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**Critical Review: "Disney's Mulan and the Reinforcement of Traditional Gender Roles"**

The article provides a thought-provoking critique of Disney's animated features, with a specific
focus on the film Mulan. The central argument revolves around the irony of Disney retelling a
Chinese legend about successfully resisting foreign invasion, while using it as a strategic move to
penetrate the Chinese film market.

**Positive Aspects:**

1. **Critical Analysis of Gender Roles:**

- The article effectively highlights the persistent portrayal of traditional gender roles in Disney's
animated films. It critiques the representation of female characters as being primarily defined by
their relationships with men and their quest for romantic fulfillment.

2. **Cultural Sensitivity:**
- The article acknowledges the cultural context of Mulan and addresses the potential clash
between Disney's interpretation and the original legend. It raises awareness about the cultural
responsibility that large media conglomerates like Disney bear when adapting stories from diverse


1. **Generalization of Disney's Approach:**

- The article tends to generalize Disney's approach across different time periods, citing Snow
White and The Little Mermaid as examples from the past. However, it overlooks the evolution in
Disney's storytelling with films like Frozen, where the narrative deviates from traditional gender

2. **Limited Exploration of Mulan's Agency:**

- While the article critiques Mulan's representation, it could delve deeper into an analysis of
Mulan's agency and character development in the Disney version. A more nuanced examination
might consider how Mulan challenges certain gender norms within the constraints of the narrative.

3. **Absence of Positive Examples:**

- The article primarily focuses on the negative aspects of Disney's portrayal of women without
acknowledging instances where Disney has attempted to break away from traditional gender roles
in more recent productions.

In conclusion, the article raises valid concerns about the perpetuation of traditional gender roles in
Disney's animated features, particularly in the context of Mulan. However, a more nuanced
exploration of the evolution of Disney's storytelling and a deeper analysis of Mulan's character
could enhance the overall critique.

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