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what kind of data should be collected for each investigation o question below? Sort into the correct groups by writing the letters. h. What is he age group of pupils in the school? b. How many girls are there in Tim's class? ¢, How quickly do pupils in Tim's class take to eat Lunch? 1b What are the heights of pupils in Cyrus’ class? £, What mode of transport do the pupils in Ada class take to school? fF How many Languages do pupils in Cyrus’ class lenow? G. What are the eye colours of pupils in Tims class? HH. How many pupils in the school Like chocolate ice cream? 1. What is the temperature in the city throughout the day? ‘ada wants to find out the amount of time her teacher spends preparing for her lessons every week, She comes up with these interview questions: Oo} o| as L How much time do you spend teaching in a week? 2. What are your break times? © 5. How many classes de you Leach? O a How many hours do you sleep each night? 5, Do you go to work everyday? cI 6, How many subjects do you teach? TJ O 7. How much time do you spend writing Lesson plans after school? ® Which 4 questions are most suitable for Ada to ask her teggy, during the interview? Tick the boxes. er © Write down the 4 questions youticked in @ THe ty vWentiy the type of dato Ada would most Ikely collect from asking each question. Question 1: _—— : — The data that Ada would collect is categorical /continuoys ; discrete. Question 2: : The data that Ada would collect is categorical / continuous i discrete. Question 3: eT aie The data that Ada would collect is categorical / continuous / discrete Coin eee the data that Ada would collects categorical / continuous / discrete. @® Timandsome of his classmates participated in a two-legged race for Active School's sports day! Here is some data that his teacher collected. | Tim and Cyrus 105 jo Howmany Sarah and Mia 82 data points “ Vera and Ada 89 te = | ae ee . { Pat and Leslie 97 ® Thetype of data that Tim’s teacher collected is __— data. == His teacher then represented the data usi © representations. Cross out the data repentant e least appropriate to record the in @. Explain your answer. type of data you have identified 7tolessthan8 Peseta a Btolessthang 2 [ee Ue Ae 9toless than 10 1 [eae eee ‘Oto less thon 1 More than ass Lessthan 85s Tim and Cyrus Vera and Ada Sarah and Mio Pot and Leslie More than 10 seconds Not more than 10 seconds Sarah ond Mio Vera.and Ada Pat and Leslie Timand Cyrus Ithink this data representation is the least appropriate because yend.He counts teda farmover the Wee ‘ond Fonmaishe sow GUTS ris stay on the farm, uy, Wt to show the proportion of . yrthe pie c ; fhanimal each colour re pre eSentg to show whic! @® Timandhis family visit records the number | 5 different colours to coloul animals on the farm. Label ‘animats | saw or the mre mover the weekient! List of ages 8 chickens 4 ducks sheep > horse® How many conimals are there \\ ‘altogether? How many partsis this pie chart divided into? ind out the favourite food of her ata from 100 pupils and recorded th lem survey to fi lected d @ veraconducted a below. Answer the questions. schoolmates. She co! inthe pie chart Favourite food of cctrea Vera's schoolmates {B® Poncakes Meat pie (Chicken soup | Gi Solod {Bi Chocolate cake [Hi Oatmeal Chocolate cake S@ vest pie soos OES e Chicken soup ® Howmany pupils like to eat pancakes? How many pupils like to eat salad? te) whatis the percentage of Pupils whose fay; ‘Ourite food are meat 1 ie, chicken soup and chocolate cake? % pie, How many more pupils like to eat meat pie than oatmeal? ® ge eee 2% wnat percentage of pupils do not have pancakes as their e favouritefood?___ plete the frequency table. Then, colour to represent the data in the Col pie chart. Bream anit 03s SETH ‘Types of fish foundin the river a ~~ truction company. The scqj about the monthly ine, he questions below, ME of owner of a cons information wer tl inthe constructi ® Timsuncleisthe graph below shows some it the workers in his company. ANS Salaries of workers joncompany ° 3 g z 2 Age of workers @ Whatis the highest amount of salary that is paid in the construction company? ® About how much more salary do workers of age 40 years old earn than workers of age 25 years old? @© Drawaline of best fit through the points that are plotted onthe scatter graph @ Use the line of best fit to estimate the salary o 55-year-old worker will receive. @ State apattern betweena worker's age and the amount of salary they earn ina month. Se MRE eee ie a oe Ee ® Give apossible reason for the pattern you have identified in @ =a Zs & onducts a survey among his relati i ose latives to fir ° ofee? they get each day. He records the data i ind out the amount in the table below. Using the data in the table, complete the scatter graph below. Draw a line of best fit after plotting the points. ‘Time spent sleeping (h) ’ Amount of sleep my relatives get aes ese es P| eee ‘Age of relatives ® Vera plants 15 green beans ina crate of soil. She measures and records their heights at the end of 15 weeks: 82cm 56 cm 34 cm 63cm 7 cm 34cm 42cm 68cm om aac 14 cm 66 cm ‘edata that Vera r cy table to snow us POF @ Complete the frequen fheight is the mode in this dato set? ne of the green beans in which range of ne growth of vera the line 9°0} use the graph to answer the questions below. | @ Between Week land Week 5, Vera's bean plant grew tall a total of__—— ery 1e height of Vera's bean plant in Week 7 was tin Week 4. cm. cm @ The more than its heigh @ Describe apatternin the heic ight of the bean pl to 10. State a possible reason for the Sea mel lentified, = Describe the pattern in the heir ht weeks 10 to 15. What do you think Pea benn Plent fom Fe See ae vera and her family visited a farm over the weekend. She draws a frequency diagram to record the heights of the the farm. Answer the questions that follow. ae ace + Apple trees on the farm Number of trees 100 150 200 250) 300) Height (cm) @ Howmany apple trees are there on the farm? @® Howmany apple trees on the farm have heights of SO cm to less than1m? © Whatis the range of heights that most of the apple trees on the farm have? @ Thereare____ more apple trees that have a height of 150 cm to less than 2 m than apple trees that have heights of 250 cm to less than 3m. ® State a possible reason for your answer in @. of the A ® pes teacher asks her to record the competion ‘3 eae Find the aI etball teams from different schools” int nee mean, median and mode of each $< De ® Active School: ry e a 58 cS 2 a mode: — Mean! ae Blossom schoo! m 50 6 ee = = : 2: Mode: Mean! ————— late ie @ Coctus school 70 2 S = - . eee Median: Mode: ___ ——— @ Derby Schoo! B a si = “ a a Mode: @ Eris School: Te a ae. 54 a 45, Mean: Median; =. Modi ee ffle diagram below shows, the different re we id by Sole Paradise, a shoe g 9 yer a of shoes sold was 50 pairs, Ip' um! Prices of shoes that hop in Cactus City. The total How many square’ Units does, \d the number of shoes that were sold at each Price. Fin e 0 it will the raw data set look like when recorded? List the 5 © ee points in ascending order below. | Price that each pair of shoes was sold at: 0 XN ® Using your answer in @, find the mode, medion mean and range of the data set. Show all your working clear Mode: = Median: —————— Mean: Range: _——————_ the mode tell us about the pairs of shoes that were ation be useful to the shop owner? @ What does # oid? How can this inform eS Ee ie a ee ae i a ree ee @ |fthe shop owner decreases the prices of the remaining 20 shoes in her shop from $26 to $5 each to attract more customers, do you think the median value in @will still be useful? Explain your answer. uring their summer break, Tim set uy © Gndverasetupa stall selling apple j at 25 cents G Cup, and Vera sold her Pd stall selling orange juice juice. Tim sold his orange juice apple juice at 75 cents a ‘cup. CUPS of rinks Sold by Tim and Vera 0} —— ——_ - re | Number of cups sold Weeks @ Identify the peak of Tim's and Vera's data sets. What do you notice about the values you have identified? TAS ee Vera: Both peaks of Tim’s and Vera's data sets ® State one similarity between Tim's and Vera's data sets. Give a possible reason for the similarity you observed. State one difference between Tim's and Vera's data sets. State a possible source of variation for this difference. = Peers reer eemmorsercorencorce: e jong 100 people to ® Adaand Cyrus each on conducted a survey + find out their favourite food item to order at Jelly Restaurant They represented their data below. food of customers rovourte er pesiurant Favourite food of customers ‘ot Jelly Restauront [Herbal soup Ice cream i solos me a Bierilled fish [Di Popcorn chicken @ Identify the data representations that Ada and Cyrus each used, cyrus: A ition do you think is more useful to @ Which dota representa interpret dato? Why? mation from the data representations, state one © Using infor difference between Ada's and Cyrus’ data sets. EE ———————— State a possible source of variation for the di pee difference you have meee oe r cyt! oO sea o\t i) 3. wants to find out the amount of sales his favourite waffle café ® ~oKesina month. Help him think of 3 questions that he his questionnaire to collect data from the shop Sine ue shade to represent the data in each pie chart below. You can choose e the colours to be used for each key. @ Adainterviewed 10 people to find out their preferred drink flavour. Strawberry Lime \ Orange “ Listrowberry - time 3 Lorange ® Cyrus conducts a survey among 20 friends to find out their favourite sport. RR Csosita Basketball 4 —— Soccer = [soccer Table tennis 6 LI tabie tennis ® Timasks his cousin what he spends his monthly pocket money of $100 on. aes) Fworen Watch 24 = [pair of shoes Pair of shoes 40 | Stationery set 6 Listotionery set \ soccer ball 20 Lsoccer bait Eas) EE row under different o ifrerent OMS at oms can gI ishrooms that ® Cytusis investigating how well mushro temperatures. He puts 7 crates of mushrooms In different temperatures. He records the number oft sprouted in each crate after? week mplete the scatter graph din the table, CO’ ne scatter graph. |4mor) cms growing in cierent CTP TT 2 st fit throug tl the data present Draw a line of be @ using Number of mus below. Number of mushroo: pererate Temperature °C) nbetween the number of mushrooms [2marks apattert ofthe room? Can youidentify \d the temperature that sprouted an Oe eae vest fit that you have drawn, estimate the number it will sprout when the temperature is 25°C. © Using the line of b mark of mushrooms thai Which point does not seem to fit the line of best fit? State a possible reason for this. = tify the mean, mode, median and range of the data set 1 gen Sth OO ES | Pe) Sil name igh ee) ae ! Mela Median: ie Mod Range: iminterviews his father’s colleagues to find out how much they earn each onth. He records the information in a list. Use the data to answer the questions below. Mp Trey, he boss of the company, eams $12 000 a month. Mr Dan earns $3000 a month. Ms Lucy earns $2000 Lesser than Mr Dan each month. Mr Fred and Mrs Jane each earns $2500 a month, ® Which colleague earns the least amount of salary each month? ® Whatis the range of this data set? @ What is the mode and median of this data set? Mode: Median: @ Calculate the mean of this data set. Show your working clearly. arks ] ® |sthemean or mode a better representation of the average salary of employees in the company? Explain your answer. ori EEE si A

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