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11/3/23, 11:46 AM Verification


Ici on va vérifier que le message n'a pas été altéré en recalculant sa signature et en la comparant avec celle reçue

Dechiffrement du message signé

In [ ]: def decipherRSA(ciphertext: int, n: int, key: int) -> str:

Decrypts an RSA ciphertext using the private key.

ciphertext (int): The encrypted message.
n (int): The modulus.
key (int): The decryption key (private exponent).

str: The original plaintext message.
# Extract individual digits from the ciphertext
msg_cipher = []
while ciphertext != 0:
ciphertext, remainder = divmod(ciphertext, n)

# Decrypt each block using modular exponentiation

msg_block = [str(pow(i, key, n)) for i in msg_cipher]

# Convert blocks back to characters

msg_padded = []
for block in msg_block:
block_padded = []
for i in range(len(block), 3, -3):
block_padded.append(chr(int(block[i - 3 : i])))

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block_padded.append(chr(int(block[: i - 3])))

return "".join(msg_padded)

# Loading of the signed message and of the public key

with open("Signature/SignedMessage.txt", "r") as f:

signedMessage = int(

with open("Signature/PublicKey.txt", "r") as f:

n = int(f.readline())
e = int(f.readline())

print("Message signé = \n", signedMessage)

ReceivedhashMessage = decipherRSA(signedMessage, n, e)

print("\nMessage haché reçu = \n", ReceivedhashMessage)

Message signé =

Message haché reçu =


Rehachage du message

In [ ]: import math

# MD5 Implementation

def leftRotate(value: int, shift: int) -> int:

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"""Performs a left rotation (circular shift) on a 32-bit integer."""

return ((value << shift) | (value >> (32 - shift))) & 0xFFFFFFFF

def MD5(message: str) -> str:

Calculates the MD5 hash of the input message.

message (str): The input message to hash.

str: The hexadecimal representation of the MD5 hash.
# Initialize constants
K = [int(abs(math.sin(i + 1)) * 2 ** 32) for i in range(64)]
s = [7, 12, 17, 22] * 4 + [5, 9, 14, 20] * 4 + [4, 11, 16, 23] * 4 + [6, 10, 15, 21] * 4 # shifts values

# Convert the message to bytes

messageBytes = message.encode('utf-8')

# Initialize state variables

a, b, c, d = 0x67452301, 0xefcdab89, 0x98badcfe, 0x10325476

# Padding the message

messageLength = len(messageBytes) * 8
messageBytes += b'\x80'

# In fact len(messageBytes) * 8 must be equal to 56 * 8 (448) mod 64* 8 = 512

while len(messageBytes) % 64 != 56:
messageBytes += b'\x00'
messageBytes += messageLength.to_bytes(8, byteorder='little')

# Process the message in Blocks of 64 bytes

for i in range(0, len(messageBytes), 64):
Block = messageBytes[i:i+64]
SubBlocks = [int.from_bytes(Block[j:j+4], byteorder='little') for j in range(0, 64, 4)]

A, B, C, D = a, b, c, d

for j in range(64):
if j <= 15:

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F_func = (B & C) | (~B & D)

g = j
elif j <= 31:
F_func = (D & B) | (~D & C)
g = (5 * j + 1) % 16
elif j <= 47:
F_func = B ^ C ^ D
g = (3 * j + 5) % 16
F_func = C ^ (B | ~D)
g = (7 * j) % 16

temp = D
D = C
C = B
B = (B + leftRotate(A + F_func + K[j] + SubBlocks[g], s[j])) & 0xFFFFFFFF
A = temp

a = (a + A) & 0xFFFFFFFF
b = (b + B) & 0xFFFFFFFF
c = (c + C) & 0xFFFFFFFF
d = (d + D) & 0xFFFFFFFF

# Concatenate the final state variables to obtain the MD5 hash

hashMD5 = (a.to_bytes(4, byteorder='little') +
b.to_bytes(4, byteorder='little') +
c.to_bytes(4, byteorder='little') +
d.to_bytes(4, byteorder='little'))

# Convert the MD5 hash to hexadecimal representation

hashMD5Hex = ''.join(format(byte, '02x') for byte in hashMD5)

return hashMD5Hex

# Opening of the message to be signed

with open("Signature/Message.txt", "r") as f:

message =

print("Message reçu = \n", message)

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# Message hashing

hashMessage = MD5(message)

print("\nMessage haché = \n", hashMessage)

Message reçu =
Salut! On fait un test de notre implémentation des signatures numériques avec MD5 et RSA!
On va signer ce message et par la suite vérifier s'il n'a pas été altéré!
A plus pour la vérification...

Message haché =


In [ ]: print("Message haché reçu = \n", ReceivedhashMessage)

print("\nMessage haché = \n", hashMessage)

if ReceivedhashMessage == hashMessage:
print("\nVérification réussie! Le message n'a pas altéré. Vous pouvez le lire en toute quiétude!")
print("\nEchec de la vérification! Le message a été altéré! Veuillez démander qu'on vous le renvoie!")

Message haché reçu =


Message haché =

Vérification réussie! Le message n'a pas altéré. Vous pouvez le lire en toute quiétude!

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