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Teaching students with different learning styles requires creativity, patience,

and a willingness to comprehend how a pupil learns best. Regardless of how

differently each student learns, teachers may still connect with all of their pupils if

they have the correct resources. In this day and age, anyone with an internet

connection can easily access online educational resources, whether they're using a

laptop, iPad, or smartphone. Many of these resources are also free to use. No matter

their financial situation, more students will be able to afford and access better

education thanks to this.

It's possible that the conventional educational system has consistently kept its

course materials current. But this system is not what it was more than a few decades

ago. The old educational system's one-size-fits-all philosophy is another drawback. It

cannot offer students an individualized learning experience, to put it another way.

Regardless of their interests, they are compelled to use the same methodology and

learning style. The fundamental cause of why students frequently find traditional

education dull and uninteresting is this. (21k School, 2022).

One method that students learn is through online tools like YouTube, Google,

Facebook, etc. The researchers are interested in this study since the aforementioned

web tools are very helpful to them. They are interested in learning how important

online resources are to students' ability to learn.

The internet has become a key resource for students’ higher education

studies due to its availability and currency. This study aims to help institutions

understand the impact of these changes on the student-lecturer relationship by


exploring students’ perceptions of their studies in terms of power and academic

engagement in the classroom. The importance of the internet (online learning

resources) to students’ achievements, the importance of lecturers and the student-

lecturer relationship have all been widely investigated, but limited research has been

undertaken examining the impact of students’ use of the internet on the student-

lecturer relationship or comparing this across different countries and cultures.

(Ahmed, et al., 2017)

This research study aims to know the usefulness of the Online Resources in

the learning abilities of the Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM)

Students of Lagao National High School. This will help them know the ways or tools

that can help them in studying and learning. Traditional way of learning is very

helpful and important but some students cannot learn that way.

This study will no longer take the time to conduct research to help the

students. Researchers want to conduct this research before the end of the school

year 2022–2023. This research study may help the Accountancy, Business and

Management (ABM) students. Conducting research now may help the students to

know how online resources help them. They are able to know the aspects that online

resources help them.


Statement of the Problem

This quantitative research study will be undertaken to determine the use of

Online Resources to the Learning Abilities of the Accountancy, Business and

Management (ABM) students during 1st semester of the SY 2022-2023 at Lagao

National High School General Santos City.

Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions;

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of

1.1. Age

1.2. Sex

1.3. Grade & Section

2. To what extent do online resources influence students’ internet proficiency?

3. What are the perceived effects of using Online Learning Resources to

Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) students’ learning abilities?

Scope and Delimitation

Several limitations of the study merit attention. This is limited to a single

institution. Future research in this area may attempt to replicate and extend the

findings using a more varied sample of different sizes, and geographic locations.

This study will focus on Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM)

students enrolled during the school year 2022-2023 at Lagao National High School.

This study is further limited to the respondents' preference to disclose their

information and only those questionnaires with complete information will be included.

Generalization of the study could only be applied in populations with the same


Significance of the Study

This study is beneficial to the following entities:

Department of Education (DepEd). This study will help the Department of

Education understand the consequences or effects of using online referencing as a

tool to improve ABM students' learning ability in relation to academic performance.

Helps understand the essence of incorporating online learning into the curriculum

guides followed by school staff.

Teachers and School Staffs. This research helps teachers become familiar

with the factors that influence student learning. This also helps teachers understand

differences in knowledge acquisition among students using different types of

teaching methods/techniques.

Students. This study helps students, especially those belonging to the ABM

strand, use online references as a learning tool to differentiate classroom

performance outcomes.

Future Researchers. This study serves as a valuable reference for future

researchers exploring the impact of online referencing on Accountancy, Business

and Management (ABM) students' academic performance.



This chapter presents the relevant literature and studies that the research

considered in strengthening the importance of the present study. It also presents the

synthesis stress of the art to fully understand the research for better comprehension

of the study.


Use of online resources has a significant and positive effect on the students'

grade. This finding suggests students are incorporating online environments into

their learning strategies, which results in higher grades. In practical terms, teachers

can help facilitate student self-learning strategies by creating encouraging and

resource-rich online environments. (Dowell & Small, 2011)

This study aims at investigating the negative impact of online resources on

research writing from teachers' and students' perspective. The study has come out

with the following findings: Firstly, online resources have affected the process of

research writing negatively, a matter that made the quality and reliability of research

as something that people who do researchers do not provide it any consideration.

(Ibrahim & Ahmed, 2020)

This systematic review examines the functions, effects, and implications of AI

applications in online higher education, focusing on traditional AI technologies and

their impact on learning experience. It suggests integrating educational and learning

theories, adopting advanced AI technologies, and conducting more empirical

research to test the effects of AI applications. (Ouyang, et al., 2022)


The internet has emerged as a crucial resource for students pursuing higher

education. This study intends to aid institutions in better understanding the effects of

these changes on the interaction between students and lecturers. The findings

revealed that while student usage of the internet has boosted academic self-

confidence, it has widened the gulf between student-lecturer expert relationships

(Alshahrani, et al., 2017).

Although online databases are having positive effects on the profession of

public relations, most practitioners are still not taking advantage of these

empowering opportunities, according to a poll of corporate public relations

practitioners classed as managers or technicians. Online databases offer

practitioners a new way to participate in management decision-making, which they

should be aware of. Public relations may have even more opportunity to snag a seat

at the management table as more professionals start surfing the information

superhighway and utilizing the newest technology. (Porter, et al., 2001)


Students who choose a discipline negatively affects their CGPA if it is

improperly influenced by university officials or parents, and that a student's CGPA

increases when their relationship with their lecturer improves. Students who put

more effort into their studies but didn't fare as well as others who didn't take their

studies seriously gave different explanations for the variation. They recommend that

professors keep a positive relationship with students in order to promote good

performance. (Adeyele & Yusuff, 2012)


Mindsets in language education are crucial for effective education and

motivation research. These beliefs refer to people's beliefs about whether human

attributes are essential, fixed mindsets are pre-determined traits, and growth

mindsets can be cultivated. This review aims to summarize current knowledge and

identify research gaps in language education. It highlights the importance of

understanding mindsets and their impact on educational outcomes like persistence,

resilience, and achievement. (Noels & Lou, 2019)

Problem-solving abilities are crucial in physics learning, especially when

students struggle to understand and apply concepts. Teachers can help students

solve problems directly, but during the Covid-19 pandemic, they may not be able to

do so. Hybrid learning, which combines face-to-face learning with virtual instruction,

has been analyzed in various countries. However, hybrid learning requires support

and continuous training for teachers to effectively implement in difficult situations.

(Lestari, et al., 2021)

This systematic review of 52 studies reveals that cognitive and psychosocial

factors influence achievement among high-ability college students, and honors

programming leads to positive outcomes. Understanding high-ability college students

and postsecondary honors education is crucial. (Rinn, A. N., & Plucker, J. A., 2019)

Problem-based learning (PBL) focuses on developing critical thinking,

problem-solving, communication, and collaborative skills in students for a medical

career. This review identifies three elements effective in PBL: intrinsic

empowerment, entrustment, and functional skills. (Ghani, A. et al., 2021)


This bankruptcy explores and assesses the web coaching and studying effect

on college students' instructional achievement. This look at become performed on a

pattern of University College (UAEU) college students decided on in spring 2019 and

fall 2020. The findings of the look at indicates to what quantity the online studying

has or has now no longer brought about any notable enhancements withinside the

college student's instructional achievements. (Hamdan & Amorri, 2020)

Learning abilities are crucial for adaptation and evolve throughout life. They

become more flexible and integrated across sensory modalities, enabling the

encoding of complex information. This chapter reviews early human learning abilities

and their biological underpinnings, focusing on learning from repetitions and

associative memory. These abilities provide powerful means of understanding the

environment, gathering and consolidating information, and continually testing and

adjusting stored information to adapt to changing conditions. (Lafontaine, M., Knoth,

I. S., & Lippé, S., 2020)

Skill specificity is examined using a dynamic ability-skill theoretical

perspective to evaluate individual differences in procedural learning for complex

tasks. An experiment with 86 college students showed that practicing perceptual

speed and psychomotor ability increases the power of certain measures to predict

skilled performance on a complex ATC task. This research highlights the importance

of individual-difference approaches in addressing transfer and skill specificity issues.

(APA PsycNet.,n.d.)


Teaching via Communication Media (CMC) was effective in teaching enabling

skills and allowing students to focus on methods of integration. Prior computer

experiences were not an issue for graduate students taking the online course; basic

computer skills do not need to be taught. Increased concerns regarding ways to

integrate CMC activities into instruction were attributable more to instructional design

issues than the acquisition of enabling skills. (Wells, 2020)

The study analyzed 1,826 higher education students' readiness for

emergency remote teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic. Results showed

significant differences in technology equipment availability, prior experience, and

digital learning skills. Socio-emotional perceptions, stress-related emotions, and

social loneliness also differed due to cluster membership. The study highlights the

need for support for students to successfully cope with remote studying challenges.

(Stephan, M. et al., 2020)

This study explores self-regulated learning (SRL) in Bosnia and Herzegovina,

aiming to understand its impact on student satisfaction and academic performance.

The research grouped SRL into five factors: goal-setting, metacognition,

environment structuring, computer self-efficacy, and social dimension. Results

showed that four of these factors positively impact satisfaction and academic

performance, with goal-setting showing no significance. (Ejubovic, A., n.d.)


Theoretical Framework

According to Dr. Serhat Kurt, technology has become an increasingly

important part of students’ lives beyond school, and even within the classroom it can

also help increase their understanding of complex concepts or encourage

collaboration among peers. Because of these benefits, current educational practice

suggests that teachers implement some form of technology in their classrooms – but

many teachers face difficulties in doing so. Cost, access, and time often form

considerable barriers to classroom implementation, but another obstacle is a lack of

knowledge regarding how technology can best be used to benefit students across

diverse subject matter.

Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework

emphasizes the intersection of three core components: technological knowledge,

pedagogical knowledge, and content knowledge. In the context of online resources,

this framework can be applied to examine how the integration of technology (online

tools) enhances pedagogical practices and supports the delivery of content

knowledge to students.

The TPACK framework recognizes that effective technology integration in

education requires an understanding of the specific content being taught, the

pedagogical approaches that best support student learning, and the technological

tools that can be utilized to enhance instruction and engagement. It acknowledges

the importance of aligning technology with educational goals and ensuring that

educators have the necessary skills and knowledge to leverage online resources


Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

Figure 2

PROCESS The effects of

INPUT using online
Profile of ABM Students resources on
 Survey Learning abilities
a. Age of grade 12
 Data Gathering
b. Sex Accountancy,
 Data Analysis
Business and
c. Grade & Section  Data Management
interpretation (ABM) students

Conceptual Framework

The major concept of this study is focused on factors affecting Online

Resources on Academic Performance of Accountancy, Business and Management

(ABM) students at Lagao National High School S.Y. 2022-2023.

Figure 1 shows the Conceptual Framework of the study. The input is the

profile of the Grade 12 Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) students

according to age, sex, and their Internet Proficiency. The research process includes

Survey, Data Gathering and Data Analysis, Data interpretation. The output is the

effects of using online resources on learning abilities of grade 12 Accountancy,

Business and Management (ABM) students.


Definition of Terms

For better clarification and understanding of the terms related to this study,

the following terms are defined conceptually and operationally.

Online Resources. It refers to any identifiable resource present on or

connected to the World Wide Web.

Learning Abilities. It refers to the ability to comprehend; to understand and

profit from experience.

Traditional Learning. It refers to a setting where a teacher communicates

with a group of students in a typical brick and mortar classroom set-up.

Academic Performance. It refers to the extent to which a student, teacher or

institution has attained their short or long-term educational goals.



3.1 Introduction

This chapter presents a description of the research design selection and

description of respondents, research instruments, data collection procedure and

statistical treatments used. Also, it employs step-by-step sequences for performing

an operation. It tells the maintenance and operations technicians how to execute the

actions in order to perform an operation. The operation or action could be anything

that involves the change of state of critical components involved in installation. Good

methods of procedure help organizations to manage complex data centers. It also

includes the following: research design, data gathering procedure, general

procedure, selection of the respondents and the statistical tool.

3.2 Research Design

In this study, the researchers used a descriptive correlation type of

quantitative, it is a study in which the researcher is primarily interested in describing

relationships among variables, without seeking to establish a causal connection, in

which to expose the primarily interested topic in describing relationships among the

variable’s Online resources and Learning abilities of grade 11 and 12 Accountancy,

Business and Management (ABM) senior high students without seeking to establish

a causal connection. And determining and analyzing the profile of the Grade 11 and

12 students of Lagao National High School - Main and the effects of online resources

in learning abilities through a series of questions on a survey sheet. The survey will

be carried on through the use of a questionnaire which will consist of twenty (20)


The categories will focus on the definitions, effectiveness and ineffectiveness

of online resources that are answerable through the use of Likert’s 5-point scale by

having, 5 = Very High Extent, 4 = High Extent, 3 = Moderate Extent, 2 = Low Extent,

and 1 = Very Low Extent.

The respondents of the study will be the Grade 11 and 12 Accountancy,

Business and Management students only. Furthermore, the instrumentation that the

researchers will use is survey questionnaires through online. The researchers will

use the percentage method, frequency method, and the mean, weighted mean, and

ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) as the statistical tool.

3.3 Locale of the Study

This study will be conducted at Lagao National High School – Senior High

School Department Located at Prk. Malakas, General Santos City. The school is

also K to 12 ready and offers three strands, which are the following: Science,

Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), Accountancy and Business

Management (ABM) and Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS). LNHS mission

and institutional, to protect and promote the right of every Filipino to quality,

equitable, cultured-based, and complete basic education where: students learn in a

child- friendly, gender – sensitive, safe and motivating environment. Teachers

facilitate learning and constantly nurture every learner. Administrators and staff, as

stewards of the institution ensure an enabling and supportive environment for

effective learning to happen. The study emphasizes solitarily of students, by that the

respondents will have to measure their learning capabilities.

3.4 Respondent of the Study


The respondents of this study were the Grade 11 and 12 Accounting,

Business and Management (ABM) students and this study will be conducted in the

year 2023. The researchers will use the Slovin’s formula to identify the number of

respondents. After identifying the sample size, stratified random sampling took place

to identify the number of respondents per section.

Slovin's formula; n= N ÷ 1+ Ne².


N= is the number of Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) Students

e=is the margin of error, (0.05).

n=is the number of samples

n= N ÷ 1+ Ne²

n=180÷1+(180 · 0.052)


Therefore, 124 respondents will be involved. The respondents will be carefully

selected from a diverse range of backgrounds, ensuring representation across

various demographics and perspectives. They will play a crucial role in providing

valuable insights and data for this research project.

3.5 Sample and Sampling Technique

To investigate the effects of online resources on the learning abilities of

students, one possible sample and sampling technique could be to use a random

sample of Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) students from Lagao

National High School-Main. This could involve selecting a certain number of students

at random from the population of interest, and then providing them with access to a

range of online resources for a set period of time.

3.6 Research Instrument

One possible research instrument for studying the effects of online resources

on the learning abilities of students could be a survey. The survey could include

questions about the types of online resources students use for learning, how often

they use them, and how they perceive their impact on their learning abilities.

Additionally, the survey could include questions about students' overall academic

performance, study habits, and engagement with online learning materials.

The survey could be administered online or in a paper format, and could be

distributed to a sample of students at different grade levels and educational

institutions. The responses to the survey could be analyzed using statistical

techniques, such as regression analysis, to determine the relationship between the

use of online resources and students' learning abilities.


Perceived Effects of Using Online Resources on The Learning

Abilities by Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM)

Students of Lagao National High School - Main

Name (Optional): Grade & Section:

Sex: Male Female Age:

Part II.

Directions: For each statement in the survey, please indicate your choice by putting
a check in the box on the right side of each statement. There are no right or wrong
answers. Your answers will be kept strictly confidential and you will not be identified.

Scale: 5 – Very High Extent

4 – High Extent

3 – Moderate Extent

2 - Low Extent

1 - Very Low Extent

Item 5 4 3 2 1
1 Can differentiate between a web browser and a search engine.

2 Knows how to clear browser's cache and cookies.

3 Uses bookmarks or favorites to save websites for quick access.

4 Identifies a secure website by looking at the URL (e.g., HTTPS).

5 Knows how to adjust privacy settings on social media platforms.

6 Aware of the importance of strong and unique passwords for online


7 Understand the concept of online plagiarism and knows how to avoid


8 Uses advanced search techniques to refine online searches.

9 Recognize and avoid suspicious or phishing emails.

10 Able to evaluate the credibility and reliability of online sources.

Part III.

Directions: For each statement in the survey, please indicate your choice by putting
a check in the box on the right side of each statement. There are no right or wrong
answers. Your answers will be kept strictly confidential and you will not be identified.

Scale: 5 – Very High Extent

4 – High Extent

3 – Moderate Extent

2 - Low Extent

1 - Very Low Extent

Item 5 4 3 2 1

Critical Thinking

1 Online Resources help you think carefully about information they


2 Online resources make you question or consider your existing beliefs

or ideas.

3 Came across online resources that have different opinions or ideas,

forcing you to think about different perspective.

4 Online Resources make you think about whether the information is

trustworthy or believable.

5 Online Resources provide you with challenging tasks that require

problem-solving tasks.

Problem Solving

6 Use online resources (such as website, tutorials, or videos) to helps

solve academic problems.

7 Use online resources to enhance understanding of complex problem-

solving concepts.

8 Online Resources provide you with an alternative problems.

9 Online Resources assist you in solving problems that you initially

found challenging or difficult.

10 Online Resources help improve problem-solving skills in general.

Analytical Skills

11 Online Resources provide additional information or perspectives that

help improve analytical skills.

12 Online Resources encourages critically to evaluate and analyze


13 Online Resources help develop new problem-solving and strategies

and enhance analytical thinking abilities.

14 Online Resources offer interactive activities or simulations that allows

you to apply and refine analytical skills.

15 Online Resources challenge you to analyze and complex topics or

concepts beyond what is covered in your regular coursework.

3.7 Data Gathering Procedure

Firstly, some letters will be sent to the office of the Senior High School Head

for the approval of the conducting of surveys. Secondly, the researchers will then ask

the Adviser to provide the list of the Grade 11 and 12 Accountancy, Business and

Management (ABM) students after the permission is granted, the researchers then

proceed to the Grade 11 and 12 senior high school building department rooms.

Thirdly, the researchers will then ask permission from the teachers and the student

who will stand as the respondents of the presented study, to proceed for the

provision of questionnaires for the survey. After the permission is accepted, the

researchers will add the respondents to the group chat to access the survey

questionnaire. Next to the survey, the confidentiality of the respondents will be

protected for the names were optional to be filled out. And lastly, after the

researchers have gathered the data, they will proceed to analyzing and interpreting

the respondents’ answers.

3.9 Statistical Treatment

One of many ways to statistically analyze the effects of online resources on

the learning abilities of students is to conduct a survey of students to gather data on

the use of online resources and their perceived effects on learning.

Regardless of the approach used, it is important to carefully design the study,

collect high-quality data, and use descriptive statistics to analyze and present the

data. Descriptive statistics involve organizing, summarizing, and presenting data in a

meaningful way, such as through the use of frequency distributions, percentages,

and mean scores. The study utilized tables to present the demographic data, such

as age and gender distribution, as well as the mean scores for different items related

to internet proficiency and intellectual skills.


A five-point scale with the following descriptions was used to describe the extent of

the factors that influence students' learning abilities in using online learning


Table 1. Interpretation of Scales

Mean Range Description Interpretation

4.50-5.0 Very High Extent The level of the

confidence or
incompetency is adequate
and is on a very high

3.50-4.49 High Extent The level of confidence or

incompetency is adequate
and it is on a high extent.

2.50-3.59 Moderate Extent The level of confidence or

incompetency is on a
moderate extent.

1.50-2.49 Low Extent The level of confidence or

incompetency is on a low

0-1.49 Very Low Extent The level of confidence or

incompetency is on a very
low extent.

3.10 Ethical Considerations

There are a few ethical considerations to keep in mind when it comes to the

effects of using online resources on the learning abilities of students.


First, it is important to ensure that students have access to reliable and

accurate information when using online resources. With the vast amount of

information available on the internet, it can be challenging for students to discern

between credible and non-credible sources. As a result, it is important for educators

to provide guidance on how to evaluate the reliability of online sources and to teach

students critical thinking skills to help them make informed decisions about the

information they access online.

Second, using online resources can also raise concerns about digital equity

and access. Not all students have equal access to the internet and technology, and

this can create a disadvantage for those who do not have access to the same

resources as their peers. Educators need to be aware of this issue and take steps to

ensure that all students have access to the online resources they need to succeed.

Third, the use of online resources can also raise concerns about student

privacy and data security. As students’ access and share information online, they

may be at risk of having their personal data collected and used without their consent.

It is important for educators to be aware of these potential privacy concerns and to

take steps to protect students' personal information and ensure that it is used in a

responsible and ethical manner.

Online resources enhance learning by providing access to information, but

ethical considerations are crucial for accurate, reliable, equal access, and protecting

personal information.

Chapter IV

Results and Discussion


This chapter presents the results, the analysis and interpretation of data

gathered from the answers to the questionnaires distributed to the Accountancy,

Business and Management (ABM) students of Lagao National High School-Main.

The said data were presented in tabular form in accordance with the specific

questions posited on the statement of the problem.

The questionnaire comprised of three sections and data generated will be presented

as follows:

 The first section comprises demographic data such as age, sex, and grade &


 The second section comprises data describing the extent of the internet

proficiency of the respondent.

 In the third section data obtained from the analysis of results of the effects of

online resources on learning abilities of Accountancy, Business and

Management (ABM) students.


4.2.1. Profile of the Respondents


Although it was not part of the purpose of the study, this set of data was

intended to describe demographic variables of the sample and to assess for any

influence on the research findings. The demographic data consisted of age, sex, and

grade & section. Respondents largely omitted the open- ended question in this

section of the questionnaire

4.2.2. Age ranges of the participants in the sample

Participants were asked to tick the age category appropriate to them (see

table 1 below). Table 1 shows that the study primarily focuses on teenagers and

young adults aged 16-21, with 87.10% falling in the "16-18" age group. The

remaining 12.90% fall in the "19-21" age group, indicating a smaller proportion of

young adults. The absence of individuals below 15 or above 22 indicates that the

study may not consider younger or older age groups.

Table 2. Age of the respondents


15 years old and below 0 0%

16-18 years old 108 87.10%

19-21 years old 16 12.90%

22 years old and above 0 0%

TOTAL 124 100%


4.2.3. Gender differences of the participants in the sample

Participants were asked to indicate their gender by placing a tick next to the

relevant option provided (male or female). Table 2 presents the distribution of

respondents by sex in a given dataset. The table reveals that out of the total

respondents, 88 individuals are female, constituting approximately 71% of the

sample. In contrast, there are 36 male respondents, representing around 29% of the

participants. This indicates a gender imbalance in the dataset, with a higher

proportion of females than males.

Table 3. Sex of the Respondents


Female 88 71%

Male 36 29%

TOTAL 124 100%

4.2.4. Distribution of student’s grades and section

The respondents of this study are the grade 11 and 12 Accountancy,

Business and Management (ABM) students of Lagao National High School-Main.

Table 3 shows the distribution of students across different grades and sections. It

indicates that there are an equal number of students in grade 11-Magnate and grade

11-Tycoon, each accounting for 21% of the total student population. Similarly, grade

12-Conglomerate and grade 12-Cartel also have an equal number of students,

making up 29% of the total population each. This table suggests a balanced

enrollment across the different grades and sections in the school.

Table 4. Grade & Section of the Respondents


11-Magnate 26 21%

11-Tycoon 26 21%

12-Conglomerate 36 29%

12-Cartel 36 29%

TOTAL 124 100%

4.3. Internet Proficiency

Table 4 presents a set of items related to digital literacy skills, along with their

mean ratings and descriptions. Each item represents a specific skill or knowledge


Table 5. Internet Proficiency


1. Can differentiate between a web browser and a 3.93 High Extent

search engine.

2. Knows how to clear browser's cache and cookies. 3.94 High Extent

3. Uses bookmarks or favorites to save websites for 3.98 High Extent

quick access.

4. Identifies a secure website by looking at the URL 3.78 High Extent

(e.g., HTTPS).

5. Knows how to adjust privacy settings on social media 3.95 High Extent


6. Aware of the importance of strong and unique 4.17 High Extent

passwords for online searches.

7. Understand the concept of online plagiarism and know 4.05 High Extent

how to avoid it.

8. Uses advanced search techniques to refine online 3.78 High Extent


9. Recognize and avoid suspicious or phishing emails. 3.95 High Extent


10. Able to evaluate the credibility and reliability of online 3.91 High Extent


OVER-ALL MEAN 3.94 High Extent

The first item indicates the ability to distinguish between a web browser (e.g.,

Chrome, Firefox) and a search engine (e.g., Google, Bing), with a mean rating of

3.93, suggesting a high extent of understanding. The second item reflects the

knowledge of clearing a browser's cache and cookies, which helps improve

performance and privacy, with a mean rating of 3.94, indicating a high extent of

familiarity. The third item refers to the use of bookmarks or favorites to save websites

for quick access, with a mean rating of 3.98, indicating a high extent of usage and

convenience. The fourth item pertains to recognizing a secure website by inspecting

the URL, particularly looking for the presence of HTTPS, with a mean rating of 3.78,

signifying a high extent of awareness. The fifth item signifies the understanding of

adjusting privacy settings on social media platforms, with a mean rating of 3.95,

indicating a high extent of knowledge in managing personal information. The sixth

item highlights the awareness of the importance of strong and unique passwords for

online searches, with a mean rating of 4.17, reflecting a high extent of recognition for

security measures. The seventh item suggests understanding the concept of online

plagiarism and knowing how to avoid it, with a mean rating of 4.05, signifying a high

extent of awareness and ethical conduct. The eighth item indicates the ability to use

advanced search techniques to refine online searches, with a mean rating of 3.78,

demonstrating a high extent of proficiency in optimizing search results. The ninth

item represents the capacity to recognize and avoid suspicious or phishing emails,

with a mean rating of 3.95, showing a high extent of vigilance and protection against

online scams. The tenth item refers to the ability to evaluate the credibility and

reliability of online sources, with a mean rating of 3.91, suggesting a high extent of

critical thinking and information literacy skills. Overall, the mean scores indicate that

students possess a high extent of knowledge and skills in various aspects of using

online resources.

4.4. Intellectual Skills

Table 6. Intellectual Skills (Critical Thinking)


Critical Thinking

1. Online Resources help you think carefully about 3.93 High Extent

information they provide.

2. Online resources make you question or 3.94 High Extent

consider your existing beliefs or ideas.

3. Came across online resources that have 3.98 High Extent

different opinions or ideas, forcing you to think

about different perspectives.

4. Online Resources make you think about 3.78 High Extent

whether the information is trustworthy or


5. Online Resources provide you with challenging 3.95 High Extent

tasks that require problem-solving tasks.

OVER-ALL MEAN 3.92 High Extent

Table 5 presents the mean scores for different items related to critical thinking

in the context of using online resources for learning. The first item indicates that

online resources help students think carefully about the information they provide,

which received a high mean score of 3.93. The second and third items suggest that

online resources encourage students to question their existing beliefs and consider

different perspectives, both of which were rated as having a high extent (3.94 and

3.98, respectively). The fourth item indicates that online resources prompt students

to evaluate the trustworthiness and credibility of the information, receiving a high

mean score of 3.78. Lastly, the fifth item highlights that online resources provide

challenging tasks that require problem-solving skills, with a high mean score of 3.95.

Overall, the table reveals that the use of online resources has a positive impact on

students' critical thinking abilities, as evidenced by the high extent mean score of

3.92 for the overall category.

Table 7. Intellectual Skills (Problem-Solving)

ITEMS Mean Description


6. Use online resources (such as websites, 4.28 High Extent

tutorials, or videos) to help solve academic



7. Use online resources to enhance understanding 4.12 High Extent

of complex problem-solving concepts.

8. Online Resources provide you with alternative 3.86 High Extent


9. Online Resources provide you with alternative 3.34 Moderate

problems. Extent

10. Online Resources help improve problem- 4.03 High Extent

solving skills in general.

OVER-ALL MEAN 3.93 High Extent

Table 6 presents the mean scores for different items related to the effects of

using online resources on the learning abilities of students. The items in this table

primarily focus on the influence of online resources on problem-solving skills and

critical thinking. The first item, with a mean score of 4.28, indicates that students

perceive online resources as helpful in encouraging careful thinking about the

information they provide. This suggests that students are actively engaging with the

content and evaluating its credibility. The second item, scoring 4.12, suggests that

online resources prompt students to question and reconsider their existing beliefs or

ideas. This implies that these resources contribute to students' ability to critically

analyze and reflect on their own perspectives. The third item, with a mean score of

3.86, reveals that students often come across online resources presenting different

opinions or ideas, challenging them to think from various perspectives. This aspect

of online resources encourages students to broaden their thinking and consider

alternative viewpoints. The fourth item scores 3.34, indicating a moderate extent of

agreement, suggesting that online resources partially contribute to students'

evaluation of the trustworthiness and believability of information. While students

recognize the importance of critical evaluation, they may still encounter challenges in

discerning reliable sources. Lastly, the fifth item, with a mean score of 4.03, suggests

that online resources provide students with challenging tasks that require problem-

solving skills. This finding highlights the potential of online resources to engage

students in activities that enhance their problem-solving abilities.

Overall, the table's mean score of 3.93 reflects a high extent of agreement

among students regarding the positive effects of online resources on their problem-

solving skills, critical thinking, and overall learning abilities.

Table 8. Intellectual Skills (Analytical Skills)

Mean Description


11. Online Resources provide additional information 4.01 High Extent

or perspectives that help improve analytical skills.

12. Online Resources encourages critically to 4.05 High Extent

evaluate and analyze information.


13. Online Resources help develop new problem- 4 High Extent

solving and strategies and enhance analytical

thinking abilities.

14. Online Resources offer interactive activities or 3.87 High Extent

simulations that allow you to apply and refine

analytical skills.

15. Online Resources challenge you to analyze 3.92 High Extent

complex topics or concepts beyond what is covered

in your regular coursework.



Table 7 presents the mean scores for various items related to the effects of

using online resources on the learning abilities of students. The mean scores

indicate a high extent of agreement among the participants on the positive impact of

online resources on analytical skills. Item 11 reveals that online resources provide

additional information or perspectives that help improve analytical skills, with a mean

score of 4.01. This suggests that students perceive online resources as valuable

tools for gaining different viewpoints and enhancing their ability to analyze

information. Item 12 indicates that online resources encourage critical evaluation and

analysis of information, with a mean score of 4.05. This implies that students believe

online resources stimulate their critical thinking skills and promote a deeper

understanding of the material. Item 13 highlights the role of online resources in

developing new problem-solving strategies and enhancing analytical thinking

abilities, receiving a mean score of 4. Students recognize that online resources

contribute to their growth in problem-solving and analytical thinking. Item 14

suggests that online resources offer interactive activities or simulations that allow

students to apply and refine their analytical skills, with a mean score of 3.87. This

indicates that students appreciate the practical aspects of online resources, which

provide opportunities for hands-on learning. Item 15 indicates that online resources

challenge students to analyze complex topics or concepts beyond what is covered in

their regular coursework, with a mean score of 3.92. This suggests that online

resources expose students to more advanced and challenging content, which further

develops their analytical abilities.

Overall, the mean score for all the items in Table 2 is 3.97, indicating a high extent of

agreement among the participants regarding the positive effects of online resources

on the development of analytical skills.

4.5 Summary of research findings

4.5.1 Effects of Internet Proficiency in Using Online Resources

The study's findings revealed that Accountancy, Business and Management

(ABM) students at Lagao National High School-Main possessed a high level of

internet proficiency in using online resources. Their proficiency was evident in

various aspects, such as differentiating between web browsers and search engines,

clearing browser cache and cookies, utilizing bookmarks for quick access, and

evaluating the credibility of online sources. This high level of internet proficiency

indicates that students have the necessary skills and knowledge to navigate and

utilize online resources effectively. This proficiency is crucial as it empowers

students to access a wealth of information, engage in critical thinking, and enhance

their learning abilities. By being proficient in using online resources, students can

harness the full potential of digital platforms for educational purposes, enabling them

to broaden their knowledge, develop analytical skills, and stay updated with current

information and trends.

4.5.2 Effects of Online Resources on Critical Thinking of Students Learning


The findings of the study revealed that the use of online resources has a

significant positive effect on the critical thinking abilities of Accountancy, Business

and Management (ABM) students at Lagao National High School. The students

reported that online resources helped them think carefully about the information

provided, question their existing beliefs, and consider different perspectives.

Furthermore, they acknowledged that online resources challenged them to evaluate

the trustworthiness and credibility of information, as well as engage in problem-

solving tasks. These findings suggest that online resources play a crucial role in

enhancing students' critical thinking skills, promoting a deeper understanding of

content, and fostering intellectual growth.

4.5.3 Effects of Online Resources on Problem-Solving of Students Learning


The findings revealed that the use of online resources had a significant

positive effect on students' problem-solving abilities. Students reported that online

resources not only provided them with challenging tasks that required problem-

solving skills but also encouraged them to think critically about the information they

encountered. Furthermore, online resources were found to offer additional

information, perspectives, and interactive activities that helped students develop new

problem-solving strategies and refine their analytical thinking abilities. The

integration of online resources in the learning process appeared to enhance

students' problem-solving skills and foster a deeper engagement with complex topics

beyond the scope of their regular coursework.

4.5.4 Effects of Online Resources on Analytical Skills of Students Learning


The study findings revealed that the use of online resources had a significant

positive effect on the analytical skills of students' learning abilities. Students reported

that online resources provided additional information, perspectives, and interactive

activities that helped improve their analytical skills. They also recognized that online

resources challenged them to analyze complex topics beyond their regular

coursework, fostering a deeper understanding and development of their analytical

thinking abilities. These results suggest that online resources play a crucial role in

enhancing students' analytical skills by providing them with diverse learning

opportunities and practical applications that stimulate critical thinking and problem-

solving capabilities.


The results of the study revealed that the majority of Accountancy, Business

and Management (ABM) students at Lagao National High School-Main who

participated in the research were teenagers and young adults, with the highest

percentage falling within the age group of 16-18. The sample also showed a gender

imbalance, with a higher proportion of female respondents compared to males.

Katyal and Evers (2015) state that the rise of the Internet, with its ready availability of

information has resulted in a shift towards much greater autonomy in student

learning. In terms of internet proficiency, the students displayed a high extent of

knowledge and skills in various aspects of using online resources, such as

differentiating between web browsers and search engines, clearing browser cache

and cookies, and evaluating the credibility of online sources. The use of online

resources was found to have a positive impact on students' critical thinking abilities,

problem-solving skills, and analytical thinking. Overall, the findings suggest that

Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) students perceive online resources

as valuable tools for learning, providing them with opportunities to think critically,

question existing beliefs, and enhance their intellectual skills.



5.0 Introduction

This chapter concludes the study by dealing with a summary of findings,

conclusions and recommendations on effects of online resources on learning abilities

as perceived by Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) students of Lagao

National High School-Main.

5.1 Findings

Using online resources had a positive impact on the students' critical thinking

abilities, problem-solving skills, and analytical thinking. The students perceived

online resources as valuable tools for learning, enabling them to think critically,

question existing beliefs, and enhance their intellectual capabilities.

Overall, the findings indicate that Accountancy, Business and Management

(ABM) students at Lagao National High School-Main recognize the value of online

resources in their learning process, appreciating the opportunities they provide for

developing important cognitive skills.

5.2 Conclusion

Therefore, the researchers conclude that the importance of online learning

resources is acknowledged by Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM)

students at Lagao National High School-Main, who cherish the chances they offer to

advance critical cognitive abilities. The findings revealed that the majority of

participants were teenagers and young adults, with a gender imbalance favoring

females. The students demonstrated a high level of internet proficiency, indicating


their knowledge and skills in utilizing online resources. The use of online resources

positively influenced students' critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills.

These findings highlight the value of online resources as effective tools for

enhancing learning outcomes and fostering intellectual development among

Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) students.

5.3 Recommendation

Based on the findings of the study regarding the effects of online resources on the

learning abilities of Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) students,

several recommendations can be made:

 Incorporate online resources in curriculum design: Integrate online resources

in curriculum to improve students' learning abilities through interactive

activities, simulations, and challenging tasks.

 Promote information literacy skills: Educators should emphasize the

importance of evaluating the credibility and reliability of online sources.

Teaching students how to identify trustworthy information, recognize bias, and

avoid misinformation or phishing attempts will equip them with essential

information literacy skills.

 Continuously update and adapt online resources: Staying informed about new

tools, platforms, and educational resources will ensure students have access

to the most relevant and effective online learning materials.




Name : Michelle Angela A. Arqueza

Address : Habitat Phase B. Blk 14, lot 16. General Santos


Date of Birth : February 01, 2005

Place of Birth : General Santos City

Religion : Catholic

Father’s Name : John MC. Ruven P. Arqueza

Mother’s Name : Marites T. Azucenas


Elementary : Dadiangas South Central Elementary School

Year Graduated : 2017

Junior High School : Lagao National High School

Year Graduated : 2021

Senior High School : Lagao National High School

Track/Strand : Academic/Accountancy, Business and


Awards/Recognitions Received :



Name : Yrill Khenn M. Sevilla

Address : Prk Nopol Brgy.Conel General Santos City

Date of Birth : January 13,2004

Place of Birth : General Santos City

Religion : Catholic

Father’s Name : Jeoffrey C. Sevilla

Mother’s Name : N/A


Elementary : Oringo Senior Elementary School

Year Graduated : 2017

Junior High School : Lagao National High School

Year Graduated : 2021

Senior High School : Lagao National High School

Track/Strand : Academic/Accountancy, Business and


Awards/Recognitions Received :



Name : Blando, Micos R.

Address : Prk Nopol Brgy.Conel General Santos City

Date of Birth : October 10, 2004

Place of Birth : St. Elizbeth Hospital

Religion : Roman Catholic

Father’s Name : N/A

Mother’s Name : Mildred Rementella


Elementary : NDDU IBED LAGAO

Year Graduated : 2017

Junior High School : NDDU IBED LAGAO

Year Graduated : 2021

Senior High School : Lagao National High School

Track/Strand : Academic/Accountancy, Business and


Awards/Recognitions Received :



Name : Beverly Kate J. Madulin

Address : Purok 13.Panaghiusa Barangay Mabuhay

Date of Birth : February 05. 2005

Place of Birth : General Santos City Hospital

Religion : Catholic

Father’s Name : Ralph S. Madulin

Mother’s Name : Helen J. Madulin


Elementary : Dadiangas West Elementsry School

Year Graduated : 2017

Junior High School : Lagao National High School

Year Graduated : 2021

Senior High School : Lagao National High School

Track/Strand : Academic/Accountancy, Business and


Awards/Recognitions Received :



Name : Raven T. Santos

Address : Purok Malakas. Yumang Street. Lacap

Subdivision, Barangay San Isidro. General Santos City

Date of Birth : October 05, 2004

Place of Birth : General Santos City Hospital

Religion : Christian Alliance

Father’s Name : Herbeto L. Santos

Mother’s Name : Emely G. Tormis


Elementary : Francisco Oringgo Senior Elementary School

Year Graduated : 2017

Junior High School : Lagao National High School

Year Graduated : 2021

Senior High School : Lagao National High School

Track/Strand : Academic/Accountancy, Business and


Awards/Recognitions Received :



Name : Joshua Brent Hortal

Address : General Santos City

Date of Birth : January 12, 2005

Place of Birth : General Santos City Hospital

Religion : Catholic

Father’s Name : Rodrigo Felix A. Hortal

Mother’s Name : Belen A. Hortal


Elementary : SDA Elementary School

Year Graduated : 2017

Junior High School : Lagao National High School

Year Graduated : 2021

Senior High School : Lagao National High School

Track/Strand : Academic/Accountancy, Business and


Awards/Recognitions Received :



Name : John Paul G. Anabon

Address : Purok Millennium Barangay Mabuhay. General

Santos City

Date of Birth : May 28, 2004

Place of Birth : Malapatan Sarangani Province

Religion : Christian

Father’s Name : Joel M. Anabon

Mother’s Name : Jela O. Gandam


Elementary : Dadiangas Heights Elementary School

Year Graduated : 2017

Junior High School : Lagao National High School

Year Graduated : 2021

Senior High School : Lagao National High School

Track/Strand : Academic/Accountancy, Business and


Awards/Recognitions Received :



Name : Hezekiah Bernasor

Address : Sta. Terisita Yumang. General Santos City

Date of Birth : September 05, 2003

Place of Birth : Makati City

Religion : Pentecostal

Father’s Name : Florante Bernasor

Mother’s Name : Jelyn Estorba


Elementary : Lagao Central Elementary School

Year Graduated : 2015

Junior High School : Lagao National High School

Year Graduated : 2020

Senior High School : Lagao National High School

Track/Strand : Academic/Accountancy, Business and


Awards/Recognitions Received :


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