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1. Define data structure.

The data structure can be defined as the collection of elements and all the possible
operations which are required for those set of elements. Formally data structure can be defined as
a data structure is a set of domains D, a set of domains F and a set of axioms A. this triple
(D,F,A) denotes the data structure d.

2. What do you mean by non-linear data structure? Give example.

The non-linear data structure is the kind of data structure in which the data may be
arranged in hierarchical fashion. For example- Trees and graphs.

3. What do you linear data structure? Give example.

The linear data structure is the kind of data structure in which the data is linearly
arranged. For example- stacks, queues, linked list.

4. What is abstract data type? What are all not concerned in an ADT?(NOV/DEC 2019)

The abstract data type is a triple of D i.e. set of axioms, F-set of functions and A-Axioms
in which only what is to be done is mentioned but how is to be done is not mentioned. Thus ADT
is not concerned with implementation details.
5. What is a linked list?(NOV/DEC 2019)

A linked list is a set of nodes where each node has two fields ‘data’ and ‘link’. The data
field is used to store actual piece of information and link field is used to store address of next

6. Define doubly linked list.

Doubly linked list is a kind of linked list in which each node has two link fields. One link
field stores the address of previous node and the other link field stores the address of the next

7. State the advantages of circular lists over doubly linked list.

In circular list the next pointer of last node points to head node, whereas in doubly linked
list each node has two pointers: one previous pointer and another is next pointer. The main
advantage of circular list over doubly linked list is that with the help of single pointer field we
can access head node quickly. Hence some amount of memory get saved because in circular list
only one pointer is reserved.

8. What are the advantages of doubly linked list over singly linked list?

The doubly linked list has two pointer fields. One field is previous link field and another
is next link field. Because of these two pointer fields we can access any node efficiently whereas
in singly linked list only one pointer field is there which stores forward pointer.

9. What is the circular linked list?(NOV/DEC 2018)

The circular linked list is a kind of linked list in which the last node is connected to
the first node or head node of the linked list.

This node is useful for getting the starting address of the linked list.

10. What is the advantage of an ADT?(NOV/DEC 2018)

➢ Change: the implementation of the ADT can be changed without making changes in
the client program that uses the ADT.
➢ Understandability: ADT specifies what is to be done and does not specify the
implementation details. Hence code becomes easy to understand due to ADT.
➢ Reusability: the ADT can be reused by some program in future.

1. Explain the insertion operation in linked list. How nodes are inserted after a specified
node.(NOV/DEC 2019)

2. Write an algorithm to perform add, delete and display operation using LIST ADT?

(NOV/DEC 2018)

3. Discuss deletion operation in circular linked lists.(NOV/DEC 2018)

4. Discuss the insertion operation for a doubly linked list.

5. How to perform deletion operation using linked list?

6. How polynomial expression can be represented using linked list for addition? (NOV/DEC
2018,NOV/DEC 2019)

7. Discuss the deletion operation for doubly linked list.



1. Define Stack
A Stack is an ordered list in which all insertions (Push operation) and deletion (Pop
operation) are made at one end, called the top. The topmost element is pointed by top. The top is
initialized to -1 when the stack is created that is when the stack is empty. In a stack S = (a1,an),
a1 is the bottom most element and element a is on top of element ai-1. Stack is also referred as
Last In First Out (LIFO) list.

2. What are the various Operations performed on the Stack?

The various operations that are performed on the stack are

CREATE(S) – Creates S as an empty stack.

PUSH(S,X) – Adds the element X to the top of the stack.

POP(S) – Deletes the top most elements from the stack.
TOP(S) – returns the value of top element from the stack.
ISEMTPTY(S) – returns true if Stack is empty else false.
ISFULL(S) - returns true if Stack is full else false.
3. What are the postfix and prefix forms of the expression?


Postfix form: ABCD-*PR-/+

Prefix form: +A/*B-CD-PR
4. Explain the usage of stack in recursive algorithm implementation?
In recursive algorithms, stack data structures is used to store the return address when a
recursive call is encountered and also to store the values of all the parameters essential to the
current state of the function.

5. Define Queue.

A Queue is an ordered list in which all insertions take place at one end called the rear, while
all deletions take place at the other end called the front. Rear is initialized to -1 and front is
initialized to 0. Queue is also referred as First In First Out (FIFO) list.

6. What are the various operations performed on the Queue?

The various operations performed on the queue are

CREATE(Q) – Creates Q as an empty Queue.
Enqueue(Q,X) – Adds the element X to the Queue.
Dequeue(Q) – Deletes a element from the Queue.
ISEMTPTY(Q) – returns true if Queue is empty else false.
ISFULL(Q) - returns true if Queue is full else false.
7. How do you test for an empty Queue?
The condition for testing an empty queue is rear=front-1. In linked list implementation of
queue the condition for an empty queue is the header node link field is NULL.

8.Define Dequeue.(NOV/DEC 2019)

Dequeue stands for Double ended queue. It is a linear list in which insertions and
deletion are made from either end of the queue structure.

9.Define Circular Queue.

Another representation of a queue, which prevents an excessive use of memory by
arranging elements/ nodes Q1,Q2,…Qn in a circular fashion. That is, it is the queue, which wraps
around upon reaching the end of the queue

10.List any four applications of stack.(NOV/DEC 2018,NOV/DEC 2019)

 Parsing context free languages
 Evaluating arithmetic expressions
 Function call
 Traversing trees and graph
 Tower of Hanoi


1. Write an algorithm for Push and Pop operations on Stack using Linked list.(NOV/DEC
2. Explain the array implementation of stack ADT in detail?
3. Explain in detail about circular queue.
4. Write the algorithm for converting infix expression to postfix (polish)
expression?(NOV/DEC 2019)
5. Explain in detail about priority queue ADT in detail?
6. What is Queue? Explain its operation and implement it using array.(NOV/DEC 2019)
7. Explain linked list implementation of queue ADT in detail?

1. Define tree?
Trees are non-liner data structure, which is used to store data items in a shorted sequence.
It represents any hierarchical relationship between any data Item. It is a collection of nodes,
which has a distinguish node called the root and zero or more non-empty sub trees T1,
T2,….Tk. each of which are connected by a directed edge from the root

2. Define Height of tree?(NOV/DEC 2018)

The height of n is the length of the longest path from root to a leaf. Thus all leaves have
height zero. The height of a tree is equal to a height of a root.

3. Define binary tree?

A Binary tree is a finite set of data items which is either empty or consists of a single
item called root and two disjoin binary trees called left sub tree max degree of any node is two.

4. What are the applications of binary tree?

Binary tree is used in data processing.

a. File index schemes

b. Hierarchical database management system

5. List out few of the Application of tree data-structure?

1. The manipulation of Arithmetic expression

Used for Searching Operation
2. Used to implement the file system of several popular operating
systemsSymbol Table construction
3. Syntax analysis

6. Define expression tree?

Expression tree is also a binary tree in which the leafs terminal nodes or operands and
non-terminal intermediate nodes are operators used for traversal.

7. Define tree– traversal and mention the type of traversals?(NOV/DEC 2019)

Visiting of each and every node in the tree exactly is called as tree traversal.
Three types of tree traversal
1. In order traversal

2. Preorder traversal

3. Post order traversal.

8. Define Binary Search Tree.(NOV/DEC 2019)

Binary search tree is a binary tree in which for every node X in the tree, the values of all the keys
in its left sub tree are smaller than the key value in X and the values of all the keys in its right
sub tree are larger than the key value in X.

9. What is AVL Tree?(APRIL/MAY 2019)

AVL stands for Adelson-Velskii and Landis. An AVL tree is a binary search tree which has the
following properties:

1.The sub-trees of every node differ in height by at most one.

2.Every sub-tree is an AVL tree.
Search time is O(logn). Addition and deletion operations also take O(logn) time.

10. What is ‘B’ Tree?(NOV/DEC 2018)

A B-tree is a tree data structure that keeps data sorted and allows searches, insertions, and
deletions in logarithmic amortized time. Unlike self-balancing binary search trees, it is optimized
for systems that read and write large blocks of data. It is most commonly used in database and
file systems.

1. Explain the AVL tree insertion and deletion with suitable example.(APRIL/MAY 2019)
2. Describe the algorithms used to perform single and double rotation on AVL tree.
3. Explain about B-Tree with suitable example.(NOV/DEC 2018)

4. Explain about B+ trees with suitable algorithm(NOV/DEC 2018,APRIL/MAY

5. Explain the tree traversal techniques with an example(NOV/DEC 2019)
6. Construct an expression tree for the expression (a+b*c) + ((d*e+f)*g). Give the
outputs whenyou apply in order, preorder and post order traversals.
7. How to insert and delete an element into a binary search tree and write down the code for
the insertion routine with an example.(NOV/DEC 2018,NOV/DEC 2019)


1. Write the definition of weighted graph?

A graph in which weights are assigned to every edge is called a weighted graph.

2. Define Graph?
A graph G consist of a nonempty set V which is a set of nodes of the graph, a set E which
is the set of edges of the graph, and a mapping from the set of edges E to set of pairs of elements
of V. It can also be represented as G=(V, E).

3. Define adjacency matrix?

The adjacency –matrix is an n x n matrix A whose elements aij are given by
aij = 1 if (vi, vj) Exists =0 otherwise

4. What is a directed graph?

A graph in which every edge is directed is called a directed graph.

5. What is an undirected graph?

A graph in which every edge is undirected is called an undirected graph.

6. Define in degree and out degree of a graph?

In a directed graph, for any node v, the number of edges, which have v as their initial node, is
called the out degree of the node v.

Out degree: Number of edges having the node v as root node is the outdegree of the node v.

7. What is meant by strongly connected in a graph?(NOV/DEC 2019)

An undirected graph is connected, if there is a path from every vertex to every other vertex.
A directed graph with this property is called strongly connected.
8. Name the different ways of representing a graph? Give examples (NOV/DEC 2018)

a. Adjacency matrix

b. Adjacency list

9. What is the use of BFS?(NOV/DEC 2019,NOV/DEC 2018)

BFS can be used to find the shortest distance between some starting node and the remaining
nodes of the graph. The shortest distance is the minimum number of edges traversed in order to
travel from the start node the specific node being examined.

10. What is topological sort?(NOV/DEC 2018)

It is an ordering of the vertices in a directed acyclic graph, such that: If there is a path from u
to v, then v appears after u in the ordering.
1. Remove current node to be examined from queue
2. Find all unlabeled nodes adjacent to current node

3. If this is an unvisited node label it and add it to the queue

4. Finished.
1. Explain the various representation of graph with example in detail?
2. Explain Breadth First Search algorithm with example?(APRIL/MAY 2019,NOV/DEC 2019)
3. Explain Depth first traversal?(APRIL/MAY 2019,NOV/DEC 2019)
4. What is topological sort? Write an algorithm to perform topological sort?(8) (NOV/DEC
5. (i) Write an algorithm to determine the bi connected components in the given graph.
(ii)Determine the bi connected components in a graph.
6. Explain the various applications of Graphs.(NOV/DEC 2019)
7. Explain in detail about Adjacency matrix and List


1. What is meant by Sorting?

Sorting is ordering of data in an increasing or decreasing fashion according to some
linear relationship among the data items.

2. List the different sorting algorithms.

• Bubble sort
• Selection sort
• Insertion sort
• Shell sort
• Quick sort
• Radix sort
• Heap sort
• Merge sort

3. State the logic of bubble sort algorithm.

The bubble sort repeatedly compares adjacent elements of an array. The first and second
elements are compared and swapped if out of order. Then the second and third elements are
compared and swapped if out of order. This sorting process continues until the last two
elements of the array are compared and swapped if out of order.

4. How does insertion sort algorithm work?(APRIL/MAY 2019)

In every iteration an element is compared with all the elements before it. While comparing if
it is found that the element can be inserted at a suitable position, then space is created for it by
shifting the other elements one position up and inserts the desired element at the suitable
position. This procedure is repeated for all the elements in the list until we get the sorted

5. Which sorting algorithm is best if the list is already sorted? Why?

Insertion sort as there is no movement of data if the list is already sorted and
complexity is of the order O(N).

6. What is divide-and-conquer strategy?

• Divide a problem into two or more sub problems
• Solve the sub problems recursively
• Obtain solution to original problem by combining these solutions

7. Compare quick sort and merge sort.

Quick sort has a best-case linear performance when the input is sorted, or nearly sorted. It
has a worst-case quadratic performance when the input is sorted in reverse, or nearly sorted in

Merge sort performance is much more constrained and predictable than the performance of
quick sort. The price for that reliability is that the average case of merge sort is slower than the
average case of quick sort because the constant factor of merge sort is larger.

8. Define Searching.
Searching for data is one of the fundamental fields of computing. Often, the difference
between a fast program and a slow one is the use of a good algorithm for the data set. Naturally,
the use of a hash table or binary search tree will result in more efficient searching, but more often
than not an array or linked list will be used. It is necessary to understand good ways of searching
data structures not designed to support efficient search.

9. What is linear search?(APRIL/MAY 2019)

In Linear Search the list is searched sequentially and the position is returned if the key
element to be searched is available in the list, otherwise -1 is returned. The search in Linear
Search starts at the beginning of an array and move to the end, testing for a match at each item.

10. What is Binary search?(NOV/DEC 2019,APRIL/MAY 2019)

A binary search, also called a dichotomizing search, is a digital scheme for locating a specific
object in a large set. Each object in the set is given a key. The number of keys is always a power
of 2. If there are 32 items in a list, for example, they might be numbered 0 through 31 (binary
00000 through 11111). If there are, say, only 29 items, they can be numbered 0 through 28
(binary 00000 through 11100), with the numbers 29 through31 (binary 11101, 11110, and
11111) as dummy keys


1. Write an algorithm to implement merge sort with suitable example.(APRIL/MAY 2019)

2. Explain any two techniques to overcome hash collision.
3. Write an algorithm to implement insertion sort with suitable example.(APRIL/MAY 2019)
4. Write an algorithm to implement shell sort with suitable example.(NOV/DEC 2018)
5. Write an algorithm for binary search with suitable example.(NOV/DEC 2019)
6. Discuss the common collision resolution strategies used in closed hashing system.
(NOV/DEC 2018)

7. Show the result of inserting the keys 2,3,5,7,11,13,15,6,4 into an initially empty
extendible hashing data structure with M=3. (NOV/DEC 2018)
(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi and Affiliated to Anna University)

Unit 1
1) Define Encapsulation (Apr/May 2012) (Apr 2017)
The wrapping up of data and functions into a single unit is known as data encapsulation.
Here the data is not accessible to the outside the class. The data inside that class is accessible
by the function in the same class. It is normally not accessible from the outside of the

2) Define class[NOV/DEC 2011]

Class is a template for a set of objects that share a common structure and a common behavior.

3) List any four Java Doc comments. [NOV/DEC 2011]

A Javadoc comment is set off from code by standard multi-line comment tags /* and */. The
opening tag, however, has an extra asterisk, as in /**.The first paragraph is a description of the
method documented. Following the description are a varying number of descriptive tags,
signifying: The parameters of the method (@param),What the method returns (@return) and any
exceptions the method may throw (@throws)

4) What is difference between Methods and Constructor?

A constructor is a member function of a class that is used to create objects of that class. It has
the same name as the class itself, has no return type, and is invoked using the new operator.
A method is an ordinary member function of a class. It has its own name, a return type (which
may be void), and is invoked using the dot operator.

5) What is passed by reference?

Objects are passed by reference.In java we can create an object pointing to a particular
location ie NULL location by specifying : <class name> <object name>;and also can create object
that allocates space for the variables declared in that particular class by specifying
Syntax:<object name > = new <class name>();

6) What is Constructors in Java? What are its types?

A constructor is a special method that is used to initialize an object. The name of the
constructor and the name of the class must be the same. A constructor does not have any return
type. The constructor invoked whenever an object of its associated class is created. It is called
constructor because it creates the values for the data fields of the class.
A constructor has same name as the class in which it resides. Constructor in Java cannot be
abstract, static, final or synchronized. These modifiers are not allowed for constructors.
Class Car
String name; String model;
Car() //Constructor
name=””; model=””;}}
There are two types of Constructor
Default Constructor Parameterized constructor
Each time a new object is created at least one constructor will be invoked. Car c=new Car();
//Default constructor invoked
Car c=new Car(name); //Parameterized constructor invoked

7) What is array? How to declare array and how to allocate the memory to for array?
Java array contains elements of similar data type. It is a data structure where we store
similar elements. We can store only fixed set of elements in a java array. Array in java is index
based, first element of the array is stored at 0 index.
data_type array_name []; and to allocate the memory-
array_name=new data_type[size];where array_name represent name of the array, new is a
keyword used to allocate the memory for arrays, data_type specifies the data type of array elements
and size represents the size of an array. For example:int a=new int[10];

8) What is method in java? How to define and call the method?

Method is a programming construct used for grouping the statement together to build a
function. There are two ways by which the method is handled.
1. Defining a method 2. Calling a method
Here is example that helps to understand the concept of method defining and calling. public
class methDemo {
public static void main(String args[]) { int a=10;int b=20;int c=sum(a,b);
System.out.println(“The sum of “+a”+” and “+b+” is=”+c);
public static int sum(int num1,int num2)
int ans=num1+num2; return ans;}}

9) What's the difference between an interface and an abstract class?

An abstract class may contain code in method bodies, which is not allowed in an interface.
With abstract classes, you have to inherit your class from it and Java does not allow multiple
inheritance. On the other hand, you can implement multiple interfaces in your class.

10) List any four Java Doc comments. [NOV/DEC 2011]

A Javadoc comment is set off from code by standard multi-line comment tags /* and */.
The opening tag, however, has an extra asterisk, as in /**.The first paragraph is a
description of the method documented. Following the description are a varying number of
descriptive tags, signifying: The parameters of the method (@param),What the method
returns (@return) and any exceptions the method may throw (@throws)

1) Explain the various features of the Object Oriented Programming Language
NOV/DEC 2018
2) Explain the features and the characteristics of JAVA? Explain each of them with
example. NOV/DEC 2018,NOV/DEC 2019
3) What is method ? How method is defined? Give example NOV/DEC 2018
4) State the purpose of finalize () method in java?with an example explain how
finalize () method can be used in java program? NOV/DEC 2018
5) What is JVM?Explain the internal architecture of JVM with neat sketch.
NOV/DEC 2019
6) Discuss in detail the access specifiers available in Java.
7) Explain Packages in detail.
8) Explain Constructors with examples.
9) Explain in detail the various operators in Java.
10) Explain the concepts of arrays in Java and explain its types with examples?
1) What is meant by Inheritance and what are its advantages?
Inheritance is a relationship among classes, wherein one class shares the structure or behavior
defined in another class. This is called Single Inheritance. If a class shares the structure or
behavior from multiple classes, then it is called Multiple Inheritance. Inheritance defines “is-a”
hierarchy among classes in which one subclass inherits from one or more generalized super
classes. The advantages of inheritance are reusability of code and accessibility of variables and
methods of the super class by subclasses

2) What is final modifier?

The final modifier keyword makes that the programmer cannot change the value anymore. The
actual meaning depends on whether it is applied to a class, a variable, or a method.
final Classes- A final class cannot have subclasses.
final Variables- A final variable cannot be changed once it is initialized. final Methods- A final
method cannot be overridden by subclasses.

3) What is an Abstract Class?

Abstract class is a class that has no instances. An abstract class is written with the expectation
that its concrete subclasses will add to its structure and behavior, typically by implementing its
abstract operations.

4) What are inner class and anonymous class?

Inner class: classes defined in other classes, including those defined in methods are called inner
classes. An inner class can have any accessibility including private. Anonymous class:
Anonymous class is a class defined inside a method without a name and is instantiated and
declared in the same place and cannot have explicit constructors.

5) Brief Inner class in Java with its syntax.

Java inner class or nested class is a class which is declared inside the class or interface.
We use inner classes to logically group classes and interfaces in one place so that it can be more
readable and maintainable.
Additionally, it can access all the members of outer class including private data members and
Syntax of Inner class
class Java_Outer_class{
class Java_Inner_class{
6) What is String in Java? Is String is data type?
String in Java is not a primitive data type like int, long or double. String is a class or in more
simple term a user defined type. String is defined in java.lang package and wrappers its content
in a character array. String provides equals() method to compare two String and provides various
other method to operate on String like toUpperCase() to convert String into upper case, replace()
to replace String contents, substring() to get substring, split() to split long String into multiple

7) What is extending interface?

An interface can extend another interface in the same way that a class can extend another
class. The extends keyword is used to extend an interface, and the child interface inherits the
methods of the parent interface.
Syntax: interface interface_name{ Public void method1():
Public void method2(): }

8) What is object cloning? NOV/DEC 2019

It is the process of duplicating an object so that two identical objects will exist in the memory
at the same time.

9) What are the four types of access modifiers?

There are 4 types of java access modifiers:
10) What is protected class in Java?
A private member is only accessible within the same class as it is declared. A member
with no access modifier is only accessible within classes in the same package. A
protected member is accessible within all classes in the same package and within
subclasses in other packages.


1) Explain the concept of inheritance with suitable examples.NOV/DEC 2019,MAY/JUNE

2) Explain interfaces with example.
3) Differentiate method overloading and method overriding. Explain both with an example
4) Differentiate method overloading and method overriding. Explain both with an example
5) Explain about the object and abstract classes with the syntax.NOV/DEC 2019
6) Discuss in detail about inner class. With its advantages.
7) What is meant by object cloning? Explain it with an example.
8) Explain how inner classes and anonymous classes works in java program.
9) What is a Package? What are the benefits of using packages? Write down the steps in
creating a package and using it in a java program with an example.
10) Explain arrays in java with suitable example.
11) How Strings are handled in java? Explain with code, the creation of Substring,
Concatenation and testing for equality.


1) Define Java Exception.

A Java exception is an object that describes an exceptional (that is, error) condition that
has occurred in a piece of code. When an exceptional condition arises, an object
representing that exception is created and thrown in the method that caused the error.
State the five keywords in exception handling.
Java exception handling is managed via five keywords: try, catch, throw, throws, and

2) What does java.lang.StackTraceElement represent?

The java.lang.StackTraceElement class element represents a single stack frame. All stack
frames except for the one at the top of the stack represent a method invocation. The frame
at the top of the stack represents the execution point at which the stack trace was

3) What is the use of try and catch exception?

Try-catch block is used for exception handling in the progam code. try is the start of the
block and catch is at the end of try block to handle the exceptions. A Program can have
multiple catch blocks with a try and try-catch block can be nested also. catch block
requires a parameter that should be of type Exception.

4) What is the use of finally exception?

Finally block is optional and can be used only with try-catch block. Since exception halts
the process of execution, we might have some resources open that will not get closed, so
we can use finally block. finally block gets executed always, whether exception occurrs
or not.

5) How to write custom exception in Java?

Extend Exception class or any of its subclasses to create our custom exception class. The
custom exception class can have its own variables and methods and one can use to pass
error codes or other exception related information to the exception handler.

6) What is difference between final, finally and finalize in Java?

Final and finally are keywords in java whereas finalize is a method.
Final keyword can be used with class variables so that they can’t be reassigned, with
class to avoid extending by classes and with methods to avoid overriding by subclasses.
Finally keyword is used with try-catch block to provide statements that will always gets
executed even if some exception arises, usually finally is used to close resources.
finalize() method is executed by Garbage Collector before the object is destroyed, it’s
great way to make sure all the global resources are closed. Out of the three, only finally is
related to java exception handling.
7) Define stream.
A stream can be defined as a sequence of data. There are two kinds of Streams
• InputStream − The InputStream is used to read data from a source.
• OutputStream − The OutputStream is used for writing data to a destination.
8) What is character stream?
Character streams are used to perform input and output for 16-bit unicode. Though there
are many classes related to character streams but the most frequently used
classes are, FileReader and FileWriter.

9) What is the use of java console class?

The Java Console class is be used to get input from console. It provides methods to read
texts and passwords. If you read password using Console class, it will not be displayed to
the user. The class is attached with system console internally.
10) State the classes used to read file in java.
The classes are:
FileReader for text files in your system's default encoding
FileInputStream for binary files and text files that contain 'weird' characters.


1) Explain in detail the important methods of Java Exception Class?

2) How will you create your Own Exception Subclasses?
3) Explain different types of exception in java? NOV/DEC 2019
4) Write programs to illustrate arithmetic exception, ArrayIndexOutOfBounds Exception
and NumberFormat Exception.
5) Explain in detail about the following with sample program NOV/DEC 2019
i)Reading from a file
ii)Writing in a file
6) Write a calculator program using exceptions and functions.
7) Write a program to receive the name of a file within a text field and then displays its
contents within a text area.
Unit 4

1) Define Thread?
A thread is a single sequential flow of control within program. Sometimes, it is called an
execution context or light weight process. A thread itself is not a
program. A thread cannot run on its own. Rather, it runs within a program. A program can be
divided into a number of packets of code, each representing a thread having its own separate
flow of control.

2) What is Multi-threading?
Multithreading is a conceptual programming concept where a program(process) is divided into
two or more subprograms(process), which can be implemented at the same time in parallel. A
multithreaded program contains two or more parts that can run concurrently. Each part of such
a program is called a thread, and each thread defines a separate path of execution.

3) What is meant by Multitasking?

Multitasking, in an operating system, is allowing a user to perform more than one computer task
(such as the operation of an application program) at a time. The operating system is able to keep
track of where you are in these tasks and go from one to the other without losing information.
Multitasking is also known as multiprocessing.

4) What is Synchronization thread?

When two or more threads need access to a shared resource, they need some way to ensure that
the resource will be used by only one thread at a time. The process by which this synchronization
is achieved is called thread synchronization.

5) What is thread priority?

Every Java thread has a priority that helps the operating system determine the order in which
threads are scheduled. Java priorities are in the range between MIN_PRIORITY(a constant of 1)
and MAX_PRIORITY( a constant of 10). By default, every thread is given priority
NORM_PRIORITY(a constant of 5)
Threads with higher priority are more important to a program and should be allocated processor
time before lower-priority threads. However, thread priorities cannot guarantee the
order in which threads execute and very much platform independent.

6) What are the various states of a thread?

The following figure shows the states that a thread can be in during its life and illustrates
which method calls cause a transition to another state.
7) Why do we need generics in Java?
Code that uses generics has many benefits over non-generic code: Stronger type checks at
compile time. A Java compiler applies strong type checking to generic code and issues
errors if the code violates type safety. Fixing compile-time errors is easier than fixing
runtime errors, which can be difficult to find.
8) State the two challenges of generic programming in virtual machines.
Generics are checked at compile-time for type-correctness. The generic type information
is then removed in a process called type erasure.Type parameters cannot be determined at
9) When to use bounded type parameter?
There may be times when you want to restrict the types that can be used as type
arguments in a parameterized type. For example, a method that operates on numbers
might only want to accept instances of Number or its subclasses.
10) How to create generic class?
A class that can refer to any type is known as generic class. Here, we are using T type
parameter to create the generic class of specific type.
Let’s see the simple example to create and use the generic class.
Creating generic class:
class MyGen<T>{ T obj;
void add(T obj){this.obj=obj;} T get(){return obj;} }
The T type indicates that it can refer to any type (like String, Integer, Employee etc.).
The type you specify for the class, will be used to store and retrieve the data.
Part B

1) Describe the creation of a single thread and multiple threads using an

examples? APRIL / MAY 2019
2) Using an example explain inter thread communication in Java APRIL / MAY
2019,NOV/DEC 2018
3) Write a generic method for sorting an array of integer object APRIL / MAY
4) Explain in detail the different states of a thread? NOV/DEC 2018
5) What is Synchronization?Explain the different types of synchronization in
Java? NOV/DEC 2019
6) What are the restrictions are considered to use java generics effectively?
Explain in detail.
7) Describe the life cycle of thread and various thread methods.
8) Write a java program for inventory problem to illustrate the usage of thread
synchronized keyword and inter thread communication process. They have
three classes called consumer,producer and stock.

1) What is an Applet?
Applet is a Java application, which can be executed in JVM, enabled web browsers.

2) What are methods available in the Applet class?

• init() - To initialize the applet each time it's loaded (or reloaded).
• start() - To start the applet's execution, such as when the applet's loaded or when
the user revisits a page that contains the applet.
• stop() - To stop the applet's execution, such as when the user leaves the applet's
page or quits the browser.
• paint()- To display the image
• destroy - To perform a final cleanup in preparation for unloading.

3) What is AWT?
A collection of graphical user interface (GUI) components that were implemented using native-
platform versions of the components. These components provide that subset of functionality
which is common to all native platforms. Largely supplanted by the Project Swing component

4) List out some UI components available in AWT?

• Buttons (java.awt.Button)
• Checkboxes (java.awt.Checkbox)
• Single-line text fields (java.awt.TextField)
• Larger text display and editing areas (java.awt.TextArea)
• Labels (java.awt.Label)
• Lists (java.awt.List)
• Pop-up lists of choices (java.awt.Choice)
• Sliders and scrollbars (java.awt.Scrollbar)
• Drawing areas (java.awt.Canvas)
• Menus (java.awt.Menu, java.awt.MenuItem, java.awt.CheckboxMenuItem)
• Containers (java.awt.Panel, java.awt.Window and its subclasses)

5) Name the listener methods that must be implemented for the key listener interface. (NOV
void keyTyped(KeyEvent e)
void keyPressed(KeyEvent e)
void keyReleased(KeyEvent e)

6) Components of Event Handling

Event handling has three main components,
Events : An event is a change in state of an object.
Events Source : Event source is an object that generates an event.
Listeners : A listener is an object that listens to the event. A listener gets notified
when an event occurs.

7) What is a layout manager and what are different types of layout managers available in
java AWT?
A layout manager is an object that is used to organize components in a container. The
different layouts are available are FlowLayout, BorderLayout, CardLayout, GridLayout and

8) Define swing in java.

Java Swing is a part of Java Foundation Classes (JFC) that is used to create window-based
applications. It is built on the top of AWT (Abstract Windowing Toolkit) API and entirely.

9) Why are swing components called lightweight component?

Swing is considered lightweight because it is fully implemented in Java, without calling the
native operating system for drawing the graphical user interface components.

10) Mention some class for java swing

The javax.swing package provides classes for java swing API such as
JButton, JTextField, JTextArea, JRadioButton, JCheckbox, JMenu, JColorChooser.

1) Use graphics objects to draw an arc and semicircle inside a rectangular box.APRIL/MAY
2) Sketch the hierarchy of java AWT classes and methods.create a check box using these
classes and methods. APRIL/MAY 2019
3) State the differences between AWT and swing. APRIL/MAY 2019
4) Describe in details about the different layout in Java GUI.Which layout is the default
one?NOV/DEC 2018,NOV/DEC 2019
5) Discuss mouse listener and mouse motion listener. Give an example program NOV/DEC
6) Explain the layout managers in Java also describe the concept of menu creation.
7) What is an adapter class? Describe about various adapter classes in detail?
1. List and briefly define the four main elements of a computer?
 Processor – Controls the operation of the computer & performs its data processing functions
 Main memory – Stores data & programs. It is volatile.
 I/O modules – Move data between the computer & its external environment such as
disks, communication equipment &terminals.
 System Bus – Provides for communication among processors, main memory & I/O modules.
2. What is an Operating system?
An operating system is a program that manages the computer hardware. It also provides a basis for
application programs and act as an intermediary between a user of a computer and the computer hardware. It
controls and coordinates the use of the hardware among the various application programs for the various
3. What are the objectives of operating system? (April/May 2010, May/June 2012, April/May 2017)
 Convenience – An OS makes a computer more convenient to use
 Efficiency -- An OS allows the system resources to be used in efficient manner
 Ability to Evolve – An OS Constructed in such a way as to permit the effective development,
testing & introducing new function.
4. What are the advantages of peer-to-peer systems over client-server systems? (May/June 2016)
 The main advantage of peer to peer network is that it is easier to setup
 In peer-to-peer networks all nodes are act as server as well as client therefore no need of dedicated
 The peer to peer network is less expensive.
 Peer to peer network is easier to set up and use this means that you can spend less time in the
configuration and implementation of peer to peer network.
 It is not require for the peer to peer network to use the dedicated server computer.
5. Define Kernel
The kernel is a software code that resides in the central core of a operating system. It has complete
control over the system.
6. What do you mean by system calls?
System calls provide the interface between a process and the operating system. When a system call
is executed, it is treated as by the hardware as software interrupt.
7. What is the purpose of system programs/system calls? (May/June 2016) (Apr/May 2018)
System programs can be thought of as bundles of useful system calls. They provide basic
functionality to users so that users do not need to write their own programs to solve common problems.
8. Can traps be generated intentionally by a user program? If so, for what purpose? (Nov/Dec 2018)
A trap is a software‐generated interrupt. An interrupt can be used to signal the completion of an I/O
to obviate the need for device polling. A trap can be used to call operating system routines or to catch
arithmetic errors.
9. How does an interrupt differ from a trap? (Nov/Dec 2016, Apr/May 2018)
Interrupt Trap
An interrupt is a hardware-generated
A trap is a software-generated
signal that changes the flow within the
An interrupt can be used to signal the
completion of I/O so that the CPU A trap can be used to catch arithmetic
doesn't have to spend cycles polling errors or to call system routines
the device.
10. Some computer systems do not provide a privileged mode of operation in hardware. Is it possible
to construct a secure operating system for these computer systems? (Nov/Dec 2018)
An operating system for a machine of this type would need to remain in control (or monitor mode)
at all times. This could be accomplished by two methods:
 Software interpretation of all user programs (like some BASIC, Java and LISP systems, for
example). The software interpreter would provide, in software, what the hardware does not provide.
 Require meant that all programs be written in high‐level languages so that all object code is
compiler‐produced. The compiler would generate the protection checks that the hardware is
1. With neat sketch, discuss about computer system overview. (Nov/Dec 2015)
2. Discuss the functionality of system boot with respect to an operating system. (Nov/Dec2018)
3. Discuss about direct memory access. (April/May’17)
4. Explain cache memory and its mapping. (Nov/Dec’17)
5. Explain the concept of multiprocessor and multicore organization. (April/May’17)
6. Describe evolution of OS. (Nov/Dec’17)
7. Discuss in detail about operating system structure. (Nov/Dec’15, April/May’17, April/May’18)
8. Describe the various types of system calls in detail. (Nov/Dec’15, April/May’17)
1. Compare and contrast Single-threaded and multi-threaded process. (Apr/May 2017)
Single-threading is the processing of one command/ process at a time. Whereas multi threading is a
widespread programming and execution model that allows multiple threads to exist within the context of one
process. These threads share the process's resources, but are able to execute independently.
2. Priority inversion is a condition that occurs in real time systems – Analyzing on this statement.
(Apr/May 2017)
 Priority inversion is a problem that occurs in concurrent processes when low-priority threads hold
shared resources required by some high-priority threads, causing the high priority-threads to block
indefinitely. This problem is enlarged when the concurrent processes are in a real time system
where high- priority threads must be served on time.
 Priority inversion occurs when task interdependency exists among tasks with different priorities.
3. Distinguish between CPU bounded, I/O bounded processes. (Nov/Dec 2016)
 CPU bound process, spends majority of its time simply using the CPU (doing calculations).
 I/O bound process, spends majority of its time in input/output related operations.
4. What resources are required to Creating threads? (Nov/Dec2016)
When a thread is created the threads does not require any new resources to execute. The thread
shares the resources of the process to which it belongs to and it requires a small data structure to hold a
register set, stack, and priority.
5. Under what circumstances user level threads are better than the kernel level threads? (May/June
2016) (Nov/Dec 2015)
 User threads: User threads are supported above the kernel and are implemented by a thread library
at the user level. Thread creation & scheduling are done in the user space, without kernel
intervention. Therefore they are fast to Creating and manage blocking system call will cause the
entire process to block
 Kernel threads: Kernel threads are supported directly by the operating system. Thread creation,
scheduling and management are done by the operating system. Therefore they are slower to Creating
& manage compared to user threads. If the thread performs a blocking system call, the kernel can
schedule another thread in the application for execution.
6. What is the meaning of the term busy waiting? (May/June 2016)(Nov/Dec2018)
Busy-waiting, busy-looping or spinning is a technique in which a process repeatedly checks to see if
a condition is true.
7. List out the data fields associated with process control blocks. .(April/May 2015)
Process ID, pointers, process state, priority, program counter, CPU registers, I/O information,
Memory management information, Accounting information, etc.
8. Define the term ‘Dispatch Latency”. (April/May 2015)
The term dispatch latency describes the amount of time it takes for a system to respond to a request
for a process to begin operation.
9. What is the concept behind strong semaphore and spinlock? (Nov/Dec2015)
 Strong semaphores specify the order in which processes are removed from the queue (FIFO order),
which guarantees avoiding starvation.
 Spinlock is a lock which causes a thread trying to acquire it to simply wait in a loop ("spin") while
repeatedly checking if the lock is available.
10. What is aprocess?
A process is a program in execution. It is an active entity and it includes the process stack, containing
temporary data and the data section contains global variables.

1. What is a process? Discuss components of process and various states of a process with the help of a
process state transition diagram. (Nov/Dec’17)
2. Describe the difference among short-term, medium-term and long-term scheduling with suitable
examples. (April/May’18)
3. Consider the following set of processes, with the length of the CPU burst given in milliseconds:
Process Burst Time Priority
P1 10 3
P2 1 1
P3 2 3
P4 1 4
P5 5 2
The processes are assumed to have arrived in the order P1, P2, P3, P4, and P5 all at time 0. Draw
Gantt charts that illustrate the execution of these processes using the scheduling algorithms FCFS,
SJF, Priority (smaller priority number implies higher priority) and RR (quantum = 1). What is the
waiting time of each process for each of the scheduling algorithms? (Nov/Dec’15, April/May’18)
4. What is the average turnaround time and average waiting time for the following processes using
b) SJF non-preemptive
c) Preemptive SJF (Nov/Dec’17)
Process Arrival time Burst Time
P1 0.0 8
P2 0.4 4
P3 1.0 1
5. Consider the following set of processes, with the length of the CPU-burst time given in ms:
Process Arrival time Burst Time
P1 0.00 8
P2 1.001 4
P3 2.001 9
P4 3.001 5
P5 4.001 3
Draw four Gantt charts illustrating the execution of these processes using FCFS, SJF and RR
(quantum=2) scheduling. Also calculate waiting and turnaround time for each scheduling algorithms.
6. Discuss in detail about the concept of multithreading. (May/June’16)
7. Discuss about the issues to be considered with multithreaded programs. (April/May’15)
1. What is the difference between user-level instructions and privileged instructions? (April/May
A non-privileged (i.e. user-level) instruction is an instruction that any application or user can
execute. A privileged instruction, on the other hand, is an instruction that can only be executed in kernel
mode. Instructions are divided in this manner because privileged instructions could harm the kernel.
2. Define Belady’s anomaly? (April/May 2017)
Belady's anomaly is the phenomenon in which increasing the number of page frames results in an
increase in the number of page faults for certain memory access patterns. This phenomenon is commonly
experienced when using the first-in first-out (FIFO) page replacement algorithm.
3. What is the purpose of paging the page table? (Nov/Dec 2016)
In certain situations the page tables could become large enough that by paging the page tables, one
could simplify the memory allocation problem (by ensuring that everything is allocated as fixed-size pages
as opposed to variable-sized chunks) and also enable the swapping of portions of page table that are not
currently used.
4. Why page sizes are always power of 2? (Nov/Dec 2016)
Paging is implemented by breaking up an address into a page and offset number. It is most efficient
to break the address into X page bits and Y offset bits, rather than perform arithmetic on the address to
calculate the page number and offset. Because each bit position represents a power of 2, splitting an address
between bits results in a page size that is a power of 2.
5. List two differences between logical and physical addresses. (May/June 2016)
Logical Address Physical Address
An address seen by memory unit that is,
An address generated by CPU is referred the one loaded into the memory address
to us a logicaladdress. register of the memory is referred to as
physical address.
The set of all physical address
The set of all logical address generated
corresponding to these logical addresses
by a program is a logical address space.
is a physical address.
The user program deals with logical
These are generated by memory
address or these are generated by user
management unit (MMU).
6. Define demand paging in memory management. (Nov/Dec 2015)
In virtual memory systems, demand paging is a type of swapping in which pages of data are not
copied from disk to RAM until they are needed.
7. What is pure demand paging?
When starting execution of a process with no pages in memory, the operating system sets the
instruction pointer to the first instruction of the process, which is on a non-memory resident page, the
process immediately faults for the page. After this page is brought into memory, the process continues to
execute, faulting as necessary until every page that it needs is in memory. At that point, it can execute with
no more faults. This schema is pure demand paging.
8. Define lazy swapper.
Rather than swapping the entire process into main memory, a lazy swapper is used. A lazy swapper
never swaps a page into memory unless that page will be needed.
9. What are the steps required to handle a page fault in demand paging? (Nov/Dec 2015)
 Operating system looks at another table to decide:
o Invalid reference -abort
o Just not in memory
 Find free frame
 Swap page into frame via scheduled disk operation
 Reset tables to indicate page now in memory Set validation bit =v
 Restart the instruction that caused the page fault
10. Tell the significance of LDT and GDT in segmentation.(May/June 2015)
 The LDT is supposed to contain memory segments which are private to a specific program, while
the GDT is supposed to contain global segments.
 In order to reference a segment, a program must use its index inside the GDT or the LDT. Such an
index is called a segment selector or selector in short.
1. Draw the diagram of paging memory management scheme and explain its principle. (Nov/Dec’17)
2. Explain the basic concepts of segmentation. (Nov/Dec’17)
3. Discuss in detail about demand paging.
4. Discuss in detail about various page replacement algorithms. (April/May’15)
5. Consider the following page reference string 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 3, 4, 1, 6, 7, 8, 7, 8, 9, 7, 8, 9, 5, 4, 4, 5, 3. How
many page faults would occur for the following replacement algorithms? Assume four frames and all frames
are initially empty. (Nov/Dec’15, April/May’15)
i. LRU replacement
ii. FIFO replacement
iii. Optimal replacement
6. Discuss the concept of buddy system and slab allocation with neat sketch. (April/May’17)
7. Explain the concept of thrashing. (Nov/Dec’15)
1. Distinguish file from dictionary. (Apr/May2017)
File Directory
It is a collection of different kind of
It is used to sore different files or
data like text files, picture files,
document etc.,
Each file has its own file extension It does not have any extension
After creating files, we can easily
After creating directory, we can
open, save, print and modify the file
rename, move, delete the directory
2. Why it is important to scale up system bus and device speed as CPU speed increases? (Nov/Dec
Consider a system which performs 50% I/O and 50% computes. Doubling the CPU performance on
this system would increase total system performance by only 50%. Doubling both system aspects would
increase performance by 100%. Generally, it is important to remove the current system bottleneck, and to
increase overall system performance, rather than blindly increasing the performance of individual system
3. Define C-SCAN scheduling. (Nov/Dec 2016)
The elevator algorithm (also SCAN) is a disk scheduling algorithm to determine the motion of the
disk's arm and head in servicing read and write requests. This algorithm is named after the behaviour of a
building elevator, where the elevator continues to travel in its current direction (up or down) until empty,
stopping only to let individuals off or to pick up new individuals heading in the same direction.
4. How does DMA increase system concurrency? (May/June 2016)
DMA increases system concurrency by allowing the CPU to perform tasks while the DMA system
transfers data via the system and memory buses.
5. Why rotational latency is not considered in disk scheduling? (May/June2016)
Most disks do not export their rotational position information to the host. Even if they did, the time
for this information to reach the scheduler would be subject to imprecision and the time consumed by the
scheduler is variable, so the rotational position information would become incorrect. Further, the disk
requests are usually given in terms of logical block numbers, and the mapping between logical blocks and
physical locations is very complex.
6. What is HSM? Where it is used? (Apr/May2015) Ans:
Hierarchical storage management (HSM) is a data storage technique, which automatically moves
data between high-cost and low-cost storage media. HSM systems exist because high- speed storage devices,
such as solid state drive arrays, are more expensive (per byte stored) than slower devices, such as hard disk
drives, optical discs and magnetic tape drives.
7. List out the major attributes and operations of a file. (April/May’15)
 Name
 Identifier
 Type
 Location
 Size
 Protection
 Time, date and user identification
 Creating a file
 Writing a file
 Reading a file
 Repositioning with a file
 Deleting a file
 Truncating a file
8. What are the functions of Virtual File System (VFS) layer in file system implementation? (Nov/Dec
A virtual file system (VFS) or virtual file system switch is an abstraction layer on top of a more
concrete file system. The purpose of a VFS is to allow client applications to access different types of
concrete file systems in a uniform way. A VFS can, for example, be used to access local and network
storage devices transparently without the client application noticing the difference.
9. What is a file?
A file is a named collection of related information that is recorded on secondary storage. A file
contains either programs or data. A file has certain "structure" based on its type.
10. What are the different accessing methods of a file?
 Sequential access: Information in the file is accessed sequentially.
 Direct access: Information in the file can be accessed without any particular order.
 Other access methods: Creating index for the file, indexed sequential access method (ISAM) etc.
1. On a disk with 1000 cylinders, numbers 0 to 999, compute the number of tracks the disk arm must move to
satisfy the entire request in the disk queue. Assume the last received was at track 345 and the head is moving
towards track 0. The queue in FIFO order contains requests for the following tracks. 123, 874, 692, 475, 105
and 376. Find the seek length for the following scheduling algorithm. (April/May’15, April/May’17,
2. Briefly discuss about the various directory structures. (April/May’15, April/May’17)
3. Explain in detail about disk space allocation methods. (April/May’18)
4. Discuss the concept of buddy system allocation with neat sketch. (April/May’17)
5. Discuss the function of files and file implementation. (Nov/Dec’15)
6. Discuss about various file access methods. (April/May’17)
7. Discuss about free space management on I/O buffering and blocking. (April/May’17)
1. What are the features of Linux file system? (Apr/May 2017)
 Specifying paths
 Partition, drives/devises and Directories
 Mounting and Unmounting
 Case sensitivity
 File Extensions
 Hidden files
 File system permissions
2. What is the use of kernel modules in Linux? (Apr/May2017)
Kernel modules are pieces of code that can be loaded and unloaded into the kernel upon demand.
They extend the functionality of the kernel without the need to reboot the system.
3. Define the components of LINUX system. (May/June 2016)
 Kernel
 System Library
 System Utility
4. What are the main supports for the Linux modules?
 Module Management
 Driver Registration.
 Conflict Resolution mechanism
5. Define the function of caching-only serves. (May/June2016)
A cache server is a dedicated network server or service acting as a server that saves Web pages or
other Internet content locally. By placing previously requested information in temporary storage, or cache, a
cache server both speeds up access to data and reduces demand on an enterprise's bandwidth.
6. What is virtualization? (Nov/Dec2016)
Virtualization is the creation of a virtual -- rather than actual -- version of something, such as an
operating system, a server, a storage device or network resources.
7. What is meant by System Libraries?
System Libraries define a standard set of functions through which applications can interact with the
kernel and that implement much of the operating -system functionality that doesn’t need the full privileges
of kernel code.
8. What is meant by System Utilities?
System Utilities are system programs that perform individual, specialized management tasks. Some
of the System utilities may be invoked just to initialize and configure some aspect of the system and others
may run permanently, handling such tasks as responding to incoming network connections, accepting logon
requests from terminals or updating log files.
9. What is the function of Module management?
The module management allows modules to be loaded into memory and to talk to the rest of the
10. What is the function of Driver registration?
Driver Registration allows modules to tell the rest of the kernel that a new driver has become

1. With neat sketch, discuss in detail about Android architecture.
2. Explain in detail about Linux OS.
3. With neat sketch, discuss in detail about ios architecture.
4. Explain about Linux kernel and virtualization with neat sketch.(Apr/May 2017, Nov/Dec 2016)
5. Discuss about the steps involved in the installation of the Linux multi-function server. (Apr/May
2015, May/June 2016)
6. Explain the components of linux system in detail.
7. Explain about Kernel I/O subsystem and transforming I/O to hardware operations.(April/May’17)
(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi and Affiliated to Anna University)






1) Write the basic functional units of computer? (APR/MAY 2017,NOV/DEC 2017)

The basic functional units of a computer are input unit, output unit, memory unit,
ALU unit and control unit.

2) What is a bus? What are the different buses in a CPU? [ APR/MAY 2011]
A group of lines that serve as a connecting path for several devices is called bus.The
different buses in a CPU are 1] Data bus 2] Address bus 3] Control bus.

3) List the eight great ideas invented by computer architecture? APR/MAY-2015

● Design for Moore’s Law
● Use abstraction to simplify design
● Make the common case fast
● Performance via Parallelism
● Performance via Pipelining
● Performance via Prediction
● Hierarchy of Memory
● Dependability via Redundancy

4) What is instruction register?(NOV/DEC 2016)

The instruction register (IR) holds the instruction that is currently being executed.
Its output is available to the control circuits which generate the timing signals that control
the various processing elements involved in executing the instruction.

5) How to represent Instruction in a computer system?MAY/JUNE 2016

Computer instructions are the basic components of a machine language program. They
are also known as macrooperations, since each one is comprised of a sequences of
microoperations. Each instruction initiates a sequence of microoperations that fetch operands
from registers or memory, possibly perform arithmetic, logic, or shift operations, and store
results in registers or memory. Instructions are encoded as binary instruction codes. Each
instruction code contains of aoperation code, or opcode, which designates the overall purpose
of the instruction (e.g. add, subtract, move, input, etc.). The number of bits allocated for the
opcode determined how many different instructions the architecture
supports. In addition to the opcode, many instructions also contain one or more operands, which
indicate where in registers or memory the data required for the operation is located. For example,
add instruction requires two operands, and a not instruction requires one.

6) What are the types of instruction in MIPS.(APR/MAY2018)

1. Arithmetic instruction
2. Data transfer Instruction
3. Logical Instruction
4. Conditional Branch Instruction
5. Unconditional jump Instruction

7) State indirect addressing mode give example.(APR/May 2017)

Indirect Mode. The effective address of the operand is the contents of a register ormain
memory location, location whose address appears in the instruction. ...
Once it's there, instead of finding an operand, it finds an address where the operand is
located. LOAD R1, @R2 Load the content of the memory address stored atregister R2
to register R1.

8) Brief about relative addressing mode.NOV/DEC 2014

Relative addressing mode - In the relative address mode, the effective address is
determined by the index mode by using the program counter instead of general purpose
processor register. This mode is called relative address mode.

9) Distinguish pipelining from parallelism APR/MAY 2015

parallelism means we are using more hardware for the executing the desired task. in parallel
computing more than one processors are running in parallel. there may be some dedicated
hardware running in parallel for doing the specific task.
while the pipelining is an implementation technique in which multiple instructions are
overlapped ninexecution.parallelism increases the performance but the area also
increases. in case of pipelining the performance and througput increases at the cost of
pipelining registers area pipelining there are different hazards like data hazards, control hazards

10) Define addressing modes and its various types.(nov/dec 2017)

The different ways in which the location of a operand is specified in an instruction is referred to
as addressing modes. The various types are Immediate Addressing, Register Addressing, Based
or Displacement Addressing, PC- Relative Addressing, Pseudodirect Addressing.
1) Explain the various components of computer System with neat diagram (16)
.(NOV/DEC2014,NOV/DEC2015,APR/MAY 2016,NOV/DEC 2016,APR/MAY2018))
2) Define Addressing mode and explain the different types of basic addressing modes with an
example (APRIL/MAY2015 ,NOV/DEC2015,APR/MAY 2016,NOV/DEC
3) Consider three diff erent processors P1, P2, and P3 executing the same instruction set. P1
has 3 GHz clock rate and a CPI of 1.5. P2 has a 2.5 GHz clock rate and a CPI of 1.0. P3
has a 4.0 GHz clock rate and has a CPI of 2.2. (APR/MAY 2018)
a. Which processor has the highest performance expressed in instructions per second?
b. If the processors each execute a program in 10 seconds, find the number of cycles
and the number of instructions.
c. We are trying to reduce the execution time by 30% but this leads to an
of 20% in the CPI. What clock rate should we have to get this time reduction?
4) Explain various instruction format illustrate the same with an example
5) Explain direct ,immediate ,relative and indexed addressing modes withexample
6) State the CPU performance equation and the factors that affect performance (8)
7) Discuss about the various techniques to represent instructions in a computer system.
(APRIL/MAY2015,NOV/DEC 2017)
8) Explain types of operations and operands with examples.(NOV/DEC 2017)

1) What do you mean by Subword Parallelism? APR/MAY 2015,MAY/JUNE 2016

Given that the parallelism occurs within a wide word, the extensions are classified as sub-word
parallelism. It is also classified under the more general name of data level parallelism. They have
been also called vector or SIMD, for single instruction, multiple data . The rising popularity of
multimedia applications led to arithmetic instructions that support narrower operations that can
easily operate in parallel.
2) How overflow occur in subtraction?APRIL/MAY2015

If 2 Two's Complement numbers are subtracted, and their signs are different, thenoverflow occurs if and
only if the result has the same sign as the subtrahend.

Overflow occurs if
(+A) − (−B) = −C
(−A) − (+B) = +C

3) Define ALU. MAY/JUNE 2016

The arithmetic and logic unit (ALU) of a computer system is the place where the actual
execution of the instructions take place during the processing operations. All calculations
are performed and all comparisons (decisions) are made in the ALU. The data and
instructions, stored in the primary storage prior to processing are transferred as and when
needed to the ALU where processing takes place
4) State double precision floating point number?NOV/DEC 2015

Double-precision floating-point format is a computer number format that occupies 8 bytes

(64 bits) in computer
computer memory and represents a wide, dynamic range of values by using a floating point

5) State Rules for floating point addition.(APR/MAY 2017)

Assume that only four decimal digits of the significand and two decimal digits ofthe exponent.
Step 1: Align the decimal point of the number that has the smaller exponent
Step 2: addition of the significands:
Step 3: This sum is not in normalized scientific notation, so adjust it:
Step 4: Since the significand can be only four digits long (excluding thesign), we round the number.
truncate the number if the digit to the right of the desired point .
6) What are the overflow conditions for addition and subtraction.(NOV/DEC 2015)
Operand A Operand B Result Indicating overflow A+B ≥0≥0 <0
A+B <0 <0 ≥0 A-B ≥0 <0 <0 A-B <0 ≥0≥0
7) Define Scientific notation and normalized notation? April/May 2019
Scentific notation is a representation for real number .It is a notation that renders numbers
with a single digit to the left of the decimal part.
A number in Scentific notation has no leading 0’s called a normalized notation
8) Subtract (11011)2 – (10011)2 using 2’s complement Nov/Dec 2017
9) What is guard bit ? Nov/Dec 2016
Guard bit is the first of two extra bits kept on the right during intermediate calculations of
floating point numbers. It is used to improve rounding accuracy.

10) What is arthimetic overflow? Nov/Dec 2016

Overflow is a condition it is occurred when adding two positive numbers the result will
be negative and adding two negative number will produce the positive result.


1) Explain the sequential version of Multiplication algorithm in detail with diagram

hardware and examples ( APRIL/MAY2015)
2) Discuss in detail about division algorithm in detail with diagram and
examples(16)NOV/DEC15,NOV/DEC 2016,nov/dec2017,APR/MAY2018
3) Explain how floating point addition is carried out in a computer system.Give example
for a binary floating point addition(APRIL/MAY2015)
4) Add the numbers 0.5 and -0.4375 using binary Floating point Addition
algorithm(NOV/DEC 2017)
5) Briefly explain Carry lookahead adder(NOV/DEC2014)
Multiply the following pair of signed nos.using Booth’s bit –pair recodingof the multiplier
A=+13 (multiplicand) and b=-6(multiplier) (NOV/DEC2014)
6) Discuss in detail about multiplication algorithm with suitable examples and
diagram(16)NOV/DEC 15
7) What is the disadvantage of ripple carry addition and how it is overcome incarry look
ahead adder and draw the logic circuit CLA.NOV/DEC 2016

1) What is meant by pipeline bubble?(NOV/DEC 2016)
To resolve the hazard the pipeline is stall for 1 clock cycle. A stall is commonly called a
pipeline bubble, since it floats through the pipeline taking space but carrying no useful work.
2) What is data path?(NOV/DEC 2016,APR/MAY2018)
As instruction execution progress data are transferred from one instruction to another, often
passing through the ALU to perform some arithmetic or logical operations. The registers, ALU,
and the interconnecting bus are collectively referred as the data path.
3) Define exception and interrupt. Dec 2012,NOV/DEC 14,MAY/JUNE
The term exception is used to refer to any event that causes an interruption.
An exception that comes from outside of the processor. There are two types of interrupt.
1. Imprecise interrupt and 2.Precise interrupt

4) Why is branch prediction algorithm needed? Differentiate between the static and
dynamic techniques. (May 2013,APR/MAY 2015,NOV/DEC 15)
The branch instruction will introduce branch penalty which would reduce the gain in performance
expected from pipelining. Branch instructions can be handled in several ways to reduce their
negative impact on the rate of execution of instructions. Thus the branch prediction algorithm is
Static Branch prediction
The static branch prediction, assumes that the branch will not take place and to continue to fetch
instructions in sequential address order.
Dynamic Branch prediction
The idea is that the processor hardware assesses the likelihood of a given branch being taken by
keeping track of branch decisions every time that instruction is executed. The execution history
used in predicting the outcome of a given branch instruction is the result of the most recent
execution of that instruction.
5) Define pipeline speedup. [ APR/MAY 2012] (A.U.NOV/DEC 2012) Speed up is the
ratio of the average instruction time without pipelining tothe average instruction time
with pipelining. Average instruction time without pipelining Speedup= Average
instruction time with pipelining
6) Define Pipeline speedup. (Nov/Dec 2013)
The ideal speedup from a pipeline is equal to the number of stages in the pipeline.

7) Write down the expression for speedup factor in a pipelined architecture.

[MAY/JUNE ‘11]
The speedup for a pipeline computer is S = (k + n -1) tp Where,K → number of segments in
a pipeline,N → number of instructions to be executed. Tp → cycle time
8) What is meant by vectored interrupt? (Nov/Dec 2013)
An interrupt for which the address to which control is transferred is determined by the
cause of the exception.
9) What is the need for speculation?NOV/DEC 2014

One of the most important methods for finding and exploiting more ILP is speculation. It is
an approach whereby the compiler or processor guesses the outcome of an instruction to remove
it as dependence in executing other instructions. For example, we might speculate on the outcome
of a branch, so that instructions after the branch could be executed earlier.
Speculation (also known as speculative loading ), is a process implemented in Explicitly Parallel
Instruction Computing ( EPIC ) processors and their compiler s to reduce processor-memory
exchanging bottlenecks or latency by putting all the data into memory in advance of an actual
load instruction
10) What are the advantages of pipelining?MAY/JUNE 2016
The cycle time of the processor is reduced; increasing the instruction throughput.Some
combinational circuits such as adders or multipliers can be made faster by adding more
circuitry. If pipelining is used instead, it can save circuitry vs. a more complex
combinational circuit.
1) Explain the basic MIPS implementation with binary multiplexers and control lines(16)
2) What is hazards ?Explain the different types of pipeline hazards with suitable
examples.(NOV/DEC2014,APRIL/MAY2015,MAY/JUNE 2016,NOV/DEC2017)
3) Explain how the instruction pipeline works. What are the various situations where an
instruction pipeline can stall? Illustration with an example?
NOV/DEC 2015,NOV/DEC 2016.
4) Explain data path in detail(NOV/DEC 14,NOV/DEC2017)
5) Explain in detail How exceptions are handled in MIPS architecture.(APRIL/MAY2015) .
6) Explain in detail about building a datapath(NOV/DEC2014
7) Explain in detail about control implementation scheme(APR/MAY 2018)
8) What is pipelining?Discuss about pipelined datapath and control(16)MAY/JUNE2016
9) Why is branch prediction algorithm needed?Differentiate between static and dynamic
techniques?NOV/DEC 2016
10) Design a simple path with control implementation and explain in detail(MAY/JUN 2018)
11) Discuss the limitation in implementing the processor path. Suggest the methods to
overcome them(NOV/DEC 2018)


1) What is Instruction level parallelism?NOV/DEC 2015,NOV/DEC 2016,

.(APR/MAY 2017)
ILP is a measure of how many of the operationsin a computer programcanbe
performed simultaneously. The potential overlap among instructions is called
instruction level parallelism

2) Define Strong scaling and weak scaling. APRIL/MAY2015,NOV/DEC2017

Strong scaling
Speed-up achieved on a multi-processor without increasing the size of the problem.
Weak scaling.
Speed-up achieved on a multi-processor while increasing the size of the problem proportionally
to the increase in the number of processors.
3) Define multithreading.(NOV/DEC2014,NOV/DEC 2016) Multithreading is the ability
of a program or an operating system to serve more than one user at a time and to manage
multiple simultaneous requests without the need to have multiple copies of the
programs running within the computer. To support this, central processing units have
harware support to efficiently execute multiple threads

4) What are Fine grained multithreading and Coarse grained multithreading?MAY/JUNE

Fine grained multithreading
Switches between threads on each instruction, causing the execution of multiples threads to be
- Usually done in a round-robin fashion, skipping any stalled threads
- CPU must be able to switch threads every clock
Coarse grained multithreading
Switches threads only on costly stalls, such as L2 cache misses

5) What is meant by speculation? what is the need for speculation(NOV/DEC2014)

One of the most important methods for finding and exploiting more ILP is speculation. It is
an approach whereby the compiler or processor guesses the outcome of an instruction to
remove it as dependence in executing other instructions. For example, we might speculate on the
outcome of a branch, so that instructions after the branch could be executed earlier.
Speculation (also known as speculative loading ), is a process implemented in Explicitly Parallel
Instruction Computing ( EPIC ) processors and their compiler s to reduce processor-memory
exchanging bottlenecks or latency by putting all the data into memory in advance of an actual
load instruction

6) Differentiate UMA from NUMA. (APRIL/MAY2015)

Uniform memory access (UMA)is a multiprocessor in which latency to any word in main
memory is about the same no matter which processor requests the access.
Non uniform memory access (NUMA) is a type of single address space multiprocessor in which
some memory accesses are much faster than others depending on which processor asks for which

7) What is flynn’sclassification?NOV/DEC 2014,NOV/DEC2017,APR/MAY 2018)

Michael Flynn proposed a classification for computer architectures based on the number of
instruction steams and data streams
Single Instruction, Single Data stream (SISD) Single instruction, multiple data (SIMD) Multiple
instruction, single data(MISD) Multiple instruction, multiple data(MIMD)

8) Define A super scalar processor? NOV/DEC 2015

Super scalar processors are designed to exploit more instruction level parallelism in user
programs. This means that multiple functional units are used. With such an arrangement it is
possible to start the execution of several instructions in every clock cycle. This mode of
operation is called super scalar execution.

9) state the need for Instrucion Level Parallelism?MAY/JUNE 2016

Instruction-level parallelism (ILP-) is a measure of how many of the operations in a
computer program can be performed simultaneously. The potential overlap among
instructions is called instruction level parallelism.There are two approaches to
instruction level parallelism:Hardware ,Software

10) Differentiate Explicit threads Implicit Multithreading(apr/may2017) Explicit

User-level threads which are visible to the application program and kernel- level threads
which are visible only to operating system, both are referred to as explicit threads.
Implicit Multithreading
Implicit Multithreading refers to the concurrent execution of multiple threads extracted
from a single sequential program.
Explicit Multithreading refers to the concurrent execution of instructions from
different explicit threads, either by interleaving instructions from different threads on shared
pipelines or by parallel execution on parallel pipelines

1) Explain Instruction level parallel processing state the challenges of parallel
2) Explain the difficulties faced by parallel processing programs(APR/MAY
3) Explain shared memory multiprocessor with a neat diagram?NOV/DEC 2016
4) Explain in detail Flynn’s classification of parallel hardware
(NOV/DEC 2015,MAY/JUNE 2016,NOV/DEC2016,NOV/DEC2017)
5) Explain in detail about hardware Multithreading(NOV/DEC2015,MAY/JUNE2016)
6) Explain Multicore processors(NOV/DEC2014,MAY/JUNE2016)
7) What is hardware Multithreading?compare and contrast Fine grained Multi-Threading
and coarse grained multithreading(APRIL/MAY2015,APR/MAY 2018)

1) Define Memory Hierarchy.(MAY/JUNE 2016)

A structure that uses multiple levels of memory with different speeds and sizes. The faster
memories are more expensive per bit than the slower memories.

2) Define hit ratio. (A.U.APR/MAY 2013,NOV/DEC 2015)

When a processor refers a data item from a cache, if the referenced item is in the cache, then
such a reference is called Hit. If the referenced data is not in the cache, then it is called Miss, Hit
ratio is defined as the ratio of number of Hits to number of references.
Hit ratio =Total Number of references

3) How cache memory is used to reduce the execution time. (APR/MAY’10) If active
portions of the program and data are placed in a fast small memory, the average memory
access time can be reduced, thus reducing the total execution time of the program. Such a
fast small memory is called as cache memory.

4) Define memory interleaving. (A.U.MAY/JUNE ’11) (apr/may2017)

In order to carry out two or more simultaneous access to memory, the memory must be
partitioned in to separate modules. The advantage of a modular memory is that it allows the
interleaving i.e. consecutive addresses are assigned to different memory module

5) Define Hit and Miss? (DEC 2013)

The performance of cache memory is frequently measured in terms of a quantity called hit
ratio. When the CPU refers to memory and finds the word in cache, it is said to produce a hit. If
the word is not found in cache, then it is in main memory and it counts as a miss

6) What is cache memory?NOV/DEC 2016

It is a fast memory that is inserted between the larger slower main memory and the processor.
It holds the currently active segments of a program and their data

7) What is memory system? [MAY/JUNE ‘11] [APR/MAY 2012]

Every computer contains several types of devices to store the instructions and data required for
its operation. These storage devices plus the algorithm-implemented by hardware and/or
software-needed to manage the stored information from the memory system of computer

8) What is Read Access Time? [APR/MAY 2012]

A basic performance measure is the average time to read a fixed amount of information, for
instance, one word, from the memory. This parameter is called the read access time

9) What is the necessary of virtual memory? State the advantages of virtual memory?
Virtual memory is an important concept related to memory management. It is used to
increase the apparent size of main memory at a very low cost. Data are addressed in a virtual
address space that can be as large as the addressing capability of CPU.
Virtual memory is a technique that uses main memory as a “cache” for
storage. Two major motivations for virtual memory: to allow efficient and safe sharing of
memory among multiple programs, and to remove the programming
burdens of a small, limited amount of main memory

10) Distinguish between isolated and memory mapped I/O? (May 2013)
The isolated I/O method isolates memory and I/O addresses so that memory address values
are not affected by interface address assignment since each has its own address space.
In memory mapped I/O, there are no specific input or output instructions. The CPU can
manipulate I/O data residing in interface registers with the same
instructions that are used to manipulate memory words


1) Explain in detail about memory Technologies(APRIL/MAY2015,NOV/DEC2017)

2) Discuss the various mapping schemes used in cache memory(NOV/DEC2014)
3) Discuss the methods used to measure and improve the performance of the
cache.(NOV/DEC 2017)
4) Explain the virtual memory address translation and TLB with necessary
diagram.(APRIL/MAY2015,NOV/DEC 2015,NOV/DEC 2016,APR/MAY2018)
5) Draw the typical block diagram of a DMA controller and explain how it is used for direct
data transfer between memory and peripherals. (NOV/DEC 2015,MAY/JUNE
2016,NOV/DEC 2016,MAY/JUN 2018)
6) Describe in detail about programmed Input/Output with neat diagram (MAY/JUN 2018)
7) Explain in detail about the bus arbitration techniques.(NOV/DEC2014)
8) Draw different memory address layouts and brief about the technique used to increase the
average rate of fetching words from the main memory (NOV/DEC2014)
9) Explain in detail about any two standard input and output interfaces required to connect
the I/O devices to the bus.(NOV/DEC2014)
10) Explain mapping functions in cache memory in cache memory to determine how memory
blocks are placed in cache (Nov/Dec 2014)
11) Explain the various mapping techniques associated with cache memories (MAY/JUNE
2016,MAY/JUN 2018)
12) Explain sequence of operations carried on by a processor when interrupted by a
peripheral device connected to it (MAY/JUN 2018)
(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi and Affiliated to Anna University)


PART – A (2 mark)


2 marks


1.Define Algorithm.

An algorithm is a sequence of unambiguous instructions for solving a problem in a finite

amount of time.

2.Write a short note on Algorithm Design and Analysis of Process.

 Understand the problem

 Decide on Computational DeviceExact Vs Approximate Algorithms
 Algorithm Design Techniques
 Design an algorithms
 Prove Correctness
 Analyze the Algori thm
 Code the Algorithm

3. What are the 2 kinds of Algorithm Efficiency

Time Efficiency-How fast your algorithm runs? Space Efficiency-How much extra
memory your algorithm needs?

4. How can you specify Algorithms?

Algorithms can be specified natural language or pseudo code.

5. What is Pseudo Code?

Pseudo Code is a mixture of Natural Language and Programming Language Constructs

such as functions, loops, decision making statements..etc

6. What are the Important Problem Types?

• Sorting
• Searching

• String Processing

• Graph Problem

• Combinatorial Problem

• Geometric Problem

• Numerical Problem

7.How can you Classify Algorithms

Among several ways to classify algorithms, the 2 principal alternatives are

• To group algorithms according to types of problem they solve com

• To group algorithms according to underlying design techniques they are based upon 8.
What is Sorting Problem? Sorting algorithm is rearrange the items of given list
descending/ascending order. Sorting algorithms classified into

• Stable Sorting Algorithm

• Non-Stable Algorithm

9.What is Searching Problem?

Finding a given value, called search key given set. Searching Algorithms needs more
memory space and sorted array.

10. What is Graph Problem?

Graph is a collection of dg s and vertices. G=(V,E). For e.g. Traversal Algorithms,

Shortest Path Algorithm, Graph Colouring Problem


1.What is Empirical Analysis?

It is performed by running a program implementing the algorithm on a sample of inputs

and analyzing the data observed . This involves generating pseudocode and random number

2.Define Convex-Hull Problem.

A set of points (finite or infinite) on the plane is called convex if for any two points P and
Q in the set, the entire line segment with the end points at P and Q belongs to the set

3.What is Divide and Conquer Algorithm

It is a general algorithm design techniques that solved problem’s instance by dividing it

into several smaller instance, solving of them recursively, and then combining their solutions to
the original instance of the Problem.

4.What are the Features of Algorithm Visualization.

• Consistent

• Interactive

• Very Clear and Concense

• Emphasize the visual component

5. Define O-Notation.

A function t(n) is said to be O (g(n)), denoted t(n) Є O (g(n)), if t(n) is bounded above by
some constant multiple of g(n) for all large n, ie ., if there exist some positive constant c and
some nonnegative integer 0 such that t(n) <= cg(n) for all>=0

6. What is Algorithm Visualization

It is defined as the use of images to convey some useful information about algorithms.

7. Define Static Algorithm Visualization?

Static Algorithm Visualization shows an algorithms progress through a series of still

images. On other hand, Algorithm animation shows a continuous movie like presentation of an
algorithm’s operation.

8.. What is Fibonacci Numbers?

The Fibonacci numbers are an important sequence of integers in which every element is
equal to the sum of its two immediate predecessors. There are several algorithms for computing
the Fibonacci numbers with drastically different efficiency.

9.What are the Classification of Algorithm Visualization?

Static Algorithm Visualization Dynamic Algorithm Visualization

10.What is Brute Force?

Brute Force is a straightforward approach to solving problem, usually directly based on
the problem’s statement and definitions of the concepts involved..


1.What is articulation point?

A vertex of a connected graph G is said to be in articulation point, if its removal with

all edges incident to it breaks the graph into disjoint pieces.

2.List the advantages of binary search?

• Less time is consumed

• The processing speed is fast

• The number of iterations is less. It take n/2 iterations.

• Binary search, which is used in Fibonacci Series, involves addition and

subtraction rather than division

• It is priori analysis, since it can be analyzed before execution.

3.Explain the principle used quick sort?

It is a partition method using the particular key the given table is partitioned into 2 sub
tables so that first, the original key will be its position the sorted sequence and secondly, all keys
to the left of this key will be less value and all keys to the right of it will be greater values

4. What is binary search?

The binary search algorithm some of the most efficient searching techniques which
requires the list to be sort descending order. To search for an amount of the list, the binary search
algorithms split the list and locate the middle element of the list. First compare middle key K1,
with given key K . If K1=K then the element is found.

5. What are the objectives of sorting algorithm?

• To rearrange the items of a given list

• To search an element in the list.

6. Why is bubble sort called by the name?

The sorting problem is to compare adjacent elements of the list and exchange them if
they are out of order. By doing it repeatedly, we end up bubbling up the largest element to the
last position on the list. The next pass bubbles up the second largest element and so on until, after
n-1 pass the list is sorted.

7. What are the 3 variations in transform and conquer?

The principle variations of transformed and conquer techniques are

• Instance simplification

• Representation change

• Problem reduction

8.Explain principle of Optimality?

The principle of optimality says that an optimal solution to any instance of an

optimization problem is composed of optimal solution to its sub instances.

9. What is need for finding minimum spanning tree?

Spanning tree has many applications. Any connected graph with n vertices much have
atleast-1 edges and connected graphs with n-1 edges are trees. If the nodes of G represent cities
and edges represent possible communication links connecting 2 cities, then the minimum number
of links needed to connect the cities is -1. Therefore, it is necessary for finding minimum
spanning tree.

10.What is spanning tree ?

Let G={V,E} be an undir cted connected graph. A sub graph t={V,E} of G is a spanning
tree of G, if it is tree.


1.Define mode?

A mode is a value that occur often in a given list of numbers. For example, the list is
5,1,5,7,6,5,7,5 .. the mode is 5.

2.Define rotation?

A rotation in an AVL tree is a local transformation of its subtree rooted at a node, which
is performed, when the balance factor of a node either +2 or -2.If an insertion or deletion of a
new node in AVL Tree creates a tree with a violated balance requirement, then the tree is
restructured by performing special transformation called rotation, that restore the balance

3.What are the different types of rotations?

The four types of rotations are .

• Right rotation

• Left rotation

• Double right-left rotation

• Double left right rotation.

4.What are the drawbacks of AVL Tree?

1) Frequent rotations are needed to maintain balances from the tree’s nodes.

2) Deletion is d ff cult due to the frequency rotations.

3)AVL tree is not considered as stranded structure for implementing dictionaries.

5. What is 2-3 tree ?

A 2-3 tree is tree have 2 kinds of nodes. They are 2 nodes and 3 nodes. A 2 nodes
contains single key k and has 2 children A 3 nodes contains two ordered key K1 and K2(K1

6. Define Heap Heap is partially ordered data structure that is especially suitable for
implementing priority queues A heap is said to be a max heap, then the children of every node
have a value less than that node. A heap is said to be a min heap, then the children of every node
have a value greater than node

7. What is a priority queue?

Priority queue is a data structure in which the intrinsic ordering of the elements does
determine the results of its basic operations Ascending and descending priority queue are the 2
types of priority queue.

8. Define warshall’s algorithm?

Warshall’s algorithm is an application of dynamic programming technique, which is used

to find the transitive closure of a directed graph.

9. Define Floyd’s algorithm?

Floyd’s algorithm is an application, which is used to find all the pairs shortest paths
problem. Floyd’s algorithm is applicable to both directed and undire ted weighted graph, but they
do not contain a cycle of a negative length

10. Define prim’s algorithm.

Prim’s algorithm is greedy and efficient algorithm, which is used to find the minimum
spanning tree of weighted connected graph


1. Define backtracking?
Depth first node generation with bounding function is called backtracking. The
backtracking algorithm has its virtue the ability to yield the answer with far fewer than m
2. What is Hamiltonian cycle in an undirected graph?
A Hamiltonian cycle is round trip along n edges of G that visits every vertex once and
returns to its starting position.
3. What is Feasible solution?
It is obtained from given n inputs Subsets that satisfies some constraints are called
feasible solution. It is obtained based on some constraints
4. What is optimal solution?
It is obtained from feasible solution. Feasible solution that maximizes or minimizes a
given objective function. It is obtained based on objective function.
5. List the application of backtracking technique?
8-Qeens problem
6. Given an application for knapsack problem?
The knapsack problem is problem combinatorial optimization. It derives its name from
the maximum problem of choosing possible essential that can fit too bag to be carried on
trip. A similar problem very often appears business, combinatory, complexity theory,
cryptography and applied mathematics.
7. Define subset sum problem?
Subset sum problem is problem, which is used to find a subset of a given set
S={S1,S2,S3,…….Sn} of positive integers whose sum is equal to given positive integer
8. What is heuristic?
A heuristic is common sense rule drawn from experience rather than from mathematically
proved assertion. For example, going to the nearest un visited city in the travelling
salesman problem is good example for heuristic.
9. State the concept of branch and bound method?
The branch and bound method refers to all state space search methods in which all
children of the E-Node are generated before any other live node can become the E-node.
10. Give the upper bound and lower bound of matrix multiplication algorithm?
Upper bound: The given algorithm does n*n*n multiplication hence at most n*n*n
multiplication are necessary. Lower bound: It has been proved in the literature that at
least n*n multiplication are necessary.

PART – B (16 marks )


1. Explain about algorithm with suitable example (Notion of algorithm).

2. Write short note on Fundamentals of Algorithmic Problem Solving

3. Discuss important problem types that you face during Algorithm Analysis.

4. Discuss Fundamentals of the analysis of algorithm efficiency elaborately

5. Explain Asymptotic Notations

6.List out the Steps in Mathematical Analysis of non recursive Algorithms.

7. Explain Asymptotic Notations

8. List out the Steps in Mathematical Analysis of non recursive Algorithm

9. What is empirical analysis of an algorithm?Discuss its strength &weakness?

10.Binary Search –Iterati ve Algorithm


1. Explain Divide And Conquer Metho

2.Explain Merge Sort with suitable example.

3. Discuss Quick Sort

4.Explain Binary Search.  \

5. Explain the various criteria used for analyzing algorithms.

6. List the properties of various asymptotic notations.

7. (i) Explain the necessary steps for analyzing the efficiency of recursive algorithms.

8. Write short notes on algorithm visualization.

9. Describe briefly the notations of complexity of an algorithm.

10. (i) What is pseudo-code?Explain with an examples.


1. Write Short note on Dijkstra's Algorithm

2. Explain Kruskal's Algorithm
3. Discuss Prim's Algorithm
4. Describe the travelling salesman poblem and discuss how to solve it using dynamic
5. Solve the all pairs shortest path problem for the diagraph with the weight matrix given below
A 0 ∞ 3 ∞
B 2 0 ∞ ∞
C ∞ 7 0 1
D 6 ∞ ∞ 0

6. Find the optimal binary search tree for the key and probabilities given below.
PROBABLITIES 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.3

7. Find the optimal solution for the given knapsack problem.

ITEM 1 2 3 4
WEIGHT 2 1 3 2
VALUE $12 $10 $20 $15

8 . Solve all pairs shortest path problem for the digraph. 16 b to a -2,a to c-3,c to d-1,c to b-7,d to a- 6


1. Explain in detail about simplex method

2. Explain in detail about maximum flow problem.
3. Explain in detail about maximum bipartite matching
4. Explain detail stable marriage problem’
5. Explain Tackling Difficult Combinatorial Problems
6. Explain n-Queens Problem
7. Explain State-Space Tree of the 4-Queens Problem
8. Explain Hamiltonian Circuit Problem
9. Explain Branch-and-Bound problem
10. Example: Assignment Problem
1. Explain the backtracking algorithm for the n-queens problem

2. Explain Backtracking technique

3. Give solution to Hamiltonian circuit using Backtracking technique

4. Give solution to Subset sum problem using Backtracking technique

5. Explain P, NP and NP complete problems.

6. Explain Chromatic Number decision problem:

7. Explain the approximation Algorithm for NP-hard Problem:

(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi and Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai)
Course Code & Name: CS8492 & DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Sem: 04
1. Define DBMS. (May 2000, Nov 2009)
DBMS is a collection of interrelated data and a set of programs to access those data.
2. What are the four main characteristics that differentiate the database approach from the file
processing approach? (Nov 2019, Nov 2020, May 2021)
i. Self describing nature of a database system
ii. Insulation between programs and data and data abstraction
iii. Support of multiple views of data
iv. Sharing of data and multiuser transaction processing
3. What is meant by an instance of the database and schema? (Nov 2010)
The collection of information stored in the database at a particular moment is called an instance of
the database.
The overall design of the database is called the database schema.
4. Specify the various levels of abstraction in a database. (Nov 2010, May 2011, May 2014, Nov
2020, May 2021)
Physical Level: It is the lowest level of abstraction that describes how the data are actually stored.
Logical Level: It is the next higher level of abstraction that describes what data are stored in the
database and what relationships exist among those data..
View Level: It is the highest level of abstraction that describes only part of the entire database.
5. What is data model? (May 2011, Nov 2011, Nov 2012, May 2019, May 2022)
Data Model is a collection of conceptual tools for describing data, data relationships, data
semantics and consistency constraints.
6. Differentiate a weak entity set from a strong entity set. (Nov 2009, May 2011)
An entity set that may not have sufficient attributes to form a primary key is called as weak entity
An entity set that has a primary key is called as strong entity set.
7. What is Data manipulation language? (Nov 2021)
Data-manipulation language (DML) The SQL DML provides the ability to query information
from the database and to insert tuples into, delete tuples from, and modify tuples in the database.
8. What are the various types of keys in the database? (Nov 2004, Nov 2010, Nov 2020, May 2021)
 Super Key
 Candidate Key
 Primary Key
 Foreign Key
9. Distinguish between primary key and candidate key. (Nov 2006, May 2008)
Primary Key is an attribute which is unique and not null, can identify an instance of the entity set.
It is chosen by the database designer.
Eg.: {cid, name, street, city, pincode}
Here cid is the primary key.
Candidate Key is a minimal super key which have more than one attribute that uniquely identify
an instance of an entity set.
Eg.: {cid} and {name, street}
10. What is embedded SQL? (May 2003, May 2011)
When SQL is embedded with any programming language like C, C++, Java, it is called as
embedded SQL.
1. What is a data model? Classify the different types of data models. (Nov 2011, Nov 2012, Nov
2. Consider the following schema
Suppliers (sid: integer, sname: string, address: string)
Parts (pid: integer, pname: string, color: string)
Catalog (sid: integer, pid: integer, cost: real)
The key fields are underlined, and the domain of each field is listed after the field name. Therefore
sid is the key for Suppliers, pid is the key for Parts, and sid and pid together form the key for
Catalog. The Catalog relation lists the prices charged for parts by Suppliers. Write the following
queries in relational algebra:
i. Find the sids of suppliers who supply some red part or are at 221 Packer Street.
ii. Find the sids of suppliers who supply some red part red or green part.
iii. Find the pids of parts supplied by at least two different suppliers. (Nov 2019)
3. Explain the system architecture of a database system with neat block diagram. (May 2011, May
2012, May 2013, Nov 2019, Nov 2020, May 2021, May 2022)
4. Consider the schema given in question no. 2 and write the following queries in SQL:
i. Find the names of suppliers who supply some red part.
ii. Find the sids of suppliers who supply some red part and some green part.
iii. Find the pids of parts supplied by at least two different suppliers.
iv. Find the sids of suppliers who supply every red part. (Nov 2019)
5. What are the several parts of SQL query language? What are the basic built in types used during
SQL create statement? State and given example for the basic structure of SQL queries. (Nov 2020,
May 2021)
6. Consider the following relations :
Write SQL queries to perform the following:
i. List the details of employees belonging to department number ‘CSE’.
ii. List the employee number, employee name, department number and department name of all
iii. List the department number and number of employees in each department.
iv. List the details of employees who earn less than the average basic pay of all employees. (Nov
7. Outline equi-join, left outer join, right outer join and full outer join operations in relational algebra
with an example. (Nov 2021)
8. Consider the following relations :
Sailors (sid:integer, sname:string, rating:integer, age:real)
Boats (bid:integer, bname:string, color:string)
Reserves (sid:integer, bid:integer, day:date)
Write the SQL statement for the following queries :
i. Find all sailors with a rating above 7.
ii. Find the sids of sailors who have reserved a red boat.
iii. Find the colors of boats reserved by lubber.
iv. Find the names of sailors who have reserved at least one boat. (Nov 2020, May 2021)
1. For a binary relationship set R between entity sets A and B, list the mapping cardinalities. (May
2011, Nov 2021)
i. One-to-One
ii. One-to-Many
iii. Many-to-One
iv. Many-to-Many
2. State the types of attributes in ER model. (May 2022)
i. Simple Attribute
ii. Composite Attribute
iii. Single-valued Attribute
iv. Multi-valued Attribute
v. Base Attribute
vi. Derived Attribute
vii. Null value Attribute
viii. Key Attribute
3. What is E-R diagram? (Nov 2020, May 2021)
ER diagram can express the overall logical structure of a database graphically. ER diagrams are
simple and clear.
4. Draw the symbols used in an entity relationship diagram for representing an entity set, weak entity
set, attribute and multivalued attribute. (Nov 2021)

5. Define functional dependency. (Nov 2009, Nov 2010, Nov 2011, Nov 2012, Nov 2013, May 2014,
Nov 2020, May 2021)
Functional dependency requires that the value for a certain set of attributes determines uniquely
the value for another set of attributes. In a given relation R, X and Y are attributes. Attribute Y is
functionally dependent on attribute X if each value of X determines exactly one value of Y which is
represented as X -> Y. ie) X determines Y or Y is functionally dependent on X. X -> Y does not
imply y -> X.
6. Give the properties of decomposition. (May 2019)
i. Lossless join
ii. Dependency Preservation
iii. Repetition of information
7. State the various pitfalls in relational database design. (Nov 2002, Nov 2009, May 2010)
A bad design may lead to
i. Repetition of information- that leads to insertion, deletion, updation problems.
ii. Inability to represent certain information.
8. What is normalization? Write the types of all normal forms. (May 2013, May 2014)
Normalization is a process of analyzing the given relation schema based on the functional
dependencies and primary keys to achieve the desirable properties of
 Minimizing redundancy
 Minimizing insert, delete and update anomalies.
 Improving consistency
- First Normal Form
- Second Normal Form
- Third Normal Form
- Boyce Codd Normal Form
- Fourth Normal Form
- Fifth Normal Form
9. Prove that any relation schema with two attributes is in BCNF (Nov 2011)
Consider a relation schema R = {A, B} with two attributes. The only possible non-trivial FDs are
{A} -> {B} and {B} -> {A}. There are four possible cases:
i. No FD holds in R. In this case, the key is {A, B} and the relation satisfies BCNF.
ii. Only {A} -> {B} holds. In this case, the key is {A} and the relation satisfies BCNF.
iii. Only {B} -> {A} holds In this case, the key is {B} and the relation satisfies BCNF.
iv. Both {A} -> {B} and {B} -> {A} hold. In this case, there are two keys {A} and {B} and the
relation satisfies BCNF.
10. Consider a relation R = {A, B, C, D, E} with the following dependencies:
AB -> C CD -> E DE -> B
Is AB a candidate key of this relation? If not, is ABD? Explain your answer. (May 2010)
No, AB+ = {A, B, C}, a proper subset of {A, B, C, D, E}
Yes, ABD+ = {A, B, C, D, E}
1. Construct an ER diagram for a Car insurance company whose customers own one or more cars
each. Each car has associated with it zero to any number of recorded accidents. Convert the
designed ER into a relational design. (Nov 2018, Nov 2020, Nov 2021, May 2022)
2. A university registrar’s office maintains data about the following entities:
(1) courses, including number, title, credits, syllabus, and prerequisites;
(2) course offerings, including course number, year, semester. section number, instructor, timings,
and classroom;
(3) students, including student-id, name, and program; and
(4) instructors, including identification number, name, department, and title. Further, the
enrollment of students in courses and grades awarded to students in each course they are
enrolled for must be appropriately modeled. Model an entity relationship diagram for the
registrar’s office. (May 2018, Nov 2021)
3. Consider the following information about a university database:
i. Professors have an SSN, a name, an age, a rank, and a research specialty.
ii. Projects have a project number, a sponsor name (e.g., NSF), a starting date, an ending date, and
a budget.
iii. Graduate students have an SSN, a name, an age, and a degree program (e.g., M.S. or Ph.D.).
iv. Each project is managed by one professor (known as the project’s principal investigator).
v. Each project is worked on by one or more professors (known as the project’s co-investigators).
vi. Professors can manage and/or work on multiple projects.
vii. Each project is worked on by one or more graduate students (known as the project’s research
viii. When graduate students work on a project, a professor must supervise their work on the
project. Graduate students can work on multiple projects, in which case they will have a
(potentially different) supervisor for each one.
ix. Departments have a department number, a department name, and a main office.
x. Departments have a professor (known as the chairman) who runs the department.
xi. Professors work in one or more departments, and for each department that they work in, a time
percentage is associated with their job.
xii. Graduate students have one major department in which they are working on their degree.
xiii. Each graduate student has another, more senior graduate student (known as a student advisor)
who advises him or her on what courses to take.
Design and draw an ER diagram that captures the information about the university. Use only the
basic ER model here, that is, entities, relationships, and attributes. Be sure to indicate any key and
participation constraints. (Nov 2019)
4. i) State the Armstrong axioms.
(ii) Define BCNF and justify a relation R with two attributes is in BCNF. (Nov 2021)
5. Explain the following terms briefly : attribute, domain, entity relationship, entity set, relationship
set, one-to-many relationship, many-to-many relationship, participation constraint, overlap
constraint, covering constraint, weak entity set, aggregation and role indicator. (Nov 2020, May
6. Discuss in detail the steps involved in ER-to-Relational Mapping in the process of relational
database design. (Nov 2019)
7. i) Write an algorithm to find closure of functional dependents. (5)
ii) Compute the closure of the following set F of functional dependencies for relation schema R =
{A, B, C, D, E}.
A -> BC
CD -> E
B -> D
E -> A
List the candidate keys for R. (Nov 2020, May 2021)
8. (i) Consider the following relation:
R(U, V, W, X, Y, Z)
All the attributes of relation R are atomic. The primary key of relation R is combination of U and V.
The following functional dependencies hold:
UV → W
Is relation R normalized? If yes, justify the relation is normalized. If no, state reasons and normalize
the same.
(ii) Consider the following relation:
The primary key of the relation is ROLLNUMBER. The following functional dependencies hold:
Is relation STUDENT normalized? If yes, justify the relation is normalized. If no, state reasons and
normalize the same. (Nov 2021)
9. Consider the table User_Personal and answer to queries given below.
UserID U_email Fname Lname City State Zip
i. Is this table in First Normal Form – 1NF? Justify and normalize to 1NF if needed.
ii. Is this table in Second Normal Form – 2NF? Justify and normalize to 2NF if needed.
iii. Is User_Personal in Third Normal Form - 3NF? Justify and normalize to 1NF if needed. (Nov
10. What is normalization? Justify the need for normalization with example. (Nov 2009, May 2011,
Nov 2011, May 2012, Nov 2012, May 2019, Nov 2019)
1. List down the various states of a transaction. (May 2011, May 2019)
The states of a transaction are
i. Active
ii. Partially Committed
iii. Failed
iv. Aborted
v. Committed
2. List the ACID properties and its usefulness. (Nov 2006, Nov 2007, Nov 2008, Nov 2009, May
2010, May 2011, May 2012, Nov 2012, May 2013, Nov 2020, May 2021)
A – Atomicity
C – Consistency
I – Isolation
D - Durability
3. What are serializable schedules? (Nov 2021)
Consistency of the database ensured under concurrent execution by making sure that any schedule
that is executed has the same effect as a schedule that could have occurred without any concurrent
execution. That is, the schedule should, in some sense, be equivalent to a serial schedule. Such
schedules are called serializable schedules.
4. Write notes on starvation. (May 2011)
If a transaction never gets a lock that is currently hold by some other transaction then the
transaction is said to be starved or starvation or livelock.
5. What do you mean by concurrency control? (Nov 2009)
The database system must control the interaction among the concurrent transactions to prevent them
from destroying the consistency of the database. This mechanism is called concurrency control.
6. List the commonly used concurrency control techniques. (Nov 2011)
i. Lock based protocol
ii. Timestamp based protocol
iii. Validation based protocol
iv. Multiple granularity
v. Serializability
vi. Deadlock handling
7. What benefit does strict two-phase locking provide? What are the disadvantages of it? (Nov 2020,
May 2021)
Ensures conflict serializability
Prevents any other transaction from reading the uncommitted data
Recovery is very easy.
Does not ensure freedom from deadlock
Cascading rollback may occur.
8. Define deadlock. (May 2008)
Deadlock is a situation, in which two or more transactions are in a simultaneous wait state, each of
them waiting for one of the others to release a lock before it can proceed.
9. Name the four conditions for deadlock. (Nov 2021)
The four necessary conditions for a deadlock situation are mutual exclusion, no preemption, hold
and wait and circular set.
10. List the SQL statements used for transaction control. (May 2009, Nov 2011)
Commit, Rollback, Savepoint, Set Transaction
1. What is a transaction? Draw the state diagram corresponding to a transaction and present an outline
of the same. (Nov 2019, Nov 2021, May 2022)
2. Discuss in detail about the ACID properties of a transaction. (Nov 2019, Nov 2021, May 2022)
3. Discuss in detail about the testing of serializability. (May 2019)
4. Discuss elaborately the two phase locking protocol that ensures serializability. (Nov 2019, May
5. Narrate the actions that are considered for deadlock detection and the recovery from deadlock. (Nov
6. What are the two approaches of deadlock prevention? Explain in detail with suitable example. (Nov
2020, May 2021)
7. Explain deferred and immediate modification versions of the log based recovery scheme. (May
8. (i) Outline the isolation levels specified by the SQL standard with an example.
(ii) Outline the SQL statements used for transaction control. (Nov 2021)
9. State and explain the transaction isolation level. (Nov 2020, May 2021)
1. List the different levels in RAID technology and specify its feature. (Nov 2010, May 2013)
i. RAID level 0 – Non redundancy block striping
ii. RAID level 1 – Disk mirroring with block striping
iii. RAID level 2 – Memory style error correcting code with bit striping
iv. RAID level 3 – Bit interleaved parity
v. RAID level 4 – Block interleaved parity
vi. RAID level 5 – Block interleaved distributed parity
vii. RAID level 6 – P + Q redundancy scheme
2. What are the advantages of file organization? (Nov 1999, May 2000)
i. The ability to access any location in a storage medium without having to access prior location.
ii. Provide faster access
3. How do you organize the records in files? (Nov 2006, Nov 2009, Nov 2011, May 2014, Nov 2021)
i. Physical database organization
ii. Heap file organization
iii. Sequential file organization
iv. Hashing file organization
v. Clustering file organization
vi. Indexing
- Ordered Indices
Dense Index
Sparse Index
Multilevel Index
- Hash Indices
4. What is ordered index? Give example. (May 2009, Nov 2011)
Files ordered sequentially based on some search key is known as ordered index.
Eg.: Primary Index
5. What are the factors needed to evaluate the technique of ordered indexing and hashing? (Nov 2020,
May 2021)
i. Access types
ii. Access time
iii. Insertion time
iv. Deletion time
v. Space Overhead
6. Differentiate dense index and sparse index. (May 2007, May 2008, May 2009, May 2010, Nov
2010, Nov 2011, May 2019)
Dense index – An index record appears for every search - key value in the file.
Insertion and deletion is very difficult.
Sparse index - An index record appears for only some of the search - key values.
It requires less space and less maintenance overhead for insertion and deletion.
7. List out the mechanisms to avoid collision during hashing. (Nov 2016)
Open addressing – Linear probing
Multiple hashing
8. What is Metadata? (Nov 2021)
Metadata is "data that provides information about other data", but not the content of the data, such
as the text of a message or the image itself.
9. What are the steps involved in query processing? (May 2011)
i. Parsing and translation
ii. Optimization
iii. Evaluation
10. Which cost components contribute to query execution? (Nov 2019)
i. Access cost to secondary storage.
ii. Disk storage cost.
iii. Computation cost.
iv. Memory usage cost
v. Communication cost.
1. What is RAID? List the different levels in RAID technology and explain its features. (Nov 2010,
May 2011, Nov 2011, May 2019, Nov 2019, May 2022)
2. Describe the procedure for index update for single level indices with example. (Nov 2020, May
3. a) What is an index record? Outline dense index and sparse index with an example.
b) Outline the factors used to evaluate indexing and hashing techniques. (Nov 2021)
4. Describe the structure of B+ tree and give the algorithm for search in the B+ tree with example.
(May 2003, Nov 2003, Nov 2006, Nov 2007, May 2008, Nov 2010, May 2011, May 2019)
5. Construct a B+ tree for the following set of key values (2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31). Assume
that the tree is initially empty and values are added in ascending order. Construct B+ tree for the
cases where the number of pointers that will fit in one node is as follows:
i. Four
ii. Six
iii. Eight (Nov 2020, May 2021)
6. Explain about static and dynamic hashing with example. (May 2002, May 2003, Nov 2006, May
2007, May 2008, Nov 2008, May 2009, Nov 2009, Nov 2010, Nov 2011, Nov 2020, May 2021)
7. What is query processing? Outline the steps involved in processing a query with a diagram. (May
2002, May 2003, Nov 2004, May 2007, Nov 2007, May 2008, Nov 2008, Nov 2011, Nov 2019,
Nov 2021)
8. With simple algorithms, explain the computing of Nested-loop join and Block nested-loop join.
(Nov 2019)
1. Define a distributed database management system. (May 2018)
A distributed database system consists of loosely coupled sites (computer) that share no physical
components and each site is associated a database system.
2. Specify the types of fragmentation in distributed databases. (May 2022)
i. Horizontal Fragmentation
ii. Vertical Fragmentation
3. Outline the motivation of Replication in a distributed database environment. (Nov 2021)
The system maintains several identical replicas (copies) of the relation, and stores each replica at a
different site. The alternative to replication is to store only one copy of relation r.
4. State the storage device hierarchy. (May 2011, Nov 2020, May 2021)
i. Magnetic tapes
ii. Optical disk
iii. Magnetic disk
iv. Flash memory
v. Main memory
vi. Cache memory
5. Mention two features of multimedia databases. (May 2019)
i) The multimedia database systems are to be used when it is required to administrate huge
amounts of multimedia data objects of different types of media (optical storage, video, tapes,
audio records, etc.) so that they can be used (that is, efficiently accessed and searched) for as
many applications as needed.
ii) The objects of Multimedia Data are: text, images, graphics, sound recordings, video recordings,
signals, etc. that are digitalized and stored.
6. Compare sequential access devices versus random access devices with an example. (May 2019)
Sequential access devices Random access devices
Must be accessed from the beginning. It is possible to read data from any location.
Eg:-Tape storage Eg:-Disk storage
Data is faster Access to data is much slower
Cheaper than disk Expensive when compared with disk

7. List information types of documents necessary for relevance ranking of documents in IR. (Nov
Unstructured data, images, audio recordings, video – strips, maps.
8. What one could understand from allocation schema? (Nov 2019)
An allocation schema describes the allocation of fragments to sites of the DDBS, hence, it is a
mapping that specifies for each fragment the sites at which it is stored. If a fragment is stored at
more than one site, it is said to be replicated.
9. What are Ontologies? (Nov 2021)
Ontologies are hierarchical structures that reflect relationships between concepts.
The most common relationship is the is-a relationship; for example, a leopard is-a mammal, and a
mammal is-a animal.
Ontologies have been defined for specific areas to deal with terminology relevant to those areas.
For example, ontologies have been created to standardize terms used in businesses; this is an
important step in building a standard infrastructure for handling order processing and other inter-
organization flow of data.
It is also possible to build ontologies that link multiple languages. For example, WordNets have
been built for different languages, and common concepts between languages can be linked to each
other. Such a system can be used for translation of text. In the context of information retrieval, a
multilingual ontology can be used to implement a concept-based search across documents in
multiple languages.
10. What is the difference between a false positive and false drop? (Nov 2020, May 2021)
Each keyword may be contained in a large number of documents; hence, a compact representation
is critical to keep space usage of the index low. Thus, the sets of documents for a keyword are
maintained in a compressed form. So that storage space is saved, the index is sometimes stored such
that the retrieval is approximate; a few relevant documents may not be retrieved (called a false
drop or false negative), or a few irrelevant documents may be retrieved (called a false positive).
False drop or false negative
i. False negatives may occur when documents are ranked, as a result of relevant documents
receiving a low ranking.
ii. False negative depends on how many documents are examined.
iii. Measure the recall as a function of the number of documents fetched.
False positive
i. False positives may occur because irrelevant documents get higher rankings than relevant
ii. This too depends on how many documents are examined.
iii. One option is to measure precision as a function of number of documents fetched.
1. Explain the architecture of distributed databases. (May 2016, May 2017, May 2022)
2. a) Outline the two basic types of fragmentation and replication in a distributed database
environment with an example.
b) Compare the features of Object based and Object-relational databases. (Nov 2021)
3. State and explain the persistent programming languages. (Nov 2020, May 2021)
4. Present an outline of Document Type Declaration, XML schema, path expressions and XQuery
language. (Nov 2021, May 2022)
5. Explain in detail about the deductive DB and spatial DB. (May 2019)
6. a) Illustrate the usage of OQL, the DMG’s query language.
b) Brief on the methods to store XML documents. (Nov 2019)
7. Explain in detail about the deductive DB and spatial DB. (May 2019)
8. How effectiveness of retrieval is measured? Discuss. (Nov 2019)
9. Give the DTD or XML Schema for an XML representation of the following nested-relational
Emp = (ename, ChildrenSet setof(Children), SkillsSet setof(Skills))
Children = (name, Birthday)
Birthday = (day, month, year)
Skills = (type, ExamsSet setof(Exams))
Exams = (year, city) (Nov 2016)
10. Suppose that you have been hired as a consultant to choose a database system for your client’s
application. For each of the following applications, state what type of database system (relational,
persistent programming language–based OODB, object relational; do not specify a commercial
product) you would recommend. Justify your recommendation.
a. A computer-aided design system for a manufacturer of airplanes.
b. A system to track contributions made to candidates for public office.
c. An information system to support the making of movies. (Nov 2016)
11. A car-rental company maintains a vehicle database for all vehicles in its current fleet. For all
vehicles, it includes the vehicle identification number, license number, manufacturer, model, date of
purchase, and color. Special data are included for certain types of vehicles:
 Trucks: cargo capacity
 Sports cars: horsepower, renter age requirement
 Vans: number of passengers
 Off-road vehicles: ground clearance, drivetrain (four- or two-wheel drive)
Construct an object-oriented database schema definition for this database. Use inheritance where
appropriate. (Nov 2015)

UNIT – 1

1. Write down the generic process framework that is applicable to any software project/relationship
between work product, task, activity and system(NOV/DEC-10,NOV/DEC2016,NOV/DEC2017)
Common process framework
- Process framework activities
- Umbrella activities
- Framework activities
- Task sets

2. List the goals of software engineering? (APR/MAY-11)

Satisfy user requirements, high reliability, low maintenance cost, Delivery on time Low production
cost, High performance, Ease of reuse.

3. What is the difference between verification and validation? (NOV/DEC-10, APR/MAY-

 Verification refers to the set of activities that ensure that software correctly implements a specific
function. Verification: "Are we building the product right?"
 Validation refers to a different set of activities that ensure that the software that has been built is traceable
to customer requirements. Validation: "Are we building the right product?"

4. For the scenario described below, which life cycle model would you choose? Give the reason why you
would choose this model. (NOV/DEC-11,)
 You are interacting with the MIS department of a very large oil company with multiple
departments. They have a complex regency system.
 Migrating the data from this legacy system is not an easy task and would take a considerable
time. The oil company is very particular about processes, acceptance criteria and legal contracts.
 Spiral model Proactive problem prevention. Each iteration has a risk analysis, sector that
evaluates. Alternatives for proactive problem avoidance.
5. Give two reasons why system engineers must understand the environment of a system? APR/MAY- 12

1. The reason for the existence of a system is to make some changes it environment.

2. The functioning of a system can be very difficult to predict.

6. What are the two types of software products? APR/MAY-12

1. Generic products: these are stand-alone systems that are produced by a development
Organization and sold in the open market to any customer who wants to buy it.
2. Customized products: these are systems that are commissioned by a specific customer
and developed specially by some contract or to meet a special need.

7. What is the advantage of adhering to life cycle models for software? NOV/DEC-12
It helps to produce good quality software products without time and cost over runs. It encourages the
development of software in a systematic & disciplined.

8. What are the various categories of software?

 System software
 Application software
 Engineering/Scientific software
 Embedded software
 Web Applications
 Artificial Intelligence software

9. List the task regions in the Spiral model.

 Customer communication–In this region it is suggested to establish customer communication.
 Planning – All planning activities are carried out in order to define resources timeline and other
project related activities.
 Risk analysis–The tasks required to calculate technical and management risks.
 Engineering–In this the task region, tasks required to build one or more representations of
applications are carried out.
 Construct and release – All the necessary tasks required to construct, test, install
the applications are conducted.¾_Customere valuation – Customer‟s feedback is obtained and based
on the customer evaluation required tasks are performed and implemented at installation stage.
10. Characteristics of software contrast to characteristics of hardware? (APR/MAY 2016)

o Software is easier to change than hardware. The cost of change is much higher for hardware than for
o Software products evolve through multiple releases by adding new features and re-writing existing
logic to support the new features. Hardware products consist of physical components that cannot be
“refactored” after manufacturing, and cannot add new capabilities that require hardware changes.
o Specialized hardware components can have much longer lead times for acquisition than is true for
o Hardware design is driven by architectural decisions. More of the architectural work must be done up
front compared to software products.
o The cost of development for software products is relatively flat overtime. However, the cost of
hardware development rises rapidly towards the end of the development cycle.
o Testing software commonly requires developing thousands of test cases. Hardware testing involves far
fewer tests.
o Hardware must be designed and tested to work over arrange of time and environmental conditions,
which is not the case for software.


1. Explain the following: (i) Waterfall model (ii)Spiral model (iii) RAD model(iv)Prototyping model.

2. Discuss in detail the project structure and programming team structure of a software organization.

3. Discuss the various life cycle models in software development? APR/MAY-16

4. What is the difference between information engineering & product engineering? Also explain the product
engineering hierarchy in detail. MAY/JUN-13

5. Write note on business process engineering and product engineering? MAY/JUN-13 , APRIL/MAY-15

6. Explain in detail about spiral model with a neat sketch and describe why this model comes under both
evolutionary and RAD models. APRIL/MAY-15, NOV/DEC 2017.

7. Which process model is best suited for risk management? Discuss in detail with an example. Give its
advantages and disadvantages? NOV/DEC 2016,APRIL/MAY 2018
UNIT – 2


1. What is Software Prototyping? NOV/DEC-10,APR/MAY-11,MAY/JUNE-13

It is a rapid software development for validating the requirements. It is to help customers & developers to
understand the system requirements.

2 Define functional and non-Functional requirements. NOV/DEC-10

Functional requirements describe all the functionality or system services. It should be clear how system
should react to particular inputs and how particular systems behave in particular situation. Non-
functional requirements define the system properties and Constraints. It is divided into product,
organizational& external requirements.

3. What is meant by functional requirement? APR/MAY-11

Functional requirements describe all the functionality or system services. It should be clear how system
should react to particular inputs and how particular systems behave in particular situation.

4. Name the metrics for specifying Non-functional requirements? NOV/DEC-11

Speed, size, ease of use, reliability, robustness, portability

5. Draw the DFD for the following (i) External entity (ii) Data items NOV/DEC-11
External entity
Data items

6. Define non-functional requirements. APR/MAY-12

Non-functional requirements define the system properties and constraints. It is divided into product,
organizational & External requirements

7. Distinguishbetween the term inception, elicitation, & elaboration with reference to requirements?
 Inception–set of questions are asked to establish basic understanding of problem.
 Elicitation-collaborative requirements gathering & quality function deployment
 Elaboration– It focuses on developing are fined Technical model of software function,
features & constraints.

8. An SRS is traceable ? Comment NOV/DEC-12,MAY/JUNE 2016

An SRS is correct if, and only if, every requirements tatted there in is one that the software hall meet.
Traceability makes this procedure easier and less prone to error.

9. What is data dictionary? MAY/JUN-13,APR/MAY2016,NOV/DEC 2016,APRIL/MAY2017

It is organized collection of all the data elements of the system with precise and rigorous definition so
that user & system analyst will have a common understanding of inputs, outputs, Components of
stores and intermediate calculations

10.What do requirements processes involve? APR/MAY-12

It involves feasibility study, discovery, analysis & validation of system requirements


1. Discuss any four process models with suitable application. NOV/DEC-10 ,APR/MAY-11, NOV/DEC-
12, MAY/JUN-13
2. Explain the execution of seven distinct functions accomplished in requirement engineering process /
Explain briefly the requirement engineering process with neat sketch and describe each process with an
example. APRIL/MAY-15 NOV/DEC-15, NOV/DEC 2017, APRIL/MAY 2017
3. What is data dictionary? Explain. How to select the appropriate prototyping approach?
4. How does the analysis modeling help to capture unambiguous & consistent requirements? Discuss
several methods for requirements validation? NOV/DEC-11
5. Explain prototyping in the software process. APRIL/MAY-15MAY/JUNE 2016
6. Explain the functional& behavioral model for software requirements process? NOV/DEC-
12,MAY/JUN 13, NOV/DEC 2013

7. Explain metrics for specifying non-functional requirements? IEEE standard software requirement
document? MAY/JUN- 13

1. What are the primary interaction styles and state their advantages? NOV/DEC-10
1. Direct manipulation - Easiest to grasp with immediate feedback , Difficult to program
2. Menu selection - User effort and errors minimized, large numbers and combinations of choices a
3. Form fill-in - Ease of use, simple data entry, Tedious, takesa lot of screen space
4. Command language - Easy to program and process, Difficult to master for casual users
Natural language–Great for casual users, Tedious for expert users.

2. List the architectural models that can be developed. NOV/DEC-10

Data-centered architectures, Data flow architectures, Call and return architectures Object-oriented
architectures, Layered architectures.

3. What is meant by real time system design? APR/MAY-11

A real-time system is a software system where the correct functioning of the system depends on the results
produced by the system and the time at which these results are produced.

4. List four design principles of a good design? APR/MAY-11APRIL/MAY 2018

 Process should not suffer from tunnel vision.
 It should be traceable to the analysis model
 It should not reinvent the wheel.
 It should exhibit uniformity & integration.

5. List out design methods. APR/MAY-12

Architectural design , data design , modular design.

6. Define data acquisition APR/MAY-12,MAY/JUN-13

Collect data from sensors for subsequent processing and analysis.

7. How do you apply modularization criteria for a monolithicsoftware NOV/DEC-12

Modularity is achieved to various extents by different modularization approaches. Code based
modularity allows developers to reuse and repair parts of the application, but development tools are
required to perform these maintenance functions .Object based modularity provides the application as a
collection of separate executable files which may be independently maintained and replaced without
redeploying the entire application.

8. What is the design quality attributes ‘FURPS’ meant? NOV/DEC-12, NOV/DEC2015,

FURPS is an acronym representing a model for classifying software quality attributes (functional
and non- functional requirements) Functionality, Usability, Reliability, Performance and Supportability

9. Define data abstraction? MAY/JUN-13

Data abstraction is a named collection of data that describesthe data object.

Eg:- Door attribute – door type, swing direction, weight.

10. What are the elements of design model?

 Data design
 Architectural design
 Interface design
 Component-level design

1. Explain the core activities involved in User Interface designprocess with necessary block diagrams
MAY/JUNE 2016 ,NOV/DEC2015, NOV/DEC 2017.
2. Explain the various modular decomposition and control styles commonly used in any organizational
model. MAY/JUNE 2016.
3. Discuss the process of translating the analysis model in to a software design, List the golden rules of user
interface design NOV/DEC2015.
4. Explain the basic concepts of software design APR/MAY-11 ,NOV/DEC 2017.
5. Explain clearly the concept of coupling & cohesion? For each type of coupling give an example of two
components coupled in that way? APRIL/MAY 2015, APRIL/MAY 2017, APRIL/MAY 2018
6. Write short notes on Architectural & component design. MAY/JUN-15,NOV/DEC2015.
7. Bring out the necessity of Real-time system design process with appropriate example? APR/MAY-12,
1. What are the characteristics of good tester? NOV/DEC-10,MAY/JUN-13
All tests should be traceable to customer requirements. Tests should be planned long before testing begins.

The Pareto principle applies to software testing.

2. Define software testing?

Software testing is a critical element of software quality assurance and represents the ultimate
review of specification, design, and coding.

3. What are the objectives of testing?

i. Testing is a process of executing a program with the intend of finding an error.
ii. A good test case is one that has high probability of finding an undiscovered error.

iii. A successful test is one that uncovers as an-yet undiscovered error.

4. What is integration testing? and What are the approaches of integration testing? APR/MAY-11
In this testing the individual software modules are combined and tested as a group. It occurs after unit
testing & before system testing.
1. The non-incremental testing.
2. Incremental testing.

5. What is regression testing? APR/MAY-15 NOV/DEC-11,NOV/DEC 2013,

It tends to verify the software application after a change has been made. It seeks to uncover software
errors by partially retesting a modified program.

6. Distinguish between stress and load testing

 Stress testing is subjecting a system to an unreasonable load while denying it the resources (e.g.,
RAM, disc, mips, interrupts, etc.) needed to process that load.
 Load testing is subjecting a system to a statistically representative (usually) load. The two main
reasons for using such loads is in support of software reliability testing and in performance
testing. The term "load testing" by itself is too vague and imprecise to warrant use.
7. Define black box testing? APR/MAY-12,MAY/JUN-13
A black-box tests are used to demonstrate that software functions are operational, that input is properly
accepted and output is correctly produced, and that the integrity of external information.

8. What is boundary condition testing? APR/MAY-12

It is tested using boundary value analysis.

9. How is software testing results related to the reliability of software?NOV/DEC-12

Applying fault avoidance, fault tolerance and fault detection for the project helps to achieve reliability of

10. What is big-bang approach? NOV/DEC-12

Big bang approach talks about testing as the last phase of development. All the defects are found
in the last phase and costof rework can be huge.

1. What is black box & white-box testing? Explain how basis path testing helps to derive test cases to test
every statement of a program. NOV/DEC-12, APRIL/MAY 2015, NOV/DEC 2017, APRIL/MAY
2. Define: Regression testing. Distinguish: top-down and bottom-up integration. How is testing different
from debugging? Justify NOV/DEC-10, APRIL/MAY 2018
3. Write a note on equivalence partitioning & boundary value analysis of black box testing APR/MAY-
16 , NOV/DEC-15
4. What is unit testing? Why is it important? Explain the unit test consideration and test procedure.
5. Explain Integration & debugging activities? MAY/JUN-15

6. Explain software testing types? APR/MAY-16, NOV/DEC 2015

7. Write elaborately on unit testing and regression testing. How do you develop test suites. APRIL/MAY-
15, APRIL/MAY 2018


1. What are the processes of risk management?

 Risk identification
 Risk projection (estimation)

 Risk mitigation, monitoring, and management.

2. State the need for software configuration review. NOV/DEC-11

The intent of the review is to ensure that all elements of the software configuration have been
properly developed, cataloged & have necessary detailto bolster the support of the software lifecycle.

3. List any five CASE tools classified by function in the taxonomy of CASEtools NOV/DEC-11
1. Project Planning Tools
2. Metrics & Management Tools.
3. Prototyping Tools
4. Re- Engineering Tools
5. Documentation Tools.

4. Define error, fault and failure. NOV/DEC-10

Error – it is a state that can lead to a system behavior that isunexpected by the System user.

Fault- it is a characteristic of a software system that can lead tosystem error.

Failure – it is an event that occurs at some point in time when thesystem does not
Deliver a service as per user’s expectation.

5. What is project planning? APR/MAY-12, APR/MAY-15

The various types of plan is developed to support main software project plan which is concerned
with schedule & budget. Types of project plan Quality plan, Validation plan, Configuration mgmt.
plan, Maintenance plan, Staff development plan.
6. List the various types of software errors? APR/MAY-11, NOV/DEC-12
Reports detailing bugs in a program are commonly known as bug reports, defect reports, fault reports,
problem reports, trouble reports, change requests.

7. Differentiate between size oriented and function oriented metrics? MAY/JUN-13 MAY/JUNE
2016,NOV/DEC 2015
Size oriented metrics – it considers the size of the software that has been produced. The software
organization maintains simple records intabular form. Table entries are LOC, effort, defects, and project
name. Function oriented metrics – it measures the functionality delivered bysoftware. Function point
based on software information domain and complexity.

8. Define measure.(APRIL/MAY-2008)
Measure is defined as a quantitative indication of the extent, amount, dimension, or size of
some attribute of a product or process.

9. How is productivity and cost related to function points? NOV/DEC2016

Software Productivity = Function Points / Inputs (persons/month)Cost = $ / Function Points (FP).

10. What are the types of metrics? MAY/JUNE 2016

Direct metrics – It refers to immediately measurable attributes. Example– Lines of code, execution
speed. Indirect metrics – It refers to the aspects that are not immediatelyquantifiable or measurable.
Example – functionality of a program.

1. (a) Elaborate on the series of tasks of a software configurationmanagement process.

(b) Describe function point analysis with a neat example NOV/DEC 2013.
2. Explain make/buy decision & discuss Putnam resource allocation model & derive time & effort equation?
3. Explain the various CASE tools for project management and how they are useful in achieving the objectives
4. Brief about calculating Earned value measures APR/MAY-12,APRIL/MAY 2018.
5. Define Risk. Explain the needs and activities or risk management? APR/MAY-15 NOV/DEC2015,
NOV/DEC 2017
6. Explain about all COCOMO models? NOV/DEC 2015, APRIL/MAY2016, APRIL/MAY 2017,
7. Write about software maintenance, PERT –CPM for scheduling, RMMP. NOV/DEC-12
(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi and Affiliated to Anna University)





1. Define – Data Communication (or) What is meant by data communication?

Data communication is defined as the exchange of data between two devices via some
form of transmission medium in whatever form that is agreed upon by the parties
creating and using the data.

2. What are the three criteria necessary for an effective and efficient network?

The three criteria necessary for the effective and efficient networks are

a. Performance

b. Reliability

c. Security

3. What are the fundamental characteristics that determine the effectiveness of the data
communication system?

The fundamental characteristics that determines the effectiveness of data

communication system are

a. Delivery

b. Accuracy

c. Timeliness

d. Jitter

4. What are the advantages of distributed processing?

The advantages of the distributed processing are

a. Security

b. Encapsulation

c. Distributed databases

d. Faster problem solving

e. Security through redundancy

f. Collaborative processing

5. Define – Protocol (M/J – 12 R08)

A protocol is a set of rules that govern data communication. It represents an agreement

between the communicating devices. Without a protocol, two devices may be connected
but not communicating with each other.

6. For an ‘n’ device in a network, what is the number of cable links required for a mesh
and ring topology?

The link required for the number of cables for a mesh and ring topologies are Mesh
topology: n (n-1)/2 (Duplex), n (n-1) (Simplex)

Ring Topology: n

7. What are the five important component of the data communication? (or) Name the
various components of data communication system. The five important components of
the data communication are

a. Message

b. Sender

c. Receiver

d. Transmission Medium

e. Protocol

8. Name the four topologies used in the network.

The four topologies of a network are

a. Ring

b. Star

c. Mesh

d. Bus

9. Define – Computer network (or) Define – Network

A computer network is group of devices referred to as nodes connected by

communication links. A node can be a computer, printer, or any other device capable of
sending and/or receiving data generated by other nodes on the network.

10. What are the criteria to evaluate the transmission medium?

The criteria used to evaluate transmission medium are

a. Throughput

b. Propagation Speed

c. Propagation Time

d. Wavelength


1. Explain in detail, the OSI-ISO reference model of a computer with neat diagram. (16)

2. Explain the TCP/IP reference model with neat sketch. (16) (M-13)

3. Explain the different types of switching networks and list out its advantages and
disadvantages. (16)

4. Explain the four basic network topologies and explain with its relevant features. (16)


5. Distinguish between point-to-point links and multi-point links with relevant diagram.

6. i) Compare connection oriented service with connection less service. (8)

ii) Compare the performance of TCP/IP (Internet model) with ISO/OSI reference

(8) (M-11)(M-15)

7. i) Differentiate guided media from unguided media. (8)

ii) How is cable TV used for data transfer? Explain in detail. (8)



1. Define – Link

Link is a physical medium that transfers data from one device to another

2. List the types of Link. (N/D – 10 R08)(or) What are the two types of line

The types of link or line configuration are

a. Point to Point

i. Dedicated link between two devices

ii. Capacity reserved for two nodes

b. Multipoint (or) multidrop

i. More than two devices connected

ii. Link and Capacity shared either spatially or temporally

3. Define – Flow control (N/D – 11 R08 )

Flow Control refers to a set of procedures which is used to restrict the flow of data that
the sender can send before waiting for acknowledgment.

4. Define – Error control (N/D – 10 R08)

Error control in the data link layer refers primarily to methods of error detection and
retransmission and is based on automatic repeat request, which is the retransmission of

5. What are headers and trailers and how do they get removed?

Each layer in sending machine adds its own information to the message it receives from
the layer just above it and passes the whole packages to the layer just below it. This
information is added in the form of headers or trailers. Headers are added to the
message at the layers 6, 5, 4, 3, 2. Trailers are added in the layer 2. At the receiving
machine, the headers or trailers attached to the data unit corresponding to the sending
layers are removed and appropriate actions are taken at the receiving layers.

6. The transport layer creates a communication between the source and destination.
What are the three events involved in the connection?

The three events involved in connection between the source and destination are

a. Connection Establishment

b. Data Transfer

c. Connection Release

7. What are the modes for propagating light along optical channels?

There are two modes for propagating light along optical channels, multimode and single

Multimode: Multiple beams from a light source move through the core in different
paths. Single mode: Fiber with extremely small diameter that limits beams to a few
angles, resulting in an almost horizontal beam.

8. What is the main function of physical layer? (M/J – 11 R08)

The main functions of physical layer are

a. Physical characteristics of interfaces and media

b. Representation of bits
c. Data rate

d. Synchronization of bits

e. Line configuration

f. Physical topology

g. Transmission mode

9. What is meant by circuit switching? (N/D – 10 R08 )

A circuit switched network is made of a set of switches connected by physical links, in

which each link is divided into n channels. Circuit switching takes place at the physical
layer. In circuit switching, the resources need to be reserved during the setup phase.
The resources remain dedicated for the entire duration of data transfer phase until the
teardown phase.

10. What is the role of DSL modem? (M/J – 12 R08)

The role of Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) modem, is to provide high speed access to the
Internet over the existing local loops. DSL technology is a set of technologies, each
differing in the first letter (ADSL,VDSL, HDSL, and SDSL).


1. Explain the functioning of Wireless LANs in detail.(16) (N-10)

2. List out the types of Ethernet. Explain in detail standard Ethernet and fast Ethernet
in detail. (16)


3. Explain the flow and error control mechanisms in data link control. (16) (N-11)

4. i) Explain the stop and wait protocol with a neat diagram. (8) (M-13)

ii) Write short notes on Bluetooth technology. (8) (N-11)

5. i) Compare the dore rakes of standard Ethernet, fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet and
Ten-Gigabit Ethernet. (6) (M-13)

ii) Explain piconet and scatter net with diagrams. (10)


6. Explain the architecture and layers of ATM. (16) (N-12)

7. Explain the architecture of a frame relay network with a neat sketch.(16) (M-13)

8. Explain the random access protocols in data link layer.(16) (N-15)



1. What are the responsibilities of the Data Link Layer?

The responsibilities of data link layer are

a. Framing

b. Physical Addressing

c. Flow Control

d. Error Control

e. Access Control

2. Write short notes on error correction.

Error correction is the mechanism used to correct the error and it can be handled in
two ways

a. When an error is discovered, the receiver can have the sender to retransmit the entire
data unit.

b. A receiver can use an error correcting code, which automatically corrects certain

3. Define – Flow control. (A/M – 11 R08)(N/D – 11 R08)

Flow Control refers to a set of procedures which is used to restrict the flow of data that
the sender can send before waiting for acknowledgment.

4. Define Error control. (A/M – 11 R08)

Error control in the data link layer refers primarily to methods of error detection and
retransmission and is based on automatic repeat request, which is the retransmission of

5. What is a buffer?

Buffer is a device which has a block of memory, reserved for storing incoming data until
they are processed.

6. What are the categories of flow control?

The two categories of flow control are

a. Stop and Wait

b. Sliding Window

7. What is the function of stop and wait protocol?

The function of stop and wait protocol is to transmit frame and wait for the
acknowledgement before sending the next frame.

8. What is selective reject ARQ?

In selective reject ARQ only specific damaged or lost frame is transmitted. If a frame is
corrupted in transit, a NAK (Negative Acknowledgement) is returned and the frame is
resent out of sequence.

9. Define Automatic Repeat Request (ARQ).

Error Control in the data link layer is based on the Automatic Repeat Request, which
means retransmission of data in three cases.

a. Damaged Frame

b. Lost Frame

c. Lost Acknowledgement

10. What is the function of go-back N ARQ?

The function of go-back-N ARQ is to control the error in the continuous transmission.


1. Write short notes on the following: (N-12)(N-11)

(i) RARP (8)

(ii) Multicast routing, Multicast routing protocol (8)

2. a) Explain the different classes of IP addressing (12) (M-12)

b) What is the need for an IP address? (4) (M-12)

3. Explain in detail the IPV6 addressing schemes, notation, representation and address

space in detail. (16) (N-10)

4. Explain in detail the ICMP message format and error reporting in detail. (16) (M-13)

5. Define bridge. Explain the features and types of bridges. (16) (N-11)

6. Draw the IPV4 header format and explain the various components and its role in that
format. (16)

7. Explain in detail any one routing algorithm. (8) (M-14)

8. Explain in detail the role of ARP .



1. What are network support layers and user support layers?

Network Support Layers: The network support layers are Physical, Data Link and
Network Layers.These layers deal with the electrical specifications, physical connection,
transport timing and reliability.

User Support Layers: The user support layers are Session, Presentation and
Application Layers. These allow interoperability among the unrelated software systems.

2. State the goals of Network layer (Or) What are the responsibilities of the network lay
(N/D – 10 R08 MCA)

The Network Layer is responsible for the source to destination delivery of packet across
multiple network links. The specific responsibilities of network layer includes

a. Logical Addressing

b. Routing

3. Define – ICMP (N/D – 12 R08)

ICMP is a mechanism used by host and gateways to send query and error messages to
the source of the datagram.

4. Find the class of each address. (A/M – 11 R08)

00000001 00001011 00001011 11101111

00000001 00001011 00001011 11101111 – Class A – Class A

5. What is internetworking? (N/D – 11 R08 EEE)

Internetworking is the process or technique of connecting different networks by using

intermediary devices such as routers or gateway devices.

6. What is a virtual circuit?

A virtual circuit is defined as a circuit that is made between the sender and the receiver
after handshaking. All the packets of the sender and the receiver pair travel in the same
path and it is dedicated for the entire session.
7. What is datagram approach?

In datagram approach, each packet is treated independently from all others. Even when
a packet represents part of a multipacket transmission, the network treats it as if it
exists alone. The individual packets travel different path. Packets in this technology are
referred as datagram.

8. What are the two types of implementation formats in virtual circuits?

The two types of implementation formats in virtual circuits are

a. Switched Virtual Circuit

b. Permanent Virtual Circuit

9. What is a router? (Or) What is the function or role of a router? (M/J – 12 R08)

A router is a three layer device that routes packets based on their logical addresses i.e.
host to host addressing. A router normally connects LANs and WANs in the internet
and has a routing table that is used for making decisions about the route.

The function of a router is to

a. Find a path between nodes in a network

b. Route the packets across the path to their final destination

c. router that connects to the internet uses one private address and one global address.

10. Why is IPV6 preferred than IPV4? (M/J – 12 R08)(M/J – 13 R08)

IPV6 is preferred than IPV4 due to some deficiencies in IPV4 which becomes unsuitable
for fast growing internet

The deficiencies in IPv4 are

a. Address depletion is a long term problem in the internet.

b. Lack of accommodation for real-time audio and video transmission.

c. Lack of encryption and authentication of data for some application


1. Explain the segment formats for TCP and UDP. (16) (N-12)

2. How is connection established and released in TCP? Explain with neat sketch. (8)

(M-13) (M-12)

3. Explain the congestion control mechanism and transmission control protocol with
neat sketches. (16)
(N-11) (N-12) (M-12)

4. Explain in detail, the TCP congestion avoidance algorithm. (8) (N-11) (N-11)

5. Explain the default timer mechanism followed in TCP. (8) (M-13)

6. Explain the leaky bucket and token bucket algorithm with flow charts. (8) (N-11)

7. Explain in detail the techniques to improve QOS. (8) (N-11)

8. Explain in detail the user datagram protocol (UDP) in detail. (8)



1. What is the purpose of Domain Name System? (Or)State the role of DNS. (M/J – 12

Domain Name System maps a name to an address (IP address) and conversely an
address to name.

2. What is cryptanalysis? (M/J – 12 R08)

Cryptanalysis refers to the science and art of breaking ciphers to gain as much
information as possible about the original messages.

3. Define – Cryptography (N/D – 11 R08 EEE)

Cryptography refers to the science and art of transforming messages to make them
secure and immune to attack.

4. What is PGP? (N/D – 11 R08 EEE)(N/D – 10 R08 )

Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) protocol provides security at the application layer. PGP is
designed to create authenticated and confidential e-mails.

5. What is HTTP? (N/D – 11 R08 EEE)

Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is a protocol which is used to access data on the
World Wide Web (WWW). It functions as a combination of File transfer protocol (FTP)
and Simple mail transfer protocol (SMTP).

6. List the multimedia applications. (N/D – 11 R08 EEE)

The multimedia applications are

a. Streaming stored audio/video

b. Streaming live audio/video

c. Real time interactive audio/video

7. What is TELNET? (N/D – 11 R08 )

Terminal NETwork (TELNET) is the standard TCP/IP protocol for virtual terminal
service as proposed by ISO. TELNET is a general-purpose client/server application
program It enables the establishment of a connection to a remote system in such a way
that the local terminal appears to be a terminal at the remote system.

8. What are the functionalities of TELNET? (N/D – 11 MCA) (Or)Name the function of

(N/D – 10 MCA)

TELNET enables the establishment of a connection to a remote system in such a way

that the local terminal appears to be a terminal at the remote system.

9. State the purpose of SNMP. (N/D – 11 R08 )

Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a framework used for managing

devices in an internet using the TCP/IP protocol suite. It provides a set of fundamental
operations for monitoring and maintaining an internet.

10. Why is POP3 or IMAP4 needed for E-mail? (A/M – 11 R08)

POP3 or IMAP4 is a client-server protocol. POP3 or IMAP4 for E-mail is needed by the
client to pull messages i.e. retrieve messages from the server. The direction of the bulk
data is from the server to the client. The POP3 or IMAP4 are message access agent


1. Explain in detail, DNS and its frame format. (8)

(N-11) (N-10) (M-12) (N-12)

2. What is the role of the local name server and the authoritative name server in DNS?
What is the

resource record maintained in each of them? (16) (N-10)

3. Explain the SMTP. List out its uses, state strengths and weakness. (8)

(N-10) (N-11)

4. Explain in detail, the HTTP and FTP with neat sketches. (16)

(N-11) (N-12) (N-12)

5. Explain e-mail in detail.(8) (M-12)

6. Explain SNMP in detail.(8) (M-12)

7. Draw the architecture of WWW and explain in detail the various blocks. (16)

1.What is Nominal?
Nominalitems may have numbers assigned to them. This may appearordinalbutisnot—

2.What isQualitative data?

Qualitative data is a categorical measurement expressed not in terms of numbers,but rather by means
ofa natural language description. In statistics, it is oftenusedinterchangeablywith "categorical"data.

3.What is Quantitativedata?
Quantitative dataisanumericalmeasurementexpressednotbymeansofanatural language description, but
rather in terms of numbers. However, not allnumbers are continuous and measurable. For example, the
social security numberis a number, but not something that one can add or subtract. Quantitative
dataalwaysareassociated with a scalemeasure.

4.What is Ordinal?
Items on an ordinal scale are set into some kind of order by their
positiononthescale.Thismayindicatesuchastemporalposition, superiority,etc.The order of items is often
defined by assigning numbers to them to showtheir relative position. Letters or other sequential
symbols may also beusedas appropriate.

5. What is Digitizer?
A device connected to a computer, consisting of a tablet and a handheld puck,that converts positions on
the tablet surface as they are traced by an operator to digitalx,ycoordinates,yieldingvector
dataconsistingof points,lines,and polygons

6. Define Vehiclenavigationsystems?
Vehicle navigation systems are used for guiding vehicles to their destination. Thesesystems usually use
GPS or inertial navigation systems or a combination of both forpositioning the vehicle.

7.What are the data required for exploration ?

 Satelliteimagery
 Digitalaerialphotomosaics
 Seismicsurveys
 Surfacegeologystudies
 Sub-surfaceandcrosssectioninterpretationsandimages
8.What is Continuous variable?
Continuous data has no clearly defined boundaries. Every point on a map made with continuous GIS
data will contain a value. Elevation, slope, temperature, and precipitation are examples of datasets that
are continuous.
9. What is Discrete variable ?
Discrete variables are measured across a set of fixed values, such as age in
lthoughsuchscalescanalso be continuous

10. What is input system?

Data input is the procedure of encoding data into a computer-readable form and writing the data to the
GIS data base. There are two types of data to be entered in a GIS - spatial (geographic location of
features) and non-spatial (descriptive or numeric information about features).

1. Describe in detail the various components of GIS
2. Discuss the elements of GIS
3. Explain the various levels of mesurement in GIS
4. Illustrate with an Example spatial and attribute Data type
5. Describe the various applications of GIS
6. Describe the various types of map projection.
7. Discuss about the geographic Coordinate systems
1.Define Spatial Data Model?
Spatial data is any type of data that directly or indirectly references a specific geographical area or
location. Sometimes called geospatial data or geographic information, spatial data can also numerically
represent a physical object in a geographic coordinate system.

2.Define georelational data model?

A georelational data model is a geographic data model that represents geographic features as an
interrelated set of spatial and attribute data.

3. Define object-based data model?

An object data model is a data model based on object-oriented programming, associating methods
(procedures) with objects that can benefit from class hierarchies. Thus, “objects” are levels of
abstraction that include attributes and behavior.

4. Compare the raster and vector data structures?

Raster data is stored as a grid of values which are rendered on a map as pixels. Each pixel value
represents an area on the Earth's surface. Vector data structures represent specific features on the
Earth's surface, and assign attributes to those features.

5.Define Entity?
Entity is any fact that can be localized spatially. (b) Attributes or characteristics attached to the entities.
Each attribute has a limited domain of possible values, i.e. the quality of a road can be bad, average,
good, very good. (c) Relations or mechanisms that allow to relate entity

6.Discuss raster data compression.

Raster Data Compression. Raster Data: takes up to 200 MB of storage space, reduces
performance. Data Compression can reduce the volume.

7.Describe Digital Orthophotos?

A digital Orthophoto quadrangle (DOQ)--or any Ortho image--is a computer-generated image of an
aerial photograph in which displacements (distortions) caused by terrain relief and camera tilts have
been removed.
8.Discuss how the data structures are classified based on the data?
The three types of GIS Data are -spatial, –attribute, & —metadata. spatial data. vector data. Point Data
— layers containing by points (or “events”)

9. Point outhow objectsare managedin GIS.

Geographic Information System (GIS) objects are user-defined objects that refer to feature class
tables. You can create GIS objects and associate them with features so that assets, locations, work
orders, service requests, and service addresses can be represented on a map.

Digital raster graphic (DRG) is a digital image resulting from scanning a paper USGS topographic map
for use on a computer.

1 1. i)Explain theobject oriented data model(7)
ii)Explainhow the softwaredevelopers organize classes.(6)
2 .i)Examinehowtherasterdataaredivided.(7)
ii)Illustratewithanexampletheelementsoftheraster Data model.(6)
3.Summarizethe variousdigital elevationmodels(13)
4.Summarize rasterdatacompression.(13)
6.Comparethe advantages anddisadvantages of the rasterdata
7.Demonstrate the GRID model of GIS with necessarydiagram.(13)
1. Define scanning?
Scanning coverts paper maps into digital format by capturing features as individual
cells, or pixels, producing an automated image.

2.Describe the advantages of scanning using scanner?

Scanners have many purposes which include copying, archiving, and sharing photos. The
devicecaptures images from print papers, photos, magazines, etc., and transfer them to the

3.Summarize the few possible encoding methods for different data sources.
Encoding is the process of using various patterns of voltage or current levels to represent 1s and
0sof the digital signals on the transmission link. The common types of line encoding are Uni
polar, Polar, Bipolar, and Manchester.

4.Examine the term topology.

Topology is the arrangement of how point, line, and polygon features share geometry. Topology
is used for the following: Constrain how features share geometry. For example, adjacent
polygons such as parcels have shared edges, street centerlines and census blocks share geometry,
and adjacent soil polygons share edges.

5.Classify the topology in spatial data.

The topological spatial relations for 3-D cadasters can be classified as either disjoint or
intersect depending on whether the cadastral objects intersect. Intersect relations include several
types. The topological spatial relations for 3-D cadasters can be classified as disjoint, touch, or

6.Analyze the thematic data of spatial data

This guide is meant to be a starting point for finding spatial data that corresponds to a specific
focus of a GIS analysis or map.
7.Analyze the classified vector data input.
Vector data provide a way to represent real world features within the GIS environment. A feature
is anything you can see on the landscape.

8.What is topological errors?

Topological errors violate the topological relationships either required by a GIS package or
defined bythe user. (a) An unclosed polygon, (b) a gap between two polygons, and (c)
overlapped polygons. An overshoot (left) andan undershoot (right). Both types of errors result in
dangling nodes.

9.Differentiate the point and stream mode digitizing

Digitizing can be in two modes: Point--each point is selected only by double clicking. In point mode
you can and selection by right clicking. Stream--points are selected automatically as you move the mous

10.Show how the spatial and attribute data is linked in GIS.

Attribute data are the Information linked to the geographic features (spatial data) that describe
features. That is, attribute data are the “non- graphic information associated with a point, line, or
areaelements in a GIS.” Labels affixed to data points, lines, or polygons.

1. Describe how data are collected using satellitenavigation systemor GPS.
2. Demonstrate the File Formats of Vector Spatialdata
3. Develop Vectorization of Scanned Images
4. Givethestandards offorspatial datawithexample
5. Illustrate with example the three different types ofscanner.
6. Describe the scale of measurement with respect tospatialdata
7. Describe how data are collected using satellitenavigation systemor GPS
1. Listthetoolsforvectordataanalysis.
Tools are available in a GIS package for manipulating and managing maps in a database. These tools
include Dissolve, Clip, Append, Select, Eliminate, Update, Erase, and Split.

2. Examinehow buffering creates area.

Buffer in GIS is a reclassification based on distance: classification of within/without a given

3. List out the overlay methods.

There are two methods for performing overlay analysis—feature overlay overlaying points, lines, or
polygons and raster overlay.

4. Discussthefourbasicrulesfollowedinoverlay.
Describe the three variations in buffering Buffers in vector GIS are generated around points, lines,
and polygons. A 'point buffer' is a zone that encompasses the area around a point. A 'line buffer' is a
zone that encompasses a line and its contours.

5. ComposeSpatialAutocorrelation.
Spatial autocorrelation measures how close objects are in comparison with other close objects

6. DemonstrateRipley’s K-function.
Ripley's K,t function is a tool for analyzing completely mapped spatial point process data (see Point
processes, spatial), i.e. data on the locations

7. DiscusstheApplicationsofPatternAnalysis
A very basic form of point pattern analysis involves summary statistics such as the mean center
standard distance and standard deviational ellipse.

8. Explaintheupdateanderaseinfeaturemanipulation.
Update uses a “cut and paste” operation to replace the input layer with the update layer and its
features. Erase removes from the inputlayer .
9. Defineinlay ?
An inlay may be defined as a restoration which has been constructed out of mouth from gold, porcelain, or
othermaterial .

10. Illustrate the buffer zone.

In GIS, a buffer is a zone that is drawn around any point, line, or polygon that encompasses
all of the area within a specified distance of the feature. This zone is drawn by a GIS in the form of a
new polygon So-called 'Negative buffers' may also be used for polygons to specify a distance inward
from the boundaries of the area feature. Buffers may be used for both raster and vector data model

i) Buffering.(7)
ii) Vectoroverlay(6)
2. i)Explaintheerrorpropagationinoverlay(7)
(i) Distance measurement(7)
4.Give in detail about an application that uses basic tools ofvector data analysis including
Buffer, Overlay, andSelect.(13)
6.i) Discuss the G-Statistic for Measuring the High/LowClustering.(7)
ii)Expressthe featuremanipulation.(6)
11. TabulatethethreecategoriesofGIS applications.
 GIS-based mapping - Maps define 'The Power of Where' Benefits of GIS in Urban Planning.Geographic
Information Systems for Transportation (GIS-T) .GIS in Disaster Management GIS in Agriculture
Integrate Sustainability GIS and Natural Resource Management

22. DescribethebusinessapplicationofGIS.
Geographic Information Systems are powerful decision-making tools for any business or industry since
it allows the analyzation of environmental, demographic, and topographic data. Data intelligence
compiled from GIS applications help companies and various industries, and consumers, make informed

33. AssessLocation-BasedServices.
Location Based Services is a growing technology field that focuses on providing GIS and spatial
information via mobile and field units. Global Positioning System (GPS) is a technology that uses the
locations satellites to determine locations on earth

44.Analyzehow tocreate route.

A route is associated with a local network dataset or a network service hosted in ArcGIS Online or
ArcGIS Enterprise.

Radar navigation involves transmitting an electromagnetic signal at a target and using the reflected
echo to calculate distance

6. 6. Discuss multidepartment GIS?

Multi-department GIS Applications Multi-department GIS involves collaboration
between different parts of an organization.

7. Define Navstar?
Navstar is a network of U.S. satellites that provide global positioning system (GPS) services. They are
used for navigation by both the military and civilians. These 24 main GPS satellites orbit Earth every 12
hours, sending a synchronized signal from each individual satellite

8.Demonstrate how does GIS fit into natural resourcemanagement?

GIS monitors the growth and decline of natural resources and changes in land use, land cover, and land-
use changes. GIS has made it possible to monitor environmental conditions in real-time. It is used to
produce maps that show ecological conditions, such as water bodies and pollution levels in rivers.

9.Illustratethe software needed for tracking vehicle.

GIS is used in decision making, analysis, tracking changing, and report writing. GIS requires
geo-spatial data, GIS software

10.Expresshow wenavigate using GP

Basically the satellites broadcast the time and their position. A GPS receiver receives these
signals, listening to three or more satellites at once (it's also called tracking), to determine the users
position on earth.

1. 1 describe the business application of GIS(13)
2. 2 the following
i)Simple route(7)
3. 3 route(6)
3. i)Describe about the marketing application(7)
4. 4
ii)Discuss the four trends in marketing(6)
4. i)Illustrate how GIS type functionality is useful in navigation(7)
5. 5
ii)Demonstrate an example of GIS.(6)
5.Analyze in detail about natural resource management.(13)
6 6. Resource management(13)
7 7
7. Describe in detail about Dispatching.(13)

Department of Computer Science and



Anna University 2 & 16 Mark Questions & Answers

Year / Semester: III / V

Academic year: 2022 - 2023

1. What is Object-Oriented Analysis and Design? APRIL/MAY 2011,
APRIL/MAY 2017, NOV/DEC 2014, APRIL/MAY-2015
During object-oriented analysis there is an emphasis on finding and describing
the objects or concepts in the problem domain. For example, in the case of the
flight information system, some of the concepts include Plane, Flight, and Pilot.
During object-oriented design (or simply, object design) there is an emphasis on
defining software objects and how they collaborate to fulfill the requirements.
The combination of these two concepts shortly known as object oriented analysis
and design.
2. Define Design Class Diagrams
A static view of the class definitions is usefully shown with a design class
diagram. This illustrates the attributes and methods of the classes.
3. What is the UML? MAY/JUNE 2012, NOV/DEC 2014
The Unified Modeling Language is a visual language for specifying,
constructing and documenting the artifacts of systems.
4. What are the three ways and perspectives to Apply UML?
APRIL/MAY-2017, NOV/DEC 2012
Ways - UML as sketch, UML as blueprint, UML as programming language
Perspectives-Conceptual perspective, Specification (software) perspective,
Implementation(Software) perspective.
5. What is Inception? APRIL/MAY-2011
Inception is the initial short step to establish a common vision and basic scope for
theProject. It will include analysis of perhaps 10% of the use cases, analysis of the
critical non- Functional requirement, creation of a business case, and preparation
of the development Environment so that programming can start in the elaboration
phase. Inception in one Sentence: Envision the product scope, vision, and
business case.
6. What are Actors? APRIL/MAY 2022
An actor is something with behavior, such as a person (identified by role),
computer system, or Organization; for example, a cashier.
7. Define Use case. APRIL/MAY-2015
A use case is a collection of related success and failure scenarios that describe
an actor using a system to support a goal. Use cases are text documents, not
diagrams, and use-case modeling is primarily an act of writing text, not drawing
8. What is the use of component diagram? MAY/JUNE 2012,
APRIL/MAY 2015, NOV/DEC 2012
a. A component is a code module. Component diagrams are physical
analogs of class diagram.
b. Deployment diagrams show the physical configurations of software
and hardware.
9. What is the different between coupling and cohesion? NOV/DEC 2015,
Coupling is a measure of how strongly one element is connected to other elements
Cohesion informally measure how functionally related the operations of a
software element are, and also measures how much work a software elements
doing promotion of reusability.
10. Distinguish between method and message in object. NOV/DEC 2015
Method Message
i.Methods are similar to functions, procedures or subroutines in more traditional
programming languages. Messages essentially are non-specific function calls.
ii.Method is the implementation. Message is the instruction.
iii.In an object oriented system, a method is invoked by sending an object a
message. An object understands a message when it can match the message to a
method that has the same name as the message.


1. Explain about Unified process phases. APRIL/MAY-2011, APRIL/MAY-

2. Explain about Use-Case Model and its Writing Requirements in Context.
3. List various UML diagrams and explain the purpose of diagram. May/June
4. What is the purpose of deployment diagrams. Explain the basic elements of a
deployment diagram. April/May 2015.
5. Describe the UML notation for class diagram with an example. Explain the
concept of link, association and inheritance.
Nov/Dec 2014.
6. Explain Next Gen POS system. APRIL/MAY-2022
7. Explain Inception in details.


1. What is Inception?
Inception is the initial short step to establish a common vision and basic scope
for the Project. It will include analysis of perhaps 10% of the use cases,
analysis of the critical non- Functional requirement, creation of a business
case, and preparation of the development environment so that programming
can start in the elaboration phase. Inception in one Sentence: Envision the
product scope, vision, and business case.
2. What Artifacts May Start in Inception?
Some sample artifacts are Vision and Business Case, Use-Case Model,
Supplementary Specification, Glossary, Risk List & Risk Management Plan,
Prototypes and proof-of-concepts etc.
3. Define Requirements and mention its types.
Requirements are capabilities and conditions to which the system and more
broadly, the project must conform.
1. Functional
2. Reliability
3. Performance
4. Supportability
the scenario of failing to purchase items because of a credit payment denial.
4. What are Three Kinds of Actors? Apr/May 2022
Primary actor, Supporting
actor, offstage actor.
5. What is Aggregation? Nov/Dec 2015,Nov/Dec 2014
Aggregation is a vague kind of association in the UML that loosely suggests
whole-part relationships (as do many ordinary associations). It has no meaningful
distinct semantics in the UML versus a plain association, but the term is defined
in the UML
6. What is Elaboration? Nov/Dec 2014
Elaboration is the initial series of iterations during which the team does
serious investigation, implements (programs and tests) the core architecture,
clarifies most requirements, and tackles the high-risk issues. In the UP, "risk"
includes business value. Therefore, early work may include implementing
scenarios that are deemed important, but are not especially technically risky.

7. What are the key ideas and best practices that will manifest in
Do short time boxed risk-driven iterations
Start programming early
Adaptively design, implement, and test the core and risky parts of the
Test early, often, realistically
Adapt based on feedback from tests, users, developers
8. Define Association. Nov/Dec 2015
An association is a relationship between classes (more precisely, instances
of those classes) that indicates some meaningful and interesting
9. What is a Domain Model? Apr/May 2015
A domain model is a visual representation of conceptual classes or real-
situation objects in a domain. The term "Domain Model" means a
representation of real-situation conceptual classes, not of software objects.
The term does not mean a set of diagrams describing software classes, the
domain layer of a software architecture, or software objects with
10. What is composition? Nov/Dec 2015, Nov/Dec 2014, APRIL/MAY-2022
Composition, also known as composite aggregation, is a strong kind of whole-
part aggregation and is useful to show in some models. A composition
relationship implies that 1) an instance of the part (such as a Square) belongs
to only one composite instance (such as one Board) at a time, 2) the part must
always belong to a composite (no free-floating Fingers), and 3) the composite
is responsible for the creation and deletion of its parts either by itself
creating/deleting the parts, or by collaborating with other objects.
Part B
1. Describe the domain model refinement with suitable example? Apr/May
2. What is the relationship between sequence diagram and use cases? Take an
example to show the relationship, highlighting the advantages. Nov/Dec
2014, APRIL/MAY-2022
3. Describe the strategies used to identify the conceptual and describe the
steps to create a domain model used for representing the conceptual classes
Nov/Dec 2014
4. With a suitable example showing the various relationships used in Use
Case and also give a short note on each relationship.
5. Explain logical architecture and UML package diagram in detail
6. Explain about interaction diagram notation in detail.
7. 7). Write about elaboration and discuss the difference between elaboration
and inception with suitable diagram. Nov/Dec 2015


1. What is the use of system sequence diagram? Mention its use. [April/May
2011, Nov/Dec 2011, May/June 2012, May/June 2014, Nov/Dec 2014,
Nov/Dec 2015]It is a fast and easily created artifact that illustrates the input and
output events related to the systems under discussion. System sequence diagram
is a picture that shows, for one particular scenario of a use case, the events that
external actors generate their order, and inter-system events.
2. Define package and draw the UML notation for package. [May/June
2012, May/June 2016]
Package is a namespace used to group together elements that are semantically
related and might change together. It is a general purpose mechanism to
organize elements into groups to provide better structure for system model.

3. What is meant by layer in logical architecture? Mention its use. [Nov/Dec

A layer is a very coarse-grained grouping of classes, packages, or
subsystems that has cohesive responsibility for a major aspect of the system. Also,
layers are organized such that “higher” layers call upon services of “lower” layers,
but normally vice versa.
 UI layer
 Application logic or domain layer
 Technical services
4. Define tier, layer and partition. [April/May 2013]
Tier:It always represents the logical layer. But not the physical node but the word
has become widely used to mean a physical processing node.
Layer:In layered architecture, vertical slices are called as layers.
Partition: It represents horizontal division of relatively parallel
subsystems of a layer.
5. List the relationships used in class diagram. [April/May 2011, Nov/Dec
2013, May/June 2014, Nov/Dec 2014, Nov/Dec 2015, May/June 2016]
 Generalization (class to class)
 Association (object to object)
 Aggregation (object to object)
 Composition (object to object)
6. Differentiate sequence diagram and communication diagram.
[April/May 2013, April/May 2015]
Type Strength Weakness
Clearly shows sequence or time Forced to extend to the
ordering of messages. right when adding new
Sequence Diagram
Large set of detailed notation objects; consumes
options. horizontal space.

Space economical – flexibility More difficult to see the

to add new objects in two sequence of messages.
dimensions. Fewer notation options.
7. How will you reflect the version information in UML diagrams? [Nov/Dec
Version Date Description Author

Jan 10, First draft. To be refined primarily

Inception draft Craig Larman
2031 during elaboration

8. What is meant by System Behaviour? [Nov/Dec 2015]

UML System behavioral diagrams visualize, specify, construct, and
document the dynamic aspects of a system. The behavioral diagrams are
categorized as follows: use case diagrams, interaction diagrams, state–chart
diagrams, and activity diagrams.
9. What is the use of Interaction Diagrams? [Nov/Dec 2015]
 From the name Interaction it is clear that the diagram is used to describe
some type of interactions among the different elements in the model. So this
interaction is a part of dynamic behavior of the system.
 This interactive behavior is represented in UML by two diagrams known as
Sequence diagram and Collaboration diagram.
 Sequence diagram emphasizes on time sequence of messages and
collaboration diagram emphasizes on the structural organization of the
objects that send and receive messages.
10.What is meant by System Sequence Diagrams?
A system sequence diagram (SSD) is a picture that shows, for a particular scenario
of a use case, the events
that external actors generate their order, and inter-system events. All systems are
treated as a black box; the emphasis of the diagram is events that cross the system
boundary from actors to systems.
1. Illustrate with an example, the relationship between sequence diagram and
use cases. [April/May 2011, April/May 2013, Nov/Dec
2013, May/June 2014, Nov/Dec 2014, Nov/Dec 2015, May/June 2016]
2. Describe the UML notations for class diagram with an example.
[MayJune 2012, Nov/Dec 2014, Nov/Dec 2015]
3. Explain with an example, how interaction diagrams are used to model the
dynamic aspects of a system.
[April/May 2011, Nov/Dec 2011, May/June 2012, Nov/Dec
2013, Nov/Dec 2015, May/June 2016]
4. Explain the logical architecture and UML package diagram in detail.
[May/June 2014, May/June 2016]
5.What is the relationship between logical architecture and sequence
6. Explain Activity diagram in details.
7.Explain Component and deployment diagram.

1. Define patterns. Nov/Dec 2014,April/May 2015, APRIL/MAY-2022
A pattern is a named problem/solution pair that can be applied in new
context, with advice on how to apply it in novel situations and discussion of its
2. How to Apply the GRASP Patterns?
Following sections present the first five GRASP patterns:
. Information Expert
. Creator
. High Cohesion
. Low Coupling
. Controller
3. Define Responsibilities and Methods.
The UML defines a responsibility as "a contract or obligation of a classifier"
[OMG01]. Responsibilities are related to the obligations of an object in terms of
its behavior. Basically, these responsibilities are of the following two types:
- knowing
Doing responsibilities of an object include:
- doing something itself, such as creating an object or doing a calculation
- initiating action in other objects
-controlling and coordinating activities in other objects
Knowing responsibilities of an object include:
- knowing about private encapsulated data
- knowing about related objects
- knowing about things it can derive or calculate
4. Who is creator?
Solution Assign class B the responsibility to create an instance of class A
if one or more
of the following is true:
. B aggregates an object.
. B contains an object.
. B records instances of objects.
. B closely uses objects.
. B has the initializing data that will be passed to A when it is created (thus B is
an Expert with respect to creating A).
B is a creator of an object.
If more than one option applies, prefer a class B which aggregates or contains
class A.
5. List out some scenarios that illustrate varying degrees of functional
-Very low cohesion
-low cohesion
-High cohesion
-Moderate cohesion
6. Define Modular Design.
Coupling and cohesion are old principles in software design; designing with
objects does not
imply ignoring well-established fundamentals. Another of these. Which is
strongly related to coupling and cohesion? is to promote modular design.
7. What are the advantages of Factory objects?
• Separate the responsibility of complex creation into cohesive helper
• Hide potentially complex creation logic.
• Allow introduction of performance-enhancing memory management
strategies, such as object caching or recycling.
8. What is meant by Abstract Class Abstract Factory?
A common variation on Abstract Factory is to create an abstract class
factory that is accessed using the Singleton pattern, reads from a system
property to decide which of its subclass factories to create, and then returns the
appropriate subclass instance. This is used, for example,
in the Java libraries with the java.awt.Toolkit class, which is an abstract class
abstract factory for creating families of GUI widgets for different operating
system and GUI subsystems.
9. Define coupling. APRAL/MAY-2011, APRIL/MAY-2022
The degree to which components depend on one another. There are two
types of coupling,
"tight" and "loose". Loose coupling is desirable for good software engineering
but tight coupling may be necessary for maximum performance. Coupling is
increased when the data exchanged between components becomes larger or more
10. State the use of Design patterns? (Nov/Dec 2013) (Nov/Dec 2014),
(Nov/Dec 2015)
 Understandability: Classes are easier to understand in isolation.
 Maintainability: Classes aren’t affected by changes in other components.
 Reusability: easier to grab hold of classes.
1. Explain GRASP: Patterns of General Principles in Assigning
Responsibilities. APIRAL/MAY-2011
2. Designing the Use-Case Realizations with GoF Design Patterns.
3. Explain Creator and Information Expert with an Example?
May/June 2013, APRIL/MAY-2022
4. Explain Low Coupling and Controller with an Example? May/June
2013, NOV/DEC 2019, APRIL/MAY-2022
5. a .Differentiate Bridge and Adapter(8) Nov/Dec 2014
6. b. How will you design the behavioral pattern? Nov/Dec 2014, NOV/DEC
7. Outline the GRASP principles with suitable example. NOV/DEC 2019
1. What is debugging?
Debugging is the process of finding out where something went wrong and
correcting the code to eliminate the error s or bugs that cause unexpected
2. What is Test Cases? Nov/Dec 2019, APRIL/MAY-2022
To test a system, you must construct some test input cases, then describe
how the output will look. A good test case is the one that has high
probability of detecting an as yet discover error.
3. What is Test Plan? Nov/Dec 2019
A test plan is to developed to detect and identify potential problem before
delivering the software to its users.
4. Define Black Box Testing?
The Black Box is used to represent a system whose inside workings are not
available for inspection. The Black Box testing techniques is used for
scenario-based testing.
5. What is White Box Testing?
White Box Testing assumes that the specific logic is important and
must be tested to guarantee the system proper function. The main use of the
white box testing is in error based testing.
6. Describe Path Testing?
One form of White Box Testing , called path testing, make certain that each
path in a object method is executed at least once during testing.
7. Define testing. Nov/Dec 2015
Testing is the process of using suitable test cases to evaluate and ensure the
quality of a product by removing or sorting out the errors and discrepancies.
It is also used to ensure that the product has not regressed.Testing involves
various types and levels based on the type of object/product under test.
8. What are the issues in object oriented testing? Nov/Dec 2018
Specify product requirements long before testing commences Understand the
users of the software, with use cases Develop testing plan that emphasizes
“rapid cycle testing Build robust software that is designed to test itself
Conduct formal technical reviews to assess test strategy and test cases.
9. Explain about object oriented integration testing. Apr/May 2017
Integration testing is the process of testing the classes in combination with
other classes. If everything works as expected then it is termed that the class
has passed the test. In this test methodology, the test cases and classes that
create errors or are faulty can be removed and replaced with correct and
working classes.
10.Why do conventional top down and bottom up integration testing
methods have less meaning in an object oriented context? Nov/Dec 2018
Basic object oriented software does not have a hierarchical control
structure, hence top down approach and bottom up approach of testing is of
less use in testing. Therefore, thread based, use based and cluster based
testing methods are incorporated for performing integration testing.

1. Explain the object oriented methodologies? APRIL/MAY-2022
2. Explain software quality assurance? Nov/Dec 2019
3. What are the impacts of object orientation testing?
4. Develop test cases and test plan?
5. Explain the different kind of testing stratergies? Nov/Dec 2019
6. Explain Booch methodology in details.
7. Explain blackbox testing and white boxtesting.
(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi and Affiliated to Anna University)


CS8501 Theory of Computation


PART – A (2 mark)

1. What is deductive proof?

A deductive proof consists of a sequence of statements, which starts from a hypothesis, or a
given statement to a conclusion. Each step is satisfying some logical

2.Give the examples/applications designed as finite state system.

Text editors and lexical analyzers are designed as finite state systems. A lexical analyzer
scans the symbols of a program to locate strings corresponding to identifiers, constants etc, and it has
to remember limited amount of information.

3.Define: (i) Finite Automaton(FA) (ii)Transition diagram

FA consists of a finite set of states and a set of transitions from state to state that occur on
input symbols chosen from an alphabet ∑. Finite Automaton is denoted by a 5- tuple(Q,∑,δ,q0,F),
where Q is the finite set of states , ∑ is a finite input alphabet, q0 in Q is the initial state, F is the set of
final states and δ is the transition mapping function Q * Σ to Q. Transition diagram is a directed graph
in which the vertices of the graph correspond to the states of FA. If there is a transition from state q to
state p on input a, then there is an arc labeled ‘ a ‘ from q to p in the transition diagram.

4. What are the applications of automata theory?

 In compiler construction.
 In switching theory and design of digital circuits.
 To verify the correctness of a program.
 Design and analysis of complex software and hardware systems.
 To design finite state machines such as Moore and mealy machines.

5. Define proof by contrapositive.

It is other form of if then statement. The contra positive of the statement “if H
then C” is “if not C then not H”.

6.What are the components of Finite automaton model?

The components of FA model are Input tape, Read control and finite control.
(a)The input tape is divided into number of cells. Each cell can hold one i/p symbol.
(b)The read head reads one symbol at a time and moves ahead.
( c)Finite control acts like a CPU. Depending on the current state and input symbol read from
the input tape it changes state.
7.Differentiate NFA and DFA

NFA or Non Deterministic Finite Automaton is the one in which there exists many paths for a
specific input from current state to next state. NFA can be used in theory of computation because they
are more flexible and easier to use than DFA. Deterministic Finite Automaton is a FA in which there
is only one path for a specific input from current state to next state. There is a unique transition on
each input symbol.(Write examples with diagrams).

8.What is Є-closure of a state q0?

Є-closure(q0 ) denotes a set of all vertices p such that there is a path from q0 to p labeled Є.
Example :

q0 q1


9.What is a : (a) String (b) Regular language

A string x is accepted by a Finite Automaton M=(Q,Σ,δ.q0,F) if δ(q0,x)=p, for some p in

F.FA accepts a string x if the sequence of transitions corresponding to the symbols of x leads from the
start state to accepting state. The language accepted by M is L(M) is the set {x | δ(q0,x) is in F}. A
language is regular if it is accepted by some finite automaton.

10.Define Induction principle.

• Basis step:
P(1) is true.
• Assume p(k) is true.
• P(K+1) is shown to be true.

1 .What is a regular expression?
A regular expression is a string that describes the whole set of strings according to
certain syntax rules. These expressions are used by many text editors and utilities to search
bodies of text for certain patterns etc. Definition is: Let Σ be an alphabet. The regular
expression over Σ and the sets they denote are:
i. Φ is a r.e and denotes empty set. ii. Є is a r.e and denotes the set {Є}
iii. For each ‘a’ in Σ , a+ is a r.e and denotes the set {a}.
iv. If ‘r’ and ‘s’ are r.e denoting the languages R and S respectively then (r+s),
(rs) and (r*) are r.e that denote the sets RUS, RS and R* respectively.

2. Differentiate L* and L+
L* denotes Kleene closure and is given by L* =U Li
example : 0* ={Є ,0,00,000,…………………………………}
Language includes empty words also.

L+ denotes Positive closure and is given by L+= U Li
i=1 example:0+={0,00,000,……………………………………..}

3.What is Arden’s Theorem?

Arden’s theorem helps in checking the equivalence of two regular expressions. Let P
and Q be the two regular expressions over the input alphabet Σ. The regular expression R is
given as : R=Q+RP Which has a unique solution as R=QP*.

4.Write a r.e to denote a language L which accepts all the strings which begin or end
with either 00 or 11.
There consists of two parts: L1=(00+11) (any no of 0’s and 1’s) =(00+11)(0+1)*
L2=(any no of 0’s and 1’s)(00+11) =(0+1)*(00+11) Hence
R=L1+L2 =[(00+11)(0+1)*] + [(0+1)* (00+11)]

5.Construct a r.e for the language which accepts all strings with atleast two c’s over the
set Σ={c,b}
(b+c)* c (b+c)* c (b+c)*

6.Construct a r.e for the language over the set Σ={a,b} in which total number of a’s are
divisible by 3

( b* a b* a b* a b*)*

7.what is: (i) (0+1)* (ii)(01)* (iii)(0+1) (iv)(0+1)+

(0+1)*= { Є , 0 , 1 , 01 , 10 ,001 ,101 ,101001,…………………}

Any combinations of 0’s and 1’s.
(01)*={Є , 01 ,0101 ,010101 ,…………………………………..}
All combinations with the pattern 01. (0+1)= 0 or 1,No other possibilities.
(0+1)+= {0,1,01,10,1000,0101,………………………………….}

8.Reg exp denoting a language over Σ ={1} having

(i)even length of string (ii)odd length of a string
(i) Even length of string R=(11)*
(ii) Odd length of the string R=1(11)*

9.Reg exp for:

(i)All strings over {0,1} with the substring ‘0101’
(ii)All strings beginning with ’11 ‘ and ending with ‘ab’
(iii)Set of all strings over {a,b}with 3 consecutive b’s.
iv)Set of all strings that end with ‘1’and has no substring ‘00’
(i)(0+1)* 0101(0+1)* (ii)11(1+a+b)* ab
(iii)(a+b)* bbb (a+b)* (iv)(1+01)* (10+11)* 1
10. What are the applications of Regular expressions and Finite automata
Lexical analyzers and Text editors are two applications.Lexical analyzers:The tokens
of the programming language can be expressed using regular expressions. The lexical
analyzer scans the input program and separates the tokens.For eg identifier can be expressed
as a regular expression as: (letter)(letter+digit)*
If anything in the source language matches with this reg exp then it is recognized as
an identifier.The letter is{A,B,C,………..Z,a,b,c….z} and digit is{0,1,…9}.Thus reg exp
identifies token in a language. Text editors: These are programs used for processing the text.
For exampleUNIX text editors uses the reg exp for substituting the strings such as:
S/bbb*/b/Gives the substitute a single blank for the first string of two or more blanks in a
given line. In UNIX text editors any reg exp is converted to an NFA with Є –transitions, this
NFA can be then simulated directly.


1. What are the applications of Context free languages?

 Context free languages are used in:
 Defining programming languages.
 Formalizing the notion of parsing. Translation of programming languages. String processing

2. What are the uses of Context free grammars?

 Construction of compilers.
 implified the definition of programming languages.
 Describes the arithmetic expressions with arbitrary nesting of balanced parenthesis { (, ) }.
 Describes block structure in programming languages. Model neural nets.

3.Define a context free grammar

A context free grammar (CFG) is denoted as G=(V,T,P,S) where V and T are finite set of
variables and terminals respectively. V and T are disjoint. P is a finite set of productions each is of the
form A->α where A is a variable and α is a string of symbols from (V U T)*.

4.What is the language generated by CFG or G?

The language generated by G ( L(G) ) is {w | w is in T* and S =>w .That is a G string is in L(G) if:
(1) The string consists solely of terminals.
(2) The string can be derived from S.

5.What is : (a) CFL (b) Sentential form

L is a context free language (CFL) if it is L(G) for some CFG G.

A string of terminals and variables α is called a sentential form if:
S => α ,where S is the start symbol of the grammar.
6. What is the language generated by the grammar G=(V,T,P,S) where

P={S->aSb, S->ab}?
S=> aSb=>aaSbb=>…………………………..=>anbn
Thus the language L(G)={anbn | n>=1}.The language has strings with equal number of a’s and b’s.

7. What is :(a) derivation (b)derivation/parse tree (c) subtree

(a) Let G=(V,T,P,S) be the context free grammar. If A->β is a production of P and
α and γ are any strings in (VUT)* then α A γ => αβγ.G
(b) A tree is a parse \ derivation tree for G if:
(i) Every vertex has a label which is a symbol of VU TU{Є}.
(ii) The label of the root is S.
(iii) If a vertex is interior and has a label A, then A must be in V.
(iv) If n has a label A and vertices n1,n2,….. nk are the sons of the vertex n in order
from leftwith labels X1,X2,………..Xk respectively then A→ X1X2…..Xk must be
in P.
(v) If vertex n has label Є ,then n is a leaf and is the only son of its father.
(c ) A subtree of a derivation tree is a particular vertex of the tree together with all its
descendants ,the edges connecting them and their labels.The label of the root may not be the
start symbol of the grammar.

8. If S->aSb | aAb , A->bAa , A->ba .Find out the CFL

soln. S->aAb=>abab
S->aSb=>a aAb b =>a a ba b b(sub S->aAb) S->aSb =>a aSb b =>a a aAb b b=>a a a ba b bb
Thus L={anbmambn, where n,m>=1}
9. What is a ambiguous grammar?
A grammar is said to be ambiguous if it has more than one derivation trees for a sentence or
in other words if it has more than one leftmost derivation or more than one rightmost derivation.

10.Consider the grammarP={S->aS | aSbS | Є } is ambiguous by constructing: (a) two parse

trees (b) two leftmost derivation (c) rightmost derivation
Consider a string aab :

(b) (i)S=>aS (ii) S=>aSbS

=>aaSbS =>aaSbS
=>aabS =>aabS
=>aab =>aab
( c )(i)S=>aS (ii) S=>aSbS
=>aaSbS =>aSb
=>aaSb =>aaSbS
=>aab =>aaSb

1. State the equivalence of PDA and CFL.

If L is a context free language, then there exists a PDA M such that
If L is N(M) for some PDA m, then L is a context free language.

2. What are the closure properties of CFL?

CFL are closed under union, concatenation and Kleene closure. CFL are closed under
substitution , homomorphism.CFL are not closed under intersection , complementation.
Closure properties of CFL’s are used to prove that certain languages are not context free.

3. State the pumping lemma for CFLs.

Let L be any CFL. Then there is a constant n, depending only on L, such that if z is in L
and |z| >=n, then z=uvwxy such that :
(i) |vx| >=1
(ii) |vwx| <=n and
(iii) for all i>=0 uviwxiy is in L.

4. What is the main application of pumping lemma in CFLs?

The pumping lemma can be used to prove a variety of languages are not context
free . Some examples are:
L1 ={ aibici | i>=1} is not a CFL.
L2= { aibjcidj | i>=1 and J>=1 } is not a CFL.

5. Give an example of Deterministic CFL.

The language L={anbn : n>=0} is a deterministic CFL

6. What are the properties of CFL?

Let G=(V,T,P,S) be a CF GThe fanout of G , Φ(G) is largest number of symbols on the RHS
of any rule in R.The height of the parse tree is the length of the longest path from the root to
some leaf.

7. Compare NPDA and DPDA.

1. NPDA is the standard PDA 1. The standard PDA in
used in automata theory. practical situation is DPDA.
2. Every PDA is NPDA unless otherwise specified. 2. The PDA is deterministic in the sense ,that at
move is possible from any ID.

8. What are the components of PDA ?

The PDA usually consists of four components: A control unit.
A Read Unit. An input tape.
A Memory unit.

9. What is the informal definition of PDA?

A PDA is a computational machine to recognize a Context free language. Computational
power of PDA is between Finite automaton and Turing machines. The
PDA has a finite control , and the memory is organized as a stack.

10. Give an example of NonDeterministic CFL

The language L={ wwR : w Є {a,b} + } is a nondeterministic CFL.


1.When we say a problem is decidable? Give an example of undecidable problem?

A problem whose language is recursive is said to be decidable. Otherwise the problem is said
to be undecidable. Decidable problems have an algorithm that takes as input an instance of the
problem and determines whether the answer to that instance is “yes” or “no”. (eg) of undecidable
problems are (1)Halting problem of the TM.

2.Give examples of decidable problems.

1. Given a DFSM M and string w, does M accept w?

2. Given a DFSM M is L(M) = Φ ?
3. Given two DFSMs M1 and M2 is L(M1)= L(M2) ?
4. Given a regular expression α and a string w ,does α generate w?
5. Given a NFSM M and string w ,does M accept w?

3. Give examples of recursive languages?

i. The language L defined as L= { “M” ,”w” : M is a DFSM that accepts w} is recursive.

ii. L defined as { “M1” U “M2” : DFSMs M1 and M2 and L(M1)=L(M2) } is recursive.

4. Differentiate recursive and recursively enumerable languages.

Recursive languages Recursively enumerable languages

1. A language is said to be

recursive if and only if there exists 1. A language is said to be r.e if

a membership algorithm for it. there exists a TM that accepts it.

2. A language L is recursive iff 2. L is recursively enumerable iff

there is a TM that decides L. (Turing decidable languages). there is a TM that semi-decides L. (Turing acceptable l

that decide languages are algorithms. that semi-decides languages are not algorithms.

5. What are UTMs or Universal Turing machines?

Universal TMs are TMs that can be programmed to solve any problem, that can be solved by
any Turing machine. A specific Universal Turing machine U is: Input to U: The encoding “M “ of a
Tm M and encoding “w” of a string w. Behavior : U halts on input “M” “w” if and only if M halts on
input w.

6. What is the crucial assumptions for encoding a TM?

There are no transitions from any of the halt states of any given TM . Apart from the halt state
, a given TM is total.

7. What properties of recursive enumerable seta are not decidable?

 Emptiness
 Finiteness
 Regularity
 Context-freedom.

8.Define Lℓ .When is ℓ a trivial property?

Lℓ is defined as the set { <M> | L(M) is in ℓ. }

ℓ is a trivial property if ℓ is empty or it consists of all r.e languages.

9. What is a universal language Lu?

The universal language consists of a set of binary strings in the form of

pairs (M,w) where M is TM encoded in binary and w is the binary input string.

Lu = { < M,w> | M accepts w }.

10.What is a Diagonalization language Ld?

The diagonalization language consists of all strings w such that the TM M whose code is w
doesnot accept when w is given as input.


Unit - I

1. Explain the different forms of proof with examples. (8) NOV/DEC 2012

2. Prove that, if L is accepted by an NFA with ε-transitions, then L is accepted by an NFA without ε-
transitions. (8) NOV/DEC 201 2 , NOV/DEC 2013

3. Prove that if n is a positive integer such that n mod 4 is 2 or 3 then n is not a perfect square. (6)
NOV/DEC 2012

4. Construct a DFA that accepts the following

(i) L={ x € {a,b}:|x|a = odd and |x|b = even}. (10) NOV/DEC 2012

(ii) Binary strings such that the third symbol from the right end is 1. (10) M A Y /JUNE 2012

(iii) All strings w over {0,1} such that the number of 1’s in w is 3 mod 4. (8) NOV/DEC 2011

(iv) Set of all strings with three consecutive 0’s.(10) NOV/DEC 2010 D

5. Prove by induction on n that i n(n 1) / 2i0

6. Construct an NFA without ε-transitions for the NFA

7. Construct an NFA accepting binary strings with two consecutive 0’s. (8) M A Y /JUNE 2012

8. Show that a connected graph G with n vertices and n-1 edges (n>2) has at least one leaf.

9. Prove that there exists a DFA for every ε-NFA. (8) A P R/ MAY 2011 Refer Notes

10. Show that the maximum edges in a graph (with no self-loops or parallel edges) is given by (n(n-
1))/2 where ‘n’ is the number of nodes. (8) A P R/ M AY 2 011

1. Differentiate regular expression and regular language. NOV/DEC 2012 Refer notes

2. Construct NFA for the regular expression a*b*. M A Y /JUNE 2012 Refer notes

3. Prove that the complement of a regular language is also regular. A P R / M AY 2011

4. Prove by pumping lemma, that the language 0 n1 n is not regular. A P R / M AY 2011

5. Is the set of strings over the alphabet {0} of the form 0n where n is not a prime is regular?
Prove or disprove

6. Let L = {w:w ε {0,1}* w does not contain 00 and is not empty}. Construct a regular
expression that generates L.

7. Give the regular expression for set of all strings ending in 00. NOV/DEC 2010

8. State pumping lemma for regular set. NOV/ D EC 201 0, NOV/DEC 2 0 1 3,NOV/DEC 2014

9. Prove that there exists an NFA with ε-transitions that accepts the regular expression

10. Prove any two closure properties of regular languages.(8) NOV/DEC 2012, NOV/DEC 2011,

1. Consider the following grammar for list structures:
2. Construct the PDA accepting the language
3. Find the PDA equivalent to the given CFG with the following productions (i) SA, ABC, Bba,
Cac (6) NOV/DEC 2012 (ii) SaSb|A, AbSa|S| ε (10) NOV/DEC 2011
4. Is the following grammar is ambiguous? Justify your answer. (i) E E+E |E*E | id (6)
MAY/JUNE 2012 (ii) E E+E|E*E|(E)|a (4) APRIL/MAY 2011
5. Discuss the equivalence between PDA and CFG. (6) M A Y /J U NE 201 2, MAY/JUNE
6. Prove that if ‘w’ is a string of a language then there is a parse tree with yield ‘w’ and also
prove that if Aw then it implies that ‘w’ is a string of the language L defined by a CFG.
(6)APR/MAY 2011
7. Construct a CFG for the set {a ib j c k |i≠j or j≠k} (6) APR/MAY 2011
8. Prove that if there exists a PDA that accepts by final state then there exists an equivalent
PDA that accepts by Null state. (8) APRIL/MAY 2011
9. Is NPDA (Nondeterministic PDA) and DPDA (Deterministic PDA) equivalent? Illustrate
with an example. (8) NOV/DEC 2011
10. What are the different types of language acceptances by a PDA and define them. Is it true that
the language accepted by a PDA by these different types provides different languages? (8)
NOV/DEC 2011
1. Convert the following grammar into CNF (i) ScBA, SA, AcB, AAbbS, Baaa (6)
NOV/DEC 2012 (ii) Sa|AAB, Aab|aB| ε, Baba| ε (8) APR/MAY 2011 (iii) SA|CB, AC|D,
B1B|1, C0C|0, D2D|2 (16) APR/MAY 2010 (iv) SaAD AaB|bAB B b D d (6) NOV/DEC
2. Design a Turing machine for the following
(i) Reverses the given string {abb}. (8) NOV/DEC 2012
(ii) L={1 n0 n1 n |n>=1} (10) MAY/JUNE 2012
(iii) L={a nb n c n } (8) APR/MAY 2011
(iv) To perform proper subtraction (8) APR/MAY 2011
(v) To move an input string over the alphabet A ={a} to the right one cell. Assume that
the tape head starts somewhere on a blank cell to the left of the input string. All other
cells are blank, labeled by ^. The machine must move the entire string to the right one
cell, leaving all remaining cells blank. (10) A P R/ M AY 2010
3. State and prove the pumping lemma for CFL. What is its main application? Give two
examples. (10) NOV/DEC 2012, N OV/DEC 201 1, MAY/JUNE 2013
4. Write briefly about the programming techniques for TM. (8) NOV/DEC
2012,MAY/JUNE 2013
5. Find Greibach normal form for the following grammar (ii) SAA | 1, ASS |0 (10)
MAY/JUNE 2012 (iii) Sa|AB, Aa|BC, Bb, Cb (4) APR/MAY 2011 (iv) SAA|0, ASS|1 (8)
NOV/DEC 2010 (v) A1A2A3, A2A3A1|b, A3A1A2|a (10) NOV/DEC 2014 6. Explain
any two higher level techniques for Turing machine construction. (6) MAY/JUNE 2012,
NOV/DEC 2011
6. Discuss the closure properties of CFLS. (6) M A Y /J U NE 2012, N OV/DEC
2011,NOV/DEC 2010, MAY/JUNE 2013
7. Prove that every grammar with ε productions can be converted to an equivalent grammar
without ε productions. (4) A P R/ MAY 201 1, NOV/DEC 2013
8. Explain the different models of Turing machines. (10) NOV/DEC 2011
9. Define Pumping Lemma for Context Free Languages. Show that L={a i b j c k :
i<jBCD/b B->Yc/d C->gA/c D->dB/a y->f M A Y /JUNE 2013
10. Explain turing machine as a computer of integer functions with an example. NOV/DEC
2013 13. Write short notes on the following (i) Two-way infinite tape TM (ii) Multiple
tracks TM
1. If L1 and L2 are recursive language then L1UL2 is a recursive language.(6)NOV/DEC
2. Prove that the halting problem is undecidable. (10) NOV/DEC 201 2, NOV/DEC 2010
3. State and prove the Post’s correspondence problem. (10) NOV/D EC 2012, NOV/DEC
4. Write a note on NP problems. (6) NOV/DEC 2012
5. Explain undecidability with respect to post correspondence problem. (8) MAY/JUNE
6. Discuss the properties of recursive languages. (8) MAY/JUNE 2012
7. Explain any two undecidable problems with respect to Turing machine. (8) MAY/JUNE
8. Discuss the difference between NP-complete and NP-hard problems. (8) MAY/JUNE
2012, NOV/DEC 2011
9. Prove that the universal language Lu is recursively enumerable but not recursive. Also
prove that Ld is not recursive or recursively enumerable. (16) APR/MAY 2011
10. Prove that PCP problem is undecidable and explain with an example. (16) APR/MAY
2011, NOV/DEC 2013
(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi and Affiliated to Anna University)





1. Define A.I or what is A.I? May03,04

Artificial intelligence is the branch of computer science that deals with the automation
of intelligent behavior. AI gives basis for developing human like programs which can
be useful to solve real life problems and thereby become useful to mankind.
2. What is meant by robotic agent? May 05
A machine that looks like a human being and performs various complex acts of a
human being. It can do the task efficiently and repeatedly without fault. It works on
the basis of a program feeder to it; it can have previously stored knowledge from
environment through its sensors. It acts with the help of actuators.
3 Define an agent? May 03,Dec-09
An agent is anything ( a program, a machine assembly ) that can be viewed as
perceiving its environment through sensors and acting upon that environment through
4 Define rational agent? Dec-05,11, May-10
A rational agent is one that does the right thing. Here right thing is one that will cause
agent to be more successful. That leaves us with the problem of deciding how and
when to evaluate the agent’s success.
5 Give the general model of learning agent? Dec-03
Learning agent model has 4 components – 1) Learning element. 2) Performance
element. 3) Critic 4) Problem Generator.
6 What is the role of agent program? May-04
Agent program is important and central part of agent system. It drives the agent,
which means that it analyzes date and provides probable actions agent could take. An
agent program is internally implemented as agent function. An agent program takes
input as the current percept from the sensor and returns an action to the effectors.
7 List down the characteristics of intelligent agent? May-11
The IA must learn and improve through interaction with the environment. The IA
must adapt online and in the real time situation. The IA must accommodate new
problem-solving rules incrementally. The IA must have memory which must exhibit
storage and retrieval capabilities.
8 Define abstraction? May-12
In AI the abstraction is commonly used to account for the use of various levels in
detail in a given representation language or the ability to change from one level to
another level to another while preserving useful properties. Abstraction has been
mainly studied in problem solving, theorem solving
9 State the concept of rationality? May-12
Rationality is the capacity to generate maximally successful behavior given the
available information. Rationality also indicates the capacity to compute the perfectly
rational decision given the initially available information. The capacity to select the
optimal combination of computation – sequence plus the action, under the constraint
that the action must be selected by the computation is also rationality. Perfect
rationality constraints an agent’s actions to provide the maximum expectations of
success given the information available.
10 What are the functionalities of the agent function? Dec-12
Agent function is a mathematical function which maps each and every possible
percept sequence to a possible action. The major functionality of the agent function is
to generate the possible action to each and every percept. It helps the agent to get the
list of possible actions the agent can take. Agent function can be represented in the
tabular form.

1) What are the four basic types of agent program in any intelligent system? Explain how did
you convert them into learning agents?. (16)
2) Explain the following uninformed search strategies with examples.
(a) Breadth First Search. (4)
(b) Uniform Cost Search (4)
(c) Depth First Search (4)
(d) Depth Limited Search (4)
3) What is PEAS? Explain different agent types with their PEAS descriptions. (16)
4) Explain in detail the properties of Task Environments. (16)
5) Define a problem and its components. Explain how a problem solving agent works? (16)
6) Explain real-world problems with examples. (16)
7) Explain in detail with examples
(i) Iterative deepening search (8)
(ii) Bidirectional search (8)
1. How will you measure the problem-solving performance? May 10
Problem solving performance is measured with 4 factors. 1) Completeness - Does
the algorithm (solving procedure) surely finds solution if really the solution exists.
2) Optimality – If multiple solutions exits then do the algorithm returns optimal
amongst them. 3) Time requirement. 4) Space requirement.

2. What is the application of BFS? May 10

It is simple search strategy, which is complete i.e. it surely gives solution if
solution exists. If the depth of search tree is small then BFS is the best choice. It is
useful in tree as well as in graph search.

3. State on which basis search algorithms are chosen? Dec 09

Search algorithms are chosen depending on two components. 1) How is the state
space – That is, state space is tree structured or graph? Critical factor for state
space is what is branching factor and depth level of that tree or graph. 2) What is
the performance of the search strategy? A complete, optimal search strategy with
better time and space requirement is critical factor in performance of search
4. Evaluate performance of problem-solving method based on depth-first
search algorithm? Dec 10
DFS algorithm performance measurement is done with four ways – 1)
Completeness – It is complete (guarantees solution) 2) Optimality – it is not
optimal. 3) Time complexity – It’s time complexity is O (b). 4) Space complexity
– its space complexity is O (b d+1).
5. What are the four components to define a problem? Define them? May 13
The four components to define a problem are, 1) Initial state – it is the state in
which agent starts in. 2) A description of possible actions – it is the description of
possible actions which are available to the agent. 3) The goal test – it is the test
that determines whether a given state is goal (final) state. 4) A path cost function –
it is the function that assigns a numeric cost (value) to each path. The problem-
solving agent is expected to choose a cost function that reflects its own
performance measure.
6. Define the bi-directed search? Dec 13
As the name suggests bi-directional that is two directional searches are made in
this searching technique. One is the forward search which starts from initial state
and the other is the backward search which starts from goal state. The two
searches stop when both the search meet in the middle.
7. Why problem formulation must follow goal formulation? May 15
Goal based agent is the one which solves the problem. Therefore, while
formulating problem one need to only consider what is the goal to be achieved so
that problem formulation is done accordingly. Hence problem formulation must
follow goal formulation.
8. Mention how the search strategies are evaluated?
Search strategies are evaluated on following four criteria 1. completeness: the
search strategy always finds a solution, if one exits? 2. Time complexity: how
much time the search strategy takes to complete? 3. Space complexity: how much
memory consumption search strategy has? 4. Optimality: the search strategy finds
a highest solution.
9. define admissible and consistent heuristics?
Admissible heuristics: a heuristic is admissible if the estimated cost is never more
than actual cost from the current node to the goal node. Consistent heuristics: A
heuristic is consistent if the cost from the current node to a successor node plus
the estimated cost from the successor node to the goal is less than or equal to
estimated cost from the current node to the goal.
10. list some of the uninformed search techniques?
The uninformed search strategies are those that do not take into account the
location of the goal. That is these algorithms ignore where they are going until
they find a goal and report success. The three most widely used uninformed search
strategies are 1.depth-first search-it expands the deepest unexpanded node
2.breadth-first search-it expands shallowest unexpanded node 3.lowest -cost-first
search (uniform cost search)- it expands the lowest cost node.
1) What is Greedy Best First Search? Explain with an example the different stages of Greedy
Best First search. (16)
2) What is A* search? Explain various stages of A* search with an example. (16)
3) Explain in detail with examples
(i) Recursive Best First Search(RBFS) (8)
(ii) Heuristic Functions (8)
4) Explain the following local search strategies with examples.
(i) Hill climbing (4)
(ii) Genetic Algorithms (4)
(iii) Simulated annealing (4)
(iv) Local beam search (4)
5) Define constraint satisfaction problem (CSP). How CSP is formulated as a search prob-
lem? Explain with an example. (16)
6) Explain with examples
(i) Constraint graph (4) (ii) Cryptarithmetic problem (4) (iii) Adversarial search problem (4)
(iv) Game (4)
7) Explain with algorithm and example :
i. Minimax algorithm (8)
ii. Alpha-Beta Pruning (8)

1.What are the limitations in using propositional logic to represent the
knowledge base? May-11
Propositional logic has following limitations to represent the knowledge base.
i. It has limited expressive power. ii. It cannot directly represent properties of
individuals or relations between individuals. iii. Generalizations, patterns,
regularities cannot easily be represented. iv. Many rules (axioms) are
requested to write so as to allow inference.
2.Name two standard quantifiers. Dec – 09,May – 13
The two standard quantifier are universal quantifiers and existential
quantifier. They are used for expressing properties of entire collection of
objects rather just a single object. Eg.x Happy(x) means that “if the universe
of discourse is people, then everyone is happy”. x Happy(x) means that “if
the universe of discourse is people, then this means that there is at-least one
happy person.”
3.What is the purpose of unification? May – 12,Dec – 12,Dec - 09
It is for finding substitutions for inference rules, which can make different
logical expression to look identical. It helps to match to logical expressions.
Therefore it is used in many algorithm in first order logic.
4.What is ontological commitment (what exists in the world) of first order
logic? Represent the sentence “Brothers are siblings” in first order logic?
Dec - 10 Ontological commitment means what assumptions language makes
about the nature if reality. Representation of “Brothers are siblings” in first
order logic is  x, y [Brother (x, y)  Siblings (x, y)]
5.Differentiate between propositional and first order predicate logic?
May – 10 , Dec – 11
Following are the comparative differences versus first order logic and
propositional logic. 1) Propositional logic is less expressive and do not reflect
individual object`s properties explicitly. First order logic is more expressive
and can represent individual object along with all its properties. 2)
Propositional logic cannot represent relationship among objects whereas first
order logic can represent relationship. 3) Propositional logic does not consider
generalization of objects where as first order logic handles generalization. 4)
Propositional logic includes sentence letters (A, B, and C) and logical
connectives, but not quantifier. First order logic has the same connectives as
propositional logic, but it also has variables for individual objects, quantifier,
symbols for functions and symbols for relations.
6.What factors justify whether the reasoning is to be done in forward or
backward reasoning? Dec – 11
Following factors justify whether the reasoning is to be done in forward or
backward reasoning: a. possible to begin with the start state or goal state? b. Is
there a need to justify the reasoning? c. What kind of events trigger the
problem - solving? d. In which direction is the branching factor greatest? One
should go in the direction with lower branching factor?
7. Define diagnostic rules with example? May – 12
Diagnostics rules are used in first order logic for inference. The diagnostics
rules generate hidden causes from observed effect. They help to deduce hidden
facts in the world. For example consider the Wumpus world. The diagnostics
rule finding ‘pit’ is “If square is breezy some adjacent square must contain
pit”, which is written as, s Breezy(s) => Adjacent (r,s)  pit (r).
8. Represent the following sentence in predicate form: “All the children
like sweets” Dec – 12
x child(x)  sweet(y)  likes (x,y). 5. what is Skolemization? May - 13 It is
the process of removing existential quantifier by elimination. It converts a
sentence with existential quantifier into a sentence without existential
quantifier such that the first sentence is satisfiable if and only if the second is.
For eliminating an existential quantifier each occurrence of its variable is
replaced by a skolem function whose argument are the variables of universal
quantifier whose argument are the variables of universal quantifier whose
scope includes the scope of existential quantifier.
9. Define the first order definite clause? Dec – 13
They are disjunctions of literals of which exactly one is positive. 2) A definite
clause is either atomic sentence or is an implication whose antecedents (left
hand side clause) is a conjunction of positive literals and consequent (right
hand side clause) is a single positive literal. For example: Princess (x) 
Beautiful (x)  Goodhearted(x) Princess(x) Beautiful(x)
10. Write the generalized Modus ponens Rule? May – 14
1) Modus ponens : If the sentence P and P Q are known to be true, then
modus ponens lets us infer Q For example : if we have statement , “ If it is
raining then the ground will be wet” and “It is raining”. If P denotes “It is
raining” and Q is “The ground is wet” then the first expression becomes P
Q. Because if it is indeed now raining (P is true), our set of axioms
becomes,  P Q P  Through an application of modus ponens, the fact that
“The ground is wet” (Q) may be added to the set of true expressions. 2) The
generalized modus ponens : For atomic sentences Pi , P'i and q, where there is
a substitution Q such that SUBST (,P'i) = SUBST (,P'i) , For all i , P'1, P'2 ,
…… P'n , (P1  P2  …..Pn q) SUBST (, q) There is n+ 1 premise to
this rule: The ‘n’ atomic sentences P'i and the one implication. The conclusion
is the result applying the substitution  to the consequent q

1) What are the components of agents? (16)

2) Define and explain
(i) Supervised learning (6) (ii) Unsupervised learning (6) (iii) Reinforcement learning (4)
3) How hypotheses formed by pure inductive inference or induction?Explain with ex -
amples. (16)
4) (a) What is a decision tree? (4)
b) Explain the process of inducing decision trees from examples. (6)
c) Write the decision tree learning algorithm (6)
5) How the performance of a learning algorithm is assessed? Draw a learning curve for the
decision tree algorithm (16)
6) Explain with an example
(a) Ensemble learning (4)
(b) Cumulative learning process (4)
(c) Relevant based learning(RBL) (4)
(d) Inductive logic programming (4)
7) What is explanation based learning? Explain in detail with an example. (16)
1. Define partial order planner.
Basic Idea – Search in plan space and use least commitment, when possible •
Plan Space Search – Search space is set of partial plans – Plan is tuple • A: Set
of actions, of the form (ai : Opj) • O: Set of orderings, of the form (ai < aj) • B:
Set of bindings, of the form (vi = C), (vi ¹ C), (vi = vj) or (vi ¹ vj) – Initial
plan: • < finish}, {}> • start has no preconditions; Its effects are the initial state
• finish has no effects; Its preconditions are the goals
2. What are the differences and similarities between problem solving and
we put these two ideas together to build planning agents. At the most abstract
level, the task of planning is the same as problem solving. Planning can be
viewed as a type of problem solving in which the agent uses beliefs about
actions and their consequences to search for a solution over the more abstract
space of plans, rather than over the space of situations
3. Define state-space search.
The most straightforward approach is to use state-space search. Because the
descriptions of actions in a planning problem specify both preconditions and
effects, it is possible to search in either direction: either forward from the
initial state or backward from the goal
4. What are the types of state-space search?
The types of state-space search are, Forward state space search; Backward
state space search.
5.What is Partial-Order Planning?
A set of actions that make up the steps of the plan. These are taken from the
set of actions in the planning problem. The “empty” plan contains just the
Start and Finish actions Start has no preconditions and has as its effect all the
literals in the initial state of the planning problem. Finish has no effects and
has as its preconditions the goal literals of the planning problem.
6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Partial-Order
Planning? Advantage: Partial-order planning has a clear advantage in being
able to decompose problems into sub problems. Disadvantage: Disadvantage
is that it does not represent states directly, so it is harder to estimate how far
a partial-order plan is from achieving a goal.
7. What is a Planning graph? A Planning graph consists of a sequence of
levels that correspond to time steps in the plan where level 0 is the initial state.
Each level contains a set of literals and a set of actions.
8. What is Conditional planning?
Conditional planning is also known as contingency planning, conditional
planning deals with incomplete information by constructing a conditional plan
that accounts for each possible situation or contingency that could arise
9. What is action monitoring? The process of checking the preconditions of
each action as it is executed, rather than checking the preconditions of the
entire remaining plan. This is called action monitoring.
10. Define planning.
Planning can be viewed as a type of problem solving in which the agent uses
beliefs about actions and their consequences to search for a solution.


1) Define the terms a) Communications (b) Speech act (c) Formal Language and (d) Gram-
mar (16)
2) What are the component steps in communication? Explain the steps for the example
sentence “The wumpus is dead” (16)
3) Contruct a lexicon and grammar for a small fragment of English Language. (16)
4) What is parsing? Explain in detail two parsing methods and give a trace of a bottom up
parse on the string “The wumpus is dead” (16)
5) What is augmented grammar? Explain with examples
(a) Verb sub categorization (8)
(b) Semantic interpretation (8)
6) Discuss ambiguity and disambiguation. (16)
7) What is Grammar indication? Explain with an example (16)
1.Define Facts
A definite clause with no negative literals simply asserts a given preposition
2.Define Rules
knowledge representation formalises and organises the knowledge. One widely used
representation is called rule.
3. Define Interpreter
An interpreter is used to interpret the program line by line.
4 Define Scheduler
The actual determination of which KS should be activated next is done by a special KS,
called the scheduler.
5 Define Inference engine
The inference engine enables the expert system to draw deductions from the rule in
knowledge base.
6 What is backward chaining in rule based system?
Backward chaining- the inference engine attempts to match the assumed (hypothesized)
conclusion - the goal or subgoal state - with the conclusion (THEN) part of the rule. If such a
rule is found, its premise becomes the new subgoal.
7. Give the classification of learning process.
The learning process can be classified as: Process which is based on coupling new
information to previously acquired knowledge a. Learning by analyzing differences. b.
Learning by managing models. c. Learning by correcting mistakes. d. Learning by explaining
experience. Process which is based on digging useful regularity out of data, usually called as
Data base mining: a. Learning by recording cases. b. Learning by building identification trees
8 What are the different types of induction heuristics?
There are two different types of induction heuristics. They are: i. Require-link heuristics. ii.
Forbid-link heuristics.
9 Define a solution.
A solution is defined as a plan that an agent can execute and that guarantees the achievement
of goal.
10.Define conditional planning. Conditional planning is a way in which the incompleteness
of information is incorporated in terms of adding a conditional step, which involves if – then
1) Explain in detail Information Retrieval
2) Explain in detail Information Extraction
3) What is machine translation? What are different types of machine translation? (16)
4) Draw the schematic of a machine translation and explain for an example problem (16)
5)Write notes on Meta Knowledge and Heuristics in Knowledge Acquisition
6)Explain in detail about the expert system shell.[ NOV/DEC 2018 ]
7)Explain the basic components and applications of expert system. [ MAY / JUNE 2016 ]
(R – 2017)

1. What is a Complier? Nov/Dec 2018

A Complier is a program that reads a program written in one language-the source language-
and translates it in to an equivalent program in another language-the target language .
As an important part of this translation process, the compiler reports to its user the presence of errors in
the source program
2. What are the cousins of compiler? April/May 2016, April/May 2018
The following are the cousins of i.
ii. Assemblers
iii. Loaders
iv. Link editors.
3. What are the main two parts of compilation? What are they performing? Nov/Dec 2019
The two main parts are
• Analysis part breaks up the source program into constituent pieces and creates an
intermediate representation of the source program.
• Synthesis part constructs the desired target program from the intermediate representation
4. State some compiler construction tools? Apr /May 2017
i. Parse generator
ii. Scanner generators
iii. Syntax-directed translation engines iv.
Automatic code generator
v. Data flow engines.
5. What is a preprocessor? Nov/Dec 2017
A preprocessor is one, which produces input to compilers. A source program may be divided
into modules stored in separate files. The task of collecting the source program is
sometimes entrusted to a distinct program called a preprocessor.
The preprocessor may also expand macros into source language statements.
Skeletal source program


Source program
6. What is a Symbol table?
A Symbol table is a data structure containing a record for each identifier, with fields for the
attributes of the identifier. The data structure allows us to find the record for each identifier
quickly and to store or retrieve data from that record quickly.
7. What is a regular expression? State the rules, which define regular expression?
Regular expression is a method to describe regular language
1) ε-is a regular expression that denotes {ε} that is the set containing the empty string
2) If a is a symbol in ∑,then a is a regular expression that denotes {a}
3) Suppose r and s are regular expressions denoting the languages L(r ) and L(s) Then,
a) (r )/(s) is a regular expression denoting L(r) U L(s). b) (r
)(s) is a regular expression denoting L(r )L(s)
c) (r )* is a regular expression denoting L(r)*. d) (r) is
a regular expression denoting L(r ).

8. What is Lexical Analysis? (May/June 2016)

The first phase of compiler is Lexical Analysis. This is also known as linear analysis in which the
stream of characters making up the source program is read from left-to-right and grouped into tokens
that are sequences of characters having a collective meaning.
9. What is a lexeme? Define a regular set. (May/June 2016)
• A Lexeme is a sequence of characters in the source program that is matched by the pattern for a
• A language denoted by a regular expression is said to be a regular set
10. What are the Error-recovery actions in a lexical analyzer? (May/June 2016)
1. Deleting an extraneous character
2. Inserting a missing character
3. Replacing an incorrect character by a correct character
4. Transposing two adjacent characters


1. What are the phases of the compiler? Explain the phase in detail. Write down output of each phase for
the expression a:=b+c*60
2. Convert the Regular Expression to DFA using direct method and minimize it.
i. abb(a|b)*
ii. (a|b)*ab
iii. abb(a|b)*
iv. (a*|b*)*
v. (1*01*0)*1*
vi. (+|-|Ɛ).(E|e).(digit) +
3. Explain briefly about compiler construction tools.
4. Differentiate between lexeme, token and pattern and What are the issues in lexical analysis?
5. Explain various Errors encountered in different phases of compiler.
6. Discuss the role of lexical analyzer in detail with necessary examples.
7. What are the operations available in languages.
8. Write a short notes on Regular Expression.

1. What is Lexical Analysis? (May/June 2016)

The first phase of compiler is Lexical Analysis. This is also known as linear analysis in which the stream
of characters making up the source program is read from left-to-right and grouped into tokens that
are sequences of characters having a collective meaning.
2. What is a lexeme? Define a regular set. (May/June 2016)
• A Lexeme is a sequence of characters in the source program that is matched by the
pattern for a token.
• A language denoted by a regular expression is said to be a regular set
3. What is a sentinel? What is its usage? (May/June 2016)
A Sentinel is a special character that cannot be part of the source program. Normally we use ‘eof’ as the
sentinel. This is used for speeding-up the lexical analyzer.
4. What is a regular expression? State the rules, which define regular expression? (May/June 2016)
Regular expression is a method to describe regular language
a. ε-is a regular expression that denotes {ε} that is the set containing the empty string
b. If a is a symbol in ∑, then a is a regular expression that denotes {a}
c. Suppose r and s are regular expressions denoting the languages L(r ) and L(s)
• (r )/(s) is a regular expression denoting L(r) U L(s).
• (r )(s) is a regular expression denoting L(r )L(s)
• (r )* is a regular expression denoting L(r)*.
• (r) is a regular expression denoting L(r ).
5. What is recognizer? (Nov/Dec 2016)
Recognizers are machines. These are the machines which accept the strings belonging to certain
language. If the valid strings of such language are accepted by the machine then it is said that the
corresponding language is accepted by that machine, otherwise it is rejected.
6. Differentiate compiler and interpreter.
Compiler produces a target program whereas an interpreter performs the operations implied by the source
7. Write short notes on buffer pair. (Nov/Dec 2016)
a. Concerns with efficiency issues
b. Used with a lookahead on the input
• It is a
specialized buffering technique used to reduce the overhead required to process an input
character. Buffer is divided into two N-character halves. Use two pointers. Used at times
when the lexical analyzer needs to look ahead several characters beyond the lexeme for a
pattern before a match is announced.
8. Differentiate tokens, patterns, lexeme. (Nov/Dec 2015)
 Tokens- Sequence of characters that have a collective meaning.
 Patterns- There is a set of strings in the input for which the same token is produced as output. This set
of strings is described by a rule called a pattern associated with the token
 Lexeme- A sequence of characters in the source program that is matched by the pattern for a
9. Write the grammar for branching statements. (May/June 2016)
• Stmt -> if expr then stmt
1) | if expr then stmt else stmt
2) | €
• Expr -> term relop term
1) | term
• Term -> id
1) | number
10. Give the transition diagram for an identifier. (Nov/Dec 2018)

Part - B

1. Construct parsing table for the grammar and find moves made by predictive parser on input id+id*id and find
E→ E+T|T
T→ T*F|F
F →(E)|id
2. Constuct stack implementation of shift reduce parsing for the grammar E→E+E|E*E|(E)|-E|id and the input
string id1+id2+id3
3. Constuct SLR parsing table for the following grammar.
4. Constuct LALR parsing table for the following grammar.
5. i) Write the algorithms for FIRST and FOLLOW IN parser.
ii) Explain LL(1) grammar for the sentence
6. Consider the grammar S->ABD, A->a|Db|€, B->gD|dA|€, D->e|f. Construct FIRST and FOLLOW for each non
terminal of the above grammar and Construct the predictive parsing table for the grammar.
7. Explain briefly about the specification of a simple type checker
8. Implement an Arithmetic Calculator using LEX and YACC
1. Define parser.
Hierarchical analysis is one in which the tokens are grouped hierarchically into nested collections with
collective meaning. Also termed as Parsing.
2. Mention the basic issues in parsing.
There are two important issues in parsing.
 Specification of syntax
 Representation of input after parsing.
3. Define a context free grammar.
A context free grammar G is a collection of the following
 V is a set of non terminals
 T is a set of terminals
 S is a start symbol
 P is a set of production rules
 G can be represented as G = (V,T,S,P)
 Production rules are given in the following form
Non terminal → (V U T)*
4. Define ambiguous grammar.
A grammar G is said to be ambiguous if it generates more than one parse tree for some
sentence of language L(G). i.e. both leftmost and rightmost derivations are same for the given sentence.
5. What is a operator precedence parser?
A grammar is said to be operator precedence if it possess the following properties:
 No production on the right side is e.
 There should not be any production rule possessing two adjacent non terminals at the right hand
6. List the properties of LR parser.
 LR parsers can be constructed to recognize most of the programming languages for which the
context free grammar can be written.
 The class of grammar that can be parsed by LR parser is a superset of class of grammars that can be
parsed using predictive parsers.
 LR parsers work using non backtracking shift reduce technique yet it is efficient one.
7. Mention the types of LR parser.
 SLR parser- simple LR parser
 LALR parser- lookahead LR parser
 Canonical LR parser
8. What are the problems with top down parsing?
The following are the problems associated with top down parsing:
 Backtracking
 Left recursion
 Left factoring
 Ambiguity
9. What is meant by handle pruning?
A rightmost derivation in reverse can be obtained by handle pruning.
If w is a sentence of the grammar at hand, then w = γn, where γn is the nth right sentential form of
some as yet unknown rightmost derivation
S=γ0 =>γ1…=>γn-1=>γn =w
10. What is dangling else problem?
Ambiguity can be eliminated by means of dangling-else grammar which is show below:
stmt → if expr then stmt
| if expr then stmt else stmt
| other
1. Construct a predictive parsing. table for the grammar NOV/DEC 2018
E -> E + T / F
T -> T * F / F
F -> (E) / id
2. Give the LALR parsing table for the grammar. APR/MAY 2018
S -> L = R / R
L -> * R / id
R -> L
3. Consider the grammar
E -> TE’
E’ -> + TE’ / E
T -> FT’
T’ -> *FT’ / E
F -> (E) / id
Construct a predictive parsing table for the grammar shown above. Verify whether the
input string id + id * id is accepted by the grammar or not.
4. Consider the grammar.
E -> E + T
E -> T
T -> T * F
T -> F
F -> (E) / id
Construct an LR parsing table for the above grammar. Give the moves of the LR parser on
id * id + id
5. For the grammar given below, calculate the operator precedence relation and the precedence
E -> E + E | E – E || E * E | E | E || E ^ E | (E) || -E | id
6. What are LR parsers? Explain with a diagram the LR parsing algorithm. APR/MAY 2017
7. Explain recursive descent parser with appropriate examples.
8. Compare SLR, LALR and LR parses


1. List the different storage allocation strategies.

The strategies are:
 Static allocation
 Stack allocation
 Heap allocation
2. What are the contents of activation record?
The activation record is a block of memory used for managing the information needed by a
single execution of a procedure. Various fields of activation record are:
 Temporary variables
 Local variables
 Saved machine registers
 Control link
 Access link
 Actual parameters
 Return values
3. What is dynamic scoping?
In dynamic scoping a use of non-local variable refers to the non-local data declared in most
recently called and still active procedure. Therefore each time new findings are setup for local names
called procedure. In dynamic scoping symbol tables can be required atrun time.
4. What is code motion?
Code motion is an optimization technique in which amount of code in a loop isdecreased. This
transformation is applicable to the expression that yields the sameresult independent of the number of
times the loop is executed. Such an expression isplaced before the loop.
5. What are the properties of optimizing compiler?
The source code should be such that it should produce minimum amount of target code.
There should not be any unreachable code.
Dead code should be completely removed from source language.
The optimizing compilers should apply following code improving transformations onsource language.
i)Commonsub-expression elimination
ii) Dead code elimination
iii) Code movement
iv) Strength reduction
6. What are the various ways to pass a parameter in a function?
Call by value
Call by reference
Call by name
7. What are the functions used to create the nodes of syntax trees?
 Mknode (op, left, right)
 Mkleaf (id,entry)
 Mkleaf (num, val)
8. How parameters are passed to procedures in call-by-value method?
This mechanism transmits values of the parameters of call to the calledprogram.
The transfer is one way only and therefore the only way to returned can bethe value of a
main ( )
{print (5);
void print (int n)
{printf (“%d”, n);
9. Define static allocations and stack allocations
Static allocation is defined as lays out for all data objects at compiletime.
Names are bound to storage as a program is compiled, so there is no need fora run
timesupport package.
Stack allocation is defined as process in which manages the run time as aStack. It is basedon
the idea of a control stack; storage is organized as a stack, and activation records arepushed
and popped as activations begin and end.
10. Define a syntax-directed translation?
Syntax-directed translation is a generalization of a context free grammar in which each
grammar symbol has an associated set of attributes, partition into two subsets called the
synthesized and inherited attributes of that grammar symbol.


1. Explain in detail about the construction of syntax tree.

2. Explain briefly about the specification of a simple type checker.Nov/ Dec 2017

3. Explain about the type checking.May/June 2016

4. Explain Nov /Dec 2017

i. Storage organization

ii. Symbol table.

5. What are different storage allocation strategies. Explain.

6. Write in detail about the issues in the design of code generator.
7. Explain how declarations are done in a procedure using syntax directed translations.
8. What is a three address code? Mention its types. How would you implement these
address statements? Explain with suitable examples. Nov/ Dec 2018, May/June 2018


1. Define code generations with ex?

It is the final phase in compiler model and it takes as an input an intermediate representation
of the source program and output produces as equivalent target programs. Then intermediate
instructions are each translated into a sequence of machine instructions that perform the same task.
2. What are the issues in the design of code generator? May/June 2018
 Input to the generator
 Target programs
 Memory management
 Instruction selection
 Register allocation
 Choice of evaluation order
 Approaches to code generation.
3. Define basic block and flow graph. Nov/Dec 2017
A basic block is a sequence of consecutive statements in which flow of Control enters at the
Beginning and leaves at the end without halt or possibility of branching except at the end.
A flow graph is defined as the adding of flow of control information to the Set of basic blocks making
up a program by constructing a directed graph.
4. Define code optimization and optimizing compiler
The term code-optimization refers to techniques a compiler can employ in an attempt to
produce abetter object language program than the most obvious for a given source program.
Compilers that apply code-improving transformations are called Optimizing-compilers.
5. Define reduction in strength with ex.
Reduction in strength replaces expensive operations by equivalent cheaper oneson the target
machines. Certain machine instructions are cheaper than others and can oftenbe used as special cases
of more expensive operators. Ex: X^2 is invariably cheaper to implement as x*x than as a call to
anexponentiation routine.
6. Define Dead-code elimination with ex. Apr/May 2017
It is defined as the process in which the statement x=y+z appear in a basic block, where x is a
dead that is never subsequently used. Then this statement may be safely removed without changing the
value of basic blocks.
7. What are the structure preserving transformations on basic blocks? Apr/May 2018
 Common sub-expression elimination
 Dead-code elimination
 Renaming of temporary variables
 Interchange of two independent adjacent statement
8. What is meant by register descriptors and address descriptors? Nov/Dec 2012
A register descriptor keeps track of what is currently in each register. It is consulted whenever a new
register is needed. An address descriptor keeps track of the location where ever the current Value of
the name can be found at run time. The location might be a register, a Stack location, a memory
9. What are the properties of optimizing compilers? Apr / May 2016
a. The source code should be such that it should produce minimum amount of target code
b. There should not be any unreachable code.
c. Dead code should be completely removed from source language.
d. It should also apply code improving transformation ion source language.
10. Write three address code sequence for the assignment statement. Apr/May 2016

1. Discuss about the run time storage management. Nov/Dec 2017

2. Explain basic blocks and flow graphs and Explain peephole optimization
3. Write a code generation algorithm. Explain about the descriptor and function getreg().Give
an example.
4. Explain principle sources of code optimization in details. Apr/May 2018
5. Explain the Storage organization strategies with examples. Apr/May 2018
6. Explain about Parameter passing. Nov/Dec 2017
7. Explain about activation records and its purpose And Explain about Optimization of basic
8. Explain simple code generator with suitable example.
(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi and Affiliated to Anna University)


1. What is a distributed system?
A distributed system is one in which components located at networked computers
communicate and coordinate their actions only by passing messages. The components interact
with each other in order to achieve a common goal.

2. Mention few examples of distributed systems.

Some examples of distributed systems are web search, Massively multiplayer online
games(MMOGs), Financial trading markets, SOA based systems etc.

3. Mention the trends in distributed systems.

Following are the trends in distributed systems:
Emergence of pervasive networking technology
Emergence of ubiquitous computing coupled with desire to support user mobility in
distributed systems
Increasing demand for multimedia services
The view of distributed systems as a utility.
4. What are backbones in intranets?
The intranets are linked together by backbones. A backbone is a network link with a
high transmission capacity, employing satellite connections, fiber optic cables and other
high bandwidth circuits.
5. Write short notes about webcasting.
Webcasting is an application of distributed multimedia technology. Webcasting is the
ability to broadcast continuous media, typically audio or video, over the Internet. It is
now commonplace for major sporting or music events to be broadcast in this way often
attracting large numbers of viewers.
6. Define cloud computing.
A cloud is defined as a set of Internet-based application, storage and computing
services sufficient to support most users’ needs, thus enabling them to largely or totally
dispense with local data storage and application software. The term cloud computing
refers to the practice of using a network of remote servers hosted on the Internet to store,
manage, and process data, rather than a local server or a personal computer.
7. What is a cluster computer?
Mention its goals. A cluster computer is a set of interconnected computers that
cooperate closely to provide a single, integrated high performance computing capability.
It consists of a set of loosely or tightly connected computers. Computer clusters have each
node set to perform the same task, controlled and scheduled by software.
8. Write short notes on mobile and ubiquitous computing.
Mobile Computing is a technology that allows transmission of data, voice and video
via a computer or any other wireless enabled device without having to be connected to a
fixed physical link. It involves mobile communication, mobile hardware, and mobile
software. Ubiquitous computing (ubicomp) is a concept in software engineering and
computer science where computing is made to appear anytime and everywhere. In
contrast to desktop computing, ubiquitous computing can occur using any device, in any
location, and in any format. This paradigm is also described as pervasive computing.
9. What does the term remote invocation mean?
Remote invocation mechanism facilitates to create a distributed application. It
provides a remote communication using two objects stub and skeleton. In this client-
server approach remote object plays main role and it is an object whose method can be
invoked from another JVM. In the client side, stub acts as a gateway. In the server side,
skeleton acts as the gateway.
10. What is the role of middleware?
The term middleware applies to a software layer that provides a programming
abstraction as well as masking the heterogeneity of the underlying networks, hardware,
operating systems and programming languages. In addition to solving the problems of
heterogeneity, middleware provides a uniform computational model for use by the
programmers of servers and distributed applications.


1. What are the issues in distributed system?

∑ There is no global time in a distributed system, so the clocks on different computers do not
necessarily give the same time as one another. ∑ All communication between processes is
achieved by means of messages. Message communication over a computer network can be
affected by delays, can suffer from a variety of failures and is vulnerable to security attacks.
2. What are the difficulties and threats for distributed systems?
∑ Widely varying modes of use ∑ Wide range of system environments ∑ Internal problems
∑ External threats ∑ Attacks on data integrity and secrecy ∑ denial of service attacks
3. What is a physical model?
A physical model is a representation of the underlying hardware elements of a
distributed system that abstracts away from specific details of the computer and networking
technologies employed.
4. What is meant by Distributed systems of systems/ Ultra-Large-Scale (ULS) distributed
A system of systems (mirroring the view of the Internet as a network of networks)
can be defined as a complex system consisting of a series of subsystems that are systems in
their own right and that come together to perform a particular task or tasks.
5. What are the three generations of distributed systems?
∑ Early distributed systems ∑ Internet-scale distributed systems ∑ Contemporary distributed
6. What is a Web Service?
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) defines a web service as a software
application identified by a URI, whose interfaces and bindings are capable of being defined,
described and discovered as XML artifacts. A Web service supports direct interactions with
other software agents using XML-based message exchanges via Internet-based protocols.
7. What is a cache?
A cache is a store of recently used data objects that is closer to one client or a
particular set of clients. When a new object is received from a server it is added to the local
cache store, replacing some existing objects if necessary.
8. Define Mobile Agent.
A mobile agent is a running program (including both code and data) that travels from
one computer to another in a network carrying out a task on someone’s behalf, such as
collecting information, and eventually returning with the results. A mobile agent may make
many invocations to local resources at each site it visits.
9. What are Thin clients?
Thin client refers to a software layer that supports a window-based user interface that
is local to the user while executing application programs or, more generally, accessing
services on a remote computer.
10. What is meant by XML (eXtensible Markup Language)?
∑ XML is a markup language that was defined by the World Wide Web Consortium
(W3C) for general use on the Web. ∑ It is a markup language that defines a set of rules for
encoding documents in a format which is both human-readable and machine-readable. ∑
XML data is known as self-describing or self-defining which means that the structure of the
data is embedded with the data. ∑ XML was designed for writing structured documents for
the Web. ∑ XML documents, being textual, can be read by humans.

1. What is the use of middleware?
Middleware is a layer of software whose purpose is to mask heterogeneity and to
provide a convenient programming model to application programmers. Middleware is
represented by processes or objects in a set of computers that interact with each other to
implement communication and resource sharing support for distributed applications.
2. Write about the parts available in routing algorithm?
∑ Routing algorithm must make decisions that determine the route taken by each packet as it
travels through the network. In circuit-switched network layers such as X.25 and frame relay
networks such as ATM the route is determined whenever a virtual circuit or connection is
established. ∑ In packet-switched network layers such as IP it is determined separately for
each packet, and the algorithm must be particularly simple and efficient if it is not to degrade
network performance. ∑ It must dynamically update its knowledge of the network based on
traffic monitoring and the detection of configuration changes or failures. This activity is less
timecritical; slower and more computation-intensive techniques can be used.
3. Define multicast communication?
It is the implementation of group communication. Multicast communication requires
coordination and agreement. The aim is for members of a group to receive copies of messages
sent to the group . Many different delivery guarantees are possible Example: agreement on the
set of messages received or on delivery ordering.
4. What are the Application dependencies of Napster?
Napster took advantage of the special characteristics of the application for which it
was designed in other ways: ∑ Music files are never updated, all the replicas of files need to
remain consistent after updates. ∑ No guarantees are required concerning the availability of
individual files – if amusic file is temporarily unavailable, it can be downloaded later. This
reduces the requirement for dependability of individual computers and their connections tothe
5. Define Routing overlay.
In peer-to-peer systems a distributed algorithm known as a routing overlay takes
responsibility for locating nodes and objects. The name denotes the fact that the middleware
takes the form of a layer that is responsible for routing requests from any client to a host that
holds the object to which the request is addressed.
6. What is a file group?
A collection of files that can be located on any server or moved between servers
while maintaining the same names is a file group. Simillar to a UNIX file system helps with
distributing the load of file serving between several servers.File groups have identifiers which
are unique throughout the system used to refer file groups and files
7. What is flat file service interface?
It is RPC interface used by client modules. It is not normally used directly by user
level programs. A field is invalid if the file that it refers to is not present in the server
processing the request or if its access permissions are inappropriate for the operation
8. Write a note on Andrew file system?
AFS provides transparent access to remote shared files for unix programs running on
workstations. Access to AFS files is via the normal unix file primitives, enabling existing
unix programs to access AFS files without modification or recompilation.
9. Write a note on X.500 directory service?
It is a directory service. It can be in the same way as a conventional name service but
it is primarily used to satisfy descriptive queries, designed to discover the names and
attributes of other users or system resources.
10. What is the use of iterative navigation?
DNS supports the model known as iterative navigation. To resolve a name, a client
presents the name to the local name server, which attempts to resolve it. If the local name
server has the name, it returns the result immediately.


1. What is clock synchronization?

Nodes in distributed system to keep track of current time for various purposes such as
calculating the time spent by a process in CPU utilization ,disk I/O etc so that the
corresponding user can be charged. Clock synchronization means the time difference between
two nodes should be very small.
2. What do you mean by clock skew and clock drift?
∑ Clock skew – Instantaneous difference between the readings of any two clocks is called
clock skew. Skew occurs since computer clocks like any others tends not be perfect at all
times. ∑ Clock drift – Clock drift occurs in crystal based clocks which counts time at different
rates and hence they diverge. The drift rate is the change in the offset between the clock and a
nominal perfect reference clock per unit of time measured by the reference clock.
3. What do you mean by Coordinated Universal Time?
Coordinated Universal Time generally abbreviated as UTC is an international standard for
timekeeping. It is based on atomic time. UTC signals are synchronized and broadcast
regularly from land based radio stations and satellites covering many parts of the world.
4. Define External Synchronization.
Generally it is necessary to synchronize the processes’ clocks Ci with an authoritative
external source of time. It is called as External Synchronization. For a synchronization bound
D>0, and for a source S of UTC time, | S(t) – Ci(t)|
5. When an object is considered to be garbage?
An object is considered to be garbage if there are no longer any references to it anywhere in
the distributed system. The memory taken up by the object can be reclaimed once it is known
to be garbage. The technique used here is distributed garbage collection.
6. What do you meant by Distributed debugging?
In general, distributed systems are complex to debug.A special care needs to be taken in
establishing what occurred during the execution. Consider an application with a variable
xi(i=1,2..N) and the variable changes as the program executes but it is always required to be
within a value $ of one other. In that case, relationship must be evaluated for values of the
variables that occur at the same time.
7. Define marker receiving rule.
Snapshot algorithm designed by Chandy and Lamport is used for determining global states of
distributed systems. This algorithm is defined through two rules namely marker sending rule
and marker receiving rule. Marker receiving rule obligates a process that has not recorded its
state to do so.
8. Define marker sending rule.
Snapshot algorithm designed by Chandy and Lamport is used for determining global states of
distributed systems. This algorithm is defined through 2 rules namely marker sending rule and
marker receiving rule. Marker sending rule obligates processes to send a marker after they
have recorded their state ,but before they send any other messages.
9. Define total ordering?
Common ordering requirements are important in case of multicast approach. General
ordering requirements are total ordering, FIFO ordering and causal ordering. Total ordering is
the case where if a correct process delivers message m before it delivers m’, then any other
correct process that delivers m’ will deliver m before m’.
10. Name any two election algorithms.
An algorithm for choosing a unique process to play a particular role is called an election
algorithm.Generally used election algorithms are: ∑ Ring based election algorithm ∑ Bully

1. What is process migration?
Process migration is the relocation of a process from its current location (source node) to
another node(destination node).The process can be either a non-preemptive or preemptive
process. Selection of the process to be migrated, selection of the destination node and the
actual transfer of the selected process are the three steps involved in process migration.
2. What are the advantages of process migration?
Various advantages of process migration are: ∑ Reduces average response time of processes.
∑ Speeds up individual jobs. ∑ Gains higher throughput. ∑ Effective utilization of resources
and reduces network traffic.
3. What are the activities involved in process migration?
Migration of a process is a complex activity that involves many sub-activities. They are: 1.
Freezing the process on its source node and restarting it on its destination node. 2.
Transferring the process’s address space from its source node to its destination node. 3.
Forwarding messages meant for the migrant process. 4. Handling communication between
cooperating processes that have been separated as a result of process migration.
4. Mention the levels of transparency in process migration.
Transparency is an important requirement for a system that supports process migration. The
two levels of transparency are: ∑ Object access level: Minimum requirement for a system to
support non-preemptive process migration. ∑ System call and interprocess communication
level: This facility is required to support preemptive process migration.
5. What is Threads?
Threads are an efficient way to improve application performance through parallelism. Each
thread of a process has its own program counter,its own register states, and its own stack.But
all the threads shares the same address space.Threads are often referred to as lightweight
6. What are the main advantages of using threads instead of multiple processes?
Threads has its own program counter,its own register states, and its own stack but shares the
same address space Advantages of threads over multiple processes are: ∑ Context Switching:
Threads are very inexpensive to create and destroy, and they are inexpensive to represent. For
eg: they require space to store, the PC, the SP, and the general-purpose registers, but they do
not require space to share memory information, Information about open files of I/O devices in
use, etc. In other words, it is relatively easier for a context switch using threads. ∑ Sharing:
Treads allow the sharing of a lot resources that cannot be shared in process, for example,
sharing code section, data section, Operating System resources like open file etc
7. Mention the models used to organize the threads of a process.
∑ Dispatcher-workers model – In this model, process consists of a single dispatcher thread
and multiple worker threads. ∑ Team model – In this model, all threads behave as equals and
there is no dispatcherworker relationship for processing client’s requests. ∑ Pipeline model –
In this model, the threads of a process are organized as a pipeline where the output data from
one thread is used for processing by the other threads.
8. Define critical region.
A segment of code in which a thread may be accessing some shared variable is called critical
region. Multiple threads should not access the same data simultaneously. Hence the execution
of critical regions in which the same data is accessed by the threads must be mutually
exclusive in time.
9. Define mutex variable.
Mutex variable is like a binary semaphore that is always in one of the two states locked or
unlocked. Mutex variables are used to implement mutual exclusion technqiues. A thread that
wants to execute in a critical region performs a lock operation over the mutex variable which
has to be in unlocked state.
10. Mention some library procedures for managing the threads.
Some of the library procedures for managing threads are: ∑ pthread_create – Creates a new
thread in the same address space as the calling thread. ∑ pthread_exit – Terminates the calling
thread. ∑ pthread_join – It makes the calling thread to block itself and waits until thread
specified in the routine’s argument terminates. ∑ pthread_detach – Used by the parent thread
to disown a child thread. ∑ pthread_cancel – Used by a thread to kill another thread.


1. a. Explain the Differences between intranet and internet (8)

b. Write in detail about www (8)
2. Explain the various challenges of distributed systems (16)
3. Write in detail about the characteristics of inter process communication (16)
4. a. Explain in detail about marshalling (8)
b. Explain about the networking principles. (8)
5. Describe in detail about client - server communication. (l6)
6. Write in detail about group communication. (l6)
7. Explain in detail about the various system models (16)
8. a. Describe details about architectural model? (8)
b. Describe details about functional model? (8)
9. a. Explain the various types of networks? (8)
b. What are the networking issues for distributed System? (8)
10.Explain about the internet protocols?

1. a. Explain the Communication between distributed objects

b. Explain in detail about Events and Notifications
2. Explain in detail about Remote Procedure call with a case study

3. Describe java RMI

4. Explain about the group communication

5. Describe about the client server communication

6. a. Explain characteristics ofinterprocess communication.

b. Explain UDP datagram communication

7. Explain the various type communications.

8. Explain the use of Reflection in RMI?

9. Define distributed systems. What are the significant issues and challenges of the

distributed systems? NOV/DEC 2017, APRIL/MAY 2018

10. Enlighten the examples of distributed systems.MAY/JUNE 2016


1. Explain the ‘snapshot’ algorithm of Lamport. APRIL/MAY 2017, APRIL/MAY2018

Chandy–Lamport’s global state recording algorithm

2. Explain the bully algorithm

3. What is a deadlock? How deadlock can be recovered? Explain distributed dead locks.

Explain Processes and threads

4. Explain Communication and invocation

5. Describe Operating system architecture

6. Explain the different types of cryptographic algorithm

7. Explain Global States and distributed debugging

8. Explain the algorithms for mutual exclusion

9. a. Discuss about threads in distributed systems (8) b. Discuss about the distributed file system.

10. Explain about the file server architecture.


1. Explain in detail about Name services

2. Discuss in detail about domain name services.
3. Explain the case study of Global name services.
4. Explain the case study of X.500 directory services.
5. Explain about the Events and process state.
6. Explain about the Logical time and logical clocks.
7. Write the short notes Distributed mutual exclusion and elections.
8. Explain about the checkpoint based recovery.
9. Explain about the log based rollback recovery.
Log based Recovery
10. Discuss in detail about Check Point Based Recovery


1. Explain in detail about concurrency control in transaction.

2. Discuss in detail about deadlock and locking schemes in concurrency control
3. a. Explain optimistic concurrency control
b. Explain in detail about comparison of methods of concurrency control
4. Explain Time stamp ordering in detail
5. Explain the concurrency control in distributed transactions
6. Explain about distributed deadlocks
7. Describe in detail about distributed deadlocks
8. With neat sketch explain Routing Overlays in detail. MAY/JUNE 2016, NOV/DEC
2016,APRIL/MAY 2017, APRIL/MAY 2018
9. Explain about the log based rollback recovery.
Log based Recovery
10. Explain about the checkpoint based recovery.
Margoschis Nagar, Nazareth.628617


Semester : V Dept : CSE


1. What is web 2.0?

A Web 2.0 site may allow users to interact and collaborate with each other in a social media dialogue as
creators of user-generated content in a virtual community, in contrast to Web sites where people are
limited to the passive viewing of content. Examples of Web 2.0 include social networking sites, blogs,
wikis, folksonomies, video sharing sites, hosted services, Web applications, and mashups.

2. Define RIA.
A rich Internet application (RIA) is a Web application designed to deliver the same features and
functions normally associated with deskop applications. RIAs generally split the processing
across the Internet/network divide by locating the user interface and related activity and capability on the
client side, and the data manipulation and operation on the application server side.

3. Define collaboration.
Collaboration is a process defined by the recursive interaction of knowledge and mutual learning
between two or more people who are working together, in an intellectual endeavour, toward a common
goal which is typically creative in nature.

4. List the Collaborations tools.

Answer Gaeden,Thinkature,DotVoting,e Pals,Gaggle,Glass,Tricider.

5. What are the collaborative processes.


6. Define Web services.

A Web service is a method of communication between two electronic devices over a network. It is a
software function provided at a network address over the Web with the service always on as in the
concept of utility computing.

7. Write short notes on Software as service(Soas).

SOAs : Software as a service (SaaS), sometimes referred to as "software on demand," is software
that is deployed over the internet and/or is deployed to run behind a firewall on a local area network or
personal computer. With SaaS, a provider licenses an application to customers either as a service on
demand, through a subscription, in a "pay-as-you-go" model, or (increasingly) at no charge.
8. Write short notes on Social networking.
A social network is a social structure made up of a set of social actors (such as individuals
or organizations) and a set of the dyadic ties between these actors. The social network perspective
provides a set of methods for analyzing the structure of whole social entities as well as a variety
of theories explaining the patterns observed in these structures.

9. Define Website.
A website is hosted on at least one web server, accessible via a network such as the Internet or a
private local area network through an Internet address known as a uniform resource locator (URL). All
publicly accessible websites collectively constitute the World Wide Web

10. Differences between web sites and web server.

A website is a set of linked documents associated with a particular person, organization or topic
that is held on a computer system and can be accessed as part of the world wide web. (Not to be
confused with: Web page, a document on the world wide web written in HTML and displayed in a
web browser.)


1. Explain WWW and HTTP Protocol.


2. Discuss the structure of the HTTP request message. (NOV/DEC 2012)

Structure of the request:
Header field structure:
Common header fields:

3. Discuss the structure of the HTTP response message.[8] (NOV/DEC 2012)

Status line
Status code
Header Fields

4. Explain HTML elements in detail also State the types of lists supported by HTML and explain
them in detail. (APR/MAY 2011)
HTML element
Heading Tags
Paragraph Tag
Line Break
Tag Centering
Nonbreaking Spaces
HTML Lists

5. Discuss the various features available in HTML to format the text with example.
Basic functionality
Few Definitions
Server Configuration and Tuning
Service has Five Components
Defining Virtual Hosts
Configuring Host
Elements Host Attributes
Access Control

6. Explain how tables can be inserted into HTML document with example.
<TABLE border="1"
summary="This table gives some statistics about
fruit flies: average height and weight, and
with red eyes (for both males and females).">
<CAPTION><EM>A test table with merged cells</EM></CAPTION>
<TR><TH rowspan="2"><TH colspan="2">Average
<TH rowspan="2">Red<BR>eyes

7.What is the significance of using forms on the web page? Enlist various components used on form.

uses of various elements:

8. Discuss how to frame using HTML. Give Example.

Creating Frames
<frameset rows="10%,80%,10%">
<frame name="top" src="/html/top_frame.htm" />
<frame name="main" src="/html/main_frame.htm" />
<frame name="bottom" src="/html/bottom_frame.htm" />
The <frame> Tag Attributes

9. Explain the capabilities of Web Server (APR/MAY 2013)

Basic functionality
Few Definitions
Server Configuration and Tuning
Coyote parameters affecting External Communication
Host Attributes
Access Control

10. Explain about the XHTML DTD with an Example.


What is JavaScript?
Unit II
Part – A

JavaScript is a platform-independent, event-driven, interpreted client-side scripting language developed

by Netscape Communications Corp. and Sun Microsystems.
2. What are the primitive data types in javascript?
JavaScript supports five primitive data types: number, string, Boolean, undefined, and null. These
types are referred to as primitive types because they are the basic building blocks from which more
complex types can be built. Of the five, only number, string, and Boolean are real data types in the
sense of actually storing data.Undefined and null are types that arise under special circumstances.

3. What are the Escape Codes Supported in JavaScript?

The Escape codes supported in javascript are \b Backspace,\t Tab (horizontal), \n Linefeed
(newline),\v Tab (vertical),\f Form feed,\r Carriage return,\" Double quote \' Single quote,\\ Backslash.

4. What is JavaScript name spacing? How and where is it used?

Using global variables in JavaScript is evil and a bad practice. That being said, namespacing is used to
bundle up all your functionality using a unique name. In JavaScript, a namespace is really just an object
that you’ve attached all further methods, properties and objects. It promotes modularity and code reuse in
the application.

5. How many looping structures can you find in javascript?

If you are a programmer, you know the use of loops. It is used to run a piece of code multiple times
according to some particular condition. Javascript being a popular scripting language supports the
following loops for, while, do-while loop

6. Mention the various Java Script Object Models.

Math Object, String Object, Date Object, Boolean and Number Object, Document Object
7. How Scripting Language Is Differs from HTML?
HTML is used for simple web page design, HTML with FORM is used for both form design and
Reading input values from user, Scripting Language is used for Validating the given input values weather
it is correct or not, if the input value is incorrect, the user can pass an error message to the user, Using
form concept various controls like Text box, Radio Button, Command Button, Text Area control and List
bo can be created.
8. What are JSP actions ?
JSP actions use constructs in XML syntax to control the behavior of the servlet engine. You
can dynamically insert a file, reuse JavaBeans components, forward the user to another page, or generate
HTML for the Java plugin.

9. Justify “JavaScript” is an event-driven programming”

Javascript supports event driven programming. when user clicks the mouse or hit the keys on
the keyboard or if user submits the form then these events and response to them can be handled using
javascript. Hence javascript is mainly used in web programming for validating the data provided by the
10. What is the use of pop up boxes in java script?
There are three types of popup boxes used in javascript. Using these popup boxes the user can
interact with the web application.

Part - B

1. How to write function using Java Script? Give Example.

function myFunction() {
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "Paragraph changed.";
} </script

2.Explain sub classes and super classes in Javascript.

var Person = Class.create();
Person.prototype = {
initialize: function(name) { = name; },

say: function(message) {
return + ': ' +
message; }};
var guy = new
// -> "Miro: hi"
var Pirate = Class.create();
// inherit from Person class:
Pirate.prototype =
Object.extend(new Person(),
// redefine the speak method

3.Discuss Javascript objects in detail with suitable examples. (NOV/DEC 2012, MAY/JUNE 2014)
Enumerating Properties
Array notation Object reference Methods

4. Discuss about Javascript debugging. Explain how local and global functions can be written using
java script (MAY/JUNE 2012)
Local and global functions

5. Explain the way in which java script handles arrays with example. (MAY/JUNE 2012)
Creating an Array
Using the JavaScript Keyword
new Access the Elements of an
Array Different Objects in One
Array Arrays are Objects
Adding Array Elements
Looping Array Elements

6. Write a Java script to find the factorial of the given number.

<script type="text/javascript">
function factorial(f,n)
{ l=1;
+) l=l*i;
7. Write a Java script to find the prime number between 1 and 100.

<script language="javascript">
var n=prompt("Enter User Value")
var x=1;
if(n==0 || n==1) x=0;
{ if(n%i==0)


} if(x==1)

8. Write a servlet program which displays the different content each time the user visits the page.

9. Write a Java script program to create Popup box, alert and confirm box.

10. Write a Java script program to print the numbers from 0 to 50.
<script type = "text/javascript">
while ( input > I )
{ document.write (i); i++ } </scrip
Unit – IV Part - A

1. Define PHP.
PHP - Hypertext Preprocessor -one of the most popular server-side scripting languages for
creating dynamic Web pages.
- an open-source technology
- platform independent
2. List the data types used in PHP.
Data types Description
Integer Whole numbers (i.e., numbers without a decimal
point) Double Real numbers (i.e., numbers containing a
decimal point) String Text enclosed in either single ('') or
double ("") quotes. Boolean True or false
Array Group of elements of the same type
Group of associated data and methods
Resource An external data source
3. How type conversion is done in PHP?
In PHP, data-type conversion can be performed by passing the data type as an argument to function
settype. Function settype takes two arguments: The variable whose data type is to be changed and the
variable ’s new data type.
E.g., settype( $testString, "double" );

4. Write the uses of text manipulation with regular expression in PHP.

extraction and concatenation of

— a series of characters that serve
as pattern-matching templates (or search criteria) in strings, text files and databases.


5. List the important characteristics of PHP.

The main characteristics of PHP are:
• PHP is web-specific and open source
• Scripts are embedded into static HTML files
• Fast execution of scripts
• Fast access to the database tier of applications
• Supported by most web servers and operating systems
• Supports many standard network protocols libraries available for IMAP, NNTP, SMTP, POP3
• Supports many database management systems libraries available for UNIX DBM, MySQL, Oracle,
• Dynamic Output any text, HTML XHTML and any other XML file.
• Also Dynamic Output images, PDF files and even Flash m ovies
• Text processing features, from the POSIX Extended or Perl regular expressions to parsing XML
• A fully featured programming language suitable for complex systems development

6. How to Include PHP in a Web Page?

There are 4 ways of including PHP in a web page
1. <?php echo("Hello world"); ?>
2. <script language = "php"> echo("Hello world");
3. <? echo("Hello world"); ?>
4. <% echo("Hello world"); %>
we can also use print instead of echo
• Method (1) is clear and unambiguous
• Method (2) is useful in environments supporting mixed scripting languages in the same HTML file
• Methods (3) and (4) depend on the server configuration

7. Write a simple PHP Script.

Here is PHP script which is embedded in HTML using level one header with the PHP output text. The
name of this file is called hello.php.
<title>Hello world</title>
<h1><?php echo("Hello world"); ?></h1>
<h1><?php print("This prints the same thing!");?></h1>
8. How do you include comments in PHP?
PHP supports three types of comments:
1. Shell style comments - denoted #THIS IS A COMMENT
2. C++ style comments - denoted THIS IS A COMMENT—
3. C style comments - denoted /* ALL THIS COMMENTED! */

9. What are variables in PHP?

Variables start with the $ symbol.
$myInteger = 3;
$myString = "Hello world";
$myFloat = 3.145;

10. How do you declare a variable using PHP data types?

Data types are not explicitly defined:
• Variable type is determined by assignment
• Strings can be defined with single ( ’ ) and double ( ") quotes.
• PHP has a Boolean type:
Defined as false
– An integer or float value of 0 or
– The keyword false
– The empty string ‘‘’’ or the string ‘‘0’’
– An empty array or object
– The NULL value
Defined as true
– Any non-zero integer or float value
– The keyword true
• Standard operators with standard syntax applied to variables
Part – B
1. List and explain the XML syntax rules in detail. Explain how a XML document can be displayed on a
browser. (APR/MAY 2011 )

2. Explain the role of XML namespaces with examples. (MAY/JUNE 2012)

Differentiating Elements with namespaces:
xmlns attribute:
Specifying a Default Namespace:

3. Given an XSLT document and a source XML document explain the XSLT transformation
process that produces a single result XML document. (NOV/DEC 2012)

Create java file

Create xsl file Create
xml file View html file

4. Write short notes on Event-oriented parsing (MAY/JUNE 2014)

SAX: Main.Java:
Test data
5. Explain the following: i) XML namespace ii) XML style sheet. iii) XML attributes iv) XML
XML Namespaces
Solving the Name Conflict Using a Prefix
XML Namespaces - The xmlns Attribute
Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)
Default Namespaces
Namespaces in Real Use
ii) XML Stylesheet
Displaying XML with XSLT
XSLT Example
Example XSLT Stylesheet:
iii) XML Attributes:
XML Attributes
XML Attributes Must be Quoted
XML Elements vs. Attributes
Avoid XML Attributes?
iv) XML Schema
An XML Schema:

6. Explain XSL with suitable exemple

How Does It Work?
The XML File
The DTD File
The XML Style File

7. Explain the architectural revolution of XML.

XML: The Three Revolutions
The Data Revolution
The Data Revolution and The Architectural Revolution
The Architecture Revolution and The Software Revolution
8. Write a program using PHP that creates the web application for result publication

9. Design simple calculator using PHP.

10. Design application to send a email using PHP

10. Develop a shopping cart application using PHP with use of cookies.
Step 1: create a database and run the following SQL queries to create the sample
tables. Step 2: In your chosen root directory, create a folder named config.
Step 3: Inside that config folder, create a file named db_connect.php, and put the
following code inside it, just change to database credentials to your own.
Step 4: Create a file called products.php, we will retrieve the products using the code below.
Step 5: products.php on step 4 above will not actually work without the
layout_head.php and
layout_foot.php, so first, we’ll create the layout_head.php with the following code:
Step 6: layout_head.php includes another PHP file called navigation.php, so we’ll create
it and
put the following code.
Step 7: Now we’ll create the layout_foot.php
Step 8: products.php has links to the add_to_cart.php file, we’ll create that file and put the
Step 9: Now if the products were able to be added on the cart, we’ll have to view it
using cart.php, we’ll create that file with the following codes.
Step 10: cart.php links to a file called remove_from_cart.php, to remove an item from the

Part – A
1. What is Ajax?
Ajax is a set of client side technologies that provides asynchronous communication between
user interfaces and web server. So the advantages of using Ajax are asynchronous communication,
minimal data transfer and server is not overloaded with unnecessary load.
2. What technologies are being used in AJAX?
AJAX uses four technologies, which are asfollows:
JavaScript, XMLHttpRequest, Document Object Model (DOM), Extensible HTML (XHTML) and
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
3. Explain the limitations of AJAX.
It is difficult to bookmark a particular state of the application,Function provided in the code-behind
file do not work because the dynamic pages cannot register themselves on browsers history engine
4. Describe AJAX Control Extender Toolkit.
AJAX Control Toolkit is a set of extenders that are used to extend the functionalities of the ASP.NET
controls. The extenders use a block of JavaScript code to add new and enhanced capabilities to the
ASP.NET controls. AJAX Control Toolkit is a free download available on the Microsoft site. You need to
install this toolkit on your system before using extenders.
5. 30) What is the syntax to create AJAX objects?
AJAX uses the following syntax to create an
object: Var myobject = new
The page path is the URL of the Web page containing the object that you want to
call. The URL must be of the same domain as the Web page.
6. How can you find out that an AJAX request has been completed?
You can find out that an AJAX request has been completed by using the readyState property. If the
value of this property equals to four, it means that the request has been completed and the data is available.

7. What are the different ways to pass parameters to the server?

We can pass parameters to the server using either the GET or POST method. The following code
snippets show the example of both the methods: Get: XmlHttpObject.Open("GET","file1.txt", true);
Post: XmlHttpObject.Open("POST", "file2.txt",true);

8. What are the extender controls?

The extender controls uses a block of JavaScript code to add new and enhanced capabilities to ASP.NET.
The developers can use a set of sample extender controls through a separate download - AJAX Control
Toolkit (ACT).
9. List out the advantages of AJAX. (May 2014)
• Better interactivity
• Easier navigation
• Compact
• Backed by reputed

10. Define Web service? (Nov 2011)

A Web service is a method of communication between two electronic devices over the web. The
W3C defines a "Web service" as "a software system designed to support interoperable machine-to-
machine interaction over a network". It has an interface described in a machine-processable format
specifically Web Services Description Language (WSDL).


1. Explain about the object that helps AJAX reload parts of a web page without reloading the whole
page.(NOV/DEC 2011, MAY/JUNE 2014)
Ajax request and response objects
Useful methods to work with XMLHttpRequest
a) open(method, url, isAsync, userName, password)
b) setRequestHeader(name, value)
c) send(payload)
d) abort()
Synchronous and Asynchronous requests
Handling returned response from server

2. Explain technologies are being used in AJAX?

AJAX is Based on Open Standards
Steps of AJAX Operation
1. A client event occurs.
2. An XMLHttpRequest object is created.
3. The XMLHttpRequest object is configured.
4. The XMLHttpRequest object makes an asynchronous request to the Webserver.

5. The Webserver returns the result containing XML document.

6. The XMLHttpRequest object calls the callback() function and processes the result.
7. The HTML DOM is updated.
3. Explain the concept of JSON concept with example.
JSON: JavaScript Object Notation.
JSON Example
XML Example

4. Explain about Ajax Client Server Architecture.

Microsoft Ajax Client Architecture
Browser Compatibility
Core Services
Ajax Server Architecture

Ajax Control Toolkit

5. Develop a web application for Airline Reservation System using AJAX.

Airline Reservation System using AJAX
1. Client-side Frontend Application
2. 2. Server-side Backend Application

6. With a simple example illustrate the steps to create a java web service. (NOV/DEC 2012)
Writing a java web service
Currency conversion Service
Writing server software
service endpoint interface
JWSDP: Server

7. Show the relationship between SOAP, UDDI, WSIL and WSDL

8. Describe Messaging protocol in web services with its functionalities.

SOAP Building Blocks
Syntax Rules
Skeleton SOAP Message
SOAP Envelope Element
SOAP Header Element
SOAP Body Element
SOAP Fault Element
9. Explain the anatomy of UDDI.
Programmer's API

10. Explain the anatomy of WSDL.

11. Describe the major elements of SOAP. (NOV/DEC 2011, MAY/JUNE 2014) (APR/MAY 2013)

SOAP Building Blocks

Syntax Rules
Skeleton SOAP Message
SOAP Envelope Element
SOAP Header Element
SOAP Body Element
SOAP Fault Element
Margoschis Nagar, Nazareth.628617

CS8601 -Mobile Computing

Semester: VI Dept : CSE

2 Marks and 16 Marks Questions and Answers

Mobile Computing
1. What is mobile computing?
Mobile computing is a technology that allows transmission of data, via a computer,
without having to be connected to a fixed physical link.

2. What is Mobility?

• A person who moves

Between different geographical locations
Between different networks
Between different communication devices
Between different applications
• A device that moves
Between different geographical locations
Between different networks

2. What are two different kinds of mobility?

User Mobility: It refers to a user who has access to the same or similar telecommunication
services at different places.
Device Portability: many mechanisms in the network and inside the device have to make sure that
communication is still possible while the device is moving.
3. Find out the characteristics while device can thus exhibit during communication.
 Fixed and Wired
 Mobile and Wired
 Fixed and Wireless
 Mobile and Wireless
4. What are applications of Mobile Computing?
 Vehicles
 Emergencies
 Business
 Replacement of wired networks
 Infotainment
 Location dependent services
 Mobile and wireless services
5. What are the obstacles in mobile communications?
 Interference
 Regulations and spectrum
 Low Bandwidth
 High delays, large delay variation
 Lower security, simpler to attack


 Shared Medium
 Adhoc-networks

6. Give the information’s in SIM?

 Card type, serial no, list of subscribed services
 Personal Identity Number(PIN)
 Pin Unlocking Key(PUK)
 An Authentication Key(KI)
7. What are the Advantages of wireless LAN?
 Flexibility
 Planning
 Design
 Robustness
8. Mention some of the disadvantages of WLANS?
 Quality of service
 Proprietary solutions.
 Restrictions
 Safety and Security

9. Describe about MAC layer in DECT architecture.

The medium access control (MAC) layer establishes, maintains and releases channels for
higher layers by activating and deactivating physical channels. MAC multiplexes several logical
channels onto physical channels. Logical channels exist for signaling network control, user data
transmission, paging or sending broadcast messages. Additional services offered include
segmentation/reassembly of packets and error control/error correction.

10. What are the basic tasks of the MAC layer?

Medium access Fragmentation of user data Encryption


1. What are the requirements of mobile IP?

 Compatibility
 Transparency
 Scalability and efficiency
 Security

2. Mention the different entities in a mobile IP.
 Mobile Node
 Correspondent Node
 Home Network
 Foreign Network
 Foreign Agent
 Home A gent
 Care-Of address
 Foreign agent COA
 Co-located COA
3. Define Mobile node:
A mobile node is an end-system or router that can change its point of attachment to the
Internet using mobile IP. The MN keeps its IP address and can continuously with any other system
in the Internet as long as link layer connectivity is given.
4. Explain Cellular IP.
Cellular IP provides local handovers without renewed registration by installing a single
cellular IP gateway for each domain, which acts to the outside world as a foreign agent.
5. What do you mean by mobility binding?
The Mobile Node sends its registration request to the Home Agent. The HA now sets up a
mobility binding containing the mobile node’s home IP address and the current COA.
6. Define COA.
The COA (care of address) defines the current location of the MN from an IP point of view.
All IP packets sent to the MN are delivered to the COA, not directly to the IP address of the MN.
Packet delivery toward the MN is done using the tunnel. DHCP is a good candidate for supporting
the acquisition of Care Of Addresses.
7. Define a tunnel.
A tunnel establishes a virtual pipe for data packets between a tunnel entry and a tunnel
endpoint. Packets entering a tunnel are forwarded inside the tunnel and leave the tunnel unchanged.
8. What is encapsulation?
Encapsulation is the mechanism of taking a packet consisting of packet header and data
putting it into the data part of a new packet.
9. What is decapsulation?
The reverse operation, taking a packet out of the data part of another packet, is called

10. What is MOT? Give its primary goal.

DAB faces a broad range of different receiver capabilities. So to solve this problem it
defines a common standard for data transmission, the multi-media object transfer (MOT) protocol.
The primary goal of MOT is the support of data formats used in other multi- media systems.


1. Define GSM?
The global system for mobile communication (GSM) was developed by Group Speciale
Mobile(GSM) which was founded in Europe in 1992. The Gsm is a standard for mobile
telecommunication through a cellular network at data rates if upto 14.4 kbps. Now a days it consist
of a set of standards and protocols for mobile telecommunication.
2. Define GPRS?
General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) is a packet oriented service for mobile devices data
communication which utilizes the unused channels in TDMA mode in a GSM network and also
sends and receives packet of data through the internet.
3. What are subsystems in GSM system?
Radio subsystem (RSS)
Network & Switching subsystem (NSS)
Operation subsystem (OSS)
4. What are the control channel groups in GSM?
The control channel groups in GSM are:
Broadcast control channel (BCCH)
Common control channel (CCCH)
Dedicated control channel(DCCH)
5. What are the four types of handover available in GSM?
Intra cell Handover
Inter cell Intra BSC Handover
Inter BSC Intra MSC handover
Inter MSC Handover

6. What is the frequency range of uplink and downlink in GSM network?

The frequency range of uplink in GSM network is 890-960 MHz
The frequency range of downlink in GSM network is 935-960 MHz

7. What are the security services offered by GSM?

The security services offered by GSM are:
Access control and authentication.
8. What are the reasons for delays in GSM for packet data traffic?
Collisions only are possible in GSM with a connection establishment. A slotted ALOHA
mechanism is used to get access to the control channel by which the base station is told about the
connection establishment attempt. After connection establishment, a designated channel is installed
for the transmission. What is meant by beacon?
A beacon contains a timestamp and other management information used for power management and
roaming. e.g., identification of the base station subsystem (BSS)

10 . List out the numbers needed to locate an MS and to address the MS.
The numbers needed to locate an MS and to address the MS
are: Mobile station international ISDN number (MSISDN)
International mobile subscriber identity (IMSI)
Temporary mobile subscriber identity (TMSI)
Mobile station roaming number (MSRN)


1. Define MANET.
• MANET - Mobile Adhoc NET works
. Continuously self-configuring, infrastructure-less network of mobile devices
connected without wires

2. List the advantages of MANET.

Independence from central network administration
• Self-configuring, nodes are also routers
• Self-healing through continuous re-configuration
• Scalable-accommodates the addition of more nodes
• Flexible-similar to being able to access 'the Internet from many different locations
• Ease of deployment
• Speed of deployment
• Decreased dependence on infrastructure
. Reduced administrative cost
• Supports anytime and any where computing

3. What are the limitations of MANET?

•Each node must have full performance

•Throughput is affected by system loading
•Reliability requires a sufficient number of available nodes
•Large networks can have excessive latency (time delay), which affects some applications
•Limited wireless range
•Hidden terminals
•Packet losses due to transmission errors
•Routes changes
•Devices heterogeneity
•Battery power constraints
•Link changes are happening quite often
•Routing loop may exist

7. List the Types of Communications.

• Unicast
o Message is sent to a single destination node
 Multicast

o Message is sent to a selected subset of network nodes

 Broadcast
 Broadcasting is a special case of multicasting
 Message is sent to all the nodes in the network

8. Define Proactive (table-driven)protocols.

 Also known as table-driven routing protocols
 Each node in the routing table maintains information about routes to every other
node in the network
o Tables are updates frequently due to
• Changes in network topology
• Node Movements
 N odes shutting down
o Nodes can determine the best route to a destination
 Generates a large number of control messages to keep. the routing tables
o Generates overhead which consumes large part of available bandwidth
9. Define Reactive protocols.
 Also called as On-demand routing protocol
 Nodes do not maintain up-to-date routing information o
New routes are discovered only when required
 Uses flooding technique to determine the route
O Flooding technique is used when the node does not have routing knowledge

10. Compare MANET Vs VANET

MANET - Mobile AdhocNET work VANET- Vehicular AdhocNET works
Nodes moves randomly Nodes moves regularly
Mobility is low Mobility is high
Reliability is medium Reliability is high
Node lifetime depends on power source N ode lifetime depends on vehicle life
Network topology is sluggish and slow Network topology is frequent and fast

1. Define Operating System.
 Interface between hardware and user
 Manages hardware and software resources of the system
 Provides set of services to application programs

2. Name the features of Operating System.
• Multitasking
• Scheduling
• Memory Allocation
• File System Interface
• Keypad Interface
• I/O Interface
• Protection and Security
• Multimedia features
3. How is the operating system structured?
 Kernel Layer
 Shell Layer
4. Give the types of Operating System.
 Monolithic Kernel
 Microkernel

5. Specify the motivation of Monolithic Kernel OS design.
 Kernel contains the entire OS operations except shell code
 Motivation
o OS services can run more securely and efficiently in supervisor mode
6. Mention the examples of Monolithic Kernel OS design.
7. List the Advantages of Monolithic Kernel OS design.
Provides good performance

Always runs in supervisor mode

More efficient and secure

8. List the disadvantages of Monolithic Kernel OS design.
o Makes kernel
• Massive
Hard to tailor
• Maintain
 Configure

9. List the disadvantages of Microkernel OS design.
• Flexible
• Modular
Easier to port
Easy to extend and implement
10. List the disadvantages of Microkernel OS design,
 Difficult to debug compared to application programs
 Bog in the kernel crashes the system and the debugger
 Non-reliable
16 MARKS – KEYPOINTS

1. Explain in detail about SignalPropagation.

Path loss of radio signals
Sky wave Line-
Additional Signal propagation effects
Blocking (or) Shadowing, Reflection, Refraction, Scattering, Diffraction
Multi-path propagation
Delay Spread Intersymbol
Short-term fading, long-term fading
Doppler Shift

2. Write a brief note aboutmultiplexing.

Space division multiplexing

Guard space
Frequency division multiplexing
Adjacent Channel Interference
Time division multiplexing
Guard spaces
Co-channel Interference
Advantages, disadvantages
Code division multiplexing
Guard spaces- orthogonal codes
Advantages, disadvantages

3. What is modulation? Explain in detail.

Digital modulation, Analog modulation
Frequency division Multiplexing
Medium Characteristics
Spectral efficiency, Power efficiency, Robustness
Amplitude Shift Keying
Advantages, disadvantages, Applications
Frequency Shift Keying
Binary FSK
Continuous Phase Modulation
Phase Shift Keying
Binary PSK Phase
lock loop
Advanced Frequency Shift Keying
Minimum Shift Keying, Gaussian MSK
Advanced Phase Shift Keying Quadrature
Reference signal
Differential QPSK
Quadrature Amplitude Modulation Multi-carrier modulation Advantages
4. Briefly demonstrate the concept of spread spectrum.
Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum
Chipping Sequence
Pseudo-noise Sequence
Spreading factor
DSSS transmitter & receiver Frequency
hopping Spread Spectrum Hopping
Dwell Time
Slow & Fast Hopping
FHSS transmitter & receiver

5. Describe in detail about cellular systems.

Base Station, cell
Higher capacity, less transmission power, local interference only, Robustness
Infrastructure needed, Handover needed, Frequency planning Clusters,
sectorized antennas, Borrowing Channel Allocation(BCA), Fixed
Channel Allocation(FCA), Dynamic Channel Allocation(DCA)

6. Describe the mobile services provided by GSM in detail.

Bearer Services
Transparent & Non- transparent Bearer Services
Tele Services
Emergency number
Short Message Service
Enhanced Message Service
Multimedia Message Service
Group 3 fax
Supplementary Services
Typical services

7. Explain in detail about the GSM architecture.

Radio Subsystem
Base Station Subsystem
Base Transceiver Station
Base Station Controller
Mobile Station
Subscriber Identity Module
Personal Identity Number, PIN Unblocking
Network and Switching Subsystem
Mobile Services Switching center
Home Location register
Visitor Location register
Operation Subsystem
Operation and Maintenance center
Authentication center
Equipment Identity Register

8. Briefly explain about GPRS

GPRS concepts
Time slots
PTP packet transfer service
QoS profile
GPRS architecture
Mobility management
9. Give a detailed explanation about DECT
Global network
Local network
Home database, visitor database
Protocol architecture
Physical layer
Medium access control
layer Data link control
layer Network layer

10. Explain briefly about Satellite systems

Weather forecasting, Radio & TV broadcast satellites, military satellites, satellites for
navigation. Global telephone backbone, connections for remote or
developing areas, global mobile communication
Inclination angle, elevation angle
GEO(Geostationary Earth Orbit) Advantages, disadvantages
LEO(Low Earth Orbit)
MEO(Medium Earth
Orbit) Advantages,
HEO(Highly Elliptical Orbit) Advantages, disadvantages
Home Location register(HLR)
Visitor Location register (VLR)
Satellite user mapping
register(SUMR) Handover.
Intra-satellite, inter-
satellite, Gateway,
Intersystem handover

Questions Bank
Unit I

1. Discuss the advantage and disadvantage of cellular system with small cells.(06)
2.Briefly explain the Frequency Division Multiplexing.(06)
3.Write short notes on DHSS(04)
4.Write short note on FHSS(04)
5.Explain the GSM system architecture with a neat diagram.(16)
6.Describe the security services provided by GSM.(08)
7.Explain the protocol architecture of GSM for signaling. (16)
8.Explain the architecture of GPRS with a neat diagram.(10)
9. What are typical steps for handover on GSM network?(08)
10. Explain the steps involved in the call delivery procedure in GSM network in the following cases:
(i) GSM mobile terminated call(08)
(ii) GSM mobile originated call(08)
11. Why are so many different identifiers/addresses needed in GSM?
Give reasons and distinguish between user-related and system related identifiers.(08)
13. Explain the services provided by GSM?(08)
14. Write short notes on
(i) Mobile management.(08)
(ii) Connection Establishment.(08)


1. Compare Hyperlink and Blue tooth in terms of ad-hoc capabilities, power saving mode, solving hidden
terminal problem, providing reliability fairness problem regarding channel access.(16)
2. Write short notes on wireless PAN?(04)
3. Explain the operation of DFWMAC_DCF with a neat timing diagram.(8)
4. Draw the MAC frame of 802.11 and list the use of the fields.(8)
5.Describe Hyperlink architectural components and their interactions. (16)
6.Explain the architecture of Wi-Fi in detail.(16)
7.Explain the system architecture of IEEE802. 11(16)
8.Describe the architecture of Wi MAX in detail. (16)
9.Compare and Contrast Wi-Fi and Wi Max.(06)
10. Briefly explain about BRAN.(04)
11. Explain in detail about Wireless ATM. (10)
12. Explain the information bases and networking of adhoc HIPERLAN.(8)
13. Discuss MAC layer Bluetooth system (08)


1. Show the steps required for a handover from one FA to another FA including layer-2 andlayer-3.
Assume 802.11aslayer-2.(08)
2. Name the ineffiencies of Mobile IP regarding data forwarding from CN
to MN. W hat are the optimizations possible?(08)
3. What are the differences between wired networks and ad-hoc networks
related to routing?(06)
4. What is the need for DHCP? With a state chart explain
11 the operation of DHCP?(10)
5. List the entities involved in mobile IP and describe the process of data transfer from a mobile node to a
fixed node and vice versa.(08)
6. Why is conventional routing in wired networks not suitable for wireless
networks? Substantiate your answers with suitable examples.(08)
7. Discuss DSDV routing in detail.(16)

8. Describe how the multicast routing is done in ad-hoc networks.(08)

9. Explain how tunneling works in general and especially for mobile IP using IP-in-IP,MINIMAL,
and generic routing encapsulation, respectively. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of these
three methods.(16)
10. How does dynamic source routing handle routing? What is the motivation between dynamic
source routing compared to other routing algorithms from fixed networks?(16)
11. Briefly explain about CGSR.(06)
12. Compare and Contrast about Proactive and Reactive routing protocol(4)


1. Explain the mechanisms of TCP that influence the efficiency in

mobile environment.(08)
2. Explain the operation of Mobile TCP.(08)
3. Compare and Contrast Traditional and Mobile TCP.(04)
4. Why has a scripting language been added to WML? How can
this language help saving bandwidth and reducing delay?(08)
5.Which WTP class reflects the typical web access best? How is unnecessary overhead avoided when
WSP on top of this class of web
6.State the requirements of WAP. Explain its architectural components.(16)
7.Explain WML and WML scripts with an example.(16)
8.What is WTP? Discuss about its classes.(08)
9.Explain the architecture of WTA.(08)


1. What are the design and implementation issues in mobile device operating Systems. (08)
2. Explain the operating system issues related to miniature devices.(08)
3. Explain the commercial mobile operating systems.(16)
4. Describe the software Development kit with an example.(8)
5. Discuss the following:
ii) Black Berry
Phone iv)M-
v)Mobile payment system

(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi and Affiliated to Anna University)



Unit 1
Part A
1. What do you mean by test harness?
In order to test software, especially at the unit and integration levels, auxiliary code
must be developed. This is called the test harness or scaffolding code.

2. Define a fault model.

A fault (defect) model can be described as a link between the error made (e.g., a
missing requirement, a misunderstood design element, a typographical error),and the
fault/defect in the software.

3. What is the role of a software tester in a software development organization?

The tester’s job is to reveal defects, find weak points, inconsistent
behavior, and circumstances where the software does not work as expected.

4. Define process in the context of software quality. (Nov/Dec – 2018)

Process, in the software engineering domain, is a set of methods, practices, Standards,
documents, activities, polices, and procedures that software engineers use to develop and
maintain a software system and its associated artifacts, such as project and test plans,
design documents, code, and manuals.

5. Differentiate between testing and debugging.

Testing as a dual purpose process reveal defects and to evaluate quality attributes.
Debugging or fault localization is the process of locating the fault or defect repairing the
code, and retesting the code.

6. List the members of the critical groups in a testing process (U.Q Nov/Dec 2008)
• Manager
• Developer/Tester
• User/Client

7. List out the Software testing axioms.

1. It is impossible to test a program completely. 2. Software testing is a risk-based exercise. 3.
Testing cannot show the absence of bugs. 4. The more bugs you find, the more bugs there are.
5. Not allbugs found will be fixed. 6. It is difficult to say when a bug is indeed a bug. 7.
Specifications are never final. 8. Software testers are not the most popular members of a
project. 9. Software testing is a disciplined and technical profession

8. Write short notes on Test, Test Set, and Test Suite.

A Test is a group of related test cases, or a group of related test cases and test procedure.
A group of related test is sometimes referred to as a test set
A group of related tests that are associated with a database, and are usually run together, is
sometimes referred to as a Test Suite.
9. List the levels of TMM.
The testing maturity model or TMM contains five levels. They are
Level1: Initial
Level2: Phase definition Level3: Integration
Level4: Management and Measurement
Level5: Optimization /Defect prevention and Quality Control

10. List the elements of the engineering disciplines.

• Basic principles
• Processes
• Standards
• Measurements
• Tools
• Methods
• Best practices
• Code of ethics
• Body of knowledge
Part B
1) Explain in detail about Testing Maturity Model (TMM) levels and the test related activities
that should be done for V-model architecture (Apr May 2018)
2) Explain in detail processing and monitoring of the defects with defect repository (Apr May
3) Explain various software testing principles in detail and summarize the tester role in
software development organization. (Apr May 2018)
4) Explain various software testing principles in detail. (Apr May 2017) (Nov/Dec – 2018)
5) What are the typical origins of defects? Explain the major classes of defects in the software
artefacts. (Apr May 2017) (Nov/Dec – 2018)
6) Elaborate on the principles of software testing and summarize the tester role in software
development organization.(16) (Nov/Dec – 2016)
7) Discuss the steps to be taken to monitor the defects with the help of defect repository?
(Nov/Dec – 2016)
8) Describe about Tester Support of Developing a Defect Repository. (Nov/Dec – 2018)
Unit 2
Part A

1. What are the factors affecting less than 100% degree of coverage? (Apr/May – 2018)
The nature of the unit
• Some statements/branches may not be reachable.
• The unit may be simple, and not mission, or safety, critical, and so complete coverage is
thought to be unnecessary.
• The lack of resources
• The time set aside for testing is not adequate to achieve complete coverage for all of the
• There is a lack of tools to support complete coverage
• Other project related issues such as timing, scheduling. And marketing constraints.

2. Write the formula for Cyclomatic complexity?(Apr/May – 2018) (Nov/Dec – 2016)

The complexity value is usually calculated from control flow graph
(G) by the formula V (G) = E-N+2. Where the value E is the number of edges in the control
flow graph and the value N is the number of nodes.

3. Differentiate black box and white box testing. (Apr/May – 2017) (Nov/Dec – 2018)

Black box testing White box Testing

Black box testing, the tester is no The White box approach focuses on the inner
Knowledgeof its inner structure(i.e. structure of the software to be tested.
how it works)The tester only has knowledge
of what it does(Focus only input & output)
Black box testing sometimes called White box sometimes called clear or glass
functional or specification testing. boxtesting.

4. Give some example methods for black box testing. (Apr/May – 2017)
o Equivalence class partitioning (ECP)
o Boundary value analysis (BVA)
o State Transition testing.(STT)
o Cause and Effect Graphing.
o Error guessing
5. List the various iterations of Loop testing. (Nov/Dec – 2016)
o Zero iteration of the loop
o One iteration of the loop
o Two iterations of the loop
o K iterations of the loop where k<n
o n-1 iterations of the loop
o n+1 iterations of the loop
6. What is Random Testing
Random testing is a black-box software testing technique where programs are tested by
generating random, independent inputs. Results of the output are compared against software
specifications to verify that the test output is pass or fail.

7. What is complexity Testing?

Compatibility Testing is a type of Software testingto check whether your software is capable
of running on different hardware, operating systems, applications , network environments or
Mobile devices. Compatibility Testing is a type of the Non- functional testing Types:
Forward Testing
Backward Testing
8. Write the formula for cyclomatic complexity?
The complexity value is usually calculated from control flow graph(G) by the formula
V(G) = E-N+2
Where The value E is the number of edges in the control flow graph The value N is the
number of nodes.
9. .Define Error Guessing.
The tester/developer is sometimes able to make an educated “guess’ as to which type of
defects may be present and design test cases to reveal them. Error Guessing is an ad-hoc
approach to test design in most cases..
10. Define COTS Components. (Nov/Dec – 2018)
The reusable component may come from a code reuse library within their org or, as is most
likely, from an outside vendor who specializes in the development of specific types of
software components. Components produced by vendor org are known as commercial off-the
shelf, or COTS, components.

1) Demonstrate black box test cases using equivalence class
partitioning and boundary value analysis to test a module for payrollsystem (Apr May 2018)
(Nov/Dec – 2016)
2) Explain in detail about equivalence class partitioning (Apr May 2017) (Nov/Dec – 2018)
3) Explain about boundary value analysis in detail (Apr May 2017) (Nov/Dec – 2018)
4) Explain the various axioms that allow testers to valuate Test Adequacy Criteria.(Apr May
5) What inference can you make from random testing, requirement based testing and domain
testing explain?
6) Explain the various axioms that allow testers to evaluate Test Adequacy Criteria.
7) Explain about state transition testing . (Apr May 2018)
8) Explain mutation testing with an example (Apr May 2017)
9) How data flow testing aid in identifying defects in variable declaration and its use (Apr
May 2017)
10) Discuss in detail about static testing and structural testing.Also mention the difference
between these two testing concepts. (Nov/Dec – 2018)
Unit 3
Part A

1. What is Bottom up integration Testing? And its advantages. (Apr/May – 2018)

Bottom-up testing
o Integrate individual components in levels until the complete system is created
o Advantages and disadvantages
o Architectural validation
o Top-down integration testing is better at discovering errors in the system
o System demonstration
o Top-down integration testing allows a limited demonstration at an early stage
in the development
o Test implementation
o Often easier with bottom-up integration testing
o Test observation
o Problems with both approaches. Extra code may be required to observe tests
2. Give example for security testing? (Apr/May – 2018)
It Evaluates system characteristics that relate to the availability, integrity and confidentiality
of system data and services.Security Testing examples: password checking, legal and illegal
entry with passwords, password expiration, encryption, browsing, trap doors, viruses.

3.Define integration testing? (Apr/May – 2017)

One unit at a time is integrated into a set of previously integrated modules which have passed
a set of integration tests.

4. What are the different types of system types? (Apr/May – 2017)

o Functional testing
o Performance testing
o Stress testing
o Configuration testing
o Security testing
o Recovery testing
5. What is the need for different levels of testing? (Nov/Dec – 2016)
Execution-based software testing, especially for large systems, is usually carried out at
different levels. At each level there are specific testing goals .At the system level the system
as a whole is tested and a principle goal is to evaluate attributes such as usability, reliability,
and performance. To make sure that all the requirements are fulfilled, different levels of
testing are needed.

6. Define alpha, beta and acceptance tests. (Nov/Dec – 2016)

When software is being developed for a specific client, acceptance tests are carried out after
system testing.
Alpha test: This test takes place at the developer’s site.
Beta Test: Beta tests ends the software to a cross-section of users who install it and use it
under real world working conditions.

7. What are the difference levels of testing? (Nov/Dec – 2018)

The major phases of testing: unit test, integration test, system test, and some type of
acceptance test.
8. What is the importance of acceptance testing?
During acceptance test the development organization must show that the software
meets all of the client’s requirements. Very often final payments for system development
depend on the quality of the software as observed during the acceptance test.
9. What do you mean by regression testing? (Nov/Dec – 2018)
Regression testing is not a level of testing, but it is there testing of software that
occurs when changes are made to ensure that the new version of the software has retained the
capabilities of the old version and that no new defects have been introduced due to the

10. List the levels of Testing or Phases of testing. (Nov/Dec – 2018)

 Unit Test
 Integration Test
 System Test
 Acceptance Test

Part B
1) What do you mean by unit testing? Explain in detail about the process of unit testing and
unit test planning (Apr May 2018) (Nov/Dec – 2018)
2) Write the importance of security testing and explain the consequences of security breaches,
also write the various areas which has to be focused on during security testing. (Apr May
3) Write notes on configuration testing and its objectives. (Apr May 2018)
4) State the need for integration testing in procedural code (Apr May 2018) (Nov/Dec –
5) Explain in detail about test harness. Also write notes on integration test.
6) Explain various system testing approaches in detail. (Nov/Dec – 2018)
7) Write notes on configuration testing and compatibility testing
8) How Would you identify the hardware and software for configuration testing? (Nov/Dec
– 2016)
9) Explain the significance of control flow graph and Cyclomatic complexity in white box
testing with a pseudo code for sum of positive numbers. Also mention the independent paths
with test cases.(Apr. May 2017)
10) Explain the black box testing techniques with example .(Apr. May 2017)
Unit 4

1. Define work breakdown structure? (Apr/May – 2018)

A Work Breakdown Structure is a hierarchical or treelike representation of all the
tasks that are required to complete a project.
And the elements are 1. Project startup 2. Management coordination 3. Tool selection 4. Test
planning 5. Test design 6. Test development 7. Test execution 8. Test measurement, and
monitoring 9. Test analysis and reporting 10. Test process

2.What is Test item transmittal report? (Apr/May – 2018)

It identifies the test items being transmitted for testing in the event that separate
development and test groups are involved or in the event that a formal beginning of test
execution is desired

3.What are the responsibilities of a test specialist? (Apr/May – 2017)

Their primary responsibility is to ensure that testing is effective and productive, and
that quality issues are addressed.

4.What is the role of test manager? (Apr/May – 2017) (Nov/Dec – 2016)

The test manager is usually responsible for test policy making, customer interaction,
test planning, test documentation, controlling and monitoring of tests, training, test tool
acquisition, participation in inspections and walkthroughs, reviewing test work, the test
repository, and staffing issues such as hiring, firing, and evaluation of the test team members.

5.Write the approaches to test cost Estimation? (Apr/May – 2017)

The COCOMO model and heuristics
 Use of test cost drivers
 Test tasks
 Tester/developer ratios
 Expert judgment

6. What are the three critical groups in testing planning and test plan policy? (Nov/Dec –
o Managers: Task forces, policies, standards, planning Resource allocation,
support for education and training, Interact with users/Clients
o Developers/Testers: Apply Black box and White box methods, test at all
levels, assist with test planning, Participate in task forces.
o Users/Clients: Specify requirement clearly, Support with operational profile,
Participate in acceptance test planning.
7. What is the need of Test Incident Report (Nov/Dec – 2018)
The tester should record in attest incident report (sometimes called a problem report)
any event that occurs during the execution of the tests that is unexpected , unexplainable, and
that requires a follow- up investigation.

8. List the Test plan components. /

Duties of component wise testing teams (Nov/Dec – 2018)
o Test plan identifier
o Introduction
o Items to be tested
o Features to be tested • Approach
o Pass/fail criteria
o Suspension and resumption criteria
o Test deliverables
o Testing Tasks
o Test environment
o Responsibilities
o Staffing and training needs
o Scheduling
o Risks and contingencies
o Testing costs
o Approvals.

9. Define a Work Breakdown Structure.(WBS)

A Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is a hierarchical or treelike representation of all
the tasks that are required to complete a project

10. What are the technical skills required by a test specialist?

o Strong coding skills and an understanding of code structure and behavior;
o A good understanding of testing principles and practices;
o A good understanding of basic testing strategies, methods, and techniques;
o A knowledge of process issues;
o Knowledge of how networks, databases, and operating systems are organized
and how they work.

Part B

1) Describe about the testing team structure for single product companies (Apr May
2018) (Nov/Dec – 2016)
2) What are the skills needed for a test specialist. (Nov/Dec – 2016)
3) Name the reports of test results and the contents available in each test reports (Apr
May 2018)
4) Analyze the various steps in forming the test group. How will you build a testing
group discuss with an example. (Nov/Dec – 2018)
5) Develop the challenges and issues faced in testing service organization also write how
we can eliminate challenges.
Can you list the components of test plan in detail. (Apr May 2018) (Nov/Dec – 2016)
6) Illustrate the various components of Test plan with an example (Nov/Dec – 2018)
Point out the five stages in a test plan process./
7) Explain the concepts of test planning in detail. Also mention the way of defining test
plan (Nov/Dec – 2018)
8) Compare and contrast the role of debugging goals and policies in testing. (Nov/Dec –

Unit 5

1) What is Walk throughs? (Apr/May – 2018)

 Type of technical review where the producer of the reviewed material serves
as the review leader and actually guides the progression of the review (as a
review reader)
 Traditionally applied to design and code
 In the case of code walkthrough, test inputs may be selected and review
participants then literally walk through the design or code
 Checklist and preparation steps may be eliminated

2 What are the general goals for the reviewers (Apr/May – 2018)
The general goals for the reviewers
identify problem components or components in the software artifact that
need improvement;
identify components of the software artifact that do not need improvement;
identify specific errors or defects in the software artifact (defect detection);
ensure that the artifact conforms to organizational standards. the many benefits of
a review program are:
higher-quality software;
increased productivity (shorter rework time);
closer adherence to project schedules (improved process control);
increased awareness of quality issues; • teaching tool for junior staff;
opportunity to identify reusable software artifacts;

3. What are stress and load tools? (Apr/May – 2017)

Stress and load tools induce stresses and loads to the software being tested. A
word processor running as the only application on the system, with all available
memory and disk space, probably works just fine.

4.What are calculated metrics? (Apr/May – 2017)

Calculated Metrics are derived from the data gathered in BaseMetrics. These
Metrics are generally tracked by the test lead/manager for Test Reporting purpose.

5.What are the benefits of testing tools and automation? (Nov/Dec – 2016)
Speed, Efficiency, Accuracy and Precision, Relentlessness.

6.Define Base line. (Nov/Dec – 2016)

Base lines are formally reviewed and agreed upon versions of software artifacts, from
which all changes are measured. They serve as the basis for further development and can be
changed only through formal change procedures.

7. What is the need for test metrics?

Test Metrics are used to,
Take the decision for next phase of activities such as, estimate the cost & schedule of future
Understand the kind of improvement required to success the project
Take decision on process or technology to be modified etc.

8. Define test automation. / What is the need of test automation (Nov/Dec – 2018)
In software testing, test automation is the use of special software (separate from the
software being tested) to control the execution of tests and the comparison of actual outcomes
with predicted outcomes.
It reduces human effort and reduce human error.

9. List the the challenges in automation?

1) Testing the complete application: ...
2) Misunderstanding of company processes: ...
3) Relationship with developers: ...
4) Regression testing: ...
5) Lack of skilled testers: ...
6) Testing always under time constraint:

10.What is Progress metrics? (Nov/Dec – 2018)

In software testing, Metric is a quantitative measure of the degree to which a system,
system component, or process possesses a given attribute. In other words, metrics helps
the progress, quality and health of a software testing effort.

Part B
1) Discuss the types of review. Explain various components of review plans. (Apr May
2) Explain various requirements for test tool.
3) Explain the design and architecture for automation (Nov/Dec– 2016)
4) List and discuss metrics that can be used for detection prevention and how Narrate and
formulate about the metrics of parameters to be considered for evaluating the software
quality.(Apr May 2018)
5) Outline the challenges in automation. (Nov/Dec – 2016)
6) What is the need for metrics in testing? Analyze about Productivity metrics. (Nov/Dec –
7) Briefly explain the test tool selection procedure. (Nov/Dec – 2018)
8) Explain the various generations of automation and the required skills for each. (Apr May
9) Explain the different types of Test defect metrics under progress metrics based on what
they measure and what area they focus on. (Apr May 2017)
1. What is Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)? (Nov/Dec 2018)
A service-oriented architecture is essentially a collection of services. These
services communicate with each other. The communication can involve either
simple data passing or it could involve two or more services coordinating some
2. Highlight the importance of the term “cloud computing” (Nov/Dec 2016)
 Elasticity Demand  Cost Savings  Speed  Flexibility  Integration 
Data Security & Recovery  Workforce Efficiency.
3. Bring out the difference between private and public cloud (Nov/Dec 2016)
 Public Cloud These are based on shared physical hardware which is owned
and operated by a third party provider. Public clouds are ideal for small and
medium sized businesses or businesses that have fluctuating demands.
 Private Cloud A private cloud is infrastructure dedicated entirely to our
business that’s hosted either on-site or in a service provider’s data center.
4. What is Cloud Computing (Nov/Dev 2021 )
“Cloud is a parallel and distributed computing system consisting of a
collection of inter- connected and virtualized computers that are
dynamically provisioned and presented as one or more unified computing
resources based on service-level agreements (SLA) established through
negotiation between the service provider and consumers.”
5. What is a Virtual Machine (VM)?
A virtual machine (VM) is a software program or operating system that
not only exhibits the behavior of a separate computer, but is also
capable of performing tasks such as running applications and programs
like a separate computer. A virtual machine, usually known as a guest
is created within another computing environment referred as a "host."
Multiple virtual machines can exist within a single host at one time. A
virtual machine is also known as a guest.
6. What is virtualization in cloud computing?
Virtualization is a software that creates virtual (rather than actual)
version of something, such as an operating system, a server, a storage
device or network resource. It is the fundamental technology that
powers cloud computing.
7. What is a hypervisor?
A hypervisor, also called a virtual machine manager, is a
program that allows multiple operating systems to share a
single hardware host. Each operating system appears to have
the host's processor, memory, and other resources all to itself.
8. What is meant by Distributed computing?
 A distributed system is a network of autonomous
computers that communicate with each other in order to
achieve a goal.
 The computers in a distributed system are independent and
do not physically share memory or processors. They
communicate with each other using messages, pieces of
information transferred from one computer to another
over a network.
9. What are the differences between Grid computing and
cloud computing? (Nov/Dev 2017)
Grid computing Cloud computing

What? Grids enable access to shared Clouds enable access to leased

computing power and storage capacity computing power and storage
from your desktop capacity from your desktop
Who provides the Research institutes and universities Large individual companies
service? federate their services around the e.g. Amazon and Microsoft.
Who uses the service? Research collaborations, called Small to medium commercial
"Virtual Organizations", which bring businesses or researchers with
together researchers around the world generic IT needs
working in the same field.
Who pays for the Governments - providers and users are The cloud provider pays for
service? usually publicly funded research the computing resources; the
organizations. user pays to use them

10. What is a Virtual Machine (VM) ?

A virtual machine (VM) is a software program or operating
system that not only exhibits the behavior of a separate
computer, but is also capable of performing tasks such as
running applications and programs like a separate computer.
A virtual machine, usually known as a guest is created within
another computing environment referred as a "host." Multiple
virtual machines can exist within a single host at one time. A
virtual machine is also known as a guest.
1. Discuss in detail about Roots of Cloud computing technology
2. Explain about various features of Cloud computing with an example
3. Discuss about advantage and disadvantages of Cloud computing (Nov/Dev
4. Explain in detail about Roots of Cloud Computing
5. Explain implementation levels of virtualization/Discus how virtualization is
implemented in different layers (Nov/Dev 2021 )
6. Explain virtualization structure with diagram [U]
7. Explain virtualization of CPU, Memory and I/O devices [U]
1.What is Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)?
A service-oriented architecture is essentially a collection of services. These
services communicate with each other. The communication can involve either
simple data passing or it could involve two or more services coordinating
some activity.
2.What is a Web Service? Give any four examples.
A web service is a kind of software that is accessible on the Internet. It makes
use of the XML messaging system and offers an easy to understand, interface
for the end users.
3. Give me an example of real web service?
One example of web services is IBM Web Services browser. You can get it
from IBM Alphaworks site. This browser shows various demos related to web
services. Basically web services can be used with the help of SOAP, WSDL,
and UDDI . All these, provide a plug-and-play interface for using web
services such as stock-quote service, a traffic- report service, weather service
4. Differentiate between a SOA and a Web service?
SOA is a design and architecture to implement other services. SOA can be
easily implemented using various protocols such as HTTP, HTTPS, JMS,
SMTP, RMI, IIOP, RPC etc. While Web service, itself is an implemented
technology. In fact one can implement SOA using the web service.

5.What is REST? (Remembering)

REST stands for Representational State Transfer. REST itself is not a standard,
while it uses various standards such as HTTP, URL, XML/HTML/GIF/JPEG
(Resource Representations) and text/xml, text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg, etc
(MIME Types).
6.What is virtualization in cloud computing?
Virtualization is a software that creates virtual (rather than actual) version of
something, such as an operating system, a server, a storage device or network
resource. It is the fundamental technology that powers cloud computing.
7.List the disadvantages of virtualization
Performance degradation
Inefficiency and
degraded user
Security holes and
new threats
8. List the advantages of virtualization
Application virtualization is a good solution in the case of missing
libraries in the host operating system; in this case a replacement library
can be linked with the application, or library calls can be remapped to
existing functions available in the host system.
9. Define Application virtualization.
Application-level virtualization is a technique allowing applications to
be run in runtime environments that do not natively support all the
features required by such applications. These techniques are mostly
concerned with partial file systems, libraries, and operating system
component emulation.
10. Explain hypervisor architecture
A hypervisor or virtual machine monitor (VMM) is a piece of
computer software, firmware or hardware that creates and runs virtual
1. Explain implementation levels of virtualization/Discus how
virtualization is implemented in different layers . (Nov/Dev
2021 )
2. Explain virtualization structure with diagram
3. Explain virtualization of CPU, Memory and I/O devices (Nov/Dev 2021 )
4. Explain in detail about Load Balancing Techniques.
5. Discuss in detail about the types of virtualization.
6. Explain in detail about Virtualization for data centre
automation./What do you mean by centre automation using
7. What are the types of cluster and explain about virtual clusters and
Resource Management
1. What is private deployment model?
 A private cloud is built within the domain of
an intranet owned by a single organization.
 It is a client owned and managed, and its access is
limited to the owning clients and their partner
2. What is hybrid deployment model?
 A hybrid cloud is built with both public and private clouds.
 The Research Compute Cloud (RC2) is a private
cloud, built by IBM, that interconnects the
computing and IT resources at eight IBM Research
Centers scattered throughout the United States,
Europe, and Asia.
3. What is community deployment model?
More than one group with common and specific needs shares
the cloud infrastructure. This can include environments such as
a U.S. federal agency cloud with stringent security
requirements, or a health and medical cloud with regulatory
and policy requirements for privacy matters.
4. List categories of cloud computing?/three layers of cloud computing?
 IaaS - Infrastructure as a Service
 PaaS - Platform as a Service
 SaaS - Software as a Service

5. Define IaaS?
Allows users to rent the infrastructure itself: servers, data
center space, and software, network equipment such as
6. Define PaaS?(Apr/May-2017)
Platform as a service (PaaS) is a category of cloud computing
services that provides a platform allowing customers to
develop, run, and manage applications without the complexity
of building and maintaining the infrastructure typically
associated with developing and launching an app. The PaaS
model provides the user to deploy user-built applications on
top of the cloud infrastructure, that are built using the
programming languages and software tools supported by the
provider (e.g., Java, python, .Net).
7. Define SaaS? (Apr/May-2017)
Software as a Service (SaaS) is a software delivery method
that provides access to software and its functions remotely as
a Web-based service. SaaS model provides the software
applications as a service. As a result, on the customer side,
there is no upfront investment in servers or software licensing.
On the provider side, costs are rather low, compared with
conventional hosting of user applications. The customer data
is stored in the cloud that is either vendor proprietary or a
publically hosted cloud supporting the PaaS and IaaS.
8. Why do we need hybrid cloud (Nov/Dec 2016)
 Maintain security and high performance
 Run workloads where they perform best
 Reduce IT cost and improve network efficiency
9. Mention the characteristics features of the cloud (Apr/May 2017)
 On-Demand Usage
 Ubiquitous Access
 Multi-tenancy (Resourcing Pooling)
 Elasticity (and Scalability)
 Measured Usage
 Resiliency
10. Define Hybrid Cloud. (Nov/Dec 2021)
Hybrid cloud is a cloud computing environment which uses a
mix of on-premises, private cloud and third-party, public
cloud services with orchestration between the two platforms.
For example, an enterprise can deploy an on-premises private
cloud to host sensitive or critical workloads, but use a third-
party public cloud provider, such as Google Computer
Engine, to host less-critical resources, such as test and
development workloads.
1. What are the services provided by cloud with
deployment model? Explain in detail (Nov/Dec 2017)
2. List the cloud deployment models and give a detailed about them
(Nov/Dec 2016)
3. Explain in detail about cloud delivery model. (Nov/Dec 2021)
4. Discuss the operational and economic benefits of SaaS.
5. Give the importance of cloud computing and elaborate the
different types of services offered by it. (Nov/Dec 2016)
6. Specify a scenario where PaaS can be applied
7. Identify upfront Investment in New Initiatives and what will be its
benefits in cloud.
1. Define Intercloud. 1. (Nov/Dec 2021)
Intercloud is a network of cloud s that are linked with each
other. This includes private, public, and hybrid clouds that come
together to provide a seamless exchange of data.

2. What are the challenges of intercloud.

 Identification: A system should be created where each
cloud can be identified and accessed by another cloud,
similar to how devices connected to the internet are
identified by IP addresses.
 Communication: A universal language of the cloud
should be created so that they are able to verify each
other’s available resources.
 Payment: When one provider uses the assets of another
provider, a question arises on how the second provider will
be compensated, so a proper payment process should be

3. What is Resource Provisioning in cloud? (Nov/Dec 2016)

Cloud provisioning is the allocation of a cloud provider's
resources and services to a customer. The growing catalogue
of cloud services that customers can provision includes
infrastructure as a service, software as a service and platform
as a service, in public or private cloud environments.

4. What are the types of resource provisioning methods.

a. Demand-Driven Resource Provisioning
b. Event-Driven Resource Provisioning
c. Popularity-Driven Resource Provisioning

5. What is Demand Driven resource provisioning.

This method adds or removes computing instances based on
the current utilization level of the allocated resources. The
demand-driven method automatically allocates two processors
for the user application, when the user was using one processor
more than 60 percent of the time for an extended period. When
a resource has surpassed a threshold for a certain amount of
time, the scheme increases that resource based on demand.
When a resource is below a threshold for a certain amount of
time, that resource could be decreased accordingly.

6. What is Event-Driven Resource Provisioning. (Nov/Dec 2016)

This scheme adds or removes machine instances based on a
specific time event. The scheme works better for seasonal or
predicted events. During these events, the number of users
grows before the event period and then decreases during the
event period. This scheme anticipates peak traffic before it
happens. The method results in a minimal loss of QoS, if the
event is predicted correctly.

7. What is Popularity-Driven Resource Provisioning.

(Nov/Dec 2017)
In this method, the Internet searches for popularity of certain
applications and creates the instances by popularity demand.
The scheme anticipates increased traffic with popularity.
Again, the scheme has a minimal loss of QoS, if the predicted
popularity is correct. Resources may be wasted if traffic does
not occur as expected.

8. What are the Extended Cloud Computing Services.

1. Hardware as a Service (HaaS).
2. Network as a Service (NaaS).
3. Location as a Service (LaaS),
4. Security as a Service (“SaaS”).
5. Data as a Service (DaaS).
6. Communication as a Service (CaaS)

9. What is Data integrity ?

Data integrity means ensuring that data is identically
maintained during any operation (such as transfer, storage, or

10. List the security issues in cloud.

1. Privileged user access
2. Regulatory compliance
3. Data location
4. Data segregation
5. Recovery
6. Investigative support
7. Long-term viability

1. Explain in detail about cloud resource provisioning methods.
2. Write short note on cloud security challenges. (Nov/Dec 2021)
3. Write short notes on data security. (Nov/Dec 2016)
4. Write short on Virtual machine security. (Nov/Dec 2016)
5. Investigate the differences among encryption, watermarking,
and colouring for protecting data sets and software in cloud
environments. Discuss their relative strengths and limitations.
6. Compile a table to compare public clouds and private clouds
in each of the following four aspects. Also identify their
differences, advantages, and shortcomings in terms of design
technologies and application flexibility. Give several example
platforms that you know of under each cloud class.
• Technology leveraging and IT resource ownership
• Provisioning methods of resources including data and VMs, and
their management
• Workload distribution methods and loading policies Security
precautions and data privacy enforcement.
7. Discuss different ways for cloud service providers to maximize their
1. What is Google App Engine? (Nov/Dec 2021)
Google App Engine (often referred to as GAE or simply App
Engine) is a web framework and cloud computing platform for
developing and hosting web applications in Google-managed
data centers. Applications are sandboxed and run across multiple
2. What are the key features in Google App Engine application
 dynamic web serving, with full support for common web technologies
 persistent storage with queries, sorting and transactions
 automatic scaling and load balancing
 APIs for authenticating users and sending email using google accounts
 a fully featured local development environment that
simulates Google App Engine on users computer
 task queues for performing work outside of the scope of a web request
 scheduled tasks for triggering events at specified times and regular

3. What are the advantages of Google App Engine ?

 Scalability
 Lower total cost of ownership
 Rich set of APIs
 Fully featured SDK for local development
 Ease of deployment
 Web administration console and diagnostic utilities
4. What are the components of Google App Engine.
 Language Runtime
 Web Based Admin Console
 Scalable Infrastucture

5. What is Amazon Web Service (AWS)?

Amazon web services is a collection of remote computing
services(web services) that together make up a cloud
computing platform offered over the internet by

6. What does Amazon Web Service offering?

o Low ongoing cost
o Instant Elasticity and Flexible capacity (Scaling up and down)
o Speed and Agility
o Apps not Ops
o Global Reach
o Open and flexible
o Secure

7. What is Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud(EC2)?

A Web service that provides resizable compute capacity in the
cloud. EC2 allows creating virtual machine on-demand

8. What is Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS)?

EBS provides block level storage volumes (1 GB to 1 TB) for
use with Amazon EC2 instances
 multiple volumes can be mounted to the same instance
 EBS volumes are network-attached and persist independently from the
life of an instance
 Storage volumes behave like raw, unformatted block
devices, allowing users to create a file system on top of
Amazon EBS volumes or use them in any other way you
would use a block device
9. What is Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)?
Amazon S3 provides a simple web services interface that
can be used to store and retrieve any amount of data, at any time,
from anywhere on the web.

10. What is Amazon Elastic Map Reduce(EMR)? (Nov/Dec 2021)

Amazon EMR is a web service that makes it easy to quickly and
cost-effectively process vast amounts of data using Hadoop.
Amazon EMR distribute the data and processing across a
resizable cluster of Amazon EC2 instances.
1. Explain in details about various service provided by Google App
2. Explain in detail the architecture of Google App Engine?
3. Discuss about the various applications of GAE?
4. Describe in detail about Amazon Web Service?
5. Write short notes on
i. Eucalyptus
ii. Open Nebula
iii. Open Stack (Nov/Dec 2021)
6. Create a successful Google Application and deploy it in Google App
Engine along with Google's Cloud data storage facility for
App Engine Developers. (Nov/Dec 2021)
7. Elaborate the working of Mapreduce with an example. (Nov/Dec
(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi and Affiliated to Anna University)



1. Define cryptography

Cryptography is associated with the process of converting ordinary plain text into
unintelligible text and vice-versa. It is a method of storing and transmitting data in a
particular form so that only those for whom it is intended can read and process it.
Cryptography not only protects data from theft or alteration, but can also be used for user
2. Define cryptanalysis.

Techniques used for deciphering a message without any knowledge of the enciphering details
fall into the area of cryptanalysis. Cryptanalysis is what the layperson calls “breaking the
3. Define security Attack, mechanism and service

• Security attack: Any action that compromises the security of information owned by an
• Security mechanism: A process (or a device incorporating such a process) that is designed
to detect, prevent, or recover from a security attack.
• Security service: A processing or communication service that enhances the security of the
data processing systems and the information transfers of an organization. The services are
intended to counter security attacks, and they make use of one or more security mechanisms
to provide the service.
4. Distinguish Threat and Attack

Threat -A potential for violation of security, which exists when there is a circumstance,
capability, action, or event that could breach security and cause harm. That is, a threat is a
possible danger that might exploit vulnerability.
Attack -An assault on system security that derives from an intelligent threat; that is, an
intelligent act that is a deliberate attempt (especially in the sense of a method or technique) to
evade security services and violate the security policy of a system.
5. Differentiate active attacks and passive attacks.

A passive attack attempts to learn or make use of information from the system but does not
affect system resources. Two types of passive attacks are the release of message contents and
traffic analysis.
An active attack attempts to alter system resources or affect their operation. It can be
subdivided into four categories: masquerade, replay, modification of messages, and denial of
6. Specify the components of encryption algorithm
Encryption algorithm
Secret key
Cipher text
Decryption algorithm
7. Describe security mechanism.

• Security mechanism: A process (or a device incorporating such a process) that is designed
to detect, prevent, or recover from a security attack.

8. Differentiate block and stream cipher

A block cipher processes the input one block of elements at a time, producing an output block
for each input block. A stream cipher processes the input elements continuously, producing
output one element at a time, as it goes along.
9. What are the essential ingredients of a symmetric cipher?

• Plaintext: This is the original intelligible message or data that is fed into the algorithm as
• Encryption algorithm: The encryption algorithm performs various substitutions and
transformations on the plaintext.
• Secret key: The secret key is also input to the encryption algorithm. The key is a value
independent of the plaintext and of the algorithm. The algorithm will produce a different
output depending on the specific key being used at the time. The exact substitutions and
transformations performed by the algorithm depend on the key.
• Cipher text: This is the scrambled message produced as output. It depends on the plaintext
and the secret key. For a given message, two different keys will produce two different cipher
texts. The cipher text is an apparently random stream of data and, as it stands, is
• Decryption algorithm: This is essentially the encryption algorithm run in reverse. It takes
the cipher text and the secret key and produces the original plaintext.
10. Specify four categories of security threats
1. Tabulate the substitution Techniques in detail. (12)
Definition , example and disadvantages
Caesar cipher
monoalphabetic cipher
playfair cipher
hill cipher
polyalphabetic ciphers –vigenere and vernam cipher
one time pad

2. Describe the Transposition Techniques in detail. (4)

Rail fence
3. (i) List the different types of attacks and explain in detail.(8)
1. A passive attack attempts to learn or make use of information from the system but does
not affect system resources. Two types of passive attacks are
The release of message contents and
traffic analysis.

2. An active attack attempts to alter system resources or affect their operation. It can be
subdivided into four categories:
modification of messages, and
denial of service.

4. Describe in detail about the types of cryptanalytic attack. (8)

Cipher text only
Known plain text
Chosen plaintext
Chosen cipher text

5. (i) Evalute3^21 mod 11 using Fermat’s theorem. (6)

(ii) State Chinese Remainder theorem and find X for the given set of congruent
equations using CRT. (10)
X=2(mod 3)
X=3(mod 5)
X=2(mod 7)
6 Discuss about the Groups, Rings and Field (8)
7. Solve using playfair cipher. Encrypt the word “Semester Result” with the keyword
“Examination”. List the rules used. (8)

1.What is the difference between a block cipher and a stream cipher?

A block cipher processes the input one block of elements at a time, producing an output block
for each input block. A stream cipher processes the input elements continuously, producing
output one element at a time, as it goes along.
2.What is the difference between diffusion and confusion?

In diffusion, the statistical structure of the plaintext is dissipated into long-range statistics of
the ciphertext. This is achieved by having each plaintext digit affect the value of many
digits; generally, this is equivalent to having each ciphertext digit be affected by many
plaintext digits.
confusion seeks to make the relationship between the statistics of the ciphertext and the value
of the encryption key as complex as possible, again to thwart attempts to discover the key.
Thus, even if the attacker can get some handle on the statistics of the ciphertext, the way in
which the key was used to produce that ciphertext is so complex as to make it difficult to
deduce the key. This is achieved by the use of a complex substitution algorithm
3.What are the design parameters of a Feistel cipher?
• Block size
• Key size
• Number of rounds
• Subkey generation algorithm
• Round function F
• Fast software encryption/ Decryption
• Ease of analysis
4.Explain the avalanche effect.
A desirable property of any encryption algorithm is that a small change in either the plaintext
or the key should produce a significant change in the ciphertext. In particular, a change in one
bit of the plaintext or one bit of the key should produce a change in many bits of the
ciphertext. This is referred to as the avalanche effect. If the change were small, this might
provide a way to reduce the size of the plaintext or key space to be searched.
5.What is the strength of DES?
• The use of 56 bit keys
• The nature of DES algorithm
• Timing attacks
6.Define product cipher
product cipher, which is the execution of two or more simple ciphers
in sequence in such a way that the final result or product is cryptographically stronger
than any of the component ciphers.
7.What is substitution and permutation?
Substitution: Each plaintext element or group of elements is uniquely replaced by a
corresponding ciphertext element or group of elements.
Permutation: A sequence of plaintext elements is replaced by a permutation of that
sequence. That is, no elements are added or deleted or replaced in the sequence, rather the
order in which the elements appear in the sequence is changed
8.Give 5 modes of operation in block cipher
• Electronic Codebook(ECB)
• Cipher Block Chaining(CBC)
9.State advantages of counter mode.
*Hardware Efficiency
* Software Efficiency
* Random Access
* Provable Security
* Simplicity.
10.Define Multiple Encryption.
It is a technique in which the encryption is used multiple times. Eg: Double DES, Triple
DES. In the first instance, plaintext is converted to ciphertext using the encryption algorithm.
This ciphertext is then used as input and the algorithm is applied again. This process may be
repeated through any number of stages.

1. Explain in detail about working of DES encryption and decryption

• Definition
• Encryption- Diagram
• Initial Permutation
• Details of Single Round- diagram , S-box
• decryption
2. Explain in detail about working of AES
Structure – diagram and its explanation (10 pt)
Transformation function
3. Explain in detail about AES key expansion
4. Explain briefly about the block cipher modes of operations ▪ Electronic
▪ Cipher Block Chaining(CBC)
▪ Cipher Feedback(CFB)
▪ Output Feedback(OFB)
▪ Counter(CTR)

4. Perform encryption and decryption using the RSA algorithm, as in Figure 9.5, for the

a. p = 3; q = 11, e = 7;M = 5
b. p = 5; q = 11, e = 3;M = 9
c. p = 7; q = 11, e = 17;M = 8
d. p = 11; q = 13, e = 11;M = 7
e. p = 17; q = 31, e = 7;M = 2
5. In a public-key system using RSA, you intercept the ciphertext C = 10 sent to a user
whose public key is e = 5, n = 35.What is the plaintext M?
6. Users A and B use the Diffie-Hellman key exchange technique with a common prime
q=71 and a primitive root α=7.
a. If user A has private key Xa = 5, what is A’s public key Ya ?
b. If user B has private key Xb=12, what is B’s public key Yb ?
c. What is the shared secret key?
7. Consider a Diffie-Hellman scheme with a common prime q=11 and a primitive root
a. Show that 2 is a primitive root of 11.
b. If user A has public key Ya = 9, what is A’s private key Xa?
c. If user B has public key Yb = 3, what is the secret key K shared with A?
1.What is a hash in cryptography?
A hash function H accepts a variable-length block of data M as input and produces a fixed-
size hash value h= H(M) called as message digest as output. It is the variation on the message
authentication code
2.What is the role of a compression function in a hash function?
The hash algorithm involves repeated use of a compression function f, that takes two inputs
and produce a n-bit output. At the start of hashing the chaining variable has an initial value
that is specified as part of the algorithm. The final values of the chaining variable is the hash
value usually b>n; hence the term compression
3.What is cryptography hash function?
The kind of hash function needed for security applications is referred to as a cryptographic
hash function. A cryptographic hash function is an algorithm for which it is computationally
infeasible (because no attack is significantly more efficient than brute force) to find either (a)
a data object that maps to a pre-specified hash result (the one-way property) or (b) two data
objects that map to the same hash result (the collision-free property). Because of these
characteristics, hash functions are often used to determine whether or not data has changed
4.What are the applications of cryptographic hash function?
Message Authentication
Digital Signatures
pseudorandom function (PRF) or a pseudorandom number generator (PRNG).

5.What do you meant by MAC?

It involves the use of a secret key to generate a small fixed-size block of data, known as a
cryptographic checksum or MAC, that is appended to the message. This technique assumes
that two communicating parties, say A and B, share a common secret key .When A has a
message to send to B, it calculates the MAC as a function of the message and the key: MAC
= MAC(K, M)
M = input message
C = MAC function
K = shared secret key
MAC = message authentication code
6.Differentiate MAC and Hash function?
MAC: In MAC , the secret key shared by sender and receiver. The MAC is appended to the
message at the source at a time which the message is assumed or known to be correct.
Hash Function: The hash value is appended to the message at the source at time when the
message is assumed or known to be correct. The hash function itself not considered to be
7.List any three hash algorithm.
MD5( message Digest version 5) algorithm
SHA_1 (Secure Hash algorithm)
RIPEMD_160 algorithm
8.What is the difference between weak and strong collisions resistance?
Weak collisions resistance: for any given block x, it is computationally infeasible to find y *
x with
H(y) = H(x). it is proportional to 2n .
Strong collision resistance: it is computationally infeasible to find any pair (x,y) such that
H(x)= H(y). it is proportional to 2n/2
9.Differentiate internal and external error control.
Internal error control:
In internal error control, an error detecting code also known as frame check sequence or
External error control:
In external error control, error detecting codes are appended after encryption
10.What is the meet in the middle attack?
This is the cryptanalytic attack that attempts to find the value in each of the range and domain
of the composition of two functions such that the forward mapping of one through the first
function is the same as the inverse image of the other through the second function-quite
literally meeting in the middle of the composed function

Describe Secure hash Algorithm in detail. (16)

2. Describe the MD5 message digest algorithm with necessary block diagrams. (16)
3. (i)Summarize CMAC algorithm and its usage.(8)
(ii)Describe any one method of efficient implementation of HMAC. (8)
4. Describe digital signature algorithm and show how signing and verification is done
using DSS. (16)
5. Explain in detail ElGamal Digital Signature scheme with an example. (16)
6. Explain in detail about different ways of distribution of public keys
7. Consider prime field q=19, it has primitive roots { 2,3,10,13,14,15}, if suppose α=10.
Then write key generation by she choose XA=16. And also sign with hash value m=14
and alice choose secret no K=5. Verify the signature using Elgamal digital Signature
UNIT 4- 2
1. Define Kerberos.
Kerberos is an authentication service developed as part of project Athena at MIT. The
problem that Kerberos address is, assume an open distributed environment in which
users at work stations wish to access services on servers distributed throughout the
2. What is Kerberos? What are the uses?
Kerberos is an authentication service developed as a part of project Athena at
MIT.Kerberos provide a centralized authentication server whose functions is to
authenticate servers.
3. What 4 requirements were defined by Kerberos?
 Secure
 Reliable
 Transparent
 Scalable
4. In the content of Kerberos, what is realm?
 A full service Kerberos environment consisting of a Kerberos server, a no. of
clients, no.of application server requires the following:
 The Kerberos server must have user ID and hashed password of all
participatingusers in its database.
 The Kerberos server must share a secret key with each server. Such an
environment is referred to as “Realm”.
5. What is the purpose of X.509 standard?
X.509 defines framework for authentication services by the X.500 directory to its
users.X.509 defines authentication protocols based on public key certificates.

6. List the 3 classes of intruder?

Classes of Intruders
 Masquerader
 Misfeasor
 Clandestine user
7. Define virus. Specify the types of viruses?
A virus is a program that can infect other program by modifying them the
modificationincludes a copy of the virus program, which can then go on to infect other
program. Types:
 Parasitic virus
 Memory-resident virus
 Boot sector virus
 Stealth virus
 Polymorphic virus
 Metamorphic virus
8. What is application level gateway?
An application level gateway also called a proxy server; act as a relay of application-
level traffic. The user contacts the gateway using a TCP/IP application, such as Telnet
or FTP, andthe gateway asks the user for the name of the remote host to be accessed.
9. List the design goals of firewalls?
 All traffic from inside to outside, and vice versa, must pass through
 Only authorized traffic, as defined by the local security policy, will
be allowed to pass
The firewall itself is immune to penetration.
10. What are the steps involved in SET Transaction?
 The customer opens an account
 The customer receives a certificate
 Merchants have their own certificate
 The customer places an order.
 The merchant is verified.
 The order and payment are sent.
 The merchant requests payment authorization.
 The merchant confirm the order.
 The merchant provides the goods or services.
 The merchant requests payment.
11. What is Kerberos? Explain how it provides authenticated service.
12. Explain the format of the X.509 certificate.
13. Explain the technical details of firewall and describe any three types of firewall
with neat diagram.
14. Write short notes on Intrusion Detection.
15. Define virus. Explain in detail.
16. Explain Secure Electronic Transaction with neat diagram.
17. What is a trusted system? Explain the basic concept of data access control in
trustedsystems. (8)
1.Define key Identifier?
PGP assigns a key ID to each public key that is very high probability unique with a user
ID. It is also required for the PGP digital signature. The key ID associated with each public
key consists of its least significant 64bits.
2.List the limitations of SMTP/RFC 822?
1. SMTP cannot transmit executable files or binary objects.
2. It cannot transmit text data containing national language characters.
3. SMTP servers may reject mail message over certain size.
4. SMTP gateways cause problems while transmitting ASCII and EBCDIC.
5. SMTP gateways to X.400 E-mail network cannot handle non textual data included in
X.400 messages.
3.What are the different between SSL version 3 and
In SSL , the minor version is zero and In TLS, the major version is 3 and the
major version is 3 minor version is 1
SSL use HMAC algorithm, except that the Make use of the same algorithm
padding bytes concatenation
SSL supports 12 various alert codes It supports all of the alert codes defined in
SSL3 with the exception of no-certificate.
4.What are the services provided by PGP services.
• Digital signature
• Message encryption
• Compression
• E-mail compatibility
• Segmentation
5.Explain the reasons for using PGP?
 It is available free worldwide versions that run on a variety of platforms,
including DOS/Windows, UNIX, Macintosh and many more
 It is based on algorithms that have survived extensive public review and are
considered extremely secure (eg). RSA,DSS
 It has a wide range of applicability from corporations that wish to select and
enforce a standardized scheme for encrypting files and communication
 It was not developed by nor and is it controlled by any government or standard
6.Why E-mail compatibility function in PGP needed? Electronic mail systems only
permit the use of blocks consisting of ASCII text. To accommodate this restriction PGP
provides the service converting the row 8-bit binary stream to a stream of printable
ASCII characters. The scheme used for this purpose is Radix-64 conversion.
7.Name any cryptographic keys used in PGP?
 One time session conventional keys
 Public keys
9. List out the features of SET.
 Confidentiality
 Integrity of data
 Cardholder account authentication
 Merchant authentication
10. What is security association?
A security association (SA) is the establishment of shared security attributes between two
network entities to support secure communication.
11. What does Internet key management in IPSec?
Internet key exchange (IKE) is a key management protocol standard used in conjunction
with the Internet Protocol Security (IPSec) standard protocol. It provides security for
Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) negotiations and network access to random hosts.
12. List out the IKE hybrid protocol dependence.
 ISAKMP - Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocols.
 Oakley
13. What does IKE hybrid protocol mean?
Internet Key Exchange (IKE) is a key management protocol standard used in conjunction
with the internet protocol security (IPSec) standard protocol. It provides security for
Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) negotiations and network access to random hosts.
1. How IPSec ESP does provide transport and Tunnel Mode operation? Explain with
a neat sketch. (16)
2. What is the need for security in IP networks? Describe the IPv6 authentication
3. What is PGP? Show the message format of PGP(8)
4. Explain the operational description of PGP(10)
5. Describe about the PKI. (8)
6. Identify the fields in ISAKMP and explain it.(8)
7. Evaluate the different protocols of SSL. Explain Handshake protocol in detail.(16)
8. Describe the phases of Internet key exchange in detail. (16)
9. Explain in detail about S/MIME. (8)


 To learn the foundations of Human Computer Interaction.
 To become familiar with the design technologies for individuals and
persons with disabilities.
 To be aware of mobile HCI.
 To learn the guidelines for user interface.


The Human: I/O channels – Memory – Reasoning and problem solving; The
Computer: Devices – Memory – processing and networks; Interaction: Models –
frameworks – Ergonomics – styles – elements – interactivity- Paradigms. - Case
Interactive Design: Basics – process – scenarios – navigation – screen design
– Iteration and prototyping. HCI in software process: Software life cycle – usability
engineering – Prototyping in practice – design rationale. Design rules: principles,
standards, guidelines, rules. Evaluation Techniques – Universal Design
HCI Models: Cognitive models: Socio-Organizational issues and stakeholder
requirements –Communication and collaboration models-Hypertext, Multimedia
and WWW.
Mobile Ecosystem: Platforms, Application frameworks- Types of Mobile
Applications: Widgets, Applications, Games- Mobile Information Architecture,
Mobile 2.0, Mobile Design: Elements of Mobile Design, Tools. - Case Studies
Designing Web Interfaces – Drag & Drop, Direct Selection, Contextual Tools,
Overlays, Inlays and Virtual Pages, Process Flow - Case Studies

1. Alan Dix, Janet Finlay, Gregory Abowd, Russell Beale, ―Human
Computer Interaction‖, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education, 2004 (UNIT I, II &
2. Brian Fling, ―Mobile Design and Development‖, First Edition, O‘Reilly
Media Inc., 2009 (UNIT – IV)
3. Bill Scott and Theresa Neil, ―Designing Web Interfaces‖, First Edition,
O‘Reilly, 2009. (UNIT-V)
1. What is HCI ?(Understanding)
HCI (human-computer interaction) is the study of how people interact with
computers and to what extent computers are or are not developed for successful
interaction with human beings.
Human–computer interaction researches the design and use of computer
technology, focused on the interfaces between people (users) and computers.
Researchers in the field of HCI both observe the ways in which humans interact
with computers and design technologies that let humans interact with computers
in novel ways.

2. List the fields involved in HCI ? (Understanding)

3. List the various human input and output channels ?

 Visual channel
 Auditory channel
 Haptic channel
 Movement
4. Define Fitts' Law (Remember)
Fitts' Law describes the time taken to hit a screen target:
Mt = a + b log2(D/S + 1)
where: a and b are empirically determined constants
Mt is movement time, D is Distance , S is Size of target

5. What are the different types of memory in human brain?

 Sensory memory
 Short-term (working) memory
 Long-term memory.
6. Give the model of the structure of the memory(Understanding)

7. Give the model of short-term memory(Understanding)

8. Give example for deductive, inductive ,abductive – reasoning (Analyze)

a. Deductive - derive logically necessary conclusion from given
e.g. If it is Friday then she will go to work It
is Friday
Therefore she will go to work
b. Inductive - generalize from cases seen to cases unseen
e.g. All elephants we have seen have trunks
therefore all elephants have trunks.
c. Abductive. – reasoning from event to cause
ex: Sam drives fast when drunk
if I see sam driving fast , assuming drunk

9. Define Problem Solving & list the theories involved in problem solving
Problem solving is the process of finding a solution to an unfamiliar task,
using the knowledge we have. Human problem solving is characterized by the
ability to adapt the information we have to deal with new situations.
Theories involved in problem solving
1. Gestalt theory
2. Problem space theory
3. Analogy – mapping knowledge relating to a similar known domain to the
new problem – called analogical mapping.
10. List the steps involved execution/evaluation loop(Understanding)

 User establishes the goal

• Formulates intention
• Specifies actions at interface
• Executes action
• Perceives system state
• Interprets system state
• Evaluates system state with respect to goal


1. Describe about I/O channels & Human Memory(Understanding)

2. Explain about reasoning and problem solving(Understanding)
3. Explain about devices for virtual reality and 3D interaction(Understanding)
4. Explain in detail about models of interaction(Understanding)
5. Explain the various interaction styles(Analyze)
6. Explain the Paradigms for Interaction(Understanding)
7. Distinguish between short term and long term memory. State requirements to
perform cognitive walkthrough of a system. (Nov/Dec ’17)(Analyze)
8. With examples explain the various types of users and the organizational issues to
be considered in designing an interactive system. (Nov/Dec ’17)
9. (i) Explain the model of the structure of human memory with diagrammatic
illustration. (Apr/May ’17) (Understanding)
(ii)Outline the factors that can limit the speed of an interactive computer
system. (Apr/May ’17) (Understanding)
10. i)List and explain the stages of Norman's model of interaction.
(Apr/May ’17) (Understanding)(ii) Outline the common interface styles used in
interactive system.
(Apr/May ’17) (Understanding)

1. Define Interaction Design.

Interaction design is about understanding and choosing how that is going to
affect the way people work.

2. What is the golden rule of design? (Understanding)

The golden rule of design is to “understand your materials”. In case of Human–
Computer Interaction the obvious materials are the human and the computer. In other
words, it is
 understand computers – limitations, capacities, tools, platforms
 understand people – psychological, social aspects, human error.

3. Define Scenarios(Understanding)
Scenarios are the simplest design representation, but one of the most flexible and
powerful. Some scenarios are quite short and others are focused more on
describing the situation or context.

4. Explain the Process of Design(Remember)

The Various stages of the design process are
1. Requirements
2. Analysis
3. Design
4. Iteration and prototyping
5. Implementation and deployment

6. List the situations where scenarios can be used? (Understanding)

Scenarios can be used to:
Communicate with others – other designers, clients or users.
Validate other models A detailed scenario can be ‘played’ against various more
formal representations such as task models or dialog and navigation models. Express
dynamics Individual screen shots and pictures give you a sense of what a system
would look like, but not how it behaves.
7. Discuss about the pros and cons of Linear Path Scenario(Understanding)
 Life and time are linear
 Easy to understand (stories and narrative are natural)
 Concrete (errors less likely)
 No choice, no branches, no special conditions
 Miss the unintended

8. What are the two issues in structure with respect to Navigation design?
The two issues in structure are:
 Local structure : looking from one screen or page out
 Global structure : structure of site, movement between screens

9. List out the various levels of interaction in Navigation design?

PC application Website Physical device
Widgets Form elements, tags Buttons, dials, lights,
Screen design and links displays
Navigation design Page design Physical layout
Other apps and Site structure Main modes of device
operating system The web, browser, The real world
external links

10. What are the different types of bread crumbs ?(Analyze)

Location-based :Location-based breadcrumbs show the user where they are in
the website’s hierarchy.
Attribute-based :Attribute-based breadcrumb display the attributes of aparticular
Path-based : Path-based breadcrumb show users the steps they’ve taken to arrive
at a particular page. Path-based breadcrumbs are dynamic in that they display the
pages the user has visited before arriving on the current page.

11. Draw the menu structure of a PC application. (Create)


1. Explain in detail the Interaction design process.(Apr/May’17,Apr/May ’18)

2. (i) Narrate the Shneiderman's eight golden rules of Interface Design.(Apr/May ’17,
(ii)Outline the approaches used for evaluation through expert analysis.(Apr/May
3. i) Explain the visual tools available for screen design and layout (Remember)
NOV/DEC 2018
ii) Outline the activities involved in waterfall model of software life cycle.
(Remember) NOV/DEC 2018
4. i) List and explain the factors that influence for choosing an evaluation
method(Remember) NOV/DEC 2018
5. ii) Enumerate Norman’s seven principles for transferring difficult task to simple one
in design? (Remember) NOV/DEC 2018
6. i) Discuss the four phases of interactive design (Remember) (Apr/May 2019)
ii) How do you evaluate the software design (Remember) (Apr/May 2019)
7. Discuss the principles of good UI design. Evaluate the suitability of the manual
tour booking form shown in the figure 1 for automation using the UI design
principles. (Nov/Dec ’17)(Evaluate)
8. Consider the following usability objective.
9. Theatre booking clerks with low motivation, no computing experience and no
previous training, working in a small and hectic box office, are able to learn to
reserve or book seats within a one hour period. What measures could be taken
and which techniques would you consider appropriate to test whether this
objective was met? (Nov/Dec ’17)(Evaluate)
10. Discuss in detail about the activities in the waterfall model and spiral model
of the software life cycle.(Evaluate)(April/May 2018)

1. What is Competence models and Performance models. (Understanding)

Competence models, represent the kinds of behavior expected of a user, but they
provide little help in analyzing that behavior to determine its demands on the user.
Performance models provide analytical power mainly by focusing on routine behavior in
very limited applications.

2. Define GOMS(Understanding)
The GOMS model is an acronym for Goals, Operators, Methods and Selection. A
GOMS description consists of these four elements:
Goals These are the user’s goals, describing what the user wants to achieve. Operators
These are the lowest level of analysis. They are the basic actions that the user must
perform in order to use the system.
Methods: It is decomposition of a goal into subgoals/operators. For instance, in a
certain window manager a currently selected window can be closed to an icon either
by selecting the ‘CLOSE’ option from a pop-up menu, or by hitting the ‘L7’ function
Selection: It is means of choosing between competing methods

3. What is CCT? (Understanding)

CCT (Cognitive complexity theory,) has two parallel descriptions: one of the
user’s goals and the other of the computer system (called the device in CCT).
The description of the user’s goals is based on a GOMS-like goal hierarchy, but is
expressed primarily using production rules. For the system grammar, CCT uses
generalized transition networks, a form of state transition network.

4. What is BNF ? (Understanding)

BNF (Backus–Naur Form) views the dialog at a purely syntactic level, ignoring the
semantics of the language. BNF has been used widely to specify the syntax of
computer programming languages, and many system dialogs can be described
easily using BNF rules.

5. What is Task-action Grammar (TAG) (Understand) (Nov-Dec 2018) Task–

action grammar (TAG) attempts to deal with the consistency in the language’s
structure and in its use of command names and letters by including elements such as
parameterized grammar rules.

6. What is KLM? (Understand)

KLM (Keystroke-Level Model ) uses the human-motor understanding as a basis for
detailed predictions about user performance. It is aimed at unit tasks within interaction –
the execution of simple command sequences.
7. List the various operators in the execution phase of KLM?
The model decomposes the execution phase into five different physical motor operators, a
mental operator and a system response operator:
K -Keystroking, actually striking keys, including shifts and other modifier keys.
B -Pressing a mouse button.
P -Pointing, moving the mouse (or similar device) at a target
H -Homing, switching the hand between mouse and keyboard.
D -Drawing lines using the mouse.
M -Mentally preparing for a physical action.
R -System response which may be ignored if the user does not have to wait for it, as
in copy typing.

8. List the several organizational issues? (Understanding)

There are several organizational issues that affect the acceptance of technology by
users and that must therefore be considered in system design:
– systems may not take into account conflict and power relationships
– those who benefit may not do the work
– not everyone may use systems

9. What is Three-state model(Understanding)

The three state model contains three states – State 0, State 1, State 2. The devices
like mouse, trackball, light pen though they are similar from the application’s
viewpoint, they have very different sensory–motor characteristics. The three-state
model, captures some of these crucial distinctions.
For example for a light pen, when its button is not depressed, it is in state 1, and
when its button is down, state 2. The light pen has a third state, when it is not
touching the screen. In this state the system cannot track the light pen’s position. This
is called state 0.

Light Pen Transitions

10. What is participatory design? (Understanding)

Participatory design is a philosophy that encompasses the whole design cycle. It is
design in the workplace, where the user is involved not only as an experimental
subject or as someone to be consulted when necessary but as a member of the design
team. Users are therefore active collaborators in the design process, rather than
passive participants whose involvement is entirely governed by the designer

1. Write in detail about the Cognitive complexity theory(Understanding)

2. Explain about the static web content? (Understanding)
3. Explain about the dynamic web content? (Understanding)
4. What is a cognitive model ? Classify cognitive models and discuss the same.
a. (Apr/May ’17) (Remember)
5. (i) Who is a stakeholder? Outline the types of stake holders and appraise the
stakeholders for an airline booking system? (Apr/May ’17) (Remember)
(ii)Explain the stages involved in CUSTOM methodology analysis (Apr/May
’17) (Remember)
6. Consider the case of preparing a group presentation for a software project.
Describe the stages in specifying and designing UI for the same. (Nov/Dec
7. Explain the concept of key state level model (Remember) (Nov/Dec ’18)
a. ii) Describe the stages of Open System Task Analysis (OSTA) (Remember)
b. (Nov/Dec ’18)
8. What are the four types of textual communication? Explain (Remember)
a. (Nov/Dec ’18)
b. ii) Write note on Dynamic web content (Remember) (Nov/Dec ’18)
9. With a text editor example, explain the Cognitive Complexity Theory
(Apr/May 2019)
10. Discuss about text-based communication and the relative merits and
features of linear text and hypertext systems (Remember) (Apr 2019)

1. What is mobile eco system? (Understanding)

Mobile Ecosystem is collection of multiple devices (mobile phones, Tablet etc), software
(operating system, development tools, testing tools etc.), companies (device
manufacturers, carrier, apps stores, development/testing companies, etc.) etc., and the
process by which data (sms, bank transactions etc.), is transferred /shared by a user from
one device to another device or by the device itself based on some programs (Birth day
, Wedding Messages , Calendar )

2. What are the layers of mobile eco system ? (Nov/Dec ’17)


3. Define mobile platform & its types? (or) Identify the categories of
mobile platforms? (Apr/May ’17) (Understanding)
A mobile platform
 provide access to the devices.
 run software and services on each of these devices
 is a core programming language in which all of your software is written.
three types : 1) licensed, 2) proprietary, 3) open source.

4. Define & List the licensed platforms(Understanding)

Licensed platforms are sold to device makers for nonexclusive distribution on devices.
The goal is to create a common platform of development Application Programming
Interfaces (APIs) that work similarly across multiple devices with the least
possible effort required to adapt for device differences. List of licensed platforms
 Java Micro Edition (Java ME)
 Binary Runtime Environment for Wireless (BREW)
 Windows Mobile
 LiMo
5. Define & List the proprietary platforms ? (Understanding)
Proprietary platforms are designed and developed by device makers for use on
their devices. They are not available for use by competing device makers. List of
proprietary platforms
 Palm
 BlackBerry
 iPhone

6. Define open source platform and give example ? (Understanding)

Open source platforms are mobile platforms that are freely available for users to
download, alter, and edit.
Ex: Android is one of these platforms. It is developed by the Open Handset
Alliance, which is spearheaded by Google. The Alliance seeks to develop an open
source mobile platform based on the Java programming language.

7. What is Application framework ? (Understanding)

Application frameworks run on top of operating systems, sharing core services
such as communications, messaging, graphics, location, security, authentication,
and many others. Application frameworks are used to create applications, such as
a game, a web browser, a camera, or media player

8. What are the mobile application type? (Understanding)

 Mobile Website
 Mobile Web widgets
 Mobile Web application
 Native Applications
 Games
9. Write the pros and cons of game applications(Analyze) Pros
• They provide a simple and easy way to create an immersive experience.
• They can be ported to multiple devices relatively easily.
• They can be costly to develop as an original game title.
• They cannot easily be ported to the mobile web.

10. What are Wireframes ? (Understanding)

 Wireframes are a way to lay out information on the page, also referred to as
information design.
 Site maps show how our content is organized in our informational space;
wireframes show how the user will directly interact with it.
 wireframes lack the capability to communicate more complex, often in-
place, interactions of mobile experiences.

1. Describe the following (Understanding)
a. Mobile EcoSystem
b. Platforms
2. What are Application Framework and explain in detail(Understanding)
3. Appraise the types of mobile applications with examples (Apr/May ’17)
4. Explain the various mobile information architecture(Understanding)
5. List and explain the elements of mobile design (Apr/May ’17)
6. Explain briefly about mobile information architecture. (Nov/Dec ’17)
(April/May 2018)
7. Elaborate on Mobile application medium types (Remember) (Nov/Dec ’18)
8. With neat diagram of mobile ecosystem, discuss its platforms and application
frameworks. (Remember) (Apr/May ’19)
9. List and explain the elements of mobile interface design. ( Nov/Dec’17)
a. (Apr/May 2019) (Analyze)
10. Discuss the various elements of Mobile Design with a step by step method
explain how to design an registration page for movie ticket
booking.(Analyze)(April/May 2018)


1. List the events for cueing the user during a drag and drop?
There are at least 15 events available for cueing the user during a drag and drop
1. Page Load
2. Mouse Hover
3. Mouse Down
4. Drag Initiated
5. Drag Leaves Original Location
6. Drag Re-Enters Original Location
7. Drag Enters Valid Target
8. Drag Exits Valid Target
9. Drag Enters Specific Invalid Target
10. Drag Is Over No Specific Target
11. Drag Hovers Over Valid Target
12. Drag Hovers Over Invalid Target
13. Drop Accepted
14. Drop Rejected
15. Drop on Parent Container

2. List few actors in drag and drop? (Understanding)

During each event we can visually manipulate a number of actors. The page elements
available include:
• Page (e.g., static messaging on the page)
• Cursor
• Tool Tip
• Drag Object (or some portion of the drag object, e.g., title area of a module)
• Drag Object’s Parent Container
• Drop Target

3. What are the various approaches for Drag and Drop

Modules(Understanding)(April/May 2018)
The various approaches for Drag and Drop Modules are:
Placeholder targeting - Most explicit way to preview the effect.
Midpoint boundary - Requires the least drag effort to move modules around. Full-
size module dragging - Coupled with placeholder targeting and midpoint boundary
detection, it means drag distances to complete a move are shorter. Ghost rendering
- Emphasizes the page rather than the dragged object. Keeps the preview clear.

4. Write the various selection patterns?(Analyze) Toggle

Selection : Checkbox or control-based selection. Collected
Selection :Selection that spans multiple pages.
Object Selection :Direct object selection.
Hybrid Selection :Combination of Toggle Selection and Object Selection
Hover-Reveal Tools :Show Contextual Tools on mouse hover.
Toggle-Reveal Tools :A master switch to toggle on/off Contextual Tools for the
Multi-Level Tools :Progressively reveal actions based on user interaction. Secondary
Menus :Show a secondary menu (usually by right-clicking on an object).

5. What are the issues with showing contextual tools in an overlay

The various issues with showing contextual tools in an overlay:
1. Providing an overlay feels heavier. An overlay creates a slight contextual
switch for the user’s attention.
2. The overlay will usually cover other information—information that often
provides context for the tools being offered.
3. Most implementations shift the content slightly between the normal view and the
overlay view, causing the users to take a moment to adjust to the change.
4. The overlay may get in the way of navigation. Because an overlay hides at
least part of the next item, it becomes harder to move the mouse through the
content without stepping into a “landmine.”

8. What are overlays, inlays, virtual pages and process flow?

Overlays - Instead of going to a new page, a mini-page can be displayed in alightweight
layer over the page.
Inlays - Instead of going to a new page, information or actions can be inlaid within
the page.
Virtual Pages - By revealing dynamic content and using animation, we can extend
the virtual space of the page.
Process Flow - Instead of moving from page to page, sometimes we can create a flow
within a page itself.

9. What is Light box effect? (Understanding)

It is one technique employed in dialog overlays. In photography a lightbox provides a
backlit area to view slides. On the Web, this technique has come to mean bringing
something into view by making it brighter than the background. In practice, this is
done by dimming down the background

10. What is Modal and Non-Modal(Understanding)

A modal dialog box must be closed (hidden or unloaded) before you can continue
working with the rest of the application. For example, a dialog box is modal if it
requires you to click OK or Cancel before you can switch to another form or dialog
Non-Modal dialog boxes allows to shift the focus between the dialog box and another
form without having to close the dialog box.

1. Discuss in detail the purpose of drag and drop?(Analyze) (Apr/May 2019)

2. Discuss in detail the various types of selection patterns? (Understanding)
3. Explain in detail the various ways to reveal contextual tools?
(Understanding)(April/May 2018)
4. Discuss about the three types of overlays? (Understanding) (Apr/May 2019)
5. Discuss about the various types of inlays?(Analyze)
6. Explain in detail about the various patterns that support virtual pages?
7. Discuss in detail about the process flow patterns(Understanding)
8. How are contextual tools used in the design of rich web UI? Illustrate and
compare with suitable examples. (Nov/Dec ’17)(Analyze)
9. How are virtual pages used in the design of rich web UI? Illustrate and
compare with suitable examples. (Nov/Dec ’17) (Analyze)
10. Summarize the principles for designing rich web interface. (Apr/May ’17)
1. Define
a) Resting Potential
b) Action Potential May/June 2009, Nov/Dec 2008
Resting potential is defined as the electrical potential of an excitable cell relative to its
surroundings when not stimulated or involved in passage of an impulse. It ranges from
-60mV to -100mV Action potential is defined as the change in electrical potential
associated with the passage ofan impulse along the membrane of a cell.

2. List the types of bioelectric potentials.

Bio electric potential related to
Heart – ElectroCardioGram (ECG)
Brain - ElectroEncephaloGram (EEG)
Muscle – ElectroMyoGram (EMG)
Eye (Retina) – ElectroRetinoGram (ERG)
Eye (Cornea - Retina) – ElectroOculoGram (EOG)
3. Define electrode and list its types.
The devices that convert ionic potential into electronic potential are called as electrode.
The types of electrode are
a) Micro electrode
b) Depth and needle electrode
c) Surface electrode
4. Why are silver-silver chloride electrodes preferred for bioelectric signal recordings
Nov / Dec 2020
Silver / Silver Chloride (Ag/AgCl) electrodes are the best performing of all electrode
types. The largest concern when using these electrodes is typically noise associated with
movement artifact. Ag/AgCl electrodes are considered essentially non-polarizable. Non-
polarizable means that the electrode / electrolyte junction will not develop an activation or
concentration over-potential resulting from the flow of current through the electrode. This
behavior creates a very stable electrode for the use in bio potential recordings.
5. Name Five types of bio signals and state their origin. Nov / Dec 2020
Electroencephalogram (EEG) - human brain
Electrocardiogram (ECG) -heart
Electro-oculo graphy (EOG) - eye
Surface electromyogram (sEMG) - muscle
Galvanic skin response (GSR) - skin
6. What are the types of electrodes used in bipolar measurement? May/June- 2012
The types of electrodes used in bipolar measurement are
a. Limb electrodes
b. Floating Electrodes
c. Skin electrodes
7. Name the electrodes used for recording EMG and ECG. Nov/Dec-2012
Electrodes used for recording EMG are
a. Needle electrodes
b. Surface electrodes
Electrodes used for recording ECG are
d) Limb electrodes
e) Floating Electrodes
f) Pregelled disposable electrodes
g) Pasteless electrodes
8. State the importance of biological amplifiers. Apr/May 2010
Bio signals such as ECG, EMG, EEG and EOG have low amplitude and low
frequency. So,amplifier is used to boost the amplitude level of bio signals.
9. What are the requirements for bio-amplifiers?
Bio amplifiers must have
a. High input impedance
b. Isolation and protection circuit
c. High voltage gain
d. Constant gain throughout required bandwidth
e. Low output impedance
f. High CMRR
10. What are the basic components of biomedical systems?
The basic components are
a. Patient
b. Transducer
c. Signal processing equipment
d. Display
e. Control unit
f. Stimulus

1. Discuss about the bioelectric signal which is responsible for the electrical activity of
Neurons (ENG)
2. Discuss about the bioelectric signal which is responsible for the electrical activity of
Brain (EEG)
3. Explain in detailed about the bioelectric signal which give details of the functions of
Eye (EOG)
4. Discuss about the bioelectric signal which is responsible for the electrical activity of
Nerves and muscles of the stomach (EGG)
5. There are some difficulties in analysis of the bio electric signal, Discuss the problem in
detailed also mention about the term action potential and Evoked potential.
6. What are the various types of electrodes used for recording of ECG signal?
Explain the ‘polarization’ phenomenon as applicable to bio-electric electrodes.
Give example of a non-polarizing electrode used for ECG recording.
[Nov / Dec 2020]
7. Define contact potential. What are the factors on which contact potential depends?
How we can reduce the contact potential? Illustrate with the help of a diagram
the origin of electromyogram signal and give its characteristic values in terms of
amplitude and frequency. [Nov / Dec 2020]
1. What are the typical values of blood pressure and pulse rate of an adult? Nov/Dec.2012
Systolic (maximum) blood pressure in the normal adult is in the range of 95 to145 mm
Hg, with 120 mm Hg being average. Diastolic (lowest pressure between beats) blood
pressure ranges from60 to 90 mm Hg, 80 mm Hg being average.
2. What are systolic and diastolic pressures
The heart’s pumping cycle is divided into two major parts systole and diastole. Systole
is defined as the period of contraction of the heart muscles specifically the ventricular
muscle at which time blood is pumped into the pulmonary artery and the aorta.
Systolic pressure is 120mm Hg(average value). Diastole is the period of dilation of the
heart cavities as they fill with blood. Diastolic pressure is 80 mm Hg (average value).
3. What is the reason for decrease of cardiac output?
The reason for decrease of cardiac output may be due to low blood pressure, reduced
tissue oxygenation, poor renal function, shock and acidosis.
4. Define– Cardiac Output
Cardiac output is defined as the amount of blood delivered by the heart to the aorta per
minute. In case of adults during each beat, the amount of blood pumped ranges from
70 to 100 ml. for normal adults the cardiac output is about 4- 6 liters / minute.
5. State the principle behind the indicator dilution method.
The indicator dilution method is based on the principle that a known amount of dye or
radioisotope as an indicator is introduced with respect to time at the measurement site,
so the volume flow of blood can be estimated.
6. What is residual volume? May /June 2007
Residual volume is the volume of gas remaining in the lungs at the end of maximum
7. Define– Tidal Volume
Tidal volume is also called as normal depth volume of breathing or is the volume of
gas inspired or expired during each normal quiet respiration cycle.
8. What is total lung capacity?
The total lung capacity is the amount of gas contained in the lungs at the end of
maximal inspiration.
9. Define– Vital Capacity
The vital capacity (VC) is the maximum volume of gas that can be expelled from the
lungs after a maximal inspiration.
10. What is electrophoresis? April / May 2010
Electrophoresis is a method for separating and analyzing macromolecular substances
such as plasma proteins. The method is based on the fact that, the molecules carry
electric charges and therefore migrate in a electric field.

1. Draw the schematic diagram of an automated continuous flow type analysis
system and explain in brief the working of each of the building block.
[Nov / Dec 2020]
2. What is blood pCO2 and how is it measured? Draw the construction of blood
pO2 electrode and the circuit diagram for measurement of signal developed at the
electrode and explain the technique for measuring blood pO2.
[Nov / Dec 2020]
3. Describe the different methods of analysis of respiratory gases. Explain impedance
pneumography for measurement of respiratory function. What are the limitations
of this method? Is it suitable to analyze patients affected with COVID-19?
4. Explain the block diagram and working of colorimeter.
5. Explain auscultator blood pressure measurement and write its advantages and
6. How lung volume can be measured? Explain with necessary diagram.
7. Define the term cardiac output? How is cardiac output measured by dilution
1. Give two important factors that demand internal pace maker’s usage. [A/M2005]
The two important factors that demand internal pace maker’s usage are
Type and nature of the electrode used
Nature of the cardiac problems.
Mode of operation of the pacemaker system.
2. Classify Pacing modes [ N/D 2007]
Based on the modes of operation of the pacemakers, they can be classified into
five types. They are:
i)Ventricular asynchronous pacemaker(fixed rate pacemaker)
ii) Ventricular synchronous pacemaker
iii) Ventri defibrillator inhibited pacemaker
iv) Atrial synchronous pacemaker
v) Atrial sequential ventricular inhibited
3. What are the batteries used for implantable pacemaker? [N/D 2012]
The batteries used for implantable pacemakers are
(i)Mercury cell (ii) Lithium cells (iii) Nuclear cell DC Defibrillator
4. What types of electrodes are used in a defibrillator? [A/M 2005]
The electrodes used in a defibrillator are (i) Internal electrodes - Spoon shaped
(ii)External electrodes -Paddle shaped
5. What are the three types of exchangers used in HEMODIALYSIS system? [M/J 2005]
The three types of exchangers used in HEMODIALYSIS systems are i)Parallel
Flow dialyzer (ii)Coil Hemodialyser (iii)Hollow Fiber Hemodialyser
6. What is meant by fibrillation? [M/J 2009][A/M 2010]
The condition at which the necessary synchronizing action of the heart is lost is
known as fibrillation. During fibrillation the normal rhythmic contractions of either
atria or the ventricles are replaced by rapid irregular twitching of the muscular wall
7. What is the modulation techniques used for biotelemetry?
The two different modulation techniques used for biotelemetry are
i)Double Modulation ii)Pulse Width Modulation
8. What are the advantages of biotelemetry system? [M/J 2007] [M/J 2009]
The advantages of biotelemetry systems
are(i) It is used to record the biosignals over long periods and while the Patient is enga
ged in his normal activities.
(ii) The medical attendant or computer can easily diagnose the nature of Disease by
seeing the telemeter bio signals without attending patient Room(iii) Patient is not
disturbed during recording(iv) For recording on animals, particularly for research, the
biotelemetry is greatly used.
9. Specify the frequencies used for biotelemetry. [N/D 2012]
Wireless telemetry system uses modulating systems for transmitting
biomedical signals. Two modulators are used here. A lower frequency sub-carrier is
employed in addition to very-high frequency (VHF). This transmits the signal from the
10. What is a radio-pill? [N/D 2009][A/M 2010][M/J 2012]
The radio pill is capable of measuring various parameters that are available in
the tract. With the help of radio pill type devices, it is possible for us to measure or
sense temperature, pH, enzyme activity and oxygen tension values. These
measurements can be made in association with transducers. Pressure can be sensed by
using variable inductance and temperature can be measured by using temperature-
sensitive transducer

1. Explain the working of a ventricular synchronous demand pacemaker with the help
of a block diagram. [Nov / Dec 2020]
2. How is ultrasound generated? Explain the role of frequency, focusing and active
element diameter with reference to ultrasound transducers. [Nov / Dec 2020]
3. Distinguish between Internal and External Pacemaker.
4. Discuss with suitable diagram the various modes of operation of cardiac pacemaker.
5. Explain briefly on ultrasonic imaging systems.
6. Define the term "Cardiac Output". How is cardiac Output measured by dye
dilution technique? Explain.
7. Distinguish between Internal and External Defibrillation.
1. What is meant by diathermy? [A/M 2010]
Diathermy is the treatment process by which, cutting coagulation of tissues are
2. List the types of diathermy.
The types of diathermy are
i) Short wave diathermy
ii)Microwave diathermy
iii)Ultrasonic diathermy
iv)Surgical diathermy
3. What are the types of thermography?
The types of thermography are
i) Infrared thermography
ii) Liquid crystal thermography
iii) Microwave thermography
4. Define - Endoscopes and mention some of its types.
Endoscope is a tubular optical instrument to inspect or view the body cavities
which are notvisible to the naked eye normally.
Types of endoscopes are cardioscope, bronchoscope, laparoscope, otoscope, gastroscope
5. What are the two methods of shortwave diathermy?
The two methods of shortwave diathermy are
i) Capacitive method
ii) Inductive method
6. What is the modulation techniques used for biotelemetry? Mention the reason for
adopting that modulation scheme.[N/D 2004]
The two different modulation techniques used for biotelemetry
Double Modulation
Pulse Width Modulation
The purpose behind this double modulation, it gives better interference free
performance in transmission, and this enables the reception of low frequency biological
signals. The sub modulators can be a FM (frequency modulation) system, or a PWM
(pulse width modulation) system or a final modulator is practically always an FM

7. Draw the block diagram of a Bio-Telemetry system. [N/D 2008]

Biological Transducer Amplifier & Transmission

signal(ECG,EEG) Filter(Conditioner) channel

Output unit

8. What are the advantages of biotelemetry system? [M/J 2007] [M/J 2009]
The advantages of biotelemetry systems are
i. It is used to record the bio signals over long periods
ii. The medical attendant or computer can easily diagnose the nature of
Disease by seeing thetelemeter bio signals without attending patient
iii. Patient is not disturbed during recording
iv. For recording on animals, particularly for research, the biotelemetry is
greatly used
9. Specify the frequencies used for biotelemetry.[N/D 2012]
Wireless telemetry system uses modulating systems for transmitting biomedical
signals. Two modulators are used here. A lower frequency sub-carrier is employed in
addition to very- high frequency (VHF). This transmits the signal from the transmitter.
10. What are the application techniques in short – wave diathermy machines?
Why the pulse therapy is preferred? [Nov / Dec 2020 ]
1. Condenser shortwave diathermy (high-frequency electrical field)
2. Induction shortwave diathermy (high-frequency magnetic field)
Pulse therapy was introduced to minimize the side effects of conventional
corticosteroid therapy.

1. Explain the principle of surgical diathermy. Draw the block diagram of a surgical
diathermy machine. And explain each block present, also state why do we use isolated
circuit in the output circuit? [Nov / Dec 2020]
2. State the application technique of ultrasound therapy. Explain the working of an
ultrasonic therapy unit with the help of a block diagram. [Nov / Dec 2020]
3. What is the application of diathermy?
4. Explain the working of a biotelemetry system with sub-carrier.
5. What is telemetry? Mention the application of telemetry.
6. Explain the working principle of a diathermy unit with a neat block diagram.
7.Draw the block diagram of short wave and microwave diathermy and explain in detail.


1. What is a radio-pill? [N/D 2009][A/M 2010][M/J 2012]

The radio pill is capable of measuring various parameters that are available in
the tract. With the help of radio pill type devices, it is possible for us to measure or
sense temperature, pH, enzyme activity and oxygen tension values. These measurements
can be made in association with transducers. Pressure can be sensed by using variable
inductance and temperature can be measured by using temperature-sensitive transducer.
2. Differentiate between telemedicine, tele health, e- health and m- health.
[Nov / Dec 2020]
Telemedicine allows health care professionals to evaluate, diagnose and treat patients
at a distance using telecommunications technology.
Telehealth is the use of digital information and communication technologies to access
health care services remotely and manage your health care.
e-Health is the use of information and communication technology to support health
and healthcare.
m- Health (also written as m-health or m - health) is an abbreviation for mobile health,
a term used for the practice of medicine and public health supported by mobile devices.

3. How does lab on a chip work? State its advantages. [ Nov / Dec 2020 ]
A lab-on-a-chip is a miniaturized device that integrates into a single chip one or
several analyses, which are usually done in a laboratory; analyses such as DNA sequencing
or biochemical detection.
• Low fluid volumes consumption (less waste, lower reagents costs and less required
sample volumes for diagnostics)
• faster analysis and response times due to short diffusion distances, fast heating, high
surface to volume ratios, small heat capacities.
• better process control because of a faster response of the system (e.g. thermal control
for exothermic chemical reactions)
• compactness of the systems due to integration of much functionality and small
• massive parallelization due to compactness, which allows high-throughput analysis
• lower fabrication costs, allowing cost-effective disposable chips, fabricated in mass
• part quality may be verified automatically[19]
• safer platform for chemical, radioactive or biological studies because of integration of
functionality, smaller fluid volumes and stored energies.
4. List the types of lasers used in medical field.
The types of lasers used in medical fields are
i). Pulsed Nd-YaG laser
ii). Continuous laser. Co2 laser
iii). Continuous wave organ ion laser.
5. What are the advantages of performing surgery using LASER?
The advantages of performing surgery using LASER are
Highly sterile
Non-contact surgery
Highly localized and precise
Prompt surgery
Short period of surgical time
6. Mention the blocks in BMI.

Signal acquisition

Signal preprocessing

Feature extraction

Classification (Detection)

Application interface

7. Mention the classification of lab on chip.

The classification of lab on chip is,

Bio-micro electromechanical systems (bio MEMS)

Micro-total analysis system (µ TAS)

8. Define - Endoscopes and mention some of its types.
Endoscope is a tubular optical instrument to inspect or view the body cavities
which are not visible to the naked eye normally. Types of endoscopes are cardio
scope, bronchoscope, laparoscope, horoscope, gastro scope etc.

9. What is lab on chip?

A lab on chip is a miniaturized device that integrates onto a single chip one or
several analyses, which are usually done in a laboratory, analyses such as DNA
sequencing or biochemical detection.
10. What is brain machine interface?

A brain-machine interface (BMI) is a device that translates neuronal

information into commands capable of controlling external software or hardware
such as a computer or robotic arm.
A brain computer interface (BCI), also referred to as a brain machine interface
(BMI), is a hardware and software communications system.


1. What are the typical communication services available for use in telemedicine system?
Explain the type of information which is essentially transmitted in a telemedicine
system with their advantages and limitations. [Nov / Dec 2020]
2. What is an insulin pump? Describe with a neat block diagram, the working of a
programme controlled insulin-dosing device. [Nov / Dec 2020]
3. What are the common methods used for modulation in bio-telemetry system?
Describe the working of a generalized FM telemetry transmitter with an example
scenario. [Nov / Dec 2020]
4. Explain in detail on telemedicine.
5. Discuss about the working principle of insulin pumps
6. Draw the detail block diagram of Radio Pill.
7. Write short notes on Brain machine interface.


1. Define Management. (May/June’16, Nov/Dec’14, Apr/May’11)

According to Knootz and Weihrich “Management is the process of designing and
maintaining of an organization in which individuals working together in groups
efficiently accomplish selected aims”.

2. What is Scientific Management? (Apr/May2015, Nov/Dec2015)

Fredrick Winslow Taylor is called “Father of scientific management”. Taylor attempted
a more scientific approach to management as well as the problems and the approach
was based upon four basic principles.
o Observation and measurement should be used in the organizations.
o The employees should be scientifically selected and trained.
o Due to scientific selection and training, an employee has the opportunity of
earninga high rate of pay.
o A mental revolution in the form of constant cooperation between the employer
and employees should be given the benefits of scientific management.

3. What are management levels? (May/June2016, Nov/Dec2011)

o Top level management
o Middle level management
o Lower level management

4. Write some important functions of top level management? (Apr/May2007)

o To formulate goals and policies of the company
o To formulate budgets
o To appoint top executives

5. What are the essential skills needed for the managers? (May/June2012)
o Technical Skill
o Human Skill
o Conceptual Skill

6. List the functions of Management. (Nov/Dec2012, Apr/May2009)

o Planning
o Organizing
o Staffing
o Coordinating
o Controlling

7. What are the roles of manager? (May/June2014, Apr/May2015,Apr/May 2011)

o Interpersonal role
o Informational role
o Decisional role

8. What is Multinational Corporation (MNC)? (Apr/May2010)

“An enterprise which own or control production or service facilities outside the country
in which they are based”.

9. Distinguish between Management and Administration.

(Nov/Dec2014, May/June2014, Apr/May2008,Nov/Dec2009)

S. No Administration Management

1. It is higher level functions It is lower level functions

It refers to the owners of the
2. It refers to the employees.
Administration is concerned with Management is concerned with
decision making. execution of decision
4. It acts through the management It acts through the organization
Administration lays down Management executes these
broad policies and principles for policies in to practice.

10. List the different forms of Organizations. (Nov/Dec2009)

o Sole Proprietorship
o Partnership
o Joint-Stock Company
o Co-operative Enterprise
o Public Enterprise

1. Explain about the evolution of management. (Apr/May 2014, Apr/May 2011)

2. Discuss Henry Fayol’s principles of management. (13) (May/June 2013)
3. Explain the Levels of Management and functions of management.
(13) 8. (Nov/Dec 2011, Apr/May 2015, May/Jun 2012)
4. Explain managerial skills and roles. (13) (Nov/Dec2014)
5. Explain the roles and social responsibility of a manager. (13)
(Nov/Dec2015,April/May 2017)
6. Discuss the trends and challenges of management in globalized era. (13)
Apr/May 2014, & 2011)
7. Enlighten the relevance of environmental factors that affects global business. (13)
(April/May 2018)

1. Define planning. (Nov/Dec2008 & 2009, April/May 2019)
Planning is the process of selecting the objectives and determining the course of action
required to achieve these objective.

2. What are the objectives of planning? (May/June2015 & 2013, Nov/Dec2013)

o It helps in achieving objectives
o It is done to cope with uncertainly and change
o It helps in facilitating control and coordination
o Planning increase organizational effectiveness and guides in decision-making

3. What is meant by strategy? (Nov/Dec2012, Apr/May2009)

A strategy may also be defined as a special type of plan prepared for meeting the
challenge posted by the activities of competitors and other environmental factors

4. Define “policies”. (Nov/Dec2014, May/June2014)

Policies are general statement or understandings which provide guidance in decision-
making to various managers.

5. Define MBO. (Apr/May2011, May/June2012, Apr/May2009)

MBO is a process whereby superior and subordinate managers of an enterprise jointly
identify its common goals, define each individual’s major areas of responsibility in
terms of results expected of him, and use these measures as guides for operating the unit
and the contribution of each of its members is assessed.

6. Distinguish between strategic planning and tactical planning? (May/June2014)

Strategic planning Tactical planning

1. It is contemplated by middle
which includes chief executive
1. It is made by top management management who involves
functional officer, president, vice
managers and product line managers.
2.Long range plan 2.Medium range plan
3.It covers a time period of up to 3. It covers a time period of 1 year to 2
10 years years.
4.Strategic planning is not detailed 4. Strategic planning is somewhat
one detailed.
7. Mention the characteristics of ‘Programmed’ and ‘Non-Programmed’
decisions. (Nov/Dec13)
Programmed decisions are otherwise called routine decisions or structured decisions.
The reason is that these types of decisions are taken frequently and they are repetitive in
nature. Such decisions are generally taken by the middle or lower level managers, and
have a short tem impact.

Non-programmed structures are otherwise called strategic decisions or basic decisions

or policy decisions or unstructured decisions. This decision is taken by the top
management people whenever the need arises. These decisions deal with unique or
unusual or non- routine problems. Such problems cannot be tackled in a predetermined

8. What are the different types of plans? Or classify various plans. (Nov/Dec2012)

9. List the steps in decision making process. (Nov/Dec13)

o Recognize the need for a decision
o Definition of the problem
o Search and develop alternatives
o Evaluate alternatives
o Selecting an alternative course of action among alternatives Implement

10. Name any four Quantitative forecasting techniques. (Apr/May2013)

Forecasting techniques fall into two categories: (i) quantitative and (ii) qualitative.
o Time series analysis
o Regression models
o Econometric models
o Economic indicators
o Substitution effect
1. Explain the general planning process adopted by the business organizations. (13)
(April 2017)
2. Discuss the steps involved in decision making process. (13) (Nov/Dec
2014, April/May 2017)
3. What is decision making? Explain the challenges in group decision making. (13)
(April 2014, April 2016, Nov/Dec 2016)
4. What is planning? Discuss the steps involved in planning. (13) (April/May
2014, Nov/Dec 2015)
5. Is decision making is a rational process? Discuss. (13) (Nov/Dec 2017)
6. Classify the types of goals organizations might have and plans they used
for accomplishment. (13) (April/May 2018)
7. Elucidate the types of decisions and explain the process of decision making. (13)
(April/May 2019)


1. Define Organization. (April 2016)

Organizing is the process of identifying and grouping of activities required to attain the
objectives, delegating authority, creating responsibility and establishing relationships
for thepeople to work effectively.

2. Define Organization structure. (April 2014)

An organizational structure defines how activities such as task allocation, coordination
and supervision are directed toward the achievement of organizational objectives. An
organization can be structured in many different ways, depending on its objectives. The
structure of an organization will determine the modes in which it operates and performs.

3. What is splintered authority? (April 2014)

Division of authority between many managers is called as splintered authority. A
manager with splintered authority will have to deal with many other managers before
decisions can be finalized.

4. Define authority. (Nov/Dec 2014)

This is the power that gives a manager the ability to act, execute on behalf of the
organization. This power enables managers to gain the confidence of their teams even
in the absence of formal/reward or penalty power.

5. What is staffing? (Nov/Dec 2014)

Staffing is the part of the management process which is concerned with the
procurement utilization, maintenance and development of a large satisfied work force on
the organization.

6. Explain how functional authority works in an organization. (April 2015)

Functionalauthority is permission to issue directions to people not under line
supervision. Such directions deal with specified activities or certain aspects of a
For Example: An industrial engineer may select equipment and prescribe the tools and
the methods to be used in production operations.

7. What are the limitations of line and staff authority? (Nov/Dec 2015)
o Advices ignored
o Encourages carelessness
o Expensive
o Conflict between line and staff
8. Why performance management is important? (April 2017)
Performance management is important because it ensures that the employees
understand the importance of their contributions to the organizational goals and objects
and also ensures that each employee understands what is expected from them and
equally ascertaining whether the employees possess the required skills and support for
fulfilling such expectations.

9. State the kinds of organizational charts.(Nov/Dec 2005)

o Vertical chart
o Horizontal chart or left to right chart
o Circular chart or concentric chart

10. What is decentralization? (April 2016, Nov/Dec 2016)

It is defined as the transfer of authority from higher level to the lower level. It is
concernedwith the attitude and philosophy of organization and management.


1. Explain the difference between line and staff organization with an examples.
Discuss its merits and demerits. (13) (May 2014, Nov 2014, Nov/Dec 2013)
2. What is departmentation ? Bring out the features of departmentation and explain
eachwith suitable example.(13) (April 2014, Nov/Dec 2016)
3. Elucidate any four types of organization. (13) (Nov/Dec 2017)
4. Explain the difference between centralization and decentralization. (13)
5. Explain nature and purpose of organization. (13) (April 2016)
6. Explain the various sources of Recruitment. Compare their merits and demerits. (13)
7. Explain the benefits and limitations of decentralization in detail. (13) (Nov/Dec 2016)


1. Write shorts notes on Laissez-Faire leadership. (Nov/Dec 2014)

When all the authority and responsibility are delegated to the subordinates is known as
Free rein leadership or Laissez-Faire leadership. These leaders do not use power but
leaves the power to subordinates. They do not provide any contribution to make
planning and policies.

2. What are the different types of management strategies involved in

leadership? (Nov/Dec 2016)
o Distribute responsibility
o Be honest and open about information
o Create multiple paths for raising and testing ideas
o Develop opportunities for exercise based learning

3. Define motivation. (May/Jun2014,Apr/May2011,Nov/Dec2012)

According to Koontz and O’Donnell, “Motivation is a general term applying to the
entire class of drives, desires, needs wishes and similar forces that induce an individual
or a group of people to work”. Scott defines, “Motivation means a process of
stimulating people in action to accomplish desired goals”.

4. How leadership differs from management. (April/May2015)

S. No. Management Leadership

1. Manager creates goal Leader creates vision
2. Managers control risk Leaders take risk
3. They build systems and process They build relationship
4. Managers assign tasks and provide Leaders coach the
guidance on how to accomplish them. People who work under

5. What are the elements of communication? (Nov/Dec 2014)

o Sender
o Encoding
o Media or channel
o Decoding
o Receiver
o Response
o Feedback
6. What do you understand in the term “Job enrichment”? (April/May 2017,
Job enrichment is based on the assumption that in order motivate personnel; the job
itself must provide opportunities for achievement, recognition, responsibility,
advancement and growth.

7. What is non-verbal communication?(Nov/Dec2010,Nov/Dec2011)
Nonverbal communication between people is communication through sending and
receiving wordless cues Facial expression, eye contact, dress, posture, gesture,
handshakes, phonemics, chronometry etc

8. How does a leader differ from management?(Apr/ May2015)

Leader: Influences the people to strive for group goals. Get authority by virtue of
skills andability.
Manager: influences by exercising planning, staffing, directing and controlling. Get
formalauthority delegated by the above.

9. Who is a leader? (Nov/Dec 2012)

Leader is one who influences people so that they will strive willingly and
enthusiasticallytowards achievement of the goal.

10. What is meant by brain storming? (Nov/Dec 2016, April/May 2018)

Brainstorming is a situation where a group of people meet to generate new ideas and
solutions around a specific domain of interest by removing inhibitions.

People are able to think more freely and they suggest many spontaneous new ideas as


1. What is motivation? Critically evaluate motivational theories. (13) (April/May 2014)

2. “Motivation is the core of Management” – Explain. What can be done to
motivate the staff in the Organization. (13)
3. Compare and contrast early theories of motivation. (13) (April/May 2018)
4. Explain the different styles of Leadership. (13)
5. Explain the types of formal organizational communication. (13) (April/May 2015)
6. What are the essential qualities of a good leader? (13) (April/May 2016)
7. Explain the characteristics of good communication and also state it’s barriers. (13)
(April/May 2019)


1. Mention any two requirements for effective control.

(April/May 2014, Nov/Dec 2016)
o An effective control should focus on objectives.
o The control system should be suitable to the needs of the organization.
o It should forecast the future deviations and it should be forward-looking.

2. What is feed forward control? (April/May 2014, Nov/Dec 2016)

It attempts to identify and prevent deviations in the standards before they occur.
It focuses on human and financial resources within the organization.

3. List the basic types of control? (April/May 2015)

o Feedback control
o Concurrent control
o Feed forward control

4. Define budgetary control? (Nov/Dec 2017)

According to J.Batty "a system which uses budgets as a means of planning and
controlling allaspects of producing and or selling commodities and services".

5. What are the three pitfalls of budgeting? (April/May 2015)

o Budgets creates problem when it is applied mechanically and rigidly.
o It can demotivate employees because of lack of participation.
o It can cause perceptions of unfairness.
6. Define Productivity (Nov/Dec 2017)
Productivity is a measure of how much input is required to produce a given output
the ratio is called productivity.

7. What are the budgetary controls? (Nov/Dec 2014)

It is a quantitative expression of a plan for a defined period of time. It may include
planned sales volumes and revenues, resource quantities, costs and expenses, assets,
liabilities and cash flows.

8. What are the uses of computer in handling information? (April/May 2016)

Computers have the advantage of producing accurate results. It can perform
variety of tasks at a time automatically. When a raw data is given to the computer, it
works on it andthen produces the output as a result. This result can be taken in a
printed form as well. Computer can perform different operations, arithmetic or logical.
9. Explain briefly the term zero base budgeting. (Nov/Dec 2015)
It starts from a “zero base” and every function within an organization is analyzed
for its needs and costs.
Budgets are then built around what is needed for the upcoming period, regardless of
whether the budget is higher or lower than the previous one. This budgeting must be
justified for each new period.

10. What is preventive control? (May/Jun 2012)

An efficient manager applies the skills in managerial philosophy to eliminate an
undesirable activity which are the reasons for poor management.


1. Explain different Budgetary and non-budgetary control techniques. (13)

2. Discuss various types of tools used to monitor and measure
organizationalperformance. (13) (April/May 2018)
3. What is productivity? Explain the methods of improving productivity in IT industries.
(13) (April/May 2016)
4. What is controlling? Explain its outstanding future. Give an appropriate account
of thesteps involved in the process controlling. (13) (April/May 2014)
5. Explain i) PERT ii) Zero base budgeting. (13) (April/May 2014)
6. Write short notes on: (13)
(i) Control of productivity problems and management
(ii) Direct and preventive control. (April/May 2016)
7. Explain various types of control techniques. (13) (Nov/Dec 2017)






1) What is software project management?
Ans: Software project management is the art and science of planning and leading software projects.
It is a sub discipline of project management in which software projects are planned, monitored and

2) What is a project?
Ans: A project is defined as:
• A specific plan or design.
• A planned undertaking.
• A large undertaking. Example: Public works scheme

3) List the characteristics of the products of software projects?

Ans: One way of perceiving software project management is the process of making visible that
which is in visible: Characteristics are Invisibility, Complexity, and Flexibility.

4) What do you mean by the characteristics of invisibility, complexity and complexity of

Software project management?
Ans: Invisibility: The outputs are not seen / visible physically during the software progress.
Complexity: Usually software products contain more complexity than other engineered artifacts.
Flexibility: Software project has the characteristics of changing its code at any time and can produce
the expected result.

5) What are the three activity of software project management?

Ans: Three successive processes are:
• The feasibility study
• Planning
• Project execution.

6) What is feasibility study?

Ans: Feasibility study in short is termed as “learned lessons”. With the help of collected
information, investigation to decide whether a prospective project is worth starting is called
feasibility study.

7) What is planning?
Ans: It is an act of formulating a program for a definite course of action “the planning was more fun
than the trip itself’. Planning in short in defined as “deciding what is to be done”.


8) What is project execution?

Ans: This is the final stage of project, which meant to put the built system to work or operate under
suitable environment.

9) List different stages of project life cycle?

Ans: The Stages in Project Life Cycle are:
entation/Installation,vii)Maintenanceand Support.

10) What is Requirements Analysis?

Ans: Requirement analysis is defined as finding out in detail what the users require of the system
that the project is to implement.



1. State the importance of Software Project Management.

2. What are the activities covered by Software Project Management?

(NOV/DEC 2014,2013,AU-2008/10)

3. Explain the various Software Project Management Methodologies.

4. Explain in brief about Management Control.

5. What is risk evaluation? Explain the process involved in it.

6. What are the different evaluation techniques used for cost-benefit analysis?

(ARIL 2017,NOV/DEC 2013,AU-2008/10)

7. Explain in detail about Stepwise Project Planning.

(NOV/DEC,MAY/JUNE 2014,NOV/DEC 2013,,AU-2008/10)



1) What is project evaluation?

Ans: It is carried out in step 0 of stepwise. Deciding whether or not to go ahead with a project is
really a case of comparing a proposed project with the alternatives and deciding whether to proceed
with it, is termed as project evaluation.

2) What is the 3 criteria project evaluation depends?

Ans: The project evaluation depends on strategic, technical and economic criteria.

3) What is feasibility study?

Ans: Feasibility study is termed as “learned lesson”. Learning from the existing requirements,
documentation, project, moving on to next step of developing the project is termed as feasibility

4) What do you means by program in software project strategic assessment?

Ans: Individual projects are considered as components. Program, is a collection of projects that all
contribute to the same over all organization and goals.

5) What is Technical assessment?

Ans: Technical assessment of a proposed system consists of evaluating the required functionality
against the hardware and software available.

6) What are the two primary steps of cost-benefit analysis?

Ans: i) Identifying and estimating all the costs and benefits of carrying out the project.
ii) Expressing these costs and benefits in common units.

7) How economic assessment of a project information system is made?

Ans: The most common way of carrying out an economic assessment of a proposed information
system, or other development, is by comparing the expected costs of development and operation of
the system with the benefits of having it in place.

8) What are Development Costs?

Ans: It include the salaries and other employment costs of the staff involved in the development
project and all associated costs.

9) What are set up costs?

Ans: It includes the costs of putting the system into place. These consist mainly of the costs of any
new hardware and ancillary equipment, but will also include costs of file conversion, requirement


and staff training.

10) What are direct benefits?

Ans: These accrue directly from the operation of the proposed system. These could, for example,
include the reduction in salary bills through the introduction of a new, computerized system.


1. What is Software Process? Explain different Software process models used in Software


2. What is RAD? Explain the RAD Model Design along with a neat diagram.

3. Explain any two agile methods used for Software development.

4. Explain Basic Software Estimation Process.

5. What are the different Cost Estimation techniques used in Software Development.


6. Write Short notes on COSMIC FFP.

7. Explain in detail about the parametric productivity model.(APRIL-2017)



1) What is Risk Management?

Ans: Risk management is the procedure that explains the process of managing risk through analysis. This
procedure does not provide solutions to perceived risks.

2) What is Brain storming?

Ans: Brain storming refers to the process of a group of colleagues meeting and working collaboratively to
generate creative solutions and new ideas.

3) What is knowledge management?

Ans: Knowledge management is the combination of activities involved in gathering, organizing, sharing,
analyzing, and disseminating knowledge to improve an organization’s performance.

4) Differentiate productive wand project view?

Ans: Product view -> hierarchies relationship among product element. Project view-> hierarchies
relationship among work activities.

5) What is Activity-on-Arrow (AOA)?

Ans: One representation of network diagram put the activity information on the arrows between the nodes
is called an activity-on-arrow representation (AOA).

6) What is Activity-On-Node (AON)?

Ans: One representation of network diagram puts the activity information on nodes and is called an
activity-on-node representation (AON).

7) Write any three network diagram methods?

Ans: PERT—Program evaluation and review technique.
CPM— Critical path method.
ADM—Arrow diagramming method.

8) What is start-to-start relationship?(BS)

Ans: It means that one activity can start if and only if another activity starts.

9) Difference between earliest start and earliest finish?

Ans: The earliest time period that the activity can start. The earliest finish means that earliest time period
that the activity can finish.


10) What is critical path?

Ans: The path with zero flexibility is called the critical path, because it will have zero float between all of
its activities.


1. Explain the different network planning models. Give example for precedence construction.

(Nov/Dec 2012).

2. Describe the steps involved in risk planning. (Nov/Dec 2012)

3. Give the methodology used evaluate risk in a project (Nov/Dec 2012)

4. Explain the various steps involved in activity planning with its objectives.(Nov/Dec 2013)

5. Describe the steps involved in sequencing and scheduling activities in a planning model. Give

examples.(May/Jun 2014)

6. Differentiate between PERT and CPM and also explain the steps involved in construction give the

PERT chart (Nov/Dec 2014).

7. Explain the various steps involved in resource allocation along with creation of critical patterns.



1) What is the purpose of project monitoring and control?

Ans: The purpose of project monitoring and control is to ‘keep the team and management up to date on
the project’s progress.

2) What are the different categories of reporting?

Ans: i) Oral—formal—regular.
ii) Oral—formal—adhoc.
iii) Written—formal—regular.
iv) Written—formal—adhoc.
v) Oral—informal—adhoc.

3) What is BCWS?
Ans: The budgeted cost of tasks as scheduled in the project plan, based on the costs of resources assigned
to these tasks, plus any fixed costs associated with the tasks, called
“The Budgeted cost of work Schedule” BCWS. It is the baseline cost up to the status date you choose.

4) What is ACWP and BCWP?

Ans: The actual cost required to complete all or some portion of the tasks, up to the status date. This is to
the actual cost of work performed (ACWP). The value of the work earned by the work performed and is
called the budgeted cost of work performed (BCWP).

5) What is cost variance (CV) and schedule variance (SV)?

Ans: cost variance is the difference between a task’s estimated cost and its actual cost.
Schedule variance (SV) is the difference between the current progress and the schedule progress of a task
in terms of cost.

6) What is cost performance index (CPI) and schedule performance index (SPI)?
Ans: Cost performance index is the ratio of budgeted costs to actual costs.
ACWP Schedule performance index is the ratio of work performed to work schedule

7) Who is the client and supplies in contract management?

Ans: Client is the customer who asks for a contract to work for his project. Client may be customer or
sometimes company, which is the client to supplier (controller).Supplier, is one who supplies goods and


services may be contractor/company owner.

8) What is form of agreement in contract management?

Ans: Form of agreement in contract management written, and subjected to legal consideration.

9) What are goods and sources to be supplied in contract?

Ans: Goods are equipment and software. Sources to be provided are: training, documentation, installation,
conversion at existing files, maintenance agreements, transitional insurance arrangements.

10) What is the environment of contract?

Ans: Environment: For physical equipment: accommodation, electrical supply etc. For Software: OS
platforms, hardware etc.


1. Briefly explain earned value analysis. (April 2016,Nov 2014)

2. What are the typical stages in awarding a contract. (May 2013, April 2016)

3. Outline the various steps involved in change control procedure. (Nov 2014)

4. Describe the various ways in visualizing the progress of the project. (Dec 2012)

5. Explain the change control process applicable for an operational system. (Jun 2012)

6. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of fixed price contract model. (Jun 2012)

7. Describe the Steps in project control. (May 2013)



1) What is milestone?
Ans: A milestone is a significant event in a project, usually associated with a major work product or
deliverable. Stages or phases are not milestones but are collections of related product activities.

2) Differentiate leaders and managers.

Ans: Leaders- Set direction, do the right thing
Managers-Follow process, do things right.

3) Give some unites for measuring the size of the software.

Ans: Lines of code (LOC), Function points, feature points, number of bubbles on the data flow diagram,
number of entities on entity relationship diagram.

4) Write the any two advantages of LOC.

Ans: 1.It is widely used and universally accepted.
2.LOC is easily measured upon project completion.

5) What are dependencies?

Ans: Dependencies are one form of constraints for any project. Dependencies are any relationship
connections between activities in a project that may impact their scheduling.

6) Define project portfolio?

Ans: Project portfolio is group of project carried out under this sponsorship and/or management.

7) Write the goal of software project planning?

Ans: Software estimates or documented for use in planning and tracking the software project.

8) What is Legacy code?

Ans: Code developed for a previous application that is believed to be of use for a new application.

9).What is brain storming?

Ans: Brain storming refers to the process of a group of colleagues meeting and working collaboratively to
generate creative solutions and new ideas.

10).What is knowledge management?

Ans: Knowledge management is the combination of activities involved in gathering, organizing, sharing,
analyzing, and disseminating knowledge to improve an organization’s performance.



1. Explain the objectives and attitudes of organizational behavior in detail.

2. Describe the best methods of staff selection and its merits and demerits.(April 2017)

3. What are the five factors and methods of motivation suggested by the oldharn-Hackman job

characteristics model.

4. Explain in detail about the process of good decision making.

5. Explain different types of team structures used in the project management. (April 2017)

6. Explain in detail about motivation.

7. Write a short notes on :

a) Dispersed and virtual teams.

b) Communication Genres.



1. Define information retrieval.

Information Retrieval is finding material of an unstructured nature that satisfies an information need
from within large collections.
2. Explain difference between data retrieval and information retrieval.

Parameters Data Retrieval Information retrieval

Example Data Base Query WWW Search

Matching Exact Partial Match, Best Match

Inference Deduction Induction

Model Deterministic Probabilistic

3. List and explain components of IR block diagram.

Input – Store Only a representation of the document
A document representative – Could be list of extracted words considered to be
Processor – Involve in performance of actual retrieval function
Feedback – Improve
Output – A set document numbers.
4. What is objective term and nonobjective term?
Objective Terms – Are extrinsic to semantic content, and there is generally no disagreement about
how to assign them.
Nonobjective Terms – Are intended to reflect the information manifested in the document, and
there is no agreement about the choice or degree of applicability of these terms.
5. Explain the type of natural language technology used in information retrieval. Two
1. Natural language interface make the task of communicating with the information source easier,
allowing a system to respond to a range of inputs.
2. Natural Language text processing allows a system to scan the source texts, either to retrieve
particular information or to derive knowledge structures that may be used in accessing information
from the texts.
6. What is search engine?
A search engine is a document retrieval system design to help find information stored in a
computer system, such as on the WWW. The search engine allows one to ask for content meeting
specific criteria and retrieves a list of items that match those criteria.
7. What is conflation?
Stemming is the process for reducing inflected words to their stem, base or root form,
generally a written word form. The process of stemming if often called conflation.
8. What is an invisible web?
Many dynamically generated sites are not index able by search engines; This phenomenon is
known as the invisible web.
9. Identify the types of search engines. [April/May 2021]
1.Mainstream search engines. Mainstream search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo! are all free to
use and supported by online advertising. ...
2. Private search engines. ...
3. Vertical search engines. ...
4. Computational search engines.
10. Define IR Problem.
the primary goal of an IR system is to retrieve all the documents that are relevant to a user query
while retrieving as few non relevant documents as possible.


1. Summarize the features of Information Retrieval and the problems involved in IR

system. (13) [April/May 2021]
2. Illustrate the working of search engine with suitable examples. Vector spacemodel with
a neat diagram.(13) [April/May 2021]
3. Describe in detail about the working of IR Architecture with a neat diagram and
summarize the retrieval and ranking process with suitable examples.(15) [April/May
4. Develop the role of Artificial Intelligence in Information Retrieval Systems.
5. i) Compare in detail Information Retrieval and Web Search with examples. ii) Analyze
the fundamental concepts involved in IR system.
6. Explain the different types of computer software used in computer architecture
7. i) Identify the various issues in IR system. ii) Examine the various impact of WEB on IR.
8. Demonstrate the framework of Open Source Search engine with necessary diagrams.
9. Generalize the Deep Learning and Human Learning capabilities in Future of Search Engine


1. What do you mean information retrieval models?

A retrieval model can be a description of either the computational process or the human
process of retrieval: The process of choosing documents for retrieval; the process by which
information needs are first articulated and then refined.
2. What is cosine similarity?
This metric is frequently used when trying to determine similarity between two documents.
Since there are more words that are in common between two documents, it is useless to use the other
methods of calculating similarities.
3. What are the characteristics of relevance feedback?
It shields the user from the details of the query reformulation process.
It breaks down the whole searching task into a sequence of small steps which are easier
to grasp.
Provide a controlled process designed to emphasize some terms and de-emphasizeothers.
5. Compare Term Frequency and Inverse Document Frequency.
Term frequency refers to the number of times that a term t occurs in document d.
The inverse document frequency is a measure of whether a term is common or rare in a given
document corpus. It is obtained by dividing the total number of documents by the number of
documents containing the term in the corpus.
4. Define relevance feedback.
The idea of relevance feedback ( ) is to involve the user in the retrieval process so as to
improve the final result set. In particular, the user gives feedback on the relevance of
documents in an initial set of results. The basic procedure is:
The user issues a (short, simple) query.
The system returns an initial set of retrieval results.
The user marks some returned documents as relevant or nonrelevant.
The system computes a better representation of the information need based on the user
The system displays a revised set of retrieval results.
5. What are the disadvantages of Boolean model?
It is not simple to translate an information need into a Boolean expression
Exact matching may lead to retrieval of too many documents.
The retrieved documents are not ranked.
The model does not use term weights.
6. Define term frequency.
Term frequency: Frequency of occurrence of query keyword in document.
7. Define stemming.
Conflation algorithms are used in information retrieval systems for matching the
morphological variants of terms for efficient indexing and faster retrieval operations. The Conflation
process can be done either manually or automatically. The automatic conflation operation is also
called stemming.
8. What is Recall?
Recall is the ratio of the number of relevant documents retrieved to the total number of
relevant documents retrieved.
9. What is precision?
Precision is the ratio of the number of relevant documents retrieved to the total number of
documents retrieved.
10. Explain Latent semantic Indexing.
Latent Semantic Indexing is a technique that projects queries and documents into a space
with “latent” Semantic dimensions. It is statistical method for automatic indexing and retrieval that
attempts to solve the major problems of the current technology. It is intended to uncover latent
semantic structure in the data that is hidden. It creates a semantic space where in terms and
documents that are associated are placed near one another.

1. Explain Boolean Retrieval model and Vector space model with a neat diagram. [April/May
2. Summarize a comparative study on Latent semantic indexing model and Neural
network model. [April/May 2021]
3. i)Explain Latent Semantic Indexing and latent semantic space with an illustration. ii) Analyze
the use of LSI in Information Retrieval. What is its need in synonyms and semantic
4. i) Discuss the structure of inverted indices and the basic Boolean Retrieval model ii)Discuss
the searching process in inverted file
5. i) Explain in detail about binary independence model for Probability Ranking
Principle(PRP). ii) Analyze how the query generation probability for query likelihood model
can be estimated.
6. Create a Relevance feedback mechanism for your college website search in the internet.
7. What is IR model ? What are the types IR model? Explain each with an example.


1. Define K-Nearest Neighbors Method
K-Nearest Neighbors Method is used to classify the datasets into what is known as a K observation. It
is used to determine the similarities between the neighbours.
2. What is Support Vector Machine ?
A support vector machine (SVM) is a supervised machine learning model that uses classification
algorithms. It is more preferred for classification but is sometimes very useful for regression as well.
3. What are the Different Schemes of KNN?
a. 1-Nearest Neighbor b. K-Nearest Neighbor using a majority voting scheme c. K-NN using a
weighted-sum voting Scheme
4. What are the different Clustering algorithms ?
K-Means algorithm
Mean-shift algorithm
DBSCAN Algorithm
Expectation-Maximization Clustering using GMM
Agglomerative Hierarchical algorithm
Affinity Propagation
5. What is Clustering?
Clustering or cluster analysis is a machine learning technique, which groups the unlabelled
dataset. It can be defined as "A way of grouping the data points into different clusters, consisting of
similar data points. The objects with the possible similarities remain in a group that has less or no
similarities with another group."
6. Difference between Supervised and Unsupervised Learning
Supervised learning algorithms Unsupervised learning algorithms
Supervised learning algorithms are trained Unsupervised learning algorithms are trained
using labeled data. using unlabeled data.
Supervised learning model takes direct Unsupervised learning model does not take
feedback to check if it is predicting correct any feedback.
output or not.
Supervised learning model predicts the output. Unsupervised learning model finds the hidden
patterns in data.

7 . What are the Disadvantages of Unsupervised Learning ?

• Unsupervised learning is intrinsically more difficult than supervised learning as it does not
have corresponding output.
• The result of the unsupervised learning algorithm might be less accurate as input data is not
labeled, and algorithms do not know the exact output in advance.
8. What is Hierarchical agglomerative clustering? [April/May 2021]
The agglomerative clustering is the most common type of hierarchical clustering used to
group objects in clusters based on their similarity. It’s also known as AGNES (Agglomerative
Nesting). The algorithm starts by treating each object as a singleton cluster. Next, pairs of clusters are
successively merged until all clusters have been merged into one big cluster containing all objects.
The result is a tree-based representation of the objects, named dendrogram.
9. Infer Inverted Index with an example. [April/May 2021]
The inverted index is a data structure that allows efficient, full-text searches in the
database. It is a very important part of information retrieval systems and search engines that
stores a mapping of words (or any type of search terms) to their locations in the database table
or document.
10. What is Unsupervised Learning?
Unsupervised learning is a type of machine learning in which models are trained using unlabeled
dataset and are allowed to act on that data without any supervision.


1. Explain in detail about k-nearest neighbor classifier with an illustration. [April/May

2. Summarize in detail about Naive Bayes text classification and list down the properties of
Naive Bayes. [April/May 2021]
3. Define Clustering in Metric space with application to Information Retrieval.
4. Define Knuth Morris Pratt algorithm in detail.
5. i) Analyze the working of Nearest Neighbour algorithm along with one representation. ii)
Analyze the K- Means Clustering method and the problems in it.
6. i) Summarize on Clustering Algorithms. ii) Evaluate on the various classification methods of
7. (i) Define Topic detection and tracking, Clustering in TDT. (ii) Examine in detail about
Cluster Analysis in Text Clustering.



1. Define web server.

Web server is a computer connected to the internet that runs a program that takes
responsibility for storing, retrieving and distributing some of the web files.
2. What is web Browsers?
A web browser is a program. Web browser is used to communicate with web servers on the
Internet, Which enables it to download and display the web pages. Netscape Navigator and
Microsoft Internet Explorer are the most popular browser software’s available in market.
3. Explain paid submission of search service.
In paid submission user submit website for review by a search service for a preset fee with
the expectation that the site will be accepted and include d in that company’s search engine, provided
it meets the stated guidelines for submission. Yahoo! is the major search engine that accepts this type
of submission. While paid submissions guarantee a timely review of the submitted site and notice of
acceptance or rejection, you’re not guaranteed inclusion or a particular placement order in the
4. Explain paid inclusion programs of search services.
Paid inclusion programs allow you to submit your website for guaranteed inclusion in a
search engines database of listings for a set period of time. While paid inclusion guarantees indexing
of submitted pages or sites in a search database, you’re not guaranteed that the pages will rank well
for particular queries.
5. Explain in pay-for-placement of search services.
In pay-for-placement, you can guarantee a ranking in a search listing for the terms of your
choice. Also known as paid placement, paid listing, or sponsored listings, this program guarantees
placement in search results. The leaders in pay-for-placement are Google, Yahoo! and Bing.
6. Define Search Engine Optimization.
Search Engine Optimization is the act of modifying a website to increase its ranking in
organic, crawler-based listing of search engines. There are several ways to increase the visibility of
your website through the major search engines on the internet today. The two most common
forms of internet marketing paid placement and naturalplacement.
7. Describe benefit of SEO.
Increase your search engine visibility
Generate more traffic from the major search engines.
Make sure your website and business get NOTICED and VISITED.
Grow your client base and increase business revenue.
8. Explain the difference between SEO and Pay-per-click

SEO Pay-Per-click

SEO results take 2 weeks to 4 months It results in 1-2 days

It is very difficult to control flow of traffic It has ability to turn on and at any moment
Requires ongoing learning and experience Easier for a novice
to reap results
It is more difficult to target local markets Ability to target “local” markets
Better for long-term and lower marginBetter for short-term and high-margin
campaigns campaigns.
Generally more cost-effective , does notGenerally more costly per visitor and per
penalize for more traffic conversion

9. What is web crawler? [April/May 2021]

A web crawler is a program which browses the world web in a methodical, automated manner. Web
crawlers are mainly used to create a copy of all the visited pages for later processing by a search
engine that will index the downloaded pages to p[provide fast searches.
10. Define focused crawler.
A focused crawler or topical crawler is a web crawler that attempts to download only pages
that are relevant to a pre-defined topic or set of topic.


1. Demonstrate in detail about search engine optimization. [April/May 2021]

2. Analyse in detail about Near-duplicates and examine the behaviour of a web crawler.
[April/May 2021]
3. Design and develop a web search engine architecture. List the applications of web crawler and
explain how domains are newly hosted in the web. [April/May 2021]
4. Demonstrate the Search Engine Optimization/SPAM in detail.
5. Design and develop a Web search Architecture and the components of search engine and its
6. Recommend the need for Near-Duplication Detection by the way of finger print algorithm.
i) Examine the behaviour of web crawler and the outcome of crawling policies. i) Illustrate the
following a) Focused Crawling b) Deep web c) Distributed crawling d) Site map
7. i) Explain the overview of Web search. ii) What is the purpose of Web indexing?
8. i) Summarize on the working of WEB CRAWLER with its diagram. ii) Explain the working of
Search Engine.



1. Define Recommender Systems (RSs)

RS are software tools and techniques providing suggestions for items to be of use to a
user. The suggestions relate to various decision-making processes, such as what items to buy, what
music to listen to, or what online news to read.
2. What are the different classes of recommendation approaches?
Collaborative filtering
3. What is Content-based recommendation systems?
Content-based recommendation systems try to recommend items similar to those a
given user has liked in the past.
4. Define Collaborative filtering (CF)
Collaborative filtering (CF) methods produce user specific recommendations of items
based on patterns of ratings or usage (e.g., purchases) without need for exogenous information about
either items or users.
5. What is content Analyzer?
It is a kind of pre-processing step is needed to extract main responsibility of the
component is to represent the content of items documents, Web pages, news, product descriptions,
etc.) coming from information sources in a form suitable for the next processing steps.
6. What is the use of Profile Learner ?
This module collects data representative of the user preferences and tries to generalize
this data, in order to construct user profile .
7. Define implicit feedback.
Implicit feedback does not require any active user involvement, in the sense that feedback is
derived from monitoring and analyzing user’s activities.
8. What are the two different techniques can be adopted for recording user’s feedback.
Implicit feedback.
Explicit feedback
9. When collaborative filtering can be used? [April/May 2021]
The most basic models for recommendations systems are collaborative filtering models which are
based on assumption that people like things similar to other things they like, and things that
are liked by other people with similar taste.
10. Point out the advantages of content based filtering. [April/May 2021]
 The model doesn't need any data about other users, since the recommendations are specific to
this user. This makes it easier to scale to a large number of users.
 The model can capture the specific interests of a user, and can recommend niche items that
very few other users are interested

1. Classify and explain recommendation techniques with suitable examples and list it’s
advantages and disadvantages. [April/May 2021]
2. Explain about Matrix Factorization and narrate in detail about Neighborhood models.
[April/May 2021]
3.Differentiate collaborative filtering and content based systems.
4. i) Detailed the rules of HLA ii) Difference between Hybrid and Collaborative Recommendation.
5. Define Recommendation based on User Ratings using appropriate example.
6. i) Describe web based recommendation system ii) When can Collaborative Filtering be used?
7. Explain the different types of recommendation system.

a. Hybrid Recommendation System

b. Content Based Recommendation System

c. Collaborative Recommendation System

d. Knowledge Based Recommendation System

IT8076 - Information Security
Unit I
1. What is information security?
 Information security in today’s enterprise is a “well-informed sense of assurance that the
information risks and controls are in balance.” –Jim Anderson, Inovant (2002)
 The protection of information and its critical elements, including the systems and hardware that
use, store, and transmit that information
 Tools, such as policy, awareness, training, education, and technology are necessary
2. Write a note on the history of information security NOV/DEC 2018
 Computer security began immediately after the first mainframes were developed
 Groups developing code-breaking computations during World War II created the first modern
 Physical controls were needed to limit access to authorized personnel to sensitive military
 Only rudimentary controls were available to defend against physical theft, espionage, and
3. What is the scope of computer security? APR/MAY 2018
The scope of computer security grew from physical security to include:
a. Safety of the data
b. Limiting unauthorized access to that data
c. Involvement of personnel from multiple levels of the organization
4. What are the critical characteristics of information?
• Availability
• Accuracy
• Authenticity
• Confidentiality
• Integrity
• Utility
• Possession
5. What is NSTISSC Security model?
This refers to “The National Security Telecommunications and Information Systems Security
Committee” document. This document presents a comprehensive model for information security.
The model consists of three dimensions
6. What is SDLC?
The Systems Development Life Cycle
• Information security must be managed in a manner similar to any other major system
implemented in the organization
• Using a methodology
i. ensures a rigorous process
ii. avoids missing steps
7. What is the difference between a threat agent and a threat? NOV/DEC 2018
A threat is a category of objects,persons,or other entities that pose a potential danger to an asset.
Threats are always present. A threat agent is a specific instance or component of a threat.
(For example All hackers in the world are a collective threat Kevin Mitnick,who was convicted for
hacking into phone systems was a threat agent.)
8. What is the difference between vulnerability and exposure?
The exposure of an information system is a single instance when the system is open to damage.
Weakness or faults in a system expose information or protection mechanism that expose
information to attack or damage or known as vulnerabilities.
9. What is ARPANET?
Department of Defense in US,started a research program on feasibility of a redundant,networked
communication system to support the military’s exchange of information.Larry Robers,known as
the founder if internet ,developed the project from its inception.
10. Define E-mail spoofing APR/MAY 2018
Information is authentic when the contents are original as it was created,palced or stored or
transmitted.The information you receive as e-mail may not be authentic when its contents are
modified what is known as E-mail spoofing

1. Explain the four important functions, the information security performs in an organization
2. What are deliberate acts of Espionage or tresspass. Give examples. NOV/DEC 2018
3. Explain in detail the different types of cryptanalytic attacks
4. Enumerate different types of attacks on computer based systems APR/MAY 2018
5. Explain in detail the Legal, Ethical and Professional issues during the security investigation
6. What are threats? Explain the different categories of threat
7. What is the code of ethics to be adhered to by the information security personnel stipulated by
different professional organizations? APR/MAY 2018
8. What is Intellectual property? How it can be protected?
1. What are the four important functions, the information security performs in an organization?
Information security performs four important functions for an organization:
1. Protects the organization’s ability to function
2. Enables the safe operation of applications implemented on the organization’s
IT systems
3. Protects the data the organization collects and uses
4. Safeguards the technology assets in use at the organization
2. What are threats? Apr/May 2017
a. A threat is an object, person, or other entity that represents a constant danger to an asset
b. Management must be informed of the various kinds of threats facing the organization
c. By examining each threat category in turn, management effectively protects its information
through policy, education and training, and technology controls
3. What is Intellectual property? Nov/Dec 2019
Intellectual property is “the ownership of ideas and control over the tangible or virtual
representation of those ideas” . Many organizations are in business to create intellectual property
1. trade secrets
2. copyrights
3. trademarks
4. patents
4. How Intellectual property can be protected?
Enforcement of copyright has been attempted with technical security mechanisms,such as using
digital watermarks and embedded code.The most common reminder of the individual’s obligation
to fair and responsible use is the license agreement window that usually pops up during the
installation of a new software.
5. What is deliberate acts of espionage or trespass? Apr/May 2017
a. Broad category of activities that breach confidentiality
1. Unauthorized accessing of information
2. Competitive intelligence vs. espionage
3. Shoulder surfing can occur any place a person is accessing confidential
b. Controls implemented to mark the boundaries of an organization’s virtual territory giving
notice to trespassers that they are encroaching on the organization’s cyberspace
c. Hackers uses skill, guile, or fraud to steal the property of someone else
6. What is deliberate acts of sabotage and vandalism? Apr/May 2018
• Individual or group who want to deliberately sabotage the operations of a computer system or
business, or perform acts of vandalism to either destroy an asset or damage the image of the
• These threats can range from petty vandalism to organized sabotage
• Organizations rely on image so Web defacing can lead to dropping consumer confidence and
• Rising threat of hacktivist or cyber-activist operations – the most extreme version is cyber-
7. What are the deliberate acts of theft?Nov/Dec 2019
• Illegal taking of another’s property - physical, electronic, or intellectual
• The value of information suffers when it is copied and taken away without the owner’s
• Physical theft can be controlled - a wide variety of measures used from locked doors to guards
or alarm systems
• Electronic theft is a more complex problem to manage and control - organizations may not even
know it has occurred
8. What is an attack?
a. An attack is the deliberate act that exploits vulnerability
b. It is accomplished by a threat-agent to damage or steal an organization’s information or
physical asset
1. An exploit is a technique to compromise a system
2. A vulnerability is an identified weakness of a controlled system whose
controls are not present or are no longer effective
3. An attack is then the use of an exploit to achieve the compromise of a
controlled system
9. What is Denial-of-service (DoS) ? APR/MAY 2018
a. attacker sends a large number of connection or information requests to a target
b. so many requests are made that the target system cannot handle them successfully along
with other, legitimate requests for service
c. may result in a system crash, or merely an inability to perform ordinary functions
10. Define Spoofing. Apr/May 2018
It is a technique used to gain unauthorized access whereby the intruder sends messages to a
computer with an IP address indicating that the message is coming from a trusted host

1. What are dual homed host firewalls? Explain APR/MAY 2018
2. What deliberate software attacks?
3. What are different US laws and International laws on computer based crimes? NOV/DEC 2018
4. Who are Hackers? Explain its levels
5. Explain the attack replication vectors. APR/MAY 2018
6. Discuss in detail the forces of Nature affecting information security
7. Explain deliberate software attacks
8. Explain Denial-of-service (DoS) ? NOV/DEC 2019
1. What is risk management?
Risk management is the process of identifying vulnerabilities in an organization’s information
systems and taking carefully reasoned steps to assure
• Confidentiality
• Integrity
• Availability
of all the components in the organization’s information systems
2. What the roles to be played by the communities of interest to manage the risks an
organization encounters? NOV/DEC 2018
It is the responsibility of each community of interest to manage risks; each community has a role to
• Information Security
• Management and Users
• Information Technology
3. What is the process of Risk Identification? APR/MAY 2017
A risk management strategy calls on us to “know ourselves” by identifying, classifying, and
prioritizing the organization’s information assets
These assets are the targets of various threats and threat agents and our goal is to protect them from
these threats
4. Define data classification and management.
• A variety of classification schemes are used by corporate and military organizations
• Information owners are responsible for classifying the information assets for which they are
• Information owners must review information classifications periodically
• The military uses a five-level classification scheme but most organizations do not need the
detailed level of classification used by the military or federal agencies
5. How to identify and Prioritize Threats? APR/MAY 2018
• Each threat must be further examined to assess its potential to impact organization - this is
referred to as a threat assessment
• To frame the discussion of threat assessment, address each threat with a few questions:
• Which threats present a danger to this organization’s assets in the given environment?
• Which threats represent the most danger to the organization’s information?
• How much would it cost to recover from a successful attack?
• Which of these threats would require the greatest expenditure to prevent?
6. Give an example of Risk determination. NOV/DEC 2018
For the purpose of relative risk assessment:
• risk = likelihood of vulnerability occurrence times value (or impact) -
• percentage risk already controlled + an element of uncertainty
• Information Asset A has an value score of 50 and has one vulnerability:
• Vulnerability 1 has a likelihood of 1.0 with no current controls and you estimate that
assumptions and data are 90 % accurate
• Asset A: vulnerability rated as 55 = (50 * 1.0) – 0% + 10%
7. What is residual risk?
• For each threat and its associated vulnerabilities that have any residual risk, create a preliminary
list of control ideas
• Residual risk is the risk that remains to the information asset even after the existing control has
been applied
8. What is access control? APR/MAY 2017
• One particular application of controls is in the area of access controls
• Access controls are those controls that specifically address admission of a user into a trusted
area of the organization
• There are a number of approaches to controlling access
• Access controls can be - discretionary , mandatory , nondiscretionary
9. What are the different types of Access Controls?
• Discretionary Access Controls (DAC)
• Mandatory Access Controls (MACs)
• Nondiscretionary Controls
• Role-Based Controls
• Task-Based Controls
• Lattice-based Control
10. Define Business Continuity Plan APR/MAY 2019
The BCP is the most strategic and long term of the three plans. It encompasses the continuation of
business activities if a catastrophic event occurs,such as the loss of an entire database,building or
entire operations center. The BCP includes the planning the steps necessary to to ensure the
continuation of the organization when the scope or scale of a disaster exceeds the ability of the DRP
to restore operations.

1. Discuss in detail the process of assessing and controlling risk management issues
2. What is risk management? Why is the identification of risks by listing assets and vulnerabilities
is so important in the risk management process?
3. Explain in detail the three types of Security policies (EISP,ISSP and sysSP).
4. Explain the roles to be played by the communities of interest to manage the risks an
organization encounters APR/MAY 2018
5. Explain the process of Risk assessment APR/MAY 2017
6. Explain how the risk controls are effectively maintained in an organization
7. Write short notes on
a)Incidence Response Plan b)Disaster Recovery Plan c)Business continuity plan
8. Explain in detail the process of asset identification for different categories APR/MAY 2018
1. What is a policy?
A policy is a plan or course of action, as of a government, political party, or business, intended
to influence and determine decisions, actions, and other matters
2. What are the three types of security policies?
 Management defines three types of security policy:
 General or security program policy
 Issue-specific security policies
 Systems-specific security policies
3. Define Issue-Specific Security Policy (ISSP) APR/MAY 2017
 addresses specific areas of technology
 requires frequent updates
 contains an issue statement on the organization’s position on an issue
4. What are ACL Policies? NOV/DEC 2018
ACLs allow configuration to restrict access from anyone and anywhere
ACLs regulate:
1. Who can use the system
2. What authorized users can access
3. When authorized users can access the system
4. Where authorized users can access the system from
5. How authorized users can access the system
5. What is Information Security Blueprint?
The Security Blue Print is the basis for Design,Selection and Implementation of Security
Policies,education and training programs,and technology controls.
6. Define ISO 17799/BS 7799 Standards and their drawbacks APR/MAY 2018
 One of the most widely referenced and often discussed security models is the Information
Technology – Code of Practice for Information Security Management, which was originally
published as British Standard BS 7799
 This Code of Practice was adopted as an international standard by the International
Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission
(IEC) as ISO/IEC 17799 in 2000 as a framework for information security
7. What are the objectives of ISO 17799? 1. APR/MAY 2017
Organizational Security Policy is needed to provide management direction and support
1. Operational Security Policy
2. Organizational Security Infrastructure
3. Asset Classification and Control
4. Personnel Security
5. Physical and Environmental Security
6. Communications and Operations Management
7. System Access Control
8. System Development and Maintenance
9. Business Continuity Planning
10. Compliance
8. What is the alternate Security Models available other than ISO 17799/BS 7799?
1. Another approach available is described in the many documents available
from the Computer Security Resource Center of the National Institute for
Standards and Technology ( – Including:
2. NIST SP 800-12 - The Computer Security Handbook
3. NIST SP 800-14 - Generally Accepted Principles and Practices for Securing
IT Systems
4. NIST SP 800-18 - The Guide for Developing Security Plans for IT Systems
9. What is Defense in Depth? APR/MAY 2018
1. One of the foundations of security architectures is the requirement to
implement security in layers
2. Defense in depth requires that the organization establish sufficient security
controls and safeguards, so that an intruder faces multiple layers of controls
10. What is Systems-Specific Policy (SysSP)?
 SysSPs are frequently codified as standards and procedures used when configuring or
maintaining systems
 Systems-specific policies fall into two groups:
 Access control lists (ACLs) consist of the access control lists, matrices, and capability tables
governing the rights and privileges of a particular user to a particular system


1. What are ISO 7799 and BS7799? Explain their different sections and salient features.
2. Explain salient features of NIST security models. APR/MAY 2018
3. Explain how information security policy is implemented as procedure
4. What are the three types of security policies? Explain NOV/DEC 2018
5. List the styles of security architecture models. Discuss them in detail
6. Explain the key technological components used for security implementation
7. Write short notes on APR/MAY 2017
a. Defense in depth
b. Security perimeter
8. Write short notes on
 Incident Response plan(IRP)
 Disaster Recovery Plan
 Business Continuity Plan
1. What are firewalls?
A firewall is any device that prevents a specific type of information from moving between the
untrusted network outside and the trusted network inside
 The firewall may be:
 a separate computer system
 a service running on an existing router or server
 a separate network containing a number of supporting devices
2. Explain different generations of firewalls. NOV/DEC 2018
 First Generation - packet filtering firewalls
 Second Generation-application-level firewall or proxy server
 Third Generation- Stateful inspection firewalls
 Fourth Generation-dynamic packet filtering firewall
 Fifth Generation- kernel proxy
3. Define stateful inspection firewall APR/MAY 2018
It keeps track of each network connection established between internal and external systems using a
state table which tracks the state and context of each packet in the conversation by recording which
station sent what packet and when
4. How firewalls are categorized by processing mode?
The five processing modes are
a. Packet filtering
b. Application gateways
c. Circuit gateways
d. MAC layer firewalls
e. Hybrids
5. What are Screened-Subnet Firewalls? NOV/DEC 2018
 Consists of two or more internal bastion-hosts, behind a packet-filtering router, with each host
protecting the trusted network
 The first general model consists of two filtering routers, with one or more dual-homed bastion-
host between them
 The second general model involves the connection from the outside or untrusted network
6. What are the recommended practices in designing firewalls?
 All traffic from the trusted network is allowed out
 The firewall device is always inaccessible directly from the public network
 Allow Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP) data to pass through your firewall, but insure it
is all routed to a well-configured SMTP gateway to filter and route messaging traffic securely
 All Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) data should be denied
 Block telnet (terminal emulation) access to all internal servers from the public networks
 When Web services are offered outside the firewall, deny HTTP traffic from reaching your
internal networks by using some form of proxy access or DMZ architecture
7. What are intrusion detection systems(IDS)?
 IDSs work like burglar alarms
 IDSs require complex configurations to provide the level of detection and response desired
 An IDS operates as either network-based, when the technology is focused on protecting network
information assets, or host-based, when the technology is focused on protecting server or host
information assets
 IDSs use one of two detection methods, signature-based or statistical anomaly-based
8. What are different types of IDSs? NOV/DEC 2018
i. Network-based IDS
ii. Host-based IDS
iii. Application-based IDS
iv. Signature-based IDS
v. Statistical Anomaly-Based IDS
9. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using honey pot or padded cell approach?
a. Attackers can be diverted to targets that they cannot damage.
b. Administrators have time to decide how to respond to an attacker.
c. Attackers action can be easily and extensively monitored
d. Honey pots may be effective at catching insiders who are snooping around a network.
a. The legal implication of using such devices are not well defined.
b. Honey pots and Padded cells have not yet been shown to be generally useful security
c. An exper attacker,once diverted into a decoy system,may become angry and launch a hostile
attack againt an organization’s systems
d. Admins and security managers will need a high level of expertise to use these systems.

10. Define Packet Sniffers. NOV/DEC 2018

• A network tool that collects copies of packets from the network and analyzes them
• Can be used to eavesdrop on the network traffic
• To use a packet sniffer legally, you must be:
• on a network that the organization owns
• under direct authorization of the owners of the network
• have knowledge and consent of the content creators (users)


1. Explain in detail different firewall architectures (OR) Write short notes on

• Packet filtering Routers
• Screened Host fire wall
• Screened subnet firewalls (with DMZ)
2. What is Iintrusion Detection System(IDS)? Explain different reasons for using IDS and
different terminologies associated with IDS.
3. What are different types of Intrusion Detection Systems available? Explain with diagrams
4. Write short notes on
• Network-based IDS
• Host-based IDS
• Application-based IDS
• Signature-based IDS
5. What are Honey pots,Honey Nets and Padded cell systems? Explain each. NOV/DEC 2018
6. What are the purposes of Scanning and Analysis tools? Who will be using these tools? Explain
the functioning of few of these tools.
7. What is RSA algorithm? Explain different steps>
8. What are the functions of
• Information Security Manager, and
• Security Technician

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