Ecdis 2

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NYK Standard for Navigation using ECDIS / 2. Hardware Standards


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NYK Standard for Navigation using ECDIS / 2. Hardware Standards

2. Hardware Standards

2.1 ECDIS Manufacturer

a) Only JRC or FURUNO ECDIS shall be fitted.

b) Both Primary and Secondary ECDIS on a particular vessel should be same type.

2.2 System Configuration

a) ECDIS should be treated as Safety Critical Machinery when being used as Primary Means of Navigation and in order to ensure accuracy and reliability
appropriately prior sailing with regard to ship specific data, chart priority, certificates, ENC activation, sensor configurations & offsets and security settings
restricted menu accesses.
b) The ECDIS should be given the prefix Primary and Secondary ECDIS or ECDIS #1 and #2 denoting primary and secondary respectively.
c) The Primary ECDIS should be configured as the Master unit, with preferred Electronic Position fixing source (e.g. GPS / GNSS etc. and hereinafter ref
primary source and alternative one as its secondary.
d) The Secondary ECDIS should be configured as a mirror image of the Primary ECDIS, however if vessel is equipped with more than one GNSS then it
that the primary position sources of secondary ECDIS is different from primary ECDIS as this allows monitoring of both GNSS inputs at any given time.
E.g.: - No. 1 ECDIS shall have the position source from preferred source and No.2 ECDIS from other position source.
e) Both ECDIS should always have ALARMS set to “ON” and display cells / charts at the best scale.
f) All functions and settings of both ECDIS shall be carried out in similar manner so that in the event of failure of any, the other remains available for imme

2.3 Sensor and Interface Equipment

2.3.1 Sensor Inputs
Following sensor inputs “a” to “d” shall be configured for both ECDIS: -

a) Ship’s Position Fixing Systems:

i) GNSS #1 (e.g. GPS #1)
ii) GNSS #2 (e.g. GPS #2)

b) Heading Devices:
i) Gyro Compass #1
ii) Gyro Compass #2
c) Speed and Distance Measuring Devices:
i) Log
d) Others:
i) Radar (with ARPA/ TT ) #1

ii) Radar (with ARPA / TT ) #2

iii) AIS
e) Recommended Additional Inputs:
Following may be used to provide input in addition to equipment listed above in case there is no degradation to the performance of the ECDIS: -

i) Echo Sounder
ii) Anemometer

iv) Radar (with ARPA / TT ) #3

2.3.2 All sensors to ECDIS should be properly configured (and calibrated if required) during ECDIS installation. To ascertain any errors, periodic checks of accuracy of s

using available means e.g.-


a) GNSS – by regularly comparing position with RIO, LOP, PI, Celestial observation and other GNSS in open seas.
b) Gyro Compass – by checking compass errors (celestial objects & transit bearings etc.)
c) Echo Sounder – lead line or other reference depths
d) Radar – index error checks, operator fixes, compare with GPS etc.

2.3.3 Interface Equipment

Company shall additionally interface following equipment to vessels equipped with dual ECDIS to assist in effective monitoring and usage of ECDIS: -

a) LCD Display (only repeater) in Master’s cabin from at least one ECDIS.
b) Printer shall be connected to ECDIS for printing out route plans, logs, screen shots etc.

2.4 Alert Settings

An ECDIS has two methods for alerting the users: -

a) Alarm: System which announces by audible and visual means a condition requiring immediate attention by operator.
b) Indicator: Visual indication giving information about the condition of a system or equipment.

The appropriate alert settings on ECDIS should be as per Table 2.1

Table 2.1 – Alert Settings


a) Crossing Safety Contour Alarm Within a specified time set by the user, own ship will cross the safety contour.
For Route Planning : Indication
Alarm or
b) Areas with Special Conditions2 Indication For Route Monitoring: Alarm

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NYK Standard for Navigation using ECDIS / 2. Hardware Standards

c) Deviation from route Alarm When the specified cross track limit for deviation from the planned route is exceeded (including w

d) Positioning system failure Alarm Input from position, heading or speed sourcesis lost.

When the ship reaches a specified time ordistance, set by the user, in advance of acritical point o
e) Approach to critical point Alarm
when in RCDS mode)

f) Different geodetic datum (ECDIS) Alarm Geodetic system is different from SENC
Alarm If the positional data is not referenced to WGS-84 or PE-90 datum.
g) Different geodetic datum (RCDS)
Indication If displayed RNC is not referenced to WGS-84 or PE-90 datum.

Alarm or
i) Malfunction of ECDIS Including for RCDS

a) If user does not specify safety contour value, the default setting of safety
contour (30m in some equipment) is used.
j) Default Safety Contour Indication
b) If the safety contour specified by the user or the default safety contour is not in the
c) If the safety contour in use becomes unavailable due to a change in source
data and is using next deeper contour as default.

k) Information overscale Indication Information is displayed at a larger scale thanthat contained in the ENC / RNC (Over-scale);

l) Larger scale ENC / RNC available Indication Own ship’s position is covered by an ENC /RNC at a larger scale than that provided by

m) Different reference system Indication ECDIS and added navigational informationare using different reference system.

n) No ENC available LL
Indication Display includes waters for which no ENC at a scale appropriate for navigation is available.
o) Customized display Indication Deviation from Standard Display

p) Route planning across safety contour Indication If planned route of own ship is across own ship’s set safety contour;

If planned route of own ship is across the boundary of a prohibited area or of ageographical area
q) Route planning across specified area Indication

If continuing on its present course and speed, over a specified time or distance set by the user, o
r) Crossing a danger in routemonitoring mode Indication than a user specified distance from an aid to navigation or a danger (e.g.obstruction, wreck, rock

safety contour.
s) System test failure Indication

t) Approach to mariner entered feature(For RCDS Mode ) Alarm Manually entered points, critical points,lines and areas for which alarm may be required.

u) ECDIS operating in Raster mode Indication

v) Anchor watch during anchorage Alarm3 When out of swinging circle etc.

w) Wheel Over position; Alarm3 When own ship crosses W/O position
x) CPA/TCPA alarm etc. Alarm3 Alarms related to Target Tracking
Changes to Alarms or Indicator settings

a) Any attempt to disable or changing the alerting mode (from audio to visual indicator or vice versa) other than accepted by IMO
performance standards i.e. from “a” to “u” above, can render the type approval of ECDIS invalid (downgraded to ECS, thus not compliant with the
vessel’s statutory certification).Therefore these shall not be amended except that indicators may be upgraded to alarms if the ECDIS
alarms also provide visual indicator,however vice versa is not allowed.
b) Additional alarm or indicator may be added for safe navigation.
c) No change to any alarm or indicator shall be carried out by OOW without prior approval from Master.
d) Before acknowledging the alarm, Masters and OOW should always understand and confirm the type of the alarm. The bridge team should ensur
not inadvertently overlooked.
e) Alarm setting shall be appropriately chosen in order to avoid “Alarm Overload situation”.

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NYK Standard for Navigation using ECDIS / 2. Hardware Standards

Following are Areas for which Special Conditions Exist:

a) Traffic separation zone

b) Military practice area
c) Inshore traffic zone
d) Seaplane landing area
e) Restricted area
f) Submarine transit lane
g) Caution area
h) Anchorage area
i) Offshore production area
j) Marine farm/aquaculture
k) Areas to be avoided
l) PSSA (Particularly Sensitive Sea Area)
m) User defined areas to be avoided

3: If onboard system cannot set this as alarm, then it must be set as indicator; These items are inaddition to IMO Performance Standards

2.5 Controls to Prevent Damage / Software Errors

Following controls should be exercised to avoid damage or software errors in ECDIS: -

a) It shall be ensured that ECDIS computers are not used for any non-navigational purpose.
b) Non-essential programs such as Windows Media Player etc. should be disabled.
c) Only dedicated media storage devices should be used in conjunction with ECDIS unit.

ECDIS Equipment does not have any anti-virus software.

No personal removable storage devices should be used.


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