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Volume No.

186 February 2024

Henry Kissinger:
Can statesman’s legacy
guide future Sino-US ties?
Sky’s the Limit:
Burgeoning market for
drone shows takes off

Chinese manufacturers are going
global. How will supply chains
adjust to the new competition?


China seeks balance between short-term stability and

long-term growth transition

Published by China Newsweek Corporation
Publisher: Chen Lujun
hina’s annual Central Economic It suggests that the government will adopt
Work Conference was held in a more expansionary fiscal policy in 2024.
Executive Director:
Chen Lujun
Beijing on December 11 and 12. Economists have long argued that China
Serving to set the priorities for should adopt a more aggressive fiscal policy Editor-in-Chief: Tan Hongwei
Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Zheng Zhonghai
economic policy in the next year, this year’s to allow the budget deficit to exceed the
session was closely watched, cap of 3 percent of GDP to Editorial Office
Managing Editor: Li Jia
as a robust rebound in growth boost its economy. In a rare Deputy Managing Editor: Du Guodong
in China has significant im- As the meeting and unexpected move, the Copy Editors: Kathleen Naday, James Tiscione

plications for the rest of the central government issued Lead Writer: Yu Xiaodong

recognized 1 trillion yuan (US$141b)
Senior Editors: Wang Yan,Yi Ziyi

that insufficient
Editors: Xie Ying, Xu Ming, Wu Jin
In analyzing China’s overall of additional treasury bonds Address: 5th Floor, 12 Baiwanzhuang South

economic outlook in 2024, effective demand in October to fund projects

Street, Xicheng District, Beijing, China
Post Code: 100037
the meeting assessed that is the first for natural disaster relief Tel: 86-10-88395566

China needs to overcome problem now, and prevention, widening Fax: 86-10-88388045

challenges including “lack of expansionary the general-purpose budget Art Department

effective demand, overcapac- deficit to a record-high 3.8 Art Director: Wu Shangwen

ity in some sectors, lackluster

fiscal policy should percent. In 2024, the budget
Art Editor/Designer: Zhang Dawei

social expectations, certain pay more attention deficit could reach about 3.5 Publishing and Development Office

risks and hidden problems, to boosting percent. In the past, expan-

China Newsweek Corporation
President: Tan Hongwei
bottlenecks in domestic cir- consumption sionary fiscal policy focused Marketing Head: Billy Huang
culation, as well as the rising on tax rebates or infrastruc- Tel: 1-212-481-2510
Fax: 1-212-481-2503
complexity, severity and un- ture construction. As the Email:
certainty of the external en- meeting recognized that in- Address: 820 2nd Ave, 3B-C, New York, NY
10017, USA
vironment,” according to the sufficient effective demand
conference’s official readout. is the first problem now, Toronto Office: Yu Ruidong

Given this, China will fol- expansionary fiscal policy Address: 51 Halstead Drive, Markham, ON
Canada L3R7Z4
low the principle of “seeking should pay more attention Tel: 1-905-604-6150
progress while maintaining stability [and] to boosting consumption. Fax: 1-905-604-6170

promoting stability through progress,” in In the meantime, the meeting made it clear New York Office: Wang Fan, Liao Pan
its economic policy for 2024. This means that among the country’s top priorities in Washington Office: Chen Mengtong, Sha Hanting

the priorities for China’s economic agenda 2024 is to continuously prevent and defuse Los Angeles Office: Zhang Shuo
San Francisco Office: Liu Guanguan
are stability and striking a balance between risks in major areas, including the housing London Office: Ouyang Kaiyu
short-term stability and the long-term goal market, local government debt and small- and Tokyo Office: Zhu Chenxi
Paris Office: Li Yang
of transitioning the country’s growth model. medium-sized financial institutions. It urged Bangkok Office: Wang Guoan
The principle of “establishing the new before better coordination of economic and social Kuala Lumpur Office: Chen Yue
Moscow Office: Tian Bing
abolishing the old,” which is rarely seen in policies to help stabilize expectations, growth Manila Office: Zhang Xinglong
previous central economic work meetings, and employment, and called for enhanced Berlin Office: Ma Xiuxiu
indicates that stabilizing market expectations confidence in China’s economic recovery and Brussels Office: De Yongjian
Astana Office: Zhang Shuo
to avoid a downward spiral is prioritized over long-term positive outlook. Rio de Janeiro Office: Mo Chengxiong
structural reforms to address the long-term On December 13, the Asian Development Johannesburg Office: Wang Xi
Jakarta Office: Lin Yongchuan
problems of productivity. Bank revised its growth projection for China
Pledging to maintain “reasonable growth” up to 5.2 percent from 4.9 percent previously, Legal Advisor: Allen Wu

in both quality and quantity, the conference slightly above the 5 percent growth target set
ISSN 1943-1902 CN11-5826/G2
said that the country should “strengthen by the Chinese government for 2023.
counter-cyclical and cross-cyclical adjust- For 2024, China may still set its annual Subscription
Customer Service: 1-800-607-4410
ments of macro policies and continue to growth target at about 5 percent, with a more Email:
implement a proactive fiscal policy and a proactive economic policy aiming to seek
prudent monetary policy with strengthened stronger economic recovery while pushing
innovation and coordination of policy tools.” forward more measured structural reforms.

NEWSCHINA I February 2024


Shipping Out
Facing trade tensions and post-pandemic stagnation, Chinese manufacturers
are moving operations overseas. NewsChina explores how strategic offshoring
could strengthen China’s market resilience and its global ambitions

NEWSCHINA I February 2024

01 China seeks balance between short-term stability and
42 Increase in juvenile sexual
long-term growth transition assault sheds light on
POLITICS inadequate sex education
14 Anti-Corruption:
Ugly on the Inside
17 Highways:
For Whom the Toll Sells 46 Pioneering sexologist
COVER STORY looks back on decades of
20 Supply Chain: groundbreaking work
Offshore Bets/Global Uplink

32 Henry Kissinger:
End of An Era 50 International archaeologists
team up to uncover the
35 Outdoor Wear: Silk Road’s lost civilizations
Top Gear
20 38 Drone Shows:
Stellar Performance

42 Sex Education:
Teaching Consent

46 Profile:
Career Climax
50 Archaeology:
Sharing the Past

54 Wushu:
Fight for Recognition

57 Painting:
Amazing Graze

60 Leshan and Dazu:
Giants of the Past

62 Kindergarten Dad
63 Wedding Bills


NEWSCHINA I February 2024


1. Tourists marvel at the splendid snow

scenes at the Palace Museum in the heart
of Beijing, December 13, 2023 (Photo
by VCG)

2. The summit of Mount Laojun, Luoyang,

Henan Province, is shrouded in clouds,
December 11, 2023 (Photo by VCG)

3. A cold-water swimmer braves the

freezing water, Shenyang, Liaoning
Province, November 27, 2023 (Photo
by VCG)

4. Red-crowned cranes raise their

necks as they stand among the snow-
covered reed beds of Zhalong Nature
Reserve, Qiqihar, Heilongjiang Province,
December 8, 2023 (Photo by VCG)

5. Giant panda Menglan chills out in a

tree in the panda habitat at Beijing Zoo,
December 10, 2023 (Photo by IC)

NEWSCHINA I February 2024


4 5

NEWSCHINA I February 2024


NEWSCHINA I February 2024

1. The Wooden Pagoda, first built in 852
and rebuilt several times since, glistens
under night lights in Zhangye, Gansu
Province, December 5, 2023 (Photo by

2. Wedding guests feast at a long banquet

table, Tonglian Village, Rongshui Miao
Autonomous County, Liuzhou, Guangxi
Zhuang Autonomous Region, November
22, 2023 (Photo by VCG)

3. Thousands of pork legs preserved for

hams hang at Damuzhi Ham Food Co
Ltd, Yafan Town, Wucheng District, Jinhua,
Zhejiang Province, December 7, 2023.
Jinhua is known for its specialty hams,
which are air-dried according to a tradition
that has lasted for more than 1,000 years
(Photo by VCG)

4.The first bullet train from the foot of

Jade Dragon Snow Mountain in Lijiang,
a tourist city in Yunnan Province, sets out
for Shangri-La, a county-level city in the
province’s northwest, November 26, 2023.
The railroad section, which has taken nine
years to complete, is part of the Yunnan-
Tibet Railway that is still under construction
(Photo by VCG)

5. A gold animal statue is displayed at

Nanjing Museum, November 9, 2023.
Weighing 9.1 kilograms of 99-percent pure
gold, this Western Han Dynasty (202 BCE-
8CE) masterpiece is the heaviest gold relic
ever found in China (Photo by VCG)

2 3

4 5

NEWSCHINA I February 2024


Low Price Approach Dominates Online Shopping Spree Hero Teacher of Poverty-
NewsChina, Chinese Edition November 13, 2023
Stricken Girls in Yunnan
Global People
On November 11, 2023, during an
November 16, 2023
annual e-commerce shopping promo-
tion known as Double 11, major Zhang Guimei, the dedicated principal of
online platforms including Taobao Huaping High School for Girls, a tuition-free
& Tmall Group, and short- school open to impoverished girls in mountainous
video site Douyin engaged in a fierce Yunnan Province, has achieved a remarkable feat
price war. First started by Taobao in by sending about 2,000 female students to college
2009, the shopping spree has evolved. and university over the past 15 years. The transfor-
Emerging competitors like Douyin, Pinduoduo and Xiaohongshu alongside Tmall mative journey began in 2011, when the school’s
and intensified the rivalry for contracted small and medium suppliers. inaugural cohort, many of whom might otherwise
Their dynamic competition has impacted upstream manufacturers, compelling have become junior high dropouts, secured admis-
them to enhance efficiency to cut costs. Experts predict that the ongoing price sions to higher education institutions beyond the
wars, extending the effect of the Double 11 promotion, will prompt a new phase challenging terrain of their homeland. Armed with
of industrial upgrading with the improvement of products’ cost performances. quality education, these students have gone on
Meanwhile, in the catering industry, the price war acts as a double-edged sword, to pursue careers as doctors, teachers and nurses,
with customers enjoying constant discount coupons from e-platforms, despite breaking barriers and achieving aspirations previ-
thin profit margins for the restaurants involved. ously deemed unimaginable for their local peers.
According to the northeast-born headmaster, who
is severely ill but still works from dawn to mid-
Institutional Investors Disinterested in Unicorn Startups night, girls with expanded horizons can uplift their
families and future generations from impoverish-
CEIBS Business Review June 15, 2023
ment. Zhang said she will never regret her deeds
In 2022, unicorn companies, privately valued startups even when death approaches. Now, her story has
exceeding US$1 billion, encountered challenges as global been immortalized on the big screen.
institutional investors grew hesitant to finance them. Invest-
ment in emerging sci-tech firms in 2022 dropped by 35 percent
year-on-year, causing the growth of unicorn firms to more than Four Chinese Villages Added
halve. Investment in startups in China plunged by 52 percent in 2022, which was to ‘Most Beautiful’ List
particularly bleak with only one, Horizon Robotics, financed above US$1 billion.
Fortune Life
With their overestimated valuations and complex stock rights, Chinese unicorns
December 1, 2023
are difficult to sell, so they turn to IPOs instead. Amid staff downsizing, conglom-
erates like Tencent and Xiaomi face pressure to expand investments. Despite the Four more Chinese villages
overall decline in investment, institutional investors remain active, shifting focus – Huangling Village, Jiangxi
from unicorns to smaller startups, maintaining extensive financing engagement. Province, Xiajiang Village, Zhe-
jiang Province, Zhagana Village, Gansu Province
and Zhujiawan Village, Shaanxi Province – were
Film and TV Industry Transforms in Post-pandemic Era announced as among the most attractive tourist
destinations at the global conference of World
Yi Magazine November 26, 2023
Tourism Organization of the United Nations
After a three-year pandemic lockdown, China’s film and TV (UNWTO) in Samarkand, Uzbekistan on
industry has undergone a profound shift. In the past two years, November 19, 2023. This brings the total count
low-cost and realistic subjects with quality screenplays have won of such villages in China to eight, tying with Peru
the favor of investors concerned more about capital liquidity. and Spain. The UNWTO anticipates that this
Major streaming platforms – iQiyi, Youku and Tencent Video selection will play a crucial role in preserving
– slashed production costs by cutting stars’ salaries or hiring emerging directors. natural indigenous landscapes, cultures, customs
Social media hashtags have replaced extravagant stunts, renowned filmmakers and cuisines. The criteria for selection encom-
and star-studded casts. However, experts caution that an over-reliance on realistic pass local natural resources, cultural legacies,
content may lead to audience fatigue, risking a loss of diversity. Audiences may security, healthcare, welfare and public facilities.
be disappointed if the short scenes and trailers promoted online do not reflect the In China, the allure of an idyllic life in these vil-
quality of the show or movie. Like US studio A24 that tailors content for different lages has become a magnet for innovative young
audiences, Chinese filmmakers are producing cult movies for younger people. people seeking a place to settle down.
NEWSCHINA I February 2024


“As the top three economies

of East Asia, the economies of
China, Japan and South Korea
make up nearly 90 percent of
the region’s total GDP. These
three countries are important
economic partners with deeply
integrated interests. It’s a
pity that they have not made
progress in cooperation over the past four years. All three
sides must rethink the original objective and mission of
their mutual cooperation and take specific measures to
bring it back on track.”
Xiang Haoyu, distinguished researcher at the Asia-Pacific
Research Center, China Institute of International Studies,
speaking with NewsChina’s Chinese edition about Foreign
Minister Wang Yi’s meeting with his Japanese and South
Korean counterparts in Busan, South Korea on November
16, 2023

“Despite the great achievements

in opening up conventional
financial fields, countries are
still exploring digital finance,
sustainable finance and green
finance. As some countries are
working on formulating relevant
institutions and standards, “Even though people can read a wide variety of things on their
China must join international
efforts and strive for more say in those fields.”
phones, [this content] is also a kind of literature, albeit on the
Tu Guangshao, executive chairman of the organizing short side. Every good play takes a good script and all good
committee of the Bund Summit and director-general of the storytelling takes language. So, literature is ubiquitous, and its
Shanghai Finance Institute, in an interview with Financial
News in late November 2023 importance is not weakened by the internet.”
Chinese author and 2012 Nobel Prize winner Mo Yan on literature
“Many people have confused in the age of smartphones in an interview with NewsChina’s Chinese
‘insufficient consumption’
with ‘low consumption rate.’
edition in late November 2023
The former leads to short-
term deficiencies, which can
be eased by countercyclical
adjustments, proactive fiscal
policies and expansionary “Hong Kong is undergoing a transition from governance to prosperity [following the 2019 protests],
monetary policies. However, but the problems related to land, housing, youth employment and development remain. If those
low consumption rate is caused by structural or
institutional problems which cannot be resolved through problems are not solved well, or they become more severe, even if school education is improved in
short-term fiscal or monetary policies. Instead, excessive terms of Chinese culture and history, from textbooks and teachers to curriculums and even public
stimulus policies may lead to more severe problems like
intertemporal disturbances.” opinion [about the Chinese mainland], it isn’t enough. National identity cannot exist without
Liu Yuanchun, president of the Shanghai University of economic and social foundations.”
Finance and Economics, at the 6th Hongqiao International Huang Ping, director of the Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao Research Center under the Chinese Academy
Economic Forum held in Shanghai in early November 2023 of Social Sciences, on fostering national identity among Hong Kong people in an interview with news portal on November 24, 2023

“How far we open up depends “Mini-app short-form content already started getting popular last year when the pandemic created a
on how relaxed our inner void in the film and TV industry and demand for theatrical releases declined.”
world is... When the outside
environment is relaxed, Li Jin, producer of the web series Got Old Recently released on Tencent Video in December 2021, on the
internal roads widen. Few increasing popularity of short-form content in an interview with news outlet The Paper in late November
people think about the 2023
relationship between reform
and opening-up. These two
things are inseparable. “The range of China’s inflation target is no more than 3 percent. The government will not feel anxious
Previously, tensions in the external environment resulted in if inflation falls below 3 percent. Also, the public believes that the lower the CPI the better, as prices
people having fewer choices and becoming overcautious for
fear of being criticized for capitalism or revisionism. In other have dropped, consumers have benefited, and everyone is happy. But we should also pay attention
words, it is impossible to make interior reforms without a to the adverse impact that too low of an inflation rate can have on enterprise profits and employee
thaw in the relationship with the outside world.” wages.”
Sun Liping, a sociologist at Tsinghua University, on his Economist Yu Yongding suggesting that the government set a target inflation rate slightly higher than 3
personal WeChat account on December 3, 2023 percent during the economic slowdown in a recent article for

NEWSCHINA I February 2024


China Releases Policies to Expand Opening-up

China’s State Council on De- investment, which will expand pre- (CISCE), which aims to increase
cember 7 released a plan on high- vious facilitation measures in pilot the connections between upstream
level institutional opening-up in the areas to other parts of the country, enterprises and downstream ones
Shanghai Free Trade Zone, propos- with an emphasis on easing cross- worldwide. The expo attracted 53
ing to build Shanghai into a dem- border financing and technological Fortune 500 enterprises, 57 of Chi-
onstration area for national insti- innovations. na’s top 500 enterprises and an array
tutional opening-up and deepened The same day, China’s Commerce of other leading private enterprises.
reforms. Minister Wang Wentao met with More than 200 deals and coopera-
The plan lists 80 measures cover- his counterpart from Singapore and tion agreements worth a total 150
ing seven areas, including promot- signed an agreement on upgrading billion yuan (US$20.9b) were inked
ing high-level opening-up in finance the bilateral Free Trade Agreement at CISCE.
and telecommunications, facilitating which adopts overall negative lists Experts spoke highly of the expo’s
cargo trading across borders by sim- in cross-border services trading, in- effect in promoting international co-
plifying formalities, implementing a vestment, telecommunications and operation in supply chains.
set of high-standard rules for digital the digital economy, and increases China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs
trading and exploring data sharing trade privileges. has also announced measures to
and opening-up, increasing protec- Wang said that the new agreement show China’s strong determination
tion of intellectual property, as well will urge the Chinese government to to expand opening-up, announc-
as improving reforms in govern- make more efforts in institutional ing in late November that China
ment purchasing and State-owned reform and opening-up and will fur- will implement visa-free travel for
enterprises. ther stimulate cooperation between people from France, Italy, Germany,
According to analysts, the plan China and Singapore. It is a strong the Netherlands, Spain and Malay-
emphasizes high-level opening-up response to what Chinese President sia that come to China for business,
that connects to international prac- Xi Jinping said in a letter to the 6th tourism, visiting relatives or friends
tices and combines opening-up with China International Import Expo or transit, for no more than 15 days.
deeper reforms. (CIIE) held in early November 2023 The new policy is effective between
The plan is seen as one of the that China will firmly advance high- December 1, 2023 and November
highlights of the government’s standard opening up and continue 30, 2024.
recent policy packages for expand- to make economic globalization According to the Foreign Ministry,
ing opening-up. Just a day after more open, inclusive, balanced and in the first three days, over 7,000
the Shanghai plan, the State Ad- beneficial to all. foreigners applied for visa-free entry,
ministration of Foreign Exchange From November 28 to December about 39 percent of the total pas-
issued a document on further fa- 2, 2023, Beijing hosted the first Chi- sengers from the six countries who
cilitating cross-border trading and na International Supply Chain Expo entered China in those three days.

High-orbit Satellite Network Established

China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation
announced in late November 2023 that China has completed
the initial setup of a high-orbit satellite internet network that
covers the whole of China and key areas along the Belt and
Road Initiative.
Orbiting at 36,000 kilometers high, the satellites can cover a
vast area. The network can provide internet services to special
areas like marine, desert, forest and mountainous areas where
internet services are often obstructed by terrain, as well as important part of the construction of 6G networks to real-
industries such as aviation. ize seamless connections and the Internet of Things, media
China is using the space-land integrated network as an reported.
NEWSCHINA I February 2024

Auto Industry Fourth-generation
Releases Low-carbon Nuclear Power
Roadmap Station Goes Online
The China Society of Automobile After 168 hours of continuous
Engineers in conjunction with operation, Huaneng Shidaowan
government agencies and corpora- Nuclear Power Station in Weihai,
tions released the Roadmap V1.0 Shandong Province went online,
for the Low-carbon Emission De- starting commercial operations Temu Owner Pinduoduo Overtakes
velopment of the Auto Industry on on December 6, 2023. It is the Alibaba in Market Value
December 7, 2023, which proposes world’s first fourth-generation
to reach peak carbon emissions by nuclear station and uses high Following a 4 percent growth on the NASDAQ
2030. temperature gas-cooled reactor on November 29, the market value of Pinduoduo,
The roadmap, which was worked (HTGR) technology. China’s leading e-commerce platform for the first time
out under the guidance of China’s Fourth generation reactors are exceeded that of its biggest rival Alibaba.
Ministry of Industry and Informa- more efficient and safer. In the According to media reports, Pinduoduo’s market
tion Technology, for the first time event of a meltdown, they can value reached a peak of US$192.2 billion in intra-day
clarifies the scope for calculating cool naturally without any inter- trading, US$300 million more than that of Alibaba.
auto industry carbon emissions: ventions, according to Tsinghua Analysts attributed Pinduoduo’s rise to the growth
direct emissions from vehicles, University, who along with the in revenue on its blockbuster app Temu, a cross-border
fuel consumed during manufactur- State-owned utility Huaneng e-commerce platform which launched in September
ing, and indirect emissions from Group and China National 2022 and is now popular in 47 countries.
consumed electric power and heat. Nuclear Corporation, started Pinduoduo provides producers with services related
The roadmap proposes to keep developing the groundbreaking to cross-border operations, storage and logistics. The
improving energy-saving technolo- reactor in 2012. With over 90 platform boosts visibility and offers financial support
gies to reduce the consumption percent of parts domestically to low-priced products. Domestically launched in
of traditional fuel and continue developed and made, the power 2015, Pinduoduo rapidly gained popularity with a wide
to promote key technologies for station first generated power in variety of cheap products. Although severely criticized
new-energy autos, especially zero- 2021. for rampant copycat and low-quality products at the
carbon fuel technology. Zhang Zuoyi, dean of the beginning, the platform soon managed to outperform
According to Li Jun, honored Tsinghua University Institute some of its rivals by its vast coverage of villages and
chairman of the China Society of of Nuclear and New Energy counties. Later it focused on improving services and
Automobile Engineers, vehicles are Technology and chief designer of providing low-cost but high-quality products.
a major source of China’s carbon the Shidaowan reactor project, Pinduoduo’s Q3 fiscal reports showed that its
emissions, taking up 8 percent of told media that the reactor will revenue was 68.8 billion yuan(US$9.6bn), a 93.9
its total and 80 percent of total help China and the world become percent growth year-on-year, with a net profit rate of
carbon emissions in the traffic field. carbon neutral. 22.6 percent.

Foreign Ministry Releases Paper on Israel-Palestine Conflict

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs The paper emphasizes the importance casualties and a serious humanitarian
released a paper stating China’s position on of protecting civilians, and appeals to stop disaster..
resolving the Palestinian-Israeli conflict on violent attacks against civilians and viola- The two-state solution is based on estab-
November 30, stressing that the fundamen- tions of international humanitarian law. It lishing an independent State of Palestine
tal way out of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict suggests the Security Council sends a clear that enjoys full sovereignty based on the
lies in a two-state solution and building message on opposing the forced transfer 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its
international consensus for peace. of the Palestinian civilian population and capital. To achieve this, the paper suggests
The paper, cited by the State-run Xinhua calling for the release of all civilians and the UN should hold a “more broad-based,
News Agency, calls for parties to the hostages held captive. authoritative and effective international
conflict to truly implement the relevant UN The paper also urges the international peace conference” as soon as possible
General Assembly and UN Security Coun- community to ensure and improve hu- to “formulate a concrete timetable and
cil resolutions, and immediately realize a manitarian assistance to Gaza where the roadmap” for the two-state solution and
durable and sustained humanitarian truce. military conflict has caused heavy civilian the solution to the question of Palestine.
NEWSCHINA I February 2024


The biopic Beyond the Clouds,

based on the inspiring story of
a rural educator, has generated
significant controversy online due
to its portrayal of its heroine and
other female characters.
Zhang Guimei, a 66-year-
old rural school principal, has
touched the hearts of millions
with her remarkable life story.
After her husband’s passing in
1996, Zhang moved to the small
town of Huaping in the remote
mountain area in Lijiang, Yunnan
Province. Since then, she has
dedicated herself to teaching
underprivileged children. In
2008, she founded the Huaping
High School for Girls, China’s
first tuition-free school of its
Biopic Blasted Over Adaptation, kind. Over the past 15 years, the
school has enabled about 2,000
Inaccurate Female Portrayals girls from impoverished families
to pursue higher education.
However, Beyond the Clouds has
Netizen Comments: faced significant backlash online
• Frankly speaking, the film distorts the image of a strong female warrior into that of a lovesick wife. The since its November 24 release.
screenwriters’ unimaginative and uninspired minds fail to understand the depths of this remarkable and noble Many criticized the film for its
spirit. inaccurate portrayal of Zhang and
• Essentially, this film changes a story about a Party member serving the people through her unwavering faith her female students.
into a conventional Western narrative where a traumatized individual saves herself. Two particularly contentions
• The film’s greatest flaw lies in the creators’ disbelief that idealists like Zhang Guimei exist. They don’t believe that points involve the gender swap of
her commitment as a Communist Party member serves as the primary driving force behind her accomplishments. an alcoholic and abusive father in
They’d rather believe that it’s her undying love for her husband that gives her the most strength. the story to a mother, and shift-
Source: Zhihu ing from Zhang’s unwavering
commitment to Party ideals to a
Expert Comments: focus on her love for her husband
China Movie Channel (under State broadcaster CCTV): Those who watched the film would clearly recognize that as the main source of her inner
it places little emphasis on male characters, instead devoting significant efforts to diverse and vibrant portrayals strength.
of female teachers and students. This approach by no means diminishes, isolates or belittles women. This film has The film’s screenwriter, Yuan
unfortunately been tarnished by malicious selective comments that deconstruct and stain a story that shines with Yuan, dismissed the accusations.
She defended her decision to
Source: China Movie Channel official Weibo account
depict the alcoholic parent as a
Zhang Yiwu, professor of Chinese language and literature at Peking University: Biopics should strive to mother, arguing that it showcased
authentically portray figures, as Zhang is emblematic for the nation and her experiences are already deeply
“women helping women.” This
moving. While artistic embellishments are permissible, they should remain true to the core essence of the
character. However, irrational and excessive criticisms against the movie are not acceptable. response further fueled debate.
Source: Global Times In contrast to the heated com-
ments from netizens, media has
Yin Hong, vice chairman of the China Film Association: While not every viewer may accept this adaptation, we
still should defend the film creators’ freedom of expression. The film adopts a poetic approach to Zhang’s story, generally provided more mea-
partially because its directors – Zheng Dasheng and Yang Jin – are skilled arthouse filmmakers. This film explores sured feedback on the film. Many
an innovative combination of documentary and poetic expression. experts have praised the film’s
Source: a seminar held by the China Film Association in Beijing, November 28, 2023 quality and called for a more
rational approach to critiques
from the public.
NEWSCHINA I February 2024

Hot Debate Erupts INFLUENCER
Over Haidilao’s Auntie Goose Legs
Viral Dance Craze Chen Xiufeng, also known as “Auntie Goose Legs,” became a viral sensation in China
A viral clip of a dancing waiter that in late November after the 54-year-old food vendor gained immense popularly among
inspired a marketing strategy for China’s college students in Beijing for her sought-after snacks.
largest hot pot restaurant chain has Since 2018, Chen has split her time selling roast goose legs outside Peking University
stirred debate over worker’s rights. and the Renmin University of China. Every day, she roasts around 200 goose legs and
The dance, known as “Subject 3” on delivers them to students who had ordered via WeChat. In November 2023, Chen relo-
social media, draws from a folk dance cated her stall from PKU to Tsinghua University. As PKU students mourned the loss of
in southern China’s Guangxi Zhuang their favorite goose legs, Tsinghua students eagerly welcomed Auntie’s arrival. Tsinghua
Autonomous Region that features lots of students helped her set up WeChat groups where customers could place orders. Word
knee swinging and hip twisting accom- spread among Beijing’s popular student area of Wudaokou. As a result, 20 WeChat
panied by a catchy mix of Western disco groups were created to order goose legs, which would sell out instantly. Students who
and folk singing. In early November, could not get a coveted goose leg expressed their disappointment through memes.
the waiter surnamed Pang performed News of the competition for Auntie Goose Legs soon drew attention on social media.
it to celebrate a customer’s birthday The hashtag “Tsinghua vs PKU battle for Auntie Goose Legs” quickly shot to the top of
at a Haidilao restaurant in Qingzhou, the Hot Search list on Weibo, attracting 170 million views. However, this sudden surge
Shandong Province. The posted video of in popularity has placed tremendous pressure on Chen. On November 29, she opened
the tableside show quickly became an an account on Douyin and posted
internet sensation. three short videos expressing her
Recognizing a valuable opportunity, frustration and anxiety. “I’m just
management at over 1,400 Haidilao an ordinary person and I just want
branches started training their employ- to do my business in peace. But
ees to perform the dance in order to now there’s too much attention
attract customers. Diners could request out there. Too many people.
servers to perform the dance whenever It stresses me out. I’m afraid I
they wanted. The strategy paid off, as the have to take a break for the time
dance has boosted business. Videos with being,” an emotional Chen said in
the hashtag “Haidilao Subject 3” had one of her posted videos.
garnered an impressive 1.8 billion views
on Douyin (China’s TikTok) as of De-
cember 1. Additionally, a young server at
a Haidilao restaurant in Dalian, Liaoning Noise Over Taiwanese Rock Band’s Alleged Lip-
Province, gained over 470,000 followers
on Douyin with his dancing videos.
Syncing Continues
Haidilao’s strategy has also attracted An influential Taiwanese rock band has recently faced controversy over allega-
criticism. Some customers complained tions of lip-syncing during their most recent Chinese mainland tour.
that the performances are too disruptive, Making its debut in 1997, Mayday has a massive following in China. Known for
while others called them “cheesy and their upbeat rock anthems, tickets to their concerts often sell out within seconds.
vulgar.” Many netizens argued that Hai- The controversy began on November 30 when popular vlogger “Maitian Nongfu”
dilao requiring its employees to dance posted a clip on the video-sharing platform Bilibili, in which he scrutinizes the
infringes on their rights, as the majority audio from 12 songs Mayday performed in Shanghai on November 16.
of its restaurants are reportedly not He alleged that five of the songs were lip-synced, while one had a mix of live and
paying them bonuses for their perfor- pre-recorded vocals. The accusation quickly went viral, making it the top trending
mances. Many employees have com- topic on Chinese social media in early December.
plained of exhaustion and some have In response, the Shanghai Cultural and Tourism Bureau launched an investiga-
sustained ankle injuries from dancing tion on December 4 to determine if lip-syncing had indeed occurred. On the same
multiple times every day. In response, day, Mayday’s management company, B’in Music, strongly denied the accusation in
some Haidilao restaurants have put a a statement. The investigation is still ongoing as of December 10.
stop to the dances, while others now It’s important to note that in China, deceptive singing is strictly prohibited
designate specific times and areas for the at commercial concerts. Violators may face a maximum fine of 100,000 yuan
performance. (US$14,000).
NEWSCHINA I February 2024



Ugly on the Inside

After a number of officials were found guilty of accepting large bribes for costly cosmetic
services, experts are calling out the toxic culture within China’s officialdom that
excessively values appearance and beauty
By Tong Xizhong

espite being in her 50s, when she was detained on corruption Though an older case, Liu’s name
public servant Liu Guang- charges. She was reportedly sentenced resurfaced in media reports following
ming had gained a reputa- to 10 and a half years in prison. Media the release of a document by the Cen-
tion for having “the best reports revealed that Liu had embezzled tral Commission for Discipline Inspec-
butt in Anshan.” millions of yuan to finance a series of tion (CCDI) on November 16, 2023.
Turns out it cost a fortune in public plastic surgeries. The document aims to rectify the toxic
funds, and the government was not will- She then reportedly used her nipped- culture prevalent among officials and
ing to turn the other cheek. and-tucked looks to “entice” higher-lev- warned against their pursuit of ex-
Liu, former director of the Anshan el officials, enabling her to carry out em- travagant lifestyles, including excessive
city’s tax bureau in Liaoning Province, bezzlement and other illegal practices, spending on cosmetic procedures.
vanished from the public eye in 2006 according to court records. Just a month prior to the document’s
NEWSCHINA I February 2024

in Hong Kong. Her buttock lift surgery An investigation revealed that Bai em-
alone cost 500,000 yuan (US$69,917), bezzled 4 million yuan (US$560,000) in
media reported. public funds and spent it on 100 treat-
Liu’s is not an isolated story. Xu ments at the high-end beauty salon.
Ailian, the former mayor of Manzhouli, Bai was ultimately sentenced to 15
Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region years in prison.
who was investigated in June 2020 and Male officials are not immune to
later sentenced to 11 years in prison, such corruption. Kong Xianghui, for-
was found to have accepted bribes and mer vice chairman of the Chinese
covered up the activities of local crimi- People’s Political Consultative Confer-
nal organizations. The Procuratorate Daily ence of Haixi, Qinghai Province, was
newspaper revealed she had received exposed for spending over 3 million
expensive cosmetic services paid for by yuan (US$400,000) on cosmetic ser-
a company, including beauty injections vices with his wife in Chengdu, Sichuan
that cost 150,000 yuan (US$20,975) Province and Shanghai. Mo Bin, former
each. director of the Party commission of a
The same year, Shen Zhili, former district-level People’s Congress in Nan-
vice-president and standing member of ning, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous
the Party commission of the North Chi- Region, was revealed to have accepted
na University of Technology in Beijing high-end cosmetic services paid for by
also came under investigation. Media local businesspeople.
revealed she regularly underwent plastic Kong was sentenced to 13 years in
surgery and beauty treatments. Records prison in 2023 for bribery, while Mo Bin
show that she spent at least 4.5 million has been removed from his office and
yuan (US$600,000) on cosmetic servic- expelled from the Party. His case is still
es, with the largest transaction amount- under investigation.
ing to 690,000 yuan (US$96,485). Psychologist Zhou Xu has analyzed
release, Chen Guifen, former vice- Shen was sentenced to 10 years in the possible causes of cosmetic service-
chairman of the district-level Chinese prison for taking bribes. related corruption. “On one hand, the
People’s Political Consultative Confer- The CCDI’s website details several power held by officials can amplify their
ence in Yanqing District, Beijing, was cases of officials involved in corrup- personal desires and drive them to sat-
investigated for accepting bribes. It was tion related to cosmetic services, with isfy their basic instincts. On the other
reported that a significant portion of the amounts reaching in the millions of hand, people in positions of power with
money she received was spent on plastic yuan. In some cases, indulgence in cos- resources often prioritize their appear-
surgery. metic procedures led to the downfall of ance and hope to appear younger and
Experts warn that such procedures these officials. more energetic. They perceive it as a
have become a leading form of corrup- For example, Cao Shujie, a former means to increase their power and re-
tion that is affecting both female and official at the Ministry of Human Re- sources,” Zhou told NewsChina.
male officials. sources and Social Security, came under
investigation after reports claimed that a Toxic Trend
Under the Surface woman surnamed Du spent a significant Zhou’s analysis highlights Liu Guang-
Media reported in 2022 that Liu amount of public funds at a beauty salon ming’s case, where her obsession with
Guangming had undergone exten- between 2007 and 2010. Investigators appearance and beauty contributed to
sive cosmetic surgery, from a nose job confirmed that Du was Cao’s daughter. her rapid rise through the ranks.
and facelifts to buttock implants. The In 2014, Cao was sentenced to 10 “Objectively speaking, good looks can
constant stream of compliments she years in prison for corruption. boost confidence and attractiveness in
received about her beauty helped her Similarly, Bai Hong, a former member many professional settings, including
overcome any fears she had about get- of the Party commission of the Beijing officialdom. As people age and their
ting on the operating table, she said. health bureau, faced multiple accusa- beauty fades, many, including officials,
Liu spent at least 5 million yuan tions in 2011 of indulging in luxurious turn to cosmetic services to maintain
(US$700,000) on skincare treatments beauty treatments at a beauty salon. their appearance,” Zhou said.
NEWSCHINA I February 2024


Chen Guifen, former vice- Xu Ailian, former mayor of Shen Zhili, former vice-president Liu Guangming, former director
chairman of the People’s Political Manzhouli, Inner Mongolia and standing member of the of the taxation bureau in Anshan,
Consultative Conference in Autonomous Region, who was Party commission of the North Liaoning Province, was detained
Yanqing District, Beijing, is investigated in June 2020 and later China University of Technology in 2006 and sentenced to 10 and
investigated in October 2023 for sentenced to 11 years in prison, in Beijing, came under a half years in prison on corruption
accepting bribes with a significant was found to have accepted bribes investigation in 2020 for alleged charges. She reportedly embezzled
portion spent on multiple plastic including beauty injections that corruption. She is reported to millions of yuan to finance a series of
surgeries cost 150,000 yuan (US$20,975) have spent at least 4.5 million plastic surgeries
each, as well as covering up yuan (US$600,000) on cosmetic
the activities of local criminal services

In April 2019, a court verdict shed “She got plastic surgery on nearly ev- earlier forms of corruption. “Early cor-
more light on this specific brand of cor- ery body part you could, from head to ruption often revolved around desires
ruption. The case involved Zhang Hon- toe,” a salon employee told media. for good food. It was a desire based in
ghong, a former official at the Ministry Wen was removed from his post and physical need. But the current pursuit
of Natural Resources, who embezzled put under investigation in 2020. Media of cosmetic services represents a desire
public funds to indulge in expensive reported that the list of bribes he had for a luxurious and extravagant life,” he
cosmetic services, including hormone taken was 10 pages long. told NewsChina.
therapy and detox regimens in Thai- “Corrupt officials, especially female
land that cost more than 1 million yuan Bad Look ones, care more about their appear-
(US$140,000). In China, Zhang under- Experts acknowledge that corruption ance and what beauty can bring them.
went “vaginal rejuvenation” that cost involving cosmetic services has become This incentivizes their subordinates and
more than 520,000 yuan (US$72,714), a concerning trend. stakeholders to go to great lengths to
skin treatments that cost nearly 150,000 “The CCDI does not oppose cosmetic satisfy that need, leading to more ram-
yuan (US$20,975) and other beauty ser- services. It’s fine for officials to enjoy pant cosmetic service-related corrup-
vices. According to the verdict, Zhang these services with their own money. tion,” Zhao Chi, a council member of
was found to have embezzled over The key issue lies in whether the money the Chinese Society of Criminology and
10 million yuan (US$1.4m) in public they use is legally obtained,” said a a professor at Changzhou University,
funds. professor at the National Academy of told NewsChina.
Another case involved Ji Rongjuan, a Governance who spoke with NewsChina Experts suggest that rectifying the ex-
former official with the Hunan provin- on condition of anonymity, adding these cessive focus on appearance and beauty
cial government stationed in Shenzhen transactions are more difficult for inves- within officialdom is crucial to combat-
who had a penchant for massages. Ac- tigators to track. ing such corruption.
cording to the 2018 verdict, she spent “Thanks to alternative payment “This bad atmosphere should be
thousands of yuan at different massage methods like gift cards, many cosmetic cracked down on in step with corrup-
parlors in Shenzhen and also underwent services are hard to detect,” Peng Xinlin, tion to prevent it from leading to more
several facial cosmetic surgeries. a law professor at Beijing Normal Uni- corruption,” Peng said.
In some instances, bribes accepted versity, told NewsChina. Encouraging the right aesthetic val-
by male officials were directed toward “Such corruption is like water. If we ues in officialdom is essential, as it helps
their wives. For example, Hu Ran, wife fail to curb it, it may lead to a flood,” prevent corruption and ensures officials
of Wen Shuzhong, former director of a Wei Changdong, a standing council are evaluated based on their true merit.
district-level public security branch in member of the China Against Corrup- “An official’s image should be based
Zhuzhou, Hunan Province, spent more tion Law Association and professor at on their dedication to work and serv-
than 670,000 yuan (US$93,689) on a the East China University of Political ing the people. The people’s comments
single treatment at a local salon, accord- Science and Law said. create the best image,” the anonymous
ing to the CCDI website. He views this an escalation from professor said.
NEWSCHINA I February 2024


For Whom the Toll Sells

For decades, China’s extensive network of highways has largely remained toll-free.
However, local governments are pushing harder than ever before for tolls to help
cover costs and pull them out of debt
By Chen Weishan

he impending opening of a the last, reported on No- tolls without approval from the central
toll highway in East China’s vember 7, 2023. government.
Jiangsu Province has stirred Just six days later, Shanxi Province While authorities argued that tolls
new doubts over the central announced a new toll station at the generate revenue for local governments
government’s decades-long attempts to junction of highways G241 and G336. burdened with debt created from road
create a free highway network through- The toll station covers the route from construction during economic down-
out the country. Yangfangkou through Shuozhou to Pin- turns, the decisions prompted outcry
The charges approved for the stretch glu, with fixed charges ranging from 10 over concerns that tolls will increase
of national highway 205 (G205) be- to 70 yuan (US$1.4-9.8) over a period transport costs and dampen the coun-
tween the cities of Suqian and Huai’an of 28 years. try’s overall economic recovery.
range between 10 and 50 yuan (US$1.4- On November 22, Shanxi govern- Moreover, this has put the central
7) depending on the type of vehicle, ment granted permission for another government in a tight spot, as local debt
Jiangsu government stated on October toll station at Lüliang New Area along is a mounting concern for China.
20. G209. The charges will be in place for Outstanding local government debt
Suqian has a population of nearly 5 30 years. in 2022 was 35.1 trillion (US$4.9t), a
million, while Huai’an has just over 4.6 These new approved toll charges, growth of 15.1 percent year-on-year,
million residents, according to official which have the potential to disrupt the the Ministry of Finance (MOF) revealed
data. The distance between the two cit- envisioned nationwide toll-free highway on December 5. In 2021, the growth
ies is about 95 kilometers. network, have sparked controversy. The rate was nearly 18.7 percent. Accord-
While it may not be the first, as more Ministry of Transport (MOT) stated ing to the ministry, the central govern-
than 10 highway sections across China that the charges are within the bounds ment has tightened control over local
have introduced toll stations since 2021, of current rules and regulations, which government debt, requiring stringent
the Su-Huai highway is not likely to be allow local authorities to implement supervision and auditing to prevent it
NEWSCHINA I February 2024


from threatening the country’s financial distance of 50 kilometers between The plan included denying approval
stability or further building-up. them. However, tolls are not permitted for new Class II toll highway projects in
on other highway classes, except for certain regions and setting clear time-
Cost of Charging those designated by the central govern- lines to terminate tolls on secondary
The Su-Huai highway toll received ment in China’s less-developed central roads. As a result, from 2009 to 2012,
approval from Jiangsu Provincial De- and western regions. Class II highway tolls in eastern and
velopment and Reform Commission As of 2022, Jiangsu had 16 sections of some central areas were revoked, result-
in 2018. Shuyang County paid around national and provincial highways with ing in a 60 percent reduction in tolls
68.65 million yuan (US$9.61m) for the tolls. However, Jiangsu is not the only overall. However, provincial govern-
toll station, which is expected to pay province experiencing a surge in toll sta- ments in western China still have the
off the county’s nearly 1 billion yuan tions on its Class I highways. power to decide whether to toll.
(US$140m) debt in government loans Two toll stations installed along a During the first decade of China’s
for road construction. Class I highway in Jingmen, Hubei Prov- reform and opening-up, there was a
The section is not the only toll on ince increased the city’s toll revenue by slogan around the country saying that
the G205 highway, which runs from over 47 percent from 58.7 million yuan “road construction leads to lives of af-
Shanhaiguan, on the East China coast (US$8.22m) in 2021 to nearly 111 mil- fluence.” Road construction surged over
in Hebei Province to Shenzhen, Guang- lion yuan (US$15.54m) in 2022. the next decades, stretching from less
dong Province, on the border with Hong than 900,000 kilometers of highways
Kong Special Administrative Region. Pros and Cons in 1978 to 4.77 million kilometers in
About 93 kilometers north of the Su- According to the 2004 regulations, lo- 2018. During that time, China also built
Huai Section, the Xinyi toll in Xuzhou, cal governments above the county level 136,000 kilometers of expressways,
Jiangsu Province was supposed to have have the right to charge for the use of the Xinhua News Agency reported on
stopped charging in 1998. Class I and II highways to repay debt or November 17, 2018.
After a costly renovation project, the for “profit-driven operations.” However, new roads are costly. By
toll was extended for an additional 16 But in 2018, based on years of public 2019, cumulative investment in toll
years to 2014. However, the section opinion surveys, the transport ministry roads reached nearly 10 trillion yuan
still has not ceased charging. As of July drafted an amendment that would ban (US$1.4t), with around 70 percent built
2023, it accepts digital payment. tolls on all new highways, viaducts and with loans from banks, Zhong Ninghua,
“Highway tolls can be utilized to tunnels. a professor of economics and finance at
upgrade the quality of transportation The draft also restricted provinces Shanghai’s Tongji University, told South-
infrastructure and ease pressure on lo- from building new toll roads if they are ern Weekend on August 29, 2021.
cal governments for debt repayment,” unable to pay off the debt or afford their According to Zhong’s research into
Jiangsu Provincial Development and maintenance. local debt, local government bonds for
Reform Commission said in a 2018 But from 2021 to 2023, the amend- special purpose projects, mainly for des-
document. ment was absent from the central gov- ignated economic and social infrastruc-
China’s highways have four classes. ernment’s annual legislative agenda, ture projects, issued from 2015 to 2020
Class I are two-way multi-lane roads allowing authorities to continue going reached 12.9 trillion yuan (US$1.81t),
with an average capacity of 15,000 to into debt to construct roads and repay with an average growth of 30 percent
30,000 vehicles per day. Class II are two- it through tolls. year-on-year. In 2020, around 18 percent
lane roads with a daily use averaging Despite this, the number of highway of these project bonds were allocated to
between 3,000 and 7,500 vehicles. Class tolls has decreased over the past few transport infrastructure, 40 percent of
III and IV are county and village routes. decades. which were used for building toll roads.
These highways differ from China’s In February 2009, a scheme was imple- The risk is that the average payoff term
expressway system, which is extensively mented to gradually reduce tolls on Class for the transport project bonds was 14.5
tolled. II highways through collaborative efforts years, much longer than the average
According to toll regulations imple- from the National Development and term for project bonds, Zhong warned.
mented in 2004, Class I highways can Reform Commission (NDRC), the trans- Despite the substantial debt that
set up toll booths with a minimum port ministry and the MOF. may hinder the toll-free policy, the
NEWSCHINA I February 2024

However, by the end of 2008, the
State Council initiated a reform to
gradually replace tolls on Class II roads
with annual subsidies of 26 billion
yuan (US$3.64b) funded by a fuel tax.
This change was intended to reduce
the burden on drivers and encourage
local governments to provide toll-free
In 2022, China’s national consump-
tion tax generated 1.6 trillion yuan
(US$220b), surpassing the central gov-
Pictured is the toll for the Su-Huai highway between the cities of Suqian and Huai’an, Jiangsu Province. ernment’s budget forecast by 111.6 per-
The stretch of National Highway 205 was approved to become a toll road on October 20, 2023 cent. The surplus was attributed largely
to increased levies on petroleum and
tobacco, according to the annual budget
report released by the State Council on
China's local government special debts for economic and social June 26.
facilitiesand national investment on non-expressway roads(US$trn) “Highways should not be defined as
Source: Ministry of Finance of China, Ministry of Transport of China publicly invested assets that solely rely
3.0 2.88
on government funding. Actually, fund-
ing sources for road construction could
2.5 2.33 be diverse, and charges could vary ac-
China's local
government special cordingly,” Wen Laicheng, a professor of
debts for economic
2.0 Beijing’s Central University of Finance
and Economics, told NewsChina.
“However, if funds come from bank
1.5 1.31 loans or non-public funded investments,
1.03 including PPP (public-private-partner-
1.0 ship) projects with low-risk guarantees
social facilitiesand
national investment on from the government, tolls may be in-
non-expressway roads
0.5 evitable,” Wen said, adding that most
0.20 0.13 0.15 0.14 0.15 PPP projects only involve expressways.
Concerns about highway tolls have
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 grown among the general public.
For years, residents from Shuangzhao
and Qian counties in Xianyang, Shaanxi
Province expressed their dissatisfaction
State Council, China’s cabinet, issued a Navigating Alternatives with two toll stations along the G312.
circular in September 2016, urging the According to former transport minis- Many complained that over the past
transport ministry, NDRC and MOF to try spokesperson He Jianzhong, 95 per- 20 years, the tolls had increased trans-
work together to gradually terminate cent of expressways, 61 percent of Class portation costs and hindered local eco-
Class II highway tolls to reduce national I highways and 42 percent of Class II nomic development.
logistics costs. highways had tolls as of 2009. “To circumvent the charges, many
Zhong also emphasized that efficient “In the coming years, road tolls will drivers, including our fellow villagers,
use of roads is more crucial for sustain- remain indispensable to raise funds for choose to drive around the tolls,” a local
able development than merely exacting the construction of transport facilities,” resident told media. The two stations
tolls. He said during a 2009 press conference. were finally closed in November.
NEWSCHINA I February 2024


China aims to reposition itself in the global value chain. While
diversification poses challenges, the country must embrace self-
reliance and upgrade if it is to expand its international presence

An industrial park, Bac Giang Province,

Vietnam, June 17, 2023 (Photo by VCG)

SCH I February
uary 2024

The first Hanoi-bound
cargo train departs from
Shijiazhuang, Hebei
Province, July 24, 2023
(Photo by VCG))

Workers arrive at PT.Indonesia Morowali

Industrial Park (IMIP) for a shift change,
Morowali, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia,
August 2, 2023. (Photo by VCG)

Workers sew garments at

Maxport Limited, a Hanoi-
based manufacturer of
products for international
brands like Nike and
Lululemon, September 21,
2021 (Photo by VCG))

PT. Indonesia Morowali Industrial

Park, a joint investment of Chinese
and Indonesian companies, Morowali,
Central Sulawesi, Indonesia (Photo by

N I February
F bruar
Feb uary 2024


Supply Chain

Offshore Bets
As export-oriented Chinese manufacturers offshore production in response
to tariff regimes, experts see deeper integration of regional and global supply
By Xu Ming

in Gang, a plastics manufacturer in an important driving force for economic are still moving materials and equip-
Zhejiang Province, never thought integration in Asia and enhancing ment. “The clients have confidence in
of building a plant overseas until China’s position in the regional indus- us now after seeing we have a factory
it became harder to export his trial chain, noted Chai Haitao, a former there and they promised to give us new
goods. But after struggling for two Ministry of Commerce official and now orders,” Jin said. The Vietnam facility
years with mounting pressure from his senior researcher with Beijing-based now accounts for about 20 percent
US clients, at the end of 2022 he de- think tank Center for China & Global- of his company’s total capacity and
cided to move part of his operation to ization (CCG). provides 20 local jobs.
Vietnam. The clients no longer wanted Zhu Xingbing, manager of Bonsen,
to buy direct from China. Some cut Way Out an office and household supplies manu-
orders by 50 percent, Jin said. “We had Increased tariffs, political bias facturer based in Dongguan, Guang-
no choice,” Jin, who has been exporting against Chinese-made products and the dong Province, told NewsChina they
for 20 years, told NewsChina. three-year Covid lockdown, all of which went to Vietnam before the additional
Jin is among the many Chinese impacted global trade, are commonly tariffs were levied in 2018.
export-oriented small- and medium- cited as the main reasons behind the “At that time there were already
sized manufacturers to offshore partly shift. increased duties for some household
or wholly to Southeast Asian and other Jin Gang’s plastics enterprise, with products. We bet our products would
countries to save their businesses. They an annual output value of 200 million be put on the list soon,” Zhu said. The
were the first to suffer after Sino-US yuan (US$28m), is a market leader company, which mainly exports to
trade tensions developed in 2018, in Zhejiang Province. Their products Europe and the US, built a factory in
which were then exacerbated by years are used in everything from cups and 2018 in Hai Duong, Vietnam, becom-
of Covid lockdowns after 2020. screens to cellphones and computers. ing the first in the industry to manufac-
Many companies relocated due to His business is entirely export-oriented. ture products abroad. It also serves as
client pressure. When multinational He started to feel the chill about two an OEM and ODM factory for Chinese
giants like Apple diversify operations years ago. Some US clients put pressure companies back home.
to countries like Vietnam and India, on him to open factories in Vietnam or “If the products are made in China,
contractors like Foxconn, Wistron and risk losing orders. “That’s the only way they [European and US clients] simply
Luxshare follow. The countless suppli- out for us as our domestic business was ignore your talk about orders. It’s not
ers that depend on these contractors zero. As a medium-sized business, we about the prices or tariffs. There’s
have to move as well. couldn’t have continued without orders prejudice against Chinese-made prod-
You must adapt to survive, several from abroad,” Zhao said. ucts,” Zhu said.
companies NewsChina interviewed said. Jin spent about 5 million yuan “Our clients were told they would be
Offshoring, though a passive and an (US$697,730) to build a plant in Ho dropped once alternative suppliers were
individual choice at first, is becoming Chi Minh City at the end of 2022. They found in Southeast Asia. American
NEWSCHINA I February 2024

Vietnam, has helped 80 companies of
all sizes relocate to Vietnam. He told
NewsChina the number of companies
coming to Vietnam to research loca-
tions surged in 2023 after Covid travel
restrictions were lifted. In the first half
of 2023, he was seeing 20 clients a
month. Eight percent of his total clients
eventually decided to open a branch in
“In previous years, it was only 3 per-
cent,” said Zhou. “It’s a big proportion,
considering that many people like me
are doing this business here.”
Zhou told NewsChina that his busi-
ness first surged in 2019, before the
Covid-19 outbreak. In the second half
of 2021, companies started the process
again. “Many companies just moved a
small part of their production to test
the waters,” said Zhou, who started the
business in 2017.
Top: Workers changing shift wait in traffic near PT.Indonesia Morowali Industrial Park, Morowali, Central After the Sino-US trade conflict
Sulawesi, Indonesia, August 2, 2023 (Photo by VCG))
began, many electronics companies,
Bottom: Vietnamese workers on a production line at a Bonsen factory, Hai Duong, Vietnam, December particularly from Guangdong Prov-
2023 (Photo Courtesy of Zhu Xingbing)
ince, and their suppliers shifted some
production to Vietnam, Zhou said. In
recent years, more and more companies
companies that have close links with down,” said Zhao Bin, president of the from Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces
the government or involve government Thai-Chinese Rayong Industrial Park followed.
purchasing are particularly clear about in eastern Thailand, which was built in As of August 2023, more than 40
that,” said Wang Li, CEO of 1Station 2006 and is home to over 200 Chinese listed Chinese companies based in
Vietnam Co, Ltd, a consulting and companies. Shenzhen, Guangdong Province had
information platform based in Hanoi. invested in Vietnam, according to a
“Many companies rely on clients Migration Season survey by Wang Li’s company. He
in Europe and the US. If they didn’t Zhou Heng, manager of Dinghua estimated there were around 300 listed
relocate, they would have to shut Consulting Company based in Chinese companies in Vietnam by
NEWSCHINA I February 2024


China’s export and import with the top three trading partners(US$bn)
December 2023, as well as countless Source: General Administration of Customs of China
SMEs. In the first seven months of 1000
The EU 975.3
2023, China ranked third in registered ASEAN
investment, with over US$2.33 billion The US 847.3
invested in Vietnam, accounting for 800
14.4 percent of the total and rising 705.3 684.6
77.8 percent year-on-year, according 759.4
to Vietnam’s Ministry of Planning and 649.5 567.4
600 641.5
Investment. 586.7
Besides Vietnam, which has become 541.4 535.1
a top investment destination for 488.3
Chinese companies for its advantages
in transportation and tariffs, as well as
preferential tax policies, countries like
Thailand, Indonesia and Mexico, one
of the US’s top three trading partners
along with Canada and China, are
attracting more and more Chinese 0
2019 2020 2021 2022
Zhao Bin noticed an obvious increase
in the number of companies in his
industrial park in Thailand in the
first half of 2023. He puts it down
to delayed relocations due to Covid
restrictions, and because companies in
Europe and the US want to enhance
supply chain resilience and security.
Yet, according to a first-quarter
outlook report released by HSBC in
January 2023, the increased tariffs on
Chinese-made products are pushing
production to other Asian countries –
friendshoring – instead of onshoring to
the US.

Giants’ Steps
“Before the trade conflict, the reloca-
tion was sporadic, involving only a few
industries. Now it has expanded to
more and more industries,” Wang Li
Companies in low-end industries like Left: Cambodian workers leave for the day, Sihanoukville Special Economy Zone, a landmark project of
clothing, toys, textiles and plastics were the Belt and Road Initiative, Cambodia, May 2023 (Photos by VCG)
the first to arrive in Vietnam in the Right: Pictured is Thai-Chinese Rayong Industrial Park located 115 kilometers outside Bangkok, Thailand,
early 2000s. Industries like electronics, April 2019 (Photos by VCG)

NEWSCHINA I February 2024

electromechanical equipment, electric requirements,” Wang Li said. Deja Vu?
tools, electrical vehicles and photo- In August 2023, the US finalized a “This kind of shift happens every
voltaics (PV) followed, Zhou said. For decision to impose import duties on few decades, which is inevitable,” Chai
example, there are 171 Chinese funded solar panel products manufactured Haitao told NewsChina. “China’s global
projects in Bac Giang Province, 50 by Chinese companies in Thailand, network production will gradually
kilometers away from Hanoi, including Vietnam, Cambodia and Malaysia. But surpass its GDP, as with developed
PV production lines, making China the it will not take effect until June 2024 countries.”
largest source of foreign direct invest- to give more time to domestic manu- After World War II, international
ment in the province, according to the facturers to ramp up. Companies will companies started the globalization
Party newspaper People’s Daily. have to produce wafers and other key process to optimize efficiency and
Zhou noticed an increase in the components outside China to prove profit. This caused three big-scale
number of upstream manufacturers as they are not circumventing tariffs. labor-intensive industrial transfers –
place of origin rules for raw materials “This has directly caused a surge in first from the US to Japan and Germany
have grown stricter in certain industries raw material production in those Asian in the 1950s and 1960s, then from
in some Asian countries. countries. Some Chinese companies Japan to Asian developing economies
“In the PV industry, more and even built plants in the US to play it between the 1970s and 1990s, then
more companies began expanding safe,” Wang said. from developed countries to China
production of raw materials, including In recent years, many Chinese fur- since the 1980s. “The last transfer
silicon wafers in Vietnam, to comply niture makers established factories in lasted for over 30 years and allowed
with US Commerce Department Mexico after the US levied extra tariffs China to build up its status as a global
on China-made household products in manufacturing power,” Chai said.
2019. The relocated capacity is also get- “This type of shift is symbolic of eco-
ting increasingly higher-end. Chinese nomic globalization. Labor, land cost,
companies in the Thai-Chinese Rayong infrastructure and industry type affect
Industrial Park mainly manufactured the direction of the transfer,” Chai said.
auto and motorcycle parts at first. At the end of 2021, the total volume
Now emerging industries such as new of foreign direct investment from Chi-
energy and electronic components have nese companies totaled over US$2.7
arrived, Zhao said. Chinese investment trillion, surpassing the foreign invest-
in high-tech, information and telecom- ment China attracted, which amounted
munication, new energy and e-com- to US$2.6 trillion, according to the
merce is rising significantly in Vietnam, National Development and Reform
the People’s Daily report says. Commission.
Many go in step with international “It’s a result of China’s deepening
giants at the top of the value chain. By cross-border resource allocation and
2022, 30 of Samsung’s core suppliers, integration into the global economy,”
including Shenzhen-headquartered Chai said.
AAC Technologies and Dongguan- He admitted that non-economic
based Goertek, had established factors, such as Sino-US relations, have
factories in Vietnam. Below these big forced their hand. “Some companies
suppliers are a large number of SMEs might not have planned to invest
who rely on these big companies. It overseas in the short term. But they’ve
is the same with the relocation of had to speed up,” he noted.
Foxconn, Apple’s biggest supplier, to But he believes the current relo-
India and Vietnam. cations are “healthy.” “There’s no
NEWSCHINA I February 2024


large-scale transfer of supply chains

away from China. Businesses offshor-
ing are concentrated in the final as-
sembly link. It’s hard to move links that
involve many supporting industries,”
Chai said.
Even the low-technology clothing
industry involves hundreds of moving
parts. “In China one could source the
required items from within 100 kilome-
ters. But it’s hard for other countries.
Such industrial concentrations take a
long time,” Chai said.
But there are inevitable convulsions.
Zhang Qiang, a factory worker in Kun-
shan, Jiangsu Province, said he has not
had any weekend shifts since the start
of 2023. In 2022, his company, a small
link in the Apple chain, began to move
production to Vietnam. His hourly
wage, which is linked to the amount of
Top left: Job seekers check posted want ads, Jiangsu Province, July 2023 (Photo by Xu Ming)
orders, has dwindled. He had to take
on other jobs, like express delivery on Top right: Workers take a shuttle bus to Luxshare, a supplier of Apple, Kunshan, Jiangsu Province,
July 2023 (Photo by Xu Ming)
weekends, to keep his salary at the
same level. Bottom: Pictured is a Foxconn factory, Kunshan, Jiangsu Province, July 2023 (Photo by Xu Ming)
“Some factories prefer hiring
temporary workers who they can fire
at a lower cost when orders are slack,”
Zhang told NewsChina. industries, they have to transport particularly as startup costs include
everything from China, which increases buying land, facilities and transport-
Twists and Turns costs and reduces efficiency. ing equipment. Latecomers found the
Chai believes it is important for “Usually, it takes 40 days to finish an costs are even higher. “In 2018, one
SMEs to move offshore. He believes order at home, but in Vietnam it takes mu (667 square meters) of industrial
they can help complete China’s supply 80 or even 90 days,” said Jin Gang. park land cost around 200,000 yuan
chain overseas, connecting the domes- “The clients are not satisfied either (US$28,082). The price quadrupled
tic and overseas markets. way.” this year,” said Zhou Heng, manager
“If Chinese companies go out and His products involve dozens of pro- of Dinghua Consulting Company in
get embedded into every corner of the cedures, and it is not realistic to move Vietnam. There is a shortage of factory
world, it will be impossible to exclude them all to Vietnam, as they are short facilities to rent.
China [from the core global value of skilled technicians, and efficiency Jin Gang said some of his friends in
chain],” Zhu Xingbing said. tends to be lower at the beginning. the industry who went to Vietnam two
But it is not easy. Plastics manufac- Even though Vietnam is associated years ago have since returned. “Some of
turer Jin Gang told NewsChina that as with low costs, Wang revealed pro- the promised orders didn’t materialize.
Vietnam lacks equipment and support duction costs can actually be higher, They had problems finding suppliers
NEWSCHINA I February 2024

and managing local employees due to achievement seeing their growth. It’s a the cohesiveness of the supply chain
language and cultural barriers,” he said. win-win situation,” Zhu said. in Asia as a whole and consolidate its
But what he worries about most He sees it is a good opportunity, for important position in the chain. In the
is policy uncertainty. He feels Viet- companies and for China. “If Chinese future, it might be time for ‘made in
nam plans to tighten requirements companies don’t relocate, and instead Asia,’” he said.
for foreign investment. “I originally companies from other countries come He added that it is especially so since
planned only on assembling there as a to Vietnam and build the supply chain, the RCEP (Regional Comprehensive
stopgap. But we can see there will likely we’ll just die at home. Now we’re Economic Partnership), the world’s
be increasing requirements over the building the chain overseas and pur- largest free trade agreement, took effect
localization of raw materials and work- chasing parts from China, so we’re still for all 15 members in June 2023. “It
ers. I’m considering the ramifications,” supporting domestic industries.” greatly facilitates cross-border trade and
Jin Gang said. mutual investment within the region.
He revealed that he plans to focus Upstream Supplier China will be more closely linked with
more on cultivating the domestic The HSBC report published in Janu- other countries in the supply chain,”
market, so they can withdraw one day if ary 2023 shows that emerging markets, Chai said.
it becomes necessary. particularly in Asia, are rising in the In practice, companies should pay
Consultant Zhou Heng acknowl- share of export destinations for China. greater attention to risks and adher-
edged it is hard in the early stages, Their imports of intermediate goods ing to international trade rules and
particularly for those without overseas from China have been climbing since local laws to avoid unnecessary losses,
experience. “It’ll take a couple of years 2008, accounting for nearly 20 percent experts said. “Companies should avoid
for them to get used to local policies of their total intermediate goods crowding any one field over a short
and culture. But as long as they have imports in 2021. In Vietnam and South period, which could cause homogeniza-
orders, things will get better,” Zhou Korea, the share reached about one- tion and disordered competition. There
said. Some of his clients that came in third. Bilateral trade between China could be more coordination among
2018 developed quickly in Vietnam. and ASEAN members has surpassed companies within an industry,” said Li
“Now they’re investing in South that between China and Europe and Bingshu, secretary general of the China
America and Eastern Europe.” the US since 2020, Chinese data shows. International Chamber of Commerce
Zhu Xingbing, whose company was Even though many companies manu- for the Private Sector.
the first to manufacture paper shred- facture overseas, they still have to buy a Zhu believes that it is important to
ders in Vietnam, told NewsChina their large proportion of raw materials, parts make the world a real global village,
exports to the US doubled or even and equipment from China. where companies from any country can
tripled in the past two years. The HSBC report said that global flow freely based on market needs.
In 2020, challenges rose as orders manufacturing continues to shift He is impressed with the success of
surged. The company struggled with eastward. The market share of South- TTI (Techtronic Industries), a multina-
the 800-strong Vietnamese workforce east Asian countries in labor-intensive tional power tool manufacturer, which
when Chinese managers could not products is expanding, while China is started in Dongguan in the 1980s mak-
leave China due to the Covid lockdown. becoming a supply center for higher- ing branded products for export. Now
“It isn’t cheaper than manufacturing value parts. they have plants worldwide including
in China and managing local workers Chai believes that in the long run, Mexico and Vietnam. “This could be
is challenging,” Zhu said. However, he offshoring will help enhance China’s a chance for our company to take off
is happy to see his local employees are cooperation with other Asian countries too,” Zhu said.
becoming more professional. “They’re and regional economic integration,
very young and they keep growing and as well as with domestic indus- Jin Gang and Zhang Qiang are
they are cooperative. I feel a sense of trial upgrading. “It will strengthen pseudonyms
NEWSCHINA I February 2024


Supply Chain

Global Uplink
As the relocation of manufacturing away from China becomes inevitable,
China must intensify its efforts in independent innovation to help consolidate
and elevate its position within the global value chain
By Xu Ming

n September 2023, Apple took a Chinese manufacturers are starting emphasized that China must strive
major step toward global supply to relocate parts of their production to maintain a strong position in the
chain diversification, releasing processes overseas. Between September supply chain through continued open-
iPhone 15 units manufactured in 10-12, four listed Chinese companies in ness and technological progress. This
India alongside those made in China. industries like photovoltaics, electron- approach is crucial to prevent China
The move was a break from prece- ics and appliances announced plans to from getting caught in the middle and
dent, where only older iPhone genera- invest in factories in Vietnam, citing ensuring its sustained relevance in the
tions were assembled in India, with cost reduction, mitigating the influence evolving global landscape.
new devices produced there six to nine of geopolitics on international trade
months after their initial release. and expanding their global presence. NewsChina: Do these relocations
Notably, Apple’s capacity in Vietnam Vietnam, India and Thailand are popu- threaten China’s position in the global
has also expanded, with JP Morgan ana- lar investment destinations, with South supply chain or shut it out entirely?
lysts predicting that by 2025, India will America and Europe also attracting Zhao Zhongxiu: If your
produce 25 percent of all iPhones while attention.
Vietnam will manufacture 20 percent The relocation of production capacity,
of all iPads and Apple Watches. In line whether by American, European, Japa-
with Apple’s strategy, major contractors nese or Chinese companies, mirrors
like Foxconn, Wistron, Pegatron and trends that began in the 1960s when
Luxshare are investing heavily in both emerging markets established assembly
countries to boost production capacity. lines for multinationals from developed
Apple is not alone in seeking di- countries.
versification beyond China. Since the Despite the reduced reliance on
trade war initiated by former US pres- China, the country’s well-developed
ident Donald Trump in 2018, many production capacity, supported by a
international brands like Samsung, large pool of skilled technicians and
Sony and Dell have increased invest- continuous technological advance-
ment in Southeast Asia. These emerg- ments, suggests it is unlikely to be
ing markets offer advantages with marginalized in the global supply chain,
lower labor costs, preferential taxation according to Zhao Zhongxiu, president
and reduced geopolitical risks. Addi- of the University of International
tionally, developed economies like the Business and Economics and an expert
US, Japan and Europe are encouraging in international trade and industrial
manufacturing re-shoring, nearshor- economy. Zhao Zhongxiu (Photo: Courtesy of Zhao
ing and friendshoring. In an interview with NewsChina, Zhao Zhongxiu)

NEWSCHINA I February 2024

accounted for over 50 percent of overall
foreign trade. It has since dwindled to
around 20 percent. This means more
parts and components are produced in
China. The country’s ability to absorb
technology and continually upgrade is
exemplified in [the quick adaptation
capability of] Huaqiangbei in Shenzhen
[the world’s biggest electronic market,
also called “China’s Silicon Valley”].
Notably, China’s electric vehicle
industry has rapidly caught up with
developed countries, showcasing its
agility in development.
Given its robust manufacturing
capability and system, kicking China
out of the global core value chain is im-
possible. Moreover, China is becoming
more open and establishing stronger
connections with the rest of the world.
It is making efforts against decoupling
and aiming for deeper integration with
Top: Visitors experience a Wuling Air electric vehicle (EV) at Gaikindo Indonesia International Auto Show
(GIIAS), Tangerang, Indonesia, August 18, 2022 (Photo by VCG) the world.
Yet the process is not without
Bottom: Worker in a garments factory, India, March 22, 2021(Photo by VCG)
its challenges. For example, some
companies relocated to Vietnam only to
return after finding it lacked support-
ing industries or after failing to fulfill
orders. It takes time for businesses to
advantages in some aspects are gone foreign-led industrial chain and it find the most suitable locations.
and you are incapable of upgrading can now export its own [production] Meanwhile, we need to keep in mind
and rely too much on foreign capital, overseas. that China cannot take the entire mar-
you will lose business. But China’s Chinese production has been ket. Despite its manufacturing strength,
strength lies in replacing the previous upgrading. Previously, processing trade China does not produce the majority
NEWSCHINA I February 2024


of the world’s goods. The relocation

of certain capacities is not a significant
concern, as long as it will not result in
excessive reliance on imports.

NC: What challenges will supply

chain relocation bring to China?
ZZ: China is stuck in an awkward
situation where it faces competition
from countries with cost advantages
for producing lower-end products
and constraints on developing high-
end products due to restrictions on
technology due to current geopolitical
tensions. This may hamper China’s
upgrading and potentially lead to the
middle-income trap.
But this may also motivate China
to accelerate progress to overcome
the tech blockade. As we all know, the
Chinese government can mobilize and
allocate necessary resources to enhance
technology development and achieve
breakthroughs of core technologies.
It’s doing this now. At the very least,
China has substitutions for most core
technologies. Despite lagging efficiency,
it can improve over time. Now that the
global distribution and cooperation
system has been disrupted, China is
forced to make significant efforts in
developing substitutes for self-reliance
while simultaneously strengthening Top: A display illustrating a hydrogen supply chain at the first China International Supply Chain Expo
international cooperation. China is held in Beijing from November 28 to December 2, 2023 (Photo by VCG)
cornered, but an opportunity might Bottom: Visitors at the first China International Supply Chain Expo held in Beijing from November 28 to
come from it. December 2, 2023 (Photo by VCG)
China’s past dependence on the glob-
al distribution system led to oversight
of many critical issues. For instance,
China only recognized the urgency of
producing its own microchips when cheaper to buy than manufacture, so to curb Chinese development only
faced with export restrictions from there was no urgency to make techno- works in the short term. The US will
other countries. It’s the same with large logical breakthroughs. be harmed too in the long run. China
aircraft. In the past, it was easier and Of course, using trade as a weapon is the biggest semiconductor market.
NEWSCHINA I February 2024

The US cannot really interrupt China’s other countries without producing like Huawei and some new energy
long-term development. Meanwhile, them domestically. Under these circum- companies are examples of such chain
China is making efforts to closely link stances, China needs to accelerate the leader enterprises that have primary
with the world. I don’t think China can pace of upgrading and foster innovation and secondary suppliers. Given the
be completely isolated in this manner. to maintain and strengthen its position backdrop of production relocation, I
in the supply chain. We hope to safe- hope more and more Chinese compa-
NC: Is self-dependent innovation the guard the stability of the global supply nies can go global and become leader
solution? chain and utilize our vast domestic companies.
ZZ: Since the reform and opening- market to counter the anti-globalization
up policy, the inflow of foreign invest- movement. After all, the potential of a NC: How will the global value chain
ment has significantly boosted China’s domestic market of 1.4 billion people evolve and what will China’s position
development and upgrading. However, should not be underestimated. be in it?
we cannot overly rely on foreign invest- On the other hand, China has ZZ: The global value chain con-
ment as the sole lifeline for progress. been successful in exporting readily sists of three sub-chains or interre-
Fortunately, China has been actively applicable technologies and organizing lated production hubs: one in North
introducing and absorbing advanced production overseas. China boasts a America, another in Asia and a third
science and technology, which serves as complete production system. It’s also in Europe, centered around the US,
a foundation for further innovation. If exporting technologies in key areas China and Germany. In the past, these
further innovation were to be ignored, like high-speed rail. In these challeng- hubs were interconnected, forming a
foreign investment would lead China ing times, Chinese companies need comprehensive network. Now they are
by the nose. to be more ambitious and strive to increasingly regionalized. Competi-
China lacks a self-dependent produc- prove themselves in the international tion between China and the US in
tion ecology that can drive techno- market. technology makes it hard for China
logical upgrading. While some regions In fact, more and more Chinese to upgrade, but it is a necessary step
focus on improving their business companies are expanding globally, first China must take. The US is attempting
environments, they might not prioritize by engaging in manufacturing and now to build a global system that excludes
developing technology and lack strong taking steps to organize the production China based on its own values, which I
local manufacturing. But I think Shen- chain [rather than join existing ones] to believe will not be fully realized unless
zhen has done well in transforming increasingly integrate with the world. there is a large-scale military conflict,
into a sci-tech oriented growth model Chinese companies are also pushed which would push the whole thing out
and has many high-tech companies. into a corner, so they feel the urgency of control.
to expand and play a more important I’m cautiously optimistic about the
NC: How can Chinese companies role. future. In the end, the US might realize
secure and strengthen their positions Currently, there is a lot of discus- that conflict with China does itself no
in the supply chain on the international sion about chain leader enterprises. good. It also depends how long the
market? These enterprises have control over the US’s domestic manufacturing system
ZZ: As a big country, China still production ecology and bring together could sustain itself [if it chooses to
holds the initiative in its develop- suppliers within their chain. They serve decouple with China]. We may see the
ment. The ongoing trade conflicts and as a node with extensive reach and result in five to 10 years. In the mean-
technology wars have forced China to exert strong control over the chain, time, China needs to push forward
abandon the illusion [of depending on organizing production and technology and speed up efforts to strengthen its
others]. That’s a good thing. Other- collaboration. Apple, for example, con- weak links to secure a higher and more
wise, China might have continued to trols a supply chain with its intellectual influential position in the global value
use the most advanced products from property, not investment. Companies chain.
NEWSCHINA I February 2024


Henry Kissinger

End of An Era
Chinese officials and scholars bid farewell to
Henry Kissinger and the bygone era of stable
relations between China and the US that the
famous strategist helped to build and sustain
By Yu Xiaodong

Former US secretary of state Henry Kissinger

receives an award during a ceremony at the
Pentagon honoring his diplomatic career, May 9,
2016, Washington, DC (Photo by VCG)

enry Kissinger, the former stabilizing the world’s most important than 100 times. His most recent trip to
US secretary of state who bilateral relationship. China was in July 2023, when he met
played a pivotal role in with Chinese President Xi Jinping, who
shaping US foreign policy Historical Role was quoted as saying that the Chinese
during the Cold War, died on Novem- Embarking on a secret trip to China people “never forget our old friends, nor
ber 29, 2023 at the age of 100. Leaving in 1971, Kissinger held unprecedented your historic contributions to promot-
behind a complex and controversial dip- talks with Chinese leaders including ing the growth of China-US relations
lomatic legacy, including negotiating the Chairman Mao Zedong and Premier and enhancing friendship between the
US’s exit from the costly Vietnam War, Zhou Enlai, and paved the way for Nix- two peoples.”
masterminding the notorious coup in on’s groundbreaking visit in 1972. It is no surprise that Kissinger’s
Chile, and reaching a detente with the Bound by their shared perceived se- passing was received with a tidal wave
Soviet Union, Kissinger’s passing was curity threat from the Soviet Union, the of tributes from current and former of-
met with polarized reactions from both two countries eventually reached a his- ficials, academics, and ordinary people.
within the US and the rest of world. torical rapprochement, establishing the In a message of condolence sent to US
But in China, Kissinger was widely formal diplomatic relationship in 1979 President Joe Biden, Xi said that Kiss-
revered for the historic role he played that helped to fuel China’s reform and inger’s historic contributions to the
in normalizing ties between the US and opening-up policy and set the founda- normalization of China-US relations has
China in the 1970s, when he served as tion for the bilateral relationship over not only benefited the two countries but
secretary of state and national security the next four decades. also changed the whole world.
advisor in the administrations of presi- After leaving public office in 1977, Chinese Premier Li Qiang and Foreign
dents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford. Kissinger maintained close relation- Minister Wang Yi also sent messages of
Just before his passing, he was expected ships with subsequent Chinese lead- condolence to Kissinger’s family and US
to continue to play an important role in ers and reportedly visited China more Secretary of State Antony Blinken. While
NEWSCHINA I February 2024

mourning Kissinger at the US Embassy question during his negotiations with told China News Service (CNS).
in Beijing on December 5, Wang said China on a joint statement after Nixon’s As the China-US relationship dete-
that “time has proven and will continue visit. The Taiwan question was the stick- riorated to its nadir following former
to prove that the political decision made ing point in the negotiation. House speaker Nancy Pelosi’s contro-
by Dr. Kissinger and the Chinese lead- In the end, the two sides accepted versial visit to Taiwan in August 2022,
ers at that time is in line with the funda- Kissinger’s proposal. The English ver- Kissinger warned publicly that the
mental interests of the two peoples, the sion of the 1972 Shanghai Communi- deterioration of the Cross-Strait and
trend of the times, and the international qué– one of three communiqués that China-US relationships could lead to
community’s expectations.” serve as the political foundation of the catastrophic conflict.
There is no doubt that Wang’s com- China-US relationship – states that The In a June interview with Bloomberg,
ments were made in reference to the US “acknowledges that all Chinese on Kissinger said that “on the current tra-
deteriorating bilateral relationship be- either side of the Taiwan Strait maintain jectory of relations, I think some mili-
tween China and the US over the past there is but one China and Taiwan is tary conflict is probable,” and that “the
few years. Given this, the passing of a part of China.” Speaking with News- current trajectory of relations must be
Kissinger is also thought to mark the China, former Chinese diplomat Lian altered.”
end of an era in which the bilateral re- Zhengbao quoted Zhou Enlai at the “On one hand, having lived through
lationship was mostly cordial and far time as saying, “We couldn’t have come the trauma and damage caused by
more stable and predictable. up with something like this even if we World War II and experienced the enor-
had racked our brains.” mous risks of nuclear war in the Cold
Realpolitik Approach The statement allows both China and War, Kissinger highly valued the pre-
For many Chinese scholars, what set the US to find a mutually acceptable ex- ciousness of peace, stability and order
Kissinger apart from other strategists pression on the Taiwan question. While on a global scale,” Xin Qiang told CNS,
and politicians both in his time and in not entirely satisfactory to either side, it “On the other hand, he was involved in
later periods, is his realpolitik approach enabled the two sides to break the ice the entire process of establishing diplo-
to foreign policy that allowed him to and move toward normalization, Xin matic relations between China and the
look beyond ideological differences at Qiang, deputy director of the Center for US, and was well aware of the sensitiv-
the height of the Cold War to engineer American Studies at Fudan University, ity and danger of the Taiwan question.
the rapprochement between China and
the US.
“Kissinger was an exemplar of a polit-
ical realist, who emphasized the impor-
tance of national interests and power,
and stressed the need to look beyond
ideology to seek the desired balance of
powers,” Zhu Feng, a senior fellow with
the Center for International Security
and Strategy with Tsinghua University
and director of the Institute of Inter-
national Studies at Nanjing University,
told NewsChina.
“Having visited China many times, he
possessed a considerable understanding
of the Communist Party of China, and
harbored no significant biases against
China,” Zhu said. “In more recent years,
he repeatedly emphasized the need to
manage China-US relations to prevent
the bilateral relationship from descend-
ing into conflicts or even an all-out war,”
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi visits the US Embassy in China to mourn the passing of former US
he added. secretary of state Henry Kissinger, December 5, 2023 (Photo by Xinhua)
Kissinger’s pragmatism was typically
reflected in his handling of the Taiwan
NEWSCHINA I February 2024


Therefore, he genuinely hoped the US at Bucknell University in Lewisburg,

would not continue to dilute and hollow Pennsylvania. “Kissinger was a symbol
out the ‘One-China’ principle, challeng- of a bygone era when the US and China
ing China’s strategic red lines.” were willing to meet each other halfway
to pursue common interests,” Zhu said
Post-Cold War in an article published on
Compared to the Cold War pe- on December 2.
riod, Kissinger had far less influence Henry Kissinger meets with Chinese ping-pong “Despite the ups and downs in the
on American policymakers in recent players outside the White House, April 18, bilateral relationship, Kissinger was the
1972 (Photo by Xinhua)
years. Following the collapse of the So- most significant and consistent voice on
viet Union, the US increasingly adopted managing the complex and challeng-
what many describe as a liberal interna- ing relationship through engagement,”
tionalist approach in its foreign policy, navigated their lives quite easily with Zhu said. “Today, Kissinger’s views on
focusing on exporting its ideologies. rather simple life experiences.” “There- China are not well received by many
The Biden administration, for example, fore, they may be intelligent individuals, in Washington, who favor zero-sum
explicitly claimed to take a “value- but lack great wisdom,” Jin said. competition with China and countering
based” approach to foreign policy. Wang Yizhou, associate dean of its growing power and influence,” Zhu
According to Jin Canrong, associ- the School of International Studies at added.
ate dean of the School of International Peking University, attributed the waning Warning that the China-US relation-
Studies with the Renmin University of influence of Kissinger to the change in ship is experiencing “the most difficult
China, a major cause of the decline of political atmosphere around the globe. time since his first trip to China in
realist thinking among American poli- “Kissinger is not the friendship am- 1971,” Zhu called on both countries
ticians and strategists is that they lack bassador imagined by many Chinese,” to “heed Kissinger’s warnings about
historical depth compared to their Cold Wang said, “Rather, he viewed the US’s the danger of a new cold war between
War-era predecessors. need to advance its ties with China to two nuclear powers” and “carry on his
“During the Cold War, the US had a weaken and confront the Soviet Union belief that cooperation is the only way
group of exceptionally talented strate- from a perspective of his country’s na- to move the US-China relationship for-
gists. George Kennan, who advocated tional interest.” ward and upward.”
for a containment policy against the “The essence of Kissinger’s diplomat- According to a statement by China’s
Soviet Union, and Henry Kissinger, ic legacy lies in that he took diplomacy Foreign Ministry, in a call with Blinken
who opened the door to reconciliation as a more complex and more power- on December 6, Foreign Minister Wang
between China and the US, are notable ful tool than the sheer use of power, Yi said that Kissinger’s diplomatic leg-
examples. Tadeusz Brzeziński, who and for Kissinger, diplomacy is a skill, acy is worth being carried forward and
played a role in formalizing diplomatic even an art,” Wang said in an interview developed by future generations. The
relations with China under the adminis- with Hong Kong-based on legacy he referred to includes Kissinger’s
tration of US president Carter, was also December 2. advocacy for the two countries’ mutual
commendable,” Jin said in an interview By comparison, Wang said that in to- respect, progress and fulfillment of their
with day’s world, rising populism and global due international responsibilities. Wang
“What they share in common is that economic stagnation has made it in- particularly noted Kissinger’s repeated
they all experienced World War II and creasingly attractive for policymakers to calls for the US to fully understand the
witnessed life-or-death situations. In resort to direct use of power and bully- importance of the Taiwan question to
comparison, foreign policymakers in the ing rather than intricate diplomacy. “Di- China.
US of the post-Cold War period grew up plomacy has increasingly been reduced Both sides agreed to deliver the posi-
in an era of peace,” Jin added. to a simplistic tool, even to the extent tive understanding reached by the presi-
Jin said that American strategists of it being a dowry-like settlement or a dents of the two countries in mid-No-
“may be graduates of prestigious schools bonded servant,” Wang added. vember in San Francisco, confirmed by
like Harvard and Yale, but lack histori- Wang’s sentiment is shared by Zhu statements from China’s Foreign Minis-
cal depth in their thinking as they have Zhiqun, a political science professor try and the US Department of State.
NEWSCHINA I February 2024


An Arc’teryx store at the GR Shopping Mall, Beijing, February 2023

(Photo by VCG)

Outdoor Wear

Top Gear
To sustain the market for outdoor jackets in China, domestic manufacturers and
retailers must prioritize their brands’ core values rather than solely relying on
low prices to drive sales
By Meng Qian

hile browsing at Faya general perceptions of the brand among news outlet The Paper reported on
Factory Outlet between Chinese consumers. On a popular post October 8. That year, sales of outdoor
Beijing’s Second and from October 21, 2021 on Q&A forum wear on Douyin totaled 2 billion yuan
Third Ring roads, a Zhihu, Toread was described as a “low- (US$270m), a year-on-year increase of
shopper was surprised to find Chinese end” outdoor brand priced at no more 382 percent.
outdoor brand Toread’s latest outdoor than 1,000 yuan (US$140). From January to July 2023, the
jacket for women selling for 1,799 yuan Regardless of the price hike, the shop momentum continued with growth of
(US$246). He said it was expensive, assistant said outdoor jackets from 337 percent, reaching 1.3 billion yuan
considering he only paid about 800 domestic brands are a major source of (US$180m) in sales, among which
yuan (US$109) for a blue three-layered revenue. Camel netted nearly 800 million yuan
jacket by The North Face around five Though still in their nascent stages, (US$109.52m), The Paper reported.
years earlier. Chinese outdoor brands such as Camel Revenues for Pelliot hit 500 million
“This is our latest design,” the shop and Pelliot have profited handsomely yuan (US$68.45m) in 2022, and are
assistant said, pointing out the ivory- from the surge in demand for outdoor expected to reach 1.5 billion yuan
colored jacket, “Its first layer is super jackets despite the competitive market. (US$210m) this year, online portal
waterproof, and the second has down In the first half of 2022, Camel NetEase reported on August 5.
feathers to keep you warm in Beijing’s secured nearly 40 percent of outdoor But industry experts warned that
freezing weather.” jacket sales on Douyin, China’s TikTok, low prices are not enough to maintain
These features and prices challenge and 80 percent in the second half, sustainable growth, and the gap in
NEWSCHINA I February 2024


material tech and branding strate-

gies between domestic and overseas
producers will continue to widen if
Chinese manufacturers rely on pricing
tactics alone.

Warming Up
Zhou Yao, a member of the Chinese
People’s Political Consultative Confer-
ence in Sanmen, a county in Taizhou,
Zhejiang Province, has been tasked
with promoting the area’s outdoor
brands to help boost the local economy
since June 2022.
Two months after he took on the
assignment, Zhou set up a team with
Zhejiang Taizhou Senmo Outdoor
Sports Products Co Ltd to sell their
outdoor jackets factory-direct through
livestreams. Sales skyrocketed from
around 800 jackets a day to over
5,000 by September 2022. Over the
next months, the number of accounts Top: A store of the outdoor wear brand The North Face at a shopping mall in Beijing, August 11, 2022
livestreaming their products grew (Photo by VCG)
from one to 12, one of which peaked at Bottom: Chinese outdoor wear brand Kailas displays clothing and equipment at the 9th ISPO Beijing, a
second in the sales rankings for its cat- leading multi-segment sports exhibition in Asia, Beijing, February 27, 2013 (Photo by VCG)
egory on Douyin, next only to Camel.
“Now is the season for outdoor
jackets, and sales on our most popular
livestreaming channel are expected to (US$22.82b) in 2015 to 357.5 billion The colossal demand for jackets
reach about 10,000 a day,” Zhou told yuan (US$48.87b) in 2021, registering has been largely fueled by first-time
NewsChina. a compound annual growth rate of 13.5 buyers, who largely turn to influencers
Zhou attributes the recent success percent. In 2025, it is forecast to hit on lifestyle platforms like Douyin and
of outdoor wear brands to China’s 600 billion yuan (US$82.02b). Xiaohongshu for advice.
three-year pandemic lockdown. Before Among these products, outdoor Xiaohongshu racked up 1.08 million
the outbreak in 2020, outdoor sports jackets are raking in the largest profits. short videos on outdoor jackets, while
in China registered a participation rate Sales of outdoor jackets on top trending hashtags pulled in more than
of a mere 10 percent of the country’s e-commerce platforms Douyin and Tao- 58 million views on Douyin.
total population. By 2022, the rate grew bao reached a total of 9.29 billion yuan Compared with expensive down-
to 28 percent, according to industry (US$1.29b) between January 2022 and filled clothing which can end up piled
think tank on November 11, September 2023, up around 81 percent high in warehouses if there is a mild
2022. year-on-year, according to e-commerce winter, the outdoor jacket market is
That rate is more than 50 percent marketing and data analysis platform immune to changes in the weather,
in developed countries like the US, Moojing Market Intelligence (MMI). an anonymous industry insider told
leaving much more room for growth, Engaged in outdoor jacket e- NewsChina. reported. commerce for over 10 years, Huang Multi-layered detachable outdoor
According to global market analysis Min told NewsChina that one of her jackets are much more versatile. “They
platform Euromonitor and its Chinese colleagues netted 29 million yuan can be worn for months regardless of
counterpart Insight and Info, the mar- (US$3.96m) in a single day in 2022 how the weather changes,” an MMI
ket scale of outdoor sports products in selling a lesser-known brand, exempli- analyst speaking on condition of
China soared from 166.9 billion yuan fying last year’s burgeoning market. anonymity told NewsChina.
NEWSCHINA I February 2024

Low-price Dilemma products. In contrast, Chinese produc- has had to admit that the extreme
Despite the large sales volume, ers, which compete fiercely in constant weather fabric technologies of Gore-
Zhou said an outdoor jacket priced at price wars to reduce inventories, are Tex are difficult to challenge, let alone
199 yuan (US$27), which includes a more exposed to fluctuations in market replace,” Tian Xiaomeng, founder of
30-percent added value, is extremely demand. outdoor jacket online retailer Wanwux-
low compared to international brands “Because major international brands inxuan, told NewsChina.
such as US’s North Face and Colombia. established outdoor sports businesses First serving as factories for major
He attributed the thin margins to the much earlier than domestic ones, they overseas brands, manufacturers from
lack of high-tech innovation, which have the background and experience Sanmen County are now seeking to
confines domestic brands to the low- necessary to carve out their niche upgrade their technologies after the
end market. markets,” a representative for Toread’s local government became aware of the
“The value of outdoor jackets sales department told NewsChina. potential risk of overlapping capacity.
depends on their protective functions, Sun Na, brand director for mid-range Partnering with Zhejiang University
such as defending against extremely outdoor sports supplier Kailas, head- of Science and Technology since 2019,
cold weather, which requires advanced quartered in Guangzhou, Guangdong local entrepreneurs have implemented
materials and manufacturing tech- Province, told NewsChina that growing technologies like thermal storage,
nologies,” Huang Yubing, dean of the demand for low-priced outdoor wear graphenic anti-bacterial material and
Sanmen Research Institute, Zhejiang will wane as Chinese outdoor enthu- color-changing dyes. Their coopera-
Science-Technology University in siasts become more sophisticated in tion includes developing designs that
Hangzhou, told NewsChina. their purchases and seek out quality appeal to younger consumers and
“But many domestic manufacturers specialized products. market feedback analysis. But their
lack advanced technologies and make Zhou said shoppers on their collaboration still needs time to prove
products suited only to mild weather livestreaming channels are asking more its effectiveness.
conditions, pricing them on par with specific questions about their jackets’ Other brands such as sun-protective
ordinary clothing,” Huang added. protective functions. “They are increas- clothing maker Beneunder and fashion
In 2016, the China Standardization ingly more informed,” he said. brand Bosideng are also entering the
Administration (SAC) released quality outdoor jacket market.
standards for outdoor jacket manufactur- Core-tech Conundrum But Cheng Weixiong, founder of
ing, covering waterproofing, material du- The greatest challenge for domestic Shanghai Liangqi Brand Management
rability and color resilience. On Septem- manufacturers looking to compete for Co Ltd, told NewsChina that unlike
ber 7, SAC upgraded several standards higher-end market share is materials ordinary clothing, the tech threshold to
for materials, coatings and moisture technology, which is key to the quality the outdoor jacket market is high.
permeability. The US, Japan and Europe and pricing of outdoor jackets. “The fundamental problem for
also have their own unique criteria. “When we sell our fabrics at 20 yuan Chinese brands is their overlapping
However, these moves have done (US$3) per meter, big international designs, which are easy to replicate and
little to change the market landscape, brands can increase their prices tenfold surpass,” Cheng said.
nor have they helped raise the prices of in added value. That is hard to catch up According to MMI, Chinese brands
big domestic brands. with,” Pan Litai, head of the Outdoor need to shoot for mid-range products
According to MMI, current prices for Jackets Association of Sanmen County, with diverse designs to broaden their
Camel and Pelliot jackets average at 598 told NewsChina. influence, which in the future may
and 647 yuan (US$82-88), while aver- Dominating the high-end outdoor increase their chances of accessing the
age prices for North Face and Colombia jacket market for over six decades, high-end market.
are 1,706 (US$233) and 1,410 yuan materials manufacturer Gore-Tex, “A brand cannot become popular
(US$193), and Canada-based Arc’teryx which supplies many high-profile overnight,” a representative from an
averages 3,921 yuan (US$536). outdoor brands like Arc’teryx up to outdoor sports brand designer told
Experts blame lagging technology the aerospace and military industries NewsChina. “Every big brand has a
and marketing strategies for the gap. with its waterproof, breathable fabrics, flagship product, meaning producers
According to Huang, supplies for in- poses the greatest threat to Chinese who want to access high-end markets
ternational brands such as North Face, manufacturers. need at least one exclusive technol-
Arc’teryx and Mammut of Switzerland “Even North Face, which attempted ogy and must explore it thoroughly
are meticulously calculated to sell out to dethrone Arc’teryx by setting up enough before launching a spectacular
stock quickly before rolling out new their own material production lines, roll-out.”
NEWSCHINA I February 2024


Drone Shows

Stellar Performance
Across China, drone shows have increasingly replaced fireworks and light
shows to dominate China’s urban skies, at festivals and at corporate events
and tourism destinations
By Li Mingzi and Yu Xiaodong

o celebrate Mid-Autumn While drone shows have become manufacturer, presented over 100 drone
Festival and National Day on common in China’s big cities such performances in over 30 cities across 20
September 30, the skies over as Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and provinces and municipalities during the
Hong Kong and Shenzhen Guangzhou, they are becoming much National Day holiday.
were lit up by 1,200 drones, swooping more popular in smaller cities, and this Qi Juntong, founder of Efy Technol-
and twisting to form flowers, birds, has fueled the rapid growth of the drone ogy, told NewsChina there is rising en-
flags and buildings. It was the first show industry. thusiasm for drone shows among local
drone show collaboration between the governments and enterprises.
two neighboring cities, lighting up the Market Takeoff “We sent a drone show team to Xin-
night sky over Victoria Harbour in Hong Firework displays were a traditional jiang Uygur Autonomous Region in
Kong and OCT Harbour in Shenzhen. feature of major public events, celebra- September to present a show booked by
Hundreds of drone shows took place tions and commercial promotions in a local government, and it was very suc-
across the country during the National many countries. Now, as drone technol- cessful,” Qi said.
Day holidays running from September ogy has advanced so rapidly, high-tech Other drone display companies are
29 to October 6, 2023. In Shenzhen, a drone shows are more likely to illumi- flying high on the heated market. “From
city dubbed China’s Silicon Valley and nate the sky during special events. The the Labor Day holiday until now, we’ve
a major global center for drone produc- trend is particularly pronounced in Chi- done performances every day. We don’t
tion, there were more than 200 drone na, the world’s largest drone producer. have enough capacity to meet the de-
performances in 2023. Efy Technology, a Tianjin-based drone mand,” said Qin Haiqun, deputy-general
NEWSCHINA I February 2024

Left: More than 1,000 drones fly in a show above the South Gate of the City Wall in Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, April 29, 2018 (Photo by VCG)

Center: Spectators watch a splendid drone show above Victoria Harbour, Hong Kong, as the drones form Dutch artist Johannes Vermeer’s famous painting Girl
with a Pearl Earring, September 27, 2023 (Photo by VCG)

Right: 1,500 drones from a giant dragon during the National Day Holiday, Xiangyang, Hubei Province, October 4, 2023 (Photo by VCG)

manager of Shenzhen Damoda, one of performance was in 2016 at an event Shenzhen UAV Industry Association,
the market leaders in China. hosted by the State-run China Central China’s drone show market is currently
Qin said their shows have to be Television (CCTV). Although quite a dominated by four major companies,
booked at least one month in advance. few drone startups had emerged by that Damoda, HighGreat, Efy Technology
“All our operations and technical sup- time, they were all focused on the con- and EHang, which have a combined do-
port staff are out on assignment,” he sumer market to become the next DJI, mestic market share of 90 percent.
said, pointing to the empty desks in the the Shenzhen-based drone company At a drone show in May 2021, Shen-
company’s office. that accounts for a significant propor- zhen HighGreat set four Guinness
tion of global consumer drone sales. World Records: the highest number
Late, But Fast They did not appreciate at first how lu- of drones flying simultaneously with
Chinese companies are latecomers crative the drone show business would 5,164, the largest light image composed
to the drone performance market. The become. by 5,184 drones, the longest animation
world’s first outdoor drone performance “CCTV approached almost all the show performed by drones (26 minutes
was at an electronic arts festival in the drone companies in Shenzhen, and and 26 seconds), and the most different
northern Austrian city of Linz in 2012, Damoda was the first to dare take a consecutive formations by a single fleet
which attracted 90,000 spectators. chance with the booking,” said Qin Hai- at 88 maneuvers.
The 2017 Super Bowl half-time show qun, vice general manager of Damoda, “From a technical perspective, con-
in Houston, Texas pushed drone per- a Shenzhen-based drone manufacture trolling tens of thousands of drones for
formances into the mainstream, when and one of the market leaders in China. a performance is not a problem at all,
hundreds of Intel’s Shooting Star drones Qin said that Damoda was estab- though it exceeds current market de-
formed a glittering backdrop for singer lished in 2015 and had only developed mand,” Li Chenliang, chief innovation
Lady Gaga. Then in 2018, a drone per- a drone control system and a prototype officer of HighGreat, a Shenzhen-based
formance made a global sensation when drone model. Its products were not yet drone manufacturer, told NewsChina.
Intel used 1,218 illuminated drones to for general sale. But the air show involv- “Setting records for the sake of it has
create the Olympic rings and other im- ing 80 drones was an immediate hit, become less and less meaningful.”
ages during the opening ceremony of and Damoda was soon flooded with But China has emerged as a global
the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics in drone show bookings. drone show market leader. “Overseas
South Korea on February 9, 2018. Many other drone startups soon companies pioneered drone perfor-
China’s first outdoor drone joined the fray. According to the mances, but they didn’t swiftly develop
NEWSCHINA I February 2024


it into a separate niche market,” Li said. public-funded organizations. and musical fountains. The scandal
Intel, for example, primarily utilized Compared to fireworks, drone shows prompted the central government to
drone performances to promote its have several advantages. “While fire- issue a decree to curb “excessive land-
corporate image and technological ca- works can create a jubilant atmosphere, scape lighting projects.”
pabilities rather than expanding into the drone shows are customizable and can
drone show market. present more specific information,” Soaring Potential
By comparison, since making their Yang said, “They are safer and more As fireworks and light shows came
maiden flights in China in 2016, drone environmentally friendly, and with their under tight control, local governments
shows quickly developed into a signifi- high-tech touch, are a next-generation turned to drone shows. However, it also
cant market. According to a 2022 report communication platform.” This is be- caused new concerns that drone shows
released by the Tourism Data Innova- cause drone shows can be a platform could be subject to the same problems
tion Alliance (TDIA), a tourism data for all kinds of communication-related and become a new breeding ground for
provider, 7,228 outdoor drone shows projects like advertising and campaign- corruption and lavish spending.
were presented in 2021 throughout ing, as it can deliver specific messages, Following a failed drone performance
China. unlike firework and light shows. in Xi’an, capital of Shaanxi Province in
Another report released by market re- It is no coincidence that the rise April 2018, when many of the 1,374
search publisher QYResearch in August of drone shows came after tightened drones involved either flew out of sync
2022 showed that the value of the drone regulatory control of fireworks displays. or fell from the sky, it was found that
show market in China reached US$104 After the central government issued a the show was booked by the local gov-
million in 2021, accounting for 60.8 safety regulation on fireworks and fire- ernment and cost 10.5 million yuan
percent of the global market, which was crackers in 2016, more than 1,100 cit- (US$1.4m). It immediately led to public
valued at US$170 million. The report ies across China imposed restrictions outcry.
estimated that the global market will on firework displays, with more than However, according to Yang Jincai,
expand to US$719 million in 2029, with 400 cities banning fireworks altogether. as fierce competition has substantially
the Chinese market projected to ac- It upped safety rules over the whole driven down the price of drone shows
count for 65 percent of the global total. production, transportation and use of in the past couple of years, they are
“Chinese companies lead in both the fireworks, put in place punishments for unlikely to become a major financial
quality of drone performances and mar- violations, and required more costly and burden for local governments. “Cur-
ket share,” Yang Jincai, chairman of the comprehensive permits and documen- rently, a drone show involving about
World UAV Conference and founding tation. It deterred many local authorities 1,000 drones costs about 800,000 yuan
president of the Shenzhen UAV Indus- from putting on displays. (US$109,600), which is less than a
try Association, told NewsChina, “Chi- In the meantime, urban illumination tenth of what it was,’ Yang said.
nese companies are now highly sought projects, including light shows, were Announcements released by the
after by organizers of overseas festivals also put on hold. As the finances of lo- government of Guangzhou, capital of
and exhibitions given their technologi- cal governments started to decline in Guangdong Province, show that the
cal capability and competitive pricing.” the late 2010s, the once popular-light winning bid for a promotional drone
shows were increasingly considered show in Guangzhou this year was only
Seeing the Light “vanity projects” and a waste of taxpayer 123,500 yuan (US$16,917).
According to Yang, demand from money. According to Ye Qing, a professor
governments at various levels played a In 2019, several senior officials from from Zhongnan University of Econom-
significant role in promoting the devel- Wanquan County, Hebei Province, then ics and Law in Wuhan, Hubei Province,
opment of the drone display industry in a nationally recognized impoverished as control over the budget management
its initial phase. Yang estimated that in county, were removed from their posts of local governments continues to tight-
the early years, over half the orders for after its government spent 40 million en, lavish spending on public events has
drone displays came from government yuan (US$5.5m) on a large performance become history.
agencies, State-owned enterprises and involving light shows, laser projections In the meantime, there is growing
NEWSCHINA I February 2024

China By Numbers
55.8 The opera-
tion expecta-
58 57.5

tion index
The operation expecta- of China’s 55.5 55.5 55.8
tion index of China’s manufactur- 55.1
manufacturing, an ing between 55.6
55.6 55.6

demand from corporate users. Qi indicator of manufac- January and 54 54.7

Juntong from HighGreat told News- turers’ confidence in 2023 53.4
business prospects, in
China that orders from corporate cus- November 2023 52

tomers now account for 60 percent of

Source: National Bureau of
the company’s drone show business. Statistics of China 50
“The share of government book-

20 1
20 2
20 3

20 5
20 6
20 7
20 8
20 9





ings is slowly dropping,” Qi said. He
added that unlike government orders,
which usually follow a fixed schedule, 0 2 4 6 8 10
11.7% Industries
Wholesale 8.90
demand from corporate customers with over
a million and retail million
tends to fluctuate. “Right now, we Year-on-year new self-
are witnessing soaring demand that
increase in new employed Accommodation 2.52
self-employed businesses and catering
exceeds what the market can supply,” businesses in the in the

Qi said. first three quarters

first three
forestry, animal 1.36
The future of drone shows lies far of 2023, totaling of 2023 husbandry and million
beyond replacing fireworks in public 17.2 million fishery

events and celebrations. With the Source: State Administration

Residential 1.34
services million
ability to create captivating and cus- for Market Regulation
tomized aerial displays, drone shows
can carry ads. According to an esti-
mate by Efy Technology, 85 percent of
drone show spectators film the show, 2.57 million 31%
and more than 60 percent post it on The number of new work- Year-on-year growth
social media, making it a powerful ers employed in water in China’s total
conservancy construction lithium battery out-
advertising platform. put between January
projects between January
According to the TDIA report, 36 and November 2023, a and October 2023,
percent of drone shows purchased year-on-year increase of 9.1 totaling 765 GWhs
in China in 2021 were by tourism percent, among which 2.06 (gigawatt hours)
projects and attractions. Other major million are from rural areas Source: Ministry of In-
clients are real estate developers and Source: Ministry of Water Resources dustry and Information
of China Technology of China
Li Chenliang said he once received
an order from a real estate developer
who was not looking for intricately
choreographed aerials. “All they 49.9 percent
wanted was to show a static adver- The share of installed
renewable power ca- Biomass Hydro
tisement in the sky, and it was a big Proportion
success,” Li said. pacity among China’s of different
3.1% 29.9%
total installed power
For Yang Jincai, drone shows have capacity by the end of
among total
installed Solar
great potential to expand into other October 2023, total- renewable
industries once they catch on to ing over 1.4 billion power capac- 38.2%
ity by the end
the advertising and communication kilowatts of October Wind
power. “They can integrate with all Source: National
kinds of industries with the promise Energy Administration
of substantial new growth
Tianshan andin con-
Glacier of China
Yili, Xinjiang Uygur
sumption trends,” Yang said.
Autonomous Region,
May 2022 (Photo by
VCG) NEWSCHINA I February 2024


Sex Education

Teaching Consent
The concerning rise in juvenile sexual bullying and sexual crimes sounds the
alarm about the inadequate state of sex education in China’s schools and
the reluctance to go beyond basic information
By Huo Siyi

n September 16, 2023, a aged 14 to 16 has risen from 5,259 in use of smartphones and the popularity
severe incident of sexual 2020 to 8,710 in 2022. Second, in 2022, of short videos, livestreaming and social
assault and bullying at 36,957 minors were charged with rape media, children and teenagers are being
Dacheng Bilingual School, and sexual assault, an increase of 20.4 exposed to a wide range of online por-
a primary school in Datong, North percent from a year earlier. nography. This poses a significant chal-
China’s Shanxi Province shocked the In the Datong case, the school ar- lenge for educators.
entire country. According to media re- ranged a meeting between the parents
ports, two 9-year-old boys abused, beat of the three, and the two abusers con- ‘Let Pornography Teach’
and sexually assaulted a 10-year-old fessed what they had done. Their par- “Wiener-grabbing” – in which boys
boy, who had been their room-mate ents wrote apology statements and ex- try to grab each other’s genitals – has
for 18 months. The father of the victim pressed willingness to bear the medical become a popular game in primary
posted a statement online, accusing the examination expenses. schools in China, many teachers have
two boys of abusing, sexually bullying The public security bureau criticized observed.
and raping his son. The graphic details the two boys, requesting both to attend Zhang Xiao, who teaches psychol-
included of the assault appalled the pub- psychological counseling and behav- ogy at a primary school in Chengdu,
lic, especially as it involved boys of such ioral correction. Their parents were also Sichuan Province, told NewsChina that
a young age. criticized and asked to apologize to the several years ago, this type of “horse-
According to a white paper issued victim and his guardians. The school play” rarely occurred. But it has become
by the Supreme People’s Procurator- principal was fired, as were the deputy very common in the last two years. She
ate in June 2023, two alarming trends principal and the boys’ teachers. is worried, as sometimes, the game
concerning juvenile delinquency require The lack of sex education, as many turned violent.
significant attention. First, there has experts emphasized, is the key reason Many teachers and parents perceive
been a noticeable increase in the juve- behind the increase in juvenile sex it as innocent play driven by children’s
nile crime rate – the number of suspects crimes. Worse still, with the widespread curiosity. However, Hu Zhen cautioned
NEWSCHINA I February 2024

that children and teenagers engaging in awareness of what constitutes a sex were subjected to even more porno-
such sexual acts are exhibiting a lack of crime may have contributed to a rise in graphic material on the internet [as they
fundamental respect for each other’s reported offenses. Also, increased expo- spent more time online, often without
bodies, and identifies this as a contrib- sure to online pornography and other parental supervision]. Pornographic
uting factor to the alarming increase in sexualized content may be to blame for memes sprouted like mushrooms and
juvenile sex crimes. the increase. they would spread among young kids
“As far as I know, sexual bullying is Due to the absence of proper sex in less than a week,” Zhang Xiao told
increasingly common at primary and education from schools and families, NewsChina.
secondary schools, though most of it children and teens might turn to online In 2018, a short surveillance video
isn’t as cruel as the Datong incident,” sources or other ways to access sexual went viral online, in which a young boy
Hu said. content. A 2022 report on underage in- in Longyan, Fujian Province, forcibly
As an educational psychology profes- ternet users by the Chinese Academy of kissed a girl of the same age inside an
sor at Chengdu University and chief Social Sciences shows the rate of inter- elevator, even though she tried to resist.
expert of the Adolescent Sex Education net usage among Chinese minors aged His forced kiss lasted until the elevator
Popularization Center of Sichuan Prov- 10 to 16 increased from 25 percent in door opened and she ran away.
ince, Hu has been involved in adolescent 2012 to 99.9 percent in 2022. According “This video reflects how misguided
sex education for the last two decades. to another report by the Chinese Acad- minors’ attitudes towards sex have be-
According to Hu, many teachers and emy of Social Sciences in 2018, about 10 come,” Hu told our reporter. “The boy
parents tend to overlook the sexual percent of children under 5 had already equated violence with bravery. He took
aspects of certain school bullying in- accessed the internet, and 33 percent of it for granted that when he liked a girl,
cidents. This avoidance stems from underage internet users had been ex- it was acceptable to forcibly kiss her and
adults’ discomfort or shame about sex. posed to online pornography. corner her. He also regarded the girl’s
In contrast, children naturally possess “Particularly during the three-year resistance as effective acquiescence, or
a curiosity about sex when they are pandemic period when primary school even encouragement,” Hu said.
young. students attended classes online, they She added that in many Chinese
“‘Wiener-grabbing’ and the Datong
incident are essentially the same. If
teachers and parents fail to properly
guide children from the aspect of sex
education in time, this horseplay will
very likely evolve into sexual bullying
eventually,” Hu told NewsChina.
Severe sexual bullying can escalate
into sex crimes. According to statistics
provided by the Youth Detention Cen-
ter of Chengdu, since 2018, the rate of
sex crimes has surpassed other criminal
behaviors such as intentional homicide,
intentional injury, robbery and drug
dealing, making it the most prevalent
offense among minors. In June 2022,
33.6 percent of minors detained in the
center were sex offenders. The figure
rose to 39 percent by March 2023.
Alarmingly, the percentage skyrocketed
from 8 percent in 2012 to 39 percent in
2023, with a growth rate of 387 percent
in merely a decade. Psychological consultant Wang Juan gives a sex education lesson to students at Jinhu Primary School,
Hefei, Anhui Province, March 18, 2021 (Photo by VCG)
While the center did not provide an
explanation for the trend, increased
NEWSCHINA I February 2024


romance movies, TV series and popular

fiction, the male love interest is usually
portrayed as wealthy and of high social
status but domineering and controlling.
This “bossy lover” archetype in Chinese
pop culture has had a significant influ-
ence, leading to misguided notions of
“forcible love and sex” among children
and teens.
Li Yanhong, a former project officer
at UNESCO’s office in China, has dedi-
cated years to advocating for youth sex
education and school bullying preven-
tion. Li told NewsChina that if educa-
tors avoid talking about sex and fail to
provide minors with proper guidance
on understanding love and sex from a Ge Yeyi, a professionally trained sex education teacher, uses props to teach children knowledge about
sex, Cixi, Zhejiang Province, August 23, 2020 (Photo by VCG)
healthy perspective, they are “letting
the pornography play the teaching role.”
Li points out that wherever a sexual
bullying incident occurs at school, the
public tends to shift focus from the engage in sexual behavior. Chengdu University and director of
core problem. “The bullies, to some Hu Zhen argues that even today, the the Adolescent Sex Education Popu-
extent, are also ‘victims.’ We can’t just majority of society still holds these opin- larization Center of Sichuan Province,
condemn individual juvenile offenders. ions. Many parents and teachers who points out that a qualified sex educa-
More importantly, we should focus on oppose sex education still fear that it tion teacher should possess interdisci-
the institutional challenges behind the will awaken desires in innocent children plinary knowledge encompassing fields
cases – the crux of the Datong sex bully- and teens. including sexuality, anthropology, soci-
ing incident is that Chinese children and These deeply ingrained attitudes hin- ology, anatomy, medicine and psychol-
teens are in desperate need of proper der the development of sex education. ogy. Moreover, an ideal sex education
sex education,” Li stressed. As of June 2021, the concept of “sex teacher should be open-minded, toler-
education” had not been clearly men- ant and willing to discuss sex-related
Absent from Class tioned in any official document issued issues with teens without bias or ste-
While Chinese society no longer by Chinese educational authorities. reotypes. These qualities require pro-
treats sex as a taboo in public discourse For a long time, most schools in Chi- fessional training.
as it did decades ago, conservative and na did not offer a dedicated sex educa- As of 2010, only Chengdu University
outdated views persist when it comes to tion course for students. Instead, related offers a sex education program as part of
sex education for children and teens. topics, particularly those concerning a teaching degree. The number of grad-
In 1987, Wu Jieping, vice chairman puberty, would be scattered through- uates remains relatively small. “Since
of the China Association for Science out courses such as physical education, there are no dedicated positions for sex
and Technology, points out in an essay health, psychology, science, biology, mo- education teachers in primary or junior
that many Chinese adults believe that rality and law. These topics were often high schools in China, training a large
knowledge about sex can be acquired taught by teachers without any specific number of professionals seems point-
naturally without the need for explicit background in sex education. less,” said Yang Rong, a Chinese teacher
education. Moreover, another prevailing The shortage of professional sex ed- at Wenchuan No.1 Primary School in Si-
opinion is that the earlier teens know ucation teachers is another challenge. chuan Province, who has been promot-
about sex, the more likely they are to Gou Ping, a psychology professor at ing sex education for years.
NEWSCHINA I February 2024

On June 1, 2021, China for the first Evolving Values can’t accept the changes themselves. It’s
time included “sex education” in the A study by Beijing Normal University closely related to their own sexual val-
Law on the Protection of Minors. The examined and summarized 82 research ues and morals,” Zhang told NewsChina.
revision explicitly requires kindergar- papers on China’s sex education issued As the public becomes more aware of
tens and schools to provide age-appro- from 2000 and 2019. The study found juvenile sex assault cases, parents and
priate sex education. that most of the existing sex education teachers recognize the importance of
Although a positive step, two years programs in schools focus on physi- sex education. But experts have voiced
have passed with no substantial prog- ological aspects of sex, such as puberty concerns that sex education is be-
ress. “Everyone says the spring of sex development, reproductive health and ing narrowed down to “sexual assault
education has come. But I still can’t feel HIV prevention. Such content fails to prevention.”
the slightest touch of a spring wind,” address contemporary teenagers’ grow- Li Hongyan stressed that solely focus-
Yang Rong told our reporter. ing curiosity and need for knowledge ing on sexual assault prevention may
Tang Kun, an associate professor at about love, healthy relationships, gen- not be effective and could even have
Tsinghua University’s Vanke School of der traits and sexual orientation. adverse effects. Overemphasizing pro-
Public Health, told NewsChina that al- In response to this gap, Zhang tection may mislead minors’ perception
though the law has been enacted, the Yaohua, director of an education charity of sexual behaviors and reduce sex edu-
lack of implementation policies makes organization in Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, cation to “abstinence education.”
it difficult for educational institutions to launched the “Niwo Mates” project in “Teaching children to say ‘no’ to cer-
put the ideas into practice. 2016, which provides sex education tain offensive sexual behaviors is not
“Sex education involves a compre- courses for children and teens aged 6 enough. When a child feels uncomfort-
hensive and complex course system. to 18. The courses have been taught in able about certain acts, it’s still not easy
Generations of Chinese have grown up 3,500 primary and secondary schools to for them to say ‘no.’ It seems easy to ar-
in an environment devoid of sex educa- more than 3.5 million students. ticulate this word, but in fact, to clearly
tion. It’s unrealistic to expect teachers Zhang Yaohua told NewsChina that say ‘no’ is based on one’s clear under-
and parents to fully understand how to today, questions about sexual orienta- standing of self – self-esteem, self-rights
teach kids and teens about sex,” said tion and gender traits concern teenage and self-awareness, and also a clear un-
Tang, who is also co-chair of the World students most, such as “Am I homo- derstanding of boundaries.
Health Organization Advisory Group sexual?” and “Is it normal that I have a If they are being harassed, children
for Adolescent Health Metrics. thing for a same-sex friend?” However, must trust their feelings and never
From Gou Ping’s perspective, if sex many teachers in China consider these doubt or negate themselves. Teaching
education continues to rely solely on questions “abnormal, wrong and some- children to avoid perpetrating certain
the efforts of civil organizations, it will thing not to bother with.” sexual assault behaviors is far from
remain in a pilot stage and scattered Zhang Xiao has also observed this enough,” Li stressed.
among a few schools, unless authorities change. She said that a decade earlier, Hu Zhen explained that although
mandate compulsory classes. most students had very limited knowl- teenagers’ knowledge about sex has ex-
One key problem she encounters edge of sex. They wanted to know how panded, their sexual values and moral-
when promoting sex education in they were born, and girls had questions ity have not improved accordingly. For
schools in Sichuan Province is the in- about menstruation. Today, teenagers’ instance, many teens do not understand
consistent attitudes of school adminis- knowledge of sex has expanded beyond the importance of “respect” when it
trators. A sex education class is likely physiological health, with many already comes to sex.
to be canceled if there is a change in aware of the details of sexual behaviors. “A core value of a healthy sex educa-
principal. She argues that while this phenom- tion is ‘every individual’s body should
“We often say that ‘there would be enon is inevitable as society develops, be respected,’” she said, adding that
no difficulty if the principal doesn’t say it has occurred earlier in China than establishing ethical and unbiased sexual
‘no,’” Gou said, highlighting that after was expected. “Many teachers prefer to values and attitudes is crucial for future
all these years, very few schools have ignore it and gloss over changes in the educators in helping students develop a
consistent sex education programs. students’ attitudes. It’s because they healthy understanding of sex.
NEWSCHINA I February 2024



Career Climax
Renowned as a pioneer of sexology, Pan Suiming talks
with NewsChina about his extensive academic career, his
research on China’s underground sex industry and the
evolving attitudes toward sexuality
By Li Jing

People often fail to realize that Sexual discourse has long been
our sexual lives are heavily in- taboo in China’s public sphere, and
fluenced by socially constructed sexology continues to remain on the
preconceptions. Society quietly fringes of the country’s social sciences.
instills notions of obscenity, ugliness “Perhaps only an unorthodox student
and immorality as we mature. Many who hadn’t received any academic
people’s greatest regret in life is not a training before like me would be crazy
lack of indulgence in lust, but rather enough to study sex. Formally trained
the absence of blissful, carefree and students would never risk their careers
ecstatic sexual experiences.” to set foot in such a field,” Pan told
These words were penned by Pan NewsChina.
Suiming, one of China’s most esteemed He addresses the importance of the
sexologists, in his latest Chinese- study of sex in his latest book, where
language book The Trail of Wind. Pan writes it represents “the conver-
The 73-year-old founder and former gence and interpenetration of various
dean of the Institute of Sexuality and disciplines, offering humans the key
Gender at the Department of Sociol- to unlocking the deepest secrets of
ogy at the Renmin University of China self-knowledge.”
in Beijing has made groundbreaking
contributions to the field: He trail- ‘Brazen-Faced’
blazed the first sex-related courses in Born in 1950 into a family of civil
Chinese colleges during the mid-1980s, servants, Pan Suiming experienced a
surveyed the gay communities of four significant upheaval in his early life. At
major cities in 1992, conducted field 9, his father was politically persecuted
research into the country’s sex indus- during the Anti-Rightist Campaign
try, and carried out four unprecedented (1957-1959) and subjected to unfair
nationwide surveys on people’s chang- treatment. Like many urban teenag-
ing attitudes toward sex over a span of ers during the Cultural Revolution
15 years. (1966-1976), Pan became a “sent-down
In his autobiography The Trail of Wind youth,” assigned to work on a farm
released in September, Pan encapsu- in China’s northeastern province of (Top) The Trail of Wind (2023)
lates his research since the 1980s, and Heilongjiang. (Above) Existence and Absurdity: A Survey of
his recent observations and thoughts. On the farm, the only sex-related China’s Underground Sex Industry (1999)

NEWSCHINA I February 2024

material Pan encountered were local
folk songs with implicit sexual innu-
endos. “That was my first sex course,”
he said.
Despite his rough academic start,
Pan enrolled in Northeast Normal
University in Changchun, Jilin Province
to study ancient and medieval world
history in 1981. The college boasted an
impressive collection of Western and
English-language books, to which Pan
was given access as a post-graduate
student. It was during this time that
he first came across scholarly works on
sexual culture and customs, sparking
his interest in the field.
As a father to an infant, Pan believed
he already had a reasonable under-
standing of sex. However, the texts
he encountered in the early 1980s
drastically altered his perception and
career. One that left a profound impact
Above: Social on him was Sexual Life of Primitive People
Research on
Methods: (1921) by German anthropologist Hans
Quantitative Fehlinger. “Its descriptions of the di-
and Qualitative
Sociological Studies verse range of human sexual behaviors
in Chinese Contexts exceeded my wildest imagination,” he
Left: The Change of Pan began jotting down notes on
Sex: The Sexual Life of
Chinese People in the cards for a secondary research project.
21st Century (2013) These cards, totaling 5,100, became the
foundation for his first book, Mysterious
Fire: Sociological History of Sex (1988).
Unfortunately, the meticulously col-
lected cards, sealed in a plastic bag,
disappeared from his home after a
thief mistook it for a sack of money.
“That might be the first time I taught
someone about sex,” Pan joked.
As Renmin University’s newest his-
tory lecturer in 1985, Pan took on his
first groundbreaking endeavor – intro-
ducing an undergraduate history course
on sex and sexuality. Mindful of avoid-
ing any potential offense, he carefully
chose the course title: “The Develop-
ment of Foreign Sexual Concepts.”
The course stirred up controversy
NEWSCHINA I February 2024


from the outset. Certain faculty mem- him as a mentor. “Many called me their true feelings and inner desires to
bers and school administrators ‘papa.’ Some even called me ‘grand- actively shape their lives and influence
disapproved, and forced Pan to cancel papa,’” he told NewsChina. their surroundings.
it within a month of its launch. Some From 1998 to 2010, Pan and his team “If I hadn’t engaged in communica-
of his earliest students criticized him conducted field research in 23 red-light tion with them for such an extended
as “brazen-faced.” Faced with such districts, conducting interviews with period, I wouldn’t have been able to
opposition, Pan contemplated giving 1,132 sex workers, 239 madams and discover and comprehend the essence
up. However, Li Wenhai, dean of the pimps, and 212 clients. He subse- of ‘subjective constructionism,’” Pan
history department, openly praised the quently published eight influential told NewsChina.
course in front of the entire faculty and books on China’s sex industry, includ- He highlighted the importance for
encouraged Pan to continue. ing Existence and Absurdity: A Survey of researchers in any humanities or social
As the years passed, Pan’s sexology China’s Underground Sex Industry (1999), sciences discipline to first understand
course increased in popularity, and it Subsistence and Experience: Investigation on this subjective agency. “Subjects have
was opened to all students as a general an Underground Red-light District (2000) the capacity to construct their own
course. Pan dedicated nearly two de- and I’m on the Spot: A Field Survey Note on identities and the world around them,”
cades to teaching sex and sexuality at Sex Sociology (2017). Pan said.
the university. “The students who have Through this decade-spanning re-
taken my course already outnumber the search, Pan formulated conclusions that ‘Historic Opportunity’
disciples of Confucius,” Pan wrote in challenge public stereotypes about sex Pan said that he was fortunate to
The Trail of Wind. workers. In his classes, he often asked catch “a historic opportunity.” China’s
his students: “What is the biggest risk transition from a planned economy
‘Many Called Me Papa’ [for a male researcher] conducting during the reform and opening-up pol-
Pan’s second achievement was even field research in red-light districts?” icy, which launched in 1978, brought
more daring. In 1997, he embarked on Common responses included concerns about significant social changes.
extensive field research on the under- of being blackmailed, scammed or even Over the four decades since then,
ground sex industry in South China’s seduced. Only once did a young male China witnessed significant shifts in
Guangdong Province. He visited beauty student provide the answer he was values regarding sex, love and marriage.
salons, karaoke bars, bathhouses and looking for – the greatest danger is that However, few could accurately express
massage parlors, where he engaged in “the sex workers will very likely fall in to what extent. Most are limited to
deep conversations with sex workers love with you.” speculation based on their personal
over the course of several months. Pan told NewsChina that most sex experiences, observations of others,
To fully grasp their reality, Pan workers are never treated as equals and the internet.
emphasized the importance of natural by men, let alone respected. In many Pan and his team conducted
conversations rather than simply asking instances, they would shed tears simply quantitative surveys on the changes
questions. “You couldn’t pretend to be from having a decent conversation with in Chinese people’s sexual values and
a customer. That would be meaning- an understanding researcher free from behaviors from 2000 to 2015, offering
less, because if you did, all you would bias. “In their world, even their fathers concrete statistics to further shed light
get were professional performances,” or brothers never treat them as equals on these issues.
Pan said. like this,” Pan said. Pan and his research team at Renmin
Pan discovered that these women, In 2007, Pan introduced the theory of University completed four random
who led monotonous lives within a “subjective constructionism” based on sampling surveys in 2000, 2006, 2010
confined world, were primarily con- his extensive research on sex work- and 2015. For better historical com-
cerned with whether a person would ers and the country’s sex industry. parison, the surveys used the same
harm them or not. Initially uninterest- Previous studies had often treated sampling method, questionnaire and
ed in his research or its purpose, they sex workers as objects to be observed locations. Each survey interviewed
gradually opened up to Pan, sharing by researchers rather than dynamic 5,000 respondents aged 18 to 61 from
stories about their relationships, family, individuals who actively construct their 25 provinces and municipalities, with
children and their innermost thoughts own lives and environments. Pan em- an equal distribution of males and
and feelings. phasized that they possess their own females. In total, the four surveys
Due to the age gap, they regarded voice and agency to freely speak about contained 23,147 samples.
NEWSCHINA I February 2024

The results yielded interesting find- Some critics argue that Pan’s studies issues of sex in an excessively secu-
ings. In 2000, 23 percent of married lack explanations for the observed lar and private way. […] The Taoist
men admitted to having extramarital trends, describing the “what” without philosophy of yin (femininity) and yang
affairs, a number that significantly providing the “why.” Others have (masculinity) is overly general and
increased to nearly 60 percent in 2015. criticized his work for lacking “meta- vague, and cannot influence people’s
Similarly, the percentage of married physical reflection.” specific opinions and values on sex.
women engaging in extramarital affairs Pan acknowledges his drawbacks and To better understand sex, it is of
rose from less than 10 percent in 2000 limitations as a scholar. “My academic great necessity to have a ‘philosophy
to 33 percent in 2015. training was inconsistent. I didn’t do of sex.’ But since I am not inclined
Additionally, Pan’s statistics show an undergrad degree. I was a middle toward philosophical thinking, I hope
a growing trend among young Chi- school graduate who went directly to the younger generations will further de-
velop these aspects of sexual studies,”
Pan told NewsChina.
Despite the concerns over falling
birth rates in China, sex sociol-
ogy generally remains a marginalized
discipline. Pan has yet to receive any
academic prizes or social honors. “Even
within Chinese sociology, studying
sex is considered interesting but not
important,” Pan said.
In 2012, Pan faced penalties for alleg-
edly “swindling State scientific funds”
for failing to provide formal invoices for
payments made during interviews with
sex workers. He was eventually de-
moted and forced to retire early. Some
sympathized with Pan, explaining that
it is almost impossible for researchers
who interview sex workers to obtain
formal invoices, as the transactions
Pan Suiming are typically conducted informally to
protect the workers’ anonymity. Pan
retired from his position as dean of the
Institute of Sexuality and Gender in
nese who choose to remain single or a post-graduate history program. After Pan has largely withdrawn from the
embrace a celibate lifestyle. In 2000, that, I didn’t pursue a doctorate.” intellectual community and rarely gives
among the interviewed group aged He admits to not reading the work of public lectures. But he continues to ob-
27-35, only 2.5 percent of men and 0.7 Sigmund Freud until his post-graduate serve and study the evolving landscape
percent of women reported never hav- studies, and his disinterest in Freudian of sex in Chinese society, documenting
ing engaged in sexual activity. In 2015, theories like the Oedipus complex or his new observations and thoughts in
the number increased to nearly 12 the Jungian Electra complex. his latest book.
percent of men, five times the figure in “I always felt the Freud complexes “The Trail of Wind, as the title sug-
2000. Similarly, the number of celibate were so pretentious,” Pan said. gests, is a fleeting gust of wind from a
women increased 14-fold, with nearly According to Pan, Han Chinese past era. I have documented the traces
10 percent reporting no sexual experi- culture lacks a written “philosophy of left by that fleeting wind to prove its
ence. Pan speculated that if a similar sex,” something he hopes later genera- existence. As for the present and the
survey were conducted in 2020, these tions can achieve. future, I have no words to offer,” Pan
numbers would double those of 2015. “Han culture has dealt with the said.
NEWSCHINA I February 2024



Sharing the Past

Chinese archaeologists, along with their Central Asian counterparts, are
exploring the Silk Road to unlock some of the greatest mysteries of ancient
migrations and kingdoms
By Ni Wei and Wang Yan

An excavation site of the ancient city of

Akhsikent, Fergana Valley, Uzbekistan,
September 2023 (Photo by Ni Wei)

steemed archaeologists Pro- Northwest University in Xi’an, Shaanxi Fergana in the state of Davan, and a
fessor Bakyt Amanbayeva Province, also numbered among the major settlement along the Silk Road.
from Kyrgyzstan and Profes- group. He said that joint investigations The pride of Davan was thoroughbred
sor Ahmadali Askarovich and academic exchanges conducted in horses, famed throughout Central Asia.
Askarov from Uzbekistan have known Fergana among the four countries pro- Two of China’s most important histori-
each other since the 1980s, when vided a welcome opportunity to reunite cal figures, Han Dynasty (203 BCE-220
both were citizens of the former So- these old friends from Central Asia. CE) explorer Zhang Qian, who died in
viet Union. Thanks to an archaeological When the team arrived at the heri- 114 BCE, and Tang Dynasty (618-907)
expedition held in late September in tage site of the city of Akhsikent, also monk and scholar Xuanzang (602-664)
Fergana, Uzbekistan in 2023, in which in Fergana, Uzbekistan, Professor Bakyt visited the valley. The abundance of ar-
researchers from Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Amanbayeva spied her old classmate chaeological sites attracts archaeologists
Kyrgyzstan and China participated, the from the former Institute of Archaeol- from all over the world.
two old friends were able to hold their ogy of the Soviet Academy of Sciences Today, despite the barriers caused by
customary animated discussions about Anarbaev Abdulhamid, lead archae- modern national borders, international
recent findings in Central Asia. ologist at the Akhsikent site. The two archaeologists are collaborating to un-
On the afternoon of September 24, greeted each other with a big hug. “We cover the rich archaeological past of
2023, the pair and their old friend, can’t meet often, but we keep in touch Central Asia.
archaeologist Isomiddinov Muham- regularly,” Amanbayeva said.
madjon from Uzbekistan, sat beneath a The Fergana Valley, in the border re- Rich Findings
poplar tree in the Fergana countryside gions where eastern Uzbekistan, north- The many modern boundary disputes
to reminisce. They told NewsChina they ern Tajikistan and southwestern Kyr- between Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and
had been unable to meet for a long gyzstan meet, is today one of the most Kyrgyzstan resulted in enclaves and
time, due to closed borders between the densely populated regions in Central boundary villages which exacerbated
two countries. Professor Wang Jianxin, Asia. The ancient city of Akhsikent dates jurisdiction challenges and caused long-
chief scientist of the Silk Road Archaeo- back to the second century BCE and term conflicts. Squabbles over natural
logical Cooperation Research Center at was one of the largest cities of ancient resources caused 32 border conflicts
NEWSCHINA I February 2024

between Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan in Chinese archaeologists have been Yuezhi come in the Records of the Grand
2014 alone. working with their Uzbek counterparts Historian by Han historian Sima Qian,
In 2011, a team of researchers led by at Mingtepa since 2012. Major discover- written around the late 2nd century
China’s Northwest University planned ies include the foundations of the outer BCE, and the Book of Han, finished in the
to investigate sites in Uzbekistan and city walls and the remains of the in- year 111. The accounts place the Yuezhi
Tajikistan, but found there was no cross- ner city’s road system and workshops. around the Hexi Corridor, in today’s
border transportation between the two. The entrance is flanked by two huge northwestern Gansu Province.
It was not until 2018 that the three mounds with a gap in the middle. Ac- In the 2nd century BCE, the Yuezhi
neighbors opened their borders and cording to Liu Tao, associate researcher were attacked and defeated by a no-
granted visa-free access for their citi- of the Institute of Archaeology, Chinese madic tribe called the Xiongnu, living
zens. That year, academic cooperation Academy of Social Sciences, it was the in what is roughly Mongolia today, and
started to flourish. Northwest Univer- fortification’s west gate. considered to be the forebears of the
sity had by then established bilateral ar- The Mingtepa site spreads over 270 Mongolian people. Initially the stronger
chaeological cooperation with all three hectares, four times the area of the group, in 176 BCE the Yuezhi suffered
countries. Professor Wang invited ar- Forbidden City in Beijing. Previously a huge defeat at the hands of the Xion-
chaeologists from all three countries to thought to have been just a garrison, it gnu. The survivors split into two groups
Xi’an in a bid to increase international was discovered that it was also a city, the and set off on a westward migration.
communication. largest in the Fergana Valley at the time. The larger group – the Greater Yuezhi
As an ice-breaking gathering, it al- Some scholars speculate that Ming- – went to Central Asia, and the Lesser
lowed researchers from the four coun- tepa might be the famous Ershi, capital Yuezhi trekked southwest to the edge of
tries to discuss opportunities for re- of the ancient state of Davan, where the the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Their arrival
search, and they decided on the Fergana Fergana horses were bred. However, in all areas displaced existing tribes,
Valley as first step. Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan especially in Central Asia, and changed
In 2019, Professor Bakyt Amanbayeva have all claimed they are home to an- the course of history.
from Kyrgyzstan coordinated a joint cient Ershi. In 138 BCE, the seventh Han Em-
research expedition between the four “The academic circle has yet to reach peror Wudi (156 BCE–86 BCE) dis-
countries to survey Osh State in the Fer- a consensus on where Ershi really patched envoy Zhang Qian to search for
gana Valley in Kyrgyzstan. There was a was. Unless we can sit down together the Greater Yuezhi in the west, hoping
second multilateral research expedition to discuss it, we can only talk from a to unite with them against the Xion-
program in September 2023, as well as a single perspective,” Wang Jianxin told gnu. Returning to the Han capital of
two-day forum at Fergana State Univer- NewsChina. Chang An (now Xi’an) in 126 BCE, he
sity in Fergana, Uzbekistan. During the recent joint field trip, de- reported that the Yuezhi were no longer
The ancient Fergana Valley was a cen- spite scholars from different countries interested in fighting the Xiongnu. Yet,
ter of silk production. Archaeologists speaking different languages, as the his mission was not a failure. He went
have unearthed rich findings, including reporter observed, they all diligently as far as Bactria, which had been part
Han Dynasty bronze coins and mirrors discussed even trivial details of findings of the ancient Persian empire, located
and silk, proof of the close connections with the help of translators. in northern Afghanistan and southern
between tribes in Central Asia and Han Uzbekistan. He brought back informa-
peoples. International Digs tion on the new lands, and the impact of
On September 26, 2023, archaeolo- Wang, 70, first visited Central Asia his trip echoed down the ages, initiating
gists from the four countries arrived at over a decade ago, just as a tourist. At the emergence and formation of the Silk
the ancient settlement of Mingtepa, that time, no Chinese archeological Road from China to the Mediterranean
some 30 kilometers from the city of team had ever conducted an interna- region.
Andijan in Uzbekistan. The 2,000-year- tional dig. In the years since, he has The Greater Yuezhi settled in Central
old fortress is surrounded by farmlands. visited most of the major sites in the re- Asia and regained their strength, dis-
Villagers and a large herd of black goats gion, in pursuit of his passion – proof of placing already settled tribes. They con-
passed by, stirring up a dust cloud. The the fate of a loose nomadic tribe known tinued to communicate with the Han.
government has fenced off the main as the Yuezhi, who lived in northwest While 17 bamboo slips excavated in the
area of the site and designated it as a China in the first millennium BCE. 1990s from the Xuanquanzhi Ruins, an
cultural preservation site. The first recorded mentions of the ancient posthouse in Gansu Province,
NEWSCHINA I February 2024


mentioned the Greater Yuezhi, not

much hard evidence of them or the
route of the Greater Yuezhi Westward
Migration has ever been found.
Serious research on the Greater
Yuezhi in Central Asia only began in
earnest in the last 50 years, at first by
researchers from Europe, the US and
Japan. Wang Jianxin, who first heard
about the Yuezhi from visiting Japanese
archaeologist Takayasu Higuchi in 1991,
has made it his life’s work to uncover
the mystery, first by tracing their route
in western China, then expanding the
search to Central Asia.
The Tianshan Mountains cross the
Eurasian continent, spanning China,
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan
from east to west. More than two-thirds
are in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous
Region, the Eastern Tianshan, with
the Western Tianshan range extending
across Central Asian countries. Top: The site of the west gate of the ancient city of Mingtepa in Uzbekistan discovered by a joint Sino-
In the 2000s, Wang concentrated on Uzbek archaeology team in 2012 (Photo by Ni Wei)
investigating western China, pioneering Above: Archaeologist Professor Bakyt Amanbayeva debates with his friend Professor Ahmadali
research into ancient nomadic tribes, Askarovich Askarov at Fargona Davlat University, Uzbekistan, September 2023 (Photo by Ni Wei)
and discovering hundreds of settlement
sites, upending the notion that nomadic
tribes were always on the move.
After the China-led Belt and Road sites believed to belong to the nomadic unearthing a human bone. It belonged
Initiative kicked off in 2013, with an Kangju tribe, regarded as the second- to an ancient tomb. They had found the
announcement by Chinese President Xi most important after the Yuezhi. The Rabat site in Boysun city, Uzbekistan.
Jinping in Kazakhstan, funding for inter- discovery, which was a sensation among The Rabat site is located in the north-
national digs became available to Wang. international researchers, allowed ar- ern Bactria area between Uzbekistan
By the end of 2013, Wang was cooper- chaeologists to shift the area of research and Tajikistan, and the Greater Yuezhi
ating with the Institute of Archaeology to the south as the Kangju were thought were the dominant tribe there. The
at Uzbekistan’s Academy of Sciences to have lived north of the Yuezhi. lands were formerly the Greco-Bactria
and had established a joint Sino-Uzbek At the end of 2016, the Central Asian Kingdom after Alexander the Great con-
team to investigate sites in the Western Archaeological Team were researching quered it in 329 BCE.
Tianshan. the Surkhan Darya area, the most south- Due to the work conducted by the
In 2015, his team finally found an erly part of Uzbekistan. On the last day, Central Asian archaeological team, the
ancient site they concluded belonged to Liang Yun, the excavation leader and a ancient Central Asian territories that
the Kangju some 20 kilometers south- professor at Northwest University, no- Zhang Qian visited were found and con-
west of Samarkand in Uzbekistan. There ticed a gray ashy soil layer in the river- firmed. Apart from these archaeological
they found six tombs and inhabited bed. Using his trowel, he sifted the soil, achievements, Chinese archaeologists
NEWSCHINA I February 2024

example, Chinese archaeologists attach during the joint archaeological program
great importance to the strata, and they is to respect the historical and cultural
identified nine cultural layers at the heritage of the country in which we con-
Rahat site. Stratigraphy, a commonly duct research,” Wang said. “Our work
adopted method in Chinese archaeol- must be based on the source country
ogy, has played an important role at itself, and our purpose is to fulfill aca-
Rahat so far,” Railovna said. demic studies based on sharing rather
While Central Asia has an abundance than robbing or disputing.”
of archaeological resources, researchers Amanbayeva said Chinese archae-
are in short supply. According to Aman- ologists are diligent and professional.
bayeva, there are only 20 archaeologists “Working with our Chinese counter-
Mukhtarova Gulmira Railovna, director of the in Kyrgyzstan, and only in the capital parts is very simple, and they get to the
Issyk State Historical and Cultural Reserve- city of Bishkek can one major in archae- heart of what we care about. We build
Museum of Kazakhstan, stands in front of the
reconstructed Issyk Golden Statue discovered ology at university. This is why so much up friendly relationships quickly,” she
at an ancient tomb in Kazakhstan in 1970 research has been conducted by foreign said.
(Photo by Ni Wei)
archaeologists. France, Britain, Japan, Over the past 10 years, China has
South Korea, Russia and more have conducted exchanges and cooperation
sent teams. In the Soviet Union period, with countries along the Belt and Road
archaeology in Central Asia was domi- routes in the field of cultural relics, car-
nated by institutions from Moscow. ried out 44 joint archaeological projects
have set up cooperative ties with their Amanbayeva said Russia’s interest with 24 countries including Uzbekistan,
counterparts in Central Asian countries. in Central Asian archaeology has dwin- Kazakhstan and the United Arab Emir-
The building up of mutual trust be- dled. “We used to have close contact ates, and 11 protection and restoration
tween and among the various sides in with Russian archaeologists, but then of historic sites projects in six countries,
Central Asia promote joint archaeologi- suddenly the contact stopped since they including Uzbekistan and Cambodia.
cal efforts in a wider platform. could not get funding. Instead, funding Since 2023, Wang’s team has started
and projects from our country have in- seeking archaeological cooperation with
What to Leave Behind creased significantly,” she said. While Turkmenistan and Iran, and he expects
According to Mukhtarova Gulmira cooperating with excavations in Central they can proceed with excavations in the
Railovna, director of the Issyk State His- Asia, China is supporting the training of two countries in 2024. Cooperation ar-
torical and Cultural Reserve-Museum archaeologists. eas and projects with Iran will focus on
of Kazakhstan, an archaeological coop- Yusufov Bakhodir, 35, from Uzbeki- the Silk Road heritage and archaeology
eration project between Kazakhstan and stan, is now a PhD candidate in archae- in northeast Iran, in a program initially
China has been going on at an excavation ology at Northwestern University in lasting three years. “We are also observ-
site called Rahat at the northern foot of Xi’an. According to Wang Jianxin, Chi- ing the security situation in Afghani-
the Tianshan Mountains in Kazakhstan na’s archaeological cooperation is not stan, which is in the Bactria region,”
for seven years. Relics from the ancient about what to take away, but what to Wang said.
site along the Silk Road date back from leave behind. “From the second half of The exploration of the Greater Yuezhi
2,400 to 1,400 years ago. “When the the 19th century to the first half of the continues. In summer 2023, Wang car-
Chinese archaeologists find something, 20th century, China suffered looting by ried out research in Mongolia. In Yiwu,
they say in Russian, ‘stone, stone!’ We foreign countries. Many other countries Xinjiang, an archaeological team from
can speak some simple Chinese too,” in Central Asia had similar experiences. Northwest University found a large
Railovna said, emphasizing that what is When these countries work together in Yuezhi tomb, which Wang believes
important is mutual reference of work- archaeological research, we will never could be the first tomb of a Yuezhi ruler
ing methods and perspectives. “For forget the history. Our primary principle ever to be discovered.
NEWSCHINA I February 2024



Fight for Recognition

Martial arts expert Anthony Goh on how competitive wushu can expand its
reach to a wider global audience and gain Olympic recognition
By Yu Ruidong

hinese wushu – better News Service (CNS) just ahead of the Olympics alongside baseball, skate-
known as kung fu – has long 16th World Wushu Championships held boarding and surfing. According to the
captured the imagination of from November 16-20 in Fort Worth, IWUF, around 600 athletes from 52
the West, from Bruce Lee Texas, Anthony Goh, vice president of countries and regions competed for 40
and Shaolin monks to Kung Fu Panda and the International Wushu Federation gold medals at the Fort Worth champi-
the genre of martial arts fantasy novels (IWUF), shared his insights on how to onship. The Chinese mainland ranked
known as wuxia. transform wushu from being a cultural first with 15 medals, followed by Viet-
Despite its immense popularity, icon into a popular sport embraced by a nam and China’s Macao, both with 11
wushu has yet to become a widespread larger global community. medals. The US team secured nine med-
international sport – or is widely under- The biennial World Wushu Cham- als, ranking 16.
stood as a martial art. In its competitive pionships is hosted by the IWUF, and A practitioner of wushu since child-
form, wushu integrates various forms of the 16th edition was organized by the hood, Goh is chairman of 16th WWC
traditional and modern Chinese martial United States of America Wushu-Kung- Organizing Committee and president
arts, including Shaolin kung fu and tai fu Federation (USAWKF). The last time of USAWKF Board of Directors. “The
chi, as well as lesser-known disciplines it was held in the US was 1995 in Balti- United States has the greatest number
such as the southern Chinese style of more, Maryland. of wushu talents outside of China, and
hung gar. Wushu is among the four new sports as a life-long practice to promote health,
In an exclusive interview with China included in the 2026 Dakar Youth one needs no language skill to learn
NEWSCHINA I February 2024

it,” said Goh at a virtual press brief- immigration – the general skill level is Chinese wushu so alluring?
ing in early November, the China Daily higher in countries with large Chinese Goh: Wushu itself is both aggres-
reported. communities. sive and expressive, which are parts of
In the 1980s and 1990s, many wushu human nature. But wushu training can
CNS: During your extensive ten- practitioners in Europe and the US came bring out this nature in a disciplined
ure in promoting wushu since the first from Hong Kong and Southeast Asia. way, making it an attractive expression
World Wushu Championships in 1991, Later, more professional wushu athletes of strength and beauty.
how has wushu progressed and devel- and experienced coaches came to North I personally prefer the term “mar-
oped internationally? America and other places. As some of tial art” for Chinese wushu, because
Goh: When we first organized a them were former wushu champions it is highly artistic. There are different
wushu schools, but as a system they
make the most of human biomechanics
and generate an overall power through
sophisticated movements, which is
a pretty good art. This is how wushu
works, whether it is tai chi (which looks
relaxed and slow) or hung gar (which
features powerful and fast moves).
What is so good about this? Young
people can practice kicking, punching,
grappling, and take part in fighting com-
petitions or other events. But few West-
ern martial arts are like Chinese wushu,
where one can practice from a young
age all the way up to 80 or 90 years old.
Many hung gar masters live really long
lives. I think it fits what is required for
health in several ways. First, it is a full-
Left: A wushu demonstration at the opening ceremony of the 16th World Wushu Championships, body aerobic exercise. Second, it helps
Fort Worth, Texas, US, November 16, 2023 (Photo by VCG) train practitioners’ muscles in their
Center: A father and son visit the Wong Fei-hung Memorial Hall, Foshan, Guangdong Province, upper bodies and legs. Some Chinese
November 4, 2023. Wong Fei-hung (1847-1925) was a famous kung fu practitioner (Photo by VCG) wushu styles are very good for one’s
Right: Chen Sitan, winner of the 2nd World Wushu Championships in 1993, performs tai chi in Times health, and thus worth wider promo-
Square, New York City, December 17, 2021 to mark the anniversary of the inclusion of tai chi in the tion. Certain Chinese wushu styles are
UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity (Photo by VCG)
highly beneficial for overall well-being
and health. Therefore, it is worthy of
wushu competition in Houston around who retired before they went abroad, wider adoption and recognition.
1986, there were about 150 participants, this created major changes in the over-
which was a big deal in the wushu com- seas wushu community. These people CNS: What should be the primary
munity. In the 1990s, our competitions played a key role in promoting com- focus in wushu’s overseas promotion
were already attracting thousands of petitive wushu. Even today, the best and further globalization?
participants. That’s a big change. wushu coaches overseas are still largely Goh: The focus should revolve
I have attended every world champi- first-generation Chinese immigrants. around making it more accessible and
onship. When the first competition was Wushu’s attractiveness and competi- easier to understand and learn. While
held in 1991, the IWUF had only 38 tiveness make it something locals are wushu has unique characteristics and
member associations. Now it has mem- willing to work on. can be challenging, we can’t keep mak-
ber associations from 158 countries and ing it excessively complex. Straying
regions. CNS: Many non-Chinese athletes too far from its essence, characteristics
Wushu’s development overseas I've encountered are strongly pas- and traditions may hinder its growth.
has been closely tied to Chinese sionate about wushu. What makes The International Olympic Committee
NEWSCHINA I February 2024


(IOC) values sports for everyone, and “What is the difference between wushu
traditional wushu is a very good exam- and kung fu?” We told her wushu is
ple. Therefore, when promoting com- kung fu. The fact that an influential
petitive wushu, we should also consider person like her had limited knowledge
accessibility. There should be a balance. of wushu back then highlighted the lim-
If competitive wushu were to make ited awareness of wushu in many coun-
its way into the Olympics, it needs to tries at the time. One of the factors pro-
become more visually appealing, show- fessional organizations like the IOC take
casing its gracefulness and difficulty. into consideration when valuing a sport
Compared with 30 years ago, wushu is the influence of sponsors. Currently,
competitions require more challenging the IWUF’s sponsors are primarily from
movements. Many of these new move- China. The IOC definitely considers the
ments involve spinning the body. This is assets and liabilities wushu brings. So
particularly challenging for non-Chinese we still have a long way to go.
practitioners. It takes a lot of time for But in my opinion, we should not
them to get on par with Chinese ath- regard an official Olympic inclusion as
letes. This makes promoting wushu the sole or ultimate path for its devel-
Anthony Goh, vice president of the International
more challenging. Wushu Federation, at the fourth Pan America opment. We can make wushu a healthy
The scoring system in competitive Traditional Wushu Championships, Toronto, Canada, and meaningful sport with broad public
August 5, 2023 (Photo by VCG)
wushu should also be simpler, which participation. In a bid to help wushu
helps prevent cheating and gives prac- find its way into the Olympics, we
titioners and coaches clearer direction. should work to include it in more com-
prehensive sports events, such as the
CNS: Efforts to promote wushu which affects its promotion, commercial World University Games and the World
as an official Olympic sport have been value and popularization. Games, thus increasing its influence
going on for many years. What are the While traditional wushu has achieved and reach.
major challenges? widespread popularity, competitive
Goh: According to current IOC rules, wushu still has a long way to go. After CNS: What role do you think over-
the Summer Olympic program cannot all, it has only been promoted for the seas Chinese can play in the promotion
exceed 28 major sports. Introducing a past 30 years or so. Competitive wushu of wushu?
new sport means removing an existing needs a comprehensive competition Goh: Overseas Chinese can support
one, which requires a two-thirds major- system encompassing rules, rating the sport by encouraging their children
ity vote at an IOC Session, making it rules, venues and facilities. Currently, to learn wushu, which helps to promote
extremely difficult. not every country and region has the it, or volunteering at wushu events.
On the other hand, the IOC does capability to host a wushu event. Com- However, we should not support any
allow the host country’s organizing petitive wushu is not well developed in unethical practices in traditional wushu.
committee to include specialty sports. every country. It is not like traditional We should support its development
For example, the Paris Olympics will wushu, where a single coach can go and into a healthy, scientific and educational
feature breakdancing due to its popu- do all the promotion. sport. Overseas wushu organizations
larity among young people. Although As a representative of the IWUF, I should prioritize professionalism, open-
wushu is popular, it has yet to become have made several presentations to the ness and transparency, and operate in
mainstream. IOC for the inclusion of wushu in the compliance with local laws, regulations
There are still certain issues for Olympics. The most memorable expe- and social customs.
wushu to overcome to go mainstream rience was the one in St. Petersburg,
and become an official Olympic sport. Russia in 2013, when I was making This article was originally published by
One challenge that needs to be ad- a presentation to the IOC Executive W.E. TALK, a China News Service produc-
dressed is enhancing its visual appeal, Committee, and a board member asked, tion. Reprinted with permission from CNS
NEWSCHINA I February 2024



Amazing Graze
A masterpiece created nearly a millennium ago holds the distinction of being the
inaugural piece to undergo expert appraisal following the reestablishment of the
Chinese Ancient Art Appraisal Group
By Song Yimin

n August 31, 2023, painting from the Northern
the Chinese Ancient Song Dynasty (960-1127) titled
Art Appraisal Group Jiangshan Fangmu Tu, or Grazing by
achieved a signifi- the River.
cant milestone by celebrating
the 40th anniversary since it Landscape Masterpiece
was reestablished. The group, The painting, created by Qi
composed of seven distinguished Xu, portrays a picturesque
experts from diverse disciplines, waterside scene showing 16
began its journey in 1983. plowing buffalos. The artwork
In the eight years from 1983 captures a range of activities:
to 1991, the Group traversed some buffalos carry herders as
thousands of miles to evaluate they approach the shore and
more than 80,000 ancient Chi- drink by the water’s edge, while
nese paintings and calligraphy others bathe or engage in playful
pieces. Their dedicated efforts fights as calves chase their moth-
culminated in the creation of the ers. The depictions are diverse,
Catalog of Ancient Chinese Paintings vivid and captivating.
and Calligraphy, a comprehensive The herders have their own
compilation that now serves as a variety and charm, with some
valuable resource on the multi- singing and others playing the
tude of ancient Chinese artworks flute. In the distance, farmers
within the Chinese mainland. are engrossed in work while
In 1983, the National Cultural others take a break with a game
Heritage Administration rein- of chess.
A portion of the painting Grazing by the River by Qi Xu, Northern
stated the work of the Group, Song Dynasty (960-1127) (Photo by VCG) On the left side of the paint-
which had been interrupted for ing, there is a small bridge and
over a decade, mainly due to the thatched cottages surrounded
Cultural Revolution (1966- by lush trees. On the right, the
1976). This interim saw many lake water is clear, trees flourish,
archaeological discoveries, as well as consensus regarding the authenticity, and the mountains rise. The composi-
significant donations and acquisitions, dating and appraisal of ancient paint- tion of the image is bright, orderly,
enrich museum collections across the ings and calligraphy posed challenges. lively and well-arranged. In the upper
country. However, the lack of a unified Their first task was to appraise a right corner, an inscription by Emperor
NEWSCHINA I February 2024


Wuniu Tu or Five Oxen by Tang Dynasty (618-907) painter Han Huang (Photo by VCG)

Zhangzong of the Jin (1115-1234, a depicting animal fur is evident. 1,000 paintings and calligraphy pieces
regime of the Jurchen people), Wanyan Considering inscriptions and were removed from the palace, though
Jing, reads: “Qi Xu’s Grazing by the colophons, when their transmission is records vary as to the exact number.
River.” This inscription serves as the well-documented, they can generally be Removing the artifacts had its
basis for identifying the work. identified as genuine. In this painting, advantages. The palace was prone to
This painting employs a distant com- the buffalos are depicted drinking with theft and fire, often perpetuated by its
position heavily influenced by Northern lowered heads, raising their heads to resident eunuchs, resulting in the loss
Song artist Guo Xi, and masterfully gaze, twisting their bodies, and walking of many calligraphy pieces and paint-
combines elements of genre painting, sideways – indications of exquisite ings. Those taken out by Pu Yi were
which depicts everyday life through brushwork and precise modeling. fortunate to have survived.
ordinary people engaged in common The painting was authenticated in After leaving the Forbidden City, Pu
activities, and small landscape art. 1983 by experts from the appraisal Yi moved to Tianjin and later became
During the Song Dynasty (960- group based on its artistic technique, the puppet emperor of the Japanese-
1279), renowned painting critic Guo level of execution, and its historical controlled Manchukuo in Changchun,
Ruoxu praised Qi Xu in his work Tuhua transmission. It is the sole surviving Northeast China’s Jilin Province. He
Jianwen Lu, or Records of Observations treasure attributed to Qi Xu. relied on these artworks to maintain
on Paintings, stating that “he excelled his dignity and lifestyle.
in water buffalos and bull paintings, Changing Ownership In 1945, at the end of World War II,
particularly in fine paintings of flowers, Most of China’s ancient paintings Pu Yi left most of the artworks in his
bamboo and birds. were stored in the Forbidden City regime’s palace, known as the Xiaobail-
His ingenious compositions oc- (now the Palace Museum). During the ou (Small White Building), and escaped
casionally exhibit the residual style of Republic of China era (1911-1949), with only a small portion. Today, it is
Dai Song.” Dai Song, a Tang Dynasty the last Qing emperor Pu Yi resided in known as the Palace Museum of the
(618-907) painter, was well-known the palace for over a decade and had Manchurian Regime in Changchun.
for his depictions of buffalos. In the the right to use its contents, including The most valuable part of these
Song Dynasty, three prominent artists paintings and calligraphy. artworks, numbering over 260 pieces,
specialized in painting buffalos. Qi Xu However, he did not have ownership were said to have been carried out by
was one of them. of them, nor did the government provide Pu Yi himself. He intended to take
Buffalos hold significant symbolic timely support for the preservation of them to Shenyang, Liaoning Province
meaning in the agricultural civilization cultural artifacts in the Forbidden City. and escape to Japan by plane.
in the Central Plains, a major cradle of Pu Yi’s advisors devised a plan to However, Soviet Red Army troops
Chinese civilization centered around bestow these precious cultural artifacts occupied Shenyang airport just as
today’s Henan Province, and the afflu- to his younger brother, Pu Jie. Paint- the plane was about to take off. Pu Yi
ent areas south of the Yangtze River ings and calligraphy were chosen as and his associates were arrested, and
collectively known as Jiangnan. they were valuable, easily portable, the artworks were confiscated. They
Qi Xu excelled in painting buf- and inconspicuous compared to other remained in China and were eventually
falos and cats, where his mastery of items like gold, silver and jewelry. Over handed over to the Northeast Museum,
NEWSCHINA I February 2024

known today as the Liaoning Provincial left in Changchun. In the rush, dozens Her donation coincided with the
Museum. of crates containing calligraphy and resumption of work by the Chinese
As a result, ancient calligraphy and paintings were abandoned in the pal- Ancient Art Appraisal Group, making
paintings from the Qing Dynasty ace of the Manchurian Regime. Pu Yi’s Grazing by the River the first painting
(1644-1911) can be found in three guards seized some of them, and many among the 80,000 artworks the Group
main collections: the Palace Museum were later sold in markets in northeast examined.
in Beijing, the Palace Museum in China and Beijing. Some ended up in Grazing by the River was unanimously
Taipei (transferred by the Nationalist the hands of Nationalist Party officials. recognized as the only surviving
government to Taiwan), and the Liaon- Qi Xu’s Grazing by the River was treasure of Qi Xu. According to the
ing Provincial Museum in Shenyang. among the works that remained in Xuanhe Catalogue of Paintings, a treatise
Some paintings and calligraphy that Changchun. It was acquired by Zhou on painting written during the Song
initially were in the Liaoning Provincial Juemin, commander of the Nationalist Dynasty (960-1279), Qi Xu produced
Museum have since been transferred 25th Army Group. After the founding 44 works.
to the Palace Museum in Beijing, of the People’s Republic of China in For more than a century this artwork
including the famous Northern Song 1949, Zhou’s name was included on witnessed the turbulent changes in the
painting Qingming Shanghe Tu, or Along the list of war criminals. nation’s history. It is now considered
the River During the Qingming Festival, by In 1983, Zhou’s wife, Li Qianyu, among China’s national treasures and
Zhang Zeduan. donated the painting to the Palace Mu- is prohibited from leaving the country.
The artworks that Pu Yi took to seum in Beijing – ultimately returning On display to the public, its brilliant
Shenyang were few compared to those it to where it came from. radiance shines once again.

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of NewsChina’s Podcast The Context.
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NEWSCHINA I February 2024

Leshan Giant Buddha is 71
meters tall. Its ears are 7
meters long (Photo by VCG)

Leshan and Dazu

Giants of the Past

The ancient statues of southwestern China are an authentic reminder of the
pinnacle of Buddhist rock carving
By Michael Jones

odern China has an eye- the elements. However, for visitors After seeing the statue from the
watering number of fascinating who love Buddhist statues, the most river, it is well worth taking the gentle
religious sites for pilgrims, important and interesting sites to see hike to see the statue up close and
tourists, and locals to enjoy. are those that have been inscribed by personal. The incredible artwork,
Moreover, for those who love religious statues, UNESCO on the World Heritage List. and the ingenious use of wood and
China is home to a shocking number of the The first, and most famous attrac- clay for certain features, reveals the
world’s tallest and largest Buddhist statues. tion for those that take an interest engineering and artistic mastery of
However, despite their genuine beauty, many in Buddhist history is the Leshan the craftspeople who worked for
of those statues are modern in nature and Giant Buddha. This UNESCO world decades to complete this masterpiece.
construction. Even the locations that pertain heritage site was carved into the Leshan Giant Buddha should not be
to a historic legacy have almost all been rebuilt hillside overlooking the confluence missed and is worth seeing even on
within living memory. However, along a rela- of Minjiang River, Qingyi River, and a crowded day. However, if possible,
tively narrow strip of land that constitutes the Dadu River in the 8th century. At it is well worth visiting out of season
east of Sichuan province, and the municipality an impressive 71 meters, it is by on a weekday as it is one of the most
of Chongqing, travelers and pilgrims can find far the tallest pre-modern statue in popular attractions in all of China.
a rich array of Buddhist attractions, includ- the world. As the statue is embed- Atop the mountain, behind the
ing many statues, that are genuinely ancient. ded within the cliff face, directly at Giant Buddha is a small temple,
Visitors with abundant time should also visit the water’s edge, its true scale can washrooms, restaurant, and other
the numerous shrines and temples of Mount only really be appreciated from the conveniences. There are a number of
Emei, one of China’s holiest mountains. Mean- water. Thankfully, there are regular walkways, which guide visitors away
while those who can travel further afield can boat tours for visitors to admire this from the Buddha’s head and leads
visit the Rongxian Giant Buddha, encased in a ancient wonder, provided that the then towards the Oriental Buddhist
fascinating wooden structure to protect it from river conditions are suitable. Theme Park. Remarkably, despite
NEWSCHINA I February 2024

being physically connected to the numerous carvings, statues, grottoes, shrines
Leshan Giant Buddha Park, the and etchings stretch for over 500 meters. The
Oriental Buddhist Theme Park carvings range from the ornate, to the simple,
seems entirely void of the tourist and from the miniature, to the massive. Many
crowds and their mayhem. This depict classic themes, although the depictions
may be in part because the Oriental of violence and torture in hell are not for the
Buddhist Theme Park requires an faint hearted. Perhaps the most magnificent
extra ticket. It may also be because aspect of the carvings is the survival of exten-
it lacks some of the fame of its sive colored pigment. Visitors exit the area of
ancient neighbor. Then again, the carvings through a large temple complex,
it might simply be because the which serves to remind tourists that the site
endless bus groups of tourists Dazu Rock Carvings in Chongqing (Photo by is not just a location for gawping fascination
Michael Jones)
from Chengdu often aim to visit and social media photography, it is also an
three or four major attractions on important religious location.
each day trip and therefore lose There are further rock carvings at Nanshan,
the opportunity to peacefully enjoy Shizhuanshan, and Shimenshan, all classed
the surroundings of anywhere under the Dazu Rock Carvings World Heritage
they visit. Site. However, the other famous and popular
The “theme park” itself is a location to visit is the Dazu Rock Carvings
forested mountainside with a se- at Beishan. These carvings are possibly less
ries of sculptures and statues that dramatic than those at Baodingshan, however
range in size. The term theme park many are older and include fascinating tantric
is rather an unfortunate choice, and Taoist themes in addition to the Buddhist
given its connotations in English, iconography. The 300 meters of carvings are
as the park avoids most of the plastic network has been cleverly designed protected by wooden roofs, which shelter them
tackiness that can savage one’s enjoy- to ensure that visitors are never quite from the elements and provide much needed
ment of parks in China. Instead, one aware of what they are about to shelter for visitors. Indeed, after exploring so
can enjoy a peaceful and leisurely encounter next. While the carvings many extensive displays of Buddhist culture,
stroll through a forest, and explore within these caves clearly contain one could be forgiven for craving relaxation
some magnificent statues of Buddha modern influence, they are neverthe- after a visit to Beishan. However, the most curi-
in peace, without throngs of tourists less a perfect extension to any day out ous attraction awaits. At the exit, visitors with
destroying the atmosphere. Interest- in the Leshan area. a sharp eye will notice a couple of trails head-
ingly the most impressive Buddha ing up an adjacent small mountain. Clearly,
of the entire area is arguably not the Carvings for All at some point one needed to pay to access
famous Leshan Giant Buddha, but For those that crave the authentic- these paths. However, all that remains are the
rather the Pharmacist Buddha within ity of genuinely ancient Buddhist remnants of turnstiles, which are now free. At
the Oriental Buddhist Theme Park. culture there are further UNESCO the top of the small hill visitors come across an
While it may not be quite as large, inscribed world heritage landmarks ancient pagoda, and two giant Buddhas side by
and lacks the ancient history of its within the region, known as the Dazu side. While these Buddhas are not the largest,
neighbor, the setting of the Pharma- Rock Carvings, in the municipality nor the most historic, the fact that they seem
cist Buddha is dramatic enough to of Chongqing. And though the site to be abandoned, and the absence of other visi-
elicit genuine gasps of amazement is some 100 kilometers from the tors, makes them all the more fascinating.
from onlookers. As visitors inspect downtown area, it can be reached by
the grandeur of the Pharmacist high-speed rail. The carvings cover
Buddha, they discover that behind 75 protected sites, containing over
the Buddha’s left foot there is a small, 50,000 individual statues, although
almost hidden, entrance to a secre- they are concentrated in five loca- Practicalities: Getting there: Leshan Giant
tive cave network called the Palace tions. The carvings date as far back as Buddha is easily accessible via regular high-speed
of Buddhas. This extensive cave the 7th century, making some even trains and a short taxi journey from Chengdu, capital of
network includes multiple “rooms” older than Leshan’s Giant Buddha. Sichuan Province. The Dazu Rock Carvings, closer to
of various sizes featuring fascinating The most magnificent of the carvings Chongqing, are spread over a larger area, and require
reliefs and statues, ranging dramati- is at Baodingshan. This location a car to get around, though the area is reached by high-
cally in size, scale and scope. The cave includes a U-shaped valley, where speed rail from Chongqing in 30 minutes.
NEWSCHINA I February 2024


Kindergarten Dad
By Sam Duckett

y daughter recently staff explained the methods they are us- is a correct response, well done, Sam.”
completed her first year ing to guide the development of our kids. Looking back, the whole experience
in kindergarten, which This comprehensive lesson went over was a wee bit patronizing, but hey, I still
meant it was time for me everything, from etiquette and playing ended up smiling as I let out a gentle
to participate in my first parent-teacher well with others to following a routine sigh of relief.
conference. I was excited to find out how and what to do during an emergency. Finally, the teachers asked us to write
she was doing at school, and at the same While I had anticipated a more intimate a short summary of how we think the
time a little nervous. I had heard stories approach where I could really get to grips school could improve. I felt incredibly
about what to expect at these kinds of with how my daughter
events, but it’s fair to say it was com- was doing, I appreci-
pletely different from my expectations. ated the meticulous
The teacher paused and stared at me
In the UK parent-teacher conferences work ethic of the with an intensity that I had not seen
are often a great opportunity to have teaching staff.
a one-to-one meeting with the school However, things since my university days. She took a
faculty and reflect on how your child is would then take a turn
progressing. I recall my mum dreading as we moved on to
deep pause, I could feel my stomach
these meetings, as I was apparently quite the second portion of twisting and turning like a tumble dryer,
a handful. the meeting – audi-
However, upon arriving at the school ence participation. and she finally said, “That is a correct
early on a Saturday morning, my body The teachers began
reeling from a lack of sleep and caffeine, asking questions about
response, well done, Sam”
I soon realized this was going to be a how to deal with
completely different kind of meeting. We your children in various situations, and uncomfortable during this exercise, as
all sat down in the classroom and the the parents raised their hands to offer it felt like an excuse to complain about
teachers stood at the front of the class, answers. I was already the only foreign the people you have put your trust in.
talking about their vision for our kids. parent at the school, which meant I was The truth is, I have been really happy
One single thought passed through my always going to stick out to some degree, with how my daughter has grown since
mind – adults were not meant to sit in but I knew if I didn’t step up and contrib- starting kindergarten. She has made lots
seats designed for 3-5-year-olds. ute something, I would stick out for a far of friends, the teachers are friendly, she is
During the 45 minutes, the teaching more embarrassing reason. Refusing to learning and the school food looks great.
be known as the dad who had nothing to However, the teachers insisted that we
say, my hand remained poised over the write our criticisms, so I knew I had to
desk, ready to shoot into the air as the write something. I had been impressed
teacher asked the first question. with all the new English words my
In response to how to deal with your daughter had learned at school, but I
child when they want to purchase a toy had noticed that she was mispronounc-
while you are out shopping, I raised my ing some of them. So, I requested that
hand, heard my name called out, and the school try to pay closer attention
gave a genuine answer. I simply said that to the pupils’ pronunciation, but also
“I would offer an alternative item to my prefaced my comment by mentioning
daughter, something that she actually how impressed I was with how much her
needs, and explain to her why we should vocabulary had grown.
get this instead.” The teacher paused As I arrived home, I was greeted by
and stared at me with an intensity that my wife, who was eager to know how it
I had not seen since my university days. went. I told her it went great, handed her
She took a deep pause, I could feel my all the notes I had made, told my daugh-
stomach twisting and turning like a ter well done for being a good bean, and
tumble dryer, and she finally said, “That went back to bed.
NEWSCHINA I February 2024

Wedding Bills
By Mina Yan

rowing up, little girls are tables. That’s up to 200 guests. One
brainwashed into believing bride admitted to me that her guest list
that their wedding is the for 40 tables consisted of friends, family
most important day of their and acquaintances she knew would be
lives. Your “big day” as they called it. generous. It’s also an unspoken custom
You’re supposed to dream about it since in China that even if you can’t physically
childhood and when that day finally ar- attend someone’s wedding, your money
rives, walk down the aisle like a princess is expected to make an appearance.
with all your friends and family dressed Recently AsiaOne shared a story of a
to the nines, watching adoringly in the bridezilla tracking down an ex-colleague
audience. But real life isn’t directed by for her wedding money because she gave
Disney and in reality, weddings are any- one to him when he got married and
thing but the fairy tale day that we were now he owes her one back, even though
taught to believe. In China, weddings are he didn’t attend the party. Crazy, right?
exhausting and more often than not, it’s Weddings are all about that cha-ching!
a money-making event not just for the Moving on to the wedding photos.
wedding planner, but also for the bride In China when you arrive at the venue,
and groom. It’s all a transaction packaged you’ll most likely see a giant poster of
in a white veil. the couple in their wedding attire before
So how’s a typical wedding in China you even make your way to the hall.
different? First of all, in China, the Here, there’s no such thing as bad luck
groom’s family is expected to pay for the for the groom to see the bride in her dances performed, it’s time to make the
wedding. Weddings in China tend to be wedding dress before the big day so most rounds around the room and toast every
massive events, and single guest. With possibly more than
the gifting culture 100 people to toast, you’d better hope
and local belief that In recent years some bridesmaids that the newlyweds can handle their li-
the more people have even been seen wearing quor. If they can’t, nowadays it’s become
come to celebrate the socially acceptable for the couple to make
more luck the couple QR codes around their necks for the round with a designated drinker. It’s
will have plays a huge exactly what it sounds like. This person’s
part in that. In the wedding guests to scan to transfer role at the wedding is to take shots on
US, it’s common for their wedding gift money the couple’s behalf. Other couples have
the couple to have admitted to having a designated bottle
a gift registry. But of seriously watered-down liquor just for
in China, you bring themselves when they make their rounds
cash in red envelopes. In recent years couples would take their wedding photos so that they can toast everyone without
some bridesmaids have even been seen in a studio in advance. To be frank, I passing out.
wearing QR codes around their necks find this the most reasonable way to do While I personally opted out of putting
for wedding guests to scan to transfer it. There’s already enough stress on the on a lavish party mainly for the enjoy-
their wedding gift money. Online, some wedding day, so why add to it by throw- ment of others, most couples choose to
have praised this trend as embracing the ing a photo shoot in there too? go big. The bigger, the better. For many,
modern age and providing safety and While guests are seated around their the wedding is a big day of celebra-
convenience for the couple, because who round tables, the couple makes their tion for the couple, but for the realists,
wants to lug around a giant bag of cash grand entrance on the stage with a putting on a wedding and inviting a
after a long day of entertaining? Others professional MC hosting the event and ton of guests is a business transaction
call it tacky, comparing it to charging literally putting on a show for their to make back the money you’ve had to
an admission fee to watch a spectacle. audience. When the vows and rings have give to others over the years for their
An average wedding can have 10-20 been exchanged, speeches made, and weddings.
NEWSCHINA I February 2024


Blood-Based Foods for Every Type

By Mina Yan

Halloween may be over, but I’m still When buying meat from supermar-
feeling the Dracula vibes. I’m talking kets in the US, you rarely see the whole
about the bloody good food that’s readily animal (thankfully) and tend to forget
found in Chinese cuisine. Sound weird? that there are a lot more parts to them
Perhaps only if you didn’t grow up with it. that don’t end up on the dinner table.
I remember during one of my first But in other parts of the world, meat isn’t
visits back to China, my family and I went just purchased from supermarkets on It has actually been trending lately as
for a hot pot dinner and my mom ordered plastic-wrapped trays. It’s purchased at a home recipe because it’s a good source
blood tofu. For 13-year-old me, that wet markets, where it’s freshly butchered. of iron. Preparation is relatively simple:
was not only confusing but also gross. I And you’d better believe that no farmer combine equal parts blood and water
didn’t know whether blood tofu was tofu is going to let the majority of their stock (or a 1:2 ratio if you’re looking for a
infused with blood, blood that looked to go waste just for a few prime cuts of smoother texture), season it with shallots
like tofu, or simply red-colored tofu. The meat. In China, when animals are slaugh- and ginger, then strain the seasoning out
sheer thought that blood could coagulate tered, every part of them gets turned into before giving it a quick steam.
so much that it turns from a liquid to food. People like to season it with their own
a solid was baffling. No one bothered In Europe, animal blood is famously sauces, which usually contain soy sauce
explaining it to me. consumed in sausages, where it’s mixed and chilies, and eat it straight. While
Years later, after moving to China and with other ingredients. In China, blood it sounds daunting, blood is actually
exploring local food scenes, I learned that is consumed in a more raw state. No, pretty mild, once you get over the idea. It
blood couldn’t just congeal into tofu. In not drinking it straight out of an animal’s doesn’t have a strong smell or taste. The
fact, consuming blood is super common vein. We’re not vampires here. only thing that makes eating blood a bit
in China, where it can be boiled, steamed, In China, the two most common odd is the slightly grimy feeling you get
fried, mixed into sausages, infused into sanguineous foods are blood tofu, usu- on your teeth and a bit of a metallic taste.
alcohol, and sometimes even drank ally made from duck blood, and blood So? Are you game to try some bloody
straight. sausages, which uses pig blood. interesting snacks?

REALCHINESE shuāng xiàng bēn fù

shuangxiang benfu
run toward each other/requited love

Hidden love is a prominent theme in Transatlantic Love Affair: Letters to Nelson lasting relationship.
Chinese romance novels of the 1980s Algren by French author and feminist The term aligns with the modern
and 1990s. It portrayed the emotions activist Simone de Beauvoir. In the perspective of young people who view
people experience when cherishing book, she expressed that a meeting unrequited love as a form of mental
someone in their hearts without the with a lover only holds significance exhaustion that is detrimental to both
other person being aware of it. How- when the other has the same desire. the person who loves and the one
ever, this type of love is now less fa- This was quoted by the Taiwanese TV being loved.
vored among today’s young generation, series Someday or One Day, which aired The term has now expanded to en-
who believe that a healthy relationship on the Chinese mainland in November compass various types of relationships,
must be built on shuangxiang benfu, or 2019. The phrase was picked up by such as between friends, colleagues
“requited love.” Chinese social media, where shuangx- and even countries. It emphasizes that
The term, literally “run toward each iang benfu means that both people must the foundation for any relationship is
other,” originated from the book A be willing to make efforts to sustain a mutual respect and mutual efforts.

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