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SGOXXX10.1177/21582440211013780SAGE OpenParra Miranda et al.

Original Research


A Review on Green Technology

April-June 2021: 1­–22
© The Author(s) 2021
DOI: 10.1177/21582440211013780

Practices at BRICS Countries: Brazil,

Russia, India, China, and South Africa

Isabella Tamine Parra Miranda1 , Juliana Moletta1,

Bruno Pedroso2, Luiz Alberto Pilatti1,
and Claudia Tania Picinin1

The objective of this study is to identify the main Green Technology practices carried out in the countries Brazil, Russia,
India, China, and South Africa (BRICS), through a systematic review without temporal delimitation. BRICS countries were
chosen due to the high potential for impact on the environment, as well as the possibility of increasing the theoretical subsidy
in discussions related to sustainable practices in these countries. The Methodi Ordinatio methodology was used to select and
map the portfolio of relevant articles in the area, which allowed the identification of the main Green Technology practices
used in the BRICS countries. The final portfolio was composed of 170 studies. The main Green Technology practices used
in the BRICS are related to products, processes, and raw materials; a sustainable agriculture; water treatment and retention;
waste management; green energy and energy reduction; carbon and biogas reduction; green buildings; and sustainability and
ecocities policies. A greater number of researches on Green Technology and its practices took place in the countries of
China and India, which can be explained due to its more sustainable development, greater number of sustainable actions, and
growing interest by the country’s local academy. Brazil, Russia, and South Africa did not excel in Green Technology practices.
The study provided an overview of the practices used in these countries and that can contribute to guidance for companies
that are concerned with sustainability. It is worth mentioning that the political interest in this topic was identified, because
there are political actions that encourage Green Technology practices.

Green Technology, BRICS, sustainable development, systematic literature review, Methodi Ordinatio

Introduction Green Technology appears in this context through the

development of sustainable practices (Santra, 2017), pro-
Population growth, along with increased industrial activity moting mechanisms that allow the reduction of pollution,
around the world, has been leading to the depletion of natu- environmental impacts throughout the life cycle, the open-
ral resources (Fujii & Managi, 2019; Salvador et al., 2019) ing and creation of new markets, and the development of
and has generated a growing concern about the disparity in new products, services, or processes (Bocken et al., 2014;
wealth and the social and environmental responsibility Mylan, 2015).
(Alam & Murad, 2020). There is a new scenario for organi- Green Technology has become one of the best alterna-
zations and countries seeking to adopt technologies that are tive strategies for sustainable development (Danish &
sustainable both in their products and in their processes, Ulucak, 2020). Green growth depends on technological and
through innovation and sustainability practices (Hu et al., market innovations, specially, to understand the role of
These practices are concerned with mitigating the dam-
age caused to the environment and also seek to cause 1
Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Ponta Grossa, Brazil
impacts in several sectors, among them, especially, energy, 2
Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa, Brazil
health, and wealth (Zhu & Ye, 2018). Sustainable develop-
Corresponding Author:
ment and the spread of the use of green technologies, also Isabella Tamine Parra Miranda, Universidade Tecnológica Federal do
called Green Technology, have been gaining strength in all Paraná, 84017-220 Ponta Grossa, Brazil.
sectors of the countries’ economy (C. Wang et al., 2015). Email:

Creative Commons CC BY: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License
( which permits any use, reproduction and distribution of
the work without further permission provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and Open Access pages
2 SAGE Open

environmental technologies and the formulation of policies institutional, or based on marketing). And linked practices
and decision making (Alam & Murad, 2020). Green or eco- can be motivated by economic or environmental consider-
technology includes sustainable or environmental technol- ations, including goals to reduce resource costs, pollution
ogy and it covers continuously evolving groups of methods, control, or waste management, or sells on the world market
practices, and materials, from techniques for generating of eco-products. The environmental responsibility of firms
energy to non-toxic cleaning products (Aswathy & is comprised of business processes and practices, such as
Saravanan, 2019). It considers the long- and short-term waste reduction, efficiency in energy and water use, recy-
impact of something on the environment (Alam & Murad, cling, monitoring, reusing by-products, and making efforts
2020). Green Technology is environmentally friendly by to preserve the natural resources, all of which are pitched to
definition because it encompasses energy efficiency, health diminish the adverse effects of the operations of firms
and safety concerns, recycling, renewable resources, and (Abbas, Raza, et al., 2019).
many other things (Awan, 2019). The organizations have to
adopt the best utilization strategy of their available
resources to ensure firms sustainable growth in challenging
Research Gaps
and competitive business environment (Abbas, Mahmood, In this context, this study is justified by the gap in the
et al., 2019). research area, considering the limitation of studies that
Braun and Wield (1994) introduced Green Technology as investigate the set of Green Technology practices in the
a generic term for technologies, processes, or products that BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa)
reduce environmental pollution, energy consumption, and countries, which stood out on the world stage for the rapid
raw materials. Bartlett and Trifilova (2010) define Green growth of their developing economies (de Medeiros &
Technology as innovation in products and processes that Trebat, 2017). Thus, the research makes it possible to under-
provide value to the customer and the business but signifi- stand which are the drivers that contribute to the theoretical
cantly reduce environmental impacts. Similarly, Kemp and and methodological direction used in research on this theme
Pearson (2007) propose the concept of Green Technology as (Díaz-García et al., 2015). In addition to this factor, the
the production, assimilation or exploration of a product, BRICS countries operate in different economic segments
production process, service or management or business that consequently generate an increase in their rates of envi-
method that is new to the organization (developing or adopt- ronmental pollution and extraction of natural resources
ing) resulting, throughout its life cycle, in reducing environ- (Aswathy & Saravanan, 2019). Another highlight is linked
mental risk, pollution, and other negative impacts of to the need to discuss sustainability issues in developing
resource use (including energy use) compared with relevant countries (Awan et al., 2018b).
alternatives. Regarding practical and operational relevance, the study
Qi et al. (2010) and Rennings (2000) point out that the is justified because it serves as a basis for expanding Green
green innovation is divided into two main strands: green Technology practices with organizations that are adapting
technological innovation and green managerial innovation. their strategies and inserting environmental management in
Green technological innovation is geared toward environ- their businesses to reduce the generation of harmful sub-
mental protection, in which environmental scientific stances to the environment (D’Souza et al., 2006; Ko et al.,
knowledge and technology aims to achieve a harmonious 2011; Murugesan, 2008).
development between the economy and the environment in In addition, at the governmental level, it is expected to
the production process, through efforts that include the contribute to the importance of discussing the promotion of
development of technologies and products helping to save Sustainable Consumption and Production patterns (SCP),
energy and raw materials, using energy efficiently (Corsi and protection and management of natural resource bases for
et al., 2019). Earlier, the green managerial innovation refers economic and social development, and addressing climate
to the adoption of new organizational structures or manage- change, energy efficiency, energy conservation, environmental
ment systems, thereby improving production and manage- technologies, green buildings, investments, carbon dioxide,
ment processes to reduce negative environmental impacts and manufacturing (Danish & Ulucak, 2020).
(S. J. Li et al., 2018). It is also important to consider the need to understand how
Based on the perspective of industrial dynamics, organizations can foster their sustainability actions with their
Andersen (2008) defines Green Technology as innovations employees, through encouragement, creativity, and mecha-
that attract green profitability on the market. Considering nisms that promote the exchange of information and joint
the statements and following the same scope of definitions, strategic planning decisions for the effectiveness of these
Arundel and Kemp (2009) conclude that Green Technology actions (Awan, 2019).
represents an important new concept for companies and BRICS countries have national science and technology–
policy-making countries. These are innovations with less oriented strategies, which are regularly updated for monitor-
environmental impact than relevant alternatives. Innovations ing, benchmarking, and planning purposes. Thus, they apply
can be technological or non-technological (organizational, rational methods for the management of their research
Parra Miranda et al. 3

systems (Kahn, 2015). They also have significant industrial research on a specific topic. Its main advantage is that the
capacity and high levels of self-sufficiency. Medical, scien- definition of relevance occurs in the early stages of the pro-
tific, and technical competences that contribute to the global cess. This factor brings advantages to the researcher, because
advance of knowledge can be cited (Kahn, 2015). However, if he decides that he is not satisfied with his search, he will be
the absence of sustainable mechanisms in these countries able to do the work again, because it occurs more quickly
hinders the growth of the BRICS for future times (Ozturk, than if he were using more complex methodologies, in addi-
2015). tion to presenting an analysis that takes into account three
Considering that, to date, there is no systematic review factors: number of citations, year of publication, and impact
of robust and current literature, which gathers information factor (Pagani et al., 2017).
on the main practices of Green Technology carried out in To answer the proposed objective, the Methodi Ordinatio,
the BRICS, this study presents, through the original pro- a systematic review methodology proposed by Pagani et al.
posal, relevant potential to fill this gap, as well as due to the (2017), was chosen. The methodology aims to select and
topicality and relevance of the topic. And, in this context, classify relevant scientific articles, considering the criteria:
the results may pave the way for new research in this area impact factor, number of citations, and year of publication.
of knowledge, thus expanding the information and strate- Such criteria generate an index called InOrdinatio, facilitat-
gies adopted in these countries, as well as environmental ing the identification of the most relevant studies on the
management practices, and constituting a source of consul- subject.
tation for industrial managers to support their decision- The methodology foresees a sequence of nine steps used
making process when adopting environmental management to follow the methodological path:
Thus, the present study aims to identify the main Green Step 1—Establishment of the research intention: Green
Technology practices carried out in the countries belonging Technology and BRICS countries. “Generally, the research
to the BRICS through a systematic review without temporal intention is related to the line of research to which the
delimitation. researcher is linked” (Pagani et al., 2017, p. 171). Thus,
the intention of research in this work is focused on the
theme Green Technology and BRICS countries.
Method Step 2—Definition and combinations of keywords and
Due to the advancement of technologies and the need to databases: In this step, combinations of keywords were
build new knowledge, there is a significant increase in the tested in the databases to identify the searches that pre-
sharing of information or research processes (Haeussler sented satisfactory results according to the objective of
et al., 2014); in this sense, the number of scientific studies the study.
and research has shown a considerable increase in last years. Step 3—Preliminary exploratory research using selected
In this way, there are several possibilities to identify sources keywords in the search databases: The choice of data-
of data and information to produce new knowledge. It is bases, Web of Science and Scopus, was made, because the
part of the researcher’s job to select these sources as well as databases presented a high volume of publications with
to identify the most relevant information for his research. the searched keywords and greater availability of access
Methodi Ordinatio was selected as the method for conduct- to published materials.
ing the systematic review of this research, as it “enables the Step 4—Definitive search in the databases: The final
construction of a consistent bibliographic portfolio for the search resulted in a gross total of 439 articles. We opted
preparation of a research work, in a faster and more effective for research without a time limit for a complete system-
way” (Pagani et al., 2017, p. 163), through the use of infor- atic review; documents selected were restricted to original
mation and communication technologies in its application and review articles only, using the following descriptors
(Pagani et al., 2017). (Table 1).
Methodi Ordinatio is a robust method, so the work of Step 5—Filtering procedures and elimination of duplicate
identifying scientific relevance is laborious for the articles: It is important to use the filters available in each
researcher. The relevance identification process consists of database properly and in the most standardized way pos-
systematic reading and bibliometric analysis of each arti- sible. Even so, as there is no uniform mechanism between
cle after the filtering process, as described by the authors. the bases, the return of articles presented documents unre-
Only after these tasks is it possible to define the relevance lated to the topic. In addition, the result presented repeated
or not of the work for the research being carried out (Pagani articles, as they were present in the two databases (see
et al., 2017). Table 2).
As a reflection on other methodologies such as: MSCRI, Step 6—Identification of the impact factor, considering
The Cochrane Collaboration Model and ProKnow-C, year and number of citations. The journal citation report
Methodi Ordinatio, proposes to assist in the decision-making (JCR) was considered the first option of impact factor
process on which works make up a robust portfolio for measurement, and in the case of publications not
4 SAGE Open

Table 1. Keywords and Research Bases. which passed the exclusion criteria (Table 2). From those,
109 articles were eliminated through full reading, com-
Combinations of keywords Scopus Web of Science
posing the final portfolio with 170 articles.
“green technology” AND “Brazil” 20 10
“green technology” AND “Russia” 25 5 This selection of articles allowed the analysis of aspects
“green technology” AND “India” 97 24 permeating Green Technology practices adopted by the
“green technology” AND “China” 157 84 BRICS countries, allowing to carrying out comparative
“green technology” 13 4 analyses.
AND “South Africa” A summary of literature review steps is shown in Figure 1:
Total by base 312 127
Grand total 439
Results and Discussion
Source. The authors (2021).
This section is divided into literature exploration and Green
Technology practices adopted by BRICS countries.
evaluated by the JCR, the Cite Score metric was chosen.
To obtain the number of citations of each article, a search
was performed using the Google Scholar platform. Portfolio Exploration
Step 7—Ordering the articles using InOrdinatio index, The visual maps of co-authorship (Figure 2A) and co-
considering Equation 1: The InOrdinatio equation was occurrence (Figure 2B) were built with the aid of the
applied, using an Excel™ spreadsheet. The equation VOSviewer software tool. The visual map of co-authorship
allows to order the portfolio according to scientific rele- based on the final portfolio was made using the full count-
vance, which uses three factors: number of citations, year ing method of VOSviewer with a minimum number of doc-
of publication, and impact factor (Pagani et al., 2017): uments of two per author; therefore, the number of authors
IF found was 21.
InOrdinatio = For a visual co-occurrence map of keywords, the mini-
1, 000 (1) mum number of occurrences per keyword was defined. From
+ α × 10 − ( Research Year − Publish Year )  + Ci , 1,443 keywords, only 85 met the established criteria, using
the complete counting method. Figure 2A shows the co-
where IF is the impact factor, α is a weighting factor ranging author relations and Figure 2B the co-occurrence relations,
from 1 to 10 to be attributed by the researcher, Research respectively.
Year is the year in which the research was developed, Among the 530 authors, 37 present two publications. In
Publish Year is the year in which the paper was published, the image, it is possible to observe the clusters, as well as the
and Ci is the number of times the paper has been cited years of publication, according to the legend. Six authors
(Pagani et al., 2017). (with the largest circumferences) present three publications.
The α value established was 10, which may vary between Two authors present four publications and only one author
1 and 10, being a researcher criterion. In this case, priority presents eight publications. Xiaoqin Zhang presented publi-
was given to the most recent articles, because the selection of cation of eight documents; additionally, he is the author with
documents was carried out without time limit set. the largest number of links with other authors, due to co-
At this stage, due to the application of the equation, it was authorship publications. This researcher forms a network
possible to identify 16 articles with a negative InOrdinatio with 22 other authors. The author has published on this topic
index classification value, being eliminated from the final since 2011, having his last publication in 2019, being the
portfolio. Therefore, the final portfolio consisted of 279 author with the greatest connectivity in publications regard-
articles. ing the theme.
The portfolio contains scholars who also formed net-
Step 8—Location of articles in full format: The location works, however, with fewer articles, such as Shanyong Wang
of the works in full format was carried out directly on the (four publications) and six ties with other authors, including
magazine’s website or also on the Google Scholar web- Xiaoqin Zhang. Yuan Zhou has four publications; however,
site. Articles were easily located in full when searching he belongs to only one cluster, participating as the first author
for data as an impact factor and number of citations. In or co-author within the same network. The visual map shows
other cases, the full text was hidden in one of the versions the competition of keywords, in which it is possible to ana-
of the work on Google Scholar; the full format was also lyze the themes related to Green Technologies. The promi-
found in other journals or in the researcher’s own nent authors are Chinese, as the largest number of publications
profile. belongs to China.
Step 9—Systematic reading and analysis of articles: The Due to the scope of research addressing only BRICS
present stage was based on the reading of 279 articles, countries, the keywords highlighted are developing
Parra Miranda et al. 5

Table 2. Filtering Procedures.

Filtering procedures Exclusion criteria Total

Duplicates Duplicate documents in both bases 144
Abstract and full Articles not related to the theme, articles that did not present studies concerning the 109
reading BRICS countries, and articles that did not clearly present Green Technology practices
InOrdinatio InOrdinatio negative 16
Total articles 269

Source. The authors (2021).

Note. BRICS = Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa.

Definition of keywords

India AND “green technology”

South Africa

Search In Databases

Web Of Science Scopus

(n=127) (n=312)


Duplicates n=144

InOrdinatio negative n=16

Out of scope


Non-BRICS country n=27

Final Portfolio

Figure 1. Summary of literature review steps.

Source. The authors (2021).
6 SAGE Open

Figure 2. (A) Co-authorship—Final portfolio and (B) Co-occurrence of terms—Final portfolio.

Source. The authors (2021).

Figure 3. Number of publications per year.

Source. The authors (2021).

countries, China and India. China reported 48 occurrences renewable energy, green computing, extraction, productivity,
linked to 269 keywords. India has 18 occurrences linked to environmental regulation, green economy, and manufactur-
205 keywords. This is due to the fact that the largest concen- ing, among others.
tration of articles in this portfolio belongs to China and India. These results demonstrate that the majority of works are
The theme Green Technology (37) stands out, because it is aligned with the theme Green Technology and that there is a
the central axis of this work, followed by sustainable devel- strong link between the theme and the words innovation,
opment (25), environmental technology and sustainability environmental technology, sustainable development, energy
(16), and innovation and environmental protection (14). efficiency, and emission control. Figure 3 shows the number
More recent keywords, which started to emerge around of documents belonging to the final portfolio, according to
2015, are decision making, innovation, technology, the year of publication.
Parra Miranda et al. 7

Table 3 maps the nine main Green Technology practices

adopted by BRICS countries. From these, India presents
the largest number of studies related to (a) products/pro-
cesses/raw material, (b) green energy/energy reduction, and
(c) sustainable agriculture. China presented the largest
number of studies related to (a) products/processes/raw
material, (b) sustainability policies, and (c) carbon reduc-
tion/biogas. On the contrary, Brazil, Russia, and South
Africa did not excel in the number of Green Technology
practices adopted.
Considering that BRICS countries are all emerging econ-
omies, economic development has been overshadowed
among individual strategies for sustainable development (V.
K. Mittal, 2017). As can be seen in Table 3, the BRICS coun-
tries have intensified their strategies at different levels to
address sustainable development in a holistic way, actively
Figure 4. Number of articles by country. promoting environmental initiatives through government
Source. The authors (2021). policies and various commitments and actions of sustainable
development (Gramkow & Anger-Kraavi, 2018).
It should be noted that the theme Green Technology has
Green Technology practices in Brazil. In the present study, 16
shown an increase in the number of publications in BRICS
articles list Green Technology practices in Brazil. As Green
countries since 2013. It is certainly a theme that has gaining
Technology has become an alternative strategy for the coun-
space in the academy discussion worldwide. When analyzing
portfolio, the Journal of Cleaner Production (12 documents) try’s sustainable and economic development. Green Technol-
and the International Journal of Applied Engineering ogy practices are focused on the use of production processes
Research (10 documents) show representative results in rela- that are less impacting environmentally, socially, and eco-
tion to the number of published documents, followed by the nomically viable through the best application of products,
Sustainability (Switzerland), with three documents. processes, and raw materials in manufacturing (Glänzel &
Figure 4 shows the sum of the number of articles pub- Zhou, 2011). Also, within the scope of environmental sus-
lished by country: tainability, initiatives that promote the conservation of natu-
The largest number of publications on Green Technology ral resources and energy stand out (Ferreira et al., 2018).
was carried out by China and India, considering the scope to Glänzel and Zhou (2011) state that, in general, Brazilian
BRICS countries. Studies from China account for 50% (94) high-tech companies have undertaken to adopt these prac-
of the articles analyzed, India 32% (68), Brazil 9% (16), tices. Internal environmental management, as well as the use
Russia 6% (10), and South Africa only represents 3% (5). of alternative sources of water and energy, is addressed in
China, India, and Brazil tend to present a greater number of most studies analyzed that link practices to strategies (for-
articles on Green Technology practices, explained due to its mulation, performance evaluation, cooperation and commu-
sustainable development (Gramkow & Anger-Kraavi, 2018). nication, barriers and stimuli); innovation (process, product,
Figure 5 shows the number of articles in relation to the and market), and operations (green purchases, green manu-
JCR (per journal). To prepare the graph, we opted to limit facturing, green distribution, reverse logistics, final destina-
journals that presented at least two articles in the portfolio. tion, and treatment).
From the journals with at least two articles published and It should be noted that the adoption of environmental
selected for analysis, 68% have JCR (considering the 2018 technologies has brought results aimed at reducing the con-
JCR). Journal of Cleaner Production presented 12 docu- sumption of energy and materials. Diana et al. (2017) empha-
ments and International Journal of Applied Engineering size the central role of manufacturing in the sustainable
Research presented 10 documents. As can be seen, the management of operations.
scientific periodicals with highest JCRs are Applied According to Walker et al. (2014), sustainable manage-
Energy, Journal of Hazardous Materials, and Resources, ment of operations requires the adoption of environmental
Conservation & Recycling. technologies, in which the improvement of environmental
conditions results from the adoption of environmental tech-
nologies and innovations and the analysis of ecological
Green Technology Practices in BRICS Countries
resources and modernization, which claim the possibility
The articles selected in this review showed a variety of of combination of environmental legislation, industrial
Green Technology practices adopted by the BRICS coun- solutions, and innovation and improvement of companies’
tries (Table 3): environmental performance.
8 SAGE Open

14 9

7.65 8

8 4.88 4.797 4.865


3.846 3.821 3.815

6 4

4 2.237 2.25

0 0 0 0.053 0 0 0 0
0 0

Figure 5. Journals with JCR presenting at least two articles analyzed in the research portfolio.
Source. The authors (2021).
Note. JCR = journal citation report.

Table 3. Green Technology Practices Adopted by the BRICS Countries and Number of Works Published on the Topic.

Green Technology practices Brazil Russia India China South Africa

Products/processes/raw material 5 2 26 27 3
Sustainable agriculture 2 1 8 3 —
Water treatment/retention 2 — 6 4 —
Waste management 2 — 2 4 —
Green energy/energy reduction 2 — 11 9 1
Carbon reduction/biogas 1 1 7 14 1
Green buildings 1 3 4 14 —
Sustainability policies 1 2 3 16 —
Ecocities — 1 1 3 —
Total 16 10 68 94 5

Source. The authors (2021).

Note. BRICS = Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.

Table 4 summarizes Green Technology practices and sub- that these practices try to reverse some scenarios by improv-
practices adopted by Brazil. ing sustainable processes. In addition, the adoption of these
In Brazil, most studies focus on Green Technology prac- practices allows results aimed at the use of alternative
tices over products/processes/raw material. It was observed sources of water and energy, as well as the possibility of
Parra Miranda et al. 9

Table 4. Green Technology Practices in Brazil.

Practices in Brazil Sub-practices Authors

Products/processes/raw Comparison with countries from emerging economies; Tanobe et al. (2014),
material green biotechnology; biotechnological applications to the Buscariolo et al. (2015),
development of compounds based on biomaterials; use of Ferreira et al. (2018), Glänzel &
extracts in the pharmaceutical and food industries Zhou (2011), Bittencourt et al. (2019)
Sustainable agriculture Use of alternative sources of water and energy in irrigation Silva et al. (2014),
through sensors and photovoltaic panels; recovery of Castro-Vargas et al. (2019)
phenolic antioxidants from agro-industrial residues
Water treatment/ Sustainable method for treating water reservoirs reducing Tundisi (2008),
retention environmental impact and consequently improving de Morais Calado et al. (2019)
the quality of human life; eco-hydrological and eco-
technological developments
Waste management Simultaneous extraction and biotransformation processes Feltes et al. (2010),
to obtain high bioactive phenolic compounds from citrus Madeira and Macedo (2015)
residues; use of fish waste in fish farming
Green energy/energy Adoption of environmental technologies, reducing the Diana et al. (2017), Lu (2013)
reduction consumption of quantities of energy and materials
Carbon reduction/biogas Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions Forster et al. (2015)
Green buildings Use of natural resources, efficient water saving and Kasai & Jabbour (2014)
management, waste management
Sustainability policies Low-cost (subsidized) financing for innovation and tax Gramkow & Anger-Kraavi (2018)
incentives for sustainable practices
Total publications 16

Source. The authors (2021).

correlating environmental legislation, industrial improve- Russia is also concerned about the use of renewable
ments linked to innovation and improving the environmen- energy sources and measures to save water and energy
tal performance of organizations, and also the use of less through the use of intelligent energy resource management
productive processes, impacting environmentally, socially, systems, construction of new facilities, and reconstruction of
and economically. existing facilities, in accordance with the requirements of
green standards, which correspond to Russia’s priority trends
Green Technology practices in Russia. With regard to the adop- (Sheina et al., 2015).
tion of Green Technology practices in Russia, 10 articles were Regarding the sustainability policy, studies on ecological
identified. Albekov et al. (2017) highlight that Russia has and economic indicators are addressed. Russia has invested
turned to practices related to the introduction of highly effi- in the implementation of progressive technologies for filter-
cient energy technologies in the logistics and production pro- ing industrial emissions into the atmosphere, treating water
cesses, linked to products, processes, and raw materials, with and processing waste, thereby improving the quality of the
a focus on progress, economic and environmental security. urban environment while carrying out the green city devel-
According to the same authors, Green Technology practices opment project, which combines economic and ecological
are based on the possibilities of implementing environmen- advantages (Medvedeva et al., 2016).
tal safety mechanisms, introducing green technologies, and The paradigm of changing the understanding of the
applying global environmental standards to problematic essence of sustainable development of civilization and
industries, concluding that the opportunity and the need to national socioeconomic systems makes it necessary to inte-
develop green management confirm the effectiveness of a grate economic and environmental solutions. In this context,
new stage of economic growth based on science. one key tool is the transformation of environmental policy
Russia presents discussions on the role of environmental and the encouragement of business and corporate sectors to
and climate factors in modernizing global and Russian econ- introduce green technologies (Dudin et al., 2017).
omies in the context of challenges presented by the new Research linked to ecological innovations and green
industrial revolution (Porfiryev, 2018). For the development economy are the spheres that enable greater sustainable
of eco-innovations, government incentives for green tech- development, and the low-carbon economy is a relevant
nologies market in civil construction, mineral complexes, component of current economic models (Yakovleva et al.,
raw materials, fuel and energy, as well as the forest-industrial 2017).
and agro-industrial complex are presented (Pahomova et al., Table 5 summarizes the Green Technology practices and
2017). sub-practices adopted by Russia.
10 SAGE Open

Table 5. Green Technology Practices in Russia.

Practices of Russia Sub-practices Authors

Green buildings Government incentive methods; use of renewable energy sources and measures Pahomova et al. (2017),
to save water and energy through the use of an intelligent system for managing Albekov et al. (2017),
energy resources in buildings Sheina et al. (2015)
Products/processes/ Development of green logistics in Russia, revealing the role and importance of Porfiryev (2018),
raw material introducing energy-efficient technologies in logistics and production processes; Yakovleva et al. (2017)
relationship between Green Technology and innovation
Sustainability Implementation of progressive technologies for filtering industrial emissions into Medvedeva et al. (2016),
policies the atmosphere, wastewater treatment, waste processing, improving the quality Dudin et al. (2017)
of urban environment during the realization of the green city development
project, which combines economic and ecological advantages
Sustainable Use of elements of strategic and tactical management with the introduction of Mingazova et al. (2014)
agriculture green technologies in agriculture
Water treatment/ Adoption of environmental technologies, reducing the consumption of quantities Bartlett &
retention of energy and materials Trifilova (2010)
Ecocities Approach to new types of environmental infrastructure: Wide implementation Ermolaeva (2016)
of containers for recycling, development of cycle paths, introduction of green
technologies, environmental certification of products and goods
Total publications 10

Source. The authors (2021).

Russia has a greater focus on research aimed at green emits negligible greenhouse gases or neutral throughout its
buildings and sustainability policies with emphasis on gov- life cycle (B. Li et al., 2006). This practice has real benefits
ernment incentive methods; use of renewable energy sources for the local population and helps to reduce environmental
and measures to save water and energy through the use of an impacts (Altenburg & Engelmeier, 2013).
intelligent system for managing energy resources in build- The adoption of Green Technology practices promotes
ings. In addition to these applications, the practices involve greater efficiency in reducing organizational costs, such as
the implementation of progressive technologies for filtering energy, retaining employees and improving productivity,
industrial emissions into the atmosphere, wastewater treat- reducing vulnerability to disasters, and improving adaptation
ment and waste processing, improving the quality of the to climate change (Jain & Nagpal, 2019). Sustainability poli-
urban environment through the development of the green cit- cies in India present incentives and subsidies for the imple-
ies (Ecocities) project, which combines economic and eco- mentation of Green Technology innovation and national
logical advantages. strategies of sustainable goals in industrialization (Pandian
& Thomas, 2019).
Green Technology practices in India. Regarding the application It is possible to highlight urban sustainability actions,
of Green Technology practices in India, 68 articles with the ecocities and green capitalism, integrated public transport
themes were identified, with the major concentration of services, advanced water and waste recycling systems, elabo-
research focused on Green Technology practices related to rated underground garbage collection systems, and expansive
products/processes/raw material. In this sense, there is a renewable energy technologies (Trivedi & Sharma, 2017).
focus on the use of industrial enzymes and biocatalysis, use Table 6 shows the Green Technology practices and sub-
of living systems or their parts to accelerate chemical reac- practices adopted by India:
tions, green manufacture, total quality management, produc- India ranks second in relation to Green Technology prac-
tion of special chemical, and Green Technology. tices publications, having emphasis on products/processes/
Total quality management, supplier relationship manage- raw material, green energy/energy reduction, and sustainable
ment, research and development, as well as technology and agriculture. It was observed that in recent years, renewable
lean manufacturing practices are important actions of Indian energy has received prominence in India, in addition to
companies that practice green manufacturing acts, affecting research related to the sustainability of environmentally
the extended performance of the supply chain (Dubey & friendly technologies as an alternative for producing prod-
Ali, 2015). ucts with technological applications reducing environmental
Green energy practices was evidenced through the use of impacts.
photovoltaic technology, by the conversion of light into
electricity, as natural sources produce lower levels of envi- Green Technology practices in China. Most studies analyzed in
ronmental pollutants than conventional sources of energy this research correspond to Green Technology practices
(fossil fuel). Specifically, the use of photovoltaic technology involving actions developed in China, totaling 94 articles. In
Parra Miranda et al. 11

Table 6. Green Technology Practices in India.

Practices in India Sub-practices Authors

Products/ Use of industrial enzymes and biocatalysis; green Glänzel & Zhou (2011), Dögl & Holtbrügge (2014),
processes/raw manufacture; total quality management; production Kumar et al. (2017), Jain & Nagpal (2019), Trivedi
material of special chemicals; Green Technology & Sharma (2017), Binod et al. (2013), Aswathy &
Saravanan (2019), Prakash et al. (2013), Sasikala et al.
(2015), V. K. Mittal (2017), Emdadi et al. (2016),
Dubey & Ali (2015), Gupta & Agrawal (2016), Paul &
Dangwal (2016), Begum et al. (2015), Rehman et al.
(2015), Juwarkar et al. (2009), Pawar et al. (2012),
Kesari et al. (2012), Rajendran (2010), R. K. Singh &
Srivastava (2010)
Green energy/ Environmentally sustainable technologies in rural X. Fu & Zhang (2011), Behl & Pal (2019), Goel (2016),
energy reduction areas; photovoltaic solar roof; climate change policy; Saryal (2018), Altenburg & Engelmeier (2013),
solar energy; green energy Reddy (2016), Khalil et al. (2013), Sasikala et al. (2015),
V. K. Mittal (2017), Saravanan & Madhu (2015)
Sustainable Supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) for recovery of Arya et al. (2019), Balasubramaniam et al. (2019),
agriculture phenolic antioxidants; technique for extracting Dogra et al. (2019), Meng et al. (2018), Devi et al.
thermally necessary functional bioactive components (2015), Ranjan et al. (2013), Castro-Vargas et al. (2019),
for food; use of plant growth promoting bacteria Rajandran (2013)
(PGPB); reducing the use of chemical fertilizers and
improving the macro- and micronutrient content of
plants; biofertilizers
Water treatment/ Phytoremediation: Wastewater treatment; supply Pandian & Thomas (2019), Karmakar et al. (2016),
retention chain management by capturing and retaining Bowe & van der Horst (2015), Saravanan & Madhu
rainwater; tannery effluent treatment using plants (2015), Trivedi & Sharma (2017)
and products
Carbon reduction/ Zero emission coal; low-cost catalyst for biomass Forster et al. (2015), Harrison et al. (2017), Rajandran
biogas conversion to black carbon; photovoltaic solar (2013), Forster et al. (2015), Binod et al. (2013)
technology; use of biogas; agricultural systems;
identification of integrated management practices;
green business practices
Green buildings Enzyme mediated beam house operations; Forster et al. (2015), Saran et al. (2013),
reduction of conventional energy consumption Sobti & Singh (2015)
for built environments; use of plants as a source
of renewable energy; products with sustainable
biological bases
Sustainability The policies adopted were introduced as Harrison et al. (2017), Fan (2013),
policies environmental taxes, pollution taxes, limit and Bowe & van der Horst (2015)
trade markets, carbon prices, and subsidies related
to green innovation; participation of companies in
the Global Value Chain (GVC); scale of companies;
corporate property and investment in research
and development (R&D); national strategy for
sustainable goals in industrialization, which
promotes green finances; implementation of the
national policy on green manufacturing technology;
implementation of low-carbon policies
Waste Reusable software components; paper recycle; Michael (2014)
management general recycling; technologies for garbage collection
in ecocities; reprocessing of industrial waste
Ecocities Urban sustainability practices, ecocities and green Kumar (2017)
capitalism; integrated public transport services;
advanced water and waste recycling systems;
elaboration of underground garbage collection
systems; expansive renewable energy technologies
Total publications 68

Source. The authors (2021).

12 SAGE Open

China, the scenario of sustainable practices is related to vari- emissions. In China, the government has taken steps to
ous strategic and technological sectors, involving renewable increase the market share of electric vehicles: It has imple-
energy, biotechnology, efficient and ecological technologies, mented “energy savings and electric vehicles” and financial
electric cars, and a new generation of information technol- incentives—such as tax exemption and toll (Wang et al.,
ogy (IT). 2018).
Studies linked to green practices involving products/ Regarding electric vehicles, they have been considered
processes/raw material address the development of environ- one of the promising means to substantially reduce carbon
mentally friendly products, using energy efficiently and emissions. Since in China, the government has taken steps to
implementing biodegradable packaging (S. J. Li et al., 2018). increase the market share of electric vehicles, by implement-
Productive technical progress and green technical innovation ing energy savings and electric vehicles with financial incen-
are considered necessary elements to improve working con- tives, such as tax and toll exemption (Wang et al., 2018).
ditions and productivity in industries (Hein et al., 2013). A connection between industrial symbiosis and the adop-
S. J. Li et al. (2018) defined Green Technology as a way tion of environmental guidelines, which correspond to the
to reduce the discharge of pollutants from production pro- expectations of the businesses that make up the eco-industrial
cesses, given the need to establish Chinese national brands in parks, is noted. This practice is supported by the Chinese gov-
foreign markets and make a profit through the production ernment and has achieved significant results in environmental
chain, with the increase of international competitiveness. protection and resource savings. On the contrary, China faces
Another area of Green Technology favored by China is problems such as low profitability, instability, and impedi-
renewable energies (solar, wind, etc.), which is proven by ment to the sustainable development of eco-industrial parks
the high investments in this area, being one of the largest in (C. Zhang & Zhou, 2016).
the world, with emphasis on the development of green Table 7 summarizes the Green Technology practices and
energy and energy savings, solar photovoltaic and wind sub-practices adopted by China:
energy practices, energy conservation systems, and domes- Most research on Green Technology practices is pub-
tic solar heaters (Song & Wang, 2015). lished by China, which can be explained by its more sustain-
The modernization of electrical networks with renewable able development, greater number of sustainable actions, and
technologies promises to reduce environmental pollution in growing local interest by the country’s scientific academy.
China. Despite higher initial investment costs, renewable The most practices are related to products/processes/raw
energy technologies do not consume a significant amount of material, sustainability policies, carbon reduction/biogas,
water, so they are a benefit for northern China regions, and green energy/energy reduction.
where water is scarce (Sharifzadeh et al., 2019). Chemical
energy also has excellent effects, demonstrating that it is an Green Technology practices in South Africa. With regard of
ecological, low-cost, and energy-saving technology (Chai Green Technology practices in South Africa, only five arti-
et al., 2014). cles were published on the subject. The practices in South
C. Wang et al. (2015), discuss how Green Technology Africa involve the thematic product/processes/raw material.
practices reduce carbon and promote biogas, the use of clean Discussions were observed regarding business incubators,
coal, biofuel, monitoring and evaluation of CO2 emissions, green economy, and improved quality of life.
electric vehicles, and reduction in gas emissions. Business incubators are endorsed as a positive approach
In this context, China presents three main challenges that to development in the country. A special form of business
need to be solved to maximize the effects of a carbon market incubator is the Climate Innovation Center (CIC), which is
on controlling emissions. First, China’s priority is still eco- part of the international debates on green economies and
nomic growth, although climate mitigation has emerged as a appropriate technologies for climate-compatible develop-
political issue in recent years. Second, the carbon market ment (Gonsalves & Rogerson, 2019).
and existing energy and climate policies must be carefully Regarding green economy, a culture of recycling, reuse,
harmonized. Third, a national carbon market must accom- waste reduction, and energy conservation is present, high-
modate regional heterogeneities, as China has a regional lighting the themes improving human well-being and social
imbalance in economic and social development. These equity, and reducing environmental risk and ecological scar-
actions allow China to not only make a significant commit- city (Karakul, 2016; Musango et al., 2014; Topgül, 2015).
ment to contribute to global climate mitigation but also to In relation to the practices of green energy/energy reduc-
test the impact of more stringent emission limitation on the tion and carbon reduction/biogas, there was a predominance
economy. The domestic carbon market may be linked to the of energy and clean technology themes, highlighting the
international commitment. These combined policy instru- more dynamic growth opportunity, with a focus on technol-
ments will reduce China’s cost of switching to low-carbon ogy, sustainability, and profitability (A. Singh et al., 2014).
emissions (X. Zhang et al., 2013). Nuclear power could be the way to achieve sustainable
Regarding electric vehicles, they have been considered access and energy security in South Africa, because nuclear
one of the promising means to substantially reduce carbon power is among the low-carbon technologies available that
Parra Miranda et al. 13

Table 7. Green Technology Practices in China.

Practices in China Sub-practices Authors

Products/ Applications of rare metals from the deep ocean Hein et al. (2013), S. J. Li et al. (2018), Guo et al.
processes/raw in modern technologies, such as cell phones, (2018), Luo et al. (2019), Hou et al. (2017),
material wind turbines, and hybrid cars; development of L. Zhang et al. (2018), Zeng et al. (2016), Ruan et al.
environmentally friendly products, using energy (2018), Cai et al. (2010), de Medeiros & Trebat
efficiently and implementing biodegradable (2017), Z. Wang et al. (2014), J. Wang et al. (2017),
packaging; bioleaching; phytoremediation; green Zhang, Shen, & Wu (2011), Anand et al. (2015),
coal; low-cost catalyst to convert biomass to black Xiaomeng & Ping (2015), Xue et al. (2014),
carbon; catalysts for oil refining; plasma treatment W. Liu et al. (2014), He (2014), Ho (2006),
as an aid to improve supply chain management; G. Liu et al. (2011), W. Wang, Zhang, & Pasquire
red sludge derived from the bauxite calcination (2018), D. Zhou et al. (2019), Excell & Nathan
method with other industrial waste for use as a (2009), Hu et al. (2018)
cementitious material
Green energy/ Reduction of energy consumption; minimizing Taghizadeh-Hesary et al. (2019), X. Zhang et al.
energy reduction costs and mitigating environmental impacts with (2015), Sharifzadeh et al. (2019), L. Zhang et al.
a focus on green energy and energy savings; solar (2018), Chen et al. (2018), Wang et al. (2018),
photovoltaic and wind energy practices; energy Song & Wang (2015), W. Li et al. (2013)
conservation systems; household solar heaters;
earth source heat pump technology
Sustainability Implementation of green industrial policy; C. Zhang & Zhou (2016), Cao et al. (2017), L. Zhang
policies participation of companies in the Global Value et al. (2019), J. Fu & Geng (2019), Hu et al. (2018,
Chain (GVC); scale of companies, corporate 2019), Hou et al. (2019), Song & Wang (2017),
property, and investment in research and Jin & Han (2018), Kong et al. (2016), Zhu & Ye
development (R&D); government policies such as (2018), Lacour (2018), Y. Zhou et al. (2015),
environmental taxes, pollution taxes, limit and trade Harlan (2017), Harrison et al. (2017)
markets, and carbon tariffs and related subsidies for
green innovation
Carbon reduction/ Clean coal; biofuel; monitoring and evaluation of X. Zhang et al. (2015), Sharifzadeh et al. (2019), L.
biogas CO2 emissions; electric vehicles; reduction in gas Zhang et al. (2018), Chen et al. (2018), Wang et al.
emissions (2018), Song & Wang (2015), W. Li et al. (2013),
Lin et al. (2018), Fujii & Managi (2019), X. Zhang
et al. (2013)
Green buildings Roof construction, solar system, application of X. Zhang et al. (2011), Zhang, Platten, & Shen (2011),
efficient equipment and devices for natural Lam et al. (2010), Baldwin et al. (2018), W. Wang,
ventilation; use of ecological materials for air Zhang, & Pasquire (2018), Teng et al. (2016),
conditioning systems and application of waste X. Zhang (2014), Xia et al. (2016), Xie et al. (2015),
management technology; sustainable construction Achal et al. (2014), Low et al. (2009), Forster et al.
and adoption of ecological practices or procedures (2015), Low et al. (2009)
Waste Recycling; large-scale mining; reprocessing of Golev et al. (2014), Sun et al. (2017), Lu (2013)
management industrial waste
Water treatment/ Electromechanical waste and gas treatment, water Song et al. (2017), Wu et al. (2017),
retention recycling systems; methods for assessing water Guo et al. (2018), C. Wang et al. (2015)
quality at the Jiaozuo mine, such as artificial
neural networks, canonical correlation analysis
of water quality characteristics, and immobilized
microorganisms for bioremediation of wastewater
from acid mines; ultrasonic coupling
Sustainable Agricultural eco-innovation; phytoremediation Shi et al. (2015), Yin et al. (2014), Lu (2013)
Ecocities Urban sustainability practices, such as integrated Joss & Molella (2013),
public transport services; advanced water and Chang & Sheppard (2013), Low et al. (2009)
waste recycling systems; public parks; elaborated
underground garbage collection systems; expansive
renewable energy technologies
Total publications 94

Source. The authors (2021).

14 SAGE Open

Table 8. Green Technology Practices and Sub-Practices in South Africa.

Practices in South Africa Sub-practices Authors

Products/processes/ Business incubator; green economy; improvement Otieno & Ochieng (2019), Khalil et al. (2013),
raw material of the quality of life Gonsalves & Rogerson (2019)
Green energy/energy Energy and technology (clean technology); African– Singh et al. (2014)
reduction European Union Energy Partnership (AEEP) for
nuclear energy; green energy
Carbon/biogas reduction Nuclear energy as low-carbon Green Technology; Olutola (2019)
renewable energy
Total publications 5

Source. The authors (2021).

could help combat energy poverty anywhere in the world a culture focused on environmental responsibility (Otieno &
(Olutola, 2019). Ochieng, 2019; Porfiryev, 2018).
Table 8 summarizes the Green Technology practices and The sustainability initiatives of organizations must be
sub-practices adopted by South Africa. based on the involvement of employees, as well as the devel-
South Africa environmental performance presents the opment of human capital through training and initiatives to
lowest number of articles. Their practices are related with improve the motivation and engagement of employees in
products/processes/raw material, green energy/energy reduc- relation to organizational practices, increasing the effective-
tion, and carbon reduction/biogas. ness of implementing actions (Awan, 2019).
The organizational culture of sustainable organizations is
Intersection of Green Technology practices at BRICS. In the last emphasized in the study by Awan et al. (2018), which points
three decades, the gross domestic product (GDP) of the out that “. . . cultural understanding can strongly affect the
BRICS economies has presented an average annual growth development of collaboration and the exchange relationship
of almost 6.5% (World Bank, 2020). BRICS hold more than between companies” (p. 362). In this sense, the author points
21% of the world’s GDP, forming the group of countries on out that growth aimed at sustainable development and the
the planet that most grow (Danish & Ulucak, 2020). In addi- firm ability to capture and understand social cohesion are an
tion, they represent 42% of the world population and 45% of important element in the process of developing collaborative
the workforce, the largest consumption power in the world ties and thus improving sustainability practices. Another
(Alam & Murad, 2020). They consume almost 40% of the important factor pointed out in the study by Awan and Sroufe
world’s energy and contribute a substantial amount of global (2020) is the investment of resources in knowledge, which
CO2 emissions (World Economic Forum, 2016). BRICS are tends to engage collaboration and increase performance
emerging as an economic superpower and are capable of aimed at innovation in organizations and for sustainability
becoming world leaders; however, there is a concern related practices.
to climate change and to carbon emissions due to the higher In this context, it was possible to observe through the
rates of economic growth and environmental impacts literature that there is a need to broaden the perspective on
(Balsalobre-Lorente et al., 2019; Santra, 2017). issues related to sustainability in low-income countries (Awan
This way, considering the BRICS countries as a political et al., 2018). The authors also emphasize social sustainability
set of economic, social, and environmental cooperation, with a focus on health and safety issues, work patterns, and
there was considerable potential in representing Green community development as essential factors linked to the sur-
Technology practices, as well as in adopting innovative solu- vival of human beings. Awan et al. (2018) also suggest a stra-
tions for sustainable development, with emphasis on prod- tegic link between policies and guidelines of institutional
ucts/processes/raw material identified present in all countries. actors as factors of positive influence in the actions of social
In this line of reasoning presented, governments turn to initiatives. In this sense, they recommend internal incentive
incentive and guidance strategies together with organizations programs, involvement of the operational team in the plan-
for the use of Green Technology practices that can contribute ning, and support policies of the institutions that can encour-
to sustainable development (Alam & Murad, 2020). age the industry to implement social sustainability practices.
The present study also provides insights for managers The study results have relevant organizational, economic,
and researchers, and goes beyond the bibliographic survey and political implications. Continuous development in tech-
to identify Green Technology practices, as it shows that nologies related to the environment in BRICS countries is
innovation and performance for such practices depend on necessary. These technologies should concentrate on policies
employee motivation and continuous learning in organiza- that focus on investments in environmental technologies,
tions (Awan, 2019), as well as the government incentive and renewable energy, and with research and development in
Parra Miranda et al. 15

Figure 6. Intersection of Green Technology practices from BRICS countries.

Source. The authors (2021).
Note. BRICS = Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa.

sectors with better economic performance (Dauda et al., analyzed, green constructions and sustainability policies/
2019). The expected results are related to the reduction of practices stand out.
pollution, through the development of sustainable practices, In this context, sustainable development measures are
promoting mechanisms that allow the reduction of environ- necessary to expand their relations, of a new international
mental impacts throughout the life cycle; the opening and order, with environmental concerns discussed and encour-
creation of new markets; and the development of new prod- aged to boost sustainability actions.
ucts, services, or processes (Bocken et al., 2014; Mylan, This study contributes as a guidance for other countries that
2015). Investing in Green Technology, in the development of are concerned with sustainability. It is worth mentioning that
projects related to the environment and in research and the political interest in this topic was identified, because there
development in the energy sectors, reduces the carbon emis- are political actions that encourage green practices, as well
sions of production processes, in addition to the possibility as directing sustainability actions to developing countries.
of addressing the issue of global climate change and regional
pollution (Danish & Ulucak, 2020).
Final Considerations
Finally, Figure 6 shows the intersection of Green
Technology practices from BRICS countries. From the The purpose of the present study was to identify Green
mapping of the nine practices identified, it was observed Technology practices adopted by the BRICS countries
that the products/processes/raw material practice were through a systematic literature review. For this purpose,
pointed out in all the countries under study, representing the Methodi Ordinatio was used, which made possible to iden-
largest number of works found in the literature. The second tify 281 relevant articles on the topic, of which 170 presented
largest intersecting relationship between countries is related Green Technology practices.
to the practice reducing carbon/biogas. Third, present in all The results pointed out that the main practices identified
BRICS countries, considering the same number of articles have a focus on products/processes/raw material; sustainable
16 SAGE Open

agriculture; water treatment and retention; waste manage- 3. Deepen the research on Green Technology practices
ment; green energy/energy reduction; carbon/biogas; green in South Africa, seeking justifications for the coun-
buildings; and sustainability policies and ecocities. try’s little interest or development in the theme;
It was observed that in relation to the BRICS countries, 4. Finally, it is suggested to conduct a longitudinal
the largest number of researches on Green Technology and research, with the same methodology used, seeking
its practices occurred in China and India. China and India to verify whether there was any evolution or transfor-
have a greater number of articles on Green Technology prac- mation in the scenario identified in this study over the
tices that can be explained due to their more sustainable years.
development, greater number of sustainable actions, and
growing local interest in the country’s academy. Declaration of Conflicting Interests
The largest number of researches in China is related to The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect
the practice of products, processes, and raw materials, fol- to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
lowed by practices on policies, carbon reduction, and energy.
In India, the highlight of environmental actions is also Funding
focused on the practice of products, processes, and raw
The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support
materials, followed by energy and agricultural practices. In for the research and/or authorship of this article: This study was
Brazil, most research on Green Technology practices is financed in part by the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento
linked to products, processes, and raw materials, with a Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) and also Fundação Araucária.
focus on discussions about comparing the country with The authors are grateful for the support of the research laboratory
emerging economies; green biotechnology; biotechnologi- “Organizations and Society” from Federal University of
cal applications to the development of compounds based on Technology—Paraná (UTFPR)—Campus Ponta Grossa.
biomaterials; and the use of extracts in the pharmaceutical
and food industries. ORCID iD
Russia has a greater focus on research aimed at Green Isabella Tamine Parra Miranda
Buildings and Policies, with emphasis on government incen- -9534-8082
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