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Republic of the Philippines

Province of Estern Samar

City of Borongan
Barangay G


Series of 2020



WHEREAS, Section 15, Article 2 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution and Section 16 of
the General Welfare Clause of the Local Government Code of 1991, states that all Local
Government Units are mandated to take charge with the promotion of health and safety of their
constituents within their jurisdictions;

WHEREAS, in response to the growing concern over the outbreak of coronavirus, where
the Philippines is now one of the identified countries with known cases, DILG Memorandum
Circular No. 2020-018 was issued on January 31, 2020;

WHEREAS, the said Circular enjoins all Local Government Units to effectively intensify
information education campaign against coronavirus and implement programs, projects and
services that will promote the health and well-being of all their constituents;

WHEREAS, Par. 4.2 of the said Circular has outlined the responsibilities of Punong
Barangays, specifically on containment, control and prevention- to include organization of one
(1) BHERT for every 5,000 population;

NOW, THEREFORE, I HON. GIL B. ESTROBO, Punong Barangay of Barangay G,

Borongan City, Eastern Samar, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby
organize/reactivate the Barangay Health Emergency Response Team of this barangay.

Section 1. Composition. The Team shall be composed of the following:

Chairperson : HON. GIL B. ESTROBO, Punong Barangay

Members : HON. CONCEPCION A. PAJANOSTAN, SB Committee Chair on Health
: JOSE B. FACTOR, Barangay Tanod
: CIRILO A. TUMALE, Barangay Tanod
: JUVELYN O. AQUINO, Barangay Health Worker
: LYDIA D. FACTOR, Barangay Health Worker

The nurse or midwife assigned in the barangay shall automatically be a member of


The BHERT shall likewise become the Coronavirus Task Force and function as

Section 2. Functions. The Team shall have the following functions:

Conduct visits in the home of every arriving person from a coronavirus affected country;
Immediately list down the person(s) that the arriving resident/s came in contact with prior to
his/her arrival in his/her residence;
Require the arriving resident/s to check and record temperature daily, morning and afternoon,
for the duration of the 14-day home confinement period;
Advise the arriving resident(s) to watch out for other symptoms of coronavirus like cough, sore
throat, shortness of breath, etc;
Wearing N95 or surgical mask, check on the condition of the arriving resident/s daily from a
distance of more than one (1) meter;
If symptoms are observed, immediately isolate and confine the arriving resident/s, now a
coronavirus suspect, to a room away from the members of the household prior to his immediate
transport to a DOH-designated coronavirus referral center or hospital for further examination
and treatment;
Require the coronavirus suspect to war N95 mask of surgical mask. Place the rest of the
household also under the 14-day home confinement and repeat the process for them, including
contract tracing; and
If no signs manifest, or if no symptoms are observed after the 14-day home confinement, report
the matter to the Municipal Health Officer for the lifting of the home confinement.

Section 3. Effectivity. This Order shall take effect immediately.

Done this 6th day of February, 2020 at Barangay G, Borongan City, Eastern Samar,


Punong Barangay

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