learn how
to write modules and our session objectives which is to formulate behavioral objectives that are
aligned with a goal, identify the essential parts of a module and specify enabling activities. She
also mentions the topics that will covered her presentation which is the Part 1 writing goals and
objectives and for the Part 11 is the Module-Making. I have learned that objectives and goals has
differentiation. I have learned that objectives are intended results, acceptable, specific,
observable and measurable while goals are very general, broad, long-range and difficult to
measure. I also learned that goals and objectives provide the most systematic way possible to
measure success of a learner or a student. Dr. Uychoco mention to the session that goals and
objectives help teachers to identify course content, select activities and expectations also the
structure of the lessons they may provide. Dr. Uychoco mention also what is a module and how
to write and create it and its characteristic. I have learned that writing module is not easy because
we must think the possibilities and outcomes of what we have written and making to our module,
one thing that I have learned on module writing is on how we develop module which have
different parts which is the introduction, specific objectives, unit pre-assessment, activities and
unit post-assessment. I hope that I will gain to this session because I know that someday when I
will become a professional teacher, I will use these strategies on creating module for my

In the afternoon session, we are assigned to different breakout rooms. We are assigned to
make module by group. But then our supervising teacher pick only 1 module for us to do because
we have no time to left before the calling session in the main room. So we decided to make only
1 module. After making module we go back to the main session. Then Ma’am Mary Basa
mention that every course should present what they do (module) to the session. I learned to this
session that making module is not easy as that. You need to think and base the goals and
objectives on the lesson and topic of the module as well as making the pre and post assessment.
Making activities too is not easy because you have to balance the content for the learner sake. I
hope this session will make a good module writer for my students someday.




Our guest speaker for today’s session is Prof. Rodelio V. Indong. He will tackle about
what is classroom management all about. He started the lesson by presenting the aspects of
classroom management which I learned the control of physical conditions in the classroom as
well as the materials of instruction, the care of routine and how to handle discipline. He also
mentions the importance of great classroom by increasing positive student behavior, preparing
students to thrive in society. I learned to this session what is the main purpose of classroom
management which I will be applying soon when I will become a professional teacher someday
because classroom management is how we teachers influence our student behavior to create an
environment that is conductive to learning, to maximize appropriate conduct and minimize
student misbehavior. In attaining that, we teachers should set rules, boundaries and expectations,
take different approaches and involve students or learner parents and guardians. Classroom
management is the strategy we practice teacher should consider when we deploy in our
classroom or in our classroom management. Prof. Indong also mention the disadvantages and
advantages of virtual teaching and a virtual classroom and I have learned that virtual classroom
is fun to because of the use of different approach of technology when teaching like making visual
aids wherein you can get it from the internet. I also learned how to handle classroom in a virtual
class wherein you should know the behavior of your student, control first the emotion until you
notice and remember all the names of your students also, when a student raising their hand we
teachers must approach or call the students by their name so that you will attach to them easily. I
hope I can apply it to my teaching internship in in-campus and for out-campus. I will always
remember the knowledge that the speaker told us so that our teaching internship journey will
become light and successful.

In the afternoon session, our guest speaker is Prof. John Mark Lachica. He discussed
about what is a E-portfolio, on why we have to create a portfolio and what are the contents of a
portfolio. First he mentioned that portfolio is a creation of a professional teaching portfolio is
considered as major requirement for us pre-service teachers during our field-based semester. In
creating portfolio, I learned that portfolio is to reflect teacher on their teaching and refine their
methods which they may use in their actual teaching in the future. Portfolio is to create a public
representation of teachers experiences as a teacher which they can share with students,
colleagues and employers and to track teacher developments as teaching professionals over time.
I learned that we must clean and arrange our portfolio into manners because the portfolio will
become our guide and advantage when we practice teachers apply for a school teacher someday.
He also mentioned the part of the portfolio we must create. For me as a future teacher I must
create my portfolio with heart to become professional in the eyes of others. I must consider
creativity and strategy on how I will improve my portfolio for better proficiency. I must strive
harder in order to become a professional teacher by making portfolio which I can reflect with my
experiences in my teaching internship times.




For today’s morning session, our guest speaker is Prof. Gerald Adelina G. Domingo. She
discussed to us about Lesson Planning. Lesson plan is a guide to carry out the objectives that
teachers create from the module and it is also organized. The purpose of Lesson planning is to
comprehend the main objectives and work the basis for the specific aims. She also mentions the
importance of lesson planning and from what I have heard from her I learned that lesson
planning is important because it has goals and objectives, it has selection of subject matter and
procedures, planning and preparation of different tests. I also that the objectives and goals must
be relevant to the module and lessons so that you will easily attain all the objectives needed in
the lesson. Also, I learned that if we practice teacher did not attain the objectives and goals of the
lesson then the purpose of the lesson plan will disseminate. She also mentions the prerequisites
of lesson planning which it contains the knowledge of subject matter, children and methods and
the understanding of the aims and purposes of education. I also learned the different behavioral
terms used in formulating objectives which is the cognitive domain that contains the knowledge,
recognizing skill of a student and etc, another domain is affective domain which contains the
appreciation, performance and etc. of the students while the last domain is the psychomotor
domain which contains their creations, demonstrations and their portrayals. She also suggested
step in making lesson plans which I will surely use when I have to create lesson plan in my
teaching internship journey. She also gives example on how lesson plan create. For me, making
objectives for a lesson is much simpler than thing king and creating motivation because you
don’t know if the student will understand and like it and if the student get what will show to
them and what could the lesson be. But, from what Prof. Domingo discussed I think it will be a
big help for us practice teaching to develop good lesson plan when we are task to do so.

On the other part of the session. We are assigned to get into our different breakout rooms
in order for us to watch on how to teach virtually our demo teaching. For our demo teacher for
today’s session, she is a licensed teacher who teach us last school year, she is Teacher Elena
Cayabyab and she discussed to us about Appetizer, the Nutritional Value of an appetizer and the
different classification of appetizer. After demonstrating her discussion to us, our supervising
teacher tell us on what she observed. As I observed from her demo teaching we noticed that her
presentation is very clean and sufficient. She used good motivation to get our attentions and she
delivered the lesson perfectly. Her power point presentation is very clean and good ambiance.
Her objectives are very specific and measurable. What I learned for today’s session is you have
to become professional while teaching your students because that is what most teachers do in
their respective classes. I am hoping that I will process all the knowledge that I learned and
observed from this webinar and make it come true through my experiences in my teaching
internship time.




It is our 2nd to the last day of our webinar and our guest speaker for today is Prof.
Jefferson D. Isidro. He teaches us about the Flexible Learning. Flexible learning has different
classification, there are mobile learning, blended learning, distance learning, e-learning and
online learning. He also mentions the different eight dimensions of flexibility. In Flexible
learning teachers should have roles and responsibilities in techniques in teaching, the first one is
designing the assessment to allow for flexibility in multiple modalities, second is communicating
to learners and parents/guardians the design and standards for grading the assessment, setting up
mechanisms to monitor and record progress remotely, giving timely, constructive and relative
feedback and facilitating remediation for learners who need further guidance. He also discussed
to us the principles of flexible learning. Principle 1 is for clarity of learning targets and
appropriateness of assessment methods, principle 2 is it should be natural, interpersonal,
mathematical-logical, existential, intra-personal, bodily-kinesthetic and spatial. Principle 3 is
valid and reliable assessment, principle 4 is fair assessment, principle 5 is manageable
assessment, principle 6 is transparent assessment, principle 7 is continuous assessment, principle
8 is authentic assessment, principle 9 is positive assessment and for the last assessment is ethical
assessment. Over all what I learned for this morning session is that we should know what are the
principles of assessment in order to us to know what could be the best assessment should we
have to teach our students or learners. As a practice teacher, is should know what is flexible
learning and the principles in able to become a flexible teacher too to my future students.

For our afternoon session, our guest speaker for today is Prof. Ernesto Flores. He
discusses to us about the EdTech or what we called the Educational Technology. He first
mention what is Educational Technology, he defined it by stating that it us the study and ethical
practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using and managing
appropriate technological processes and resources, meaning this is a study of how can we use
and improve our educational technology in our teaching career. He also presented to us the
different learning theories which is the behaviorism, cognitivism and the constructivism. After
presenting the learning theories he then introduced to us the different or the common ed-tech
tools that is present today. First we have the mentimeter, peardeck, flipgrid, nearpod, padlet,
wordwall, canva, kahoot and the google apps. I learned to this session that we teachers can use
this common edtech tools in teaching but then we should know if the student can access those
tools while we are teaching bcauise some of the students can’t use those tools because of
different problems like gadgets ad internet connection. also, we should relate using those tolls to
the learning theories mention earlier for our student. Over all, I gained knowledge from this
session and as a practice teacher I try to use these tools in my classroom with the participation of




This is our last day for our webinar, we are assigned to connect into our different
breakout rooms with supervising teachers. In the breakout room, Prof. Cariaso, one of our
cooperating teachers discussed to us the different types and the art of questioning. He defined the
question as an any sentence which has an interrogative form of function. He also determined
what is a good questioning is. For the continuation of his discussion, he mentioned to us about
the principles of questioning, the first one is distribute questions so that all including non-
volunteers, are involved, asked both simple and challenging question, encourage lengthy
responses and sustained answers, stimulate critical thing king by avoiding different kinds of
questions like “does anyone know” and “who can tell us”, allow time for thought and wait until 5
to 6 students want to speak, be a model of exact phrasing and coherent thing king, encourage
students to comment on the answers of classmates and never interrupt a students who is
attempting to answer. Another principle of questioning mentioned are the usage of the overheard
technique “question-pause-name”, ensure audibility, then refuse to repeat the questions or
answers, if a student ask question, don’t answer it until you’ve asked the class “how would you
answer that question”, personalized questions like “pretending you are what would you do” and
lastly suggest partnership by using and inquiring “we”. He also mentioned to us the different
levels of questioning which contains the remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing,
evaluating and creating. Lastly, he mentioned to us the types of questions which is first, the
clarification questions, factual questions, hypothetical questions, justifying questions and
broadening or extension questions. Over all, what I have learned to this session is we need and it
is very important to ask question on the students to know if the learners are listening to you, and
to assess the learners critical thing king skills, also to enlighten and enliven the classroom
environment and to have good interaction to our students. For the last event for the morning
session, our supervising teacher Prof. Veronica Carbonel watched us the final virtual demo of her
last year students, in order to give us inspiration and encouragement on how we can handle and
teach virtual teaching in a virtual classroom.

For the afternoon session which is our last day for our webinar, we are also deploy into
our LHS breakout room together with my co practice LHS teacher to meet our LHS principal
which is Prof. Jan Kenneth Laguardia. In the discussion he welcomed us to the Laboratory High
School environment. After that he introduce to us the staffs and teachers on the LHS department.
First he introduced our DMMMSU president, SLUC Chancellor, our College Dean, our LHS
Principal and his Secretary. Next is, he introduced to us who are the teachers involving the LHS
department in different subjects or course. For the last discussion, he tell to us a few reminders
when we teach into LHS Department, this are strictly wearing uniform and ID’s during teaching
sessions, our rapport, and good conduct to our students, cooperating teachers and to the
DMMMSU staff and he was able to mention about the resources. Lastly, he gave us the
opportunity to asked him questions regarding LHS then after he ended the session by saying
“Good luck” to us practice teachers. That’s the end of our Teaching Internship Webinar. I gained
a lot of knowledge and learnings that I will used and process to my teaching internship journey
and to my professional teaching life soon.


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