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About External Affairs

Welcome to EXTE!
The External Affairs Committee is in charge of all the org-related activities outside the
college and the University. We are the working arms that prepare activities that link PAN-
Alpha with other communities and/or organizations inside and outside of the UP Community.

I. Committee Structure

VP for External Affairs: Delphenne Alexie S. Mangalo (

Alumni Relations: Mariel Keziah S. Mallari (

Cesar Justin C. Vinuya (

Campus Relations: Marvic Raphael J. Guinto (

Mikkaella L. Masakayan (
Airish May J. Maulanin (

Community Relations: Janiea Aesha R. Dugay (

Note: Due to the low number of members, they were assigned to particular
subcommittees based on the number and demand of the future projects/tasks of each

PAN-Alpha EXTE Primer 1

II. Subcommittees

A. Alumni Relations
- Initiates activities that (1) feature alumni and (2) link the alumni to current
- Gathers alumni information; organizes the alumni database

B. Campus Relations
- Handles incoming and outgoing partnership proposals from student formations
inside and outside of UP

C. Community Relations
- Collects information and contact details of LGUs, NGOs, schools, for community
- Initiates community outreach activities to communities outside of UP

EXTE Files and Resources

I. EXTE Partnerships Email & Google Drive

PAN-Alpha Partnerships
Email address:
Password: EXTEthebest2023
Note: Message VP when logging in (for two-factor authentication)

II. Resources

A. PAN-Alpha Information (access the file here)

- Email Signature: Simply copy the email signature template and edit. The
social media logos already have hyperlinks. Always include an email

signature when sending emails! 😊

PAN-Alpha EXTE Primer 2

- Database Information: To be used for database updates, CPCL, etc.
- Members’ Email: Please use the emails only if needed for email
dissemination. DO NOT use/share the emails for non-org purposes as
these are private information.

B. Templates (access the folder here)

- Letterhead & CPCL Format: To be used by project heads for ad-hoc
projects that will require a CPCL
- Outgoing Partnership Tracker: To be disseminated to organizations that
accepted our partnership
- Sample Email Format for Outgoing Partnership Proposal: To be used
when sending out partnership proposals to organizations.

C. Guidelines for Incoming Partnerships (access the file here)

- Read this primer about handling INCOMING partnerships.

D. EXTE Master Sheet (access the file here)

- All partnerships (incoming and outgoing)
should be logged in to the master sheet.

EXTE Email Handling

I. Schedule

Working Day Member-in-charge Poll maker

Monday Justin Marvic
Tuesday Justin Mikka
Wednesday Alexie Rish
Thursday Aesha Marvic
Friday Mariel Mikka
Saturday Aesha Rish

PAN-Alpha EXTE Primer 3

Accept incoming emails from: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Respond to received emails from: 8:00 am to 10:00 pm

Note: Report to our Telegram group chat after your shift, please! 😊

II. Types of Emails

A. Partnership Proposals (Incoming)

- See Guidelines for Partnerships primer

B. Unity Statements
- Forward the email to the President through PAN-Alpha email:

C. Database Update
- Label the email as “DATABASE 2324A”
- Inform the Vice President after your shift.

D. Alumni Facebook Group Posting Request (c/o Alumni Relations Officers)

- For job openings: Create a post on PAN-Alpha Alumni FB Group.
- Reply an acknowledgement email after posting

Note: Inform the Vice President about the emails not listed above.

For other concerns, please reach out to the VP! 😊 Thank you!

Prepared by:
Delphenne Alexie S. Mangalo
Vice President for External Affairs (AY 2023-2024)

PAN-Alpha EXTE Primer 4

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