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4117126, 11.05.0M Chatbot 8 Projects Chatbot Learn how to program your own talking robot! Step1 Introduction You are going to learn how to program a character that can talk to youl A character ike that is called a chat robot. or chatbot, What you make + Computer capable of running Scratch 3 Software * Scratch 3 (either online (https: //rpfio/scratchon) or offline (https: /rpfio/seratchoff)) Downloads + Find files to download here (https://rptio/p/en/chatbot-go), tipsfprojects.raspberrypl orgleniprojectsichatbotprint sr0 4117126, 11.05.0M © vestrousiam Chatbot Use code to join text in Scratch + Know that variables can be used to store userinput Use conditional selection to respond to user input in Scratch © dazitionatnotes for educators Youcan find the completed project here (inttps://rp! tipsfprojects.raspberrypl orgleniprojectsichatbotprint 2120 4117126, 11.05.0M Chatbot Step2 Your chatbot Before you start creating your chatbot, you need to decide what its personality is. Think about the following questions: + What isthe chatbot'’s narne? + Where does it live? + Isit happy? Serious? Funny? Shy? Friendly? ‘+ What does it ike and dislike? Open the Chatbot Scratch starter project. Online: open the starter project at rpfio/chatbot-on (hittps://rpfio/chatbot-on), Ifyouhave a Seratch account you can make a copy by clicking Remix. Offline: download the starter project from rpfio/p/en/chatbot-go ( and then open it using the offline editor. If youneed to download ang install the Scratch offline editor, you can findit at https://rptio/scratchoff (rpfio/scratchoff The starter project contains four character sprites. One of these will be your chatloot. Youcan either use the sprite that is already selected, or choose a different one by clicking the one you want and then selecting the show orhide eye icon from the Sprite menu below the stage. soe tipsfprojects.raspberrypl orgleniprojectsichatbotprint 3120 4117126, 11.05.0M Chatbot Step3 Atalking chatbot Now that you nave a chatbot with a personality, you're going to program it to talk to you. Glick on your chatbot spite. andaddthis code tot so that (EMENSESPSER i (SORTS Gikueyiecus "What a lovely name!" PUR eee) Era What's your name? Jene Rien EY What a lovely name! iris (2) Reo Click on your chatboot to test your code. When the chatbot ask for your name, type it into the box that. appears at the bottom of the Stage, and then click on the blue mark, or press Enter. tipsfprojects.raspberrypl orgleniprojectsichatbotprint 4120 4117126, 11.05.0M Chatbot Right now, your chatbot replies "What a lovely namel” every time you answer. You can make the chatbot's reply more personal, so that the reply is different every time a different name is typed in. Change the chatbot sprites code to ES “Hi withthe SERIES to the “what's your name?” question, so thatthe code looks ike this Pana cd Foe ( What's your name? Jenene Pod jon @D Prd for © seconds tipsfprojects.raspberrypl orgleniprojectsichatbotprint 5120 4117126, 11.05.0M Chatbot By storing the answer in 2 variable, you can use it anywhere your project. Create a new variable called (fim © 01a variabiein seraten + Click on Variables in the Code tab, then click on Make a Variable. cnewer Variables ake 2 Vane lake Lat ‘+ Type in the name of yourvariable. You can choose whether you would lke your variable to be available to all sprites, or to only this sprite, Press OK. ‘+ Once youhave created the variable, it wll be displayed on the Stage, or you can untick the variable in the Scripts tab to hide it. nipsufprojects.raspberryporgleniprojectsichatbotprint 620 4117126, 11.05.0M Chatbot Now, change your chatbot sprites's code to set the I variable to SIE PCRS kel cc) ask QU eetmeueD and wait fe a OMCs Pee) (Hi Pend (2) Pee Your code should work as before: your chatbot should say hi using the name you type in. ‘est your program again. Notice thatthe answeryourtype ins stored inthe (8 variable, andi aso shown inthe topett-hand corner of the Stage. To make It cisappear from the Stage. goto tne (EISSN blocks section and dlickon the box next to fs thet itis not marke tipsfprojects.raspberrypl orgleniprojectsichatbotprint 7120 4117126, 11.05.0M Chatbot en Challenge: more questions Program your chatbot to ask another question. Can you store the answer to this new question in a new variable? tipsfprojects.raspberrypl orgleniprojectsichatbotprint 820 4117126, 11.05.0M Chatbot Step 4 Making decisions You can program your chatbot to decide what to do based on the answersit receives. First, you'te going to make your chatbot ask a question that can be answered with “yes or “no” tipsfprojects.raspberrypl orgleniprojectsichatbotprint 9120 4117126, 11.05.0M Chatbot Change your chatbot's code. Your chatbot should ask the question “Are you OK name’ using the (IB varable, Then it should reply “That's great to hear” [fl he answeritrecelvesis "yes. but say nothing if the answeris “ac: Eas) What's your name? Jenene name * to answer join QB rare tor E seconds join CTD name and wait Ea That's great to hear! iow (2) Peo To test your new code properly, you should test it twice: once with the answer “yes: and once with the answer "no" ‘At the moment, your chatbot doesn't say anything to the answer “no” nipsufprojects.raspberryporgleniprojectsichatbotprint 10120 4117126, 11.05.0M Chatbot Change your chatbot's code so that it replies “Oh no!” if it receives “no” as the answerto “Are you OK name’. block wth an SERUETTERIEPSE block and include code so the chatbot can SEE Replace the (WET) Pana cd Ee What's your name? JeneIveIl Ca eee Oe Dp Gi ox) n( carn ECU Are you OK JGECMMEUCR Tens OE PM on no RO 2 eee tipsufprojects.raspberrypi orgleniprojects/chatbotprint 1120 4117126, 11.05.0M Chatbot ‘Test your code. You should get 2 different response when you answer “no” and when you answer “yes” your chatbot should reply with “That's great to hearl” when you answer “yes” (which is not case- sensitive}, and reply with “Oh nol" when youanswer anything else, ‘You can put any code inside an [ERUET ENE block, not just code to make your chatbot speak! IF you click yourchatbot's Costumes tab, you'll see that there is more than one costume. tipsfprojects.raspberrypl orgleniprojectsichatbotprint 12720 4117126, 11.05.0M Chatbot Change your chatbot's code so that the chatbot switches costumes when you type in your answer. Change the code inside he SETENRIPSER 1 ock to SERENE tipsfprojects.raspberrypl orgleniprojectsichatbotprint 13120 4117126, 11.05.0M Chatbot PCRS ce ask QUE etcueD and wait fe OC a (Hi ) od (2) Pen join CRED name ) and wait answer) = QB then See AC Mm id M7) ( That's great to hear! iy (2) OE Seg es aCMmL say CD or (2) Ree ‘Test and save your code. You should see your chatboot's face change depending on your answer. Have you noticed that, after your chatbot's costume has changed, it stays like that and doesnt change back to ‘what it was at the beginning? ‘You can try this out: run your code and answer “no” so that your chatbot’s face changes to an unhappy look. Then run your code again and notice that your chatbot does not change back to looking happy before it asks your name. tipsufprojects.raspberrypi orgleniprojects/chatbotprint 4117126, 11.05.0M Chatbot Tom this problem, addte the chthot's cove to SIEERSNRESIIN atthe stot EME Ses Ra Ae CR a Remo EC) Tene tipsufprojects.raspberrypi orgleniprojects/chatbotprint 15:20 4117126, 11.05.0M Chatbot Ce Challenge: more decisions Program your chatbot to ask anather question that can be answered with “yes” or “no: Can you make your chatbot respond differently depending on which answerit receives? nipsufprojects.raspberryporgleniprojectsichatbotprint 16120 4117126, 11.05.0M Chatbot Step5 Changing location ‘You can also program your chatbot to change its location! Can you program your chattaot to ask “Do you want to go to the moon’, and then change the backdrop when the answeris "yes"? Ineed a hint This is what your code should look like: EE a ( Do you want to go to the moon? JEMrArle Tee Pio Aen eM Now you need to make sure that your chatbot starts in the right location when you click on it to talk to it. ‘Add this block to the top of your chatbot code: RMS Ce cc) Reece a ein Test your program, and answer "yes" when the chatbot asks if you want to go to the moon. You should see that the chatbot’s location changes. nipsufprojects.raspberryporgleniprojectsichatbotprint 17120 4117126, 11.05.0M Chatbot ‘Youn also add the folowing code inside the new Ej blockto make the chatbot jump up and down four times if you answer “yes': answer) = QZ then Reo amd Bey: ) change yoy @D wait EBD seconds Creag (-10) | tipsufprojects.raspberrypi orgleniprojects/chatbotprint 18120 sii, 1105 904 Chabot & chationget Challenge: finish your chatbot Use what you've learned to finish creating your interactive chatbot. Here are some ideas: ‘Once you've finished your chatbot, get your friends to have a conversation with it! Do they like your character? Can they spot any problems? tipsfprojects.raspberrypl orgleniprojectsichatbotprint 19120 4117126, 11.05.0M Chatbot Step6 What next? Try the Paint box ( source=pathway&utm_ med ium=whatnextéutm_campaign=projects) project, where youwill create your oun painting prograrl Youwill click on the green fiag to start, and you'll use the mouse to move the pencil and hold down the left mouse button to draw. Clicking on a colour will change pencil colours, and clicking on the eraserwill change to the eraser! aan 0n 4X Published by Raspberry Pi Foundation (https:/ under a Creative Commons license ( View project & license on GitHub ( tipsfprojects.raspberrypl orgleniprojectsichatbotprint 2020

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