PT Eaap Q1

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Tagbilaran City

S.Y. 2023-2024

Name: Date:
Grade and Section: Score:

INSTRUCTIONS: Read the questions carefully and thoroughly.

Write the letter of your answer on the space provided before each number.
Avoid ERASURES and alterations.

1. Below are the characteristics of an academic language except one, which is NOT?
A. Academic language is the language needed by students to do the work in schools.
B. Academic language includes specific academic terms or technical language related to each field of
C. Academic language is difficult to learn, and the information is communicated informally.
D. Academic language is the language used in academic settings and for academic purposes to help
students acquire and use knowledge.
2. Which of the text types below do statistics, notations, and variables belong to?
A. Business Texts C. Social Science Texts
B. Mathematics Texts D. Natural Science Texts
3. Which title of the article one should consult for about Kadayawan Festival?
A. Davao City’s Economy is on Rise!
B. Davao City Population Statistics
C. Davao City: Business for Sale and Investment
D. Kadayawan Festival Davao: History, Schedule, and Local Tips
4. Which type of text structure features a detailed description of something to give the reader a
mental picture?
A. Description C. Cause and Effect
B. Problem Solution D. Compare and Contrast
5. What are the dominant text structures in business text?
A. Problem and solution and description C. Thesis evidence and definition
B. Recount of an event and definition D. Enumeration and classification
6. Which type of text structure answers the questions what happened and why?
A. Cause & Effect C. Compare/Contrast
B. Problem and Solution D. Recount of a sequence
7. You are reading an article discussing the events that led up to the Civil War and the results of each
of those events. Which text structure is this?
A. Description C. Cause and Effect
B. Problem Solution D. Compare and Contrast

For Questions 8-9, read the passage carefully. Then, answer the questions that follow by selecting the letter of
the correct answer.

What would you do if you awoke one day and discovered that you could not create new
memories? You might remember everything that occurred in your life up to the point of an
injury, but could not form new memories beyond that. This condition is called “anterograde
amnesia,” and it is difficult to treat, but doctors and therapists recommend these steps: first, use
technology to help. A cell phone with a calendar reminder can do much to offset this condition.
Second, use helpers. Having people to assist with daily tasks, like paying bills, will prove quite
helpful. Lastly, seek therapy. While there is no cure for anterograde amnesia, memory training
may help the afflicted live a more normal life. Currently, there are no chemical medications or
drugs that will alleviate this condition.
8. What is the dominant text structure used in the passage?
A. Classification C. Enumeration
B. Definition D. Recount of a sequence
9. What is the main concept presented in the paragraph?
A. Point of an injury C. Alleviating anterograde amnesia
B. Creating new memories D. Memory training for anterograde amnesia
For Questions 10-14, read the passage carefully. Then, answer the questions that follow by selecting the letter of
the correct answer.

The first vaccine against small pox was discovered in 1796 by Jeener in England. In 1885, a
rabies vaccine for humans was developed by Pasteur. In 1941, a successful vaccine against typhus
was developed. In the 1950s, veterinarians used 30 vaccines to prevent animal disease. In 1955,
scientist announced a successfully tested vaccine against polio at the University of Michigan.
Because the vaccines are not yet perfected, scientist still continue to refine the vaccines that are
already existing and to develop new ways to immunizing humans against diseases.
Source: Dumagpi, L. & Gonzales, Mildred J. (1998). Reading in the Content Areas,
10. What sequence of events is being described in the passage?
A. Polio vaccine C. Refinement of vaccine
B. Rabies vaccine for humans D. The development of human vaccine against diseases
11. Which text type does the passage belong?
A. Business Texts C. Mathematics Texts
B. Natural Science Texts D. Literature and the Arts Texts
12. Which field of academic discipline does the term “vaccine” belong to?
A. Humanities C. Social Sciences
B. Natural Sciences D. Applied Sciences
13. Which type of text structure is used in the above passage?
A. Cause & Effect C. Recount of an event
B. Problem and Solution D. Compare/Contrast
14. Which graphic organizer best illustrates the above academic text?
A. Timeline C. Venn Diagram
B. Modified Wheel D. Concept Map
15. What is called a formal system used to organize ideas in your paper?
A. outline C. supporting idea
B. main idea D. thesis statement
16. Which among the choices is the PRIMARY use of summarizing an academic text?
A. To provide an overview of a text. C. To explain the content of a text.
B. To identify the important details of a text. D. To cite the author and year of publication.
17. Which among the choices is NOT included in writing a summary?
A. Thesis statement C. Conclusions
B. Supporting details D. Article Title
18. What summarizing strategy can be used in writing a research abstract?
A. Paraphrasing C. Using of graphic organizers
B. Revising D. Outlining
19. Which among the choices can be prevented by a writer in carefully paraphrasing a text?
A. Plagiarism C. Irrelevance of Summary
B. Grammatical Errors D. Redundancy of Ideas
20. Aside from paraphrasing, how can a writer avoid copyright violation in summarizing an academic text?
A. By using illustration C. By using signal words
B. By direct quoting D. By following proper citation

For Questions 21-25, read the passage carefully. Then, answer the questions that follow by selecting the letter of
the correct answer.

The food business is similar in some ways to the clothing business. In some ways, it is
different. What both businesses have to sell are in demand. But the things that each
business sells are so unlike. While one business sells products to eat, the other business
sells product to wear. Which business would you like to engage in?
Source: Dumagpi, L. & Gonzales, Mildred J. (1998). Reading in the Content Areas, UPOU Module
21. Which of the text types below does the text belong to?
A. Business C. Natural Science
B. Mathematics D. Literature and the Arts
22. Which text structure is used in the passage?
A. Classification C. Description
B. Cause and Effect D. Comparison and Contrast
23. Which graphic organizer would best illustrate the passage?
A. Venn Diagram C. Concept Map
B. Modified Wheel D. Spider Web
24. What types of businesses are being compared?
A. Fast foods C. Food business and clothing business
B. Clothing lines D. Products to eat and products to wear
25. How do you think the author organized the information?
A. By defining food business and clothing business
B. By presenting a procedure on how to start a business
C. By presenting the characteristics of the two businesses
D. By presenting the similarities and differences of food and clothing businesses
26. The following are guidelines in writing a creative thesis statement, EXCEPT:
A. Avoid making overly opinionated stands
B. Avoid making announcements
C. Avoid stating facts alone
D. Using third-person of view
27. Which among the following adheres to the rules of outlining a text?
A. Do not include the thesis statement because it may confuse you when creating your outline.
B. Subdivide topics by a system of numbers and letters, followed by a period.
C. Do not include Roman Numerals in outlining a text.
D. Use both sentences and phrases in an outline.
28. Which among the following is a strong thesis statement?
A. Crime must be stopped.
B. History is an important subject.
C. Because Banana Herb Tea Supplement promotes rapid weight loss that results in the loss of
muscle and lean body mass, it poses a potential danger to customers.
D. Movies are becoming more and more daring in their subject matter which deviates from the
cultural background of our country.
29. The following are basic rules in summarizing. EXCEPT:
A. Only write down important points.
B. Copy repeating ideas because they signify urgency.
C. Use your own words to write the summary.
D. Trade, general terms for specific names.
30. What technique in summarizing texts includes the name of the writer, the title of the text, what the
writer is doing and the important ideas of the text?
A. 5 W’s, 1 H C. Somebody Wanted But So Then
B. SAAC D. Outlining
31. What summarizing technique entails showing the key ideas and supporting details in each paragraph
to be included in the summary?
A. First Then Finally C. Somebody Wanted But So Then
B. SAAC D. Outlining
32. It is a technique that helps summarize events or steps in chronological order or in sequence.
A. First Then Finally C. Somebody Wanted But So Then
B. 5 W’s, 1 H D. Outlining
33. Which consists of short phrases dealing with different issues which could be arranged in a variety
of ways in your paper?
A. outline C. sentence outline
B. topic outline D. thesis statement
34. Which consists of full sentences that are normally used when your paper focuses on complex details?
A. outline C. sentence outline
B. topic outline D. thesis statement
35. What structure does a formal academic text follow?
A. No rigid structure C. The structure depends on the writer.
B. Introduction-Body-Conclusion D. Both A & B
36. Which among the following is the most appropriate phrase to use in an academic text?
A. The essay intends to prove... C. It is my utmost desire to prove to you that
B. I will prove to mankind that… D. My essay will prove you wrong..
37. Which among the following describes academic language?
A. used when talking face to face with family members and friends
B. used to communicate feelings, needs, and wants using symbolic hand gestures for drink, eat,
hot, cold, hurt, or tired
C. includes writing emails, friendly letters, and texts or retelling stories
D. used to describe and comprehend complex ideas, process higher-order thinking, and understand
abstract concepts

For items 38-41, refer to this outline:

Classification of Plants
38. Which is the most important idea?
A. dicots C. non-flowering I. Flowering
B. flowering D. flowering and non-flowering A. Spore- Bearing
39. Which is the least important idea? 1. mosses
A. ferns C. monocots
2. Ferns
B. dicots D. naked seeds
40. In the given outline, which item is in the wrong place? B. Naked Seeds
A. ferns C. beans 1. Gymnosperms
B. onion D. dicots II. Non-Flowering
41. If you will add another main point in the outline, what A. Monocots
Roman Numeral should be used? 1. onion
A. I C. III 2. orchids
B. II D. IV B. Dicots
42. What should a summary be?
A. should never mention the plot of the text
1. peanuts
B. should describe the details but not the main ideas 2. beans
C. should always indicate the age of the author
D. should answer the 5 W’s: who, what, when, where, and why
43. What is a thesis statement?
A. It expresses the author’s opinion in a text.
B. It is one’s claim on a given topic.
C. It is the author’s comment on an issue.
D. All of the above.
44. Which is not true about thesis statements?
A. It serves as a roadmap of your paper.
B. It states the main idea about the topic or issue.
C. A thesis statement can be a quote from a famous person.
D. A thesis statement requires evidence or proof.
45. How long should a thesis statement be?
A. one word C. one paragraph
B. one sentence D. one text
46. Which is true about thesis statements?
A. It is an announcement. C. It is a fact.
B. It is arguable. D. It is a question.
47. Where is thesis statement located in an academic text?
A. first paragraph C. last paragraph
B. second paragraph D. anywhere in the text
48. Which is a thesis statement about Angel Locsin?
A. Angel Locsin should receive an award for her charity and humanitarian efforts.
B. Angel Locsin is a respected actress in showbiz.
C. What makes Angel Locsin a real-life Darna?
D. Not just a film and television actress, Angel Locsin is also a commercial model and fashion designer.

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