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Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction................................................................................................................................4

2.0 Solving problematic situations and making interpretations to team mates...............................5

3.0 Engaging in leadership communication to enhance quality improvement................................7

4.0 Supervising team members through collaborative efforts.........................................................9

5.0 Conclusion...............................................................................................................................11



Appendix 01 - Planning Glossary..............................................................................................13

Appendix 02 - Organizing Glossary..........................................................................................14

Appendix 03 - Leading Glossary...............................................................................................15

Appendix 04 - Controlling Glossary..........................................................................................17

1.0 Introduction
The primary objective of the previous RB and TER investigation was to determine my level of
effectiveness. Throughout that period, my effectiveness varied, and this provides you with the
specific details. There were several possibilities available to enhance my efficiency. I will
provide a comprehensive account of everything that transpired. My time at TER furnished me
with a strong foundation in the principles and application of planning, organizing, leading, and
controlling. Each of the three episodes comprising this article will encompass twelve
management terms. This study explores my approaches to managing different group
assignments, highlighting my strengths in teamwork, and addressing my areas for improvement.
2.0 Solving problematic situations and making interpretations to team mates
The RB caused confusion among the members, leading me to seek guidance from the instructor
and share relevant material with the participants to ensure everyone understood their assigned
responsibilities. This contributed significantly to the development of the resource book and the
resolution of any issues. When one of my teammates inquired about the TER project, I provided
a detailed explanation of the process for selecting relevant variables, demonstrating my ability to
collaborate and communicate effectively by actively contributing my expertise and assisting my
teammates. As a result, I utilize these opportunities to promote transparent communication
among team members and address any concerns or issues. My problem-solving skills and ability
to explain concepts to others have further improved through my experience with RB.
Consequently, while working on TER, I find myself better prepared to tackle challenges and
effectively convey information. Additionally, I have learned to exercise patience and take a more
deliberate approach when explaining concepts to team members.

Planning terms
Effective decision-making is an essential component of management strategy, involving a
meticulous process of selecting the most logical solution from a range of alternatives to achieve
optimal outcomes, as explained by Bluck (1996). This complex process necessitates careful
consideration and evaluation of various options. To facilitate this, the practice of brainstorming,
as defined by Birkinshaw (2020), comes into play, where one or more individuals collectively
contemplate ideas to devise innovative solutions to problems. This collaborative approach fosters
creativity and diverse perspectives, thereby contributing to a more comprehensive decision-
making process. Furthermore, strategic vision, as articulated by Rothaermel (2021), plays a
crucial role in guiding decision-making. A strategic vision serves as a coherent and concise
statement outlining the organization's broad objectives. This overarching direction provides
decision-makers with a framework that aligns choices with long-term organizational goals.
Ultimately, effective decision-making integrates these elements, incorporating strategic vision
and leveraging brainstorming techniques to arrive at well-informed and advantageous solutions.

Organizing terms
Rothaermel (2021) outlines the chain of command as a means to establish a hierarchical structure
within an organization. This structure ensures a continuous line of authority and defines
reporting relationships. Each employee is held accountable to a singular supervisor, which
promotes a clear line of responsibility. On the other hand, Lynch (2018) emphasizes
decentralization, which involves delegating decision-making to lower levels of the organization.
This approach fosters autonomy and responsiveness. Additionally, Howard and Miller (1994)
highlight the importance of cross-functional teams. These teams consist of individuals from
diverse functional areas who collaborate to achieve specific organizational objectives. By doing
so, they facilitate a holistic and integrated approach to problem-solving.

Leading terms
As defined by Howard and Miller (1994), coaching involves a dynamic process where a
knowledgeable individual imparts guidance and advice to someone with less experience,
facilitating the development of skills and the transfer of knowledge. Organizational citizenship,
as described by Williams (2002), encompasses discretionary behaviors that go beyond formal job
responsibilities, contributing to the overall effectiveness of the organization. This selfless
engagement demonstrates employees' dedication to the well-being of the workplace.
Additionally, self-efficacy, as explained by Howard and Miller (1994), refers to an individual's
unwavering belief in their ability to successfully complete specific tasks or achieve desired
outcomes, which in turn influences motivation and performance.

Controlling terms
Williams (2002) defines continuous improvement as an ongoing effort to identify, analyze, and
implement small-scale improvements to systems, processes, products, or services. On the other
hand, governance refers to the establishment of policies and the continuous monitoring of their
proper implementation by the governing body, usually the board of directors. This ensures that
the organization follows established guidelines for effective and ethical operations. In situations
where performance is lacking, corrective action, as explained by Williams (2002), involves a
communication process aimed at improving behavior or performance after previous methods
such as coaching and performance appraisal have been unsuccessful.
3.0 Engaging in leadership communication to enhance quality improvement
When my teammate in RB had busiest job life, I engaged in a discussion with her and worked
together on the tasks at hand. I provided her with smaller portions of the necessary work while
taking on the majority of the workload myself. This situation demonstrates accountability and
effective communication in leadership. I believe that my decision not only allowed me to
develop backup plans for similar situations, but also improved the overall quality of the project.
After completing the recommendation section, I presented it to the team leader. We then
proceeded to have a discussion about strategies to enhance the quality of our report. This
showcases my ability to produce exceptional work and collaborate with others to achieve the best
possible results. To gather a variety of perspectives and ideas, I involved more team members in
the review process. I am confident that the actions I took in both projects had a positive impact.
In the case of RB, where the team was smaller, my efforts significantly influenced the quality of
work and fostered better communication. However, in TER, where the team was larger, my
contributions were more limited. Ultimately, I aim to improve my ability to effectively
communicate with both small and large groups of people.

Planning terms
According to Williams (2002), crisis planning provides managers with the ability to anticipate
and react swiftly and efficiently to unforeseen circumstances. On the other hand, strategic
management focuses on developing and executing strategies to achieve desired business results.
This requires a comprehensive and forward-looking approach to navigate the competitive
environment. Furthermore, contingency planning, as described by Williams (2002), involves pre-
determined organizational responses that aim to handle emergencies, setbacks, or unexpected
situations, ensuring a proactive and flexible approach in the midst of uncertainties.
Organizing terms
Williams (2002) defines relational coordination as the creation of regular horizontal coordination
and communication channels within an organization. This is achieved through ongoing
relationships that are characterized by shared goals, shared knowledge, and mutual respect, with
a focus on collaboration and synergy among team members. Howard and Miller (1994) explain
that accountability involves individuals with authority and responsibility being held responsible
for reporting and justifying task outcomes to higher-ups in the chain of command. Lencioni
(2002) describes work specialization, or division of labor, as the process of dividing
organizational duties into distinct roles to optimize efficiency and task focus.
Leading terms
Motivation, according to the definition provided by Howard and Miller (1994), extends beyond
material and status-based rewards, encompassing the capacity to work diligently and persistently
driven by internal factors. Influence, as emphasized by Rothaermel (2021), is a critical skill and
managerial function necessary for directing employees' actions towards achieving organizational
objectives. Furthermore, the contingency approach, as outlined by Howard and Miller (1994),
argues that effective leadership styles depend on the specific situation or context in which one is
leading. This adaptable approach highlights the significance of customizing leadership strategies
to suit the unique requirements of the given circumstances.

Controlling terms
According to Rothaermel (2021), preventive action is a proactive measure taken in response to
quality control measures. It is typically implemented through established procedures for overall
change control. Rothaermel (2021) also highlights that total quality management is a
management approach that focuses on consistently delivering high-quality IT services that
surpass customer expectations, thereby ensuring long-term success. Furthermore, Bluck (1996)
describes performance measurement as the regular evaluation of outcomes and results, which
generates reliable data for assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of programs. This
systematic evaluation plays a crucial role in informed decision-making and continuous
improvement efforts.
4.0 Supervising team members through collaborative efforts
Difficulties were encountered in communicating ideas within the RB. In order to address this
issue, we suggest the establishment of a WhatsApp group to facilitate efficient collaboration
among members. This proposal was made with the intention of improving cooperation and
promoting the exchange of information. This approach has proven to be effective, and it is
important to acknowledge that team members may find it advantageous. This collaborative
approach has facilitated the prompt sharing of information among participants. Taking into
consideration the fact that there were 17 individuals in TER, we engaged in a discussion and
subsequently divided the group into three subgroups. This decision aims to ensure equal
contributions and a fair distribution of tasks for all team members. However, overseeing smaller
subgroups within a larger group allows for efficient coordination strategies. As a result, by
enhancing communication between these smaller groups and keeping members informed, we
were able to collaborate more effectively. Through the WhatsApp group in the RB, I successfully
communicated with the participants and worked diligently with them. In TER, I collaborated
with approximately 17 individuals, which enhanced my ability to work collaboratively with
others. I believe I can further enhance my capacity to inspire individuals to strategically pursue
the team's objectives.

Planning terms
Bluck (1996) defines synergy as the outcome of the interaction or cooperation between two or
more organizations, resulting in a combined effect that exceeds the sum of their individual
contributions. This collaborative effort leads to improved outcomes and efficiencies. On the
other hand, Bluck (1996) also identifies groupthink as the tendency of certain types of groups to
make extreme and often unwise or unrealistic decisions due to a lack of critical evaluation.
Additionally, Lencioni (2002) describes risk management as a systematic process that includes
risk identification, qualification, planning, response, contingency planning, reserve allocation,
and result documentation. This comprehensive approach ensures that organizations are well-
prepared to navigate uncertainties effectively.

Organizing terms
Lencioni (2002) presents the divisional approach as a way to organize departments within an
organization based on similar outputs. This method enhances efficiency and specialization within
each division. Additionally, departmentalization, as described by Lencioni (2002), forms the
foundation for organizing positions into departments and grouping departments within the
organization. It provides a structure for defining roles and responsibilities across the
organizational hierarchy. Moreover, the vertical function approach, also discussed by Lencioni
(2002), arranges positions into departments based on shared skills, expertise, and resource
utilization, fostering collaboration and coherence within functional units.

Leading terms
Empowerment, as described by Howard and Miller (1994), encompasses granting employees not
just the power and chances to carry out their tasks, but also the drive to surpass expectations. It
highlights the responsibility of employees for their actions, fostering both contentment and
competence. Furthermore, emotional intelligence pertains to the ability to effectively handle
oneself and relationships, acknowledging the significance of interpersonal skills in leadership.
Consideration, as defined by Lencioni (2002), denotes behaviors that demonstrate mutual trust,
respect, and rapport between a leader-manager and the work group, establishing a culture of
positivity and collaboration within the organization.

Controlling terms
Organizational control, as emphasized by Birkinshaw (2020), is a crucial managerial function
that has been extensively studied in the field of management and organizations. It involves the
implementation of systems and procedures to regulate and guide organizational activities towards
established objectives. Monitoring, as defined by Howard and Miller (1994), is an essential
element of organizational control, which involves regularly measuring the progress of projects to
ensure alignment with goals and responsiveness to current organizational requirements.
Additionally, feedback control, as explained by Birkinshaw (2020), is a managerial process
utilized to assess the effectiveness of teams in achieving stated goals at the end of a production
process, thereby facilitating continuous improvement.
5.0 Conclusion
At the conclusion of this study, RB and TER provided excellent opportunities for me to apply my
management, communication, and problem-solving abilities. To enhance teamwork and
communication, I advocated for transparent and sincere dialogue among team members. The RB
project significantly enhanced my proficiency in expressing concepts, which proved invaluable
for the TER project. Additionally, I learned the importance of patience in communicating with
teammates. The efforts I invested in RB yielded positive results, leading to an improvement in its
quality. However, I was disappointed to find that the TER system penalized me for having a
larger team. Moving forward, in future group projects, I aspire to further develop my skills in
motivating and inspiring others to work towards common objectives, while also strengthening
my interpersonal and group communication capabilities.
Birkinshaw, J. (2020). Strategic management (1st ed., Vol. 1). Edward Elgar Pub.

Bluck, R. (1996). Team management (1st ed., Vol. 1). Library Association.

Howard, J., & Miller, L. (1994). Team management : creating systems and skills for a team-
based organization (1st ed., Vol. 1). Miller Howard Consulting Group.

Lencioni, P. (2002). The five dysfunctions of a team : a leadership fable (1st ed., Vol. 1). Jossey-

Lynch, R. (2018). Strategic Management (8th ed., Vol. 1). Pearson Education Limited.

Rothaermel, F. (2021). Strategic management (5th ed., Vol. 1). Mcgraw-Hill Education.

Williams, J. (2002). Team development for high-tech project managers (1st ed., Vol. 1). Artech
Appendix 01 - Planning Glossary
Appendix 02 - Organizing Glossary
Appendix 03 - Leading Glossary
Appendix 04 - Controlling Glossary

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