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The Water Bed ‘Conceptulice Think about carrying 4 ug of water and how hea it Now imagine ample of var the is of» tener bed, Went she eight to rately ge CCoteorize Thiseanmple is suuttution prelem. Find the wolame ofthe water Filing the mates: V= 200.200 w}0800 m) = 1201 ‘Use Equation Land the deasty of fresh water (ee -M= o¥= (1.000 kp/n(.20 0") = 1.20% 10g ‘Table 14) tied che mau ofthe waterbed Find th moight af the ed Alg= (120510 (080 0/8) = TORS TOEN which approximate) 26501 (A epularbeincloding matress. box sping and metal frame. weighs apeoxinatel 4400} cae tila cn geet tebe place aster led in tetas oto wel eer lt Las 101N, Wien he water ed in nor peso, de rea tex canta with the lor 4.001, Use Equation Hl to Findihe presure ‘Wht if ve water bl is replaced by» SOOD regalur bed hati sapere by er Unga Eat eg a cular ens sedion of eadias 200ctu. Wha presute docs dhs hed eo the foo ‘Aanwer The weight the regula bei fore te presse zon 10m fo gi aeaanbay (ous) = 2.65 10 ‘This esl alent 109 tines larger than the pressure duet the water be! The weight ofthe regular bed even ‘Heh tech at ham the wight othe water bod app ener he very eal rea af he fr lege The high plc omthe for atthe ees of areas bel ould cae deni in wood Henao permanently leet ile The Car Lift CConceptualize Review the material just discussed about Pascal's law to understand the operation of cae lit (Categorize This example it substitution problem she tt n= (Be= BEI a sro) = aa R148 x10'N, ‘Use Equation 14.1 to find the airpressure that produces P= fi = 148 X10°N thisforce: 4, (6.00 x 107m} = 188 x 10" Pa “This pressure is approximately twice atmospheric presure a wot Garden OD Aganlener usesawaterhose to fll 23004 bucket. The gardener notes that takes 00 min torllthe bucket A noze tea an opening oferosraceional area 0.500 cris then attached to the hose. The nose ised a0 tha water pro- Jectedheizontallr from a point 100 mabove the grounel Over what horizontal distance can the wate be projected CConeeptualie Imagine ary past experience yo have with projecting water from a horizontal hose or a pipe wing ccubet your thumb ora nezle which at be atached othe end of te bose, The fase the wer is traveling ot icleavet thehore, the farther i willland on the ground from the end of che hove Categorize Once the water leaves the hose sin tree fall Therefore, we categorize a given cement ofthe water as 2 projectile: The cements modeled asa pare under sosant acento gar) in the vertical direction and = Derice under onsen etc n the horiomtal direction. The horizontal tance cer which the element pejerted Aepends om the speed wid whic isprojeced. This example evolves a change' area for the pipe, so We abo cegor aeita one in which we wee the continuity equation for fd sss Repu tenlunctivrac Raueietwcsid BAe SEA sete er theapetfthe trin be ne at Werhive abeled thie sped hocanse weidentify point I within the hose. We enfant in the ai jute the rozle.Wemmust find the speed =», wth which the water ex te nowae. The subscript ‘anielpates at vl be the inal elocy component ofthe water projected fom she hows, and the rubript xindcats thatthe inal vee ity vector ofthe projected waters horioatal Solve the contimaity equation for fide for © erm Ay B(E)— ‘We now shift our thinking way rom fhuids and to projeetle metion. In the vertical direction. an element ofthe water sare fom reat and fale crugh a verial lance of 1.00, Ute Hanan 216 fortheverteatposton ofanele- y= yt yt At sneatot wae ceed spare under constant seeders Cat the inital psn he watery. = Vand recanine —@ 9/= 0 +O Het > t= ‘har te water begins witha Yereal ebay component ‘of zo, Soe fr the time at whic dhe water reaches the aoa Thetquea {7 oO etorioamlpoaionctiic ya tytn O+ ae Sinden modcetarspariseande san ‘hess sete tom yen (an aot AN g Subaeate numerical valves: “The Venturi Tube ‘The foxlmnal come pipe Alsat in Pure 169, Seno a Tt ae can Be wed to meavare the Dow ped fan incompremble fd. Determine the Few speed a point ot gare (staf the pesie lence y~ Fs kNONT. Concerns nn ss bow he peste Rolvocabeiccshnusdceve greuriettadspeads EME 1418, drome) ae Rug, sec meutehore Sainvateaaalite pataarae Categorize Because the prnblem states thatthe uid i team fen hese shes hse pee se prone we ton coy stm oe me we cence Maun cme he “hates semintyferfiatandBennitnatce, oben aly Appiy Equation 108 to points tan 2, noting) A ipo = B+ bo thay. = jrbstaue the pipe i horizontal Seine he equation af comm fr Stites expen imo Equation) Stine for Fralce from the desig fhe tae aveat 4 and) and meaterement of the pase ference P,P we cn falelte the peed ote fad with thus eguain. Tse he tlaosbipLetneen fd peed ad prema dlr nc, place evo pe aod cons on thi aes boot 2 cm apart ona table. Geni low aatream of sr horsoetaly ‘omen ine caneand wach hem rt ogether shy doe ts meses iffarece heme nesta set ‘he utd edger std esau at einen hc Nom low ore wrong wad atch theirs prewar i ference ote the cone topsthar mote rp

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