Personal Effectiveness Essay 1

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Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction................................................................................................................................2

2.0 Solving problem and making clarifications to teammates.........................................................4

3.0 Doing leadership communication with quality improvement...................................................6

4.0 Managing group members with collaboration...........................................................................8

5.0 Conclusion...............................................................................................................................10



Planning Glossary......................................................................................................................12

Organizing Glossary...................................................................................................................13

Leading Glossary.......................................................................................................................14

Controlling Glossary..................................................................................................................16
1.0 Introduction
Finding out how effective I was was the main goal of the previous RB and TER investigation.
My level of effectiveness fluctuated during that time span, and this gives you the specifics. A
number of options existed for me to increase my efficiency. Everything that happened will be
detailed by me. My experience at TER provided me with a solid grounding in the theory and
practice of planning, organizing, leading, and regulating. Twelve management terms will be
included in each of the three episodes that make up this article. This study delves into my
strategies for handling various group tasks, identifying my strengths in teamwork, and building
upon my weaknesses.
2.0 Solving problem and making interpretations to teammates
The RB left the members perplexed. Afterward, I sought guidance from the instructor and shared
relevant material with the participants, ensuring that everyone fully understood their assigned
responsibilities. This action greatly contributed to the development of the resource book and the
resolution of any issues. When one of my teammates asked about the TER project, I provided a
detailed explanation of the process for selecting relevant variables. In doing so, I showcased my
ability to work collaboratively and communicate effectively by actively contributing my
expertise and assisting my teammates.

As a result, I leverage these opportunities to foster transparent communication among team

members in order to address any concerns or issues. My problem-solving skills and ability to
explain concepts to others have been further developed through my experience with RB.
Consequently, while working on TER, I find myself better equipped to tackle challenges and
effectively communicate information. Moreover, I have learned to exercise patience and take a
more deliberate approach when explaining concepts to team members.

Planning terms
 Decision making: Management strategy and process for selecting the most sensible
solution from a set of alternatives to achieve the best result. (Bluck, 1996)
 Brainstorming: The mulling over of ideas by one or more individuals in an attempt to
devise or find a solution to a problem. (Rothaermel, 2021)
 Strategic vision: Coherent and straightforward statement that outlines in broad terms
what the organization wants to accomplish. (Rothaermel, 2021)
Organizing terms
 Chain of command: Hierarchical structure that establishes a continuous chain of
command connecting all personnel within an organisation and indicates the reporting
relationships. Within the chain of command, every employee is responsible to a single
supervisor (Rothaermel, 2021).
 Decentralization: Decentralized decision-making, often situated at lower levels of the
organisation (Rothaermel, 2021).
 Cross functional teams: A cross-functional workgroup is a team composed of people
from several functional areas within an organisation that cooperate to achieve a certain
aim (Howard & Miller, 1994).

Leading terms
 Coaching: Coaching involves an experienced person offering performance advice to a
less experienced person (Howard & Miller, 1994).
 Organizational citizenship: Discretionary behavior that is not part of an employee’s
formal job requirements, but which promotes the effective functioning of the organization
(Williams, 2002).
 Self-efficacy: An individual’s strong belief that he or she can accomplish specific task or
outcome successfully (Howard & Miller, 1994).

Controlling terms
 Continuous improvement: Ongoing process of identifying, analyzing, and making
incremental improvements to systems, processes, products, or services (Williams, 2002).
 Governance: Establishing policies and continually monitoring proper implementation of
them by the governing body of an organization, which is usually the board of directors
(Williams, 2002).
 Corrective action: Process of communicating with the employee to improve behavior or
performance after other methods such as coaching and performance appraisal have not
been successful (Williams, 2002).
3.0 Doing leadership communication with quality improvement
When my partner in RB fell ill, I engaged in a discussion with her and collaborated on the tasks
at hand. I provided her with necessary work in smaller portions while taking on the majority of
the workload myself. This situation exemplifies accountability and effective leadership
communication. I believe that my decision not only enabled me to develop contingency plans for
similar situations, but also enhanced the overall quality of the project.

After completing the recommendation section, I presented it to the team leader. We then
proceeded to discuss strategies for improving the quality of our report. This demonstrated my
ability to produce exceptional work and collaborate with others to achieve optimal results. To
gather diverse perspectives and ideas, I involved more team members in the review process.

I am confident that the actions I took in both projects had a positive impact. In the case of RB,
where the team consisted of fewer members, my efforts significantly influenced the quality of
work and fostered better communication. However, in TER, where the team was larger, my
contributions were more limited. Ultimately, I aspire to enhance my ability to effectively
communicate with both small and large groups of people.

Planning terms
 Crisis planning: Managers are prepared with an appropriate response quickly to cope
with unexpected events (Williams, 2002).
 Strategic management: Management branch concerned with the formulation and
implementation of strategies that will help business in achieving the desired outcomes
(Williams, 2002).
 Contingency Planning: Organization responses to be taken in the case of emergencies,
setbacks or unexpected conditions (Williams, 2002).
Organizing terms
 Relational coordination: Refers to frequent horizontal coordination and communication
carried out through ongoing relationship of shared goals, shared knowledge and mutual
respect. (Williams, 2002)
 Accountability: The fact that the people with authority and responsibility are subject to
reporting and justifying task outcomes to those above them in the chain of command
(Howard & Miller, 1994).
 Work Specialization: The degree to which organizational duties are divided into
separate roles is sometimes referred to as division of labor. (Howard & Miller, 1994)
Leading terms
 Motivation: The ability to work hard with persistence and for reasons other than money
and status. (Howard & Miller, 1994)
 Influence: Influencing is an essential skill and management function of guiding the
activities of employees in the direction of organizational goal achievement. (Rothaermel,
 Approach: The contingency approach says the style of leadership that works best
depends on the situation, or the environment in which you are leading. (Howard &
Miller, 1994)

Controlling terms
 Preventive action: Preventive action as a result of quality control measurements,
generally handled according to procedures for overall change control. (Rothaermel, 2021)
 Total quality management: Management approach that seeks to provide long-term
success by providing unparalleled customer satisfaction through the constant delivery of
quality IT services. (Rothaermel, 2021)
 Performance measurement: Regular measurement of outcomes and results, which
generates reliable data on the effectiveness and efficiency of programs. (Bluck, 1996)
4.0 Managing group members with colloboration
We encountered difficulties in communicating ideas within the RB. To address this, we propose
the creation of a WhatsApp group to facilitate efficient collaboration among members. This
suggestion was made in an effort to improve cooperation and promote the exchange of
information. This approach has proven to be effective, and it is important to recognize that team
members may find it favorable. This collaborative style has facilitated the prompt sharing of
information among participants. Considering the fact that there were 17 individuals in TER, we
engaged in a discussion and subsequently divided the group into three subgroups. This decision
aims to ensure equal contributions and a fair distribution of tasks for all team members.
However, overseeing smaller subgroups within a larger group allows for efficient coordination
strategies. As a result, by enhancing communication between these smaller groups and keeping
members informed, we were able to collaborate more effectively. Through the WhatsApp group
in the RB, I successfully communicated with the participants and worked diligently with them. In
TER, I collaborated with approximately 17 individuals, which enhanced my ability to work
collaboratively with others. I believe I can further enhance my capacity to inspire individuals to
strategically pursue the team's objectives.

Planning terms
 Synergy: Two or more organizations interact or cooperate to produce a combined effect
that is greater than the sum of its separate parts. (Bluck, 1996)
 Groupthink: The tendency for certain types of groups to reach decisions that are
extreme, and which tend to be unwise or unrealistic. (Bluck, 1996)
 Risk Management: procedures for performing risk identification and qualification,
planning risk, response, implementing contingency plans, allocation reserves and
documenting results. (Lencioni, 2002)

Organizing terms
 Divisional Approach: An organizational structure in which departments are grouped
based on similar organizational outputs. (Lencioni, 2002)
 Departmentalization: The basis for grouping positions into departments and
departments into the total organization. (Lencioni, 2002)
 Vertical Function Approach: An organization structure in which positions are grouped
into departments based on similar skills, expertise and resource use. (Lencioni, 2002)

Leading terms
 Empowerment: Providing employees with authority, opportunity, and motivation to do
their work, as well as holding them accountable for their actions, will make employees
happier and more proficient. (Howard & Miller, 1994)
 Emotional Intelligence: The ability to manage ourselves and our relationships
 Consideration: Behavior that indicates mutual trust, respect and rapport between a
leader- manager and the work group. (Lencioni, 2002)
Controlling terms
 Organizational control: Key managerial function and the focus of a great deal of
research in the management and organizations field. (Howard & Miller, 1994)
 Monitoring: Regularly measuring progress on a project to ensure it continues meeting
objectives and addressing current organizational needs. (Howard & Miller, 1994)
 Feedback Control: Process that managers can use to evaluate how effectively their
teams meet the stated goals at the end of a production process. (Howard & Miller, 1994)
5.0 Conclusion
In the end of this study, RB and TER were great places for me to put my management,
communication, and problem-solving skills to action. To improve teamwork and communication,
I push for open and honest dialogue between team members. My proficiency in concept
expression was much improved by the RB project, which proved to be really useful for the TER
project. The need of being patient while communicating with teammates is something else I've
picked up. The measures I took in RB paid off, and its quality went improved as a result.
Although I was hoping to be more involved, the TER (Teacher Evaluation Rating) system
penalized me for having too many members. In the next group projects, I want to further develop
my ability to motivate and encourage others to work toward shared goals while also
strengthening my interpersonal and group communication skills.
Bluck, R. (1996). Team management (1st ed., Vol. 1). Library Association.

Howard, J., & Miller, L. (1994). Team management : creating systems and skills for a team-
based organization (1st ed., Vol. 1). Miller Howard Consulting Group.

Lencioni, P. (2002). The five dysfunctions of a team : a leadership fable (1st ed., Vol. 1). Jossey-

Rothaermel, F. (2021). Strategic management (5th ed., Vol. 1). Mcgraw-Hill Education.

Williams, J. (2002). Team development for high-tech project managers (1st ed., Vol. 1). Artech
Planning Glossary
Organizing Glossary
Leading Glossary
Controlling Glossary

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