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-Traditional theater in Indonesia and Malaysia has genres related to Islam, such as wayang kulit, wayang
golek, wayang Menak, taziya, and boria

- Wayang kulit is one of the most important genres and has a strong Islamic content.

-Although there is debate, the use of music and dance in traditional theater is still recognized and
appreciated in the Muslim community in Indonesia and Malaysia

- the influence of previous religious and spiritual experiences, such as animism, Hinduism, and
Buddhism, also played a role in the acceptance of Islam in traditional theater.

-In general, traditional theater genres related to Islam in Indonesia and Malaysia reflect the
influence of Islam in the forms of performances, stories, and symbols. Although there are variations in
practice and interpretation, this traditional theater remains an important part of the culture and
identity of the Muslim community in both countries.

Theater Genre and Islamic Influence

- Wayang kulit is one of the most important genres and has a strong Islamic content

- can be seen from the use of music and dance

-Elements of these previous beliefs can be found in the dramatic repertoire of traditional theater, such as
in the stories and symbols used

-Various genres and performance styles were imported from the region, such as taziya from Iran and boria
from India. Stories from the Middle East, Near East, and Indo-Muslim are also adapted into traditional
theater performances in both countries

-In general, traditional theater genres related to Islam in Indonesia and Malaysia reflect the
influence of Islam in the forms of performances, stories, and symbols.

Islamic elements in Wayang Kulit Purwa

- Wayang Kulit Purwa can be seen in various aspects of the show, including the story, characters, music,
and symbols used

- Wayang Kulit Purwa-famous in Indonesia, especially in Java, and has a strong Islamic influence
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- the stories of Islamic holy books such as the Qur'an and Hadith. (Islamic values, such as justice, loyalty,
and courage)

- the stories of Ramayana and Mahabharata emphasize religious and moral values that are in accordance
with Islamic teachings

-characters (Islamic figures)

-Islamic music (gamelan instrument)

- elements of poetry that contain religious messages and praise to God

-Islamic symbols - crescent moon and star (Ottoman khalimah)

Development of a new Theater Genre

- social, cultural, and political changes that occur in society.

- Postdramatic theater emerged in the late 20th and early 21st centuries as a reaction to traditional theater that
focused on narrative and dramatic conflict.

- multimedia technology

- dance theater is a theater genre that combines elements of dance, theater, and music.

- combine body movements, dialogue, and music harmoniously

- digital technologies, such as computer animation, video projection, and sound effects, to create shows that
combine the real world and the virtual world.

The story of Amir Hamza

- This story tells about the life and adventures of Amir Hamza, the uncle of the Prophet Muhammad, who is one
of the most famous warriors in Islamic history.

- A brave and wise fighter

- His stories of courage and heroism have been an inspiration to many people in facing challenges and
overcoming obstacles in their lives

- written in various languages and cultures

- religious values and teachings contained in this story

- faith, justice, loyalty, and courage in living life as a Muslim.

- This story reflects the life and values of society at that time, including customs, beliefs, and traditions that
exist in Muslim society.
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Dewa Ruci's play

- Javanese shadow puppets

- tells about the spiritual journey of a prince who seeks truth and enlightenment in his life

- In Dewa Ruci's play, the prince, named Arjuna, goes through life and learns the values of life,
justice and truth taught in Islamic teachings.

-Through this story, the audience is invited to reflect on the meaning of life, the purpose of life, and
the relationship between humans and God

-teach the importance of seeking knowledge and wisdom in life, as well as the importance of
maintaining faith and living a meaningful life

- illustrates the importance of faith, justice, and piety in living life as a Muslim.

- describes the influence of Islamic culture and history in Java.


-specifically associated with the commemoration of the martyrdom of Imam Hussein, grandson of the Prophet
Muhammad, in the Battle of Karbala

- taziya" comes from the Arabic word "tazia," which means condolence

- The performance is often accompanied by music, singing, and recitation of poetry expressing
sadness and grief over the martyrdom of Imam Hussein and his companions.

- Taziya performances are characterized by their emotional intensity and the deep sense of
mourning they evoke

- Taziya performances became an important part of Shia religious and cultural traditions, serving
as a way to preserve the memory of Imam Hussein and his sacrifice

-taziya is a powerful and meaningful form of theatrical performance that is closely related to
the commemoration of Imam Hussein's martyrdom. It serves as a way to express grief,
mourning, and devotion,

The transformation of Taziya in Malaysia and Indonesia

- unique changes and adaptations in the local cultural and religious context

- In Malaysia, Taziya is known as "Tabut" or "Muharram Procession".

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- The ark involves a procession led by a religious leader, where the ark representing the tomb of Imam
Hussein and the martyrs of Karbala is carried around the city

-the procession also involves traditional Indian singing, music and dance.

- In Indonesia, Taziya is known as "Tabuik" and is played mainly by the community

Minangkabau in West Sumatra region

- This tabuik involves the creation of a replica of a building that represents the tomb of Imam Hussein and the
martyrs of Karbala.

- Tabuik in Indonesia has also become part of the cultural and religious identity of the Minangkabau

- The transformation of Taziya in Malaysia and Indonesia reflects the cultural and religious adaptation that
takes place in the local community.

From Taziya to Tabuik in Sumatra

- Taziya which is rooted in the Shia tradition has undergone adaptation and transformation to Tabuik,
which is a unique form of performance associated with Muharram commemoration in West Sumatra,

-Tabuik involves the creation of a replica of a building that represents the tomb of Imam Hussein and the
martyrs of Karbala

-This replica is then paraded around the city accompanied by Minangkabau traditional music and dance.

-The transformation from Taziya to Tabuik reflects the cultural and religious adaptation that took place in
the Minangkabau community in West Sumatra.

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