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Submitted by
Rahul Singh
1 semester, MBA

Under the
guidance of
Dr. Atul Pandey

Towards the partial fulfillment of the requirement for

the award degree of


Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow


Project Certificate Forwarded by Supervisor

This is to certify that RAHUL SINGH, is a regular student of MBA 1st year, and had
successfully completed his mini project entitled Online Rental Business, for partial fulfilment
of the curriculum for the award of the degree of Master of Business Administration from Dr.
done by him.

Mr. Atul Pandey

I declare that this project report entitled “ONLINE RENTAL BUSINESS” is

original and bonafide work of my own in the partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the award of the Degree of MASTER OF BUSINESS

ADMINISTRATION and submitted to the department of Management, SHEPA,


The data that has been collected by me is truly authentic and contains true and

complete information.

Name: Rahul Singh


Accomplishment of a task with desired success calls for dedication towards work

andprompting guidance, co-operation and deliberation from seniors.

At the outset, I would like to thank DR.ATUL PANDEY Assistant Professor,

SHEPA, VARANASI for his support and professional approach in guiding me

through the careful details of the project. I am very grateful to my company guides,

DR. ATUL PANDEY Assistant Professor, who not only helped me on this topic

but also helped me to understand the nuances of capital market. In spite of having a

very busy schedule, they made sure in every way that we acquire the best possible

exposure and knowledge during our project which helped me a lot to complete this

project report.

For a Management student, Mini Project plays an important role during the

study. This project provides a corporate or real world platform to learn

practically. MBA degree without any Innovative Project or ideas,

experience is just like food learning experience about management

concepts and its applications.

This project was undertaken as a part of the curriculum of MBA course,

which is compulsory for each student to have the project in any new ideas to

the development of the student capabilities and gain the knowledge. This

exposure enables the mentor to learn effective and efficient ways and means

to solve the real problems faced by the organization and also to understand

its dynamics.

I. Introduction
II. About Innovative Business Idea
III. Business Description
IV. Products & Services
V. Market Summary
a. Market needs
b. Market trends
c. Market growth
d. Launch plan
VI. Business Proposal
a. Services
b. Production process & development stages
c. Marketing strategy
d. Marketing model
VII. SWOT Analysis
VIII. Future work
IX. Conclusions
X. Appendix

Who says you need to step out of your home every morning and do a 9 to 5 to make
money? Why do a job you don‟t like doing when there is the opportunity to turn into
an entrepreneur? You can explore the several opportunities that come your way via
online rental marketplace solutions. Internet has changed the world around us and
created new possibilities for business and income. Peer-to-Peer ecommerce business
offers countless opportunities to start a successful business with your assets and small
capital investment. This industry which was valued at $19 billion in 2017 is expected
to double by 2022. Sharing economy as it is often called is expected to be a major
disrupter for traditional agency based hiring model. If you are planning to explore
opportunities in e-commerce rental business here is your ultimate list of most popular
rental business ideas.

• Dress Rental Business – Dress rental business is extremely popular as it allows

people to dress the way they want during events without spending exorbitantly
on them. Most people don‟t like buying clothes for one-off use. Whether it is
costume for Halloween party or those that one needs to wear for theme based
events you have opportunity knocking at your door. To succeed in this business
you need to maintain a good line of costumes and keep them in good shape and
hygiene to build reputation. Note the trends in the market and update your
inventory. As a bonus tip you must focus fancy dress costumes and you have your
successful business plan in place.

• Event Venue Rental Business – It was one of the first businesses to make use of
online rental market platforms. If you have a venue to rent out for an event use
these platforms and you won‟t have to ever worry about promoting your venue.
Invest some of your profits for the upkeep of the venue and at the same time keep
reinventing the space. Gather feedback from your clients on how you can add to
the décor and amenities in the venue. The more you invest higher will be your
bookings and profits.

• Vacation Rental – It is one of the oldest rental businesses in the world. Have a
room to spare during the busy travel season, you have got business waiting for you.
You can also invest in a property purely from vacation rental business. Make use
of social media to update on the USPs of your property and you have a successful
business recipe. You can also write informative blogs on places to visit near your
property and you will be

• Camp Equipment Rental Business – Camping equipment is costly and most

amateur campers don‟t want to invest large sums of money buying them. More so
when they aren‟t likely to use them frequently. As a professional camper you can
rent your idle equipment and earn handsomely in the process. Make sure you add
to the inventory taking into account the demand from your customers and in no
time it would help you make money to invest in better equipment that adds to your
future camping experience.

• Music instrument Rental Business – Professional musicians have been sharing

and renting out instruments for years but in the recent years this business is
growing exponentially thanks peer-to-peer networking websites. As an upcoming
band or an aspiring musician you can rent them out to create funds for your next
big buy. You‟d have instrument and equipment that you don‟t use any longer for
your shows and they be turned into a source of revenue.

• Water Sports Equipment Rental – As a water sport enthusiast you are well
aware of the cost of water sport equipment. Why make your equipment gather dust
when you aren‟t using them? Hundreds of amateurs hunt for water sport equipment
on rent in peer-to-peer websites as they don‟t see a fair reason to buy them for a
one-off adventure. Rather than storing equipment at your basement which can
also cause irreparable damage to them you can start minting money by renting
them out.

• Wedding Rental Business – Times have changed and couples want to make their
„big day‟ memorable. From lights to props and from photo booths to fancy
furniture there are dozens of things needed to make a couple‟s special day even
more special. You can rent out these to event managers who are always in the
lookout for these things. Help them set up a venue and you can add to your
earnings. You can start this business with a small capital and make a fortune.
• Travel Equipment Rental Portal – Travel and hospitality industry is the biggest
employer in the world. It is worth close to $8 trillion. Traditional travel and
hospitality service providers are failing to meet demands for the modern customers
and this has given birth to the popularity of travel equipment rental. You can start
your own travel equipment rental portal where you rent out everything from
adventure sport equipment to cars and caravans. Make good use of social media
and in no time you would see good number of bookings.

• Furniture rentals - This business of renting out furniture is now creating new
opportunities for entrepreneurs who desire to have regular revenue. The reason for
calling this a regular business is that the product offered for rent comes under
essentials for everyday living. Renting business as a whole makes the owner of the
product or property earn money on a regular basis, maybe every month. This
continuous flow of money enables the owner to even earn excess money after
covering the cost of the furniture.

• Construction Equipment & Tools Rental Store – Constructions contractors don‟t

always see the benefit of transporting big equipment and tools to faraway locations.
They rather prefer renting them locally as it helps them cut costs and reduces the
risk of ownership in many cases. While such equipment was always taken on rent
online rental marketplace have bridged the gap between the renter and the customer.
Keep your tools and equipment in good shape and they won‟t sit idle.

A concept that has been going on from centuries in the offline world has now come as a
storm in the online world. People through broker or middleman have been renting out
property and equipment from a very long time.
Entrepreneurs with this idea started online businesses of renting houses, cars, etc. The
sharing economy has grown tremendously in the 20th century as people prefer to rent out
products for a short duration of time rather than buying.
The rental industry has changed people‟s ideology over time in many industries like
hospitality and transportation. It has given these industries a new venture to branch out.
The rental industry is rapidly growing as a platform that provides temporary access to
various assets. This industry which was valued at $19 billion in 2017 is expected to be
$59.4 billion by 2022. In areas where the sharing economy is already booming, growth in
rental services is exceeding both Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and infrastructure
This is particularly true in the US, where rental has been expanding at annual rates of
between 5-7%. The number of adults (in the U.S) using the increasingly popular renting
economy is 73.7 million in 2019 and is likely to increase to 86.5 million by 2021.

Profitable Business Models in the Sharing Economy

• Online Property Rental Business
• Online Equipment Rental Business
• Online Vehicle Rental Business
• Online Interior Decoration Rental Business
• Online Clothes Rental Business
• Online Accessory Rental Business
In Europe, where economic growth rate is lower, rental has still been expanding at around
3% each year, and more in some countries – the highest growth in European countries
occurred in France (5.7%), the Netherlands (5.2%), and Spain (5.1%).
Based on figures published by the American Rental Association (ARA) and the European
Rental Association (ERA), the global rental growth rate is around 5.0%. That‟s for a
market that is valued globally between US$90-100 billion, with approximately 80% of that
generated in Europe and North America.

Online Rental Business is an online rental solution for all the furnishing needs
including furniture, furnishings, home appliances, and bikes. It caters to the younger
generation of today aged between 24-35 years which moves from city to city with the
mobile nature of their jobs. The online marketplace is catering to the market that sizes
$7bn approximately. It currently hosts 1 lakh subscribers on its portal who are using
their rental services. Online Rental Business rides on the mantra „to own and let go
things that do not make sense‟.

Getting customers back to portal every month is a challenge

Of their lifetime customer base, 40% are locked- in with Online Rental Business for a
span of 2 years which implies a sizeable chunk of customers in the need of making
recurring payments. And more customers joining in as the company grows and
expands. The business requires customers to keep coming back to the portal, login to
their dashboard and make the payments.
Accepting recurring payments from their customers has become a way of retaining
customers for Online Rental Business without much friction and thereby reducing
hassle for the customers to initiate payment month-on-month. Currently a customer is
notified about the payment at the beginning of the month. In an ideal situation,
customer comes to the portal, views the Payment Due and makes a payment towards it.
But that doesn‟t happen every time. In the hustle of day-to-day activities, it is quite
possible for a customer to forget doing the same. And customer ends up paying more
towards late payment fees and leaving a poor customer experience.

A holistic subscriptions billing platform for customer-centric business

While many customers use NACH with physical mandate process requirements to
make the recurring payments, it is a highly cumbersome process in terms of handling
support requests and helping customers complete the process. Razorpay Subscriptions
has helped the customers using credit cards as a mode of payment and enabled
Online Rental Business to be more in control of their business in the following
Customers are left free without having to worry for the due payments. They authorise
the payments once and are set for the rest of the plan period.

As Online Rental Business customer base expends, predictability of the revenue

Month-on-month gets better with more customers adopting the subscription as an

The smart Subscription APIs have helped Online Rental Business be aware of the
payments failures due tocard expiry, insufficient funds and make them proactive as
a team.

This reduces the considerable to-and-fro between customer and the Online Rental
Business customer team as they know exactly why the payment was failed and what
corrective steps need to be taken.

We have always been focused on building an asset- light business. Razorpay

Subscription has helped us achieve that keeping tab on customers who default or are
generally late on their due payments. We have a better view of the predicted revenue
for each billing month.

How Online Rental Business streamlined their business operations

Considering Online Rental Business operates on an asset- light model, they have been
benefited by Razorpay Subscriptions because it helps in profiling the customers in
terms of risk and security considering the defaults and late payments on orders. It has
reduced the unnecessary follow-up for the support team with the customers for not
being able to make payments on time. Online Rental Business is in more control of
their business now with better cash-flow management and being aware of the
predicted revenue month-over-month.
Event Venue Rental Business – It is one of the first businesses to make use of online
rental marketplace solution platforms. If you have a venue to rent for an event use these
platforms and you won‟t have to ever worry about promoting your venue.

Vacation Rental - It is one of the oldest rental businesses in the world. Have a room to
spare during the busy travel season, you have got business waiting for you. You can also
invest in a property purely from vacation rental business.

Camp Equipment Rental Business - Camping equipment is costly and most amateur
campers don‟t want to invest large sums of money buying them. You can rent your idle
equipment and it would help you make money and invest in better equipment.

Music instrument Rental Business – Music instrument rental business is growing

exponentially and as an upcoming band or an aspiring musician you can rent them out to
create funds for your next big buy. How will the site work & make money? The site would
be a common platform for renters and lenders. Anyone can list an instrument on the site,
and anyone can rent a listed instrument, gear or space. Here is how things will work on
your P2P music instrument sharing website: Musicians browse instruments/gears/spaces
listed on the site with their hourly/weekly/monthly rent rates They reserve the equipment
for a specific period by communicating with the owner After 24 hours of the reservation,
owners get their money through the website, from which the commission is cut Renters
return equipment to owner at the end of the reservation period This is pretty much how the
business & revenue model looks on the surface for a P2P instrument sharing website. Now,
let‟s discuss the essential website features and how to implement them to attract more users.

Water Sports Equipment Rental – As a water sport enthusiast don‟t make your
equipment gather dust when you aren‟t using them. Hundreds of amateurs hunt for water
sport equipment on rent in peer-to-peer websites and you can mint money by giving them
on rent. How it works? Equipment listing with real photos. Set price which can also be
adjusted per rental. Renters can search for gear as per region. View availability in that area
and make rent request. Renter must pay for the rental and pick up their equipment at the
agreed time and place. Money is transferred securely through the platform to both accounts
after commission deduction. Every listed item must be insured, making the experience
completely safe for every person.

Wedding Rental Business – From lights to props and furniture there are dozens of things
needed to make a couple‟s special day even more special. You can start this business with a
small capital and make a fortune.

Travel Equipment Rental Portal – Start your own travel equipment rental portal where
you rent out everything from adventure sport equipment to cars and caravans. Make good
use of social media and in no time you would see good number of bookings.

Furniture Rentals – This business of renting our furniture is now creating new
opportunities for entrepreneurs who desire to have regular revenue. The reason for calling
this a regular business is that the product offered for rent comes under essentials for
everyday living.

Construction Equipment & Tools Rental Store – While these equipment were always
taken on rent online rental websites have bridged the gap between the renter and the
customer. Keep your tools and equipment in good shape and they won‟t sit idle.

Leasing and renting businesses have long been a popular moneymaking industry,
mainly because although not everyone can afford to purchase luxury or recreational
equipment, they can pay the rent.

The other reason is the seldom requirement of that essential equipment that doesn‟t
comply with the purchase. The startup cost of leasing and renting business ideas can
be high depending on the types of products and equipment that you purchase to rent.

1. Air Conditioning Rental Business

The air conditioning rental business is providing air conditioning facilities to the
clients by installing the required air conditioning machine on rent. Your customers
would be a traveling business, temporary settlers, startup company offices.

2. Property Rental Agency

The property rental agency is a very profitable business and you do not need to invest
much money. Deal with the apartment owner about the rent and terms. Many owners
are searching for real estate agents who can give the clients.

3. Arcade Game Rental Business

Arcade game renting is a wonderful trending business nowadays. People generally

hire arcade game equipment for various parties, carnivals, corporate events, festivals,

4. RV Rental Business

Recreational vehicles are generally abbreviated as RVs. If you have an RV or can

lease/ buy an RV, renting out the vehicle can fetch you good profit returns.

5. Audio Equipment Renting

People often hire audio equipment for various speaking events like private dining,
banquet, meeting, outdoor event, panel discussion, open event, press conference, etc.
It‟s one of the most profitable leasing and rental business ideas.
6. Baby Furniture Leasing And Renting Business

Instead of buying baby furniture, many parents like to have those on rent. The reason
is, as the baby grows those items of furniture become useless for them. You can start
this business as a home-based and part-time also.

7. Bingo Equipment Renting

Bingo is very popular among children and young people. It is considered the most
popular adventure sport. Bingo equipment renting is profitable and can be operated

8. Car Rental

For a person living in a strategic place of a high density of population with business
centers and entertainment outfits, the car rental business would be a lucrative and
profitable venture for him. The primary operation would involve scheduling customer
reservations and be supplying the rental car.
A car rental business is a management intensive business and it needs a lot of research
before you go into the business.

9. House Boat Rental

You can start a houseboat rental business in two ways. One is by purchasing the
houseboat and offering on rent. The other way is to contact the houseboat owners who
are willing to give their houseboat on rent.

10. Book Renting

If you have a sufficient quality book collection, starting a book renting business is a
perfect way to earn handsome money out of it. Focusing on a target niche and a
marketing plan is necessary for starting a book renting business.

11. Camera And Accessories Renting

You can promote the camera and accessories business in two ways; online and offline.
It is a very profitable business idea, provided you have a wide collection of camera
and it‟s accessories.
12. Carpet Shampoo Machine Renting

Two types of carpet shampoo machines are generally available in the market. One is a
portable type and the other one is vehicle-mounted. Carpet shampoo machine cleans
the carpet from stains and dust and then dry them. It is one of the most profitable
leasings and renting business ideas considering the startup costs involved.

13. Coffee Machine Renting

Coffee vending machine renting is a great way to earn handsome money out of a little
investment. Thedemand for the coffee vending machine is increasing in places around
small, medium, and large offices, schools, industrial canteens, hospitals, software
companies, hotels, restaurants, malls, and many other places.

14. Conference Room Rental Business

Most of the businesses and companies are looking for a conference room on rent for
their special meeting or training programs. If you have such a space, you can earn
handsome money by renting it asa conference room.

15. Construction Equipment Renting

Construction equipment renting is considered a lucrative and potential business model.

Every real estate and construction company generally serve their demand for
construction equipment from the rental company.

16. Costume Rental Business

In the costume rental business, your main consumers are schools, acting institutions,
and theater groups. This business can be initiated from home and can be operated part-

17. Dumpster Renting

The primary goal of a dumpster renting business is to help clients to manage their trash

in the most cost-effective way and for the benefit of the environment. Any domestic and

commercial company can be your customer in this business.

18. Electric Wheelchair Renting

Electric wheelchair renting business for disabled and handicapped people is a great
way of making money. You can operate this business part-time also.

19. Gas Cylinder Rental Business

Many people who often need to relocate for their professional purpose, always looking
for gas cylinder rental service. This is one of the most profitable rental business ideas
that can be initiated as home-based.

20. Home Appliances Renting

Home appliances renting is a new trending business that can be started in any metro
city where people generally relocate for their professional requirements. Yes, this is an
innovative and lucrative business model for startup entrepreneurs.

21. Luxury Bus Rental

Luxury bus rental business opportunity demands initial aggressive advertising and
marketing drive. An entrepreneur having experience in the travel business and
passionate about traveling can start this venture. The luxury bus rental business is
capital intensive and wise fun making an idea to make money out of the travel

22. Movie Renting

A movie renting business can be initiated from your home location. A wide collection of
the movie will make you eligible to start this business. People always prefer rental
service instead of buying movie DVDs.

23. Multimedia Projector Renting

A multimedia projector is one of the most useful equipment in the conference, training
or seminars. Educational institutes and businesses often prefer to have multimedia
projectors on rent. With a propermarketing plan, you can initiate this business with
moderate startup capital investment.
23. Musical Instrument Rental

Music instrument rental for beginners and bands is a great way of making money out
of a rental business. As the musical instrument is costly, people always prefer to have
that on rent instead of buying.

24. Office Equipment Renting

Startup businesses often like to have initial office equipment on rent because of the
non-affordabilityof purchasing costly furniture and related essential equipment.

25. Office Space Renting

Office space renting is a smart way of making money out of the rental business. If you
have an office with a lot of space unused, you can consider sharing that space on rent.
You can also have a bigger space and den module for small businesses to start with

26. Party Supplies Rental

Party supplies rental is an early age business. Party is considered a celebration and it
happens with the gatherings of people. It involves so many tables, chairs, dining
arrangements, music, and dance arrangements.

27. Party Tent Renting

Party tent renting is a wonderful opportunity for individuals who want to make an
easy extra income. Many people, businesses, companies are often looking for a rental
party tent for outdoor events, wedding ceremonies, catering purposes, and sports

28. Popcorn Machine Renting

Popcorn machines on rent have increasing demand nowadays for events, celebrations,
and party purposes. The business can be initiated either from home or by establishing
a small retail outlet.
29. Private Jet Renting

People hire a private jet to have more comfort, luxury, and private flying than public
air jets. Yes, this business is no doubt cost-intensive, and a proper marketing plan is
required before getting into the business.

30. Signage Rental Business

A portable signage rental business is considered a short-term means of outdoor

advertising. You can initiate this business from a home location and can operate part-

31. Ski Renting

If you are an experienced and skilled skier and passionate about jet ski, the ski renting
business is perfect for you. Offering the right ski according to the client‟s choice is the
major aspect of getting success in this business.

32. Truck Rental Business

In the truck rental business, you will serve both types of clients; domestic and
commercial. Every product industry needs to have a truck rental service for
transportation purposes.
33. Video Game Renting

Video game renting is one of the most trending leasings and renting business ideas
that can be initiated with a wide range of attractive video game collections. You can
establish a small retail store to promote this business.

34. Virtual Office Space Rental

The virtual office provides communication and address services without providing
dedicated office space to the clients. A virtual office user can expand into new
markets by utilizing a provider with multiple locations to establish a professional
presence in the desired growth markets.
Virtual office space renting is one of the most profitable leasing and rental business
ideas that can be initiated with substantial capital investment.
35. Artificial Flower Trees Renting

Artificial flower trees are used for indoor and outdoor decoration purposes. On
occasion and special programs like a birthday party, wedding reception, corporate
events people hire artificial trees and flowers to decorate the place temporarily.
Existing and potential customers fall into particular groups or segments, characterised
by their 'needs'. Identifying these groups and their needs through market research, and
then addressing those needs more successfully than your competitors, should be one
of the key elements of your marketing strategy.

Market summary helps identify our strengths and matches them to the needs of the
customers we want to target.

ONLINE RENTAL BUSINESS possesses good information about the market and
knows a great deal about the common attributes of its most prized customers.
Helping Hands will leverage this information to better understand who is served,
their specific needs, and how we can better communicate with this group.

Market needs

Helping Hands is providing its customers with a professional, residential house

cleaning service, aimed at the upper echelon of the market. ONLINE RENTAL
BUSINESS seeks to fulfill the following benefits that are important to its

• Professionalism: All employees will be well trained to exude professionalism

from allof their actions and conversations.

• Convenience: ONLINE RENTAL BUSINESS will provide its services in the

manner that is most convenient to the customer, including arranging for visits
when the owner is not home.

Trustworthiness: Many people have legitimate concerns regarding cleaning services in

theirhome and the possibility of theft and breakage. These concerns have been eliminated
or significantly reduced through a comprehensive screening and training process for
employees. Additionally, ONLINE RENTAL BUSINESS carries insurance designed to
cover any loss that thecustomer may attribute to the company.
Market Trends

The market trend in house cleaning will slowly shift from individual service providers
to companies. Years ago most families had a single housekeeper who was responsible
for the cleaning of their home(s). This individual was often considered a member of
the family. Less and less families these days are serviced by an individual
housekeeper. Nowadays there are domestic helps who come for a fixed time and
charge a fixed amount. They work in various households and operate in an
unorganized manner. The trend is moving toward having a cleaning service come into
the home daily and providing professional hassle free service.

This market shift has fueled the proliferation of house cleaning services. There has
been a shift from fixed individuals to maids, as well as a shift from having the same
maid for five to 10 years to going through many different maids, unsatisfied with
their services. This change in the market has created a receptive environment for a
cleaning service provider whose goal it is to develop long-term relationships with

Market Growth

The market for residential house cleaning services has exploded within the last
five years. The market is likely to maintain better than average growth due to the
lifestyle Indians have developed within the last five to six years, working longer and
longer hours. The effect of the longer work week is that people have less time to take
care of the personal maintenance responsibilities such as house cleaning. Also since
we Indians are aping the west we have an affinity to work hard and party harder when
we get time. So nowadays people will work for longer hours and pay someone to take
care of other, less important or less desirable responsibilities.

A SWOT analysis is performed to find out the various strengths, weaknesses that we
posses and the different threats and opportunities the external environment has to
offer. The same hasbeen explained in this plan at a later stage.
Launch plan

Our launch plan will be divided in three stages, namely:

• Pre-launch

• Launch

• Post launch

Pre launch would generally involve activities which create hype for our business. Our
management staff will go from door to door to explain our service model. We will
distribute pamphlets in kirana stores and through local newspapers. We will set up
tents in residential complexes to create awareness among the residents.

Launch of our services will be a grand affair with a local politician coming in to
attend it. At the same time all the domestic helpers we are planning to target,
housewives as well as working couples will be invited for the launch event. There
would be ads in television and radios to highlight the event and our services. We
would also register ourselves with just dial and yellow pages and other such search

Post launch is wherein we will focus on early demand and try to convert the potential
customers into loyal customers. We will be providing free trials to the customers to
showcase our expertise and professionalism. There would be success interviews,
success stories, reviewsand testimonial.

1.1 Services:

ONLINE RENTAL BUSINESS offers professional Cleaning Maid Service for every
household. We provide full time or part time maids (as per requirements), who are
responsible for performing variouschores in the houses of our clients. They are well
screened, trained, profiled and then selected. They have clear track records. Hygiene
is a top priority for us and so we recruit individuals who understand the value of
hygiene in cleaning. They are highly dedicated and hard-working and do their task
with efficiency.

Services to be offered by ONLINE RENTAL BUSINESS will include:

• House cleaning (dusting and cleaning of all surfaces, sweeping and mopping
offloors, and cleaning of doors and walls as needed)

• Dusting

• Remove cobwebs

• Vacuum all carpets

• Change sheets if needed

• Dust ceiling fans

• Clean mirrors and glass surfaces

• Wipe window sills

• Clean glass doors

• Clean prints on windows/doors

• Remove all garbage

• Wash all floor

• Washing clothes
• Soaking clothes
• Using starch to wash clothes

• party wear
• regular wear
• Drying clothes

• Bathroom cleaning

• Clean/sanitize sinks

• Clean/sanitize tubs, shower, toilet

• Clean mirrors

• Dust light fixtures and bulbs

• Wash Floors

• Kitchen area cleaning

Clean all counter tops

• Clean inside/outside microwave

• Wipe down cabinet facings

• Clean all appliances outside

• Polish stainless steel appliances

• Clean glass doors

• Clean/sanitize/polish sinks

• Wash floors

• Furniture cleaning

• Clean wall hangings

• Clean doors

• Clean baseboards

• Remove books from bookshelves and clean

• Clean tile

• Clean cabinet facings

• Washing utensils

• Unusual jobs like cleaning small disasters from children and pets.
The services will be designed to meet client specifications. The maids selected will
have in- depth knowledge about the various cleaning services. Also training will be
given to any new maids joining in to enhance their work efficiency and provide
satisfaction to our clients in every aspect. Our services are costlier than relying on the
neighborhood bai, but people will understand that they are being charged more for
convenience- a trained, reliable helper with the promise of replacement in case of
unsatisfactory service or on the maid's off days.

Some important features of our services:

• A centralized check in system which will record daily attendance, daily

working hours, check- in and check-out time of the maids from the place of
residence of our customers

• Registration of every maid in the local police station

• Daily system supervision by the administrator

• Proper uniform for the maids

• Mobile phones with GPS to keep a track of the maids in case of thefts or other
such situations

At the same time we will stick by our commitment to be at the scheduled place at the
scheduled time - if someone is sick or needs a leave there will be back- up staff to fill
in. We will take care of every domestic need so that you don't have to worry about

Being in any business including a cleaning business, takes a self-motivated and

business savvy person to be successful. Running an efficient cleaning service can be
done only if one iscommitted to staying organized and providing excellent service
to the clients.

We at ONLINE RENTAL BUSINESS are going to follow certain

pointers mentioned below: Proper Licensing

Before we start our business we will need to obtain a business license in Varanasi. A
business license will be acquired by going down to the city offices and obtaining the
necessary paperwork from the business licensing department. There will more than
likely be a fee associated with submitting the business license paperwork.
Get Clients

We will advertise our business with flyers, door hangers, business cards, postcards,
etc. we will put marketing materials wherever we think residential house cleaning
clients will be. We will also run a small ad in our local newspaper over the weekend.
Weekends are good because that's when readership is at it‟s highest.

Deliver Excellent Service

People will pay for a something over and over again if they feel they are getting
excellent service. We will arrive at all our cleaning appointments on time and be
ready to work. We shall leave the house spotless and smelling clean in order to assure
the clients that we are delivering the absolute best service there is. If we have to move
around any belongings or furniture to get the job done we‟ll be sure to put them back
exactly in the place we found them.

Keep Supplies Stocked

Keep extra maids. This will help us to avoid running out of supplies during a job as
well as wasting time having to leave in the middle of working.

Stick To A Schedule

We will set up a set cleaning schedule for all our clients and stick to it. The easiest
way to do this is to schedule to see clients at same time on every day of the week.
This will help us and the client remember when it's their time to have their home

Service Package for employers will include:

• Consistent quality

• Justified and consistent wages/cost per maid

• No lapses in service delivery or unexpected absences

• Tailored services based on their individual household needs

• Healthier maids, which leads to better service industry

• Refund for the customer if any precious item is broken or misplaced (glasses, vase)

• Proper spic and span work

• Work will be customized to meet customer needs

• Maids will be replaced if their performance is not satisfactory Since out targeted
customers are working couples we will maintain a set of key of every household
with us. It will be ensured that no item will be misplaced from their houses. Also
we guarantee the safety of their houses.

Benefits package for maids will include:

• Employment regulation

• Free out patient, in patient services and free medicines for the maid and her
family of five.

• One holiday per week

• Compulsory health screening for maids every month

• Life insurance, gratuity, medi claim and short term savings schemes for all maids

• Employee provident fund and pension plan for those employees who are with
the company for more than 10 yrs.

• Crèche service, education vocational training for all maids and her children

• Free notebooks, covers and bags for the children of our staff

• Access to Women‟s rights protection services.

• Gifts per month for five best workers. Gifts would include renovating their
houses painting their houses, buying them kitchen appliances or tv sets etc

• Monthly scholarship for the children of the best worker (maid)

Value creation for customers

The purpose of offering maid services is our ability to understand the needs of our
target customers. We know that they need efficient workers who maintain
transparency in work and at the same time are professional. Keeping this in mind, we
will create value for our customers by maintaining high levels of professionalism. We
will train our employees to imbibe in them traits necessary for impressing our most
affluent clients. Professionalism will be used throughout the service call, from the
way the employee greets and interacts with the client, to the way they clean, to the
way they act when they break that antique vase (which in the inevitable case that we
do break something, we have specific guidelines for the employee to follow to resolve
the conflict). We will also be creating the appearance of professionalism through the
use of uniforms.
Our employees know what the expectations of our clients are. They will thus ensure
that their services exceed these expectations.

We will strive to builds a trust relationship with our clients which will not only earn
ONLINE RENTAL BUSINESS the loyalty of that customer but also the referral of
several more of their friends. Satisfied customers like to tell their friends about
service providers that they are happy with, people like to "spread the wealth" with
their friends. It is the bond of trust that will earn Helping Hands (ONLINE RENTAL
BUSINESS) a large percentage of loyal customers who would be satisfied with our
services and would prefer using our maids to any other. These satisfied customers
would be vocal about our services to their friends and families and would “spread the
word” by referring our services to them.

1.2 Production process and development stages:

The production process refers to the stages (phases) required to complete a media
product, from the idea to the final master copy. The process can apply to any type of
media production including film, video, television and audio recording. The stages in
each medium vary; for example, there is obviously no storyboard in an audio
recording. However the same general concepts work for any medium.

Idea generation:

Idea Generation is often called the "fuzzy front end" of the NPD process

In India, systems of servitude have historically existed because of feudal social

structure. Newer trends of migration of young women from tribal areas to cities to do
(live in) domestic work have become a dominant feature in the urban labor landscape.
In India, in every household we find “Domestic helps”, otherwise known as ‘bai’ or
maids who are employed to help with daily household chores, cooking, looking after
children, elderly family members and/or pets. Despite being such a common
occurrence, there is no formal channel to hire them and yet their work is referred to as
the „informal sector‟ as if it were scarcely any work at all. The wages they receive is
appallingly low. In addition, domestic helps find it difficult to source jobs for
themselves, and do not get recognition of a formal labor sector, and are even excluded
from labor laws. The combination of these factors leads to many undesirable
outcomes for both maids and employers alike, such as lack of standardization of
salaries, questionable treatment, variable quality, and lax accountability and few if
any benefits and perks. The exclusion is just a short distance to abuse: long hours, bad
pay, inhuman treatment, physical and sexual harassment. Ultimately, these factors
have lead to an unstable and unhealthy work The above factors led to the emergence
of Helping Hands

Idea Screening
In this stage we found out that apparently, domestic labor is one of our largest job
categories – next to farming and construction. There are over 100 million domestic
workers in India, more than 50 times the no of people working in the software industry.
Low wages, exploitative conditions at work and a series of rights violations led to the
organizing of domestic workers in various states. .Also with more and more working
couples these days there has been a constant rise in demand for quality maid. We
realized there was a lot of scope for us to grow in this area. Research showed that in this
unorganized market there was no standardization in terms of skills and wages and the
service was irregular. People depend on depend on informal networks to source such
workers. There were also security and trust issues. Also worker retention was very low.

Idea development:


• Clean houses, sparkling floors, shining utensils, clean and bright clothes

• Happy smiling customers


• Training the maids

• Empowering them to do the jobs

• Keeping a tab on regular activities and schedules

• Experienced maids sourced locally

• Initial investment (uniforms, computers, mobile phones, location)

• Office space

So finally ONLINE RENTAL BUSINESS was developed with an aim to lend help to
the working couples, working women and housewives and also to meet the growing
need of a standardized house help. We take into account the vulnerabilities of
domestic workers and make provisions not only to hedge against exploitation, but also
raise accountability for both employer and employee. ONLINE RENTAL BUSINESS
aims to uplift the maid-class, provide better employment and better standard of living
to them.

The only major resource that we need is labour – our employees – “the maids”. We
will source them locally. Maids usually have a particular common area or a place of
location where they all reside. We will visit these areas and persuade them to join our
organization. Better pay packages, better amenities and a dignified status will attract
them towards us.

Market Trends

The market trend in house cleaning has shifted from individual service providers to
companies. Years ago, most families had a single housekeeper who was responsible for
the cleaning of their home(s). This individual was often considered a member of the
family. Less and less families these days are serviced by an individual housekeeper. The
trend is moving toward having a cleaning service come into the home weekly.

This market shift has fueled the proliferation of different house cleaning services. There
has been a shift from individuals to companies, as well as a shift from having the same
service providers for five to 10 years to going through many different companies,
unsatisfied with their services. This change in the market has created a receptive
environment for a cleaning service provider whose goal it is to develop long-term
relationships with customers.
Most of the houses cleaning service provider companies have been catering to these
households however ignoring the highest composition of the population that is the middle
class section of the society which form the biggest section of the society.

Market Growth

The market for residential house cleaning services has exploded within the last five years.
The industry is now a industry. The growth rate for this market is forecasted to stay at 13%
for the next four years.
The market is likely to maintain better than average growth due to the lifestyle Indians have
developed within the last five years, working longer and longer hours. The effect of the
longer work week is that people have less time to take care of the personal maintenance
responsibilities such as house cleaning. Instead, people will work and longer hours and pay
someone to take care of other, less important or less desirable responsibilities

Strategy Pyramids

The single objective is to position ONLINE RENTAL BUSINESS at the top of the house
cleaning market, commanding a large market share within four years. The marketing strategy
will first seek to create customer awareness, develop the customer base, and work toward
building customer loyalty and referrals.
Target Market and Customer Base:

The target market of ONLINE RENTAL BUSINESS is the upper middle class and the
middle class section of the Indian society which is available and willing to consume
the services provided by ONLINE RENTAL BUSINESS.

The consumer base would be the household having working women/housewives who
want skillful and professional cleaning services at affordable rates. These households
would consist of dual earning or efficiently wealthy costumers that can communicate
effectively in English as well as colloquial languages like Hindi and Marathi. The
customer base can be categorized into two:

The first is the affluent where only one spouse works. Although the other spouse is at
home and has time to clean, he/she chooses not to. This spouse would rather volunteer
for a public interest organization, go to kitty parties, or just spend time how he/she
chooses to. They have no desire to clean the house. To them that is not enjoyable and
they have the money to pay someone to do that kind of work. This market has annual
incomes over rs 6,00,000 and live inexpensive houses.

Our second segment of the market that we are targeting is the two income family.
Over the last couple of decades, to a point where in parts of the country they exceed
one income families. Our target customer is two income families whose combined
annual income is over rs300, 000. These families don't really have the time to clean,
can afford a cleaning service, and choose to hire a service because the opportunity
costs are too high to waste time cleaning their house. These households are typically
age 32-55 and live in houses valued over rs 30,00,000.

ONLINE RENTAL BUSINESS will position themselves as a professional,

trustworthy, residential house cleaning service. ONLINE RENTAL BUSINESS will
leverage their competitive edge of human capital investments to achieve the desired

Lastly, ONLINE RENTAL BUSINESS will emphasize the use of environmentally

sound and economical chemicals. Other companies use environmentally sound
chemicals so this is a huge differentiation, and it is something that ONLINE RENTAL
BUSINESS is proud of, and will be mentioned.
Competitor Analysis:

• Domestic maids: The major competition comes from the domestic maids who
work in the households at reasonable and flexible wages without taking any
extra leaves or incentives. This is a threat to ONLINE RENTAL BUSINESS
to convince the customer to buy our services instead of these domestic maids
by acknowledging the benefits provided by ONLINE RENTAL BUSINESS
and the limitations of having a domestic maid.

• Competing companies: There are many cleaning service companies which

cater to the higher income groups of the society and have the wealthy
households as their customers. Hence there are no competitors in this
particular segment of market till date.

Market Size and Potential:

Forming almost 20% of the population of India the upper middle and the upper class
of the economy are a huge market for these services. As the Indian household has a
concept of having maids for the purpose of cleaning and cooking there is an
increasing market potential that this target audience can be easily converted to
customers by creating brand awareness and promising best performance to ensure
customer loyalty.

Current Population of India - India, with 1,220,200,000 (1.22 billion) people is the
second most populous country in the world, while China is on the top with over
1,350,044,605 (1.35 billion) people. The figures show that India represents almost
17.31% of the world's population, which means one out of six people on this planet
live in India. Although, the crown of the world's most populous country is on China's
head for decades, India is all set to take the numerous Uno position by 2030. With the
population growth rate at 1.58%, India is predicted to have more than 1.53 billion
people by the end of 2030.
More than 50% of India's current population is below the age of 25 and over 65%
below the age of 35. About 72.2% of the population lives in some 638,000 villages
and the rest 27.8% in about 5,480 towns and urban agglomerations. The birth rate
(child births per 1,000 people per year) is 22.22 births/1,000 population (2009 est.)
while death rate (deaths per 1000 individuals per year) is 6.4 deaths/1,000

As ONLINE RENTAL BUSINESS has chosen to start its operations in Varanasi, a

detailed analysis is done inthese market demographics.

Population of Varanasi - Varanasi is one of the most populated cities in the India.
The business capital of India is home to more than 12478447 people. Like other
metros of India, the population of Varanasi has also grown rapidly in last 20 years. It
is one of the largest cities of India in terms of population, business and trade
activities. A large majority of Varanasi's population are migrants from other states of
India. This migrant population who come and stays here in search of better
employment opportunities is one of the significant factors in rising population of
Bombay. According to 1991 census, the population of Varanasi was only 12.5
million; So Population of Varanasi has grown almost double in the last 20 years. This
population explosion in Varanasi has caused serious health related problems for the
government officials. A large number of Population in Varanasi city lives in Slums
and other residential areas. Varanasi has a Population density of 30,000 persons per
square kilometer which is relatively very high.

Varanasi Population Growth

Varanasi - one of the India's leading cosmopolitan city is home to more than
12478447 people. There has been significant rise in population of Varanasi in the last
20 years. There are several factors which contribute to the population growth like
migration of population andhealth measures taken by the government. Awareness of
population programs especially in the slum and remote areas can help check the
rising population. Check out Population of Varanasi in the last 50 years.

ONLINE RENTAL BUSINESS would initially cater to only chembur for the initial
month and in the coming months would provide its services in the region of Vashi
in the Varanasi region of Varanasi. The expansion plan of ONLINE RENTAL
BUSINESS is to go pan India i.e. provides services in other parts of India.

Competitive Advantage:

The unique selling point of ONLINE RENTAL BUSINESS is the concept of utilizing
the same labor available in the market and also to make them efficient and skillful for
improvement of services. The target market of the upper and upper middle class has
been untapped by the existing service providers in the market which differentiates it
from others.


Being a service company the sales here would comprise of the cleaning services
provided by the company which include from washing clothes, utensils, dusting,
brooming, and so on. The price of these services would be determined after taking
into consideration the cost of services provided by the maids along with the cost of
products used to provide these services. The sale price of services shall vary
depending on the following factors:

1. Area of the house

2. Number of members in the family

3. The time required to provide these services

4. Time taken to reach the destination

5. Travelling cost

Sales forecast:

The first month will be used to set up the business. It is unlikely much/any business
will be officially transacted during this month. In addition to dealing with legal and
accounting issues for the business, office equipment will be purchased and set up.
Once the physical office is ready the employee policy and procedure manual will be
developed. Then the training program will be constructed. This will take a bit of time
therefore it is very important it is set up at the outset, ensuring that it is completed and
done properly when there are far less time constraints.

The second month will begin to see some activity. ONLINE RENTAL BUSINESS will
begin to field inquiries over the phone and expect to turn some of those into contracts. The
first week of jobs will be done as a team, with few employees. As the number of contracts
begins to pick up, probably at the end of the second month, an additional person will be
hired to form the first employee team. By the end of month four there will be enough
demand that a new team of two will be trained and begin working. We then forecast that
there will be 100 clients for the 1st year, 150 for the 2nd year, 250 for the third year, 300 for
4th year and 600 for 5th year. This forecast is estimated on the basis that ONLINE
RENTAL BUSINESS will go pan India in its 3rd year of operation. This would increase the
number of maids working with ONLINE RENTAL BUSINESS which are as following 60
for 1st year, 80 for 2nd year, 100 for 3rd year, 120 for 4th year and 200 for 5th year.

Year No. Of Maids No Of Clients

1 60 100
2 80 150
3 100 250
4 120 300
5 200 600

Marketing and Communication:

Unique selling point (USP):

• A centralized check in system which will record daily attendance, daily

working hours, check- in and check-out time of the maids from the place of
residence of our customers

• Registration of every maid in the local police station

• Daily system supervision by the administrator

• Proper uniform for the maids

• Mobile phones to keep a track of the maids in case of thefts or other such
At the same time we will stick by our commitment to be at the scheduled place at
the scheduled time - if someone is sick or needs a leave there will be back-up staff
to fill in. We will take care of every domestic need so that you don't have to worry
about anything.

Where other competitors cater to different sections of the society at higher rates
they do not guarantee continuous service to the client. ONLINE RENTAL
BUSINESS wishes to convert the weakness of its competitors into its strength.

Marketing and Communication tools for ONLINE RENTAL BUSINESS:

• Word of mouth: The most efficient and traditional method of marketing and
communicating your brand is word-of- mouth which will be followed by
ONLINE RENTAL BUSINESS as the target audience belongs to that section
of society which may not have all the advanced technological equipments to
collect the latest trends.

• Radio stations: The next tool of marketing would be the local radio stations to
create a bond among the people. This ensures that a greater population gets the
awareness of the brand and its scope of work.

• Commercial ads: Giving ads in regional tv channels would be less

expensive as well as fruitful to cater to the household women who connect
themselves emotionally to the tv serials or the actors (esses).This creates a
sense of belongingness in the minds of customers and converts a potential
market into a loyal customer in a short period of time. Creating presence of
ONLINE RENTAL BUSINESS on various news channels would lead to mass
awareness among the young and career oriented women who are sophisticated
and perfectionists. This also implicates that the company follows various
industry standards and adheres to provide customer satisfaction as their basic

• Print media: The print media though not so effective the current scenario may
be used in time intervals on monthly basis to make mass awareness of the
brand ONLINE RENTAL BUSINESS. Local magazines like Saheli and
Chitralekha can be used to capture these markets.
Supply chain management (SCM) is management of a network of
interconnected businesses involved in the provision of product and service packages
required by the end customers in a supply chain. Supply chain management spans
all movement and storage of raw materials, work-in-process inventory, and finished
goods from point of originto point of consumption.

There are four major decision areas in supply chain management:

1) location, 2) production, 3)inventory, and 4) transportation (distribution),

and there are both strategic and operationalelements in each of these decision areas.


The distribution channel would follow the supply chain method where the steps
followed are as following:

• Inbound logistics: The information about the potential customers shall be

collected from the staff i.e. maids available who have worked for these
customers before. Then these customers can be approached by sending
pamphlets, door to door marketing or by telephonic conversations. The database
and information about the available labor shall be collected first along with the
available customer base. This would include a search for labor which consists of
staff as well as employees. This would lead to the process of interviewing the
available and willing aspirants for various jobs provided by ONLINE RENTAL
BUSINESS. Getting the information about the potential customer and collecting
the database for the same would be done by finding the existing customers of
cleaning services which shall be done by door-to- door questionnaire interview.

• Operations: The staff shall be trained in the areas of following the attendance
system, cleaning the customer premises, rules and regulations to be followed,
and the method of communication with customers, company and among
themselves to provide the services to the customers. The distribution of labor to
the clients on regular basis is the major operating activity which requires
allocation of available labor to the clients who place an order for a maid.

• Distribution channel: The order is placed and received from a customer which
is accepted through a telephonic conversation where all the details of the
customer regarding their residential address, contact number, requirement of
cleaning services. Depending on the location of the client the employee would
be contacted and given the customer details. The contact details of the employee
would be given to the customer. The order has to be placed 24 hrs prior to the
requirement of the same. The payment has to be made to the office of ONLINE
RENTAL BUSINESS before the services are availed by any medium of
payment i.e. Cash, cheque or debit/credit cards.

• Outbound logistics: The employees of ONLINE RENTAL BUSINESS would

travel from the ONLINE RENTAL BUSINESS offices to their particular clients
to provide services.

Marketing mix:

The marketing mix is a business tool used in marketing products. The marketing mix
is oftencrucial when determining a product or brand's unique selling point (the unique
quality that differentiates a product from its competitors).

1. Product: This includes the services that are provided by ONLINE RENTAL
BUSINESS which include:

• House cleaning (dusting and cleaning of all surfaces, sweeping and mopping
of floors,and cleaning of doors and walls as needed)

• Furniture cleaning

• Washing utensils

• Washing clothes

• Drying clothes

• Bathroom and kitchen area cleaning

• Unusual jobs like cleaning small disasters from children and pets.
2. Price:

*Disclaimer: Prices are subjected to change according to the area. Price varies for
customized service.

**No one maid would provide all the services from the menu in one household.

3. Place: The initial positioning of ONLINE RENTAL BUSINESS services it would

be in Varanasi in the state of Uttar Pradesh for first 3 years of the operations of
ONLINE RENTAL BUSINESS. The reason to choose these locations was to
cater to a part of population which is ready to buy these services at the given price.
ONLINE RENTAL BUSINESS will diversify its services in its 3rd year of
operations to one branch in Pune in Maharashtra and one branch in Gujarat. The
exact location of the branch to be put up in Gujarat.

4. Promotion:

The tools of marketing have been used which include:

• Word of mouth-This means that ONLINE RENTAL BUSINESS will employ

a staff of 1 or 2 people who will spread the awareness of the brand and
services provided by ONLINE RENTAL BUSINESS. This will be done by
communicating with the local kiranawala's, watchmans, dhudhwala's,
newspaperwala's etc. This helps to reach a large market at no cost.This is the
best and efficient method of communication of the brand along with no
operating cost and infact helps in increasing customer base.

• Print media: As ONLINE RENTAL BUSINESS is in its initial stage, the

budget for print media would be minimal to avoid non-operating expenses.
Hence pamphlets would be distributed in regional newspapers and

• Advertisements: The promotional strategies would remain regional as it has to

connect to the common public and ensures a greater brand recall as the target
audience belongs to upper middle class of the society. The advertisements would
consist of tv commercials and announcements on radio channels. Posters can be
put up at public places like railway stations or bus stops.
1.3 Marketing Strategy:

This well-known marketing tool was first published in the Harvard Business Review
(1957) inan article called 'Strategies for Diversification'. It is used by marketers who
have objectives for growth. Ansoff's matrix offers strategic choices to achieve the

ONLINE RENTAL BUSINESS uses the product development strategy of the

marketing strategy as it plans to produce or provide service of cleaning maid services
at different rates in the existing market of cleaning services. It may be noted here that
the market that is considered here is only the organized sector and not the
unorganized sector.

1.4 Marketing Model:

The growth of the service sector may also be viewed as a manifestation of the changes
brought by the information revolution, which has brought revolutionary changes in
computing, data storage, and communications. Information technology is a key enabler to
help firms collect and analyze data on consumer activities, and to make interaction with
individual customers economically viable. In a more direct way, the information revolution
brings about the growth of the service sector, as it results in the growth of information
services in such areas as computer software, financial products, telecommunications, and

Principal Areas of Research in Service and Relationships

1. Customizing service

2. Customer satisfaction and relationships

3. Managing service

4. Financial impact interest occurred.

SWOT Analysis

The following is an outline of The Players Theatre Company's strengths, weaknesses,

opportunities, and threats. Currently our strengths and opportunities outweigh our
weaknesses; however, our weaknesses punctuate our need for more of the following
resources: time, employees, and funding.

S = Strengths
W = Weaknesses
O = Opportunities
T = Threats

• Care and respect for employee and their family.
• Advertisement and promotions about the company.
• Involving maid and working force into administration and management.
• Competing and gaining expertise on core job of cleaning job that a middle
class generally demand for, and keeping the services range low initially
(targeting one territory at a time).

• Availability of experienced workforce.

• Availability of large potential market.
• Increasing number of working women in the upper-middle class and
middle classfamily.
• Need and desire for improving standard of living in the underprivileged class.

• No proper labour law, protecting the labour class of maids and cleaners.
• Hard to penetrate already existing unorganized sector of maids.
Future Work

The rental business existing in the market as per many years, but in present technologies has
improved to the next level and technology made connect with guest(consumers) and hosts
In recent times, rental business has a development to reduce the transaction costs and its
building more profit and trust among customers.
"If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door"
In future, the rental business has a huge scope to expand updated technologies which we
would imagine.
In upcoming years, this industry has might occupy a special place compared to other
industries in market and rental business are most welcomed by customers across the world.
This industry has been inspiring many young entrepreneurs and experts to start their own
online business and startups while comparing with past and present.
Here are some of the recent technologies which would play a major in the future of the rental
On the prediction of future rental sharing:
Nowadays, the rental business has a major in the global market. It is growing and expanding
in market than ever before. this bloom has happened because of the people are changing their
lifestyle for travel, stay, ride, buy and sell.
“Our Rental business stays very busy and we don’t require a visa or
In 2021, the rental business going to expand its growth to the double of now.
According to a survey, currently these industries gains over 48.4 million and expected to
increase above 89.7million people by 2021. Almost it will reach $50 B in 2022 and revenue
have a chance to increase up to $20B
Based on the growth of the rental business the above report would perform.
Now its time to see how technologies occupied a place in rental industries.
Top rental sharing ideas:
Entrepreneurs can start their own business with advanced features and cost-effective with the
help of rental industries.
"It's not about ideas, it's all about making ideas happen"
The list of top rental ideas to start,
1. Sports equipment rental business
2. Dress rental business
3. Vacation rental business
4. Car rental business
5. Boat rental business
Internet of things:(IOT )
Internet of things is the connection of internet to physical devices and it is connected by
electronics to enable hardware connection. This device can communicate with each other and
also can monitor over a long distance
There are many opportunities to create a platform in IoT. By using these facilities in rental
industries, you can share your rental properties like building, cars, bikes, boat, dress and other
items in IoT. It enables all our properties to sell and exchange with other data.
Benefits of IoT :
1. Secure from robot
2. Tracking
3. Monitoring all data processing
How Blockchain technology changing the rental industries:
For all transaction of cryptocurrency, the blockchain is the main ledger .when the transaction
or transfer occur among cryptocurrency the record exists and also can access to everyone who
obtains that particular key on the blockchain.
We know, blockchain is the fast-growing technology in the market. For the development of
rental industries, the blockchain is the next step.
This blockchain technologies of rental industries are for the safe and sure online transactions.
Blockchain has huge advantages so that many industries are planned to choose:
1. Decrease the time of transaction.
2. Reduce the risk taken over
3. More secure and safe for every transaction and also maintain the proper records and
Artificial intelligence :
Artificial intelligence is one of the technology where a user can interact with. In AI you can
learn trends and plan to grow for the future also.
It acts as a decision-maker for all business that we can realize changes between human
interactions and AI perform main role in rental industries.
In rental industries, AI mainly used for security purpose and to set price for customers in the
Advantage of AI in rental business:
1. user experience with AI
2. Wise price planning
3. Implementing rental techniques

Big data :
To process huge data and storing in a different sector without any spam is the main task for
big data.
How Big data boost up rental business :
The main task of big data is to collect data from the user like name, reg number, phone
number and location, and the giant database would filter all relevant information for the user.
To avoid such duplication of data and algorithms of customers, big data is the perfect tool for
any platforms. Its role gives many opportunities to grow in these industries
Big data help rental industries like the following aspects:
1. Providing needs and wants
2. Improvement of business level
3. Helps to collect data from any platforms
Cloud storage:
Cloud storage is the simple term where you can store and access data and programs at any
time and anywhere
Role of cloud storage in the rental business :
While having these cloud facilities with rental industries, you can easily improve profits and
benefits as below :
1. User -friendly
2. Perform security
3. Flexibility
Use social media for the rental business to bloom:
Similarly, branding is the only tool where the audience can aware of your product and its
value in the market. Among thousands of advertisement, our mind sticks or attracted by one
advertisement it depends on our needs and wants of product.
For example,
While talking about an advertisement, most of us mind stick to Nippon and Airtel
advertisement because of its uniqueness among competitors. This type of
advertisement would create audience awareness of your product.
"The power of social media is to turn visitors into customers "
To know more brand building tips for rental business in social media

Great business ideas for an entrepreneur:

In this modern technology, no wonder that kids too started their own business in the market.
" The entrepreneur always searches for change, respond to it, and exploits it as an
After knowing the scope and benefits of the rental business, this is the perfect time for the
entrepreneur to start a rental business to obtain benefits mentioned below
This industry provides the main advantage that every entrepreneur expect from the market,
that is you can start your own rental business with less or zero investment to get high profit.
And this industry provides you various opportunities like car, bike, apartments, bikes and etc.
This industry not only provides these features but also these industries can make huge amount
of revenue through various committees in the revenue model.

The scope and benefits of rental business are huge. After knowing about the scope of
the online rental business we can say that this is a great exposure for a business.
This industry provides the main advantage that every entrepreneur expect from the market,
that is you can start your own rental business with less or zero investment to get high profit.
And this industry provides you various opportunities like car, bike, apartments, bikes and etc.
This industry not only provides these features but also these industries can make huge amount
of revenue through various committees in the revenue model.


1. Books & Articles

2. World Wide Web sources:

a. www.Online Rental Business.com

b. www.linkedIn.com
c. www.youtube.com
d. www.fatbit.com

3. Blogs

a. bnbrentalscript.com
b. researchgate.net

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