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Reflection #2

During the Santa Letter visit, we got our little buddies to read what they wrote for Santa

to us and as a big group, we all walked to the mailbox near the school to put them in. Nyah was

very excited to be mailing these letters so was very eager and engaged in the activity the whole

time. She had asked Santa for some Lol Dolls OMG! Dolls, which I had never heard of but once

I got back to Charles Best, I looked it up and knew exactly what she was asking for! Nyah did

need a little bit more assistance to put her letter in the mailbox since she wasn’t tall enough to

reach it, but other than that she didn’t need any help. She read me her letter well, some words

she didn’t remember what she wrote so I helped her read it but for the most part she understood

what she wrote and was able to reciprocate it back to me.

The next week, we did a Snowflake Craft and then played a math game when we

finished that activity. Nyah was also very engaged in the snowflake craft, I had to help her cut

out the middle pieces of the triangle so that she wouldn’t cut her little fingers but other than that

she was self-sufficient. During the math game, I needed to explain to Nyah that when you add

ten to zero it creates ten. She didn’t believe me, so I had to try telling her in different ways

which she still didn’t understand so when I counted on my fingers to show her, she finally

believed me and listened. She tried to cheat a few times in the game but even with her cheating I

still managed to win which she wasn’t too happy about.

Some new things that I learned about Nyah is that she is very competitive and creative.

I noticed her creativeness when we did the Santa letters and the snowflake craft. The Santa

letter really showed her belief for Santa and the excitement that she has. She was asking me all
these questions like “How does Santa get through my fireplace?” and “How does Santa get to all

the houses in one night?” while we were walking. The snowflake craft was when I noticed

another part of her creativeness, she was specific on where she wanted me to cut and how she

wanted me to cut it. If I accidentally cut it in the wrong shape, or almost cut it in the wrong

placed she’d call my name and tell me to stop immediately. Once we unfolded the snowflake, she

was amazed and proud with what she had created and thought her craft looked very nice. I

realized that Nyah is competitive during our math game that we played. She tried cheating

multiple times and I didn’t really say anything, but at the end I had one point higher, and she

gave herself an extra two points so that she could win. When I called her out and said “Nyah,

you can’t do that that’s cheating.” She had this big grin on her face and proceeded to scribble

all over her points so that you couldn’t see them and then took my pencil crayon and did the


These visits connect back to my question because I learned more about one of the

situations that can happen when a child doesn’t get their way or what they want. In my case,

Nyah didn’t get what she wanted, and I had to reiterate that she can’t cheat to make sure she

wins. I told her that she wasn’t allowed to do that, and she tried to be funny about the situation

by colouring over both our points. I also learned that sometimes you need to explain something

to children multiple times in various ways if they don’t understand it the first couple times so

that they can better understand what you’re trying to teach them and actually learn and

understand the conecpts.

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