A Study of Sexual Attitude Among UG Students

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A Study of Sexual Attitude among UG Students.

Sejal Patil
Rajaram College, Kolhapur.

The present study is undertaken to assess Sexual Attitude among UG students. A total
number of 60 students was the sample of the present study (30 boys and 30 Girls). Random
method of data collection was employed in the study. Sexual Attitude Scale was used to measure
sexual attitude among UG students. Data was analyzed by using mean, standard deviation and‘t’
test. The results revealed that there is a significant difference in the sexual attitude of boys and
girls. These results are justified in the paper.
Sexuality is about your sexual feelings, thoughts, attractions and behaviors towards other
people. You can find other people physically, sexually or emotionally attractive, and all those
things are a part of your sexuality. Sexuality is diverse and personal, and it is an important part of
who you are. Discovering your sexuality can be a very liberating, exciting and positive
experience. Some people experience discrimination due to their sexuality. If someone gives you
a hard time about your sexuality, it’s good to talk to someone about it.
Sexuality and mental health
LGBTIQ+ people have an increased risk of depression, anxiety, substance abuse, homelessness,
self-harming and suicidal thoughts, compared with the general population. This is particularly
true of young LGBTIQ+ people who are coming to terms with their sexuality and experiencing
victimization and bullying at school.
Some of the stressful experiences that can affect the mental health of an LGBTIQ+ person are:

● feeling different from other people

● being bullied (verbally or physically)
● feeling pressure to deny or change their sexuality
● feeling worried about coming out, and then being rejected or isolated
● feeling unsupported or misunderstood.
These pressures are on top of all the other stuff people have to deal with in life such as
managing school, finding a job, forming relationships and making sense of your identity and
place in the world.

Problem statement

A Study of Sexual Attitude among UG Students.


To study the Sexual Attitude among UG Students.

There will be significant difference in sexual attitude among UG students

Total participants were 60 in those 30 boys and 30 girls. Randomize method was employed in
the study.

Tools used in the study

Sexual Attituide Scale :-

This tool prepared by Mhasade, S. S. (2018) it consists of 70 items, each items has to
respond in terms of 5 options. i.e Strongly Agree, Agree , Not sure, Disagree, Strongly Disagree.
test reliability 0.97.


Group N Mean SD df t

Boys 30 252.76 24.80

58 2.79*
Girls 30 256.96 22.76

Discussion and Interpretation

According to the table boys of colleges had 252.76 mean value of sexual attitude with
standard deviation of 24.80. Girls of colleges had 256.96 mean value of sexual attitude with
22.76 standard deviation .The obtained 't' value was which was statistically significant at 0.05
and 0.01 level as well. The results made it clear that boys and girls differ significantly in their
sexual attitude.


There is a significant difference in the sexual attitude of boys and girls.

Limitations and suggestions

1.Data collected for the research is limited regarding the number of students. In future study
large amounts of data should be collected.

2.In the present study only, Psychological tests were used for data collection , in further studies
other data collection techniques should be employed


Abbey, A., Harnish, R.J. (1995). Perception of sexual intent: ïhe role of gender, alcohol
consurnption, and rape supportive attitudes. Sex Roles, 32,297-3 13.

Allgeier, A.R., & Allgeier, E.R. (1 995). Sexual interactions (4th edition). Toronto: D.C. Health and

Bogaert, A.F. (1996). Voiunteer bias in human sexuality research: Evidence for both sexuality and

personality differences in males. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 25. 125-140.

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