TPN Assignment1

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▫ The main information in this guide is to provide teachers with detailed
guidelines of what to teach and what to assess on a grade-by-grade and
subject by subject.
▫ The main is to lessen the administrative burden on teachers to ensure
consistency and guidance when teaching.
▫ The document provides us with a specific timeline divided into weeks
and which learning outcomes needed to be achieved within those
weeks. In the document we will find different assessments and criteria
for the work given.

General aim of the South African curriculum.
This statement gives expression to the knowledge, skills and value that needs
to be learned in South African schools. This ensures that children acquire and
apply the necessary knowledge and skills in their daily life's.In context,
curriculum advertise knowledge in local contexts, while bearing social
imperatives in mind.

▫ The National Curriculum Statement serves the purpose of:

− Providing learners with the necessary skills and knowledge without
judging background, gender, race etc.
− Provide access to higher education.
− Help learners transition from higher education to the work environment.
− Accompany employers with a competent learner profile.
▫ The curriculum is based on the following principles:
− Social transformation-looking at imbalances of the past are caught up
and redressed and ensure that equal opportunities are provided.
− Active and critical learning-promoting an active and critical approach to
− High knowledge and high skills-high standards are set, and we encourage
learners to get achievable standards.
− Progression –content and context for each grade show progression from
simple to complex.
− Human rights, inclusivity, environmental and social justice: infusing the
principles and practices of social justice.
− Valuing indigenous knowledge system-Acknowledging the rich history
and heritage of this country.
− Credibility, quality and efficiency- providing education that is
comparable in quality to those of other counties.
▫ The curriculum statement aims to produce learners that are able to:
− Identify and solve problems.
− Work effectively as individuals.
− Organize and manage themselves effectively.
− Collect, analyses, organize and critically evaluate information.
− Use science and technology effectively and responsibly.
− Demonstrate understanding of the world.
▫ Inclusivity should become an essential role of the organization, planning
and teaching in schools.This could only happen if teachers are educated
in picking up learning barriers and how to plan for diversity.
− Mathematics grade 4
Numbers Patterns Space and Measurement Data handling
(30 minutes) (30 minutes) shape s (30 minutes) (30 minutes)
Operations Function and (30 minutes) Numbers Functions and
and algebra Operation and (30 minutes) algebra
relationship (30 minutes) relationships (30 minutes
(30 minutes) (30 minutes)

My first content is:
Numbers, Operation and Relationships.
− Learners will be able to recognize, describe and present numbers and
their relationship, and would be able to count, estimate, calculate and
check with confidence in solving problems
After completing this topic learner should be able to:
− Know what different kinds of numbers mean.
− Know how different sorts of numbers relate to one another.
− The size of different numbers.
− Know that numbers can be thought of and represented in different
− How to operate numbers.
The requirements Formal Assessments for Mathematics Intermediate Phase:
− There is a reduction in assessment tasks from nine to seven.
− Calculation of term weight for reporting of 100%-Add marks of two tasks
and calculate the percentage.
− June and November exam weight up to 25% and assignments,
investigation, project and two tests weight add up to 75% School Based
Assignments (SBA).
− One paper is prescribed in the June and November examinations for
Intermediate Phase.
− The weight of the test is 10% as these forms of assessments are done
under controlled conditions.

− I do believe that the CAPS document is a remarkable tool and could be
used to guide teachers and teaching.
− If all steps and outcomes are followed and you prepare for your lessons
by following all the guidelines, you should have no problem with the use
of it.

− I will make use of it to look at the outcomes to be reached. The guide
will help me with the establishment of what learners should do and
what not to and when on what they need to be assessed on. It serves as
a guide to see what skills learners need to focus on. The CAPS document
contains a great amount of knowledge which teachers can benefit from
in the process of guiding teachers into giving learners quality education
as they possibly can.
− I do believe that the CAPS document is intended to serve the learner to
the best of their abilities and to guide teachers. I do, however, feel that
it is very content based and expect a certain level of skill from a certain
age. Teachers need to come to terms that not all students are on the
same learning level, and we simply cannot flunk or disregard them just
because of the document standards.
− I do believe that children show talent in various ways, and we need to
exploit those specific ways that elevate learners. I understand that some
schools simply do not have enough teachers to provide learners with the
individual attention they need, that’s why we need to hire more
− Like if have stated, I do like the CAPS document and it does have
fantastic guidons, however I feel it does not reflect what each child in
their specific year is able to achieve.

− As if stated above, I do not feel that these guidelines and information is
applicable to all context and learners.

− We have bright students in our country, and I feel that the CAPS
document is limiting them in the sense of what they can achieve. Also,
we disadvantage children that are forced to achieve standards that have
been put in place by the CAPS document.
− From an educator's point of view, I can list a view of things. Teachers
have adapted throughout the years. As a teacher in the classroom, you
learn what is suitable for the learners and what is not. As educators we
have adjusted the work and found our own unique ways to present
learners with their best work.
− We plan our lessons according to how our learners learn. I feel that it is
just not best to fully stick to the CAPS document. Teachers are unique
and so is their way of presenting their work to learners, but all teachers'
goals are
− aligned, which is to help their students to achieve everything to the best
of their abilities.
National Curriculum Statement (NSC), Curriculum and Assessment Policy,
Intermediate Phase, Grade 4-6, Mathematics.
Mathematics IP Grade 4-6.
The Department of Curriculum and Instructional Studies places specific
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signed declaration form.
I (full names): Vincentius Krige
Student number:15243893 Module: TPN2601
Declare that…
1. I understand what plagiarism entails and am aware of the University’s policy
in this regard.
2. I declare that this assignment is my own, original work. Where I used
someone else’s work, whether a printed source, the internet or any other
source, I give the proper acknowledgement and include a complete reference
3. I did not use another current or previous student’s work, submitting it as my
4. I did not allow and will not allow anyone to copy my work with the intention
of submitting it as his or her own work.
Signature: V.Krige Date: 05 April 2023

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