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Essay topics

1. All of us know someone who has had strong influence on us. The person
maybe a teacher, a relative, a friend, or a well-known person. Select one
person who has had a strong effect on you and explain how this person has
affected to you.

2. Think about something that is very special to you. It could be a special place
or an enjoyable activity. It could be something you bought, something you
discovered, or something you were given. Describe the one thing that is
special to you and explain why you consider it special.

3. Think about one of your friends. Explain what you think are the qualities
that made this person a good friend.

4. All of us have to make decisions in our lives, for example, decisions related
to school, job, career, or personal life. Briefly describe a decision you have
made, and explain why your decision was right or wrong.

5. We can learn a great deal from our mistake. If we don’t learn from them, we
might make the same mistake again. Identify a mistake that you make in the
past and explain what you learned from that mistake.

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Số 3 phố Chùa Láng, quận Đống Đa Số 7 Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm, quận 1
P (84-4) 3775-7227 hoặc 3775-7279 P (84-8) 3910-6351 hoặc 0911 852 979

CSU Việt Nam hi vọng sẽ được đồng hành cùng Quý học viên trên con đường chinh phục
tấm bằng MBA - Thạc sĩ Quản trị Kinh doanh chuẩn Mỹ

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