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Time : 3 Hours Marks : 80

Instructions :
1. All Questions are Compulsory.
2. Each Sub-question carry 5 marks.
3. Each Sub-question should be answered between 75 to 100 words. Write every questions
answer on separate page.
4. Question paper of 80 Marks, it will be converted in to your programme structure marks.

1. Solve any four sub-questions.

a) Write a note on system start up. 5

b) Explain Kernel in Linux operation system. 5

c) Write a note on Init file. 5

d) Explain steps for adding local printer in Linux. 5

e) What is Network configuration tools? 5

2. Solve any four sub-questions.

a) Write a note on shell. 5

b) Explain steps for installation of linux. 5

c) Write “diff” command with its attribute. 5

d) Write a note on “Is” command with its attribute. 5

e) Explain changing permission of file and dir. 5

KA17-2693 D113/P131/CMP515/EE/20170606 : 1 (P.T.O.)

3. Solve any four sub-questions.

a) Explain VI editor. 5

b) Write any five directory command. 5

c) How to move and copy text in EMAC. 5

d) Discuss searching entire file system with locate command. 5

e) Write a note on Moving between multiple open application. 5

4. Solve any four sub-questions.

a) Write a note on SUDO command. 5

b) Explain Disabling Root using PAM. 5

c) Explain SU and MV command. 5

d) Explain Managing accounts and groups. 5

e) What is X Window System. 5


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