Class 9

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Adarsh Shri Ram Vidya Mandir Secondary School

Periodic Test III

Session 2023-2024

Class 9th Subject-Social Studies

Q1. Fill in the blanks: - (3x1=3 Marks)

1. The deposits in a bank which are payable on demand are called ___________________.
2. The modern forms of money include ______________________.
3. The UK and USA have _______________________ party system.

Q2. Answer the following questions: - (4x1=4 Marks)

1. What is the other name of primitive subsistence farming?
2. What is meant by begar?
3. What is a political party?
4. Name the three components of political party?

Q3. What are the three cropping seasons in India? Explain. (3 Mark)

Q4. Compare primitive subsistence and commercial farming. (2 Mark)

Q5. What was the Simon Commission? Why was it opposed? (2 Mark)

Q6. What was the main motive of Salt March? (2 Mark)

Q7. Differentiate between national and state parties. (2 Mark)

Q6. Describe the advantages of Self-Help groups for the poor. (2 Mark)

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