Est MCQ U-4

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Environmental Studies (22447)

UNIT-04 Environmental Pollution

Question Statement Option One Option Two Option Three Option Four Option
The harmful materials in environment are
called__________. Harmtants Pollution Pollutants dust particles C
Basic types of pollutions are______ Natural pollutions Man-made pollutions Both a) and b) None of the above C
Which of the following is not a Natural pollution? Automotives Volcano eruption Forest fire All of the above A
Landfill of waste is basically a_________pollution Land Noise Sewage All of the above A
Causes of land pollution are.......... Industrialization Mining Agriculture All of the above D
The Negative Impact Of Land Pollution is Soil erosion Shifting of habitat Water pollution All of the above D
Which of the following is not a type of impurities of water? Pollen Colloidal Dissolved Bacteriological A
To remove dissolved To remove dissolved
Need of water treatment is gases oxygen To enhance odour . To enhance colour A
To remove suspended To remove colloidal To remove dissolved To remove dissolved
The object of coagulation is..... particles particles particles particles B

Effects of water pollution on human beings are________ Typhoid HIV Dengue plague A

Spring is a _________ source of water. surface subsurface Both a) and b) All of the above C
The impact of waste water on environment is........ Noise pollution Nuisance Diseases All of the above B
Which of the following is not a tertiary treatment of
wastewater Filtration Removal of nutrients Chlorination Aeration D
1Which of the following is not a water born disease? Jaundice Cholera Plague Amoebioasis C
Which of the following is not a primary pollutant of air
pollution? Ash . Pollen smoke smog D
Which of the following is not a secondary pollutant of air
pollution? acid rain ozone smog dust D
Effects of air pollution on environment is_____ Global warming acid rain Green house effect All of the above D
The particulate matter suspended in air______ Dust pollen liquid droplets All of the above D
Settling chambers collecting dust of size________. > 10µm <10µm = 10µm None of the above A
Gaseous pollutants are controlled by_____ Absorption Adsorption Cumbustion All of the above D
_______is a process where gases, vapors or liquids are
concentrated on a solid surface Absorption Adsorption Cumbustion All of the above B
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines noise above
_________ (dB) as noise pollution. 45 decibels 55 decibels 65 decibels 75 decibels C
Which of the following is not a physiological effect on
human beings? Rise in blood pressure Reduction in vision Heart pain damage nerve system D
Artificial sources of noise pollution are.... Thunder Landslides earthquake none of the above D
Which of the following is not a solid waste? rubber cloth waste water paper C
High level radioactive waste can be managed in which of
the following ways? Open dumping Incineration Composting Deep burial D
Which of the following is a biodegradable waste? Plastic Polythene Glass None of the above D
Biomedical waste may be disposed of by? Incineration Autoclaving Landfilling Both a) and b) D
Which of the following is a biodegradable organic
chemical/substance? Plastic Oil Pesticide Garbage D
Which one the following is not biodegradable? Vegetable waste Fruit waste Leaves Aluminium foil D
Which of the following is not a Municipal solid waste? Market waste agricultural waste domestic waste commercial waste B
Municipal solid waste includes... Domestic waste commercial waste Institutional waste All of the above D
Average generation rate of MSW is considered as..... 0.4 Kg/capita/day 0.8 Kg/capita/day 1.0 Kg/capita/day 0.2 Kg/capita/day A
Which of the following is not a component of Sanitary Leachate
Landfill? Liner Water monitoring well Autoclaving management facility C
Which of the following is a likely characteristic of hazardous
waste? Ignitability Corrosively Reactivity Any of the above D
Sources of sound pollution by defence activities includes: Satellite launching Missile launching Bomb All of the above D
The unit of sound is: Decibel Maribel sensible pedicel A
Near the airport the noise pollution level is above _____ 100 dB 150 dB 200 dB 250 dB B
As per Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB)the
permissible noiselevel at night inresidential areas is: 60dB 65dB 45dB 35dB C
Primary treatment of sewage includes: Screening Grit removal Primary clarifier All of the above D
Types of grit in sewage treatment includes sand slit egg shell All of the above D
_______can be used to remove the nitrates. renitrification gentrification denitrification All of the above C
The BOD content of treated sewage should not be more
than ____ mg/l. 10 20 30 40 C
The particulate matter is controlled by: Cyclone Settling chamber Scrubber All of the above D
Fluride pollution mainly affects Kidney Brain Heart Teeth D
Which of the following is not a marine pollutant? Oil Plastic Dissolved oxygen All of the above C
Dust from construction Dust from farm
Fugitive emissions consist of Street dust activities cultivation All of the above D
Undesirable and
Noise is --------------------- Huge sound Sound of vehicles unwanted sound Sound of crackers C
The presence of solid, liquid or gaseous compounds, in
excess concentration in the atmosphere is called Radioactive pollution Soil pollution Water pollution Air pollution D
Hearing loss due to ) Noise that is
What is ‘temporary threshold shift’ ? excessive noise intolerable Tolerable noise All of the above A
Which of the following is an air pollutant? Nitrogen Carbon di oxide Carbon monoxide Oxygen C
The Pollution Standard Index (PSI) scale has span from 0-200 0-300 0-400 0-500 D
Which of the following is not an air pollutant? Smoke ) CO2 Nitrogen gas Sulphur dioxide C
Which of the following problems is not created by noise
pollution ? Diarrhoea hypertension Deafness Irritation A
Air pollution is caused by Smoke Insecticides Sewage Loud speaker A
Which of the following is not a primary pollutant? SO2 Volcanic ash O3 CO2 C
Which of the followings is not the physical characteristics of
MSW? Density Moisture content pH Porosity C
Calorific value is ______characteristics of MSW. Physical Chmical Both A and B All above B
Sanitary landfilling is.... Engineered method Dumping landfilling None of the above A
Which of the followings is not a health care facility? Mortuaries Funeral services Path Labs Institution D
Biomedical waste contains______ Non-hazardous waste. 50 - 75 % 75 - 90 % 65 - 75 % 75 - 80 % B
Followings is /are the composition of biomedical waste Plastic Paper Sharp All of the above C
The generation of BMW in India is ____ Kg/bed /day. 1-2 1.5 - 2.5 2.5 - 3.5 0.8 - 1.5 A
Landfill gas contains.... Methane CO2 NOx All of the above D
The landfilling where two liners are provided is called as.... Sanitary landfilling Secured landfilling Both a) and b) Nonel of the above B
Which of the followings is not the method of BMW
management? Shredding Autoclaving Sanitary landfilling Deep burial C
Incinerators are ...........projects. Eco-friendly Digestion Composting Waste to energy D
The rate of E-waste generation increases _____every year. 5% 10% 15% 20% B
Incinerators reduce the volume of waste from.......... 60 to 75 % 70 to 85 % 80 to 95 % 100% C
The by-products of incineration is / are.... Heat Gases Ash All of the above D
Acidification of soil is the effect of....... MSW E-Waste Institutional waste Market waste B
Refused Derived
complete destruction of toxic wastes possible in.......... Fuel Incineration Sanitary landfilling All of the above B
Which of the followings is not an E-waste? Cable Refrigerator Monitor Glass D
India ranked --------in the world in generating E-waste. second third fourth fifth D
Which of the followings is not a method of E-waste
management Open dumping Dismantling Recycling Component recovery A
Ash generated from incinerator is used ........... as sand as decorative material as filler material in M 30 concrete D
Which of the following is likely to be present in
photochemical smog? sulphur dioxide sulphur chloroflurocarbon ozone D
Noise level beyond ___dB cause physical discomfort. 1120 10 120 0 C
Increase in the concentration of soluble salts in the soil
is called as solification soluble soil salination desalination C
Pesticides are also called as supercides biocides nanocides catcides B
The species surviving in highly polluted water with low
DO content are recognized as ____for polluted water. Re-survive water Top species Indicator species Gama species C
An accidental discharge of petroleum in ocean is
called OIl leak OIl milk Oil spills None of above C
CArbon Oxygen Chemical Oxygen
COD stands for Demand Carbon Demand Demand Chemical Demand C
Biological Oxygen Biochemical Oxygen Biochemical Biological Oxygen
BOD stands for Demand Demand Ozone Demand Defficiency B
Air-borne organic materials such as spores, pollen
,bacteria, fungi cause several disease and alergic
reactions called as hay fever T.B. Ronbix Altra-Rix A
Cotton dust produce lung fibros is also called as Byasinosis Silicosis sicerosis None of above A
The particles larger than 10 mm in diameter such as Non setteable suspended
water drop are called as Gaseous Pollutants Setteable particles particles particles B
The vapores of compounds whose boiling point is
below 200 degree C are included in particulate pollutant Gaseous Pollutant SMOG Mist B
The pollutants occuring in soild and liquid state are Particulate
referred as Foam Fog Pollutant Gaseous Pollutant C
On the basis of physical state air pollutants are of 2
types. one is gaseous and other is particulate Semi-particulate Tri-particulate fog A
Man made pollution such as industrial pollution, Semi
agricultural pollution etc are called as Anthropogenic Anti anthropogenic anthropogenic Natural A
In terms of origin pollution may be natural and Super natural Sub nattural Anthropogenic Anti anthropogenic C
The pollutants which are waste products and they are biodegradable
slowly degraced by microboial action are called as pollutants non biodegradable artificial None of above A
CO is Artificial pollutant quantitative pollutant pollutant None of above D
Insecticides is Artificial pollutant quantitative pollutant pollutant None of above C
Pesticides are_____ Artificial pollutant quantitative pollutant pollutant None of above C
CO2 is ____ Artificial pollutant quantitative pollutant pollutant None of above D
DDT is an example of _____ pollutants. Artificial pollutant quantitative pollutant pollutant None of above C
THe pollutants which do not occur in environment but qualitative
are passed into it through human activity are called as Artificial pollutant quantitative pollutant pollutant None of above C
The pollutants which occur in nature but become
pollutant when their concentration reaches bwyond
threshold value in environent are called as primary secondary quantitative qualitative C
Peroxyacety nitrate(PAN) is formed by reaction of two
primary pollutants namely nitrogen oxide nad
___released from motor vehicle in presence of
sunlight. hydro neutrons hydro carbons water carbons SO2 B
Causes of pollution are urbanization ion industrialization All of above D
Natural Pollution is caused by Volcanic eruptions vehicle emmission cutting of woods smoke from industy A
Prolong exposure to any sound louder than ___dB can
cause hearing loss. 10 60 85 130 C
A sound of 40dB is ___ times louder than sound of
30dB. 1.33 10 40 75 B
Noise pollution can also effect communication Predator prey both A and B None of above C
OPossible health effect of noise pollution hearing loss hypertension Tinnitus all of these A
The source of most outdoor noise worldwide is
construction and agriculture forestry mining transportation D
The stage in which biologiccal processes is used to secondary sewage primary sewage waste water biochemical
purify water in a waste watertreatment plant is called treatment treatment reduction reduction A
Which of the following is not a major source ground
water contamination? agricultural products landfills septic tanks All of above D
oxygen demand
How does the biological oxygen demand gets affected the oxygen demand oxygen demand remains
with the increased presnce of organic matter in water. increases. decreases. unchanged. None of above A
contamination by phosporous biological oxygen hydrocarbon
The presence of high coli form counts in water indicate human waste contamination demand contamination A
The most serious environmental effect possessed by contamination of increaseduse of destruction of
hazardous waste is air pollution ground water land fills habitat B
A major in-streams use of water is for hydroelectric power industrial wastes industrial use domestic use A
Which of the following is type of pollution which forms
heat island? water air land None of above B
cloging of gills by
Fish die in water polluted by sewage due to pathogenes reduction on O2 silt fowl smell B
Which of the following is a secondary air pollutant? Ozone carbondioxide carbon monoxide sulphur di oxide A
Inhalation of dissolved in the blood hemoglobin more
rapidly than oxygen. Sulphurdioxide carbondioxide ozone nitrous oxide B
WHich of the following is a marine pollutant? oil liquid chemical waste plastics all of the above D
The term SMOG was first used in 1905 1907 1906 2007 A
Which of the following instrument is suitable for Electrostatic
theremoval of gaseous pollutants? cyclone seperator respirator fabric filter wet scrubber D
WHich of the following air pollution control devices is Electrostatic
suitable for the removing the finest dust from the air? cyclone seperator Wet rotter precipitator wet scrubber C
Air pollution from vehicles can be controlled by fitting cyclone seperator precipitator catalytic converter wet scrubber D
The Mahal at Agra is damaged by SO2 CH CO O A
Extra fluride in dringing water is likely to cause blue baby syndrome fluorosis change in taste intestinal irritation B
WHich of the following is a non-point source of water urban and
pollution? factories sewage plants suburban lands all of the above C
An aerobic An anaerobic
An aerobic attached suspended growth attached growth An anaerobic
growth treatment biological treatment biological tratment suspended growth
Septic tank is system system system treatment system D
Disease caused by eating fish inhabiting mercury
contaminated water is Bright's disease hiroshima episode Mina-mata disease outsides C
Sound becomes hazardous noise pollution at decibels above 80 above 30 above 100 above 120 A
WHich of the following is a major source of thermal sewage treatment thermal power
pollution in water bodies? plant solid waste plant all of the above C
WHich one of the following is a biodegradable organic
substance? plastic oils pesticides Garbage C
salt from sea
spray, catle soil
Internal combustion coal firred electrical dust and vocanic evaporation of
Natural source of air pollution are engine plans dust solvents C
caused by ozone a major component of damaging to produced by plants
CO is depletion an atmospher human blood for photosynthesis C
is primarily
Photochemical smog differ from industrial smog that is formed in presence has large quantities of composed of consuists of
is1_______________ of sunlight. soot carbon monoxide primary pollutants A
causes ozone is amajor component eutrophication in often crosses
Acidic deposition depletion of indoor air pollution stream and rivers national boundaries D
The most noticable cause of industrial smog is buring trash free for eating food. indoor air pollution burning fossile fuel D
Common sources of air pollution are Motor vehicles wood fires fires all of the above D
Air pollution can harm the health or comfort of which of human and other
the following? plants materials animals all of the above D
Summer smog is also known as Photochemical smog lithihisterical smog particular smog industrial smog A
Everyone is affected by the quality of air. Which people
in particular are likely to become sick from air Respiratory
pollution? Elderly people asthmatics diseases all of the above D
Incomplete burning of petrol or diesel in vehicles
creates ___gas which is very poisionous. carbondi oxide carbon monoxide Methane ozone B
Combustion of coal in powerplant mainly produces
____which is major pollutant of air. Sulphur dioxide Nitrogen dioxide Methae chloroflurocarbon B
The diseases cholera, typhoid, and jaundice are due to
pollution of air water food items solid waste B
_____is not a greenhouse gas. carbondi oxide sulphur dioxide methane nitrogen D
Which one of the following is not considered as
pollutant? carbon monoxide carbon dioxide hydrocarbons sulphur dioxide B
Ultraviolet radiation from sunlight causes a reaction
that produces fluorides ozone carbon monoxide sulphur dioxide B
DDT is ______ colorless tasteless crystalline all of the above D
DDT is ____pollutant. secondary natural primary all of the above C
Decomposition of domestic wastes under natural biodegradable
processes is called Industrial pollutoion Thermal pollution pollution none of the above C
Eutrophication causes decrease in dissolved hydrogen dissolved salts dissolved oxygen all of the above C
Eutrophication is often seen in Mountains deserts fresh water lakes ocean C
smokes filling the
large number of ryellowing of Tajmahal from
Taj mahal is said to be suffering from marble acidic rain which fungus in tajmahal marble on account adjoining
cancer_____is the marble cancer. corrodes marble marble. of soot particles, industries. A
Silence area comprises an area of not less than___
meters around hospitals, educational Institutes and
Courts as per the Noise Pollution ( Regulation &
Control ) Rules 2000 50 100 200 250 B
As per the Noise Pollution Rules,2000 , Rule 5
Restricts the use of loud speaker or public address
system __ &__ Except closed premises. 9 pm & 5 am 10 pm & 5 am 10 pm & 6 am 11 pm & 7 am C
Characteristics of municipal solid waste include compressibility calorific value both of the above None of the above C
land and water
Municipal solid waste causes loss of biodiversity bad odour pollution all of the above D
Methods to manage municipal solid waste are Hog feeding Incineration land filling all of the above D
Electronic and TV Government
Sources of E-waste are IT industries reparing shops offices all of the above D
Biomedical waste spreads Fragrance bad odour air pollution both B and C D
Nuclear ash from atmomic reactor consists of domestic waste radioactive waste metal waste agricultural waste B
___ can help to reduce the air pollution in the mining construction of tall development of tall
area. chimneys sprinkling water better quality fuel builings B
If excreta contains _____, soil and crops get
contaminated. Bacteria Algae insect pathogenes D
The heavy vehicles should be allowed on narrow Neither TRUE nor
streets. TRUE FALSE FALSE None of the above B
Non-degradable slowly degradable
Aerosols are examples of degradable pollutant pollutant pollutant None of the above C
Non-volatile organic Volatile organic volatile inorganic inorganic
Ozone formed due to chemical reaction of compounds compunds compounds compounds B
Algae consume the dissolved ____from water and
make it polluted. Hydrogen Sulphate Cadmium oxygen D
discharge from discharge from power
Direct source of water pollution includes factories plants oil wells all of the above D
Neither TRUE nor
AIr pollution causes reduction in the crop production. TRUE FALSE FALSE None of the above A
increase in rate of decrease in plant
The rise in SO2 causes Greening of leaves photosynthesis growth yellowing of leaves D
The suspended particulate matter is released into air automobile
by stone crushing thermal power plant exhaust all of the above D
WHich of the natural sources of primary pollutants
created by nature is not by human control? Volcanos erruption breaking seas pollens all of the above D
non-persistant persistant non-degradable
Pesticides , fertilizers are called as degradable pollutant pollutants pollutants pollutants C
Over grazing, deforestation, burning of grasslands etc
causes soil erosion soil corrosion soil fertilization None of the above A
If ___ value high, the water useless for other domestic biological hydrogen Biological Oxygen
uses also. demand demand Biological demand all of the above B
persistance non-degradable
Mercury , lead are the examples of Natural pollutants artificial pollutants pollutants pollutants D
Lead pollution reduces _____formation. haemoglobin mucous hair digeestive juice A
Bhopal gas tragedy occured at thermal power plant biogas plant geothermal plant pesticide plant D
Soot, smoke,tar,dust get release from automobile agriculture industries automatic reactors C
Natural mechanism of self clearing atmospheric air dispersion, suspending,hanging,e chrorosis,volcano
are_________ settling,absorption xhausting none of these eruption A
The sound from Airports, industrial complexes , mining
areas, power generation atations are examples of air pollution soil pollution both A and B noise pollution D
Which of these causes the sea level change over ozone layer
flooding due to process of melting of snow. global warming damaging both A and B None of the above C
_____get percolated in soil. Insecticides fertilizers weedicides pesticides D
The water mixed with human excretes, sewage, and
sludge, kills___ of soil and reduces its fertility. pathogenes micro-organisms bacteria viruses B
THe mercury in water bodies get converted into methyl
mercury compound due to______ pathogenic microbes viral microbes water microbes anaerobic microbes D
Cigarette smoking causes cardio cascular disease titanium mercury
due to cadmium particulates lead particulates particulates particulates A
First antipollution act restrict people for using coal fuel both A and B petrol A
Fuel combustion create__ of air pollution. approx. 27% approx. 20% approx. 28% approx. 23% A
The process to remove suspended material from water
is called as_________ sedimentation dehydration filteration disinfectant A
If fluorides are absorbed by crops,through soil and get
consumed by human being it causes___ chrolosis neurosis fluorosis photosynthesis C
Homo sapiens
Air pollution was traced back to period of Hippocrates Homo sapiens sapiens None of the above A
boiling and adding adding chloride &
Softening of water is done by lime cooling and heating fluoride None of the above A
Due ro fast transport linkage the sound has been
converted into Noise Song Music Both A and B A
Damage to tympanic membrane caused due to Noise pollution Soil pollution Air pollution None of the above A
Primary pollutants created by nature and not pollen and breaking volcanos and bacteria and
emphasized by human are bacteria and fire seas blowing dust viruses B
The ____from combustion of fossil fuel affects the
nerves, brain and kidney. lead uranium tungstun mercury D
____helps the growth of algae in water. Hydrogen Mercury Phosphates Calcium C
Man-made mechanism to control air pollution includes Dispersion Settling separators Absorption C
The dissolved material in water not be less than 150 Neither TRUE nor
p.p.m. is desirable. TRUE FALSE FALSE None of the above B
D.D.T. ,Aldrin,benzene are used as Insecticides fertilizers weedicides Pesticides A
Neither TRUE nor
SO2 causes approximatelhy 16% of air pollution. TRUE FALSE FALSE None of the above A
Weedcides is which type of pollutant? Agropesticides Domestic waste gases None of the above A
The nature has its own mechanism to remove the
pollutant. This mechanism is called Photosynthesis scavenging dispersion chlorosis B
The main toxic solid substance gets released in water Phosphates and oxygen and
from industry are Mercury & carbon Lead and mercury nitrates hydrogen B
released by
released by chemical released by process process of released directly
Primary pollutants means those pollutants reaction of hydration photosynthesis into air D
Agriculture discharge after ____ of water. pH Oxygen both A and B None of the above C
damaging the ozone premature fall of damaging the
Necrosis means layer damaging the leaves leaves leaves D
Foul smell is the indication of______pollution. Soil Earth Water Air C
In case of automobile pollution use of better quality
____and use of____ coverters will help to reduce the
air pollution. fuel,catalytic fuel,isotopes fuel,water fuel air A
The pollutants that can be broken rapidly by the non-degradable degradable
natural process is called as organic pollutants inorganic pollutants pollutants pollutants D
increases Oxygen
increases water level increases organic level and Decreases Oxygen
and decreases soil level and decreases decreases CO2 level and Increases
The process of autrophication ____in water. level. inorganic level. level. CO2 level. D
Discharge from discharge from power
Indirect source of water pollution is factories plants Agriculture fields Oil wells C
Neither TRUE nor
Use of natural fertilizer doesn't create soil pollution. FALSE TRUE FALSE None of the above B
The unpleasent, high intensity, sound is called as music song noise all of the above C
Presence/addition of any contamitant is the air which
causes harm to the health of living organisms is called
as water pollution acid rain air pollutants air pollution D
chemical processes combustion
and atomic process/heating
human activities creating primary pollutants are____ processes process farming/mining all of the above D
A harmful mixture formed by gases of nitrogen
particulates matter due to phtochemical reactors under phtochemical
the influance of strong sunlight is called as____ Photosynthesis chlorosis smog smoke C
Minamata caused by the release of____ Methyl phosphate Methyl nitrate Methyl carbonate Methyl mercury D
The process of removing sludge and settled material
from water is callled as____ dehydration sedimentation filteration disinfectant B
General nervous system gets affected by oxygen phosporous lead titanium C
Neither TRUE nor
Radioactive waste can also affect soil. TRUE FALSE FALSE None of the above A
Temporary hearing problem caused due to high noise noise above 140 dB noise pollution all of the above D
soil waste material includes paper waste plastic waste metal waste all of the above D
Pollution level in river water is meaured by ATP STP BOD GTP C
Which of the following acts as pollution indicator? black rocks Lichen eucolyptus trees Mushroom B
Consider the following. 1. aluminium silicate 2. Silicon
dioxide 3.carbon dioxide 1 & 2 only 1 & 3 only 2 & 3 only all of the above A
Concentration of which of the following gas is not
directly influenced by human activities? Ozone carbon dioxide water vapour methane C
Which of the followingis non biodegradable? Wool Nylon animal bones tea leaves B
Genetic modification
Which of the following is not environmental problem? of food afforestation acid rain loss of biodiversity B
Which pollution causes itai-itai disease in human
being? mercury pollution cadmium pollution arsenic pollution nitrate pollution B
The phenomenon of marble cancer is due to Soot particles acid rain CFCs Fog B
Which is an example of aerosol? Jelly fog butter sponge B
The process of progressive chemical accumulation of
nondegradable chemicals at each tropic level is known biological morphological Thermogenic
as magnification magnification magnification None of the above A
Which of the following chemical compound causes
bio-magnification? Sulphur dioxide DDT Methane carbon dioxide B
What converts oxygen into ozone in the upper
atmosphere? ultraviolet radiation Isomerizing radiation Solar radiation Ionizing radiation A
Which of the following is non-biodegradable item? Fruit peels wood waste PVC paper bag C
Excessive use of which of the following fertilizers may
be responsible for the presence of toxic substance in Phophates and
ground water? nitogen phosphates only Pottasium only pottasium A
What type of chemical wathering enhanced by acid
rain? Hydrolysis dissolution Oxidation None of the above A
Which of the following gas affects human health by
reducing the bloods ability to carry oxygen to different
parts of body? Carbon monoxide carbon dioxide Sulphur dioxide Nitrus dioxide A
causing irritation to
eyes and
skinaggravating decrasing bloods Aggrevating
Nitrogen dioxide affects human health by asthama problem ability to carry oxygen asthama problem None of the above C
Dumping in hilly
The best way to dispose plant waste is Burning composting area incineration B
Unburnt carbon particles causes Cardiac problem respiratory problem Throat problem skin infrction B
Human ear is most sensitive to noise in which of the
following frequency range? 1-2 Khz 10-12 KHz 100-500 Hz 13-16 KHz D
Thermal power
Maximum soot is released from petrol vehicles diesel vehicles CNG vehicles plants D
Surface ozone is produced by Transport sector textile industry Carbon monoxide None A
In the metro city of Kolkata the major sorce of air
pollution Cement plants chemical industry hydrocarbons water vapours A
Intake of lead may primari;y cause damage of life____ brain liver kidney lung A
Industrial generating hazardous waste are
classified______ brown yellow green red D
Phtosynthesis & industrial emission of release of ozone in
The balance in oxygen level is maintained by cellular respiration gases upper atmosphere None of the above A
Which of the following method can be used to
increase the supply og usable good quality water? chlorination cloud seeding mettulargy none of the above B
troposphere &
Atmospheric pollutants are mainly present in ____ Ionosphere stratosphere mesosphere lower stratosphere D
both being secondary being responsible for contribution to
Carbon dioxide and methane are similar in terms of air pollutants respiratory diseases global warming none of the above C
There is more solar temperatures
energy to drive prevent the
Why is photochemical smog typically worse in photochemical People tend to travel dissipation of
summer? reaction. more in summers. pollutants. none of the above A
Which of the following can help in reduing air removal of sulphur
pollution? small sized cars from coal. lower ignition fuels none of the above B
Addition of contaminants to atmosphere causing
disturbance in natural condition Polluter Polluting Pollution Pollutant C
Which of these is NOT a primary pollutant? Ozone Ground-level ozone Carbon monoxide Carbon dioxide A
Which gas is released when alum is added to water? Ca (OH)3 CO2 Al (OH)3 CaSO4 B
Which of the following plants is extremely sensitive
towards sulphur dioxide? Tomato Onion Potato Corn A
Which of the following is not commonly used as a filter
material in the treatment of water? Garnet sand Crushed rock Sand Anthracite B
The value of specific gravity for Garnet sand is 4.2 5.1 3.6 2.1 A
The process of decomposition of biodegradable solid
waste by earthworms is called Composting Land fills Shredding Vermi-composting D
What is the frequency of cleaning of a slow sand filter? 2-3 days 2-3 weeks 1-3 months 1 week C
Which type of filter is used in treating swimming pool
water? Pressure filter Dual media filter Slow sand filter Rapid sand filter A
Which water treatment process is done after filtration Secondary Primary
of water? sedimentation Flocculation sedimentation Disinfection D
Organic contaminants are removed from the water by
the process of Adsorption Absorption Demineralization Water softening A
Introduction of chemicals into the atmosphere is atmospheric
known as Air pollution radioactive pollution pollution dense pollution A
When the concentration of nitrates in water exceeds
45 mg/L, they become the cause of a serious health
hazard called Luckemia Blue baby syndrome Cancer Paralysis B
Blue baby syndrome (methaemoglobinemia) Sulphur Nitrates Phosphates Alter B

When did the air pollution on earth happened first When humans When humans started When humans When humans
time? started using tools using firewood started using started using B
clothes wheels

Pollutants due to Pollutants due to a Pollutants due to

What are secondary pollutants? Pollutants due to fire emission chemical reaction oxidation C
Which is the colorless, odorless and toxic gas which
produced when organic materials incompletely burn? Sulphur oxide Carbon monoxide Oxygen Particulates B

Which of the following cause soot in the environment? Hydrocarbons Nitrogen oxide Sulphur oxide Particulates D
General term for
General term for General term for General term for particles inside
What is aerosol? particles in air particles in soil particles in water humans A
Mixture of smoke and Mixture of smoke and Mixture of smoke Mixture of soot and
What is smog? particulates oxygen and fog fog C

Aerosol + solid particles + liquid particles results in

_________ Dust Mist Smog Smoke D

Which is responsible for the greatest exposure to

carbon dioxide for living organisms? Hurricanes Soil erosion Vehicles emission Cigarette smoking D
Due to improper
How excessive water loss takes place in plants? Due to soil pollution Due to mutation Due to air pollution seed C
Because of Because of water Because of air Because of soil
How does asthma cause to human beings? excessive diet pollution pollution pollution C
Excessive Excessive
) Excessive exposure Excessive exposure exposure to water exposure to air
What is the reason for reduced in the plant growth? to sunlight to wind pollution pollution D

Which dioxide damages the flower process in plants? Sulphur dioxide Carbon dioxide Nitrite dioxide Magnesium dioxide A

Which of the following component is more dangerous

to ozone layer? CFCs Nitrogen Halons Sulphur C
. In which temperature soil develops slowly? Summer Wind Rainy Cold D

What is called for the matured soils which are

arranged in a series of zones? Soil zones Soil layers Soil horizons Soil benches C

How many horizons are there in soils? One Two Three Four D
What is called for the mixture of all the contents of
soil? Erosion Sublimation Degradation Loams D
To reduces the To maximize surface Not treating the Not storing surplus
Why area treatment is important for soil? impact of raindrops run-off upper catchment rainwater A
Organic waste that Organic waste that Organic waste that Organic waste that
What is oxygen depleting waste? can be decomposed can be decomposed can be can be A

What is the indicator of pollution in water? Amount of oxygen Amount of hydrogen Amount of BOD Amount of nitrogen C
Compounds of pure Compounds of Compounds of Compounds of
What are water soluble inorganic chemicals? metals non-metals synthetic metals toxic metals D

Desirable and Undesirable and Undesirable and

What is noise? Desirable sound unwanted sound unwanted sound wanted sound C

Which pollution cause hearing loss in organisms? Noise Air Water Land A
How many fundamental ways in which noise can b
controlled? one two three four D

Which is the best way to control noise pollution among Reduce noise at the Block the path of Increase the path Protect the
the four fundamental ways? source noise length recipient A
By not using the By using rigid sealed By using more By reduce the
How can we reduce the noise in industries? heavy machinery enclosures robotics production of the B
Movement of the
vehicle‟s tyres on the
What is the main source of vehicular noise? High speed pavement Low pressure Fuel engine B
Which of the following is a way to reduce the traffic Constructing the Increase the speed of Using old engine Horning in
noise in the highway? vertical barriers the vehicles vehicles unnecessary time A
What is called when an industry removes water from a
source and then returns the heated water to its Water pollution Soil pollution Air pollution Thermal pollution D
Which one of the following can cause thermal Death of marine
pollution? Residential houses Power plants organisms Oil spill B
Increase the Decrease the Stabilize the Increase the
What is the effect of warmer temperature to the fishes? A
metabolism metabolism metabolism solubility of oxygen
Because it cause
Why burning waste is not an acceptable practice of Because it is very Because it requires environmental Because it requires
solid waste management? costly modern technologies issues lot of space C

What plan should we make to the disposal of solid Integrated waste Recycling of waste Reducing of waste Use of waste
waste? management plan management plan management plan management plan A
. How many main components are there in integrated
waste management? one two three four C
Which of the integrated waste management is reduced
on an individual level? Source reduction Recycling Disposal Burning A
) Department of Department of Department of Department of
Who prepared the Ganga Action Plan? Pollution Environment Rivers Industries B
Under ideal climatic conditions how many cms of soil
is developed? 1 2 3 4 A
A cross sectional A front view of the A cross sectional A front view of the
What is soil profile? view of the horizons horizons in a soil view of the horizons in rocks A

Which horizon helps to determine the pH of the soil? A B C D C

What is called for the movement of surface litter and
topsoil from one place to another? Soil submerge Soil degradation Soil erosion Soil pollution C
To decrease the To enhance the To decrease the To enhance the
Why continuous contour trenches are used? infiltration of air infiltration of air infiltration of water infiltration of water D
What is used to convert wastelands into agricultural
lands? Check dams Water purifier Rain harvesters Gradonies D
Organic agriculture advocates avoiding the use of Organic manure Stored water technologies in Chemical fertilizers D
What is the disadvantage of control measures of Water is lost due to Water is lost due to Water is lost due Water is lost due to
thermal pollution by passing the heated water? leakage absorption to dilution evaporation D
By making natural By polluting the water By avoiding By making natural
How does soil erosion cause thermal pollution? water bodies to hold bodies sunlight to fall on
water bodies to rise D
Sudden raises of Sudden cooling of change only due to
temperature to temperature to Temperature don‟t environmental
What is a thermal shock? abnormal leve abnormal level change factors A

Which of the following is the main reason for thermal Eco friendly
pollution? Bio fuels Organic farming vehicles Power plants D
It is used during the
How does an artificial lake help in solving thermal It stores heated It gives a good It helps to breed summer season
pollution? water aesthetic view fishes where water A
scarcity cause
What is called for the useless heat from hot water
recycled by industries? Cooling towers Recycling Heat pump Co-generation D

Which was the first major disaster of air pollution? New York smog London smog Paris smog Delhi smog B

What is the main cause of increase in air pollution in Development of the Development of Development of Development of
the 20th century? transport system infrastructures electricity water resources A

How many primary pollutants are there? 3 5 7 9 B

Which of the following are the largest contributors to Radioactive
global pollution? Soil pollution Industrial pollution pollution Water pollution B

Which of the following is the consequence of industrial Increase in the water Releases of the Increase in the
pollution? level in seas hazardous radiations animals in forests Global warming D
Dumping of various Taking water bodies Industries which
waste products from places to built uses all the water
How do industrial pollution results in water pollution? industries industries from the water A

Which one of the following is the prime factor towards Dumping of Using land for
soil pollution? Soil erosion Floods industrial wastes irrigation C

Which one of the following industries produced Sulfur

dioxide and flu ash as pollutants? Textile industries Cottage industries Thermal industries Coal industries C
Which one of the following is a mechanical means of
treating industrial effluents? Oxidation Chlorination Recycling of waste Sedimentation D

Which one of the following is not normally a pollutant? Carbon dioxide Carbon monoxide Sulphur dioxide Hydrocarbons A
Because they use Because they release Because industries Because water is
Why industries pollute water? water in large all the pollutants to don‟t use water an universal B
titi t l t
Which one of the following is the cause of industrial Efficient waste Efficient Unplanned
pollution? Modern technologies disposal government industrial growth D
li i
Which one of the following is the main cause of air Decrease in the Increase in the Increase in the Increase in the
pollution? factories factories seawater level modern B
t h l i
Which is the most input of waste causing marine Pipes directly Death of aquatic
pollution? Pesticides discharge waste into organisms Climatic conditions B
Because if the ship Dredged material
carrying passengers which carries Ship materials
to collapse it results Because ship is very heavy metals stuck inside the
Why ship accidents cause marine pollution? in the death of many huge in its size cause marine marine organisms C
l ll ti
Which of the following is the greatest volume of waste Spillage from oil Spillage from
discharge to water? pipelines Sewage Nuclear waste tankers B

When oxygen When oxygen When oxygen When oxygen

When does the rate of aerobic oxidation reduced in the concentration falls concentration falls concentration falls concentration falls
sewage that is reduced to the water? below 1.5 mg/l below 2.5 mg/l below 3.5 mg/l below 4.5 mg/l A

Damping the Introducing

Which of the following way is used to reduce the pollutants during sewage treatment Introducing sewage
pollution load on marine water? none winter plants treatment plants C

What is the reason that oil pollution attracts the Because of the Because of the Because of the Because of the
greatest attention? volume density mass mass D
Human excreta,
What is night soil? Soil containing urea Human excreta Animal excreta animal excreta and D
Wastewater from different sources like bathrooms,
kitchens and wash basins is called Sewage Garbage Sullage Discharge C
The waste does not It should be
Which of the following conditions is not suitable for the pollute the ground It is not exposed to accessible for It does not give
disposal of excreta or sewage? surface the atmosphere children odour nuisance C
The system to collect night soil, garbage etc. in
separate vessels or deposited in pools and pits is Waste allocation Waste deposition Waste deposition
called Conservancy system system system system A
In urban cities like Bangalore, which of the water Partially combined Partially separate
carriage system is used? Separate system Combined system system system A
Which of the following is an advantage of the Compact house
conservancy system over water carriage system? Labour force Water consumption design Spread of epidemic B

The means of promoting hygiene through the

prevention of human contact with the hazards of
wastes especially feces is called Hygiene control Disease prevention Sanitation Hygiene C

Which of the following metal affects mental

development in children? Lead Barium Zinc Silver A

Which of the following area has the lowest chance of

producing a biomedical waste? Hospitals Clinics Laboratories Agricultural lands D

Which of the following is not a Biomedical waste? Animal waste Microbiological waste ) Chemical waste Domestic waste D
Which of the following is categorized as an incineration
waste? Incineration ash Animal waste Animal waste Cytotoxic drugs A

Which of the following should not be mixed with other

wastes to avoid contamination? Tarry residue Oily sludge Animal waste Vegetable oil C
Which of the following is not a waste treatment method
for biomedical wastes? Incineration Chemical disinfecting Autoclaving Sieving D

Which of the following requires special treatment of Degradation of

bacteria? Packaging of waste Labelling of waste Transport of waste waste D

Which of the following can be used to produce Anaerobic Anaerobic

marketable compost from dry solid wastes? Aerobic composting Vermicomposting digestion composting A

Which of the following can be used to treat wastes with

simple organic matter with high water content? Vermicomposting Aerobic composting Incineration Anaerobic digestion D

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