1 - Physical World

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Main points from the topic:

- Science is a systematic and organised attempt to acquire knowledge
about the surroundings through observations, experiments and
- It has many divisions, the majors are Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
Scientific method
- Several inter-related steps are involved in the scientific method. Some
of the most significant steps are as follows:
a. The systematic observations
b. Reasoning
c. Mathematical modelling
d. Theoretical prediction
- Physics is a fundamental science concerned with understanding the
natural phenomena that occur in our universe. It has many branches
such as Mechanics, Electromagnetism, Thermodynamics, Modern
Physics, etc. Between 1600 and 1900, three broad areas were
developed which are together called Classical Physics. These three
areas of study are classical mechanics, thermodynamics and
electromagnetism. From the 1900s, it became apparent that classical
ideas failed to explain several phenomena. And some new theories
were developed in what is called Modern Physics such as Special
Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, etc.
Scope and Excitement of Physics
- The scope of Physics is very broad and covers a wide range of
magnitude of physical quantities such as length, mass, time, energy,
etc. It deals with the macroscopic world like galaxies and the universe
as well as the microscopic world like the nucleus of an atom and
fundamental particles like electrons, protons, and neutrons.
Immense excitement is involved in the study of physics since it
explains every naturally occurring phenomenon with a set of rules, so
that clear understanding can be achieved. The challenge to carry out
imaginative new experiments to unlock the secrets of nature, and
verify theories, is really exciting.
Physics concerning Other Sciences
- Physics is a very significant branch of science which plays a crucial
role in understanding the developments of the other branches of
science such as Chemistry, Biology etc.
i. Physics concerning Mathematics: The study of physical
variables led to the idea of differentiation, integration and
differential equation. Meaningful interpretation of Mathematics
becomes Physics.
ii. Physics concerning Chemistry: The concept of X-ray
diffraction and radioactivity has helped to distinguish between
the various solids and to modify the periodic table.
Understanding the bonding and the chemical structure of
substances is easy with the help of the concept of interactions
between various particles.
iii. Physics concerning Astronomy: Optical telescopes of
reflecting and refracting type enabled man to explore the space
around. Discoveries like radio telescopes have revolutionised
the study of Astronomy.
iv. Physics concerning Biology: The conceptual study of pressure
and its measurement has helped us to know blood pressure and
hence the functioning of the heart. The invention of X-rays
developed the field of diagnosis. Electron and optical
microscopic designs have revolutionised the study of medical
v. Physics concerning Meteorology: The discoveries regarding
the study of pressure variations help us to forecast the weather.
Various other inventions of physics have opened new vistas of
study in the field of sciences and social sciences.
Physics concerning Technology and Society
- Advancement in physics has led to new technologies and vice-versa.
Sometimes technology gives rise to a new dimension of physics; at
other times physics generates new technology. Technological
development is closely related to the application of science and physics
in particular. Physics has a dominant influence on society. It has
helped human beings to develop their ideas. The development of
digital communication systems, rapid mass transport systems, lasers
making bloodless surgeries, etc., has made human life easy and
- four fundamental forces in nature govern the diverse phenomena of the
microscopic and macroscopic world. These are the ‘gravitational
force’, the ‘electromagnetic force’; the ‘strong nuclear force’, and the
‘weak nuclear force’. The unification of forces is a basic quest in
- Conservation of energy, momentum, angular momentum, charge, etc.,
are considered to be the fundamental laws in physics. Conservation
laws have a deep connection with the symmetries of nature.
Symmetries of space and time, and other types of symmetries play a
central role in modern theories of fundamental forces in nature.
Technology and their principles of physics

Scientists and their contributions

Explain what you learned from the above topic. Then try answering the following
1. The word Science originates from the Latin verb Scientia meaning
a. to know
b. to see
c. to experience
d. to observe
Answer: Option a

2. Atomic and molecular phenomena are dealt with by

a. Newtonian Mechanics
b. Fluid Mechanics
c. Applied Mechanics
d. Quantum Mechanics/Modern Physics
Answer: Option d

3. Heliocentric theory proposed by Nicolas Copernicus was

a. replaced by circular orbits to fit the data better
b. replaced by elliptical orbits to fit the data better
c. replaced by elliptical orbits to fit the taste of new rulers of Italy
d. replaced by parabolic orbits to fit the data better
Answer: Option b

4. The scientific method is

a. a prescribed method for investigating phenomena and acquiring new
b. a procedure for proposing new hypotheses
c. a body of techniques for investigating phenomena and acquiring new
d. a method for proposing new theories.
Answer: Option c

5. A scientific theory
a. cannot be changed but can be reformulated
b. is fixed once and for all because it is logical
c. can be revised if required to fit new phenomena or data
d. is changed to suit new fashion among scientists
Answer: Option c

6. Which of the following is a possible first step in applying the scientific method?
a. Formulation of a question
b. Conducting tests
c. Formulating a hypothesis
d. Building a theory
Answer: Option a
7. Physics is an
a. Applied Science
b. Mathematical Science
c. Engineering Science
d. Natural Science
Answer: Option d

8. Newtonian mechanics could not explain

a. fall of bodies on earth
b. Some of the most basic features of atomic phenomena.
c. movement of planets
d. flight of rockets
Answer: Option b

9. Newtonian mechanics could not explain

a. fall of bodies on earth
b. Some of the most basic features of atomic phenomena.
c. movement of planets
d. flight of rockets
Answer: Option a

10. The fundamental force with the shortest range is

a. Gravitational force
b. Weak nuclear force
c. Strong nuclear force
d. Electromagnetic force
Answer: Option b

Note: The explanation of a few questions might have been added but due to their
advanced explanation, it refrains. Moreover, some of the questions have a direct
definition which does not require an explanation.

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