The Patient Griselda - For Powerpoint

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patience, obedience, and fidelity in marriage


 to explore the themes of patience, obedience, and fidelity in marriage, and how they are
valued in different cultures and times. These themes are central to the story of Griselda,
who endures many trials and humiliations from her husband to prove her loyalty and
virtue. What made us interested in this tale were the themes that are contested and
challenged by different perspectives and contexts. For example, some psychologists
suggest that fidelity is a matter of conviction rather than convention 1, while some
feminists question the patriarchal norms that demand obedience and patience from
women2. We want to examine how these themes are relevant and meaningful for
different people and situations, and how they shape our understanding of
marriage and love.

 We want to challenge ourselves to portray a complex and controversial character,

who has been praised for her virtue and criticized for her passivity. Griselda is not
a simple or one-dimensional character; she is a paradox and a problem. She is
admired for her steadfastness and humility, but she is also condemned for her
submission and unfeelingness. She is a model of wifely obedience, but she is also
a victim of marital abuse. She is transcendent, but she is also alienated. We want
to explore her motivations, emotions, and choices, and how they affect her and
others. We want to understand her as a human being, not as a stereotype or a


Griselda endures numerous trials and sacrifices to prove her loyalty and virtue to her husband, Gualtieri.
Gualtieri subjects Griselda to extreme tests, including pretending to divorce her, taking away their
children, and later revealing that he had secretly raised their children in the countryside.

The conclusion of the story is marked by Gualtieri's acknowledgment of Griselda's unwavering patience,
obedience, and fidelity. He reveals the truth about the children and praises Griselda for her
steadfastness. In the end, Gualtieri reunites with Griselda and their children, acknowledging her virtues
and expressing gratitude for her enduring love and devotion.
The conclusion can be seen as a resolution to the trials Griselda faced, and it often emphasizes the
virtues of patience and loyalty. However, interpretations may vary, with some readers critiquing the
narrative for its portrayal of extreme submissiveness and the questionable actions of Gualtieri.


1. Virtue of Patience and Endurance:

 One of the central morals is the virtue of patience and endurance. Griselda's ability to
withstand numerous trials without complaint or rebellion is often praised as a model of
virtuous behavior. The story suggests that enduring hardships with patience can lead to
eventual rewards.

2. Loyalty and Fidelity:

 Another moral centers around the themes of loyalty and fidelity. Griselda's unwavering
loyalty to her husband, even in the face of extreme tests, is presented as an admirable
quality. The story suggests that true love involves steadfast commitment and trust.

3. Test of Character:

 The narrative can be seen as a commentary on the testing of character. Gualtieri's

actions, while extreme, are portrayed as a means of assessing Griselda's character. The
moral may highlight the importance of staying true to one's values and principles even
in challenging circumstances.

4. Questioning Gender Roles:

 In a more critical interpretation, the story can serve as a commentary on traditional

gender roles. Some might see the narrative as a reflection of patriarchal norms that
demand extreme submission from women. The moral could involve questioning and
challenging these gender expectations.

5. Complexity of Love and Relationships:

 The story might convey the idea that love and relationships are complex and can involve
sacrifices. It explores the nuances of marital relationships, including the dynamics of
power, trust, and the sacrifices individuals may make for the sake of love.

6. Gratitude and Recognition:

 In the conclusion, Gualtieri's acknowledgment and gratitude for Griselda's virtues can be
seen as a moral emphasizing the importance of recognizing and appreciating the
qualities of one's partner

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