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Interview with a Nutritionist

1. In your opinion, what is a healthy lifestyle?

Answer: A healthy lifestyle is any effort to implement good habits to create a

healthy life and avoid bad habits that can harm health.

2. What is a good healthy lifestyle?

Answer: A good healthy lifestyle such as:

1. Don't smoke.

2. Healthy and balanced diet.

3. Do physical activity (exercise).

4. Get enough sleep or adequate rest.

3. Can 4 healthy 5 perfect currently be categorized as something that is balanced

and part of a healthy lifestyle?

Answer: 4 healthy 5 perfect cannot be categorized as such because they are

incomplete. General nutritional guidelines that can be used as a reference are balanced
Basically there are 4 pillars of balanced nutrition, namely:

1. Consume a variety of foods.

2. Clean and healthy living behavior.

3. Do physical activity.

4. Maintain or monitor weight.

4. How is exercise good for health and when should exercise be done?

Answer: In principle, all exercise is good for health, depending on the target or goal
you want to achieve, for example a good exercise for stroke patients is a leisurely
Exercise should be done in the morning because exposure to morning sunlight will
stimulate the production of vitamin D and the morning air is still fresh.

5. Does rest pattern affect health and what is a good rest pattern?


One day a mother and her child named Bayu came to the "SEHAT FARMA" pharmacy. He came to
redeem the prescription given by Dr. Kurniawan.Sp. m

(Conversation between Pharmacist and Patient)

PHARMACIST : Good afternoon ma'am, I'm Erni the pharmacist at this pharmacy. Can I help you?

THE PATIENT'S MOTHER : Yes ma'am, I want to redeem the prescription (while handing over the

PHARMACIST :OK, the recipe is in the name of Bayu's 9 year old child, is this a recipe for your

THE PATIENT'S MOTHER : Yes ma'am, for my child.

PHARMACIST :Sorry, may I know your address and cellphone number?

THE PATIENT'S MOTHER : jl. Martapura no 14. Mojoenem. 087898888888

PHARMACIST :I'll check the medicine first, Mom, I'll call you back later. Please wait a moment,
ma'am, in the waiting room.


(Then the pharmacist receives the prescription and immediately prepares the medicine and gives it
to the patient)

PHARMACIST :The patient is Bayu's child.

THE PATIENT'S MOTHER :Yes ma'am (The mother approached the pharmacist).

PHARMACIST :Mother, I have prepared this medicine. Do you have a moment for me to explain the
rules for using it?

THE PATIENT'S MOTHER : Approximately how long, ma'am?

PHARMACIST :±10 minutes ma'am, how about it? Can you do it?

THE PATIENT'S MOTHER :Yes ma'am I can.

PHARMACIST :OK ma'am, come with me to the counseling room.

THE PATIENT'S MOTHER : Yes ma'am, just a moment, I'll call my son first.

(The mother calls her child and goes straight to the counseling room)

PHARMACIST :Come on, little sister, please sit down.

THE PATIENT'S MOTHER :Yes ma'am, thank you.

PHARMACIST : Sorry, ma'am, has the doctor explained beforehand about this disease and its

THE PATIENT'S MOTHER : The doctor just said that my child has an eye infection and this medicine is
used to treat eye pain in my child, ma'am.

PHARMACIST : Has the doctor explained how to use the medicine?

THE PATIENT'S MOTHER : How to use: Apply the ointment to the affected eye 4 times a day. And the
tablets are taken 3 x 1 day.

PHARMACIST : Okay mom. What does the doctor expect after using this drug?

THE PATIENT'S MOTHER : For that matter, the doctor did not convey any information, ma'am.

PHARMACIST : Okay ma'am. Then I will explain a little about the disease and the medicine the
doctor gave. So, the doctor has told you that Bayu's little brother has an eye
infection, right ma'am? The eye infection experienced by this mother's child is
caused by bacterial germs. Eye infections caused by this bacteria are more common
in children and usually produce eye discharge that is thicker and greenish yellow in
color. Usually it can also occur together with flu or with respiratory symptoms such
as a sore throat. If I may ask, your little brother is complaining about a fever or sore
throat, ma'am?

THE PATIENT'S MOTHER : My child doesn't complain about fever or sore throat, ma'am.

PHARMACIST : Oh yes ma'am. Adek Bayu has been complaining about eye pain since when,

THE PATIENT'S MOTHER : Since yesterday ma'am, this morning when I woke up my eyes were red and
I said it was itchy, there was also dirt coming out. I was worried so I immediately took
him to the doctor.

PHARMACIST : Yes, mothers should be treated immediately because this disease can also be
contagious, I'm afraid that if we delay, the other eye will also be affected.

THE PATIENT'S MOTHER : How is it transmitted, ma'am?

PHARMACIST :This disease can spread directly or indirectly after coming into contact with eye
discharge from the patient's eyes.

THE PATIENT'S MOTHER : Oh, I see, ma'am.

PHARMACIST :Yes, mother, that's the case. Well, for the medicine prescribed by this doctor. Adek
Bayu received 2 medicines, namely Statrol ointment and ciprofloxasin tablets. Statrol
ointment is used to treat eye infections caused by germs/bacteria. This ointment is
used 4 times a day, 1 smear. Then here are the ciprofloxacin tablets. which is an
antibiotic to treat germ infections from within the body. This medicine is taken 3
times a day, ½ tablet. This medicine must also be finished, ma'am, its use is to
overcome the body's level of sensitivity to the infecting germs.

THE PATIENT'S MOTHER :Yes ma'am. How do you use the ointment, ma'am?

PHARMACIST : Oh yes ma'am, sorry I forgot to explain how to use it. So here's how to use it:

1. Before using the ointment, you should wash your hands clean with soap and

2. Avoid direct contact of the tube tip with eyes, hands or other surfaces, and the
container must be kept clean.
3. Hold the ointment tube using the other hand as close to the eyelid as possible
without touching it.

4. Pull the lower eyelid using your index finger so that the eyelid forms a pocket

5. Tilt your head forward slightly.

6. Tilt your head back, pull the lower eyelids using your index fingers so that the
eyelids form a bag

7. Apply ointment into the eye bags for approximately 1 cm.

8. Blink your eyes slowly, then close them for 1-2 minutes.

9. Clean excess eye ointment on your face with a tissue or towel

single clean and soft.

10. Immediately replace the tube cap to avoid contamination.

11. Wash your hands with water and soap to clean any remaining medicine that may
be stuck to it.

THE PATIENT'S MOTHER : Oh really ma'am?

PHARMACIST :Yes, ma'am, that's it. You also need to remember, ma'am, that after using the
ointment, if Bayu's little brother complains that his vision is blurry, don't worry, it's
okay, it's just a side effect of the ointment and only happens for 20 minutes after
giving it. After that, vision will return to normal.

THE PATIENT'S MOTHER :Yes ma'am I will remember.

PHARMACIST :Are you clear with my explanation regarding the medicine, ma'am?


PHARMACIST :Can you please repeat my explanation regarding how to use the medicine?

THE PATIENT'S MOTHER :yes ma'am you can. This ointment is used 4 times a day, 1 smear. Then these
ciprofloxacin tablets are taken 3 times a day. This medicine must also be finished.
How to use the ointment:

1. Before using the ointment, you should wash your hands clean with soap and

2. Avoid direct contact of the tube tip with eyes, hands or other surfaces, and the
container must be kept clean.

3. Hold the ointment tube using the other hand as close to the eyelid as possible
without touching it.

4. Pull the lower eyelid using your index finger so that the eyelid forms a pocket

5. Tilt your head forward slightly.

6. Tilt your head back, pull the lower eyelids using your index fingers so that the
eyelids form a bag
7. Apply ointment into the eye bags for approximately 1 cm.

8. Blink your eyes slowly, then close them for 1-2 minutes.

9. Wipe off excess eye ointment on your face with a single, clean, soft tissue or towel.

10. Immediately replace the tube cap to avoid contamination.

11. Wash your hands with water and soap to clean any remaining medicine that may
be stuck to it.

How is it ma'am?

PHARMACIST :Yes, mother, that's right. To reduce symptoms, compresses can also be applied to
the eyes using a clean cloth that has been moistened with clean water. But don't use
the cloth to compress the other eye to avoid the risk of contagion or spreading pink
eye. If it hasn't healed within 1 week, please go back to an eye doctor, ma'am.

THE PATIENT'S MOTHER :Yes ma'am, thanks for the information.

PHARMACIST : Is there anything else you want to ask, mother?

THE PATIENT'S MOTHER : No ma'am, it's clear enough. You pay directly to the cashier, right ma'am?

PHARMACIST :Yes, ma'am, just go straight to the cashier.

THE PATIENT'S MOTHER : Goodma'am then excuse me.

PHARMACIST :Yes ma'am, I hope Bayu's brother gets well soon

THE PATIENT'S MOTHER : Yes ma'am, thank you.

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