Anji Play

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Anji Play

Importance of Play

Anjiplay is a great and widely growing school of play for the children. People in China as well as in United
States are providing play in their NGO’s or in schools. Anji Play is giving the opportunity for the students
to do what they really want to do. They don’t have to sit in a class just to listen and learn when they
have the opportunity to actually perform what they thought of. It enhances their skills of creativeness,
learning, implementing and be more competitive in doing what they like. Due to its uniqueness, Play is
gaining importance in recent time.

Learning Through the Philosophy of Anji Play

Five principles of play include Love, Joy, Engagement, Risk and Reflection. Anjiplay has provided a
platform to students to utilize their early years. They are engaged in the things the love to do. They
don’t have the restriction to sit five hours and listen to the teacher. Children are allowed to learn and
experience joy. The only way to do this is by taking risks which gives them joy in the end. Parents and
teacher taking pictures and filming videos when they are doing something the like, it gives them
happiness. Reflection happens at the end when they tell the whole story of what they have done in the
whole day. It enhances their observance and learning skills.

Artistic Elements (musical, movement, visual art) of Play

More materials there are more children interact with them to create and experiment in their play.
This empowers them to explore new things around them. They are free to play with the things
they need. If they want to paint a real car they have the opportunity to do it, or to build
something with the blocks or cardboard or any other material. Music element included the use of
loose parts (boxes, blocks, buckets, balls, rocks, sticks, seedpods, shells) and hitting them by
different ways to explore different sounds like noisy gentle, chaotic and focused. They are free to
play with anything like ladders, planks, blocks of wood, sand, paint, clay, cardboard etc.

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