Biology Marathon 28-Nov-2023 20-38-45

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Micso nutsients which is needed in small amount (in my) Toon Vitamins Minewals ™ Casbohydsotes J I Canbon + H20 Elements Common name uaa 08 Macsonutsients which is sequised in mose amount (in gm ) Conbohydsate — 3009m (sygon) iy Fat (lipid) - 809m Gi) Pootein b pdult = 0:8 gm x bodyweight Teens - 0-95 gm x body weight child = 2gm x body weight Co Poegnant women = 55-70 gm water Conbon, Hydsogen and Oxygen Cs Hip 0s — Pentose Genesal Fosmula : Cn Han On n=s n=3 C3H603 — Toiose o4 Funchon . Wosk) as an Enesgy Fuel | Smallest unit : Glucose | | Types of Caobohy doates (| Mono sacchasides (ii) Oligosachanides (tii) Poly sachanides Mono sacchasides ¥ (Two to Ten unit) Mose than Il units single sugon cxomples Exomple Example : Glucose (a) Glucose + Fsuctose ©) (ucose)ns, 11 (Hi > sucsose ewer) CG (oisachaoides) cetulose | Ce Hi206 (Gz ¥22 On] Haa On] + H20 Oe oF jucos e + Fouctose + CeHi206 4 Fouits (ketone) Glucose and Fauctose ane isomess (same fosmula but diffesence | stouctuses) Galactos eAnd Glucose - Aldohexose Fouctose - ketohexose 4 sweetest natusal casbs Exception: Sweetness oF Sapes is due |4o Glucose nok Fouctose + Galactose - Coti206 G (Also a hexose) Ai iso. a Aldehyde toh Aldehydic gooup a4 a digfesent positon thon 6 that oF Glucose + Ribose (Pentose) Cs Hos Genesal | Household sugar & Diffesent units oF canbohydsates ane Joined by Glycosidic bond (&) Lactose (Glucose + alactose) Ci2Ho2 On Milky Sugan ©) Maltose (Boiled Rice Wates) (Glucose + Glucose) Ciz H220y, 4 Also known as Plant Casbohydsale 4 cell wall of plant cell 1s composed of it 4 Most abundant casbohydsate 2 al hpicl © Rayon GA polymes oF cellulose ses. In textile industsy , in manufactusing OF papes, silvesing OF misson (6) Stanch Food (Glucose) made by plants is stosed in 4he Fosm of Sta6ch 4 Most edible casb. by human (Rice, wheat, maize, potato 4 Copsule (outes coves of pm toblets) ane made of stasch ©) ) e) ae (b) ©) Os Poly sacchanides Examples Chitin (ants) 4 dutes covesing o¢ insecis ae made of chitin 4 and most abundant canbohydsate 4 Cell watt OF Fungus (mushsoom) 1s made of chitin Glycogen 4 known as Animal casbohydsate 4 Extsa food in animals (including humon) is stosed in Fosm of E88 Gilycogen in the lives’ Hepasin |G ant clotting agent foomed by Lives Sugas Free NOTE Astiricial Sweetenes F Rice ,Polalo ele are digested Berea vesy fast and thus incsease ie Undigestable the sugen as they do not ised 2. No calosie up at once. while Chapati“digested 3. No enesgy oves time and used up conhnucusy Examples: And ae H+ doest not incsease Sacchavin “gm oe 4 sweetest casbohydsate Acpestome (2 (600 x) Feuctose) Sucsutose | 06 #| Fat (lipid) L Provides Enesgy in Fastng ul, Igm casbs. 4 kcal | igm Fat 9 kcal Uy Muscle - Lipopsotein (Lipids + Psotein) Thus helps in Fosmaton of muscle Uy Solubilige Fat soluble Vitamins (ADEK) Ly Thsulatos 4 Regulate body Tempesatuse Ly Smallest Unit - Fay Acid (Monoglyceside) > CH2COOH Ly Elements C,H,0 uy Stosage OF Fot - Adipose Tissue Fat Satusated Unsatusated to Hasd 40 digest 6 Easy to digest Uy cant be easily L can be easily convested convested in fatty acid into foHy acid ‘a Get deposit on body 4 Good Fat and known as Bod fat | 4 C-C , single stable bond 1b unsatusated bonds 1 ¢ leg double os tiple ” Cholestyo| 4 eg: Omega- 3 (Fish) Ls Animal Fot (except Fish) Ly Plant Fat (except coconut oil ) Solid at soom 4Jemp Ly Liquid at toom +emp I> A OF God Cholestsol Density & (satusated Fat Volume Good Cholestsol (semi Solid) ADL - High density lipopsotein Puse Ghee, Chicken ‘9 Low volume LDL - Low density lipopootein = Ly High Volume Bad _Cholestsol fe can block, flow of Blood Mutton | Bad | Dalda i Pe ‘ Smallest unit: Amino acid Pootein (Polypeptide) Smaties NMe cooy ‘> Helps in Gsowth and development of Body Amphotesic In natuse Uy Helps in Muscles ( lipopsotein) fosmaton & Engymes ( Biological Catalyst) , Antibody and Hosmones ore fosmed my Pootein. All enzymes and antibodies ane pootein # Specific Pootein + Speciic body osgan Example (i) kesatin - found in dead cel) Nail and haig Woates Bepulsion (i) Histone - Helps in Fosmotion of ONA Chsomosome : DNA + Histone (iii) Eye , > deficiency causes OPSIN Segulat ‘hodo, Sin wegulale P5In sequlate Night Blindness Cone cell Rod Cel) light Dark, Colour diffesenhaton Tt is classipied into two types Poolein (Amino acid ) 0g Essential Non essenha | Omino acids Gmino acids 1 which should be oblain fom outside in the Body as food 3 in numbes Richest Sousce of Psotein > Meat » £99 , Soyabean , Mushysoom , Pulses , Beans etc Digeshon of — Psotein Psotein ——_» Peptides —) mino acids (Poly peptide ) Intesmediate fosm simplest unié (1 - G2 - osLou)\ a Peptide Bond (Peptide )n L Polypeptide (Pootein ) Self synthesized 14 fn numbes Note :- og Basmati Rice Elongation Smell is due to is due +o poesence oa Asomatc compound PSesence of a as Pysolle Called jouoN Lysin (amino acids) ” Rice does not contain any psotein and Potato Amino containing Sulphus —+y Methionine 4 Thio/Thia 4 Root wosde fos Sulphus Defects due +o deficiency of Pootein Mainly Kwashioskey. Child (Artes 18 months) /Adult also) Matnutsion Masasmus Child (Upto 1 yeans) Cachexia — Extseme deficiency + ceo] of Bones Osganic Compound Discovesy : Casimis Funk Function » Acts as catalyst Exomple vitamin A Opsin alnea Rhodopsin deficiency : Night Blindness * Stages oF digestion Digestion Boeakdown OF complex food inio simple substances ‘4 Casbohydsate — Glucose “Fat —> FaHy Acids Y Psotein —y Amino acids 4) vitomin)—y No Change Aint ae " mM as thi 4 Minesals} > No change a Ingestion . Food + Saliva Bolus Lsemi solid) 2 Digestion 7LyS4omach Small intestine) ‘seer digested Food emi quid) a” Y chyme (aincoserA A. 3) Absoss ‘Small ineshne —9 Blood 4.) Assimilation Blood —> Cells 5. Egestion ‘Removal oF Solid waste Food Physica! Chemical Digestion Digestion + tL Size becomes composition small becomes smallex Cee System Alimentasy canal (Mouth +o Anus ) length > Im (30 feet) Oesop hogus lose intestine (19-25) em (-S - -g)m Small intestine (6-25-7)m Osgans involved in Digestive System Ingestion @) Buccal Cavity (Mouth) : Hese digestion stasts (b) Fe Teeth, 4 made of agiaity of Teeth 4 golt + Calcium Phosphate SS and Phosphosus 4 Fosmation of Teeth 4 outes covering : Enamel 4 Hasdest past of Body 4 Psotected by Fluosine *Fluosine + — Teeth Decay *Fluosine ¥ 3 Fluososis (Black, Patches) Thcisoss : CuHting canine * Teasing pes of Teeth , semMolan + Chewins Molan = { 3 b last Pais (wisdom Teeth ) Dental Foomula (jr 16 2pm 2m ) x16 2 1 2 38 © > > Molan 1. Thcisos ¢ 21 23 x2 Canine 4 2 123 Psemolan 8 Jvosy of Elephant * 294 incisos Milk, Teeth - Deciduous Teeth - 20 2 ' ° 2 (ix ic 9PM M) x2 Ze 0° 9 \xa a PO 2 Salivasy Gland gmaest 3 paiss : @) Sublingual Gland (i) Submandibulan Gland Saliva Fosmaton 4 Main juncton is laugest > Giiy Panotid | Gland Yo digest casbohydaate (Below avs ) PH of Saliva = 6-8 (slightly Acidic ) * Enzymes ® Salivany Amylase ( Ptyaline) - Casbohydsates diy Salivany Lipase - Fat Mumps visus affects Panotid Gland (salivasy Gland) Antisephe found in animals saliva; Lysozome 20 @) Oesophagus Food Pipe (19-25)em Mouth ——~ Food Pipe - Stomach B Digestion @| Stomach ‘2 J shaped b& Stovage - (5-6) 4a pH = Highly acidic (1-S-3-5) 4 Mucus psotecis the_ ines cad lini stomach Feom HCk Acid : HR T+ kills 4he gesms mg oF me p Juice : Gastsic Juice (pH=- 3) diyjest canbohydsate s uw Engrn Enzymes : (@)_ Pepsin - Pgotein digestion (6) Rennin - stomach Pepsinogen + Hex — Pepsin inactive Active ia acidic medium &)| Liver 94 Functions uw Laggest Gland Us Maximum Regenesation Powes (Lives) Note minimum Begene sation — Neuson (Beain) 4 vo5ea —Fosmation d snows Regenesahon stosed in Gall Bladdex which seleases p Juice - Bile Tuice (pH -7-s-8) (Basic) 6a Bile Juice Lhelps in emulsigicahon of Fats by thoough Geeenish Yellow is due -o Bilivubin Bile Duct uy Digestive Enzyme : No engyme 21 dy)| Fancoeas 44 Mixed Gland ‘» Juice : Pancseatic Juice — digest pootein PH 75-82 ? Engym es (i) Pancseatic Amylase : Canbohydaate (li) Poncseahc Lipase + Fat Gi) Teypsin j Pootein (iv) Chymotsy psin c-) Oxgans of Absosption ead hresinaitebien | Small Intestine Wi) Laxge Intestine 25-2) m (es -18)m Ub Final digestion of Food L Remaining (S-10)7 Lb Pasts of Small Intestine food absosbed heye () Duodenym - smallest past 4 wates , Vitamink,, Sodium, ducis . tha meses creme Polson , Calcium, Dsugs i) Tejanum & Absoophon oF Food Medicines Nicohne Coffiee ii) Sleum - connect SI +o LL ae and Fesmented Casbohydvate Us (90-95)7. Absosption (Jalebi, Bhatuse, Alcoho! takes place hese 4 S pasts G) Colon 2 Absosption Codbs Poolein Fat Minesals Vitamins Wi) Coecum | F Food excest (PEE) Gy Appendix tee, Na,k, Ca ngedlike pooyecton psesent in Small intestine ( Duodenum ) Uy) Rectum S182! 25gon) He Fi ™) Anus “Fegeshon 22 0. Oxgans oF Egestion (wii)]| Rectum - Fosmahon and Stosage oF solid waste Lmain oegan oF egestion Wii] Anus - Exit op Solid waste Enzymes oF Digestion Casbohydaates (Slasch) Salivany Amylase —y Pancseahc—y Maltase — (Llucose] (Plyalin) Amylase (Smatt intestine ) Mouth Pancsean 2: |Psotein (Polypeptide ) L, Pepsin —» Tsypsin —»Chymotsypsin — [Peptide] rte React d I epic hacia Ae” : Stomach Poncseos (stomach) Esepsin a 8.| Fat (lipid) L, salivasy —y Pancseahic Diglyceside — Inteshnal [Forty lipase As lipase lipase Acid (Stomach . (Mouth) (Pancseas) ) (small intestine) 39 Civculatooy System Puse Blood - Onygen nich blood Cisculaton exchange Impuse Blood- COz nich blood pnd involves +wo orens @ Heast (ii) Blood vessels + weight - 300gm (avesoge) > Astesies 7 Veins Male - (280- 340)gm Female - (230- 280) gm pe Silas G sige 4 Fist Shape » Location + Behind the stesnum between 29d and 6 nibs (Chest Cavity) Legt @s-80) /. Ausicle/ Aisium Heast Left Ausicle (Right) + Musculas Owgan Teicuspid Sicuseid Valve (miNB)Faive) + Myogenic (Tovoluntany ) Right Left Ventaicle : Casdiology. verrtaicle Aostic valve Semi lunan 4 chambess ond 4 valves valve 4 4 Blood Vessels Weing} Gnas . MCT YS apillanies AA (Blue) (Red) CARY Toanspostation of Impuse Blood Jom body 4o Heas} Toanspostation of Smallest oF Puse Blood foom Heast +o Body Blood Vessels Pulmonasy Vein L only vein which Cassy puse blood (Oxygenated Blood) Join Astesies to veins 4 Only anlesy which 7 Cassy impuse blood morgen (Deoxygenated Blood) Cf Nutsients lasgest [Main Vein Langest | Main Axstesy Ly Vena cava b Aaosta Supesios Pulmonany vena Cava vein (Shostes) g Tofesios_,©- Vena Cava . (onges) rl ng ee (usipicdhicn OF Blood) semi Pulmonan, junan valve 7 (Pulmonasy Valve) Aostic % diFrese, Valve xcopy. Pons 's . Pulmonasy @ ) Tmpuse Blood YS 4 gq © fen . Vo yy Se — R Semi tdnas ange vaive [ramen veins Aosta +#— Puse Blood ¢—~ L-y & i: Aootic ra Valve 42 No. of Chambess in digresent ercalsms Pisces 2 2 Chambess One atsium and one ventsicle 7 saeebeE hich show Metamosphosis Amphibians ~ 3 Chambess (Fog) Two atsia and one ventsicle Salamondes Vestebsates which do not show Reptiles : 3 Chambess metamoaphisis (Snake , Lizand, Two atsia and Tostoise) one ventsicle Exceptions: Csocodiles and Allligatos: Both have fous Chambesed heant Aves: (Bisds) 4 Chambesed Two atvia and Two ventsicles Mammals : 4 chambesed Heant Human , cot, nat whole , a oreo, Bat , Dolphin Cocksoach : 13 Chambess (4A and 6V) | 43 *) Heast Beat (valve) | Rythmic sound psoduced by Heant due +0 contsaction and Relaxatation of Heast- | Nosmal : Lubb - Dubb 4 One contsaction and one Heast Heast expansion constitute one | one Relax heas+beat | systole Siastole | Abnosmal » Mus - mun 41HB > 70 mk blood 72x70 = SOU0 me ~ Sk Heast Rate Nosmal Adult —) 72 to 45 pes min Child > (120-150) { min Embsyo — 200 pes min (Sea weeks) Dusing Physical Wosk, (Adult) 3 92-120 pes min Athletes —5 60-68 pes minute > Heast Beat * Stosed enesgy L 2 Gap blo HB 60 = 0.8 Sec Adult 42 dq Blood Pressuse The psessure exested at the aosta dusing comtsaction and »elaxation oF heart is known as Blood Psessuse Poessuse While contsaction hile Relaxatation 4 L Systole 120/80 Diastole 120 mm Hg se 80 mm 4g BP is measused using S$ phygomanometes: As pes WHO Now nosmal Bp '4o/90 (Not Fos the exam point OF view) * 150/100 «High BP 100/60 Low BP 100 ]l00 <3 Neithex Heant is neithes contacting nos selaxing (dead) 45 > Pace Makes +| Heast if a natusal pacemakes +| with Agein ous heast beats becomes issegulan . and thus a pacemakes is used to nequiate it Ac ce SA node AV node Semi ausicle Antesio node ventsicle node Astificial Pacemakes a B Reg ulates Heantbeats by Pooviding electsic signals to heast O68 mild — electsic Shock, +| Lithium electsode is used in Pacemakes *| Pacemakes consists oF Pace makes Pace SeHes u (Battesy ) —tthium BaHesy Oppoox. 30 years lite Pacemakes location peefesably both SA node and AV node 05 simply = SA_— node > az 46 Excvetion Psotein —x Amino acid ——-y Usine (E460) (€xtva) | Ammonia NH3, T CO —) NH2CONH2 + Hoo Nitwogenous waste seo usine Bireaeeen: 2 Exesetion Fous Types of €xcseton Aminotelic Amniotelic Useotelic Usicotelic a + + ay Amino acid Ammonia Usea Usic acid Sea wates =| *Foesh wates |. mammals + Bivds Organism organisms |) (hale , Dolphin * Reptiles “Stas Fish |*PBotogoa Gow shuman 4) | Cenake, lizands, A ; a i dee hase (Amoeba + Adult Amphibia ceocodile ) Plasmodium) “Th 4 + Octopus . (F009) neec i Easthwosm a (Ant, mosquito 5 » $nai + Fish + Tadpole Cocksoach etc) “Coab -leech Psotein —> Amino acid —y Ammonia — Lives iitespen (NH34CO2 — NH2CONH> ) waste) So Fosmahon of Usea) Associated Ovgans / Blood / % Lives and kidney L Kidney Associated Enzyme —— ant oF Blood ) i} Renin (Angiotensin) Fosmed by Nidney Osea H20 )| UBease : Fosmed by Livey Usine Fosmahon of Usea 48 smaliest unit of kidney - nephoon Cell of kidney — 4 Study oF kidney - Nephsology * Usine (i Yellow colous Pigment + Usochsome (Gooup) Lv nephson Usobillin (Usea + Bilusubin ) Renal medulla \iiy Smell (Foul smell) Renal costex due +o decomposihon Uoetes OF Usea IN Ammonia 4S Foulsmel| Blades }— Muscle consoling flow of usine pine fom othe A Aubules ‘ <———F- sethsa (Renal Astesy) bisly Bl enaisiog anste ZF" Glomesufts Bowman's capsule Filtesate | coniainin Glucose, Amino acids , sas. water and usea and all useq foom usine All Glucose, all amino acids, most salts and most wates Neabsos bed in blood hese Didly ses containing iucoee +501 49 BRAIN Ly Located below +he csanium (1350 - 1uso) gm Hog — loss of about 3:4 gmjys aftes twenty Child - (350 - 400) gm Function — 10 psovide intelligence — To contsol ous body Boain FRO HE> MB Fose Bsain Mid Boain Hind Baain Psosencephelon Mesoencephelon Rhombencephelon Thalamus a Medulla Oblongata ce I Hypothalamus sebellum Pon: Cesebsum Ss cesebellum ened #0 esa Stem Hind Beain Backbone (spinal cosd Thvoluntany Vital mechanism is contsolled by Mo. tL Vital Mechanism (example Heast Beat, Respisation, Blood Flow, (24 bss continuous ) digestion, Blood Cisculation , Exceetion ) oa ; ‘ b Fosmation of vsine i) ©} Pons Thvoluntasy Accesosy Funchon is also contsolled by Medulla oblongata Accessosy Fn + Example - Yawn , Sneeaing, Coughing » Hiccups , Busp , Vomit Blinking of Eyes Snowing cesebellum Little Boain » Also known as Toee of Life Function nn 28" as well as extesnal Muscle” Motion | (Motos Function) / Postuve diy oe of Body Wii) Speak, Alcohol affects — Cesebellum > Active in ahile sleeping also > HB Heast Post office | iid Bain Fon ——? Pons skin ——P? | = 6B v ® Communicate b/w Body & Bsain @ Helps Medulla Oblongata @ 50 C Mid — Boain Also known as 6th sense Ly Smallest Past of Beain Visual and Auditosy function is conbsolled Sensosy Osgan 8 Nose by Mid Beain Tongue a + if mid Besoin get damaged, in one will become Blind and deaf # Active while sleepin} (hat is why we hear alasm) Fose Boain Also known as Highes Bsain as it in addition to doing 14s wosk if also contso! othes pasts of Boain »| Thalamus Hepls in +he functioning of Nose Smell (Distinguishing various smell ) Tongue i Taste (Identigaction of vanious taste) skin Touch , Exteonal Poin , Extesnal tempesatuse Active while sleeping Thalamus become deackvale Anaesthesia - s2 diy Hypothalamus (a) Requlate ow Feelings (Hunges, Thisst 5 love, Sleep % (), Regulates Body Tempesatuse (intesnal ) ©) Supes mastes gland ~ ngulate a Sand (Up) Cesebsum longest subpart of Boain (80% of Fosebsoin ) Functions @)| Psowides Intelligence | (b)| Memosy | ©) Regulate Emotion | Cesebsal 7 Hippocampus occipital Da lobe SHosqge of Memosy known as Hasd- disk, (A) | Function of Frontal lobe OF Boain a Fosmation of Memosy Amnaesmia_if Disease: Alzeimess get dam | Neo memosy cant be made ‘old memos: old = (all destsoy slowly) destaryed New memooy can diy) Pevsonality Development fa med e iil) | Thought tion 0) coeativity (i 40 contsol Cesebellum ) Concen}sa Hy Sleep Walk, ~ Sdhambulism Sleep Talks - Somnaquolist Nesves € Neuson oa os Boain single unit of Nesves is meuson. A veoy lasge no OF Meusons combines +o fosm nesve Neudon is the longest cell of human Neove $ - 43 paiss oo esenian Spinal Csanial Nesve peeve! Boain Spinal cosd 12 paiss SI paits Autonomous Nesvous System 5 AML involuntary functions @ Medutla Oblongata Gy Hypothalamus Glands Exocsine lands (Duct Gland) Examples 4 Sweat Glands 4, Lacsimal Glands (Teas) 4 Mammosy Glands (Mik) 4 Sebacious Glands (oil) 4 Salivany Siland -98/Exocsine 4 Live - . MainlExocsine Ly Baneseas ®| Releases secsetions thsough a duct. —L Fosmed inside the body and can be weleased inside Os wellas outside 4 known as Juice 06 Enayme Nore: 3” Ww Langest Gland : Lives Lb Lasgest oggan - skin Goeight = 7 wb Longest oogan : small intestine ub Lasgest Endocsine Gland Thysoid SE a Endocsine Hlande (Ductless Glands) Gmixed 4theis Secsehon with ) known Os hosmones These ane 9 Endo. Alands |; Hypothalamus ; Boain 2. Pituitany Gland + Bain 3 ied Pineal Body : Boain Laxgest Endocsine 4 BasaThy soid Glond + Thsoal Shape : [X] Buttesfly Shape 5 Pasathysoid : Thsoat Fous behind each cosnes oF Thysoid Gland 6 Thymus -Neas the Heast 7 Paneseas : Below Stomach Abdominal Cavity 8 Advenal : On +p oF each Kidney 9 Gonads : Below Inteshne > Smanest End jocoine Gland be 204 smallest Pitujosy Pineal Body Ovosy Testes. psmatiest Exocsine; Lacsimal (Female) (Male) Lp Mixed Glands ows 1. Pancseas 2-Lives 3. bonads se 1) Pineal Body 1s located in Boain U4 smallest gland Uy Also known as Epiphysis Us Common nomes + 384 eye of the Body . Biological Clock, p Hasmones Sedotonin (37) known as Feel S00d_hoomone Melatonin (977) Function Ly Maintains Body Clock, 4 T+ makes us feel Lkeeps an eye on oun Good daily actvites # hence known as 384 Eye of Body b Regulate. Sleeping Mose Melatonin ,mose sleep * Sleeping pills activate melatonin % Mose achve in daskness [night and Thus known as Hosmone oF Daokness Diseases (Melatonin) Hyposecoehon Hypes secsetion ~ Insomnia ~ Tesitation > Abnosmal Body Clock, Thysaids Gland ty known as Bultesfly land and Adams Apple Hosmones Thysoxin (987) Calcitonin (2 ) made of Iodine (thy socalcitonin ) Functons Calcium 4 Maintains ous Metabolism L Psovide nigidity to bones (Digestion , Respisation , heast beats cl) & Bones nigidity hich Minewal : calcium Metabolism :- Psocesses nelease enesgy Hosmone : Calcitonin Functon : UpThysoxin o£ _ Tt_4eanspost calcium weight 4 {s0m_Blood +o Bones os we can say it neduces calcium level in Blood. Diseases Hypesthynoidism Hypo thysoidism Mose Thysoxin > Mose Digeshon thy woxin 4 — Impoopes Digestion Even fat will be at — digested Accumulation of Fat ie Sudden Sudden weight lose symptoms (“aro mptom: 9 7 \ mptOMs > weight Gain plone + Bulge out Fyes J e ~ ti AA a i "ay \ disease : Goave's syndsom: Disease : °\ttyxedems /n Adult Once weight loss .it will go on decseasing and +4 it Uy Coetenism (child) + Tmpoopes bx0In Gy, urhmelely lead en ( Genetic) development 60 Pasathysoid Glands Pasathysoid on each lobe Thysoid (Backside) Hosmone - Pasathosmone (PTH) known as Collip’s Hosmone Function : TO countesact Calcitonin 4 Tean spost Calcium {vom Bones +o Blood i-e incseases calcium 06 maintains calcium level of Blood Note: Calcium in Blood is a litle arnourt+ 1S necessasy Fos muscle movement , Blood cloHing etc Ly Helps in Fosmation of Bones Bones Calcium Potassium Poovides Helps in Bones Rigidity Fosmation Also Calcium & 1 in Bones Potassium Since calcitonin neduces calcium {som Bones, 1+ nesults in incsease in potassium IN Bones. and Thus Calcitonin ultimately leads +o fosmahon of Bones Diseases (PTH & Blood Calciurn Hyposecyetion Hypessecsetion 4 Calcium level in Blood 4 calcium {evel in Blood Decseases which affects Incseases which leads muscle movement end to fosmation of stones. (calcium Oxalate) ‘ > couses © Tetany 4 less calcium in Bones lbyweak Bones > Boeaking oF Bone. Osteo pososis él Thymus “Located in east Chest cavity beside Heast Uy Poovid 05 impsoves ous Immunity Us Hosmone : Thymocin Function : —T- lymphocytes Thymus Becomes mat Fosmed in oe rete 06 achve in Thymus Bone massow with help oF Thymocin & Thymus Gland psovides impunity by making Ve lymphocytes achve by With Age (io-I5, Fo ayo y 2” Lpubic Age \ pena become: piso KNOWN Active !as in 4his pesiod Thus Thymus i sayenité Mose active +o psovide as e and ous food does not péovide wosenoe is KAR" much immunity as food is THYME AeA” Used in development of Secondany sexual chasacless Suet us immunity os Ean ano yess ON one year? © % Diseases Hypo secsehon Hypes secsetion Less immunity Mose immunity than nequised than sequised > Auto immune T-lymphocytes will Stast teeating osgans Gs Foseign pasticle and leads +0 domage Foequent Disease 5.| Pancweas Ly Mixed Gland Langeshans L dDiscovesd by 1g Islets [ces OF Langeshans + | Cells of Pancseas & cells of Langeshans — 207 & Glucagon - Daovesed by kimbalt & cadena ji) B cells of Langesnans — 407, 5 Tnsulin - Distovesed by (Hos mones ) eel Banting and Best liii) Y os § cells of Langeshans ~ S/. L_} Somatostin - Discovesed by a Group of 14 scienhet - liv) F cells oF Langeshans - S17 —y Exocsine & poneseatic Juice #| Hosmones ane of +wo types Pootein Hoomone and Stesvid Hosmone (made of Hosmone) (made of Fat) Glueggon , Insulin, Testesteoone , Psogestesone Somatostin End with stesone @ | Function OF Insulin BA the extsa calovie . (food) intake ane conveste Th) convest. extra, Sia gino" Ga, by into Fab by insulin tien Gilycogen bn get convested into Fat lates on £ Sly coneogenesis ie Insulin negulate Blood Sugan level fasring (60-80) mg 7. Nosmal Blood Sugon (Glucose) i | a AFtes meal (120-140) mg 7. ( 80 - 120) mg ts di) 63 Diseases Hyposecsetion hypessecsetion Less insulin coill nesult + Mose than nosmal in less convession of extsa Glucose (even all) will Sugan into Fok +han noomal get convested into Fat which will incsease Blood sigan level. This will lead +o Diabetes Mellitus. > Ber This neduces Blood Sugan level: This causes Hypoglycemia symptom Less eneagy, Foequent Fainting symptom : Polyusination S Insulin A _L Blood Sugan Ly Zinc is used in Insulin Fosmaton (Bequised) Pp zinc is also helpful in healing oF wound Function or Gilucagon To countesact Insulin Stosed Fat ————? Sugan (Enexgy ) Duving Fasting (aftes 12 hos) i+ convests extsa stowed Fat in Sugan +o obtain enesgy Glucagon * Blood sugan Adsenal Gland kidneys @-6) gm each Adsenal Medulla (20-25)7 Hosmones Adsenaline di) Nos Adsenaline Epinephoin Nos Epinephsin (9s- 98)7, (2-87) Both contsol Emesgency Situations CFean , Fight, Flight ) ‘Incoease in epee) Goosebumps , sweat This is why Adsenal Glands ase also known as @ 3Fs Gland | w pecdaie Gland ii) Life saving Gland (iv) Do 0% Die Siland Adsenal Glands SS VG on +he +op of each kidney Adsenal costex (4s- 80) 7, Grvoup of Thseen hosmones ase Beleased by Adsenal costex past 4 Gluco costicoids Main Hosmone : Costisol (casticosteson) 2. Minewal costicoids Main Hosmone 1 Aldosteson 3. Sex hosmones Main hosmones © Andsogen 0) Estyogen i) Testosteson 4 All above hosmones ase stesoids (made of Fat) (i @) U (b) (0) Function of Costisol PIt convests extoa psotein into sugan Thus Tnsulin , Glucagon and Costisol contso! Blood sugan These is a chance OF Inceease in sugan level if a peoson eats a lot of meat » TH also contsol styess when in nosmal amount . But when we take a@ lot of stsess , costisol neleased in lasge amount and then in place of Beducing Stress it adds up mose stsess Theverose i+ 1s also known a Stsess Hosmone Function of Aldosteson Regulate amount of salt in body Also contsol Blood Péessuse Aldostesone | -~M ose Sweating PruSalt ¥ + wates 1 Aldosteoone % Body wee untes Aldosdesone Body salt Aldostesone % BP (as salt contain Sodium) Tus Advenal contsol — Sugan leved Steess Salt level Sexual Chasactess and is known ag 4S'5 Gland 66

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