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“Let’s Talk about My Idol”

It is possible to characterize someone using words by discussing their characteristics,

behaviors, or physical features.

● The following sentence patterns can be used to describe someone:

1. Subject + is/ are + adjective

Roy is handsome
2. Subject + is/ are + noun phrase
Trizy is a charming lady
3. Subject + has/ have + noun phrase
She has a good attitude
4. Her/ his + part of body + is/ are + adjective
His eyes are wide
5. Subject + wear/ wears + clothing/accessories
Jhenifer wears a diamond ring

● How to Describe People?

There are 3 ways to describe people;

1. Physical Appearance: The first method of characterizing someone is to include details

about their physical attributes, such as height, skin tone, or the clothing they wear.
Adjectives are typically used to describe physical appearance.

Handsome Tampan

Beautiful Cantik

Cute Imut

Skinny Kurus

Fat Gemuk

Tan Sawo Matang

Olive Kuning Langsat

Tall Tinggi

Short Pendek

Fashionable Modis

Old school Jadul

Big Besar

Small Kecil

2. Manners: You can also describe someone from their actions or behavior in certain
situations. In most cases, verbs are used to characterize these attitudes and actions.

Bite fingernails Menggigit Jari

Tap fingers Mengetuk Jari

Twirl hair around finger Menggulung Rambut di Jari-jari

Roll eyes Memutar Mata

Tilt head to the side Memiringkan Kepala

Sigh a lot Menghembuskan Nafas Berkali-kali

Take a deep breath Mengambil Nafas Dalam-dalam

Glanced right and left Melirik ke Kanan ke Kiri

3. Character Traits: Characters or objects associated with a person's personality are

acceptable. Adjectives are frequently used to describe persons according to their nature or

Friendly Bersahat

Polite Sopan

Wise Bijak

Calm Tenang

Easy-going Lembut Hati

Helpful Penolong

Talented Berbakat

Mysterious Misterius

Firm Tegas

Excitable Bersemangat

Extrovert Terbuka
Introvert Tertutup

Rude Tidak Sopan

Grumpy Pemarah

Fierce Garang

4. Emotions: A person can also be described in terms of their emotional state, such as
furious, joyful, confused, etc.

Delighted Bahagia

Miserable Sedih

Relaxed Santai

Anxious Cemas

Enthusiastic Antusias

Stressed/Depressed Tertekan

Jolly Riang

Cheerful Ceria

Anxious Cemas

Envious Iri

5. Relationships: When discussing other individuals, we might also bring up their

relationship with us or our own relationship with them. Examples include how long we've
known him, where we originally met him, whether or not we get along with him, and more.
These are some examples of sentence structures that illustrate how we relate to others:
-We have known each other since/ for… (Kami sudah saling kenal sejak/ selama…)
-We met at… (Kita berkenalan di…)
-We get on/ don’t get on well, because… (Kami akur/ tidak aku, karena…)
-We get along/ don’t get along well, because… (Kami akur/ tidak akur, karena…)
● It’s Game Time:
Follow the instruction:
1. You will be divided into 4 groups
2. The teacher will give you clues and pictures
3. Please focus on the teacher clues carefully
4. Try to discuss it with your group members
5. Every member has an opportunity to voice
6. Say the password to answer the games (Group 1 PIP, Group 2 POP, Group 3 PEP,
Group 4 PAP)


Ms. Pratiwi Tristin

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