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Adventist International Mission School a) three b) four √ c) five 3. Fill in the blanks.

(5 Marks )
5. Christians in our country go to-
Shikkhak Polli, Gaital, Kishoreganj a) Temple b) pagoda c) church √ 1. We play in the yard.
Bangladesh & G. Studies worksheet for 1st Terminal Exam
6. Which one is a children's right? 2. Transportation is another important element of the social
Standard: Three a) birth registration √ b) following family rules c) environment.
(Total Marks Distribution: 60) respecting elders 3. Ethnic groups have their own festivals.
7. What does a fisherman do? 4. We have six basic rights in society.
Teacher: Mr. J. Pantra; Contact: 01917412968 a) make pots b) weave cloth c) catch fish √ 5. A weaver uses threads of cotton.
8. How do we live with different types of people in society? 6. We should always respect elders.
a) by religion b) by together √ c) by groups 7. Every person has some good qualities.
9. What should people of one religion do to another religion in 8. There are two Eids each year.
1. Word Meaning. ( 10 Marks ) the world? 9. Buddhists offer special prayers together.
a) love √ b) respect c) hatred 10. We should always keep our environment clean.
Natural = cÖvK…wZK ; Together= GKmv‡_ ; 10. When is Children's Day celebrated in all countries of the
Occupation=†ckv ; Crops=km¨ ; Social= mvgvwRK ; world?
Children= †Q‡j-‡g‡q ; Environment = cwi‡ek ; a) second Monday of October b) third Monday of 4. Question and Answer. (10 Marks)
Element=Dcv`vb ; Surroundings = cvk©¦eZ©x ; October c) first Monday of october √
Important= ¸iæZ¡c~Y© ; Cultivate= Pvlvev` Kiv ; People 11. Who made clay pots? 1. What is society?
=†jvKRb ; Place=RvqMv ; Yard= DVvb ; Neighbourhood= a) weaver b) potter √ c) farmer Ans: A society is a group of persons associated together for
cÖwZ‡ekx; Belongs=AšÍM©Z ; Around= Pvwiw`‡K ; 12. What do you call the plants, houses and animals around religious, cultural, scientific, political or other purpose.
Nature= cÖK…wZ ; Wear= cwiavb Kiv ; Festival= Drme ; you? 2. What are our basic needs?
a) family b) school c) environment √ Ans: We need food, clothes, education, housing, healthcare
Insects=‡cvKvgvKo ; Patient= ‡ivMx ; Intelligent=
13. Which is the greatest Muslim festival? and safety. These are our basic needs.
eyw×gvb ; Medicine=Jla ; Goods= gvj ; Opportunities= a) Eid √ b) Eid-E- Miladunnabi c) Shab-e-barat 3. Why do you do good deeds?
my‡hvM myweav ; Religion= ag© ; Temple= gw›`i ; 14. Which two occupations involve growing things? Ans: I do good deeds because doing good deeds can bring
Nutrition= cywó ; Treatment= wPwKrmv ; Basic= ‡gŠwjK a) fishermen and tailor b) farmer and gardener √ untold amount of a good deed.
; Society= mgvR ; Rights=AwaKvi ; Local=¯’vbxq ; Soil= c) smith and potter 4. How many Eid occasions do Muslim celebrate?
gvwU ; Transport=cwienb ; Collect=msMÖn ; Delivers= 15. The main Christian festival is- Ans: Muslim celebrate two Eid occasions.
e›UY Kiv ; Recreation= we‡bv`b ; Amity= eyÜZ¡ ; a) buddha purnima b) durga puja c) christmas √ 5. Why should we be good people?
Needs= cÖ‡qvRb | 16. What should be done when neighbours and relatives come Ans: We should be good people because everybody likes,
home? loves and respects good people.
a) regards √ b) disrespect c) avoid disrecpect 6. When did Christian celebrates their main festival?
2. Multiple Choice Question. (10 Marks) 17. Siblings are all rights in the family- Ans: On 25 December Christian celebrates their main
a) more b) equal to √ c) a little festival.
1. Which one is an example of the natural environment? 18. What do you say to all the people living in your area? 7. Define the rights.
a) house b) tree √ c) road a) family b) environment c) socities √ Ans: The rights are something a person has and is allowed to
2. A bird is- 19. Where are fish caught ? do.
a) a plant b) an animal √ c) air a) in the swimming pool b) in the sea only c) in 8. What does the natural environment mean?
3. The sun is an element of- the sea only √ Ans: Natural environment means all living and nonliving
a) natural environment √ b) man-made element c) 20. W hat will everyone say to you if you treat everyone badly? things occurring naturally.
element of society a) honest man b) bad man √ c) good man 9. Write the names of any five elements of the social
4. How many religions are there in our country? environment?
Ans: The names of the five elements of social environment 8. The Christians go to Church. (True) 8. Match the right side with the left side sentence: (10
are- a) Houses b) Schools c) Roads d) Markets e) 9. Hindus have religious occasions all year round. (True) Marks )
Playground 10. We need to support one another. (True)
10. Write the names of two Hindu festival? 11. Natural environment does not belong to our Left side Right side
Ans: The names of two Hindu festivals are: 1) Durja Puja 2) surroundings. (False) Everything around us is our environment.
Lakshmi Puja 12. We do not help each other. (False) called
11. What are children’s rights? 13. The important elements of our social environment are We enjoy many function and festivals.
Ans: Children’s rights are a subset of human rights with road and market. (False) Our school is very dear to us.
particular attention to the rights of special protection and 14. People create societies by being living alone. (False) Houses, roads, transports part of the social
care. 15. We have six basic rights in a society. (True) are environment.
12. Write the qualities of a good teacher? Every person has some qualities.
Ans: The qualities of a good teacher are: a) never harm Jalal sir is a good and honest man.
others b) helps other c) speak the truth d) respect older e) 6. Write from the text what are special about Muslim, We should respect our help others and treat people
love youngers. Christian and Hindus festivals: 05 elders equally.
13. Who is neighbour? Everybody read about this good deed.
Ans: Everyone around us is our neighbour. Muslim festivals Christian Hindu Festivals One who grows crops and farmer
14. Why education is important for children? 3 sentence? festivals vegetables
Ans: Education is important for children because they are Eid-ul-Fitr Christmas Durga Puja On Christmas Day people give presents to each
future of the world. They are the pillar of the nation. They Eid-ul-Azha Good Friday Saraswati Puja other.
should be updated with current affairs. Shab-e-Barat Easter Sunday Lakshmi Puja Another Buddhist festival Magi Purnima
15. Give examples of each of the human rights that we
receive. OR As we have rights So we also have
Food: rice, lentil, potatoes fish etc.
Clothes: Pant, shirt, saree etc. What materials do these professionals use? In our society, men, rich and poor live together.
Education: primary education, secondary education, honours A potter uses clay to make pots. women
etc. A weaver uses threads of cotton, silk or wool.
Home: village home, town home etc. One who gives food and nurse.
A manson uses bricks, cements, sands and metal. medicine to patients
Safety: Health safety, financial safety etc. A tailor uses the cloth to cut and sew clothes.
Healthcare: prevention, treatment etc. Look after the sick members of our family.
A farmer kinds of crops and vegetables. Plants like trees, flowers and vegetables.
makes One who makes a pot potter.
5. Identify the True or False. ( 5 Marks ) from clay
Ethic group celebrate their own religious festival.
7. Oral Test (5 Marks ) We learn and play in the school.
1. We do not enjoy meeting in neighbourhoods. (False)
2. We can see nature all around us. (True) Our rights as children OR Our responsibilities as children.
3. In a society no one has the rights in society. (False) (Book Pages-18 & 20)
4. There are also some special needs children in our
society. (True)
5. A builder uses threads of cotton silk or wool. (False)
6. Children enjoy themselves during religious festivals
7. The Muslim festival is Durga Puja. (False)

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