Week 3

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ACA Vocab

1.HE’s were not totally successful.
Heinrich's experiments were extremely successful.
2. -the results were rather or fairly surprising in view of the circumstances.
-the results were particularly surprising in view of the circumstances;
4. - urban alienation is the explicit focus of the study.
- urban alienation was probably not the initial focus of the study but it turned out in the end to be its
most significant theme.
essentially, simply, basically, simply, possibly
1 precisely/exactly
2 frequently
3 eventually/finally
4 approximately
S implicitly
§ generally
7 hardly ever
8 indirectly
1 similarly
2 artificially - naturally, apparently - definitely
3 currently / recently
4 increasingly
5 severely
6 temporarily
1. carried out
2. look back over
3. goes into
4. puts forward
5 pointed out
6. go through
1 on
2. out

3. up
4. out
5. up
6. forward
7. on
8. out
1 Feudal society was made up of clearly defined classes of people.
2 Carlson was the first to put forward a convincing theory with regard to this question.
3 Her results appear to go against what she had found in her earlier studies.
4 The investigation pointed up the flaws in the school's testing methods.
5 It took him a long time to work out the solution to the algebra problem.
6 The geography book sets out a lot of basic information about all the world's countries.
1 surprising
2. excessive
3 considerable
4. reasonable
5. substantial
6. excess
7 total
8 exceeding
9. fewer
10 significant
1. the majority
2. a steadily declining number of
3. significant
4 a few
5. considerable
6. ( small amounts of
There have been a large number of studies investigating the impact of email on interpersonal
communications. All of the studies have been small-scale but they suggest some interesting trends in
patterns of email use. From one of the more recent studies it seems that fewer and fewer people send
less than 50 emails daily. Moreover, it appears that a small number of senior citizens use email a little
less frequently/often than younger people do.

1 references
2 occur
3 revolutions, revolution
4 accommodate
5 structure
6 contracted
1. points 2. set 3. issue 4. channel
1. contain - control - \hold
2. maintain - say - preserve
3. monitor - observe - screen
4. occur - happen - exist
5. measures - methods -
Ielts Advantage
Unit 2
Spotlight on language
1.chill out
2.cut down on modified starch
3.feel-good factor
4.fit as a fiddle
5.on cloud nine
6.out of condition
7.over the moon
8.sedentary lifestyle
9.splitting headache
10.stop smoking
11.be in high spirits
12 watch your weight
2. cut down on modifiedstarch
3 on cloud nine
4. chill out
5. as fit as fiddle
6. over the moon
7. sedentary lifestyle
8. splititng headache
stop smoking
10. a feel-good factor
11. watching my weight
12. out of condition
Spotlight on exam skills 1
1. economic output
2 the past decade
3. criticized
4. massive increases
5. sense of well-being
6. significantly gloomier
7. cultural values
8. traffic
1. abt 5 mins
2. find out the relationship between happiness and politics
3. yep
1. happily
2. happy
3 happy
4 happy
5. happy
6. happy
7. happily
8. happily
9. happy
10. happiness
Spotlight on exam skills 2
Speed Reading
Ex 2:
1F 2T 3T 4F 5T
6F 7T 8F 9F 10T
Paraphrase Practice
EX 3:
1 yes
2 no because a metropolis is a very big city, but not every metropolis is a capital city
3 yes
4 no bcz a boom is more specific than a change, it is a rapid increase or expansion.)
5 yes
6 no
Identifying text types
Ex 4:
1 An advertisement focuses on fomat and layout. Text is likely to be short and memorable. Moreover,
it must be grasped attention of people
a history book: formal style and long
2. A newspaper article has headline, a dramatic tittle
Skimming for style
EX 5:
A - an encyclopaedia
B a book review
C- A history book
D an in4 leaflet
E a newspaper article
F an ad
G a personal story
H a legal document
1 (using) articles
2 (convicted) criminals
3 work
4 family
5 naturalized
6 removal
Ex 9
1at home
2 I was busy
3 save it
4 stay at home
5 morning
6 our energy resources
7 skimming and scanning
8 immigration

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