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Name: ____________________________________ Rating: ____________________

Course and Year: ____________________________ Date Performed: ____________

Title: Pacing

Objectives: To determine the individual Pace Factor and to measure distance by pacing.

Instruments and Accessories: Range Poles, Markers, Steel Tapes


1. Determining Pace Factor.

a. Select a straight and level ground and on both ends establish points at least 30 meters apart
and designate these points A and B.
b. From point A walk over these level ground at a natural pace and count the number of paces
to reach point B. Pacing is either heel-to-heel or toe-to-toe.
c. For five trials, walk over point B to A, then A to B, until five trials are completed.
d. Record/tabulate the number of paces of each trial using the table.

Trial Line Taped Distance (m) Number of Paces Mean No. of Paces Pace Factor (m/pace)
1 AB
2 BA
3 AB
4 BA
5 AB

2. Determining distance by pacing.

a. Establish an end points of another level ground and designate these as points C and D.
b. From point C, walk over these level ground at a natural pace and count the number of paces
to reach point D.
c. For five trials, walk over point D to C, and then C to D, until five trials are completed.
d. Record/tabulate the number of paces of each trials using the given table.
e. Determine the actual distance of CD by actual taping.

Trial Line Number of Paces Mean Paced Distance Taped Distance Relative
(m) (m) Precision
1 CD
2 DC
3 CD
4 DC
5 CD


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