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TANAY VARIA 19bar086 | Sub. Creating Writing

Institute of Architecture & Planning Nirma

Dawn of New Vibrant India – By Dr. Harbeen Arora | Dr. Vinay Rai
Dr. Harbeen wrote the book "Dawn of New Vibrant India".
Education, Educare, E-Learning, and Equity are the goals of Arora.
Employment, empowerment, and entrepreneurship. This book is
a guide. failing in its endeavor to recommend organic yet cutting-
edge measures to improve all of our teenagers by giving them
access to top-notch education skills to position India as a world
vibrant era India proposes focussing on the nation's current
educational system and introducing a graduate degree in "Skills"
to guarantee that the youth of India possess the necessary skills
for employment. Indian universities should Create a creative and
professional curriculum that focuses on practical, skills-based,
and industry-relevant courses. Additionally, skill improvement
should be hastened among the underprivileged SC/ST, OBC,
minority, and other underdeveloped sections of society. The
Indian government must improve the nation's current system of
employment and education.

Dr. Hrabeen Arora's goal as a well-known patroness is to assist

ordinary people in every manner she can. She traveled extensively
to learn about the international economy and the best strategies
for India's development and the welfare of its people. She
oversees numerous initiatives aimed at educating and
empowering women in Indian society. She cares a great deal
about the socially disadvantaged groups in society. Through
skill-based education that leads to employment and
empowerment, she works toward their uplift.

Dr. Harbeen Arora is a notable example of creative capitalism and

a symbol of change and development in modern India. Dr.
Harbeen Arora has made significant contributions to the
empowerment of women, the welfare of orphan girls, the
promotion of ancient arts and culture, and the support of rural
health care through her charitable endeavors.
Dr. Harbeen Arora, Chancellor of Rai, has consistently tried to find
and give deserving talent exposure all across the world. She has
worked to promote e-learning, particularly through MOOCs, in the
state of Gujarat as Chancellor of Rai University. In an attempt to
Dr. Harbeen Arora has started scholarship programs at Rai
University, especially for disadvantaged female students, in an
effort to make education accessible to everyone. Working to
implement the policies and morals that Dr. Harbeen Arora
upholds aims to take concrete steps for uplifting the
underprivileged section of society, bringing a new ray of light into
each person's life and inspiring them to break free from the chains
of prejudice, recognize their talents, and stand out from the

About the book and the solution, suggestions given in the book
from my point of view:
India is facing numerous difficulties in almost every area,
including security, health, housing, food, infrastructure, and
education. The more difficult task is to carry the entire population
forward while leaving no one behind. The challenge is enormous,
but the people's spirit and determination to succeed despite all
obstacles continue to be the bright spot and the glimmer of hope.
Among all the difficulties, providing our children with a top-notch
education and useful skills is the most pressing. The victory over
this will produce a brand-new generation of businesspeople,
thinkers, innovators, and a skilled labor force that can
subsequently assist in tackling and resolving other important
issues that currently plague our country. It is not simple to
provide all of our citizens with a world- class education and
information, but new technology and advancements in the
dissemination of knowledge give us new hope.
Even though many people may not want to admit it out loud, the
nation as a whole has failed its youth. The number of schools in
India's higher education system is the largest in the world, and it
ranks third in terms of enrollment, but the quality of its graduates
is still a problem. The nation's Gross Enrolment Ratio is even
than that of Brazil and China, much below the 30 percent global
average, and far below the 60 percent threshold that a developed
nation should at the very least meet.
A brand-new, vibrant era To guarantee that Indian young receive
the finest education and prospects, are integrated with the rest of
the world, and subsequently have access to economic
opportunities and social mobility, India offers specific policy
proposals and actions. The book makes a compelling case for
incorporating all relevant parties, including the federal
government, state governments, universities, teachers, students,
business, NGOs, and civil society, in order to remove the barriers,
speed bumps, and speed limiters that unnecessarily impede the
expansion of our higher education sector.
To put the goal of a skilled and educated India on the forefront
and increase possibilities for our kids, it calls for a higher sense of
urgency, a keen political will, decisive leadership, and imaginative
efforts at the Center and the State levels. The book provides a
clear roadmap for the future based on the guiding concepts of
Inclusion, Access, Reach, Fairness, Quality, Equality,
Nation-Building, Connecting Education to Opportunities, and
Learning from Global Best Practices.


19Bar086 B.Arch. 5th year

Tanay Varia

(Institute of Architecture & Planning Nirma University

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