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The learning behind our yoga dice

As Educators, we are always seeking ways to multi-purpose an activity AND see how we can extend upon it. Using
this activity as an example, let us take you through some examples of the learning that takes place from an
Educator’s point of view and how we might explore ways to take the learning in a different direction.
The crafty part
● Making decisions about the tools and resources we need to make the dice
● Deciding who does what
● Practicing cutting skills
● Strengthening fine motor muscles
● Developing hand-eye coordination
● Honing Bi-lateral coordination (doing different things with each hand!)
● Coping with frustration (getting those tabs to stick can be tricky...)
The Game
● Problem-solving: The art of deciding who goes first
● Patience: Waiting for your turn
● Persistence: Trying to get into the right position
● Self regulation: Coping with frustration when at first you don’t succeed
● Movement: Promoting physical activity
● Breathing and mindfulness
● Numeracy: Counting - number of sides on the dice, number of players, are they are standing on one leg or two? etc
● Language development: Using descriptive language to describe what they see
● Collaboration and creativity: Deciding on new moves
Some Extension Activities...
Create: Make up your own positions, draw them or take a photo. Using our dice template, stick your own pictures onto the dice!
Predict:Ask your child to ‘predict’ what image they will roll next. How many rolls does it take before they roll their position?
Games:Photocopy the page a few times. Cut out the individual Yoga squares. Lay them face up on a table/floor. Roll your Yoga
dice. Match the dice to one of the squares. Whoever grabs the most pictures wins!
For more activities and resources visit

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